HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-26, Page 7$Tl VAYMS LAW,$ 0VX1D
llow*r Xwomung of Srt. 1%*,4,
Q*cb i441041 1QU190 will YA"t
'Pt the h=.g Of Xrv, 00WV,
'alkon, R4#eoury StR ?apt,
1 , At 9,45.
OE -
190FAk OOT
that thQ,0Qvnqii of the Corpora=
,on of the Town of Clinto
on Monday, Peppm.ber 21,19K
at 8,p.ni. in the Council, Phpm,
berp .of the Town Hall; Clinton)
give consideration to the final
of the undermentioned
The Un hall hear in per
son or •by his counsel solicitor
or agentaxry Wrson,;Alo claims
that Ms land will be ,prejudicially
.affected by the bylaw and Who:
appl- ' to be heard,
)The foll9wing is ;I COPY Of the
operative portion of the by-law
,t it, Is proposed tc consider:
"The Corporation of the Town
,,of Clinton enacts -as fbIlqVVs:.
1, A portion of the public lane
or highway, as laid out in the
Office for the Registry
-D%9i!Zy1 of the County of Huron
•on registered Plan No, 6 for the
Town of Clinton 'and as more
particularly described hereafter•
is hereby stopped up and closed.
The description of the said lane
Is as follows:
Certain parcel or tract of land,
and (premises situate, lying 'and
.being in the Town of Clinton- in,
the County of Huron and Prov-
ince of Ontario and tbeing more
part Molly 'Composed of part of
e Lane lying North and East of
Lots 8, 9, 10, .11 and 12, all as
on Registered Plan No. 6
for the said Town of Clinton,
the boundaries of said parcel
being more descAb-
ed as
COMMENCING at the North-
westerly angle of said Lot 8;
THENCE North 30- East a dis�
tance of 10 ft. to a -point in the
X,6rtherly limit of said lane;
,THENCE South 0" East and
along the Northerly limit of Said
land to the intersection with the
Easterly limft of said lane;
THENCE South 300 West and
along the Easterly limit of said
lane to its intersection. with -the
Noifteidy limit of Ontario St.;
THENCE North 60' West along
this last mentioned limit a dis-
tance. of 10 ft. to the South-
easterly -angle of.said Lot 12;
THENCE North 30* East and
,.,Jong the Westerly limit of said
fano ito the most Northerly angle
of said �I Lot 11;
THENCE along the arc of a
curve marldrigthe Easterly and
Northerly limits of said Lots
10 and 9;
THENCE Nofth 6.0° West along
the Northerly limits :of said Lots
9 and- 8 to the point of com-
jnencemerit of the ;parcel herein
;descrlbed, the boundaries of said
parcel -being outlined in green
.on a plan of Survey by B. M
Ross, O.L,,S., of the said area;
,dated August 28, 1964.
2. The lands described in para-
graph I shall be transferred and
conveyed to Lorne Brown Mot-
ors Limited, =the owner of lands
-adjoining thereto. 1
3. The Mayor and Clerk -Treas-
urer of the Corporation are
hereby authorized .and empower-
ed tto exenute'on behalf of the
Corporation of the Town, of
Clinton to ,Deed and Conveyance
of the said -lands to Lome Brown
Motors Limited an&to affix to
-the said Deed the Corporate Seal
of the said Corporation.
4. Upon receipt bythe Corpora-
tion of agood and Valid Deed or
Conveyance of the following
land and upon a good and mar,
ketable title to the said lands
vesting in the -Corporation, the
,Corporation doth hereby deal -are
the said lands to be a lane or
street allowance and the Corp -
,oration hereby establishes the
said lands, as a s t,r 0 e t
-allowance for the Corporation.
'The following is a description of
the said lands:
,certain tparcel or tract *of land
and tpremises, situate, lying and
*being in ithe Town of Clinton in
the County of Huron and Prov -
'rode of Ontario and being com-
posed of part of Lots 7, 8 & 9 as
zlibwh on Registered Plan No, 6
for the said Town of Clinton,
-the boundaries of said parcel be -
Ing more -particularly described
as follows,.
