Clinton News-Record, 1964-12-17, Page 1Hold Huron Area Cancer Meeting At Clinton A _total, of 22 persons from Clint" Goderich, Seaforth, Bayfield .and Exeter attended a meeting of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society Tuesday night at the Clinton home of Mrs-.. Doug Bartliff. Unit president Fred Sloman of Clinton chaired the meeting whit% heard reports from dist- rict unit representatives, The minutes of the last meeting and those of the annual t ,meeting a Bayfield on Oct, 6 were read by the secretary, Miss Bernice McQueen, of Clinton". Reports were ,beard from president Fred Sloinan who at- tended meetings at Brantford, Toronto and. Galt; Mrs. Bartliff and Mrs. R. U. MacLean who attended a meeting at Strat- ford, and Mrs. A. McConnell of Seafoeth who attended a meet- ing at Galt. Plan . March Meet It was agreed to hold a Unit meeting, in -the second week of March prior to the annual Can- adian Cancer Society campaign. The meeting was attended by: Mrs.• M. Scott, R. E. Pooley, L. Hearn, L. Mills, R. Luxton, Mrs. F. Dickens and Mrs.' M. Glen, of Exeter; Miss 13, Grieve, Mrs. A. McConnell and Mrs. M. McGowan of Seaforth; Brig. Morgan Smith of Bayfield; L. Pinkney of Goderich, and Mrs. D. McMurray, Mrs. L. Salzman, Mrs. R. U. 'MacLean, Mrs. D. nartliff, D. Scott; Miss E. Jamieson, • K Flett, P. Astles, F. Sloman and. Miss B. Mc- Queen, all of Clinton. Refreshments wore served by the hostess at the tonclusion of the business meeting. County Youths To Hold Social New Year's Eve The Huron Presbytery Young People's Union of the United Church of Canada is planning to hold a Watch.-Hite Social this New Year's Eve at the Myth United Church. Included le the evening will be a hootenanny, dancing and a short service to bring in the new year. , The purpose is to provide young people of ail denomina- tions with a chance to spend New Year's Eve having fun With friends. Londesboro Couple Mark Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hunk- iteg of Londesboile celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary recently and in honor of occasion were entertained at a family dinner' held at the home of their- cleughter and mein- lave Me. and Mrs. William Moore, of Goderich. During the evening they Were presented with et clock by mem- bers of their family. The weather High Low High tow 1964 1963 Dec; 10 85 9 32- 26 11 43 33 23 16 12 45 34 22 43 13 43 30 25 10 14 32 19 24 12 15 24 14 24 9 16 37 16 22 9 Itaire .820 Snow: 10" .glithivi the Department of Education informing me that the two board members elected to the Stanley Township School Board have been disqualified , since they will no longer qualify as Stanley Township residents af- ter January 1 when the incorp- oration of the Village becomes effective. I will forward to you a copy of a letter now in the mail to me from the Depart- ment as soon as it arrives, "Consequently it will be necessary for the village to elect one trustee to the corn- bleed Township-Village School Board for 1965, "I am informing Mr, Graham, Clerk of Stanley Township, of this Municipal Board - Depart- ment of Education ruling." Stanley Request In another letter to Mr. Graham, Mr. Burrovvs wrote: "Your township may request that an additional trustee be elected to some future date. This- request will have to be made by the school board, through the Township Council to the Minister of Education. (Continued on Page 12) 0 Nominations At Bayfield On Monday BAYFIELD — Nominations for the position of Reeve of Bayfield and four councillors will be held on Monday even- ing, Dec. 21, between 7 and 8. The incumbent trustees are Frank McFadden, chairman, Leroy Poth and Irving Pease. Since 1926 the affairs of Bayfield as a police village were handled by three elected of- ficials, Now as a village prop- er, direction will be under a reeve and four councillors. Brig, F. A. Cleft told the News-Record Wednesday he will let his name stand for election if he is nominated for the position of reeve. Others who have indicated their willingness to serve the village in the capacity of MITI- oilers include Mrs. George Hopson, and incumbents Leroy Poth and Frank McFadden. Mr. Pease could not be reached for comment. CDC! Board Reports e+ 3UrpitiS The board of Central Huron Secondary School was told last Wednesday night its operation for 'the year showed a surplus of $42,244. The amount will be reduced by $6,000 by outstand- ing debts. Included in the surplus are $8,425 in fees 'from the Village of Myth due last year, but paid in January of 1964 and an $11,000 provincial grant. Finance chairman, rebrinan Counter, Clinton, said the bud- get was not, "purposely drawn up for a surplus, It was the first year we had a complete financial picture of our ecbool— and all through the year we tried to hold the expenses down." List Expenditures Jahn Levis, Clinton, board chairman said next year's levy will probably be the same, or lower, than this year's. The total expenditures