Clinton News-Record, 1964-12-17, Page 7�1 _M T�J
A _� �N� _:
�'QU� PS'AI�J'Q �ho�ld �i� fiunscl
ec ce a
dch 1 r��o o a e
� x �.
. ot er �ie re A
��c� eats I x . �
. � . �u., �x
ta�preciate the ^.antmued priY*
ilege of :s�rvici�g xnany of the
�nst�'unle�is in �l�is area. Geox�e
't'9� �o�t Dho�e ,�$2��$7Q,
_ __ _
, oF ��.
a �� ; �
3 ��,�� o
4 f`-„_.v. 2
�r �
�}d _ �
1yQTIGE �5 Fi�R�BY gSKen
tf�at tj�e �ouncil pf �he Corpora-
tiag of #he Town gf Qlir�ton will,
on Monday, [)ecernben 2i, 99!64,
at $ p,m, ,ip Yhg CaunclJ Cf�am-
bers of �he fiawn 1-tatl, Clintort,
giye oonsid�r�tio� to the final
passiRg of the updermentinned
The Couneil shali heaz' in per�
spn ox �by his caunsel, solicaitor
or �a�ent .amy person w�ho claims
Ghat his land will be preju.dicially
affected by the by-laW and urhQ
appTies to be :heard.
jThe #allowing is a ooP� of the
operztive portion of t�e by-law
that it is proposed to bonsider:
"The Corgoration af the Tawtt
of Clinton enacts as �ollows :
1. A partion of the public lane
o,r kiighway, as Iaid o�zt an the
Registry Of�fioe �or the R�gistry
Diviaion o� �he Couz�ky aF Huron
on re�istexec2 Plan"No. 6 for,;tfie
TAwn ".of Clin�on and as rn¢xe
is�1�e� by s�t gped p and closed,
The descr.�•gtian of the said Iane
is as followst
certain paxae2 �or traet of land
and !pxemises sLtuate, lyi�ng and
being in 1ihe Town ,flfi Cliaton in
the County of Huron and Prov-
ince of Ontario and being more
particularly composed of part of
the lane 1yiz�g North and Fast of
Loi:s 8, 9, 10, 71 and • 12, all as
sl�own on Re�ist�red Plan No. 6
for tt�e saad Town of Ciinton,
the boundaries of said parcel
being mere pari;icularly descrab-
ed as follows:
GOMNl�NCING ak 1:he Nox+th-
lvesteriy angle of x,ot 8;
THENC� Noi-th 30° �asi a dfs-
tance of 1a ft. ta a�air�t in the
Northerly liznit of said lane;
THENCi Sauth 60° East and
along the Nori:herly limit of said
land to the intersection with �;he
Easterly limit af saici lane;
THENCE South 30° West and
aiang the Easter�y limit of said
lane to its ini:exsection with the
Noriherl,y Iimit of �ntario St.;
THENCE North 60° West along
this last mentioned limit a clis-
tance af 10 ft. to the South-
easterly angle of said Lot 12;
TH�NCE North 30° East and
along the Westeriy Iimit of said
iane �to the rnos�t Northerly angle
af said ].1;
�TH�NCE along bhe arc af a
curve marl�ing ,Uhe Easter]y and
Northerly limits of said T.ats
10 and 9; '
THENCE North 60° Westalong
the Northerly lzmzts bf said Lots
9 and 8�v �the pazn,t of corin-
mencemezvt of �the �parcel herein
described, bhe �baundaries a� said
parcel being autlined in green
on a plan af Swrvey by B. 1VI. '
Rass, O.L.S., a� the said area,
dakecl Au�ust 28, 1964.
2. 'I�e lands deseribed in para-
graph �. ehall �be transferred and
conveyed to Lorne Bro+,vn Mot-
ars Limited, �the owner of lands
adjoining tYtereto.
3. 21he Niayor and Clerk-Treas-
urer of bhe Cox�por�tion are
hereby awthorized and emgower-
ed to exec�te an beha�lf af the
Cb:rporattian of the Tpwn of
G13nton a 13eec1 and Con,veyance
of the said l�ands �to Lorne :Brown
Motors Limited and to affix to
the said Deed �th�e Cor�iorate Seal
of the said Corpor�tion.
h. L1pon receipt by fihe Corpora-
tion af: �a good and valid Deed or
Convcyance of the fallowing
l�.n@ and upon �a g�oad an�d mar-
ketable tu�Ie fi,o the said lands
vesting in Uhe Cor,paration, the
Corporation daL•h hereby declare
the said lat�ds �to be a latie br
stxcat �allowance and the Corp-
oratzon �hereby e5tablishes th�
said lands as a s t r e e t
allowarice for �Ghe Corporation.
The following is a descxuption of
the said i,ands:
certai�n par•cel or tract af land
and pre�nis�s situate, �lying and
being in �the TOwn of Ciin,ton in
�he County bf Hurorr and Prov�
ince of On,tario and being com-
posed of nari of Lats ? 8& 9 as
shown an Registered Plan No. 5
for the said 'I'ovvn of Clinton,
t.he boundarzes n� saic� parce2 be-
ing mbre particularly deycribed
as fo�lows :
COMMi;NCII�TG at the mos�
Northerl3� angle af said 'Lat 7;
T%T�1�TCE -South ��° West a dis-
�t�ance oE 43.92 ft. �o a point in
�h lin s
� e b tween sa.�d i.ats 8& 9;
THENC� Saut,h 64° 20' West
and a.2ong the line �bet�veeri said
�o t s 8& 9, a dis tanne o f 4 5.95 ft.;
TI-IENCE S�uth 6i° 54' West a
clistanc� :of 4$.65 �it. .to a pair�t in
the Snuiherly limit af sttici Lot 9;
T.C�EN'CE South 60° E�st aIon�
tile sou�herYy of saia La.t 9
Uhzng �he North�rly �imit b� On-
t�.zuo �£, a, c�ist�inCe of 25 f�i. ta
�he Sauth-ea5terly angle pf s�ict
Y.+o�t 9;
'T'H�NCE N�o�th 30° �as,t � �is-
t,�hCe bf 20 �t.;
�'�T�NCE �1'art� ��.'' S4' 'East �.
cTis n of �
t� Ce 27.2 �ft.
