Clinton News-Record, 1964-12-03, Page 1Huron County Trappers
Hold Meeting at Clinton
The Fall meeting of the Huron County Trap-
pers' Association was held last Friday night in the
Department of Agriculture office at Clinton with
a large crowd in attendance.
Progress Is Being Made
Only the walls are now standing of what a few Department and the Department of National Rev.
months ago were the, offices of building suppliers enue, The new building should be ready for use In
tall.Maeaulay timited, Wreakers are tearing down 11 nionths. Prank Van tU8sell and Sons ,
use ,
of Likan is the contraotor The building 'Site '18
the corner of king ails WellingtOri Streets,
(Vabg..Pe6e0oLPItoto Pv_Jalot,
the building to make way for Clinton's now $188,01
Federal Building which will house the Post Office
J. Edgar °Cap' Cook
Buried Wednesday
Return Trustees
At Bayfield
The incumbent Hayfield trus-
tees were returned, by acclama-
tion Friday evening at the
nomination meeting held in the
Hayfield Village Hall.
The trustees returned arc;
Irvine Pease, Frank McFadden,
and Leroy Poth, Stanley Town-
ship Clerk Mel Graham pre-
sided over the mee ng.
$4,000 Barn "R'Oed Near hayfield
- The dazed looking cows in the foreground oil:
this picture stampeded to safety from the burning
barn in the background Thursday night when fire
of unknown origin swept through the recently-
rebuilt building. The barn owned by Bram Eenden-
burg contained 100 pigs, 400 turkeys and other
farm animals as well as complete milking equip-
ment. Glow from the fire—about three miles east
of Bayfield—could be seen from Clinton. At press
time Wednesday straw in the silo was still burning.
The owner estimated the loss of the 73 by 53-foot
barn at more than $25,000. The loss was partially
insured. (News-Record Photo By John Visser)
/i cbtite1,7X/°
rtA,' A ' ,o r.
•0 Alt r oon.Aote. •
The Slate Of Officers
This was the "slate" of officers nominated Friday night at the nomination
meeting held at the Clinton Town Hall. The field will be narrowed with an
election on Monday, Dec. 7. Writing up the names is Ernest Radford who
assisted Town Clerk John Livermore with the nominations proceedings.
(News-Record Photo By John Visser)
United Church Choristers
To Offer Carol Festival
A Festival of Carols •will be presented at Wes'
ley-Willis United Church On Saturday, Dee. 12,
at 8;15 pan., by the junior choirs of Ontario Street
and Wesley-Willis United Churches.
No. 49--The Home Paper With The News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, '1964
$4,00 Per Yeareee10' Cent! Pea CaPy,:-,17 Page.
A 16-year-old RR 2 Clinton youth was convicted
in Magistrate's court at Clinton on Wednesday of
careless driving following a high-speed auto chase
on Nov. 6 from Clinton to Brucefield.
Kenneth William Wilson was The magistrate said he wars.
fined $75 and costs of $2.50. satisfied at least' a large part
His driver's licence was sus- of the $75 fine would be Reid
pended for one year. for With money received by the
Testimony showed the Wee. youth for the sale of the car
in Which the offence took place.
He cautioned the boy against
driving while 'his licence was
under suspension. "Tf you drive
when your licence is under
suspension," he cautioned, "this
is generally interpreted as
contempt of court, and gener-
ally warrants a jail term too.
The -three other youths- in-
volved in the incident were re-
mended on their own request
to court at Clinton on Jan, 6,
John Carter, 18, of RR 4,
Saltforcl; William Vaughn
Munro, 18, of Goderich. and
Carl Edward. Peterson, 16, of
RR 2, Clinton, all said they
plan to plead not guilty to
charges of consuming liquor
while under the legal age of
Don Symons pposes
Mayor "Bill" Miller Suspension, $75 Fine
For High-Speed-Chase
Funeral services were held
Wednesday (yesterday) in Clin-
ton. for J. Edgar "Cap" Cook,
one of the town's oldest and
beet-known citizens.
Mr. Cook died in Clinton
Public Hospital on Sunday
from injuries received last week
:when he was struck lay a skid-
ding car in a snowstorm. He
was 84 years old.
The Popular Clintonian was
barn in Hullett Township on.