for 1964 were $760,686. This in- eludee $14,220 for the eurchaee of 4.5 acres of land nod to the school, to be used for further (Continued on Page 12) White. Gift Service . Held At Varna Church A White Gift Service was held in the United March at Warne, lest Sunday meaning with the pastor, Mr. M. Moro risen, in charge and assisted by a number of Sunday School seliolars. TheSigma-C had charge of the candle-lighting service, Nett Sunday the Carlatenas Sereice will be held at 10.15 aan, and It oairdie-)Ighting ter Vkd at 7:30 pan, intono. Newsom( THE .NgNA, ERA, 97th YEAR THE. HVRQN .RECORP---$1.0 YEAR Na. 51--The Home Paper 'With The News ck,INTON, ONTARIO, THPR$DAy, DECEMBER 17, 1964 $4.00 Per Year---10 Cents Per capy Pages Industry For Clinton Hinted By Councillor Industrial Commission chairMan Reeve-elect Duff Thompson told Clinton town council Monday night he had received inquiries from "a very accep- table industry for the town." TWO STA Festival Of Carols The Nativity Scene 'was re-enacted Saturday event. In the above photo, the players are, from night at Ontario Street United Church during the the left: Brucd Craig, Marilynne Wise, Jan Mossel- Festival of Carols. More than 300 attended, the and Frank Cameron. (News-Record Photo By John Visser) HOOL IST EES :DISQUALIFIED Only One from Bayfield Is Department Ruling Two Bayfield men .elected last Monday as Stanley Township School Area Board Trustees have been ruled ineligible by the Ontario Department of Education and the Ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Thompson did not eine -- canto in mince on the industry, He sein only he would be in touch with them again and ad- ded "there's- 110thing. to. say whether we'll get them or not, It's still in the analysis stage as far as they're concerned!' Later he told the News- Record the interested party was a light industry which likely would employ 15 to 20 persons or more. "It's the sort of in- dustry which could move into Clinton and start production without any cost to -the town," he said. "We have ample sup- plies of power, water and a stable work force." Not Nerned The commission chairman said he would pot name the industry, its present location, or feether -details about it. "No Industrial 'Commission ever wants to say too much about things of this nature when they're in the. planning stage," he said, In other council business, Councillor Mrs. F. G. Thompson objected to the wording in the minutes from the last Meeting. In rdiscussion, at that meeting of the National Building Code, Mrs. Thompson was quoted as stating she had discussed the building code with contractors who told her it would not be a. good thing for Clinton. Mrs. Thompson Said she had Stated adoption of the code. would be superfluous sinee Clin- ton 'already had a code. The minutes were altered ,and adepted as changed. Trophies Tickled Team ,Councillor Norm Livermore reported the trophies he had presented on behalf of council to members of the Fish and , Game. Club championship-win- • ning Midgets Baseball team (Contlued on Page Twelve) A CHUCKLE Teacher: "I hear there's a new baby at your house, Tam-y!, Tommy: "I don't think he's that new. The way he bawls and hollers looks, lace he's had a lot. of exnerience." The ruling handed clown Tuesday and received locally Wednesday invalidates the trus- teeships of Merton Merrier and Jack Sturgeon who were elect- ed to office by a heavy Bayfield vote. Mel Graham, clerk of Stan- ley Township, said Wednesday he had received a earl= copy of a letter to Lloyd Making, Bayfield Returning Officer for the election, from J, G. Bur- rows, District Public School Inspector for the Ontario De- partment of Education, Not Stanley Residents The letter reads: "I have just received a telephone call from Early Deadlines The Clinton News-RecOrd will be published on Wed- nesday, -Dee. 23 -next week, instead of Thursday. Advertisers, contributors and correspondents are ask- ed to please bear this in mind, Deadlines will be moved back one day. For advertise- ments, the deadline will be 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 21. Final deadline for news copy will be 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, Dec. 22. We regret no news (other than breaking news) or advertisements received af- ter the deadlines can be published. Man On Street Flag Opinion Poll . Sint ' ns Reaction to the new Canad- ian flag in Clinton is widely varied, according to a "man on the street" poll conducted Wed- nesday by the News-Record. Almost every person ap- proached on the issue had cone Meet. Few allowed their re- meeks to be quoted after they had—,in some case given vent to oaths of profanity to eXpress their opinions of 'the new flag. Its acceptance Monday in the House of Commons at Ottawa by a 152-85 vote ter closure ended The Great Flag Debate which has held the headlines internitttently for months. Here's how the 20 persons answered the question: "Do you like Canada's