COMMENCING at the most
Northerly angle of said Lot 7;
THENCE South 30* West a dism
tante of 48.92 it. to aint in
the line ,betweensaldIX8 & 99
THENCE South 640 20' West
and along the line between said
Lots 8 & 9, a disttmeeof 45,95 ft.;
TIIENCE South 61' 541 West a
distance of 48.65 ftito a point in
the Southerly limit of said Lot 9;
111EXCE South roo, E"talong
the Southerly limit of said Lot 9
being the Northerly limit of On-
tarlo, St, a distance of 25 ft to
the 'South-easterly drigio of said
-Lot 9;
,THENCE North 300•,East a dit-
tAnc4 of 10 ft.
'THENCE North 610 '641 Ekit a
6TIiiide of 27.2 ft.;
'THENCE Nbr% 64* 201 East a
distance bf 50.25 ft,.,,
TH9NC9 North 80* East A disµ
thrice- of 48.55 -ft, to the North.,
westerly angle of said L6t 8'
THENCE, North 60" West olid
the Northerly limit of said
Lot 7, a distance of 15 ft, more.
or less to the point of com4
inenternebt of the ,phr',661 h6kdri
described, iftbdUndarles of said
-parcel heft fuj,,R+h6r ghwit but-
lindl in yellow ori a plan of stir.
11-, MI n6o, 01.8" of
0 said Waa,, dated August
bATM at Clinton, Ontgttflo,
this 24th day of Nov, AMo 1064,
t6wn Of 01IM6611
—Tri qmtO4 Public
-on Monday, Nqvem-
1964, to Mr, 444, Au -s-,
=CK - in Milton
Mt e-n'1d "'0 ur Church
This— Sunday
(Bpg# Federation of Canada)
P -104r; .Craig Peters, S.A.
Sunday, November -99
.10:00 aan,-Stmday School
11,15 Worship -
The Ordinance of Believers' 13aptl§m
7.30 p.m-BibleStudy Hour
Onfar'lo Street United Church
Pastor; REV., GltAkNT MILLS, 0.4.
Sunday, November 99
9,45 a.m.-Sunday School
11;00 a.m._-�Wming Worship,
Ardttbr (4=01PA
]REV. CLIFFORD- G. PARK, M.A., Minister
Sunday, ' November .99
Subject-, "The Church With Banners Flying"
(Note Winter Schedule).
1:00 p.m. -Church Service
2:00 p.m. -Sunday School
9:45.a.m.--Sunday School
11:00 a.m.--Church Service
d., Dec. 2 -Men's Club Ladies' Night Banquet, Wes
lis Church- 7 1D.m. SDeaker. Rev. George W. Goth, ".
Rev. R. W. Wenharn, L.Th,.. Rooter
Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.0 M., Organist
Advent I — Sunday, November 29
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
9:45 am, --Church School
11:00 am,—Morning Prayer
Thurs. Nov. 26—Chancel Guild Pot Luck Supper, Parish
Hall, 6:30 p.M.
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, S.A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, November 29
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
10:45 a.m.--Public Worship
Christian Reformed
Rev. Q. J. Neersink, Minister
Sunday, November 29
10,00 am.—Service:in English
210 p.m.—Service in Dutch
Every Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial
680 CHLO, St, Thomas, Listen
Joseph S.freet
11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread
3.00 Arn.—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Gospel Service
8.00 P.M. Thursday—Prayer
Meeting and Bible
V, )
Maple Street
Sunday, November 29
9.45 a.m.-Worship Service
11.00 a.m.-Sunday School
9.00 p.m. -Gospel Service
Speaker: Mr. John Aitken,
Tuesday -8 p.m. -Prayer. Meet-
ing and Bible Study.
All Welcome
Approve Appointment
The appointment of Norman
Counter of'Clinton to a three-
year term on the board, of
Central Ruron, Secondary School
was approved in Godetlah last
Wednesday by Huron County
Saturday, November 28
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
20% OFF
No heed to Wait Until Otter
Christmas for sate goods.
We need the rack
spate "Owl
We pride *Mrselvos in, haviftg the gifts
. that please all women
For ellfhof Day- Wear — Evening Wear
or MOM Wear,
FREE Giftrapping or Men.'
