HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-26, Page 2John Visser Sturdy News-Record Photo by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Duff) Celebrate 50th Anniversary Page 4--clinton News-RPCOYCi•ThUrS.1N.nr, 26dr 1 904 RUBY and BILL'S 8 Huron Street Clinton Phone 482-7602 WEEKEND SPECIALS SATURDAY SUNDAY FREE PEPSI with Deluxe Hamburger, at Regular Price 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ROAST TURKEY DINNER with all the trimmings Beverage and Dessert $125 S CWL Meeting An audience of close to 200 ladies heard Dr. Lionel Boxall give a lecture at the Commun- ity Centre on November 18. The regular business meeting took place with Mrs. L. Brennan presiding. Guests from the area sur- RECEPTION and DANCE For Mr. and Mrs. Gary Alexander (nee Karen Talbot) Seaforth Legion Hall Friday, Dec. 4, 1964 IAN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome! 48-9p Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sturdy Celebrate 50th wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs., Clarence .Sturdy ,of Clinton rg-, Gently celebrated their :50th wedding .P.Pniversary with an Well home for friends and relativea at the horne of their niece, Mrs, Mervyn home for the December meet- I ohunge ruee07.mg ucijoigu, - ting There will be a -gift ex- led and lunch was serge 1. WANTED. Floats For The Retail Merchants' Santa Claus Parade Saturday, Dec. 5 at 130 p.m. Any one interested in entering a float in the Parade please contact one of the following prior to November .90 Contact .E,.mcApAm R. IRWIN R. CAMPBELL CLINTON RETAIL MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE We Cordially Invite You To Attend Our Christmas Shopping Party The Place LEE'S, CLINTON The Date MONDAY N1TE, NOV. 30 The Time 7:00 to 9:00 O'clock p.m. Our experienced staff will help you choose just Me right gift. All gifts will be gift wrapped at no cos+ to you. Use Our CONVENIENT LAY AWAY PLAN Add To Your Present CHARGE ACCOUNT • Or Open a Convenient REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT LEE' S MEN'S — LADIES' & BOYS* WEAR Next to Newcornbe's Drug Store Phone 482-9711 Clinton For en inly! Leave The Wife At Home 45 Albert Street Phone 482-9731 64 November 26 to December 5 Lean, Meaty and Rindless Boneless Pork Roast - 49c lb. No Waste — All Taste BEEF STEAKETTES BREADED VEAL Choplets 55c lb. No. 1 BREAKFAST BACON 59c lb. ROUND STEAK MINCED ... 59c lb. SAVE BOX TURKEY PIES „ _ only 49c box COTTAGE ROLL only 45c lb. SCHNEIDER'S PICNIC PORK SHOULDER 1 1/2 lb. cars $1.09 YOUNG BEEF HEARTS , .......... 29c lb. PURE LARD 1 9c lb. DELMAR or TULIP MARGARINE ..... . ..... 4 lbs. for 95c FILL UP YOUR FREEZER NOW: CHOICE BABY BEEF Average 75 to 85 lbs. a quarter By the Side .,.„„„„, 41c lb. Front Quarter • , 37c lb. Hind Quarter 49c lb. Cut-Wrapped to your own specifications at na extra charge SAVE 14o PKG. GRANDMOTHER SUGAR COOKIES Only 25c pkg. Buy 1 Pkg. of SHORTBREAD COOKIES for 39c Get 1 Pkg. FREE! MILKO 8 lb. Box $2.49 3 LBS. HAMBURGER 3 LBS. WIENERS 3 LBS. BOLOGNA 3 LBS. SAUSAGE 3 LBS. HEADCHEESE 3 LBS. BACON SQUARES All One Price $1.00 Roasted Pigtails, Pickled Wieners, Chipped Beef And Many More Specialties in Meats Try Nevi COW -1-6- GATE CHEESE innobrted from England — 8 Different Flavors rwm....110dommormirimmionimimmlimmio•diandmiiimmimmiorminiinimimoin•Momoriioeoloirmiammi FREE DINNERWARE Get Your FREE Coupons at our Meat Counter ALL OUR MEAT PRODUCTS ARE PROCESSED FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS, FREE GIFTS with every $5.00 Purchase MANY MORE SPECIALS NOT LISTED, COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND Alan W. Edwards — Mary ADMIRAL PHOTO Prescriptions - - - Animal Dial 482-6626 sGM,~r-A Clinton Retail Merchants Are Preparing Their Stores For ChrishnOs Selling We Invite Your VolUed Potrentsge 1 Wr 4.e "LAI. "at E. Edwards, Phm.B. SERVICE Health Supplies Clinton, Ontario Saturday, Dec. 5 1:30 p.m. FREE CANDY