TI�L�`C� I�Torth 64° 20` East �
distttnr,� af 5a.�5 ��.;
"�Fi�1�TCE 1�orEh 34° Easi �. c�i5-
tanCe of 48.55 ��t� to th� Nartki;
w�estetrly •angle of said Y;at $;
`I'H�NG*�. Narth 60° 'West a�c�
�1d� �he 1�TortheY�l� limit bP saic�
Lot 7t a clisba�ce ot �.5 #t. rk�or�
ar lcss tb the pdin:t df CbYn-
mericemer�� af �the parcex h��ein
de"scrib�ct; Lh� t�o'tindaries oP s�id
�i�rec,i 1��9ng f�zt-�1�c� showh out-
itt��r� zri �e�l.ow an a p�art oi su'r,_�
vh� b,� ]3 Ni: �.o"ss, O.�.S., oS'
tlti� saict. �rieA, d�icct Augits.t �,
2$, �.�641' �
bA.'I'�D a� G�inton, C�n�ariaf �
th�s ��,h c��,y af Nov� A.]�, ].964.
�awht �.iv��nh6a�� �
L' r@ P rC�`rh��9 U�'E I��
T`ayvh b!' Cltnfbh.
1 _ IVI�MC?RI .
�. ��
��o���QQ�-�a� ����a� �
�d�.n, Wesi�y S�ia'�'bxoo�C, �nk►o
� � �� � : �
c� � a D�,
�4 �.�'�
P Y Y �
�' .
ct�n;he�.� �.�#ih, .
'I�i�ose v�^1�o�? l�e� 1Qve �o. �w�
8 � ou o
The�e�v�r � ,�
�' � t� x� ,. .
,��� ;
.,_..� � � � , � ,.
��y's, ,
. � , ��� � �� ��a
ee �em Clean ur��ght �,a ��
As Saon. �s Passyb�e� a�t�r a ai his due �
snaw�Pa�li, ryva:�ks an,d sY,�pS S'incc�e� and �r u.� �e�ax+t
�1?ou�d i�e sry�eg� clea�4. Ti �vgtez �antl ur�ind,
d�riPs �.z�d fr�ezz,s o¢� the grot�d, Ec�auti��ul. m�nc�"ip$ he �eit
�cc�der�ts m�Y h�p�7�en to v�si- lbi��nd,
tox� for wk�i�h loca� by-��vvS -�SadTy ?ndss�ed by �,��, Erlae�i
ancZ Yarruly. �1b
ma� !k�'o�d �e ha�ne� awnem res- . ^
�onsik�le. Sarnd ar S'a1t S�^inlclecl X�� are neecl�d non�.
Ganre '.
�n �ce ��1'1 he+l�p to �z�eU�ru� s�1P- �h� ��re�,ta5t g'i:�fi. Grive life--
pery pat�Ches, give bioad,
, Att�nd Your Ch�r�h -
., � .
t • � ,
`�'�1i:s 5U11da
; I
(Baptist Federation .of Canada) '
PaStor: Craiq Pexers, B,/l,
Sunday, Decem6er 20 ,
10;00 �..m.---Sunday School
Z1.15 a.m. F�mily WorshLp--,"'�'lie A-�a�nh and
7:30 :p;m.—Candlelight COarol. Service
and Drama "Chrisfxnas Sxrangex^"
4�� 4ni�aria Street United Church
�s° �p., "THE FRIENDLY G�IURL7fi'
�_ � Pas#or: R�V. G14ANT MILLS, B,A,
s� ,,, � Sunday, Oecember 20
� ^ - ,� 9:45 a.zn.---+Sunday Schaal
,� 1�.:00 a.m,—Cc�mmunion Service
�'a� �z TURNER'$-
s�.� 2.00 A.m.—Cammunion Service
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
�esleg��iClL53µ-�uXxrc¢��ille �srite� �1il�itrcl�es
REV. CL.IFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Mizuster
Sunday, December 20
Ghristmas Theme; "STAR-GUIDES TO CNRIST"
9;�5 a.m.—Sunday School
1�.:00 a.m;—Christmas Service
1:00 -p.m.—Chrisd;�as Service
2:00 p.m,—Sunclay School
Sat., Dec. 19, 3 p.m.—Wesley-Wiliis Prim�.ry S.S.
Christima,s Par,ty
Sunday �vening, 5:34 p.rn.—T.aint Junior Choirs
on CKNX "Singtime"
Tues., Dec. 22, $ p.m: Holmesville S,S, � Ghxistmas 'Tree
, and Entei*tainmen,t
ST. PAUL'S A�1GL1CAt� Ci-lURC�-f �
Rev. R. W, Wenham. L.TB., aector i
Mr. W. H. Bishop� F.R,C.O., A.K.C,M., Organiat
Advent 1 V -- Sunday, December 20
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
9:45 a.m.---Church School
, ^� 11;D0 a.m:--�Mornir� Px�.yery��
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B.A., Minlster
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir DPrectar
' Sunday, December 20
9:45 a.m,—Sunday SchoaI
10:45 a.m.—Hahy Communion
..._......,,,..,r.. , .,.,.,,..,� ..,.,,^--^^-�^-,-�..,
Ghristian Reformed
Rev: G. J. Hetrslnk, Minlater
Sunday, becember 20
10.00 a.rn.—Service in English
2.30 p.m.--Service in Dutch
Every Sunday 6.]5 p.m., Dial
680 CHIA, St. Thomas. Listen
ro ��Back tp Gad FIour."
�,- ^^^...,,.���
Joseph Stree+
11.00 a.m.—Breaking oi Bread
3.00 p.nn.—Sunday Schoal
7.aU p.m: Gospel Service
S.OtT p,m. Thursday--Prayer
Meeting and �ible
Mlaple Street
Sunday, December 20
9.45 a.m.—Worship Service
11.00 a,m.---Sunday Schobl
Clhxitstmas P,rogram
7:30 p:m.--Evening Service
S:peaker: Mr. John Nlaz�tin,
7uesday--8 p.m.—Prayer Meet-
ing and Bzbie Study.
All Welcome
xn i�ie n�xt 12 morubhs, Qf tihe
curi�en;t rate can,tir�u�+s, 120,000
aL Can�,d�a'S fa�r+m pt�pu�la�tiien
will be involved an accidenrtis aP
which 32,600 ct�i11 re�sttlt in in-
juiy asxd 2,404 dn death; re�poi•ts
Uhe Natian�l Safe�ty League o�
� a�r�� uMc Y �
Q . I����
��`. a?�cl .�r�s. Jaz�,es •'Z'.