All goods "9XcfianqeabW' after
Christmas at jj
LAMM* WtAk & MY 6000t
IRVIN -0 TA 031otpo 01P1C
- ' 'I",
Noop1w on Thursday,N
Mrs. Mel Twang,, Cltton, .a InCror
STIVAICTEONIn. $041th W0. k1r"M11',1_1!"7
da�,Tovenber 24, 1941�X and 94,s, Dwj13
tin (neo Bonnieoffqnlan
Preston, 5,0d, 'a, brother to
XCNIN-LEY - At DT014h Big
Civic -Hospital on Noverobe
14, 1964, to Mr. - a�ndXn
Berne McKinley (nee Dorii
Johnston), 224 Dorothy St
Worth Bay, a. son, Rodge
Elgin, a brothei, for Richard
Mr. and Mils, Jolin E. Cun,
lughame and fan -41y of Broma
leq, Ontario, vitted over 10
weekend with Mr. and' Mr's
Gordon Cgriln. 911a.ame of Ratten
bury St. West
,Mr. L. ATeManarny Passe
awW in Dundas an his 78t]
year. His daughter As Mr.
John Anstett, Of Clintono
Mrs. Harold King feH athe
home Friday evening and brok4
her arm and 'was a patient ed
Clinton Public Hospital und
Sunday aftexpoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atwoo,
and Jimmy of Gallon, Obk
were visiting with the former'
mother, Mrs. Havold King ove
the weekend.
Visitors this past weekem
with Mr. -and Mrs. R. Mac
Donald of East Street included
Mr. and Miss, Lyle Pratt an,
family and Mr., and Mrs. Robev,
Pratt of Merlin, On1t., and Mr
and Mrs. George Scutt o
Smithville, Ont.. I
Miss Emma Lavis spent las
week visiting Mr. and Mr,,
Wesley Haddy, Paul and Stott
in Toronto, and Dr. and, Un
Allan B. Sylvester and famit,
in Bowmanville.
A Warning From
Arena Manager
Both the arena marmjer,.Doul
Kennedy and Lions Arena com
nAttee. chairman J. 'Howarc
Brunsdon are concerned aver
adults rushing onto the ice a
tbe arena on Sunday afternow
while the three itD seven year
old �children are skating. Tht
fame, hour -from. 2 to 3 p.m. -
is being badly abused by oldea
persons during the - hour, alit
moreso at 3 o'clock, when the3
rush onto tthe are, Parents ane
other adults must not get Or
the ice until all youngsters hav(
left says Mr. Brunsdon.
�ihe Sunday aftemoon skat.
Ing session from 3 to 4 willi
now cost situdents 25c and al.
idults 35c.
The above photo shows.
facing west, At left is.tbo
bion Hotel. Another tour,
Inn—is looated in the mid(
Me Women's Auxiliary to
the ,C Rnton Publia Hospital Will
This is the chart NV
hold their regular meeting on
Board hearing in Iia
Tuesday, December 1, at 8 p -m.
Bayfleld as a village. , r
in the nurses' residence.
poratei and the 656Y2
acres are in Goderich
IN MgMORIAMgraphed
from the origi
TlDE8-WE LT --In,, loving me-
I ser.)
mory of WiRiAm Tideswell, who
passed away 14 years ago, No-
Tops In
-ember2, 1950.
" Srleep dear bad, for it is true,
You suffered so much and
-told so few,
But Someone knew you need-
ed rest,
TWas God above and He
(Continued from Page One)
i knew best,
Others. have loved and lost
If they were rat; they woul
we know,
not' likely be in the purebre
But you were our Dad and
business. We think this is on
we nliss you so."
step ahead of the man who d
- Lovingly remembered by
not malaing any plans for
family and grandchildren 48b
breeding program
STURGEON -Irl, loving me-
"We have need of this typ
Of man, and they should b
many of our mdWer, XT�r. Wm
Sturgeon, Who pad away De,"
De -
supported inbreeding, and dth
comber 1, 1958.
er programs to extenttha
"Eternal rest grant to Cher 0
they pass information onto th-
other hundreds of farmers i
And let perpdtual light shine
the county.
