HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-26, Page 9Lack 'Qualified Teachers For CHSS 'Driver Course GOWRICH--,-.Reooa 441m2.44gement by -tram- port Qftioi.41$ 010 ..bibP,t, instr4otco in, the: driving 011•1...e. at Clinton. school were not cruaAfip4 indioates that Goderich, District cpllegige tiaS laeen ."gpbtin . by in the same . way. Clinton Officer To Be Speaker Thugs.,, .14916. Or: 190+741109n NeWS7Recc.04.Pq9..0 9 Rambling 'With Lucy (40 P, 14.19904 Written oil Noyembpr 2, 1964 That lend clap of thunder !during the geld Weather about two weeks age, was, according to Legy's collection of folk-lore, a Signal of 44 open Fall, Thunder also rumbled ,agairt on lvfonday, napes that this ensuing sunny mild weather continues oven beyond the 21,St of December, Is that asking too rough? Lacy has been neting the signs nature, She hen. neither 'seen -Apr heard wild geese flying south this yeAr, but .recently she dreamed ,one night of .seeing emelt flacks north. Sie much for dreams! Last week she saw an. butteillY, flitting from bloom to bloom in the garden before thAt fing an. _October 29, at was just such a frost as delighted the hearts of horticulturalists. who wished to get on with preparations for Winter bat were waiting for the :Wage Of 4141diAs, tuberous- rooted begonias, etc„ to be blackened before lifting them.). The third week I Oetnber, ,a, Monarch, butterfly and. also the little bumming 'bird which has frequented the ,garden ,at "The Hut" this' past Summer and Fall, sipped ;teeter from fresh blooms. - Often the little humming bird seemed tired and would rest on the clothesline, Lucy wondered often how this particular bird could' ever Make the trip down across the Gulf of Mexico, Perhaps it would be one of the species which would hitch a ride south on a larger laws back! Recently, .flocks of Northern Robins have stopped briefly to feed on their way south. About Thanksgiving time a flock of Cedar Waxwings and some Northern Robins, approxlinately 50 in all, deecended upon a mountain -ash tree on the prepenta' of Mrs. Clifford Talbdt, It was 'loaded with berries 'but the birds cleaned them off in qtticktittne. In fact, they made gluttons of themselves. And the result was not indigestion but intoxication!! Mrs. H. MaeMillen, watched from next door. • Her atten- tion was drawn 'to their' Antics when they began flying against her wincloWe and' fluttering 'around the grounds. They also took all the barberries off her purple hedge! One robin sat on the .ground with a, berry still in its bill and cocked a leery eye, at her! When Mr. ventured outdoors, they flew around him so that he had to wave his hat •around to ward them off, But after being incapacitated and acting foolishly for a few hears; the birds sobered up and c'onti'nued their journey with no casualties in that ineality. However, others came to grief either trying 'to gain admittance to the house or fighting with their Own reflection's in the WitidoWs- at the hoine of Mrs. D. Dewar, She found two dead robins on her 'porch and next day picked up another in the garden. She had noticed that the birds in 'her garden seemed. very friendly and almost stupid. They did not move away at her 'approach and she felt one could have picked some up. Perhaps the berries on Miss L. Greer's mountain ash tree next door were not as' ripe as those on Mrs. Clifford Talbot'S tree, and so the juine only gave some of them "a fighting jag," and just like some inebtiated 'humans, these feathered friend's ended up fighting with disastrous, nay. in some cases fatal, results to themselves. - It is peculiar that other mountain ash trees in the neigh- bourhood