�naw��, �.�� t�uee.� S�r�et, ',
i c ,A,t 3a�ne 'r
W �1 � 1:he
k� , t,� �
�nei� i r
i z d .n
�k b�.. s axxd �x e� s,,n, ,
We�dn,e�sd'aY, De�ec�j��r 23 !,
�1��Y,�r�en 2 �a 'S �n,cl, $ i
�o � �.m., � c�I�ll�xart� 1�.�ei� �
Go'lden �e.�idiz�� An21'ive}rt
s�!Y, N�P �1�1;s ��e�ase,
_ _ '�
$�AT'T'El�" -.- In, Sautk� T�ura�
�aSP�Ua�+ �x�tel�'r �n S`�?�day� i
Dce�rr�ber ],3 1���L �ta �.
a�d. Mi",�, Wi�li�zn ' �3att�,
Fxstf�', �4�ym,�r]y af CZi�ton,
a son, Saatt W e�l�l;i�gt�,n, Mq-
U7ce�r an,d sort, �aing. w�,
F1��Dk7Fi =-- In �laritan� Pwbl�c
„ ,
[r. a.nd' 1VIrs,
a daug7l�ter,
nton 1}ul�1i�
rsday+ I3e-
ti�a Mr, and
;��;�,� 'R#� 2,
' n, a aawgr�ter.
NoticQ �'o �Credi�qrs
In tltq E�tate a# �ItNEST
l�to o# t3iQ yilinge o� Iiayfleld�
in tlio Cow►t� of I�uron, Gentle-
A�ll parsons having clai�ts
aga�ii}.st i;h� a�brnre Dstaf,� are re-
quirc�ct �to fq�ward full parbioul-
ax+s �af ��.}�e�ir claims, ru �th� unctor-
s'vgn�ed �n ,or �b��oxe� �he� 7tihh d�aY
c�f Januan�y, i965, a:fter w�k�ich
date bhe a�s's��s �ill b� aistz�b-
18 Tiie Squ��re,
Gadorich,, '
Solicitors £or the Est�te.
51-2-3b .
Notice To Credi#ors
Tn t;he �si:ato of I{,USX
E�.`HEL GILEALTS, cteeeasecl.
All pers�ns kzavin�g clai,ms
again�t t�he sta�e of Ruby Etk�el
Grealis, late o�f • the Tonun. af
Glinban, �in the Caunty af Hur-
on, Ma�rsed �1Var�an, vcTha died'
an, or abaut �I�e x'7th day af
Nnvexn�er � 396�, are requ�red
to file part;iculars af s+ame wi,th
13ell' & Laugh,ton, Sol�citors of
�keter, Ontaii�o, by �he 26th
day o;f December 1964, afi;er
whach date i:l�e astate wil1 be
cUstribnted having regarc� oniy
to tho�e cla'ri�s of which natice
has been received. '
�.L+`�lG & LAUG7rI7CUN"
Solicitors far tlie Execul:ox,
�:�eter --- Ont.
���t8�c� �o ���d°a����
In the 7Lstnto of `VILFR�73
k�bElt�i�it� i�J�7C5E, Za,te of
tlie T4�t�n of �lintozi in tlie
County of I$uron, Gentlen��un,
A,11 pezsox�s laav�ing claims
against the Es�a,te of ihe
aobve-nanned, wilo died an the
8bh clay of October, A.D,, 1964,
are mequ�recl to file fu11 gar�ic;
u'Iars i:here�o� wi�ih �tlie under-
signed on or be�ore bhe 21s,t
day o�f Dec�m;ber, A.D. 1964,
after which date the assets wi11
he dist-�ybu�ecl, hav�ing regard
dndy to the claim of w�hich nat-
ice h�as been re�ce�i�ved Uy the
Dated at Clin�ton,, Ontario,
this Xst d'ay of Decem�e�, A.D.
��. �. Ni��vzrEs,
C�inton, Ont�rio,
S4licitor foi� the siid Estato.
Notice� to Creditors '
Iit the EstaL-e of JEAN ILAD- '
FOItD, late o£ the Town o} I
Clinton in the County of Hur- ��
oh, Widow, Decensed. I
A�ll pe�soms �h�tivzng claims '
again5t �the E7s�tate af �he
a�bave-named, w�h� died on �he I
9th day af November, A.D. �964, I
are requ�ired �to flle Lu11 partic-',
ulars ther�af wit�h i7he und'er-
� s�iigne�d a�n or b�+Fare� bh� 21�S�t ��,
day af Deeember; A.D. 1964, ',
after vsrhich date t!he assets wi1I '
be dis�rriibuted, having regard
, aivly t�o th� cta'vm of w�hich �at-
ice has bec.m re�ce�ived by zhe ,
'Dated at C1i�ntan, On,�ario,
th�s 1�st d�,y of December, A.D.
� 1964.
i •�. E. 1VI�NZI�S,
� � f;linton, Ontnrio,
� Salicitor for t�ie St�Rd Estflto.
I � - 49-50-51b
' Give i:hc
grea�est gi�ft this
' Christmas. Give life. Be a Red.
G'ros�s btood , c�onax. �
I .
r r
�' 1 s �" � � �. 9
_} � ��� � � �;
. � �� � � ,,,• �
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� yI� � � �
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. �4»a�� ^ k
`.�'�' � �.� �
�'`` `�„ :8<:�,� .
M�N'S and LAt�IES'
KEY CA5E5 ) Go(d
CLUTCH PljttSES i Initialed +w MCBri e •.
FR�,NCH PURS�5 ) �ree � Samsbnit�
WALL,ET$ 3 • � �ibheer
+,�,�''�a�� . �:
,, `"-�,..
' �
,,z =�rr��'� `�•
�k ��y�.
Marry S�tyles , � :
L1p�fialS --+ L:bl#b1,�RQY
From ��,5b
frtsh� $2,95
fronnSi c
• MEt�'S $W�A7'iEItS
�ui�orf or �ipper
� BQiNt�tNG SH��S-
dYtcl` �,I�G�
� CURL�NG and �
'iNiN�r��. eob`TS
�► C,A:P$ � Sport:
�iuhting, Wb1r�
1� $,AIJE�t 51�AT�l,d�
_ _
�OOt`1N4d1' qrtt� �.11l�t�jpC,�@
a,�`�" r
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�ti ;>
°�, � � �
Mer�'s anc� �ays'
�t�e+� �N wbaC.
