HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-12-17, Page 3SKI TOW Two Mires Wet of Ciinto.n o.n, Wa.yfield Parking at .bottom of tow. 5kiing. Every Saturday & Sunday from to 5 p,,rn, when snow is available, alb gitte GoopeRicti ONT. Dancing For The Young Crowd THIS WEEK—SATURDAY, DEC. 19 - "The Roulettes" Dancing 9;00 to Midnight Admission: 75e per person ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Thursday, December 31 PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dancing 9;00 to Admission: .$3.50 per person Table reservations only Tickets now on sale. Phone 524-9371 or 524-9264 CLINTON Branch 140 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION DRAW FOR A 7-DAY ALL-EXPENSE PAID TRIP for TWO to NASSAU In The Bahamas Draw To Be Made At NEW YEAR'S EYE DANCE At The Legion Hall Tickets: 25c each — 5 for $1.00 Tickets Available from Ed Porter, Draw Chairman, Or Any Legion Member. (Trip Arranged Courtesy Stan Blowes Travel Service) Puts the things you want within your reach this Christmas! ,,„vif ort Sting all year personal credit needsi under one roof t LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS Clinton Brandi: K. O.PLPP.T, Manager K.C.A,P, Station (Sub-Agency): Open Daily Londesborotigli (Sub-Agency): Open Melt & 'huts, BANK OF MONTREAL Family Finance ' ITVP k M ' p an Air Force Band Joins Santa's. Parade The RCAF Station Clinton Band tOPIC Part in the Santa Claus Parade through downtown Clinton on Saturday which was sponsored by the Retail. Merchants' Committee. This photo was taken as the band passed. Clinton Town Hall. The Drum • Major was Cpl. F, J. Court, (Ra4P1 Photo) Madeleine Lane Auxiliary Meeting Nominates 1965 Slate Of Officers . On Tuesday evening, December 8, 20 members of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church assembled in the Sunday School rooms for a pot-luck supper. After the dinner, while the ladies were enjoying a sing- song of their favorite Christ- mas canals, the sudden appear- ance of Santa Claus assisted by his faithful helper, Mrs. Claus, surprised the members of the Auxiliary as eaeh one was given a gift. After the gifts had been dis- SEASON'S GREETINGS From Ray's Shoe Repair TO ALL HIS CUSTOMERS. Thank You for your patronage in 1964. We hope to be of service to you again in the coming year. SKATES SHARPENED tributed and 'the jolly pair had departed, two of St. Nick's workers arrived on the scene. much to the amazement of the ladies. Realizing they were too late to assist in the job of giv- ing out gifts, they disappeared without even saying a word, A short meeting was then conducted by the president, Mrs. Rebert. Homuth. Miss Bea- trice Gibson read a portion from the scripture centred around the "Christmas Story" and Mrs. Viola Lamptnan led in prayer. Mrs, Ronald Rudd read a message entitled "Stor- les of our 'Christmas Carols". Mrs, R. J. Smith of the strik- ing committee then read the slate of new Officers for the year 195 which is as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. R. U. MacLean; president, Mrs. William Cook; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Ronald Rudd; secre- tary, Mrs. Robert 3, Smith; d• Central Huron Secondary School Notice To Parents Report Cards are being sent out next week. Please ensure that you receive your copy. D. J. COCHRANE, B.A., Principal. ••n •••••=0 p lowitt•clay.4404, I Saturday Afternoon — Dec.19 "TARZAN GOES TO INDIA" Doors Open at 1:45 p.m.--Show, Starts at 2:15 p.m, ADMISSION: Adults 35c; Children 15c DROP YOUR CHILDREN OFF AT THE •LEGION MOVIES AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 'THE MODERN SHOPPING FACILITIES UPTOWN Sponsored by Ladies. Auxiliary to the Royal' Canadian Legion Branch 140. Business and Professional Directory PHOTOGRAPHY INSURANCE HADDEN'S STUDIO PORTRAIT -- WEDDING and CHILDREN 118 St. David's St. Dial 524-8787, Gaderich 6-13p PORTRAITS -- WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL ofaitos Viddte4 20 Isaac Street Friday and Saturday 2 to 9 p.m. Phone 482-9654 after 6 p.m. for appointments OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OI;FiCE 