HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-12-17, Page 5Ceremony At -Ontario ,Street United
Joins _Donakia, .Freiman, James -Bel
Thulmq r.P 17:f -190 Clinton 'Hews-Roc9.,r0
astrai ar
Social Notes
'News Editor; Anne. Aileron — Phone HP 2440
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annual reports of the .00nvolt,
tees, and' units. were given.
These were all approved as -
The president then thanked
the members for Their ...coopem,..
tiOn during the past year,. Mn
Park then took the chair to
reeetive the report of the PPM,
inating committee Which Con-
sisted of Mrs, Geprge Beattie,,
Miss B. ,Tainieson, and Mrs.
Doug Andrews.
The ,$,14 te of officer's. for 196
is as follows: past president,
Mrs. Deng Andrews; president,'
Miss Kate McGregor; recording
secretary, Mrs. Gordon Rath-
well; treasurer, Mrs. Benson
Sutter; visiting end eomniittee
friendship. chairman, MIS'S ES,
Cher Jamieson; fin'an'ce chair-
man, Mrs, K. Johnstone Christ-
tan education. and missionary
education chairman, Mrs. Wm,
Mureh; membership. chairman,
Mrs., K. Bennett; supply chair-
n-van, Mrs. Les Ball; literature
Chairman, Mrs, A. Hodges;
flowers chairman, Mrs. C. Nei-
son; correspondence chairman,
Mrs, P. Livermore; programme
chairman, Mrs. T. McCreath;
assistant, Mrs. K. Bennett;
stewardship chairman, Mrs.
Norman ahepherd; pianist, Mrs.
Wm. 11/lurch; press anti public-
ity, Mrs. M. Steepe; social
chairman, Mrs, George•Beattie;
ki'tc'hen property, social com-
mittee and manse chairman,
Mrs. J. Nediger.
Shop Early, Avoid the Rush and get the Best Selection
Donalda Lorraine Pearl Freeman became the
'bride of James Douglas Bell on December 4 at
6:30 p.m. in Ontario Street United Church.
The bride is the daughter of Marian Lorraine Doucette, both
of Clinton, were bridesmaids.
They wore dresses similar to
that worn by the maid of
Flower girl Was Miss Karen
Shanahan of Chippawa. Her
dress was. of dark brown velvet
with a full 'skirt. She carried
a nosegay of gold chrys!anthe-
mums surrounding a talisman
The ring.. .bearer was Kevin
Paul Shanahan of Chippawa.
The best man was Bryan Bell
of Blyth. Murray Howatt of
Blyth and David. McCall of
Chatham ushered the guests.
A reception followed in the
Church Parlor Which was dec-
orated on a Christmas theme.
The bride's aunt received gueSts
wearing a black, red and white
silk print dress with black and
red accessories. She wore a
corsage of white carnations.
The groom's mother assisted
wearing a peacock blue dress of
Italian broadcloth with black
.ccessories„She wore a corsage
if pink carnations.
For travelling, the bride don-
ned a gold two-piece suit with
a brown coat. She wore brown
and white accessories. Her cor-
sage was of talisman roses.
The couple will reside at RR
Prio, to her marriage the
bride was hostessed at a shower
by the Clinton Inter-Church
CGIT. Mrs. Douglas Freeman,
bride,s aunt, entertained at
It trousseau tea on Saturday,
November 28.
13-20 Pounds
Available for Christmas
Contact by Monday, December 21
The president, Mrs'. Douglas.
Andrews, took the 'chair and.
eandtreted the bttsiness, The
secretary, Mrs. G. Ratbwell, •
read the minutes. of the PreV-.
iPttS Meeting; Whioll were AP-
proved. The financial report
was given- by the treasurer,
Clarence E. Freeman of Clin-
ton and 'the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs.. Edward F, Bell
of RR 1 Blyth, -
The floral decor for the
double-ring service performed
by the Rev. Grant L, Mills of
Clinton was gold and bronze
chrysanthemums an d candel-
abra. The soloist was Harry
The bride, given in. marriage
by her father, chose a tradition-
al floor-length gown with. a
chapel train and lily-point
sleeves. 'The back was• accent-
ed with flowerS and sequins on
soft silk scallops. The bride
carried talisman roses on a
white Bible.
