Clinton News-Record, 1964-12-03, Page 11McCulloch again leads the field with a low priced, precision built chain saw that cuts fast and stays on the job. Features such as ... • Full 17" bar . Flush cut handle • Automatic clutch • Mc- Culloch Super-Mac Chain • Reboreabie cylinder. with cast iron liner •• Balanced, lightweight design make the McCulloch MAC 15 your "best buy" in economy saws. Come in today and prove it to yourself. WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC 54 King Street 482-3851 NEW LEADER IN. ECONOMY SAWS! Thufsday,f,..D0c, 3, 1964.,- .News-Record—Page 11, Letters. To Editor Pee, 7 At 8.:3Q p.m, Entertain- sent will be provided by 'Bill and 'Wonetta. liellend :and -there- will also be prizes for oards and 'a luck draw door prize,. Lunch will be served, '.Christma$ :Party The Rebelcah.S and Oddiel- lews will hold their .annual Christmas, party this! .yo4r. en Friendthjp 'Pre-Christmas Tea. AndBz . Bazoor "a" ist HENSA1,1,. BRIEFS Miss :$andIrn 'Weyer of L.O4- doh spent .the: weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Gor, den 'Troyer; Other guests !from Toronto expected for the week. at the Troyer home were fore, ed 'to Spend the weekend in Clinton Wing to reads and weather conditions, Mrs. Wilbert Paling left Monday for Sarnin where she will visit with. ber :son .and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Clarence and faMi164 including a new al:wit:ton to their errill TV Service Authorized Philips Dealer TV — Radio — Stereo -- Hi Fi , 1110 Repairs to all makes 4110. 411 Antenna Repairs and Installations !il. 41 Delhi TV Towers 411 4 TV Rental Service . 215 VICTORIA STREET — -- CLINTON b Having been nominated for Reeve, and having served 6 years on Council, I would like to ask the support of the ratepayers of Hullett Township. If elected I will serve to the best of all concerned. HUGH FLYNN .St, Paul's Parish Hall was, Attractively decorated on the afternoon of Wednesday,' Nov.! n, for the annual Pre-Chrislt, Inas Tea, and ,Bazaar of the Friendship quad, :Guests \were received at the door ley Mrs, R. Wenhana and the president, Mrs. Robin. Thompson after Rev, Wenheni made the, official opening. Mrs. H. F, Noonan, i\ffrs, R. E. Rowden, Mrs, Fred Hudie and Mrs. Gordon Herman pour- 04. 'tea. Mrs, Bruce )3artliff, Mrs. Lewis Asquith,. Mrs. Joe Mur- phy and Miss Frieda Schoen- halo were in Charge of the sew, - ing heath and Mrs. Elliott Bart- liff i. Mrs. Norman Counter and Miss Evelyn Hall looked after gifts and novelties. The baking booth was under the direction of Mrs, Maurice Frame, Mrs. Harold Johnston, Mm, William Beck, Mrs. Alfred Hudie and Mrs. Reginald Stev- ens. Mrs. E. C. Reichert and Mrs, Richard Harland 'looked after the candy table. Serving in the tea room were Mrs, William. Counter, Mrs. Ro- bert Campbell, Mrs. John Mar- shall, Mrs. Donald Lobb, Paul Pinkel, Mrs. Tom Twy- ford, Mrs. William Fink, Mrs. Lavvrie Slade, Mrs. Clayton Dix- on, Mrs. Douglas, Morgan, Mrs. Gordon Herman, Mrs. Ken Cooke, Mrs., Walter Gardiner, Mrs. Louise ,Melaney and Mrs. Earl Anderson. In charge of the kitchen were: Mrs. Alf Crozier, Mrs. Bert White, Miss Louella John- ston, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Harold McPherson, Mrs. Mitch McAdam and Mrs. Joseph Hart. MM. Harry Thompson looked after the tea pats. The AYPA 'had a fish pond for the children tended by members of the' Association. that we Will never in od's world ever attract industry to Clinton with 'the present her, riblY-arrangal, mixed-up state of planning which now exists. We all know why we must have proper planning and, zoning. We all also know why we must have the Building Code, I have already mentioned the arena collapse at LisitoWel, !and I also think of another collapse—for- tunately with no loss of lives — of a four-torey apartment house because of weak founda- tions, and also of the collapse of an entire bottling plant be, cause of structural defects in the building erected in 1959. Those are some reasons why We need the Building Code, and good planning and zoning are necessary before any sensible industrialist would ever consid- er 'an operation 'here, There are many •other tellies involving the welfare of Clin- ton which 'interest me but Which I cannot expand on be- cause of lack of space. I can only' promise you that if it is your will to elect me as your deputy-reeve in 1965, I will do my very 'best and all in my power to obtain the best for you and for 'the Town of Clinton. Your candidate for deputy- reeve, GEORGE WONCH. Clinton, Ontario, Nov. 30, 1964. FOR PPTJTV-AVVVP. (Continued from Page Four) Sidewalks first—for tll7e safety of 'the citizens, and then paved roads should be looked after immediiately 'in some Areas of town,' moo Shoji As :a musician and director of your Marching Band, I feel a Proper bandshell for Clinton is long overdue, There are still many people 'here who enjoy listening te band Concerts, or musical shows on Sunday evenings. A band shell would make an excellent addi- tion to the recreational faelli, ties of Ciinhm. Auto Club; An auto club — such as one which is now or- ganized in Georgetown—would be an 'excellent thing here. The club there serves two function's. It keeps meter vehicles hi safe driving condition and it pro, motes courteous' driving habits. The 0141 meets one night each week and members discuss me- thods of tuning and "modifying cars and 'safe driving, The mem- bers help the local police as- sist at a traffic check and Ihn- pose stiff penalties on members Convicted- of traffic- infractions. Town Planning, ZOning and the Building Code; This. is a major 'item and Clinton has suf.' feral from the' want of it. You, I, or any sensible person knows To the Electors of Ilullett Township: Having allowed my name to stand for Reeve again, your support would be much appreciated at the polls on Monday, Dec. 7. — TOM LEIPER 49p I SHOP LOCALLY Keep home-toVin) , eon enty ,rneiting • • House of Bargains Isaac Street CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone 482-7735 "THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST" MEN WOMEN • SWEATERS • COATS • SHIRTS e BLOUSES • JACKETS, Etc. • DRESSES PLUS MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS. Drop in and let us solve your Christmas Shopping Problem. Don't Forget The SANTA CLAUS PARADE—This Saturday at 1:30 Present Problems? Ilffarl•MallIBIO90019=.1101IIIMPSOINIMONOIMI191tiii FOR COUNCILLOR (Continued from Page Four) ber of phone calls to various people that I believed would know, both legal and otherwise, here in Clinton and, in Londbn. I Was informed that while they, 'too, had much the same impression of whether I could stand or not, I was told that they could find no place in the Municipal Act that stated that the Town Clerk could refuse. to .(1) accept my nomination land (2) also to refuse. to accept my qualification for the office. In consultation with me. John Livermore I stated my position as such. I felt that should I fail 'to qualify within the prescribed 'time on Satur- day, and at a later date found out that I could indeed have qualified, it would then be too late. However, if I put my name down on the qualification paper on Saturday, we should phone to the Municipal Board early Monday morning to see just What was correct. If they said that I was ineligible, I would readily resign all claims to this office. Early Monday morning a call went through to Toronto and Mr. Livermore was informed, that legally I could not hold office in the Town Council and remain an employee of the PUC. In addition it was point- ed out to him :that he had in- deed acted correctly. He could not refuse to accept my nomin- ation or my signing of the qual- ification paper. In other wordS, while I could not run for Coun- cil, no one person had' the pow- er to stop me. We were both somewhat sur- prised, but the most surprising thing was yet come. Upon hearing .that I would be inelig- ible, I offered to resign immedi- ately and was told that I could not. Even if I wanted to re- sign, and thus save the Town the few dollars that the bal- lots for Council would cost, I could not do so. I have to now run for this office, and cannot resign until after the election. I have been told that if I should be elected, I can sit on the Towii Council, apparently legally, until such time