July 4, 1880, and most of his
life was Spent in the Cliniton
district with the exception of
three years• when he and his
wife lived in Toronto after their
marriage in 1904, -
He was an enthuslagtic hoc-
key fan and was still. active
on the skating rink. For many
years he donned the blades to
'Cap' Cook Buried Yesterday
play the part of a clown in the noble grand and held a 25-year
children's annual ice carnival. jewel. He was also a member
He had also taken part in of the Rebekah Lodge, a mem-
every minstrel show staged in bar of the Clinton Orange
the district and was a. drum Lodge, the Black Knights and
major in the Bannockburn. Branch, 140 of the Royal Cana..
Pipe Band. dian Legion,
During the First World War . He married Mae 1Vlason in
he went overseas as a cook with 1904. HIS. widow is a resident
the 161st Huron reattalion and at Huronview Home for the
When the Royal Air Force took aged.. He was. a 'member of
over at Port Albert during the WesleyeWillis United Chile.*
Second World War be . served and for many years a ,reernber
as foreman of painters and Of the church choir.
continued to work as a decora- Besides. his widow, he is sui-
tor in Clinton until 'his retire- (Continued on Page 12)
Mr. Cook was a member of
the Odd Fellows Lodge, a past
Every incumbent municipal politician of Clin-
ton is being challenged for his position in this
year's civic election which will take place Monday,
Dec. 7.
The principal speakers were
Ed Meadows and Jack Grew of
the Ontario Department of
Lands and Forests, from Hes-
peler and Maple, Ont., and Alex
Shieff, a 'fur grader for North
Bay Fur Sales at North BaY,
Mr, Meadows discussed tr
ping zones, trap markings
water marks on rivers, water
rights and surveys.
He said there is great con-
cern over the poaching of deer
out of season in some districts
and the practice of hunters cut-
ting through many farm fences
which could lead to the posting
Mr, Grew discussed racoon
trapping from Huron County
wade including tips on how
of "No Trespassing" signs.
north, including trips on how
to mark traps to prevent steal-
big. He alto suggested trappers
keep an eye open for gangs
from the south and Arnerican
cities working their areas and
recomMended briefs be sent to
head Office with infmenation on
such occurrences.
Mr. Shieff said fur Sales had
reached and exceeded the $1,-
000,000 mark last year end
tales attracted a, nutaber of
European buyers.
Gives Demonstration
He deniOnstautted with Mink
pelts how te clean furs as well
as possible so they could be
proudly labelled "Canadian" foe
European buyer inspection.
The meeting ander the pres-
idency of Wallace IVIcDonata
and With Earner Meld; es tee-
The Weather
High I.;OW #iglr Low 1964 1963
Nov, 20 .46 36 NI 82
27 37 -80 47 41
28 51 .88 54 86
00 07 02 44 82
00 06 0 33 08
Dec, 1 24 0 06 10
a a$ • aO IS. 11
d/it A" PAM .:80"
SnOW1: 6". 'grieW, 6"
Eight candidates for the five
positions of School area trus-
tees were nominated including:
A. Lockhart, J. Westbrook, W.
Norman, J. Tebbutt, D. Black-
er, E. Wise, R. J. Semple and
Ge. B. Orr.
41 Attend Meet
The Township's election
be held on Monday, Dec. 7..
A total of 41 persons attend-
ed the nomination Meeting
which was chaired by Walter
Forbes. Gordon Orr was sug-
gested as a chairman for the
proceedings, but he declined on
The cheats will be under the
direction of Miss Leis Granby
and Mrs. Williarri Hearer.
A welcome will be extended
by Rea Clifford Park, followed
by the Processional "0 Conae
All Ye Faithful", and the Pee-,
phesy, "Come Jesus Holy
Nativity Story
The first half Of the festival
will include the story of the
nativity. It will be narrated by
Wiilliarntr Hearn. The role of
Mary will be played by Mari-
Iyrnie WiSe, and that of Joseph
by Sari Mosselnian,
Angel§ will be Debbie Ohn-
Steqi, atnni Martin and Susan
Palmer; aan Moswinat, Bruce
Craig and Prank Canavan will
Way ibe oeta• n titt0Yenhil
Two men have been nomin-
ated 'for each of the posts of
mayor, reeve, and deputy-reeve
and seven persons are seeking
election to six council, seats.
