HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-19, Page 6Shop Earl GIFT SUGGESTIONS SPORT SHIRTS SWEATERS TIES SOCKS JEWELLERY PYJAMAS BELTS DRESSING GOWNS Arrow White (SHIRTS) Is Always Right GIFT CERTIFICATES GIFT BOXES FALL SUITS and COATS Our Stock is now at its best, Choose your New Fait Wardrobe Now. Pickett & Campbell Limited Main Corner CLINTON — 482-9732 10 !kinds Floats To. Be In Parade SEAFORTH—A total of 10 bands. and 10 floats are expect- ed Ito participate in the annual Santa Olaas Parade here •on Saturday, Nov. 28, • snow queen will be crown- ed the night beforeat a dance in Seaforth Legion.Hall Sa011- wed by the Seaforth Women's Institute, The queen will ride in the parade. HELP WANTED ANNOUNCED Mr, Clarence EM Free- man, .Clinton, wishes to an-, pouppe. the: engagement of his. :only .daughter Ponelde Lorraine Peeri, to James Douglas Bell, eldeat son of Mr.. and 'Mrs..c:iwara F. Bell,. AR Blyth. The marriage to take place Fri, day, DeceMber 4, 1964, at 030 in Onterio Street United Church, 'Clinton, 47b • V. LARGE FINANCIAL, corpora- tion with 25 branclies in East- prri Canada has opening for ae- presentation in the Clinton area. Must be neat, intelligent and able to furnish. references. Per, manent position with eventual management future. For inter- view write or phone, Savings & Investment Corporation, 381 Clarence St., London, Ontario, 4$8-9701. 46-7b 1' , Page 6—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Nov. 19, 1964 ARTICLES FOR' SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT GRAM:MO.711ER, chime clock, See it at Anstett .jewellers, Ltd. Rhone 482-9525, 47h CHILD'S PLAY PEN, •good coia. dition. Phone 482-7760. 4713 WOOD AND CEDAR, l<indling for stove, fireplace and furnace, Phone 482-3221. 41tfb MAGIC MARE KRS--Blacl. and Red only. "The better line, Only $113 (tax included31. At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb ELECTROHOME STEREO now available at T, A. ,Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. Open evenings till 9:00. 42tfb WANTED BABYSITTINO by the day or week.References snapiled;In town. 'Phene 482,7329, .44tOOM unfurnished apart- hardWeed floors, self- contained, private bath and ent, ranee, Gas heating. 13 Albert Sr., phone 482,9090, .28p-tfb. ...„ ......... „ ...„. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, modern conveniences, 6. miles from. Clin- ton on Bayfield Road. Phone .4.??.?-7450. • 4ltfb 1 BABY CARRIAGE, good condition, Phone Bayfield 122-R-4, 47p APARTMENTS unfurnished, heated. Phone 482-6685, Ceriel VanDamme. 45134fb LOST and FOUND CARDS OF 'THANKS T. wish to express my appre, ciation to all my frienda and relatives for card, s, letters and gifts while I' was .a patient in Victoria Hospital and since came home, —MRS. WALTER FORGES, 47p BIRTHS DODDS — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, Novem- ber 16, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodds, RR 1, Sea- forth, a daughter, OAKES—Doctor i and Mrs, Wal- ter A, Oakes are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their, third grandson, Theodore Nelson, to David and Brenda, at Poughkeepsi, New York, on Sunday, November 15th, 1964. RADFORD — In Clinton Pub- lic. Hospital on Monday, No- vember 16, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. j. Radford, Londesboro, a daughter, STEVENS—In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, No- vember 14, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, Clinton, a daughter. a• 40.-4.7n FOUND Coat, Call 482-3812. 47b. 24" MOFFAT propane gas stove for •sale. Anni Celclough, RR 2, Seaforth, 47p' UTILITY TRAILER, 4x7 box; Go Cart with motor. Phone 482- 7216. 