TREATS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 Sponsored by Clinton Retail Merchants' Committee With the co-Operation of The TOWIft of Clinton Fish and Game Club Legion Branch '140 Kinsmen Club and Lions Club Barn to Cpl. and Mrs. Howard H. Stevens, a daughter, Heather Lorelei, at the Clinton Public Hospital on November 14. The executive of the Protest- ant Chapel Guild wishes to thank all the ladies who gave their gene'rou's support to make the annual bazaar a success; special thanks .to ell who baked for the gale • The next social evening of Les Salves Reereatives: Fran- calsee o'rgan'ization will be on Sunday, Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. at the Social Centre. Ail French- speaking married people are in- vited 'to join this recreational group. Square Dancing The RCAF Cross-Trailers meet every Wednesday in Building 107 from 8 to 11 p.m. with Johnny Jo'hns'on as "cal- ler." Mrs. Edna Knechtell ,and Mrs,. .0,1ara Snell were in charge of the ;nest .hook, The Dungannon Institute spon- sored the NOvernber birthday party et Huronview, The programme, under the chairmanship 'of Mrs. Wilbur Brown, consisted of community slinging, accordion selections by Sandra Dreington and two read- ings by Mrs. Warren Zinn. There were 19 birthdays be- ing celebrated •for which a large birthday cake Was on display, Those celebrating birthdays were: Mrs. McElroy, Mrs. Pat- ton, Mrs. Halt, Mrs. Henry, Louis Wild, Mrs. B. Thompson, Anne Fraser, Zara. Dickson, Mrs. Bicknell, Mrs. Trewarthai Mk Sproat, Mes. EVeland, Robert. Allan, Mrs. C, Tabb, Miss M, 'Table Mrs. DearYmple, Daniel Lohr; Mrs, West and Mrs. Denomme. Members of the Institute served lunch. rounding the Station came out at the invitation of the CWL of St. Paul's. The lecture was iliuetrated With slides and dia- grams, and a tape recording was made of all the infoerea- tion given by Doctor Boxall, Father R. )3ussey gave talk and refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. C. Britten-1 with Mrs. A. English, Mrs. B. Fischer and assistants. oL Mrs. Ruby Grealis Buried Thursday At Clinton Ruby Ethel Grealis of Clin- ton died Nov.. 17 in Clinton Public Hospital. -She was born Dec. 19, 1896 in Goderich. reownship 'to Ar- thur Currie and Elizabeth Em- MerS-011. Her first husband was Char- les Switzer. Later, she married Edward George Grealis. Prior to moving to Clinton 10 years ago, she and her first husband farmed at RR 3 Kippen. Mrs. Grealis was a member of Clinton Baptist Church. The funeral service was held at the Ball and Match Funeral Home on November 19 with Craig Peters of Clinton offic- iating. The interment took place in Clinton Cemetery. Pall-hearers for the late Mrs. Grealis were Alex Mcl3eatih, Murray McDougall, Richard McCabe, Lloyd 11/Eakins, Brown Lindsay and Roy Tyndall, Flower-bearers were Charles Switzer, Douglas Currie, Ross 1VICBeath, Howard Lemon and Thomas Riley. She is survived by het sans: Donald and Erie Switzer of Clinton; her daughters, Mrs. Douglas (Berea) Cartwright of Clinton and Mrs. William (Betty) - Taylor of McKenzie Island, Ont.; her brother, How- ard Currie of Clinton; her sis- ter, Mrs. Harold (Laura) Fan- inerson of Clinton and by 12 grandchildren. Friends came from Sarnia, Wallaceburg, London, Paris, Guelph and McKenzie Islandto attend the funeral. Potluck Luncheon The Fidelity Geoup of Wes- ley-Willis TJCW will hold a pot- luck luncheon in the church on Tuesday, December 1, at 1 p.m. The roll call will be "A Christ- mas Thought". Mrs. R. Gibb will show treasures from other lands. Mrs. Fhtgland will dis- play her doll collection from foreign countries. it -'P/(NOt 11- PRZOSORgeses' WEE Of 770 BEST ANN NWS TO SNEAD NEWS..,ARE: TELEPHONE, TiZEP/S/ON,. niELIA WOMA. N $t, Andrew's WMS Thankofferifig Mooting -Held The Worne0. Missionary So- ciety of St. Andrew's Preslby- terian ,OluwOh, .4etd its Thal*: Welling meeting recently The Clhureh'e school mom. Several visitors were