as some- one Wishes' to unseat me and makes an effort to do so. It can readily 'be seen that if the nomination night had been on a Monday, as so ,often an the past, correct information about my _eligibility could have been obtained the .next day, and would' have immediately re- fused to qualify,. The section of the Municipal Act that ap- pears to make me ineligible states that if I am " or officer,. employee, or servant of the corporation of a municipal- ity" It is true that the PVC cannot issue debentures but must have tem issued by 'the Town, (although the PUC pays for them,) However, the PUC receive's no money from the Town as do the School Boards, Fire Dept., etc. So the inter, pretation of the -Act becomes important. Einployees of a School Board, .such as caretak, ers, cannot run for, any of these offices, but; the teachers are hired, by the same Board apparently can legally do so. Members of -Clinton's volunteer fire department cannot run be- cause they are retained at a small' yearly amount. However, in SeafOrth) the members of their fire department, just as voluntary, can 'legally run for Council and I !am told have done so. The difference is that in Seaforth ,the ToWn Connell makes a ltfinp slim .payment to the Fire Brigade and then' the members of that Brigade can do as they Wish with that mon- ey-. , They can have a glorions party, buy insurance, or divide it arricing, theinselvets. What started out as an hon- est effort to serve my Munici, ptality if at all possible has re- sulted in the emibaraSsing posi- tion Where I am calming an election for the Council seats, against my own wishes. What makes it all the more embaras- sing is that it .appears that even though I may not be elig- ible to hold office because of my employment, apparently I can legally be nominated, no one can prevent me from quali- fying, and then I am automatic- ally on the ballot, and can be elected. When elected I can then sit on Council, unless or until someone wishes to have me unseated. And even though I may find some reason to re- sign between qualification and election, I cannot do so. I am writing this letter be- cause I feel that I owe an ex- planation not only to the 'elec- tors of Clinton, but also to my fellow candidates. I sincerely hope that no one will attempt to accuse me of using a new and devious way of vote-get- ting. I wish to repeat 'that it was nothing but an honest ef- fort to serve this town, if at all possible. It is also neces- sary 'to point out that our Town Clerk, Mr. John Liver- more, acted in a most helpful and correct manner. It would seem to both of us that the Municipal Act could certainly stand some revision to make it much more explicit and allow someone at the Mun- icipal level to give the correct answer.. Incidentally, I have no plans of resigning from the PUC in order to be properly qualified for office. CAM PROCTOR December 1,. 1964, 108 Raglan St., Clinton, Ontario. * FORSYTH DRESS SHIRTS $5.00 to 05 WHITE -- STRIPE -- CHECK All The Latest Styles. • SPORT SHIRTS FORSYTH -- CURRIE Choose Your Christmas Gifts From Our Large Selection Of Fine Sport Shirts. Priced From $3.95 POWER SAWS :SOLDERING IRONS FREE CANDY TREATS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 • GIFT SWEATERS Sponsored by Clinton Retail Merchants' Committee with the co-operation of The Town of Clinton Fish and Game Club Legion Branch 140 Kinsmen Club and Lions Club Over 200 Fine Quality Tony "Day and Shelby Sweafeet, c CARDIGANS or PULLOVERS Priced From $9.95 To $19.95 SPORT COATS - JACKETS - SLACKS - GOWNS FLASHLIGHTS HAMMERS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS Come in and let us help you with your Gift Selection. SHOP AT HERMAN'S NOW, USE OUR CONVENIENT - LAY AWAY PLAN (Remember Santa Claus Parade, Sat., Dec. 5) V erman s en s wear SLITTER-PERDUE HARDWARE Clinton Retail Merchants Are Preparing Their Stores For Christmas Selling We Invite Your Valued Patronage Commencing Dec. 9 Stores Will Be Open Wednesday Afternoons For Your ShoppingConvenience Eugene MeAdanit Prep,, 4824(W CLINTON vismallfai TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Shop Early, Avoid the Rush and get