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Clinton News-Record, 1964-11-26, Page 6
MISCELLANEOUS. Notice 'To Creditors All persertse haying claims against the Estate of AS POLSON, gentleman, late Or the Village of Blyth, in the County Of Huron, who died on • about the 13th clay of No vPrrilbqr, 1964, are required fire the same with full par- %pillars with the undersigned by the day of December 1964, as after that date the assets of the estate will distribUted. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 19th clay of November, 1964, HAYS, PREST HAYS, /13arrlsteYe, eta., 33 Montreal Street,, Goderich, Ontario, 48-9-50b • ENGAGEMENT A NNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs Fred. Boyce,Brucefield, nonrice the •engagement 'or 'their daughter Bilen. to, Mr. Mark James acnVOsi son of Mrs. Olive M. lioW- ea, of Woodstock and the late Mr. N. M, Helves; the marriage to take place early in December at Woodstock. 48p MacDONALD ELECTRIC M oto r Repairs .and nevi/41010 House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 Page 6—Clinton Neyes-Record—Thursp, Noy, 26, 196,4 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE TESTED TOP SOIL 29tfh. LET US REPAIR AND. MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured.— don't take ehances, Eepert work done. reasonably to yoUr satisfa.ctien. Watch repairs and pearl re. stringing, W, N. Counter. 20tfb BOARD AND .kopopm. OVEN: READY CHICKEN S far sale, .85e lb Phene .4$2-767 after 5, 48,9b. .............. .„... ........ GAS INCINERATOR for sale. Used about 6 months, Phone 4$2-6637. 48p STOVE, Hotpoint, .3. elements and deep well rcooker, Phone 482-9392; 48tfb. . . 'SLEEPING ACCOlyIMODA tion with some kitchen facil- ities, Central location... Phone 482.9005, 46 Princess Street, West. 34p tfb Grade A-I . Delivery at any time, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE . APARTMENTS — unfurnished, heated. Phone 482-605, Ceriel. VanDamme- 45p-tfb ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE unfurnished apartment. Phone 482-9928, Roy TYPdall• ritft! SELF-CONTAINED Downstairs apartment, large living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath; heated; available Nov. 1. Lloyd Batkin, phone 482-7057. 4ltfb 3 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED house. On. Highway 8 between Seaforth and Clinton. Modern conveniences, $40.00 Monthly, Phone 482-9647 or 482-9358, 41tfb CARDS OF THANKS Many thanks to all for the kindneee and consideration shown 'to me during my hus- band's lengthy illness •and at the 'time of his death, ----MRS. EDNA LITTLE, 48p • The Clinton Public Hospital wishes to express its' Sincere appreciation to the family of Mrs. Benaamin Rathwell for their thoughtfudnesS in request- ing donations to the Hospital Building Fund in lieu of flow- ers. It also wishes to thank the many friends Who donated. J. H. MURPHY, Chairman, Board of Directors. 48b CUSTOM WORK ......... .......... . ......... SIX ROOM: DUPLEX in pin, ton, gee heated, private ent, rance., Available now, Phene. 524,7003, Goderich. 47-8,9b ..... „. .„.. „. „....„.„...... „ 3 ,11, M UNFURNISHED LARGE APARTMENT or small unfU.rnished rooms, up, stairs, Pohne 482-7577. 32tfti L. G. Winter SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED. Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed, Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2 Brus- sels phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 45-53p WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb REAL ESTATE 200 High Street Phone 482-6692 39tfic. BABY'S PLAY & lED. Table; crib, baby sleigh, play pea, wed- ding dress and accessories, size 12. Phone 482-7318. 48b 1-40-Gal, GLASS-LINED Ing- lis Electric Hot Water Heatee; 1 metal droning board; 1 baby walker, Phone 482-7809. 48b 7 ROOM white brick house with furnace, ape. bath, large lot. Close to Village of Brace- field, Owner anxious for quick sale. Priced to •sell with terms, Apply; RUTH VAN DER MEER, 55 Montreal St., Gode- rich, phone 524-7875. Rep. for Wilfred McIntee & Co. Limited, Realtor, Walkerton, 48b PIANO TUNING CAREFREE HEATING — for the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G...GRIGG & SON, phone 482.9411, .23tfb43tfb. YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly, I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 3 ROOMED, fernisbed, .heated apartment. Suitable for couple. 