HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-26, Page 10Pa e '10.--,Clinton N.ewt,Record 'Thurs., Nov. 26, 1964 Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDIE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon • PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local RePtesentative—A. W. Steep--482-6642 21tfb Nomination Meeting Township of Goderich The Goderich Township Nomination meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Clinton; on Friday, November 27 between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m. Nominations will be received for the positions of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three Councillors for the year 1965; also for five School Area Trustees, ELECTION Township of Goderich If an election be necessary, it will be held on December 7 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the following places, and with the following Deputy Returning Officers and P611 Clerks: Ward Place D.R.O. Poll Clerk 1—Orange Hall V. Falconer A. Fuller 2—Austin Sturdy (house) Roy Wilson Mrs. McCabe 3—A. Schilbe (house) Chas. Wallis Mollwain 4—Mrs. McCullough (house) E. Trick Don Middleton 5—H. McCartney (house) ..., H. McCartney Don Lobb 6—Township Shed Reg. Miller G Stock R. E. THOMPSON 47-8b I TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITII NOTICE OF Nomination Meeting A meeting of the Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH MONDAY,-NOVEMBER 30th, 1964 for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for 1965, and School Trustees, for the year 1965 and 1966 (five to be elected) Nominations will be received from the hours of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. In the event of more being nominated than are reauired to fill the positions, an ELECTION will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1964 Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the following places PSD No. 1—TOWNSHIP SHED, EGMONDVILLE. DRO, Audrey Cameron; PC, Alice Boyes. PSD No. 2—SS No. 8 DRO, Roy McGeoch; PC, C. Nicholson. PSD No. 3—SS No. 4 DRO, Howard Johns; PC, Mervin Falconer. PSD No. 4—SS No. 3 DRO, Norris Sillery; PC, John Broadfoot. PSD No. 5—SS No. .1 DRO, Melville Traquaire; PC, Glenn Bell. No. 6—SS No. 9 PSD DRO, John Wood; PC, Wilmer Broadfoot J. I. McINTOSH, Returning Officer. 47-8b Queen's Scout Badge Clinton Scouts Kenneth Hamilton and James Cole recently were awarded Queen's Scout badges —the scouting movement's highest honor. Ken Hamilton, at left in the above photo, was present- ed with his badge on a hike in the Holmesville area last weekend by scoutmaster Jack Hacock, of Clin- ton, at right. Each Scout received a scroll in addi- tion to the badge. (News-Record Photo By John Visser) NOMINATIONS TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Stanley, that a Nomination meeting will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, VARNA on Friday, November 27, 1964 at the hour of 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. for the purpose of Nominating persons for the office of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Councillors for the year 1965 and five School Area Trustees at large If an election is necessary the polls will be open in the following places with the following -Deputy Returning Officers: Winter driving is dangerous . . . visibility is low during winter storms; stopping takes longer; and early darkness means more driving after dark. TO AVOID WINTER ACCIDENTS: slow down . . . keep your windshield free of ice and ' snow ... follow at a safe distance and remember to leave one window open a little at all times. If you have to stop in a hurry, pump your brakes, don't jam them and put your car into a skid. (Power brakes need gentle pumping.) BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER. FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER GALES w SERVICE INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect 482-9250 BRUCEFIELD, own Charles Mickle Top Philatelist Hamilton high stchbol teacher Charles Mickle recently was awarded top honors at the an- nual exhibition of the London Philatelic Society held in Sit. Paul's Cathedral, Hamilton. Mr. Mickle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle of Hen- sall. He Was presented with the R o bert Simpson Company Shield and Rose Bowl at the dinner as well as a number of gold awards tin the competitive exhibition. Canada Packers Limited is requesting consumers to imme- diately return KLIK Luncheon Meat with any of the following codes indented in the tops of the tins; EST 7 EST 7 EST 7 09144 09214 09284 EST7 EST7 EST7 09164 09234 10054 EST7 EST7 EST7 09174 09254 10224 NO TINS WITH ANY OTHER NUMBERS ARE AFFECTED NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 47-8b Officer To TA. To Clinton Group You wouldn't wear your summer clothes when the weather gets near freezin'... But have 'you changed your drivin' style to suit the changin' season? . 4 Q . GODERICli — County coun- cil's roads Oonimittee Was ask- ed to deal With a request from Agrielliturai Chemicals, Ltd., of London, Ont., for a bylaw Per- mitting construction of a rail- way Wing across the county road on the west of Brumfield, P. C. McLean, sales suPerYisgr, presented the ease. The ProP- erty concerned is the A. J, Mustard coal yard. "It is our intention," Mr. McLean said, "to develop this. property for sale and service of fertilizer in that area. We have spent or committed our company to spend $40,000 on this particular location, and tilde will be additional ex- penditure of about $15,000, per- haps in two years or possibly three. This commitment is contingent upon our obtaining a CNR siding. "Unfortunately, this property was served by a siding until a few months ago, when Mr, Mustard decided it was no longer required. As soon as we acquired the property it again became' of interest, and for the type of plant we have, in mind, a necessity. We have been requested by the CNR to approach council and apply for a bylaw which would permit the construction of a railway siding, which would cross the county road at that point. The county engineer and your clerk have been supplied with a copy of bylaw required. The railway requires the bylaw only to suit the requirements of the Board of Transport Commissioners." Mr. Berry said he had been checking into the matter to see which statute such a bylaw would be passed under. Friends Honor Bride-Elect At Hensall HENSALL — Miss Bonnie