- Ever 13Y her
"You may have only 20
purebred Holstein breeders i
fairitly. 48b
the Cqurity, and prbbajbly 40
AS,1-=N_Ir1 loving memory
who are breeding livestock, an,
Of A dear wife and mother,
it 19 important that they b
Mrs. Harvey Ashton,, whoF -pass-
able to set the pattern: for th
ed away five years ago, No-
vember 30, 1959;
"When You are reviewing th,
"Oft we itbink of you ftir
giliatits in ,the' future -we seen
And our hearts are filled
to 90 over this every three o
Pout- yearn--Youmayspend con
with pain,
Oh, this earth would be a
didexledbly more. X I did no
heaven I
think this a good project 1
Could we hear your voice-
would not recommend it to you
0101cultutlat committeeill
Five years have swiftly pass-
ed away
But shill wo don't forget,
For in the hearts that loved
yoU iWst
Your memory urrgeg yet."
Ever, teme&bered by hits-
bbn,d and family, 481
1 Ov'rig memory of
An Mere
a wife; mother, acrd grand�
mother, ge'rtha'Hoy, who pas�g-
eld away, seven, years ago No.
vmnbee 28, 1951,
`'There is a long and Winding
Along -which each must, 90,
It hi& b63r6ftd the MIN of
f&fo, the ,gunset glow , Wt. VVIV11%
But ordy for a little while,
Out loved lotid leaves our
sight, 0 L 6 it t 9 T
r'.611 Just b&YOhd the hflls she
waits, I yo
ib" m
Th God's oteft-W light -
Lovingly kenbe'i' bY hft,-"
did acrd fancily. 48#
Thy.rs,, N.9r,, 16,. 1064. i, Clinton
visible through the trees. it was this "certa,
eharm and simplicity" residents , t .
IainWh L .". -1 1 'it lents sought 0 mau
en they applied. to the Ontario Xplaicipi
Board seeking re-iiicorpp
ration as a village.
ffewsrReoord Photo By John Visser
hayfield Village
(Corithikled from Page One)
su rundirig "market towris",
and its present systems Of pri-
vate wells and !septic tanks
would irot work.
R4%kctlon Discouraged
He said residents had neither
the desire—nor were they fin-
anclalll y able ---to provide muni-
o1pal water andsewers or even
The two-day hearing Was hold
-;a Hall at Bayfleld
........... in the Publi
on Thursday and Friday. The
hiall. was filled with about 100
persons on Thursday, but by
Friday the crowd had dwindled
to about 50 pOrSOns.
Twice on Friday spectators
were warned against outbursts
and the OMB representalaves
threatened to clear the hall of
those responsible if a repeat
performance msi.40,
Majority In Vsvor
Tim first outcry came when
Stanley Twmsibip counsel Dan-
iel Murphy of Goderich sug-
gested in cruss-examinatilon
there had been no growth hi
Bayfield an the last 25 years.
The second occurred when
Mr. Murphy asked Brig. Clift,
retired former Western OntArto
area -army commander W he
ted a population growth
coaTstistpeople."ing of army
There were cries aboult the hall
of "what's with th! t?"
wrong 91
and "That's gqod.1'
Brig. Clift told the OMB that
between 95 and 96 per cent of
the permanent adl population
A signed a petition favoring in
corporation. He said all prop
*4N erty owners in the area sought
from Goderich Township favor -
01 ed annexation, and owners of
all but 40 acres of the land in
Stanley Township signed pet-
ition favoring annexation.
Chart Of The Village Counsel Objects
Ich was used during the two-day Ontario Municipal Counsel for the two town -
I last week which resulted in the re -incorporation of ships, Mr. Murphy for Stanley,
own. are the 1,248Y2 acres the village sought to incor- and William Pregt, Of ' Goderich,
,res it was given by the OMB. Of the balance, 166Y2 for Goderich Township, object-
Pownship; 425Y2 in Stanley Township. (Re -photo- ed to submission of a brief
al document by News -Record Photographer John Vis- prepared by Brig. Clift on the
grounds it was parifflyhearsay.
'They argued the brigadier
CountCouncil Hears EMO, Report as handicapped 'by the fact
he had lived in the village for
only 16 months.