93 Nurm St, 42tfb MODERN 2 BEDROOM HEATED APARTMENT, suit- able for couple, 1 bedroom, liv- ing room, kitchen and bath, Apply NIcEwan's Store. 40tfb TIMEX WATCHES ... Sold and Serviced' at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 iltfb BLONDE LANE Cedar. Chest; 54" crib in good condition, Pric- ed reasonably. Phone 482-9570, 48b We Specialize In Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing. Installations Egyestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7052 APARTMENT ATTENTION FARMERS! * Unfurnished * Kitchen * Living Room * Dining Room * Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 APARTMENT, Uptown, avail- able immediately. Phone J. K Brunsdon, at 482-9561 or 482- 9690. 48b FULL LENGTH muskrat back fur coat, practically new, size 14-16. Apply 3 Quebec Road, RCAF, or phone 482-3888. 48p S'PRINGPFME BABY carriage, spotless condition, Will sacri- fice. 101 John St., after 4 p,m. 48b We wish to express our ap- predation for all the kindness- es shown in flowers, cards and kind words from friends and neighbors in the loss of our father and grandfather. —PHYLLIS, LLOYD AND LLOY ANN R,UTHEFtFORD. 48p VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 262-5350 29 to 39p tfb 2 BEDROOM HOUSE at Hol- mesville; one uptown apartment in Clinton. Phone 482-6694. • 41tfb• FOR SALE LOST and FOUND HOUSE !FOR RENT, 185 Mary Street. Possession Dec. 1st, Eve- nings or phone Hensall 262- 5346. 46tfb GRANDFATHER CLOCK ; Singer Electric Portable Sew- ing Machine. Mrs. Phil. Lovick, Bayfield 130R3. 48b FINDLAY RANGE in excellent condition; also a Quebec heat- er. Apply Arnold Jamieson, phone 482-9828. 48b COB CORN FOR SALE. Ap- ply Carl Riegling, Lot 7, Con. 8, Ashfield Township, or phone 529-7427 Dungannon. 43-6-7-8p-9b The family of 'the late Mts. Fanny Douglas Richardson wish to thank everyone who was so kind to' her in her long ull- ness, all the nurses and doc- tors at. Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Fry and other members of the clergy who called on her. For the beautiful floral tributes, dona- tions to the Cancer Fund, Save the Children Fund, Ball and Match and sympathetic kind- ness shown by all her friends. —BROTHERS FRANK, JOHN and CHARLES MacKENZIE. 48b I wish to' thank all those who remembered me with flowers, cards, gifts and' calls while I was in Clinton Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. Oakes- and nur- ses. — MRS. HARVEY HUNK, ING, 48b 41tfb LOST — 2 yearling cattle in Hullett, Holstein Steer, 650 poundS; Polled Hereford heif- er, 550 pounds, strayed October 19. Substantial reward for their return. Arnold Campbell Seatortle phone 527-0085. 48p 4-ROOM unfurnished apart- ment, hardwood floors, self- contained, private bath and ent- rance. Gas heating. 13 Albert St., phone 482-9090. 28p-tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing anCI floor laying, expert- ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. 23tfb WOOD AND CEDAR Kindling for stove, fireplace and furnace. Phone 482-3221. 41tfb LARGE AND SMALL TRAIL- ers for rent. Fully furnished. Apply at Becker's Trailer Court at house, 48,9p HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at' all times. John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. 31tfb ELECTROHOME STEREO now available at T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. Open evenings 9:00. 42tfb MODERN 2-BEDROOM self- contained apartment, stove and frig. supplied. Spacious grounds, reasonable. Apply 309 Albert St. or phone 482-9080. 43tfb APARTMENT furnished or un- furnished, heated. L. G. Wint- er, 200 High Street, phone 482- 6692. 39tfb Broken or Cracked Windows? , LOST—Strayed from the prem- ises of the undersigned-1 steer weighing approximately 700 pounds with "V" mark in left ear. Irvine Tebbutt, phone 482-7474, 48p CHILD'S Canada Puff jacket with attached hood, washable, in size 4; also girl's 3-piece blue Winter outfit; size 6, long coat, hat quilted lined, grey fur trilin, leggings also lined. Worn for good—in excellent condition. Phone 482-9526. 48p Wood or Aluminum Sash SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, Greening, Russet, T al m a Sweets, Delicious, Baldwin, Snow, etc.; also cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF houses. Phone 482-3214, Fred McClymont & Sons, Var- na. 45tfb 4 ROOM APARTMENT with 3-piece bath, modern kitchen, storage room, gas heat, unfur- nished. Phone 482-9649. 