were not raided. A few years ago Lucy recalls reading a letter from Mrs. Murray Qualife of Landon., who at that time was a resident of Miami, Florida. She described 'the carousel of a large flock of robins, "dead" drunk after eating 'berries off a tree which had been hit by frost that year, So apparently the robins are gay 'birds Who go on a spree ivhen out of their natural habitat. And the shy Cedar Waxwing no doubt gain's boldness . "under the infhtenee.". Lucy went 'a-r'amblin'g a week ago, and coming home from Clinton, a very bright sun was shining out behind heavy broken. clouds. It was behind the bush and as the car sped along, the light shining 'between 'the naked trees gave every resemb- lance of a forest fire with flames leaping up and down. Two weeks ago the same maple bush was a blaze of glory in its autumn foliage. Arriving at "The Hut", old Mr. Cardinal flew from the feeding station to the lilac tree at the corner of the sunroom, facing the car. He ogled Lucy, as much as to say: "Why have you not put some feed out for me to-'day?" As a matter( of fact, Luey's spouse had put food in 'the feeding station those cold snowy days, But who should come and gobble it all up but Mr. Blue Jay. He -didn't come near us all last Winter, He knows all. the gossip, so dotibtless heard that a eeneraus friend donated a considerable amount of bird food for the feeding stations. at "The Hut." • The Juncos and the little Blackcap Chickadees, our friends of the winter season, are now flitting gaily about the garden. And the lone Starling still visits briefly, but he is not asking for a hand-out. Oh, no, he lands on the lawn where he knows there are, grasshoppers, runs here and there, and in a few Minutes flies off with a full craw of 'these delicacies! He has grown so fat and sleek that "Mr." and "Mrs." hardly know him at 'a distance. Lucy Wishes he would invite his friends to feast with him, but he is evidently keeping this "plum" for himself. 'Mr." has identified many migratory birds such as white ,crowned and white throated Sparrows, Myrtle Warblers, etc., and noted others upon which he, could not see distinguishing marks, as 'they rested or fed in the garden. And one morning last week just as he was 'arising, he loaked out the- window and saw numerous Blue Herons following the Waste line south. The large lilacs have gone. Lucy fears the birds are .going 'to miss them 'this winter and next spring. The Song Sparrow and Catbirds wi111. have to find another location for their nests. But it won't be long before more 'Shrubbery is :Vowing in their stead, she litypea S Nensali Merchants List Xmas Hours NDKM1:44 —Hensall $toaus will be open on :40.ondays dur, ing _December until Christmas, Hensall businesernen decided at a meeting here last week.. Dialing Chrietsuas Weelc wail reinain open until 9 13,11)••• Monday through Friday, and S'a'turday night until 10 The businessnien •41$0 will Veneer free aaturdA,Y ,after- noon skating for children in the arena dialing December and January,. Santa Papa 'w'ill visit here at 2 PAP, SainrdaY, De, ember 12. Stores reSTiain, open WWI 9 P.M. Fridays .after thristmas• 001 the end of iViarcb, They will be closed on Saturday nights until April. HOTEL (LINT 11 Featuring "Cloud 9" Room SMORGASB R Every Wednesday & Sunday F/L 0. S. Swaren In Demand As Speaker The Protestant Chaplain at RCAF Clinton, Flight Lieuten- ant 'the Rev, 0, S. Swaren is in demand as ea public speaker -these days. In addition, to, his heavy round of parish dates, F/L Swaren spends a great deal of time 'at the speaker's rostrum On November 5 he addres- sed the Ontario Street Unit- ed :Church Men's Club in Clin- ton. From the Gth to the 8th of NoVember, the busy Padre was' at Petrone as a Leader at the Christian Youth Cotm- oil, to be ,attencled by over 100 boys of seven denominations from 'the five •counties of South Western °ataxia On Remembrance Day, Non- 6Mbee 11, Padre Swaren spoke to the Hanover Legion at Han- over Town Hall. F/L J .M. Gibson To Be Guest. Speaker Flight Lieuteirarit J. M. "Gilaby" Gibson, 'CD, .4 staff in- struct-Pr RCAF Station Clin- ton's :School on Instructional Technique, was guest speaker last Thursday at the RCAF St off on Ceetralia Airmen's Mess dinner. Gibson of 68 Wellington Street, Exeter, holds a Bachel- or of Sdierice Degree in Educa- tion and 'is a graduate, of Tor- onto Norinal School and the Ontario 'College of Art. During :the Second World War he served overseas as a Tighter pilot, flying Hurricanes and Spitfires in the Middle East., In Canada, he flew as a Photographic Survey Pilot and as a flying. instr'u'ctor. Timely Tips Make cottage cheese a year round family faVailte. It's !deli- cate flavor combines well with celery seeds, chili sauce or Sweet pickle reliSh. for a delic- ious, low cost low calorie meal. An average serv'in'g of creamed eattage thee-Se (1/4 cep) con- tains from one fifth to one- quarter of your daily protein needs and supplies only 75 cal, °ries. Leftover egg yolks may be harti-eooked and eaten in sand- wiches or salads. Place yolks in A strainer immersed in wat- er or simply drop yolks iti,sian- meting salted water, Conk gently until they are' hard. Sprinkle grated yolks over a white sauce for vegetables, add yolks 'to 'tossed salad or mix With Sanchvich fillings. Padre In Demand As Guest Speaker When' Robert K. Peek Was, reporting to Ocattity council on Clinton Secondary School, Reeve Prank „Walkom, Gede, rich., remarked; "There hoe been some centrolverey over the driver training course; have you any idea en the outcome?" "We are looking for more in- *tractors," Mr. Peck replied, "and imagine we will soon have enough to carry on. Only two of eight were qualified, understand, but we are carry- ing on, and starting to drive this week." vr500,000 School "Funny that last year the Departinent of Transport never brogght this into the picture," said Mr. Walkom, "In Gode- rich we had instructors, and according to the -regulations now they are not qualified, or possibly one. It necessitates a tw,a-weeks course in Toronto in the summer." Mr. Peek mentioned that a Transport Department officer Was at the, last board meeting, "and I do not think he knew you were getting away with it." "Three years," remarked Mr. Walkene Mr. Peck 'in hiS report said the _Clinton school now repres sent:led an • investment of $2,500,000 with the new addi- tion and furnishings,' There are 67 teachers on the staff and 18 non-teaching employees. The • annual payroll totals $540,700. Operate 10 Buses Student enrolment of 1,236 is divided as follows: Clinton 806; Goderich 151; Seaforth 136; Exeter 143. Average coat per pupil per day is' $2.63Vs. Ten buses are operated, Mr. Peck said. They travel 649 Miles a day and carry 583 pup- ils at a cost of $54,622 or 42 cents a mile. The 'board has optioned 4.7. acres for $11,000 . for further expansion, parking let and sports field'. "We are considering another addition," he said, • n ae,' • s"'"\\ \\;,'",`", \ • ass • • • • , • N •,:1:••••‘; "N\ . ) • o\ as kA I , a•a 4„ \ s Z• 's\\ \ •N ",, • A .Z:NN •eW'' • •••,>''' a' NW • N<N, \‘‘ ".• 64 ' •• • W I r A - Western Ontario Breeders' Sale 60 REGISTERED HEREFORDS Accredited -- T.B. Tested -- Vaccinated BRUCELLOSIS FREE AREA Wednesday, December 9th — 1:00 p.m. at Stratford Ont. Sale Barns 2 miles south on Downie St. 8 Horned Bulls 13 Polled Bulls Eligible for 20% Bonus up to $150.00 6 Horned Females 23 Polled Females Cows with Calves, Bred and Open Heifers Terms Cash Lunch Available W S. O'Neil & Son, Denfield, Mgr's. & Auct's. Phone 88-7 Granton Made Available, end enrolment is 365,. with 17 teachers. WA fall we started a driver eallinas tier -entirSe. There are 149 stu, dents enrolled in this. The pare Used. Are dOilated by the Ple311,:n faeturere through their agents in the area, Vine Cafeteria think we have one of the finest cafeterias in the exen, Receipts last year were $31,272. The cafeteria, is ever. ated by Beaver' rooci employees are loeal and sup, plies are purchased locally when price and quality 'are equal. This costs 35 cents fox noon Reeve Nelson Clardne read the Segel-1th report, in absence ef Ri well Bolteri, detained on business. The Seaforth schnorl has sev- en bus routes, covering 500. 'and transporting 314 pupils. Three buses carry 135 Stuidents to Central Huron Secondary Sehool. Of ,Sea.forth's total of 186 -papilla 137 remain in Sea- forth; . 31, Clinton. Tackersmith 49 go 'to Clinton. McKillop has 111, of Whom 80 attend Sea- forth, 31 Clinton. Tuckersm'i'th figures are 99, 76 And 23, Hal- lett, 35, 19, 16; Grey, 34, 29, 5; Hibbert, 27, 18, 9; Morris, 10, 8, 2. Totals; 502, 367, 135. The 'tax levy for Seaforth school 'is estimated at $129,- 965.61 for this year; Ontario grants at $124,000. Expendi- ture, $377;226.37. Attendance If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue boa with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's-so eO ,a• ' , ee , • . •',. , ,' ) .. \\N 'N\\ ‘'. , \ ...: 4 1 1 \ ''' 1 ''' I." :M. \ I 4 ,\.:\I \:),...'s't\\p.\..,\::T :..,.:::;t1.;1;.?:......;\ ,,,.. :,,. ‘,I,k:\.,,,, ,,,,,i;,:,.,s, .1.. } ,,,,: •,,) ' ‘, .' •siz,•:,.,..., ,.. ',. • .s.w.,,,,, • \N ,. „; i•i "nr ,n, a • \a, • at the Seaforth school is 367, with 136 gding 'to Clinton. •Of the tax levy, Seaforth pays 20.5%, MoKillop 19.3, Tucker, smith 2.2, Morris 2.7, Grey 8.1, Hullett 8.8, Hibbert 7,7. ' We will supply everything but the driver, free gas, insurance, etc. A 1965 PONTIAC equipped with Automatic Transmission, • Radio, Washers, etc. Reasonable Rates: Hourly $ 1.25 ) 24 Hours 8.00 ) Plus Weekly 49.00 ) 8e per mile Minimum. Charge 5.00 ) ANNOUNCING . . . A NEW SERVICE FROM McGEE'S for Goderich Clinton and District DAILY RENT-A-CAR NEW CAR AND LIGHT TRUCK YEARLY LEASING McGee Leasing & Rental PONTIAC — BUICK — CADILLAC — GMC Telephone 524-8391 GODERICH, ONT. Complete with full maintenance, insurance, tires, lubrication, etc. We supply everything but the driver and the gas. Tax deductible. Please con- tact us for our economical rates. REG. *GEE & SONS MED FREE PERMANENT HAIR COLOURING This 4 your opportunity to try our new Helene Curtis Creme Hair Color Permanent •spier will not fade or wash oat. You pay only for shampoo and set. PERMANENTS Special Child's Perms—$4.00, reg. $5 Admits — $5.50, $7.50, $10, $12, $15 - Call for Appointment New OFFER GOOD ONLY UNTIL, D ECEMBER 17, 1964, Bayfield Barber & Beauty Shoppe PHONE 15 — BAYFIEL,D, ONT. 47-8-9-50b a division of A". \,\ I S4\11 ,., 47-8h NEED A PLUMBER, „A4or4 QUICK?, t, WE VE tNE SERVICE' MAN TO DOME TRICK' ......... ..**Ns .4.0▪ " \ "s„..`.• ••••••,k N.; \ (CARLING) • • t,„„ • •\a'aqKnN ,10 FRIDAY ,& SATURDAY SPECIAL • IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a Basket' Vridop-4erved vt from 9:30 • p.m. to 12:30 O.rn, Saturday--Serd from COO p.m, to Midnight Phone 4824011 for Reservations We batoi, to Dinner Particle and Wedd;k4 RedePtional NAV:, •as