'1l1/Obl.� I.INEt`�
�'ro�t �a"�
, ,. _,. , ,. . . ...... . .. .. , __ _. . ..
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G�.R�� �iF "��'1�1N�$ ���YS#rlq� ��?����' �"hur.s,,x ���, 11�'� , A. 4 4 ntu.� .I��ws-lRe��t+r�1�--�P.r�g�. :�
: _ _ __ _._
� ���za a��� �4 - �ani���� �ex�' �IN4ns�q�r �!!p �t�' �r p
fr�er��� axtd nei�,'h?�ars .tu aW- ., �
�� e ,
�T. �c cr ;c�a ht � � � � �1
e� .s �a�u,'� � d 1 t e �t t P4 � � �,� , � �1� �4 .. � �� � ��.
�'. �.. S c�, sr S X � .
�' � �
_� n
' s I n us a' ��o k a�
�t as �. ti � 'c !?w � .c �
�. v�' .. �a �� � �� �..�. �` F'� . .. �Y � . ���'tY-�?�h� xa��,'i�cs 'Y!'�xe i» ��hle� )� ?�a;lcia�g t'his, ut?.
bar�� F£as���al a�►d ;ax �arne. �cte; .'t'he �az��i��S vy'i�1 �t��Ce at1 atte�,d�:rzc� at .1�e UCW ??�'*
� lYLxs WiII�'�,tr� fi��si�i zrk�tie
S�c�eza], #,�.a�ks t9 N�r: N��]s, ,,.., �� Mai�t�e�te�s at 8:40 I?,�� � a. •�17?;s.
7,7AV� KAX, �x'1a �411awi�d 1� . ���bem x�esti�?'�� v�l�tah =FA�a1� :�he �A1�xl�esy r3�. �k��
� a. .�a�e c� w��nn �,�a�� �'ues�ay e�v�n,i,���' ,at 8:�� �d�n ��n��itt anr� �?'z�. .ra�r�es:
_""� t��� �'e�c�exs a��' �� xy�lr�o �z�
� 9: QQ �,��, ?m„ J]?'► ��e �unday Sc�d�rl Ch�almc�.js ac#;eci as �os�esses �qr
T�wis1? ta t��Zat�lc all t�, a s� I�•
w�ia reaneu'nll�e��e� �n0wit�h��."ds> � �+R'a�s. tihe �ve�n�ng.. A�ur►4h waS s�x"v�-
�e�te�s, �1,�'ei� ��.ndi vis�ki�s vvluil� �V1�s, �cMi� �'�.'�"SAnS Was ip qd, wdth. !a, �11,'�,1'i �l�o;tr sPe�z�,�
, �? 2►� , tpn k'ttb- � chax`g� qf tk►� ryVorS'k��i? ar�Ct tlh,e �tag�ther�,
T ��as a . atierct ': Qlaru
lzc I�as'P�;�1. S e���l *th��ks tp Fu�e��i Fr�d� .twr� w�a;s ��ak�en by ly�"S, :R,. �o}�sor��s
D�. �. W.'Sh��it, Dx. W. S7�ies � Scrip
� ��h �'pTsr,ap�ia�t� qk�r',is�, Reeent v'�sita� 'w'ith 3V,Cr. and,
� � n�x�; s�s ran �irst iioo�r Cor�.yztt, yvi-
a�,c� �tv iaiz rria,s �hY'Im.n� �,ut'g, 1V�'s. I�e�x �rs.. �clin; K�rr tiyer�, 1V�', arzd
far all +thpim .c��e a,�d �t�ix�dne�ss, �{ d }��;b�", ��� .r�si;�ie�r�'i then 'taal� �SZis, ,,4r�old �a� _ e�ll d soz�
^-�LO�N:� �.'�LL, 5�.0 . , P , , 'l�b �4
�I� ��G� �0���! i� Cha�'. h� �n: tes af ,a,xd Par •
_-r----�--- tl. �' � 1�a k�dn'V'. , Se�a t'kzx �• a?�d
W� tiy�.s'h t� ca�'v�e�y olzm heax�t- M A a l,ast meel�ing ��' x�ad� �d f�l�e �"S. ��sl� �Ca¢n�bc�1 a n d
Pe].� hk�z'nl�s: to �Ll au�r iri ��f CIa deb .crll call w�a � �re�cl b m Ch r I� I o -
,_ ends ��I sl��r � _ . s ans�w . _ x, ?a� ... ..e Y > a.s 11�x�, aavcl �"s;. G�'
-amld x±�7,a`Eives ,far ki�c�r l��ndne�ss �e�s � fiY�e Porm aP �. �j�r�imas �To�, I'�app�le, a`iI. •�' Sea�fqmt�..
, �arr��s I�,qu�tt o� C�as�dc�i�aye
and sY�Fa'�?S' .�n aur �re�ce�� s�.d �,b�d ��n ��. ,7os�1,?�?"s �as�pli��u'1, ' Y�"s�. Ms�s. Bar:i 'T�l�am�an x�{�urned
be�t'�ant'e¢r3,e�,t; ta R�v, W�r�u�n �,d , The • i:c on ,�13t'�zil„ y,#�s hame!i�tyyee ��� b.eit� n;ine
e„ k�.a�d ar�d iansol3ng ..� on, vn Tqe�sdaY,
fox his �%�'ce�ex ,. � � � �` .
Woar.ds �am;d B!aill .& lYt�tch Fw,�: �, afte�r a suddtm �llness. �1.ven iby ;M_rs, i�arull�d 1VIcC"-,�g= �3"s �.m. Cli�b9�. Pu'b�1i� �gspLi�i.
eral Ham� ftxr �tthea� s�x�pait�h�ti�c ��e� �yva�.0 It�orn a}� Se�pxc�m'�ar �r, Sh� �ad .�t�e�' 1adi�� Uaijce Whit� C�Lf�i; S�uavday yT� �he1d
se'ruaces. -.- MZtS, HQWAIt�D 16� X88$ 2rt Crran,d' $end, t� �e daP�ea�erut �ts a�d t'hen �. c�ues- in st, A�,dr�w's Un,ited Ch'cu"ch ,
C.'1LARF� 'a,�d �he Holmes Fam- 1+� �3,�abe�rt Roua.�tt and Arz�ae tign, a��d am..�nye�r �e�t�'zod was w�tii I3.e�Y• �-Toward� Pl�t �.n.