47petfb 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. .35tfb New and different Mastitis treatment .— ANTI-MAST 17 MASTITIS LIQUID. This new formula reduces. swelling as well as combating the mastitis organisms. Effective against 17 mastitis. causing organisms. 3 tubes— $2.50. Satisfactory re- sult or your money back, Avail- able at . Edward's Pharmacy, Clinton. 48b SERVICES SEE THE LARGE SELECTION of diamonds at Anstett Jewel- lers Ltd. Evening appointments can be arranged. Phone 482- 9525. 47-8b COTTAGE For RENT-1 block from IGA Store; heated with gas. Available end of Decem- ber. Phone 482-3247. 48,9b FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished, red-brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern conveniences, $75 monthly, on Hwy No. 8, between Seaforth and Clinton. Phone 482-9647. 25tfb ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING CREST HARDWARE NEW SHERLOCK-MANNING Pianos, and other makes; Elect- rohome Electronic Organs; trade-ins accepted, liberal al- lowance. GARNET E. FAR- RIER, Whitechturch, phone 357- '2068 Wingham. 42.1)651p APPLES: Choice of Winter Varieties— Spys, Delicious, Countlands. Bring own con- tainers. Follow Highway 8 to Holmesville, turn to store, fol- low signs. Art. Bell's. Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich, phone 524-8037. 38tfb AUTOS FOR SALE HOUSE FOR RENT — 3-bed- room dwelling, oil heating; av- ailable December 1st. Apply H. C. Lawson, phone 482-9644. 47tfb Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 44tfb CHRISTMAS TREES — good quality, pruned deep green Scotch Pines, 50c and up. Apply Dr. M. C. Fletcher, Exeter, 235-0017. 44, 5, 7, 8, 9b 2-BEDROOM, heated, furnish- ed apartment, private bathroom. Central location. Phone 482- 9005, 46 Princess Street West. '39p-tfb I wish to thank all my friends who sent cards, treats and flowers after rriy accident: , also for all:calls. Special thanks to Rev. Park, Dr. Addison and the nurses at the hospital and Mrs. E. Galichiuk, my neigh- bor. —BERTHA M. DIEHL, 48p LIVE STOCK FOR SALE & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb DEKALB Ready to lay pullets, call McKinley's Farm and Hat- cheries Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hensall 335. 44tfb LACOMBE GILT and boars of serviceable age, for sale. Jan Koene, RR 1, Bayfield, phone 482-9987. 48b ELECTRIC MOTOR SALES and SERVICE Domestic -- Commercial Industrial LEVETT'S ELECTRIC 139 Erie St. — Clinton ' Phone 482-6640 FARM HOUSE with modern conveniences, 1 mile west, '4 mile south of Brucefield. Apply D'Arey Rathwell, phone 482- 3384. 47tfb PHILISHAVE Speed-Flex 3 ROOM apartment, furnished, suitable for couple, available immediately. (Lill after 5 p.m. B. Gliddon, phone 482-9504. 37tfb $29.95 APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms, central location, fur- nished, frig. and stove, s for couple. Apply ms's Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb AUCTION SALE ANNUAL FALL HEREFORD SALE Saturday, November 28th at Corey's Sale Barn, Clinton Goverment approved bulls, bred heifers, cows and calves. 45 'head, 4-H calf prospects a feature. 48b The families of the late Mrs. Ruby Grealis wish to express their sincere thanks and 'appre- ciation to friends, relatives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness,' floral tribute's, messages of sympathy and. con- tributions to the Cancer So- ciety during their sad bereaVe- ment. Special ' thanks to the staff of 'Clinton Public Hospi- tal, Dr. F. M. Newland, Mr. Craig Peters, Mr. Lorne Salz- man for his' lovely solo, the Ball and Mutch funeral home and all Who helped in any other way. 48p LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS IMMO MACKAY MANOR APARTMENTS 201 King Street Two bedroom, completely self-contained and newly decorated. Free laundry room facilities, equipped with automatic washer & dryer. Apply 201 KING ST., Apt. 1 or Phone 482-9227 41tfb eemee 18— Seven and eight-week-old pigs. Contact James Storey, phone 482-9258. 48b EMPLOYMENT WANTED MODERN DUPLEX Apart- ment, unfurnished, 3 years old, 3 bedrooms. Apply Mrs. L. W. Lang, 229 James Street, Clin- ton. 38tfb ANSTETT 1956 FORD Crown Victoria, automatic, power steering, pow- er windows, new body job. Phone 482-7325 after .6 p.m. 47-8x 10 LITTLE PIGS, 7 weeks old; also half German Shepherd police dog. Apply Miss Jean McEwan, RR 5, Clinton. 