(The campaign platform and
background of each municipal
politician and his picture ap-
pears in a layout on Page Five
of this edition of the News-
All Running
None of the incumbent coun-
cil members has dropped out of
the race but four new feces
have entered the picture. The
newcomers are John McFar-
lane, James Armstrong, Gord-
on Lawson and Cameron Proe-
Mr. Proctor—due to intrica-
cies of regulations laid ' down
by the Department of Munici-
pal Affairs — finds himself in
the eanbarassing position of be-
ing ineligible to run for coun-
cil, yet unable to drop out of
the grounds he is no longer a
Goderich Township ratepayer.
Mr. Orr is a. former township
Roads Are Good
Reeve Stirling called the
meeting clay "a day of judg-
ment". He said be had been
a member of -the Huron County
Roads Committee for three
years and considered it fortun-
ate that this year a $90,000
bridge had been bttilt just north
of Varna crossing 'the Hayfield
Approaches to the
bridge cost $30,000, be said.
the shepherds will be Ronnie
Wise), Larry 1VIosselthen. and
Doug Wise.
Musital numbers in the pre-
sentation Will include:. "LoVe
Came DoWn At Cluistmae,"-
"8ing Gloria," "Angels We
Have Heard On High," "Matto
To The Manger," and "Rocking
Carol", the latter • sung by
Vickie Final, Janette Merrill,
Martha Newland, Rhonda Rath-
• N'aney Pickett, Glenda
Gray, Cheryl Steep& and Julia
tighter Munbers
Mary Realm will this "0
I'Ioly Night" as a solo, and Lyle
8*0 Will, sing' "A Carol at the
Mtge° as a solo, The grew)
will sing "What 8trangers Are.
the race.
His dilemma is fully explain-
ed in a Letter To The Editor,
also in 'this edition-
Moyne Challenged
Don Symons, a five-term
councillor has qualified for the
mayorality race and is chal-
lenging Incumbent W. 3. "Bill"
1V1iller who has.- served' eight
terns as mayor.
Councillor Duff ' Thorripsan
has qualified to run for the pos-
ition of Reeve against incum-
bent. Morgan Agnew, and Coun-
cillor George Woneb. is in the
race for the deputy-reeveship
against incumbent J. A, Sutter.
On. Friday night, nominations
were held between 7:30 and
8:30 pan. in the council cham-
bers at the town halt and nom-
Melbas were followed by close
to 90 minutes of speeches by
the candidates.
10-Minute Limit
Fred Slornan, nominated by
Don Kay acted .as chaiereari for
the session. A time :limit of
10 minutes per speech was .irre.
pbeed and some candidates had
difficulty outlining their plat-
forms inside the time limit.
The meeting was attended by
between 5Q and 60 persons.
A complete list of the candi-
dates, their nominators and sec-
onders follows:
Donald E. Symons; Frank
Cook; Clarence Denornme.
William 3. Miller; G. E.
Rnrnball; • -Ernest Brown: -
W. Duff Thompson; Don R.
Kay; Frank Cook.
M. 3, Agnew; Clifford Lobb;
Ernest Brown.
J, A. Sutter; Russell Holmes;
Helen Bailtliff.
W. Duff Thompson; Frank
Cook; H. E. Hartley.
John McFarlane; Donald E.
Symons; Clarence D, Denornme.
George Wench; Don R. Kay;
Gordon A. Grigg.
George Woncle L. J. Carter;
R, B. Campbell.
W. Duff Thompson; H. E.
Hartley; R. B. Campbell.
John McFarlane; Clarence
Denomme; Don R. Kay.
Alice S. Thompson; Mabel
(Continued on Page 12)
He said fences were being
moved back on the' Clinton-
Bayfield road in 'advance of a
re-construction project sched-
uled to start this summer, and
he outlined several other road
improvement projects on the
drawing baled's.
The reeve said members of
the roads committee make two
trips over all county roads in
the spring and fall and "our
roads are good. I only hope
We will be able to open more of
them. Next year we will start
Work on the Crediton Road, and
We hope to get five miles con-
"We have also sent a request
to the Minister of Highways to
have the 16-mile stretch of
road betWeen Bay-field and
Seeforth re-'built as, a develop-.
merit road," he said.