�Y• • aYp D � g, ix�st hc�ld. . . cY�.axy�e, a�d m�lsers a�f t�h�
�"aw. �'ollawin the F' garve �he�� JuniQr and S�nlia� c�oirs �ta1c�
W�mT�l War 'he Liy�d an �a�,cUaii Adl: cqmmutt�ts
W� w�ish to bhanl� ,all o�aa� yy��� he� �wa�s an t�rcle�rIy .a�t Y4"�x-�d s��ants, a;rt�d t,�ze 1�fi5 an�� �gart, Pau+px �4 t�;e ch�ildzen
n��ighbaurs �ud frp:e�nd�s �ar ihe We+sfin!i�is���r Hos��a'vbai foa^ �- nq�m�ina�tad aLl�icexs tiv�s re�d by at�te¢id�ing S�unday Schaoa. cl�ass
t�ea��.�Eul 1a�m�p �resentc�d �to us � g f!t�e'1' vvalkeKi 7n �or�t o� tlze
a;s a�arcwel�l gi'ft w3�en: we 'baut �0 y+�ars. He .al$o 1iv.�d a� �'s. T. W. R,eu,d, W�o �
nxove�d �to �Clinl;on -- gN'1VI� Bay�Fie�Ld, Gode�:+ic1� a�d fo� �:he With Mrs. J�dhn C7oo��� arLd altax+ can,�r'ibu�in� gi�ft� dn the
CLI�FFC}IvD arrcl �,N�N.� CQL- ldat five yea� s�ri Cla�vdal7oye, ��'s. I�iaraltT Jone�s, w'ere respoa�.- Wh�;�� C�!i'flt box. •
CL(?UG'rH, �alp He� iv�'s a mzrruber a� the Ua��t� _ Mr, Fr.ed Ro!v,mi�ee o� S�S7es-
""""'" ed' C'hurel� a�rd �t�e RnyaS Can- • a �o�. s�pe�'t �, fe+v�' d'aYs wu�h his
�ii�e �anliiy af f.he la�Ee ;T, adian I.egion Bran�eh �Q9. C��r�ton�ar� Club &is�6er, Mrs, Narman L�on�g �c1
T,e�on�ard He�,xd wa's�h •ta eaapm�s�s T.� � fi��,r.a1 s�ice tioalc 1VIr, Long. Sunday vis?it7ars were
i�e�ir �since�rest t,�.nk�s an�l� arp- 1 • Mr, Os�atd Brotivn, .C., anc�
pre�ciatioa� Y.o the �ma�ny �firi�rncls, p'ace rin 5�iles Fun�emal Ham�e �+ /►+� (� p Q
ndi 1vb urs an �ela�' e tar 1n God�rich pn Fsti'tl�ay, Dece2n- iy��4pJ 0�����,1 S Mrs, 13rawn af Dc�ai�t andMrs.
g� d �V s ber �.1 at 11 a,zn. Wq;th �'h� Re�. Mla2�guenct� U'hGh a� Wia�dsq�.
their mc�ssa�es af syrr�pathy, . ,
F1'aral Lrnbwt�es and do�a-!,~ions �to W. J', te�n Hoa�en af Narth S�t. M . -o,�_
�he Cancer !F`und, ia� t�he ie�eent Ux�n t mas M��t�Iq�
ked ChurCh i�n Gpderi�h, af, �
las:s af a de�aro lius'�a:�d and fa�h- Ficia�ing, 'The inferun�ent was �n IV.G�r�ers aP �he Clin�toxui�an H. ���� A�X
�r; alsa far �Ghe� �rnamy Ca�rd's �and Bay+field C�m.e��y, A Leg,ian Gq"u�v �he1d i:he�ir C+hi-is�tma�s?raeeit- �"7p •
fl�awers sem� wh�llst a patieni; �n $.��ice kaok �1ace in Sti�le�s Fun- �ng tin� W�clne�5da afternoom, r R
Vic�omiaHos��ital, �ond'on. Spe.c- e�.�a1 Home on Thurs�day, De- 1]e�e. 9�at the �ham� o�P M,ra. ����5 !� J���
ia1 �bhanl�s tio l�,ev. Grant Mills, �
Dr, k', G. Thamp�an, ]�r. E. M. cember 10 ati 7.30 �.m, D, �y�,��, �
Wabson {London), Lhe ntitrses H� was prec�'ece'asec� .t�y his �he� presiden�t, Mrs. W. Cat- �/w� ��/►��M�
amd sta�£f af second flarn wc�st w�i�fe, .the former 1�hyl3�is Exnli:�y clacu'gh, ap�nc�d �he meating ar, 6r 11
af Victorfa Ho'spital, i;he pall- (3acor� �in 7.952 �and �was a bro- w'v�h t'he H��tise�W�LL-e Cre�e�cl and The Gfii�vton 1'ubl�ic. �IasFxi�bal
be�arers and Ba11 anc� Mut�l� tlrei-in-law af �he late Mr, an� the Z,arc�'s Prayc�. TYte nunuie�s �aaTd Aca�ili�,iy met De�c. 1 at
Fune�xai Homs. ��i� Mrs. Wil-liiam �dvv�in Ha7,1 af o�f �Uhe las�t znee�tin-g ��ere rea,.l the nixr5e�s'• resiia�ence S�vhe�re the
-----� I3ayField and C,acleraCh, and •approvec� and the� :�inanoial .m�eting was o�enecl' w�iLh a
li�rna ������ �t�C�( ----- �r s�ate2nent wa.s given. p¢�� by ibhe �residc�nt, i;il;lecl
5a�h .�n����rsar • P1ans weu�e macle to ciistrib. ��TYce Mean,ing o�P Chris�txrnas.,�
� ��'�'���0 �'�' ��� ui:e p��!tte�d 7�]an,ts to sick and Thc ,auxil'raay c1'ecidecl. to l�uy
Mr. and Nfrs,. John Do�vsan G shtzt-in anembe�s and Chris�tmas
ceT�i�ra�e�d bheir 5�th w�ddir�g • � an ice-making maehi�ie far the
������ �������� cards ��iI�I be sen� �o aJl shut- h�os�ita:l, agiee�irng ane tiv'hi�ch
aazn�ivemsary on Tuesd�.y, De- rn�s. Carol singSng was`" eal�joye�ct ��ufactures 7.00 pounds- af ice
ce�n�Ue�r 15, at i;heix� honle, Baby- with musical se3e:ctiom�s by NLrs.