new flag? If you like it, why do you like it; if you don't like it, why don't you like it?" Jas. Daigle JAS. DAIGLE, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton: "My impression is that it is a good thing for Can- ada so the country can show itself with other nations. May- be With the flag we can get the itepression across thet Canr ada is something, It's a geed flag beraille it represents most parts Of Canada." eMe. Daigle said his home is Montreal; his native language is French. He said it did not upset him that the fleitr-de-lis did hot appear On Canada's new flag, "It's all right just the way it is," he SW.) Jerry Zondervan ltttitY gONDERVAII, Cling ton: "The design is Okay to me. As an inntigrant I don't have so much feeling for the flag., and It doesn't Mean at =oh to nie as It W'otiki to tt Canadian,' MRS. LORNE GARROW, Clinton: "I like it. I think it is good far Canada to have its own distinctive flag. We have been using England's flag for too long." Cameron Proctor CAMERON PROCTOR, Clin- ton: "I think it's terrible . . Pearson's Pitiful Pea-mane it could be called. I'm an Ensign man, of course, but I haven't heard of anyone yet who likes the new, flag." Susan Smith SUSAN SMITH, Clinton: "I like the new flag, It just seems to separate Us from the Mother country and makes us appear snore independent. I also think the new flag pretty." Sherry kozell SItOlitItt ROZEL1.4 d iatom "I like it. I just like the look of it Just the way It le MRS. BETTY WAGAR, Clin- ton: "If the Red Ensign was good enough for my grand- father to fight under and my father to fight under and good enough for my husband to fight wider, its good enough to fly on flag poles in Canada now. I don't like the new flag." Clarence Perdue CLAIWNIOZ PERibtiE, Clin- ton: "I don't like the new flag. It's too plain looking, There should have been three little green maple leaves in the 'top left corner with a beaver under- neath that and a Union Jack at the right Side This ChlilistrnkA give the greatest gift, Give ate. dive blood. Contact your Red Citss for art appOinhtent. DONNA SHOBBROOK, Clin- ton: "I like the old one--the Red Ensign. It took us through both wars and was good enough. We didn't need a new one. If they (Parliament) were going to give us a new flag then there should have been a public vote to make the choice." Herb Bridle HERO BRIDLE,- "I preferred the three-leaf6a flag which was proposed originally before the flag eommittee mes- sed it up. I like the idea of a distinctive flag for Canada, This is not politics speaking , it is my own personal Wil- lem I think they should take all the voltimes of Ilansatel that have been Written tip .on the flag debate, wrap Diefenbaker in Itheni, and binn them and hitt, A national flag should not be a eernpromfee. This tew fleg it ten:PeoltilSe," DAVE BEATTIE, Clinton: "To me the choice of the flag could matter less, but I can certainly see the point of view of some people who fought un- der the Red Ensign and wanted to keep it. It sure was a strange thing spending all that time and coming up with a flag that looks like this one." ---• • Geo. Bell- chamber GEORGE BELLCIIAMBER, 13ayfieldi "I see no reason why we should not be proud of Ottr new flag. As a Legion member I would have preferred to tee the Ensign retained es Canada's national flag, but if it is the wish of the majority of Caned- lams to have a uniquely nation., al emblem, I see no reason why We should not be proud of it," Pete barnsmd PE TE DAmS1VIA, Clinton: (Mr. Demerna has a coleted newspaper aliening Of the flag on the wall of his store, Peter's Meat Market. "I guess that should explain hoer I feel about et," 'hesea pointing at 'the clipping', When asked about the flag, "This particular tag I'm not'too lecee. about the design, bet I approve of a distinctive national flag. The Union leek is great flag for Groat 'Brit- Ain het feir Catedsi," MRS. RON MCCANN, Clin- ton: "I'm disappointed they took 'the blue out of it. I would like to have seen something representing all -the provinces —like the United States has a star for each of .their states, because each of us is proud of our province. I don't particul- arly like this flag." Margaret Addison MARGARET ADDISOIse Clin- ten: "I don't like it at 'all be- cause it appears as though Can- Oda is breaking away from the Mother country. This Could tend to give the United States some indication that Canada is up for grabs . . possibly as its 51st state. I would not Want to See this happen." Mary Jean Wenharn 'MARY JEAN WLNI"IA M: Clinton: "I don't like the design of •the new flag, I like the idea behind having a new flag. don't like all the issue that was, made aver the flag , think it was a waste of Mid lo sit atoned and argtte about it when there were more imn- poirtant things for Parliainent to doe" (Continited on Page 1.), Donna Shobbrook Dave Beattie Blossom Garrow Befty Wagar CANADA'S NEW FLAG Blood Red Maple Leaf on White With Red Bars Mrs. McCann