48p WILL DO BABYSITTING from 8-5. Helen Anderson, phone 482-7696. 48b JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 48b TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, centrally located, private parking, ample stor- age closets. Phone 482-7661. 36p-tfb 1958 FORD 4-Door, V8 Auto- matic, radio, back up lights, this is a local one owner car, in excellent condition. Phone 482-9363 31tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE 11 STEERS, around 700 pounds 8 heifers, around 500 pounds; 16 pigs, 7 weeks old. Wayne Taylor, Varna, 482-9837. 48b PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture 40eow GIRL or MARRIED WOMAN to clerk in Clinton Appliance Store. Apply at Gingerich Sales & Service, 57 Albert Street, or phone Zurich. 48b 44 PIGS FOR. SALE — eight weeks old. Phone' John Hoog- endoorre RR 3, Clinton,. 482- 7426. 48b HOUSE FOR RENT —1 bed- room, kitchen, living room, bath. Apply 168 Maple Street on Wednesday. or Saturday nights between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. 45tfb NEW and USED FORD CARS See George W. Cuttler Representing Goderich Motors Limited for this district Phone Clinton 482-9782 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ROSS EL- MER FISHER, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron,- farmer. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersign- ed, 'on or before the 19th day of December, 1964, after which date the assets will be dietni- buted. DONNELLY, DONELLY ee MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 48-9-50b PUREBRED YORK. HOG, ser- viceable age; also nine pigs, seven weeks old. Apply Arnold Jamieson, phone 482-9828, 48b NEED EXTRA MONEY ? Sup- ply Studio Girl Cosmetics in your neighborhood. Top pay. Telephone 482-3230. 47-8-9-50p FIRST TIME EVER SINGER ZIG-ZAG MACHINE Less Than $100.00. Call Collect for Free Home Demonstration Clinton 482-9103 or Goderich 524-8431 45-6-7-8b 111111111EVIIIIMMINIMP FOR SALE OR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, central location, modern conveniences. nearly new oil furnace and bath- room. Available now. Phone 482-7631. 45-6p-7-8b Clinton Community Aucti©n Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1 HOLSTEIN VEAL CALF- 10 days old; 1 black calf---10 weeks old. Call Bob Cole, RR 3, Clinton, phone 482-7453. 48b MODERN RANCH style, two bedroom home, large living room with hardwood floor, oil furnace, nicely decorated, sit- uated on lovely landscaped lot in Brucefield, available Nov- ember 15th. Telephone St. Thomas 631-3185. 46-7-8b 1961 COMET station wagon, de- luxe 4-door model, 5 new tires. Immaculate! Black with red and white interior. Apply 50 Winnipeg Road, RCAF' Sta- tion Clinton, Phone 482-7645. 47-8p CASH IN ON CHRISTMAS earnings. Avon territories av- ailable — Auburn, Brucefield, Egmondville and Londesboro areas. For further information phone collect this evening, Mrs. M. Millson, London, 451-0541. 47-8-9b 2-BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished and heated, private bath; also a 1-bedroom apart- ment, furnished and heated, private bath, washing facilities. Available soon. Phone 482-3329 al, noon or after 5. 47p-tfb at 1:30 p.m. 26 PIGS for sale; also 6 steers and 4 heifera from 450-550 pounds. Ron Taylor, phone 482- 3251. 48b DID YOU KNOW! We Sell El SEWING MACHINES q VACUUM CLEANERS El FLOOR POLISHERS O WASHERS & DRYERS El TV and STEREO SETS q SUNBEAM Appliances Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager ARTICLES FOR SALE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE on James St. with gas furnace and hat water heater. Reasonable rent. Available Dec. 5, phone 482-7262. 47-8-9b 9 PIGS, seven weeks old. Geo- rge Postma, phone Clinton 482- 3259. 48p HELP WANTED MALE - USED FURNITURE 4111•••••••••111111, ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Furnished or Unfurnished Kitchen .1' Living Room * Bathroom * $50.00 a Month & Up * Heated. * Ideal for commuters and pensioners Our Location Saves You Money Dial Stratford 27 I -2308 48-53p BREAD .SALESMAN. Must be neat and reliable. Apply in per- son to Bartliffs Bakery. 48b ARTICLES FOR SALE 1963 COLDSPOT two-door re- frigerator with an 84 lb. freez- er, still on guarantee; 21" RCA Victor television on swiv- el base. Phone 482-9648 after 5:30. 47-8p DAVENPORT in Chocolate, ex- cellent condition. 2-PC. COLONIAL Davenport& Chair, excellent condition.. 4' 6" BED in Walnut, Mattress and Springs $20.00 3' 3" SEALY Headboard, B ox Spring & Metal Frame, $19 WALNUT China 'Cabinet, needs no refinishing 5-PC. KITCHEN Suite in wood • $12.00 DININGROOM Table and Six Chairs—Make Us An Offer 4—ASSORTNJD Chesterfield Chairs Choice $5.00 RED Velour Davenport.,.$20.00 3-PC. DAVENPORT with Two Chairs $20.00 WALNUT Dresser with Mirror and Vanity Stool ,,,, $15.00 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD Suite, Red Velour (Kroehler) $25 2-PIECE. ROSE BEIGE Nylon Chesterfield, 14 months old (like new), regularly $289, Make us. an offer. Don't • miss a chance at this suite. 1964 MODEL ADMIRAL Floor Model Television Set (net a mark on it) — Make us an offer. 1 WALNUT Floor Model DeStle $30,00 2-YEAR-OLD 3-Pc. Sectional in Brown Nylon, reg. $425.00, This suite will be sacrific- ed to make 'room on floor. 1-4' 6" METAL Bed & Spring, $10.00 .COOEY 5-Pc., Card Table Set, (excellent condition) $22.00 3-4' choice6"----aVrE .„T„,A1j.„.„.. Springs, :, .57)ur $7.00 All This Used Furniture MUST be delved out by the end of next week to make room for Christmas stock: All items will be cash . . at . BEATTIE- FURNITURE MAN FOR FULL TIME gen- eral duties In bakery. Apply in persbn to 13artliffs Bakery. 48b Singer Co. of Canada Represented by R. Sutton, Phone 482-9103 45-6-7-8b START YOUR OWN business on credit. Your awn base, 1199 Dealers sold $5,000 to $25,000 last year. We supply stacks, equipment on credit. 200 Home necessities. Sales experience un- necessary. Pleasant, profitable business backed by world-wide industry. Write Rawleigh, Dept. K-169-U, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. ' 48b DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb SPORT SHIRTS Model Of New Miniature Hearing Aid Given 111E41 ye. se'v From Our "Wall of Shirts" Plains, Checks, Stripes In Sizes Small to Extra Large GIFT BOXED DISTRICT SALES MANAGER A unique free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has just been announced. A true life, actual size, inactive replica of the smallest aid we ever made will be given absolutely free to anyone sending in this advertisement. Try it on in the privacy of your home, without cost or obligation of any kind. It's yours to keep free. The size of this aid is only one of its many features. It weighs less than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear level, in one unit. No wires or cards lead from body to head. Here is a truly new hope for the hard of hearing. These replicas are free while' the limited supply lasts, so we suggest that you write for yours now. Again we repeat there is no cost and certainly no obligation. SCARVES and GLOVES Large international company in agricultural field requires District Sales Manager. Ap- plicant must have recent agri- cultural background. Prefer married man between ages 25- 40. Car necessary. Successful applicant will re- ceive complete field training in company sales program. If you are interested in a job with an established and grow- ing company, and immediate in- come of $6,000 to $8,000 per year, and an early opportunity for advancement, write and tell Ire 'about yourself. A personal interview will be arranged. Reply to: E. McLachlan, President, Box 84, London, Ontario. 47-8b A Winning Combination From $2.95 Up Our Weekend Specials Friday and Saturday From Our Store Only Tea Biscuits Reg. 28c pkg. Special 24c pkg. Banana Bread Reg. 55c each Special 49c each , From $2„95 T. $12.95 For Leisure Hours CHECK THESE GIFTS GIVE HIM SWEATERS V JEWELLERY V PYJAMAS V TIES and SOX V JACKETS V HANKIES V BELTS V ETC. A New Gown NOTICE SURE TO PLEASE YOUR STUDIO GIRL beauty adviser, Mrs, T. Szwaba, will hold open house at her resid- ence, RR 1, Brucefield, Sunday afternoon, Nov. 29th and. De- cember 6, 48-9p Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9727 CLINTON Gift Certificates Gift Boxes WRITE TODAY TO: HEARING SERVICES Pickett & Campbell Limited Use Our Lay-Away Plan Now ELECTROLUX Sales & Ser- vice. Also recenditioned mach Ines available. Phone 524-6514, Arvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse Si., Goderieb 48-9.50-lp 424 Wellington Street, Suite 18 LONDON ONTARIO 48-9b CLINTON — 482-9732 CLINTON -- ONTARIO rnoNE 482.9521 Main Corner