lc�n Li,rr�. Tiie�.y �have zes�cled �e Nivens on the harmaniea. Per day ��vQu7d be sati�sfacto�y.
t�ie�e for �he past 55 years. The ��� �9�� ��A � Mrs. Colclou h ave a Christ- Aiso cliseusse�d rva:s �he ixavel.-
�family con�ists o�� 4 sons: Ha2•- g� ling caxt, �a:nd t'l�e „rc�up clecid-
M2s. R. �Itirvte�r led 'an i�he mas rCaciin�g abau;t A�u�t Ti�uciie, ed to have one made� locally.
ald� Cecil, L�n az�d Geaa�ge, a11 gin�ing o�f L7hri�stm�as caxo�ls at and SaniGa Glaus arrdve�cl to e-x- Tkie secx�e�ary's tepoit �an�l i:he
o�f Varna, sevcn �ia��:c��il.clren cllan e iLts. A cnt-iucl. su � er �
azrd ei h�L' great-granciclzilcliFn, ihe DecemUer mee�ting o�f On- g g � �'� �r�asurer s report were acce�,�t-
� vwas nelrl ,and . thc pre!side�t ed �as re�ad.
Tl�e fa,rnil were all pres�xt tarso 5;�. UCW. A Chzist� �yle Si:e�e
Y elas�d the �rziee�in�g with a
to ��e�t the m;any frzends Wl�o �ag�axvr wa�s r���:rr^ated l.�y Mr�. Christ�nas ra es�. p accompa:i�ied by
called to extend thair con at- Ceail ,�`ll�iott and perfara�l�e�d by '� Y . Mis. Camer.on Adclisan s�1ng
� me�mbe7•s oL Un�it 3. 'I'hQ neaet meebzn�g will be at �o num;b�rs a�t the meei'ing.
ula:tions. Mr, anu' .Mrs. Dows�an ,�,.��, Explorer �girls unrle� t'he �'� '��°me o�f Mxs. BLutTer on z,unelt foLlo�wecl tYze adjaur�-
also rece�ivec� congrattrIation:s Ieadership af Miss O. Jdhn�soa� J�. ��. niealt aL th� meel�ing.
From gavernmen:t o�fficaa,7s. The ���, s�,.er'al Chris�nas selec- T�� �ficel�5 nanxed �or 1965 �
e�ening was s��nt tivllth music b wex e; Pas�t resideni, M� s, W.
b Jo�lin and Geor e� Dohvsoa�t tians, 1Vfiiss M. L. Hqillenbeatc � Tu�sda ���I�����
Y � Calclaugh; presiclent, 1VIx�s, T. �
sang two hymns, acc�orrLp�aalyin!g
anci Pat Ken�ne�dy of Gaderich. Lep�pingl3an; fiirst vice-�res'iden;t,
Lunch w�as servcd by +Ghe ��self on the ,�uitar. The ia9m
"Chris�tmas Through The Ages" �s. H. Aclams; second vice- �
da�g+hters in-law a n d grand- presideni, Mrs. D. Hyrn�s; s'ec- ���(+� �� �������
was shown �by Rev. Milts, v�
children. re�t�ary, Mrs. W. Colclo�ugn;
Mrs. G McPhc�rson, pres��ictertt,
� ^"- �� canciuci�ed the la�zsi�ness se�ssior�. treasurem, NLrs. I+, Cumm•ings; �o�, ��,�n Hea��
��/yl�yl� A11V������ T.he next saei�l co��vener, Ntrs. T. O'Can-
genemal meet�ing�! w
_ 0� v�A 4'�1A ne�Fl; flawe:r canvenc�, Mrs. �.
be Janu'a�ny �.3—Uxuit. 1, vv�,i:ll be Jahn Leanard "Lem" �Heard
Eiects I�ew Sl�te in eharge ai i1�e pragram; L7nit ��"�'ards.
2 the� devaLions an�l Un�it 3�Che o- o�f �C1inUan c�i�d on Decembe�r �.2
, lunch. - in V�ictaria Hcvspital in London
At December �lee� �h�e , fal�lawin�g repart vc�as Howard W�� ����9� £allawirug an �1lness af sc:V��n
brought in by �he nam,in,a�ing . W���.
cammixtee aaad acce�pted�: H�on- He� w�as boi•n on December
A gai�ty - d�c.orated L e. g�i a n ora�y presiden�t, Miss F, (7aur- I�aid To Re�t 22, 1�893, ��n Srfranley Townsh�;j�,
HalI w�s the s�ce�ne Manday ta JA'hn� Hemry Heard and J�ane `
ttic'e; past �pre�ideuvt, IVbx�s. M.
n�i�gla� af a carn�bvxed Chr�siUmas • • �. Eagl�son. H� married �he
Batkin; presiclen.t, Mrs. C. Mc� Sn Gsinton R�tes
party �arid �he Decern�b�r m�e�t- farmer Amy an Maz'ch
Ph�ersan; �irsi v�ce-pre�s�iderllt,
ing o�� Ciae Ladies Auxili�aiy to �,S G. Patter; secand vi�ce- , of 1952, He had been an busi-
bh� �ya1 Ca�adian I.�gian. Haw�ard Will�ia�n Clark, form- nes�s .in C1�inWa� far 46 y�. He
A pat�kuck su`�pe�r s�ta�ted bhe �'re!s��den,t, IVLris. W. NLacA.r��hur; �r1y af Olinton, died an Sunday, �;s a metniber af Oru�ario St.
se�cr�tasy, Mrs. R, Hun�er; crn -
even�ing aff, fallowed i�y a re- December 6�in Taranto West- U�n�ited Ohurc'h, t,h� IOOF No.
turn engage+ment a� "Th� Bea,t- respon�di,ng se�creCaxy, ZYiis. A, �rn Hogpita:l, aftar a�engfthY $3 Lod�ge af C1i�vton, �h� LOL
g Co9�mari; �tr�a�urzr, NLrs. G. Na. 710 loage af Clinton, bhe
les." Later Ch�ristrnas i�ts �" illness.