Hurouview Addition
"Development roads are won-
derful things' for comities like
ours Where there is little he.
dastrial assessment, The gov-
ertSnenit pays 100 por cent of
the coats. All WG have to do is
(Continued on Page 1.2)
Harold Penhales
Mark Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Harold ?timbale
of Bronson Line celebrated
their 40th wedding anniversary
on Sunday, NOV. 8, Thirty
guests from Brdslati, Laidt)h,
Goderich, Hohnesville and MT).
pen enjoyed a turkey dinner.
The- PerthaleS have three
ehlidrenf Mrs, Howard Mean-
ItireCullotigh of Ifolniesville;
Mrs. MelVin. (Doris) Bennett
trf dedeetell and Tani, Of Bay.
tretary-treasurer, - saw films
earlier in the evening before
the speakers were introduced.
Winners of cash draws were:
E. Golding, Goderich, $100;
Frank Zito, RCAF Station Clin-
ton, $50; G. C. Nogle, Sunset
Trail, Weston, $25.
Other draws were held after
the business meeting for pelts
and traps and a lunch was
'A Chuckle
Mrs. Busybody was pumping
the local. lawyer about the de-
mise of the town's richest man.
"You knew him well," she
cooed. "Hew much wealth did
he leave?"
With a tip of his hat, the old
lawyer replied, "All of it, Ma.
darn, an of it."
Stanley To Vote
For Trustees •
Council Acclaimed
The reeve, 'deputy-reeve and
councillors of Stanley Town-
ship were returned to office by
acclamation at the Township's
nomination meeting Nov. 27,
but an election will be held. to
elect five of the nine men
Whose names have been put up
for the post of school area
Ernest Talbot is the town-
ship's reeve for 1965 and the
deputy-reeve is Elmer Hayter.
Councillors are Calvin Horton,
Anson McKinley and Jack
The following have been
nominated for the position of
school area board: George Can-
telon, John Taylor, William
Coleman, Bruce Keyes, Leslie
Armstrong, Jack Sturgeon,
Merton Merrier, James 'Cleave
and Russell Grainger.
All nine have qualified and
the election will be held Dec. 7.
The reeve and deputy-reeve
spoke on county work and
councillorg spoke about what
they had accoMplithed on their
township work.
A number of the candidates
for school area board spoke
aridly on their qualificationS
for the office.
Reeve G. H., Stirling and
Deputy-reeve E. V, McIlwein
were returned to office by
acclamation at Friday's Gode-
rich Township " Nomination
meeting in Clinton Town Hall,
but four men qualified for the
three council positions.
Nominated for council were
incumbents R. H. Oakes of REt
2 Clinton; W. Riddell of RR 2
Hayfield; William Jenkins of
RR 1 Clinton and newcomer J. C. Hihdmarsh,
Son boy was the driver of a, car
which sped away from the Clin-
ton police cruiser at the south
,edge of Clinton about 11:15
porn. Nov. 6. when Constable
Leroy Oesch attempted to stop
the ear to check faulty tag-.
Over 90. MPH
A ehasee-during which speeds
over 90 miles per hour were.
reached — resulted, and the
1951-model car driven by Wil-
son eventually • was stopped
just west of - Brucefield mettle
Varna Road.
Conet. Oesch said during the
chase several approaching ye-
hides were forced off the road.
He .said as he pursued the car
he could see beer bottles be-ing thrown out the windows of
the vehicle.
Just west of- Brucefield the
fleeing car stopped and four
youths jumped out of it and
ran across a field. The officer
said the four youths later were
picked up and charged.
Asks Suspension
The youth's lawyer told the
court Wednesday the boy's
father has asked his son's driv-
er's licence be suspended for
• least one year.
"The parents will keep him
at home and away from any
future trouble," the attorney
said; "He has no record -and
appears to be a . good boy."
Magistrate Glenn Hays said,
"driving of this kind whic,hmay
well fall into the category of
dangerous driving is' just awful.,
Frankly, driving like that is
much more suitably punished
by a jail term, but I am taking
into consideratent the fact that
you axe attending school, and
that, you are 16 years old."
Goderich Township Voting For Council