527.1240 G, B. CLANCY, 0,0. — OPTOMETRIST For APpointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH 38403 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Containing optometrist The Square. GODERICH 524.76C1 ttfb K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 4e2-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones; Office 482-9644 Res. 482-9787 H. E. HARTLEY LIFE INSURANCE Planned SaVings . . Estate Analysis CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. ClInt0h, Ontario ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Waster Altuninurn Doors and Windows and Rockwell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R. L. JerVle--66 Albert St. • ClintOn-482-9390 Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results A. M. HARPER CIHIARTEIRED ACCOUNTANTS S5-57 SOUTT.i TELEPHONE GODERICH, HQT, 524.7562 TharS, Dec. 17 1 oord. TO THE. RATEPAYERS OF CLINTON: May I extend my thonis to those who supported in at,the Polls in the recent election; and to all citizens may I extend "Season's Greetings,'" MORGAN J. AGNEW 151-b Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER ---.SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep-482-6642 2ittt) h0.111n 111 1.=1•11.4.1..,1%, AT THE PARK THE SQUARE—GODERICH Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. , • • NOW: Thurs., Fri., Sat. — December 17-18-18 Peter Sellers -- Paula Prentiss & Angela Lansbury Sellers as a concert pianist of dubious talent "The World of Henry Orient"Color MON., TUES., WED. — December 21-22-23 (Adult Entertainment) Joan Crawford -- Diane Baker Lief Erikson Axe murders are •the theme of this rugged shocker "STRAIT-JACKET" THURS., FRI., SAT. — December 24-25-26 WALT DISNEY PROGRAM "The Lady and The Tramp" A popular Disney color cartoon feature, featuring the • voices of Peggy Lee and the Mells Men. Plus "OLYMPIC ELK" A Nature Study Special Coming: "MAN'S FAVORITE SPORT" Rock Hudson -- Paula Prentiss al•INIMIMIMMIMMINNOIMINIUNIO 'Let One Call Do It All" Let Clinton Laundry Help You Live A Clean Life! BY OFFERING YOU ALL THESE SERVICES: (1) Professional Dry-Cleaning and Pressing (2) Clean-Only Dry-Cleaning (25c Per Pound-10 Lbs. for $2.00) At Our Plant-166 Beech Street: Our Dry-Cleaning Dept. is managed by Ray Garon, a graduate of the Nationat institute of Dry-Cleaning, Silver Springs, Maryland, U.S.A. We employ the most modern methods available in the industry. —Let us advise you regarding special garments that require special profes- sional attention. —Let experts classify your garments for you and advise you which garments can be done the "clean-only" method and which require professional treat- ment. (3) Complete Laundry Service FINISH WASH — THRIFTY WASH ........................ (14c Per Lb.) DRY WASH (11c Per Lb.) Shirts, Sheets, Linens, Etc., Etc. (4) Garment and Shirt Rental This Service includes Dress Shirts, Work uniforms, Coveralls, Etc. (5) Coin-Operated Laundry These facilities and our Cash and Carry Office are in the main business section at 63 ALBERT STREET. (6) Fur Storage Vault We give complete insurance coverage. (7) Minor Repairs & Alterations On Ali Garments. (8) Pick-Up and Delivery Daily (9) Same Day Service (10) Three-Hour Service When requested, Dry-Cleaning 84 Laundry in at a.m, can be picked up at 5 p.m. Special Attention When Required. When kldn9ys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backacho—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleep better, work better, FUJICA AUTO -M The camera that won't photograph if the light is not correct! You might call it the camera of the future. It's years ahead of its time. Over 80 combinations of shutter speeds and lens openings give the Auto-M the widest range of exposure in a fully automatic camera. You can use the full automation feature and yet indicate your preference for the fastest or slowest shutter speed possible and the computer will give the nearest setting permitted by the lighting. If the scene is too dark for correct exposure, the camera refuses to lithoot. Your pictures are guaranteed to be crisp and clear. We are so certain of your satisfaction that we are offering a full refund on the Auto-VI and your first roll of film if you are not pleased With the results. .