(Continued from Page One) are laying the foundations well,, The village was represented
the mutual aid scheme they are and I do noan
t wt to carry on 'by Elmer D. Bell, Q. -C., and C.
available at no cost, and you any project until we are sure V. Laugh -ton, Q;C,, of the Exe-
get 45 per cent from the two it will be a success. ter firm of Bell and Laughton.
governments to buy apparatus, "The civil emergency -plan in Hear Financial Expert
Over a peilod of -time it is a GodeTkh is weal advanced. One The preildent of the Baybield
progressive stop. of our problems is Exeter,
"I am trying personally to where we would like to get Ratepayers' Association told
buy a jeep, which might make along with the,plans as quickly the OMB that as a pdli!ce vil-
a res -cue, vehicle." as possible, lage "Bayfield has no money
-Mr. Foribee reported that "Wingham is organized the of its own and so has a repu-ta-
E)MO is now in the department same as the covAty plAnning tioA for not providing proper
of the Attorney -General and group. They have 14 members maintenance or servites for the
that Hon. Mr. Wishart "us int- and run their orgarAzation well. harbor, beaches Or the Aver
erected and has improved con- We have bylaws in all the valley -which are in need of
didons considerably:" towns except Exeter, based attention.
on Hon. assessment In the
d"M "Slow 113-ut Sure" county byhw 55, They name . has risen
. is Organization In Huron their own members, so eve get vwbge since 1960
is slow but sure," he said. "We continuity." from $440,040 to $571,1Z, of
which 10 `er cent Is commer-
cial. The remalinder is residen-
Oualit tial. He agreed under cros!s-
exanination -that much of the
im-reas, e was due to recent re-
At FAdayls mmsioh'theTawn-
Service ship's financing received eften-
sive criticism - from another
Our Corhofett Selection of Christmas Gift We Nam witness, C. O. Lagan,
CHRISt MAS CARDS Yardley's commigsloner fl�ogtro aty of
London, who helped prepare
Ladies' Set -5 piece ...... $6.00 Bayfielats budget, Mr, Logah
Are Now On Display Bath salts ... .............. _ $1.95 mage. pant-bane
ree Mdent� of the
Come in and choose, early for Talc ......... ........ $1.2$ I
your -,POrsonal choice, village.
INDIVIDUAL CAAD.§' Rubinstein Objections Overruled
From So to $1.00 Colognes $zZ & $3.50 Mr, Logan sand the townblilD
BOXED CAR139 Chahel Perfume $5,26 -did not prepare a budget as re -
Evening I 'Paills "16Mu'ft'CiP-
1 -79c Dusting Powder ............... $2.g,6 01�r6d 'by the Ontal
Juvenile ........... 1� cards n
Slinri,4 .......... ....... 25 _datds-4_,�.Od al Act, nor did it report to the
25 da'rds�$1.60 Yardley Men's Set ratepayers' as requirLM under
Special value 4qddke $6,76 the act. A sIvrp1wt of $60,000
cards ..... ............ 21,cards"706 Old Spleb Was not carried foxiwaM :to rL-
4-pieco $ub cluc& �tixegi
Specli - I Value Mennen's Cltatron Set The, f1fiant66omrrAgAb11er had
Cards ............ _._ 26 card"I.66 4-piede $6.56 The'
oritteisms and the -board
Votit, Personal Card from your Electric Aaj:66 Ctihl6ras oVerrUled Objections by 'Mr.
owh snapshot 25 cards $2.16 tobacco Needs Murphy -because it considered
'Ids �ti dhuokfdq oss"
And Jenny Lind IVIV,
Chocolates by „Smites. Logan "an expert Viltm
All Christmas Wrapped --u
550 to $9.06 in the 11614,
W.A. Maims mooehmq
Inle AMMLI Meeting Of tird,
Womowig 0o diary of St, J' the
Pi�ESCRIITIONSag Atlglkah ChuiVfi, ftddle'
toll" will '1-669 Wednes-day Af�
P no 4 2. 5 cunt6tio Quarto te"mort, Dec. 2 at t-116 hoxto of
Mr, 8fdNVdA MiddIdtbil,