present, Mrs. Blacker, the Kesiiclent, extended a welcome Ito these present ..and gave the call to worship. This 'was. followed by 4 hymn, prayer and a solo by SWpileZ14, Mrs. Farquhf,cr read the Scripture lesson And led the meditation and prayer which fousAvaa. A recording of 'an address by Dr, Frederick ..,Srass was heard. He deteeribed his work in „south Africa and the strife between the negroes and the whites. Mrs, Stephens sang another solo and a vote of thanks- was given by Mrs. Dunbar. A life membership•certificate Was presented to IVIte. Blacker by Mrs. MacLean for her dfr forte in the work of the WC, men's Missionary Society. The meeting was closed with a hymn and benediction. Lunch Was served and a social near followed. Clinton CV Plans Christmas Vesper Service The National CGIT Christ- mas Vesper Service wilf`be held in the PresbyterSan .Church on Sunday, December 13 at 7 p.m. This will be a service in which groups from the Presbyterian Church, Ont. St. United, Wes- dey-Willis United Church and the Baptist Church will take part. -Dulling December this Vesper Service will be carried out by Canadian Girls In Training groups In churches from the farthest Newfoundland outport to the remotest British Colunl- bia inlet. It has become a symbol of the national 'strength and unity of the CGIT movement' which now numbers over 50,000. The girls, wearing the white middies and navy skirts of 'the CGIT uniform, use the special. Order of Service for the occasion pre- pared by the National CGIT. Committee. The Vesper Service is' becoming an annual event in More and more congregations -and communities. 1 Clintonian lc h ' Holds 'Me-eting The .(744tOOtan ,C141.)- met rut the home of Ws. T. Lopping-.. ton. The 'presti4ent opened 'the Meeting 'w414 the housewife creed, The Lord's Prayer; Min-- lutes of the last meeting were read and the 'trgeenreee.. report Was given. Boil call was an- swaErgid "Where you would ilice • go to eat for your Binthe day"., Final Plane were made . for '.the Birthday parity. The members will .go 'to the PresfOltera0,4 Church for their supper AN, 'after will go to the Orange Hall, to spend .a social time with, visiting clubs on Fri- day, November 27th.. grs, Leppington gave a re- port on the fall .meeting in. Lon- don. Mrs, Hymens offered her CLINTON Santa Claus Parade Our Store is filling up fast with Christmas Goods A Full Line of Faberge Perfumes. and Cosmetics $1.75 to $7.50 A Full Line of Early American and Old Spice $1.00 - $7.50 Yardleys — a complete stock Some Special Prices on Cameras Toilet Accessories A Large Assortment of Billfolds, etc. EDWARDS PHARMACY Mr. Sturdy married the for, mer Addle Little on Nov, 11, 1.914, fin St, Paul's Angikan Church, Clinton. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. .Gerald Potts, The oonple's !attendants were Miss Minnie Sturdy —4w 'Ws. :Finlay of ,QQ4C0Ch. -Township, and George Little of ly.field, The bride is a ,daughter of the late Mr, Mrs. Jahn Mr. Sturdy ie a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. .Sannued Sturdy. The couple Ialiered in Gode- etch, Townsbip for 47 years be- fore retiring to Clinton three years ago. They have one son, Jack, of Clinton, and two grandchildren. Helped At Tea Pouring tea 'at the open house were Mes.. M. E. Finlay, Mrs, G. Bewley, Mrs. W. Wen- hem, Mrs. Li lien McKieinon, Mrs. Dan .Gliddon, Mrs., Gerry Ginn, Mrs, Elmer Trick and Mrs. Ernest Little of Godericb, AsSieting were Mrs. .Albert Bond, Mre. Frank McGregor, Mrs, Harry Brown, Mrs, Mary 13.crs$, Mrs. Amy Crieh, Mrs; Harry Cuarnere, Mrs. William Jenkins; Miss Ruth. Ann .Bet- kin, Mrs. Abe Orpen, Mrs, Bud Sadler, Mrs. Clayton Groves, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Bert Rowden and Mrs:, Wes Holland. Birthday Events Celebrated At Huronview Adastral Park Social Notes News Editor: Anne Aileron — Phone HU 2-7349 Proudly Announces Its 5th Anniversary Sale 10 Days of Super Anniversary Specials throughout the Store!