>C<IV..‹.)'<*KX• SPECIAL OFFER This coupon will save you money — $20.00 oft the Suggested List Price of the Attto-lVi camera —$28.90 off the Suggested List Price of the Ako-M Kit, The Auto-M cipiena ouly is $59,95 $79,95 with this coupon. The Ague Kit Which includes the camera, eveready ease, flashgun, 'end:grip and sunshade is $128.85 or $99.95 with this coupen. This offer is limited and may bet withdrawn at any time abet is subject to provincial and local laws and regulatiome and it is void it restrieted Or forbidden by law. EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W, Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phrn,B, ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE OresbrIatkine Animal Health SuOpllet Dial 462.6626 - Clintah, Ontario 14. ' I A 4 ,• MP, Check Cords, Plugs if your' Christmas tree lights are not new, the old cords should be oarefully cheeked to' ensure that, the Wires are net. broken or exposed, the sockets damaged er plugs bent, Your electrical store will inspeet'the lights and make repairs if nes- essary—it'e safer than having a flareup from faulty lights. Wo He Ix Unit Holds Meeting The We He Lo Unit of Wee- ley-Willis United Church Wo- men held the Christmas meet- ing on Dec, 3 in the church par- lor with 22 members present. Mrs. Wood conducted a quiz on television commercials and gave a humorous reading about St. Nick. The roll call Was. an- swered with "A Christmas Remember". The January roll, call will be answered with "A Winter 'Project I Am Doing". The treasurer reported that $732.16 had been 'tam: in dur- ing the year and a bale to be sent to Cape Crocker has been packed, During the election of offic- ers, Mrs. Murch was named president; Mrs.. Kerr as secre- tary, and. Mrs. L, Ball as treas- urer. The meeting closed with a Christmas verse and all enjoyed a Christmas lunch. treasurer, Mrs, >Frank Mutch; social committee, Mrs. James Edward, Mrs. Howard Cowan, Mrs, Clarence Neilans, Mrs. Dorothy Hymers, Mrs. E. J. (Dick) Jacob; ways and means committee, Mrs, Robert Hom- uth, Mrs. Ronald McCann. ' press secretary, Mrs. Allan Graham; program committee, Mrs. Art Core, Mrs. Viola Lampman, Mrs. Robert Morgan; talent money, Mrs. James Edward; flower fund, Miss Mabel Harvey, Mrs, George Yeats; pulpit editor, Mrs. Robert Homuth; CGIT re- presentatives, Mrs. James Ed- ward, Mrs. Leroy Oesch. Plans for the New Year ware discussed and Mrs. Frank Mutch invited 'the ladies to her home for the January meeting. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Teachers Enjoy Pot Luck Supper Thursday 'Evening The annual turkey pot luck supper of the Ontario Street Sunday School teachers and officers was held at 7 p.m., Dec, 3. Following supper, John Levis Jed a sing-song with, Rev. G. Mills alt the piano. Rev. Allan Johnson of Brussels gave a toll on the importance of children in the home, church and com- munity, George Levis thanked the speaker. Following the treasur- er's report final arrangements were made for the annual Christmas concert to 'be held' Mon'd'ay evening, Dec. 21, The Sunday School White Gift Service was held on Dec, 6 at 10:15 a.m.. Tice Explorers under • the leadership of Miss Olive Johnson sang two Christ- mas numbers with Mrs. Don Symons at the piano. The Christmas story from the Bible was read by Miss Rowena Corey. • The Primary boys sang "A- way In A Manger" accompan- ied by Miss Donna Murch, Rev. G. Mills gave a story on• the re- sult of some of the White Gifts the group had sent to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Safety First Hands, feet and eyes are in- volved in about 50 percent of industrial accidents, Of these injuries, many could be pre- vented by the use of safety devices designed for protection of the worker. Hard helmets for construction: workers, and goggles and face masks for wel- ders and machinists will help to protect heads, face and eyes and should be worn wherever there 'is danger on the job.