Maid of honour was Miss
Candice Bell of Blyth. She
wore a dress of soft green vel-
vet with a front bow and a
softly gathered skirt. She wore
a matching hat.- Her bouquet
was of gold chrysanthemums.
Miss Nancy Johnson and Miss
From London to Walkerton,
Stratford to Goderich. We wish
to thank everyone for their
valued patronages of all servic•
es. We extend our best wishes
for a Very Merry Christmas and
a Prosperous New Year.
Diamonds, Watches & Repairs,
Trophies & Engraving
& Vadden
Wh lesale
Annual:Iiippen Silant • • o ,• •
The 41 I 41. Chriann-44Tun
Shoot pf the ann
010 will he held. this Year" 031-
Sunday, Dee, 'A. 'starting at
lz,an, sit ithe WPM Quil.
just .south of 1-cr:ppell, There
will be events for all shooters.
Londesboro UCW
Elects Officers
At General Meet
The general meeting of ' the
UCW of Londesboro United
Church was held on Monday.
Mrs. EdWiP W9OcT occupied the
Chair With Mrs, pipe !conduct-
ing the devotional exercises. A
poem was read followed by a
hymn, scripture verses and
prayer. The minutes were ap-
proved .03'4 the alIOCatliOn for
1965 is '$6$0.00, an increase of
$5.00 from 1964.
$6 pairs of mittens we're sent
to Northern Ontario along with
the White Gifts from the Sun-
day School. A bale of clothing
has also, been packed this past
week and sent to the depot in
Toronto for diocesan relief,-
The treasurer gave a report
of the finances, The social com-
mittee realized - over $600.00
catering to weddings and ban-.
quets, Mrs. Audrey Sprung
contributed a reading and the
meeting was' closed with a so-
cial half hour.
The nominating committee
brought ht the following slate
of officers: Past president, Mrs.
Wood; president 'Mrs, Carson;
first vice-president, Mrs, Liv-
ingstone; second vice-president,
Mrs. Don 1VIeNall; recording
secretary, Mrs. Lorne Hunking;
assistant secretary, Mrs. Jack
Lee;. treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Mil-
lar; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. Nelson Lear; community
friendship and visiting,- Mrs,
Joe Shaddick; Christian citizen-
ship and social action, Mrs. N.
Lear; Christian education and
mission education, Mrs. Gordon
Shobbrook; finance, Mr's, Lee;
flowers and cards, Mrs. W.
Howatt; literature, communica-
tions' and periodicals, Mrs. Geo.
McVittle; membership, Mrs.
Stan Lyon; nominations, Edith
Beacom; press, Mrs. B. Allen;
social functions, Mrs. D. And-
erson; programme, Mrs. E.
Wood; supply and social Assist-
ance', Mrs. W. Howatt; pianists,
Mrs. Josling and Mrs. Harry
Lear; secretary without port-
folio, Mrs. Townsend; represen-
tative to manse committee, Mrs,
L. Honking; representative to
Board of Stewards, Mrs. Town-
Letters To Editor
(Continued from Page Four)
Some of those kids grew up
and stood on street corners and
complained that the town pro-
vided nothing for them to do.
Others grew up and made a
Teen-Town all on their own,
unassisted, un-chaperoned, and
un-supervised by adults who
were never age 17!
Among .one hundred and fifty
kids on a dance floor there are
sure to be some nit-wits and
boors, both male and female.
But if you want rowdyism, go
to a Grey Cup game when
thirty 'thousand adults are in
I note, Mr. ,Editor, that you
volunteered to act as a chap-
eron, You poor devil! The
music is ghastly and it lasts
for three hours.
Fred SIornan.
Dec. 13, 1964.