Patter; s�tawarci�st�iip a�d a�e- He w!as lxyrn an Navexnib�r 16,
we�re exchan�ged. A.F. and A:M. Ladg� No. 34 aP
encziCi:ng, Mris. C. C�ates; ftim!an�ce,
M�rs. Rabert Burl��e �pre�sided �rs. C. EUlia�t; comntiunity 1893, �Ya W�'il�i�am C1ark and Clu'utqn am�d aP �he� R�aii C3an-
dcu�i:ng t'he bus�iuzess �ses�sion. A Ja;ne WhiteIy, in �odemich a�g�, L�gian Bran�c'h 140 af
matio� was passect ta ��he�'Lp a��i�'���p '�'d visB�a�ion, Mms. Tawnsh'ip. He m�arried '�6he {��;�on.
M. WL'ltse; �rogt�2n� M�rs. K.
nc�dy Clir�ton �Pamily wifi,h. c�labh- foamer Edna W�ise in Sept�arn- The �funeu,al szsvice baalc place
ing and faod far Christm�s. Tt TymdaU; me�mibe�s'hiip, Mrs. V. �er af 1928 �in Clinton. H� had �n ��he Ba.�l and Mut�h �''uneral
was ais'o decide�cl to •purr,l�a:se a McG`llinchey; namvn�atians, 1V�s. Uived un Taronto for 25 years. Home 'in, Clin��an an December
J. Me�rri�1, 1VLrs. J. Mair, 1VIrs.
nen� reCragerator far �bhe� kit- He was a mem,k�cn af i�ke x5 w+i�h �bhe Ii;�,v„ Grar�t M,�ls
G. Calolaugh, 112rs. E. R�ad'�ord•
Chen, arld to have bhe s�ta�ge � Chwrch o�f the F�gipharvy �n Trn-- af OrubaTia St,re�et Uni�tzci Gh-
drapes �lame-pxaafe�d, �n a�ccard- su;�]y amd wel;fa,re, NLrs. E, arit4 urch afifieiating. The imteranent
an�ce with the �ire m,arsha;I�]'s La�wson; Z�tex�ature and' period- The fiuneral s�i�nic^� was `�n �,�r�;s in 'Cl,i�riton� �em'c�tery.
ica�l�s; Mrs. G. Ma11:s; �Ghri.stii'a.iz
order. Co�nrade�s Ha�ILIey �vnd bh�e Satl an�ct M�rotch Fun�e�^a.T Fal�l-+be+arers far �the l�,ie �.
aitazensh`vp an�d soaval actian,
Black were �,p�o�inted �o aud�i,t Home witl� �he Rbv. R. Wt�n- He�axd yvcire Ra�bna-t Drape�r,
��� h�lt$ Mrs. J� Mair; ca-opex'aiion dn ham of St. Paia1's Arngli�can Gx�an,t R�tin, Douglas Ancirews,
Mrs. R. MacDan��ld conduot- �h'ris6ian �dua:�tiom amd xnis- Churctz, Clir�ton, afficiabi�vg, on Haward ��awan, Oain�e�xan Y'i�ac-
siona�.�y edtxca8im�:, Mrs. S.
ed the naminatio�n and e'I�etioam. Decerrvbar 9, The dnt�erme�nt was �or �a.ncZ Pemcy $xawn.
The naw exe.Cufii�e� for 1965 is' �'O'°�'��i; gr�s�s and pu'b�lzcalty, � p�,iziY,o�n Ce�mater,y. H�e is: �5utv'ive�d kry hi's w�idaw,
1V1a s. A. Ailcen; yrLinv t�s com-
�s faliows: Prc�ident, Mrs. Pa11-�be�arc�ers Par tlhe late 1VLT. his son�, J. F�'an�lt a�£ �e Rayai
mtit�ee, Mrs. E, Law�san; soc�i,al
l�auglas Andrews; Pit+st vice�- Cylark tiv� his 5 ne�phevvs, Kea�, Can�dian Dezvta;I Corps at
f�unctians Mrs, N. T're�wartha
presxde��t, Mrs, Eti. Pomter; sec- � Holmes, Bent Haln�es, Ra� RCAF Tren�bon; hiis da:ught�s,
ana Ms's. A. Cals�n; fiTower
an�d vice-pre�sident, NLrs, D. Mc- �U'is�, Gearge Wuse, Jphn W�ise M�s. Fred (Eve+Iyn} .S�andy of
camrivittee, 1VTrs. .�. B. La�is and
LearL; s�cr�La�'Y, Mrs. S. Dick; �Tiss Fay Labb; dish an:c� linen, and Jo� Skawromek. FIon�veu- Gade�rich, Mss. AlUert (1VIarg-
�reasur�'r, 1VLrs. K. W. Calqu- heaa•ers were Bruc� Hairnes, aae.t) S�hare af Gade�ricl� amd
houn; se�rgearut-at-axnls, Ntrs. Mrs. A. Cox, Mms, J. Irv�ni,n; G1�n W`ise, �dtivarc� Wu�s'e �u�ci 1VTrs. T�.obert (Milciie�d) Canpei
p�i:anisl;, 1Vlrs. �, R�:clfarc�; unit
H, Burc�g�; cataiu"r be�ar�us, NLrs. � A1vin W,ise, o�f $ra.tvt�ford; by 'hss bi�t�cizs,
R, L�ppingtaxi, ' Mrs. W. Ha1- teade�,s, N�o. 1, 1VCz:s. M. Ba�tkin; He is s�urvii�-ed by has wadow E7rrmersan, af Bay�fi�ld, and' Niin-
�1'a. 2, NLrs. Les La�*s�an; No, 3,
�land M:r�s. W. Harr%s; exe�cLrtive �,nd l�y a iuo�li� 1Vtc�r�cti�li ian o� Holm�esv�ille, ancl Uy eiglit
t i
' ZVLrs. J. I�Mwin, No. 4 P/f,rs. R. , g gzattc�ch'v7dT�.