Kyle of Kippen, whose mar- riage to • James D. Bozzato of Maisie, Que., took .place in Sit. Andrew's United Church, Kip- pen, on Saturday, November 21, was feted at several pre- nuptial events in her honour. Mrs. Harold Caldwell of Hen- Sall was hostess for as miscel- laneous, shower for her sister on Thursday evening, Nov. 5. The presentation .address was read by Miss Pat jones. Gifts. were presented by Kathy and Karen Kyle and Jamie Cald- well. Mrs. W. J. F. Bell of Kippen, entertained the 4-H Club, of Which the bride-elect was a member, on Saturday evening, . Nov. 7. Mr-s,. Edna Caldwell read an address after which. Mrs. Bell presented the bride; elect with two dresser lamps. Mrs. Emerson Kyle -of Kip- pen, an aunt of the bride, had a miscellaneous shower at her home for her niece. Mrs. Clarence Ducharme of Charles Mkkle Wins Rose Bowl F/L J. Harder-. To Address H & S Meeting • Flight Lieutenant John Har- der CD, a staff instructor at Sc'ho'ol of Instructional Tech- nique, RCAF Clinton, is to ibe guest speaker at the Clinton Home and School Association on Thursday, Nov. 26 (today.), F/L Harder, of 93 Elgin Ave., East, Goderich, :hOlds a Bachel- or of Arts ,from University of British Columbia, .and is one of the RCAF experts on "Pro- grammed 'Learning", commonly called Teaching Machines. After graduating from UBC, Flight Lieutenant Harder did a Year's research in the educa- tional field and /taught high school, before joining the RCAF as an Education Officer. After serving Overseas with the Air Division, 'hp joined the staff of SIT, teaching teachers to 'teach, and commenced his research in modern methodo- logy, such as Programmed Learning. It is this -study that will be the subject of his talk with -the Clinton Home and School group. Zurich entertained friends of Mrs. Bozzato and presented her with giftSi-,,, Miss Kyle has been .chief op- erator of the Bell Telephone in Hensall for the past two years, Herd Sire Problems? CHECK THE ONES THAT PERTAIN TO YOU. C] I have a bull that's too dangerous to handle. He could injure and possibly kill me or one of my fami ly. I have the bother of feeding and caring for a bull. O I can't afford to keep a bull of more than one breed. O I'm taking a chance on spreading disease by using natural service. O My breeding is costing me too much money and I'm still not using reliably proven bulls: My bulls have been siring poor producers. My bulls have been siring poor type. If you checked at least one of the above, VV.C.B.A.- C.O.B.A. can help you. All you have to do is phone your technician. Winter calling hours 7:30-10 a.m. For Sunday service, Saturday evenings 6-8 p.m. 482-3441 Zenith 9-5650 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Village of Bayfield NOMINATION For Trustee Board will be held Friday. Nov. 27 From 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. IN TOWN HALL ELECTION to be held Monday, Dec. 7 (If Necessary) Dated at Varna this 18th ,day of November, 1964 Mel Graham, Returning Officer, 47-8b Place DRO School No. 1 Lawrence Falconer School No. 10 John Aikenhead School No. 14 Nelson Hood Township Hall Norman Smith School No. 5 Wm. Armstrong School No. 4 West Leonard Talbot Mr. Louis Denomme's Home Phillip Durand Town Hall, Bayfield Mrs. Jessie Blair on Monday, December 7th, 1964 and will be open from 9:00 o'clock a.m until 6:00 o'clock p.m., and no longer Please note that when a proposed candidate is not present at the nomination meeting, his nomination will not be valid unless there is satisfactory evidence that the pro- posed candidate .consents to be so nominated. Dated at Varna this 18th day of November, 1964. MEL GRAHAM, Returning Offiecr Anglican Guild Regular Meeting AUBURN—St. Mark's Ang- lican Church Guild met at the home of Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon- nell with the co-hostess being Mrs. John Daer, The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Kirkconnell with Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor as pianist, and opened with a birthday hymn for Mrs. George Schneid- er. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. John Daer fol- lowed by prayers by MIS, Lloyd HumPhreys. The study book chapter was given by Mrs. Ro- bert J. Phillips. A solo was sung by Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor and Rev. Robert Meally gave an inspiring topic as he continued hiS instruction on the last chapter of the Book of James. The president, Mrs. George Schneider presided for the busi- ness period. The minutes were read by secretary, Mrs. John Deer, and the financial state- ment was given by the treas- urer, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and Mrs. Daer read the corres- pondence. Railway Siding At Brucefieid To Be Studied FARMER LINCOLN WELDING EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRATION TUESDAY, DEC. 1, 1964 — 8:00 p.m. Brucefield Welding Parties Interested in taking, the Lincoln short course in welding may get their aPPliCation forms the same night. 47-8b 0 Consumers in Ontario, Quebec and the -Atlantic provinces who have purchased KLIK since September 14th and who are in possession of any tins bearing these codes are asked to immediately return them to their retailers for replace- ment or refund. Tins embossed with EST 7A, EST 7B, or EST 7D are not involved as they were produced at other plants and are in no way affected. The recall of these tins is a precautionary measure which has been taken because spice units, supplied"t45 the Com- pany and used -in the production of KLIK Luncheon Meat at one plant, contained less than the normal quantities of one of the curing ingredients. The effect of a smaller than normal quantity of this curing ingredient has not been clearly established by food scientists. KLIK is cooked during the canning process, however, curing ingredients are added in the spice mixture to assure its long-term keeping qualities. The best scientific opinion indicates that the risk of impaired keeping qualities is small, but may exist. There- fore, there is a small chance that the product could deterio- rate and might then cause serious illness if eaten, All KLIK presently on retailers' shelves has been care- fully checked by company employees to ensure that it is not from the lots in question. :RETAILERS —Your cooperation in accepting return of this product is requested. A Company representative will be contacting you. CANADA PACKERS LIMITED 2200 Sr. CLAIR AVE, WEST TOAORTO 9, oNT•