Mrs. R, .Cenroy with her
3rencla, Dawn and
John motored to Toronto where
they took A flight out of Nfi44-
ton AtlipoOt for a visit to her
parents in New Brunswielc,
Young people having birth,
days included: Mona .PaCItTe't
!Mile celebrated ,her 5th birthday
on Sunday, December 1.3; Cathy
MacNeil, 8 years old on Dec,
19; Corrine 'HOMY* nine Years
on Dee, 23, and her brother
Douglas, 10 years old on Dec. 24.
Christmas WOW
The Catholic Women's League
held a meeting followed by.
Christmas party on Sunday,
Dec. 13, at the Social Centre,
About 42 members attended.
Mrs, Ie Brennen presided, Mrs,
A. Wilson read the minutes of
the last meeting and Mrs. H.
Rieard gave the treasurer's re.
In charge of the entertain-
Give White Gifts
At Knox Church
The annual White Gift ser-
vice was held in Knox United
Church last Sunday with the
minister being Mr. Colin Fing-
land of Wingham. The church
was decorated with a Christmas
tree and the lighted manger.
The pupils and their teachers
of the Sunday School attended
and presented their gifts which
were received by Misses June
Mills and Laura Deer. The Jun-
ior choir under the direction of.
the church organist, Mrs. Nor-
man Wight man, sang two an-
The gifts were given to the
Huron County Children's' Aid
meet was Mrs. ,p. Petersen.
Music was supplied by Mrs..
Verna Paulin at the organ.
Carols were sung as well as
popular numbers. Mrs, Santa
Claus put in an appearance ,and
distributed gifts to all present
including ,the spiritual director,
Father R. Bussey.
After a buffet, the ladies .4$-
senfbled hy the fireplace and
enjoyed a singsong to -close the
evening, Date the next meeting
will be announced later,
Group 4 Holds
Regular Meeting.
Group four of Ontario Street
United Church held their reg-
ular meeting on Monday even-
ing in 'the church parlour. The
meeting took the form of a
Christmas party and Group
Three attended as guests.
Mrs, Ross Trewartha, group
leader, opened the meeting and,
welcomed 'the large group. Car-
ol singing opened the meeting.
Mrs. Don Crich, assisted by
Miss Dorothy Marquis and Mrs.
Carman McPherson, conducted
the worship 'service, with the
theme "Christmas".
For the programme, the Sy-
mons sisters, Barbara, Londe and
Jane, sang "Must Be Santa"
and "Do what the Good Book
says", accompanied at the piano
by their mother, Mrs. Don Sy-
mons. Mrs. John Lavis gave
three Christmas readings.
- Mrs. Clark Ball, Mrs. Fred
Vodden and Mrs. John Lavis
led a period of contests and
Mrs. Earl Blake and her
group served lunch.
Elects New Officers
The regular meeting of the UCW of Wesley.,
Willis United Church Was hold on Wednesday,
DeCeniber 9, Miss Kate McGregor was in 'charge
of the worship service. The service was opened
with a call to worship, followed by a hymn and
prayer, Mrs, G. Bothwell read the $criPture and.
Mrs. J. MeLaren, gave the meditation. The offering
was received and dedicated, Mrs, Radford played
two Christmas piano solos.
Mrs, B. Sutter. The conveners
Of the various committees gave
reports on wort; done, -
The president brought i.a sev-
eral recommendations which
were made 'by the finance com-
Mittee. These were accepted:
and are to be acted upon, The
The report of the nominating
committee was approved as
read. MASS. McGregor took the
chair and thanked the members
and asked for their cooperation
in the coming year. A hymn
was sung and Mr. Park pro-
nounced the benedictions.
The social committee served
a lunch.
White Gift Service
At Porter's Hill
The White Gift Service at
Grace Church last Sunday
afternoon was well attended.
Miss Maureen - Miller and Jim-
my Riddell read the scripture
The boxes of gifts will be
presented to the Salvation
Aru uy, London, for distribution.
Beattie Furniture
Clinton Phone 482-9521
Lloyd Holland
482-9613 or 482-7700
We'll Do Your Dishes
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4-5 lb. average — 390 LB
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shop at
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Art Colson Grant Irwin
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Cook Your Christmas Turkey
Grade "A"
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