Mrs, I-1, Kingswall, Mrs. R. ' C1ar7c of LoS .Aai �les, Ca1�i�for-
Macl�c�nalc�, 1VIms. H. 1VIana�gha�, nia. F�ri�encis �at�ea�ded the �fw��ra]
Nlrs. T. 4'Conna]I, M�s. 1�,. �---- Priemds abternteKl the�a1 �z�am Schatril�zrg, T�intl'say,
Holrne's; s�arts a$fi`vc�r, 1VLrs. R. • • fram Toranta an,d�Yioxtic�on. don, S�LrabFoa�d anc� Cent.�]:ia.
1Vra;CI7ona;ld; �assiistartt s�oJ.ts a�f- ' �����`O� ��[��0�
Picer, ll2rs, S. Sroad'faat. 7
''�he ne�w ex�buti�ve wi11 �be in-
s��r�� a� �h� ��u� ���t���: Ta Sponsor �� . :: .s � � � �,
. � �� . � .',� ��.,� ' � ��I .�
. . ,���� ���� � -�. .',�:�
3: •. ���
:�. � .r
Pu �ic akr�tg .. ...::. : �
Ciinto�n �a t�s�x b Spe ..���;��;�:� �:� ��-:��� :��.���� ��
� on�� ag�:� ci�t�, Br��n � °�;:�`";;/:��, �
Na. lA0 af �he Roya�l Canadian ' y
TO �r�s�n� �� �e�ian wiiill spar�s�ar a�w1�1�c �-Qxt Minuire Su�gese�ians �,a�t Minut� Suggest�ans
,'Phe Yottn� A.du1Ys �f ttza C1in- speal�ixvg - cante�'i ap�en �o ail9 �O�i. H ER FOR H 1 M
tbn Bap�bist ChuiCh wiTl�reserv� childz�cm af �f��i� a�r�a, � CotAgn�S�--Spaps---Bath Sal#S • S�avin� 9oaps
a tl�ree-a;et 17Iay t�vns Sunda� Any sChabl pupkl vs�+ho is 1�i1- ,, �and l.citions in blepehser • After 8have 4otipns
even�ing as �. riart o�f t+he am�ttial Lin�g tio prc�pa,rie a Liv�-mi�u�:e sottles r Shaving Sets, sNaving Brushe�
• . Etectric �tazors --- Cameras
ndIe��xght-ha;ral s�erv�:Ce in �he ta13i on �he tapic pf �tvx5 chai�ce . Tal�ums =-� saiN Pbwd'ers . 4eather Shaving Cases Fitted
B�pYS,s�� �hui�ch, inay enter: . Comb, Bhush and Mihrbr 3ets . Gigarettes, Gigars, T'obacdas
VV'heri a�iras�semous bus�ric�5s The �bCnpe:titidri far pCtkrti� , H�ir Brushes-�-M�nicur�e Sets . Biades-�Stide Vtewers-�--Pipes
� hbal, chi:Yciu�c� iv�vlt be �held !nn . N.�it Palish S�ts �-- 'Cosmetia , t�en �nd Panail S�#s
man britv ��. house gix�cst hoa�ne sd
fbr Ch;r'iSltm�as, the vis`�tar �1S th� Le�giait Ha11, I�a.rlt S�tz�eet, $ays . Hair �r�usM�es
. E��th i! �-- � t it l� i s--
�� i d s a h M �s . acI o 6 irahs�atoh
F 1' ' nes a �zn t
rc�tect i�h n1�e�d e�c�lin CJ u�tdn a7� VV'ed d t
esp�ci�11� w13�n he introduc�� JanU�� 27 �t '7•30 p.m. g� M�-+�tl� Giris' Tbii�t Sets Speciat ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, $14.99
a,no�he'r str�.nger tio th� 1�bme, '�het�e ar� twc� secbzons: J'�.tzi- "��g��'�tt�s . Light�rs r"fape R�co�ders
. i Cig�rCtt� Gases Specia! ..... .. . .......... $20.7'7`
Thus modar� G"Fti�istmas dria�ria io� Public Schnal, up +to ��id a�1- C pl�oto Rlbums
cotn�rist�s htz�'nr��ir, c�r�,m�a�i� �C- C1iz'c��in G�"a,c�e 6; Se�n'ibr I'ilblic ' hocolates, Arl Ch��iSttnas .
g Wr�ppei! ' . Cam�Y•a Gactget �ags
kion attc� a wa��n Clirisbian hie�- SCl�bb1, Gr�xdes 7 aticl S. '�`hlee
sage. k�ri�e�s w�itl be aw�irdC�d in. eAch W� Have A�'eW CHtitS`('MAS CA�ibS Le#t {-a- �a� to $1.00
�, .' omrs ��y ��i- �.�� us c���stn�As wRap v�va Gt�rs
'I'he �]ay w�ill �be rese�u�ted �.t secf.ibn,. I�;ui�,x sc �
7:30 �.m., S'uncl�a,i''r T.?ecei�b�r feY� one� siurtdit i,r� e�.r.h secGian, �Fti�� C1F' CHARGE
, , p y i1��staiits must
20 .in the I3�a Eia� Cl�urch On �,me�s at ca
It�t�on Sire�t. 1ill ar� we�lCqi'ne. xe�,cki Ll�� 10cii1 co�,verier l�y We Can Lbbk Mf�er� Yaur Magaxine $ubscriptibns
. J�n�i��` �2� T'or k�t�'the;ti 3n-
�►k'�; • �a1�rt�,�;ia1s C4nt,�,et �', baagl��s
I'$ ��h��`•����u@11hd x'htrinditt��, �tcb�,i.c S�i��tlt'ing caix� � ��
�� �. �mrzTt C�,ilc� is suu��;b�e vcne� af Ci�into'r� �cgion'13�ur�,cti , � . .
1.40, p�on� �$2-70J0� � � M
!;o his �gc�. Zx �ould be �'1,n�ex-
i��� fa giv� a�tv�e� a� �our� _
��,�.�7�. �t� s�oungst�.� �, s���� ��s �str��a, gyvc ��e ���� PR�S�f�l��lai�i5
A�' iv�a,�'on vv,i5icli he w`btticl us@ �h�� �ce�b� t�i a.L�ing, Giv� `
b�'i �4 ainrp� �fd� drrive c�f �iS ��tib�, t'.xiv� �li�� 'I"ltc� gY+�ate�sti p'hdlne. �48'.��Si$'11 C.rlfinEotlr ��1lfa�hio
�i�arlei� g�ut� ai at�: