Clinton News-Record, 1964-11-26, Page 8Pose 8—Clinton NeWs-Record-----ThuMf Nov, 46, 1944
Correspondent; AUDREY 13ELLOHAMB.ER Phony Nyfjeld 38. -
subscriptions, CIgssifie d .MyA„ Display Advs. and )24 Printing
oil accepted by the Bayfield correspondent
OPP Corporal Congratulates RCAF Sergeant
Corporal R. Keene of the Goderich Ontario Provincial Police Detachment
congratulates Sgt. H. Preston after the shooting competition. OPP Constable
H. L. Green (white sweater) and F/0 )3111 Edgson look on. (RCAF Photo)'
will be open on Wednesday
and Saturday afternoons,
from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m., until
Saturday, November 28,
1964, from which time it
will be closed until further
No wire fencing, old con-
crete, or car bodies permit-
J. 1. McIntosh,
., ...„...
1.4r, And Ms. VV.', Elliott re-
turned. from Kitchener on Men-
day after visiting With •.their
SOn jobra, and family for sent-
gr41, clays, r
Mrs. Hazel, Hocks, Teeawat,
was the guest. of Mr. and
Mrs, R, Roy. Fitzsirnons and
family for couple of days last
aglirps Elvira .0hurehig, Toren,
to, and Mrs. Pearl .$traddiek,
.1-ienSall, were the guests of
Mrs. R. WIT. Fitzsimons last
FcreY Benner returned
from a two we* vacation and
limiting trip to Agawa Bay, on
which he was accompanied. by
his parents; Rey. and Mrs. Peter
Renner, Wlarton. The weather
was. bad.and the hunting fruit-
less, but all enjoyed a visit
with Mr, Renner's.granclimother,
Mrs, P, G. Renoer of Agawa
Mr. and Mrs, C, Wilson of
Union, and Mrs, Nellie Clark,
St. Thomas, visited with Mr.
Charlie Toias. on 'Sunday.
Canon and Mrs. F. H. Paull
returned. on Sunday froan a
week spent in Brantford and
Mr. and M.1:$, Fred Fraser
have been visiting their ;laugh,
ter and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Fellows', of' Riverside.
They returned to ' the village
Municipal 'Dump
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Toronto Bards
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Huron Historical Society
Holds Bayfield Gathering
By 'Audrey Bellchamber
The Huron County Historical Society met in
Trinity Anglican Church Hall on Monday, Nov.
23, Mrs. W. D, Mack of. Crediton, president, opened
the meeting and welcomed members and guests.
Merrill TV Service
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Next time, try • II
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last Wednesday,
Dennis.. Logan and Nigel Pell-
chamber, both of •UWO, Lon,
den, .spent the weekend with
tit* Parents, qYlr, and Mrs. T.
Logan, and Mr.. and Mrs. W. E.
Q. Bellclipmher,
Mr, 'and Mrs. R. Marshall,
London, were with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Weston, over the weekend,
Mrs. F, Mote, Mrs'. W. West*
101c'0 and Mrs. G. Hopson at-
tended the Royal Winter Fair
After .the minutes of the pre-
vious meeting, held at - Carlow,
had been read by the secre
taw., Mrs. W. E. • Ocidleffson
gave an account of early Bay-
field history gleaned from con-
versations with Mr.'' Tom Bail-
ey, a life-long resident .Of the
a'ge- and now 80 years old.
.She told how the grain busi-
ness had been One of Bayffeld's
main sources' of revenue about
a century ago. Three local men
Wilt a grain elevator on the
south bank of the river. Horse-
drawn wagons piled high with
bags of grain would form a line
half-a-mile long through the
main street of the village which
at that time extended dawn
Signal bank to the elevator.
Early Electricity
Bayfield also had electricity
long before the days of the
It was 'supplied by a dynamo
at Jim . Donaldson's sawmill,
situated on the east side of Clan
Gregor Square. Customers paid
two cents per night. from dusk
till midnight for lighting.
Brig. F. A, Gift welcomed
the guest speaker, Dr. J. J.
im Toronto last week.
The annual card party held
by the Ladies' Auxiliary to
Scouts and Cubs last Friday
night realized $26.50 from ad-
miss:lora feeS and donations. At
euchre the high prizes went to;
ladies, Mrs. George Telford;
men, Mr, E. Hewitt; lord'' score
Winners were: Mr. Orval Me-
Clinchey and Mrs. E, Hewitt
Bridge prizes were awarded to
Mrs. J. B. Higgins and Brig, G.
L. Morgan Smith.
Tolman, librarian and historian
of UWO, London.
Dr. Tolman gave a humorous
talk on 'the value of local hist-
ory. .He emphasized the true
history of a nation can only be
garnered from an intimate
knowledge of everyday life and
it not shown by reference only
:to official records,
Must Be Authentic
Alt the same time he pointed
out the need to ensure 'that all
items, recorded are' factual and
that all reeounted episodes are
substantiated by authentic re-
cords, such as minutes of meet-
ings, church, guild; court, and
labour organization records-all
of which tend to disappear un-
less diligently sought and pre-
served by local historians.
Dr. Tolman. pointed out a
vast fund of :information. is held
at the University of 'WO in the
form of an almost complete set
of - records of Huron County
which were removed from the
old Goderich courthouse before
the disastrous fire gutted it.
Brig. G, L. Morgan Smith.
thanked Dr. Tolman on behalf
of the 'capacity crowd present.
A social hour followed in which
all present took the opportun-
ity to view the many antique
exhibits, 'rrioStly 'loaned by vil-
lage residents.
The evening was arranged by
Mrs. LeRoy Poth, Brig. F. A.
Bayfield; Magistrate G.
Hays and Mr. W. Elliott, Gode-
rich. Among those attending
were Judge G. Coulter and
Judge MacRae, both of London.
SS 4 Goderich Twp.
Club Has Balance,
Makes Donations
The SS 4 Goderich Town-
ship Community Club held its
November meeting at the home
of Mrs. William Lobb. The
vice-president, Mrs. James Lobb
presided,• and opened the meet-
ing with a poem.
The Creed, followed by the.
Lord's Prayer, was repeated in
unison. The minutes of 'the pre-
vious meeting were read by
Mrs. Lorne Tyndall and approv-
ed as read.
The 'treasurer's report 'show-
ed a balance of $123.81: A do-
nation of $15 Was voted to go
to UNICEF, The roll call was
"How I spend, my spare time",
and was responded to by 12
members and one visitor,
A nominating committee was
appointed, including Mrs. Jack
Tebbutt and 11/Irs. W. Lobb, It
was decided in place of ex-
changing Christmas' gifts, each
member would donate 750 to be
donated to the Retarded School
supplies. The comnlittee, who
prepared for 'the entertainment
of Sunmierhill Club, were given
a vote of thanks by the mem-
bers of the club.
It was decided to collect gift
articles for men tad women,
for the Ontario Hospital in Hu-
ron. The meeting was closed
with 'the Mizpah benedietion,
Quilting on a quilt was done
during 'the afternbort. Lundh
was served' by Mrs, Fred Lobb
anti Mrs. Morgan tones, assist-
ing the hostess.
The next ,Meeting will be held
on Wednesday; Dec. 2 at the
hotne of Mrs. Jack Telabutt.
(Note change of date).
Hold Bayfield Rites
For Mrs. Richardson
Fanny D. RichardsOn of Bay-
hold died ion Friday, Novetn-
ber 20 in Clinton, She was in
her 81st year,
She was the widow of the
late Joseph J. Richardson,
The funeral service was hold
on IVIontlaY, Noverriber 23 in the
Ball and Mitch Funeral. Horne
in Clinton. The iiiteranent was
in J3ayfield. Cemetery,
Police, Aimien
Shoot It Out
on. Pistol Range
Members of the Goderieb 1:)e-
tachment, of the Ontarin, Pro-
vincial Pollee recently 'visited
=AP Stamon Clinton ito par-
ticipate in A 9 .rnni 13rowniing
MVO sboOtling competition with
the Air Force police and Station
Headquarters team.
$gt. Len, Wilson organized
the competition which Was held
at the station. range,
Captained by CPI. Bob Keepe,
the OPP fielded two teams; one
made up of Opt Al Hardy with
constables Harold Green, .John
Wray and Ray Primeau, and
the other including . constables
Garnet Wray, Jack Burdon,
Paul Petrishyn and Harold
Tie Two To Two
The Air Force team included
Sgt. H. Preston, Cpl. S'id Jolley,
Cpl. DelanY and aireraftsman
Brisbane with Wing CoMmand-
er "Lew" Looms, Squadron
Leader Booth, Flying Officer
Edgson and S'gt. Edwards mak-
ing up 'the second station team.
A presentation was made by
W/C Lomas, Chief Administra-
tion Officer, to the highest
scorer in each team,
Recipients of the top-shoot-
ing awards were Constables
Green and Wray; Sgt. H. Pres-
ton and F/0 Edgsbn.
Mrs. Ethel Mossop
Buried Monday
At Clinton
Mrs. Ethel Mossop of Varna
died Friday, November 20, at
the borne of her daughter, Mrs.
Harold (Jean)gillott of Varna.
She was 80. .
She was the widow of the
late Joseph Mossop.
The funeral service was on
Monday, November 23 at the
Ball and Nfuteh Funeral Home
in Clinton. The interment was
in Bayfield Cemetery.
She is survived 'by her dau-
ghters: Mrs. Harold (Jean) El-
liott of Varna and Mrs. William
(Frances) Bali of S'eaforth; her
brothers, Fred Watson of Bay-
field; Jack Watson of Code-
rich Township and Robert Wat-
sontof Sintaluta, Sask.; and
her sisters': Mrs. David (Ada)
Dewar 'and Mrs. Paul (Nell)
Cleave, both of Bayfield; Mrs.
Elmer (Sadie) Sheardown. of
Goderich, and Mrs!. Rea-lie (Bes-
sic) Gillard of St. Thomas.
Elect Officers
To Association
At Bayfield
The Local AssOciation to
Guides and Brownies held their
annual meeting on Tuesday,
Nov. 17, at the home of Mrs.
James Cameron'.
The president; Mrs, W. ,Castle,
opened the meeting with the
guide prayer, 'Miaowed by the
treasurer's report given, by Mrs.
F. McFadden; showing a bal-
ance of $36.04. Mrs. McFad-
den then gave the secretary's
Th e District Commissioner,
Miss Mary McMillen, in. her
talk to the group, mentioned
(there is a possibility orf
change the Ranger age group
to include 14-18 year old girls,
and also asked the ladies to
appoint a camp representative,
to 'attend a yearly meeting to
propose and discuss camp Sites,
Mrs. W. Pierson was elected
to this office for the coming
year. Other officers elected
for 1965 are: President, Mrs.
W. McIlwain; vice-prestidenit,
Mrs. J. Cameron; secretary,
Mrs. F. Weston; treasurer, Mrs.
F. McFadden; badge secretary,
Mrs. B. Eckert; card secretary,
Mrs. S. Ervine; lunch commit-
tee, Mrs. B. McLeod and Mrs.
W. Erickson. ' •
A vote of thanks was extend-
ed 'to Mrs. W. Castle for her
services over 'the past two years
as president.
You GO . ,
or we pay the tow!
For Your Jackets!
Have them replaced at
05 Huron Street 48b
Hold Program
The second annual family
programme of the Brucefield
Messengers was held on Sun-
day, Nov. 15. Over 40 children
Master of ceremonies was
Ronnie Graham. The pre-school
children, under the leadership
of Barbara Swan, did a finger
play "The Church" and sang
"I'm G 0 g to Grandma's
The Henderson Trio, Bobby,
Donna and Danny of Seaforth
sang "How Much Is That
Doggy In The Window?" and
"God's Little Candles."
Hold Service
A Messenger Graduation Ser-
vice took place under the guid-
ance of Mrs. E. Allan and Mrs.
R. 'Hancock. Janet Graham, and
Debra .Brodie were presented
with certificates. Beth and.
Gwen Hill and Sa.ndra Graham
were given mementoes in ap-
preciation of the assistance
Which they gave the Messeng-
ers in the past year.
Diane Henderson sang two
solos, "Did you stop to pray
this morning?" and "He will
work wonders for you".
Janet Graham, gave a report
of activities carried out during
the past year. Elgin Thompson
assisted at the presentation of
tokens 'to seven boys and spoke
briefly to 'the boys about not
fibbing, :continuing. with Sunday
School attendance, and assist-
ing their parents,
See Film Strip
D. Aiken and Douglas Swan
showed a .fiilmstrap„"The Be-
loved Surgeon". A worship ser-
vice on the theme of "God is
love and love must be shared"
was presented by Debra Brodie,
Joe Lobb, Brian Wilson and
Larry McGregor.
The offering was received by
Karen McGregor, Gwen Hill,
Bobby WilSon and Greg Har-
greaves, 'Courtesy remark§ were
given by Paul Swan. Stewart
Mustard - and Lawrence Elliott
were Ushers. The offering
totalled $11.38.
The adult response to the
family programme was report-
ed to have been very poor,
We Recommend
Bayfield Lions
Attend Meeting
At Wingham
On Wednesday 'evening, No-
venter 18, a ditstrlict meeting
of Zones 3 North and South
was held at .Danny's Restaur-
ant, Wingham, for presidents,
secretaries and 'treasurers.
Thirty members were present
representing the Lions clubs of
Exeter, Zurich, Grand Beira,
Clinton, Lucknow, Wingharn,
Brussels, Howick and Bayfield.
Bayilield Lions were represent-
ed by Adam Flowers, Leslie El-
liott, Charles Seatchnner and -
Wilbert Fraliek,
The dinner meeting was
chaired by George McCutcheon,
Chairman of Zone 3 Nortb, At
the head table with him were
Ray 'Cooper, Deputy District
Governor; Thomas MaeMilian,
Exeter, Zone 3 South. Chair-
man; Mel Gattie, chairman of
public speaking far A9, and
Lloyd -Casernare, president of
the Wingham club.
After dinner, Mel Cattle
spoke' On public speaking, spon-
sored by clubs for pupils oil
grade 9 and up to age 20.- A
workshop Was • led by George
McCutcheon on ways to stim-
ulate interest in clubs. The
meeting closed with -the !Singing
of "The Queen."
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