47p SIX ROOM DUPLEX in Clin- ton, gas heated, private ent- rance, Available now, Phone 524-7003 Goderich 47-8-9b 3 - R 0 0 M UNFURNISHED LARGE APARTMENT or two small unfurnished rooms, up- atairs, Pohne 4824677. 32tfb 3 ROOMED, furnished, heated apartment. Suitable for couple, 93 Huron St. 421tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE FOUND—A small black, white and brown Beagle pup. Phone 982-9094, 46p LOST — Child's green wallet. Lost pear Holmesville. Reward. Phone 482-9803, 47b WAITRESS for full time em- ployment. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 47b WOMAN as short order cook and general kitchen duties. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 47b MODERN 2-BEDROOM self- contained apartment, stove and frig. supplied. ,Spacious grounds, reasonable. Apply 309 Albert St. or phone 482-9080. 43tfb HEATED APARTMENT, suit- able for couple, 1 bedroom, liv- ing room, kitchen and bath. Apply IVIcEwan's Store. 40tfb We wish to take this opPor-. tunny to thank all our friends and neighbors who made our 50th wedding anniversary such an enjoyable one. —MR. AND MRS, FRED BURDGE, Bruce- field. 47p 3 HP ELECTRIC MOTOR, 1107. 220 volts; 2 oil stoves, one with booster. Phone 482-'7223. 47p FOR SALE --- McClary heavy duty 4-burner range, excellent condition, with glass oven, for quick sale, Phone 482-9993, 46-7p FOUND --- Small grey persiap kitten found uptown laSt day. Phone 482-7676'. 47p SPECIAL ON SCHICK Electric Razors, $17,95 while they last ac Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 47b SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, Greening, Russet, 'Talman • Sweets, Delicious, Baldwin, Snow, etc.; also cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF houses. Phone 482-3214,' Fred 1VIcClymont & Sons, Var- na. 45tfb NEED EXTRA MONEY? Sup- ply Studio Girl Cosmetics in your neighborhood. Top pay. Telephone 482-3230. 47-8-9-50p ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE unfurnished apartment. Plume 482-9928, Roy Tyndall. 17tfb MISCELLANEOUS We wish to express our ap- preciation to all who sent gifts, flowers and cards and all who helped to make this such a happy and memorable oceaa- ion on our 50th wedding anni- versary. — CLARENCE AND. ADDIE STURDY. 476 ONE MODERN 30" electric stove; one pair 750x14 snow tires. Phone 482-7778. 47b TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite; lined drapes, six widths, each four yards long. Call Mrs Joe Gibson, 482-3229. 47b MacDONALD ELECTRIC Maur Repairs and Rewinding. House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 SELF-CONTAINED Downstairs apartment, large living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath; heated; available Nov. 1. Lloyd Batkin, phone 482-7057. 41tfb 4 FURNISHED apartments in Ba.yfield, immediate possession. Rent is right. Inquire at Old Forge, Ba,yfield. 46-7-8-9b 2 BEDROOM HOUSE at Hol- mesville; one uptown apartment in Clinton. Phone 482-6694. 41tfb CASH IN ON CHRISTMAS earnings. Avon territories av- ailable — Auburn, Brucefield, Egmondville and Londesboro areas. For further information phone collect this evening, Mrs. M, Millson, 'London, 451-0541. 47-8-9b NEW SHERLOCK-MANNING Pianos, and other makes; Elect- rohome Electronic Organs; trade-ins accepted, liberal al- lowance. GARNET E. FAR- RIER, Whitechurch, phone 357- 2068 Wingham. 42to51p APPLES: Choice of Winter Varieties— Spys, Delicious, Courtlands. Bring own con- tainers. Follow Highway 8 to Holmesville, turn to store, fol- low signs. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich, phone 524-8037. 38tfb 3 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED house. On Highway 8 between Seaforth and Clinton. Modern conveniences, $40.00 monthly. Phone 482-9647 or 482-9358. 4ltfb USED MOZART upright piano and bench, recently refinished dove grey. Phone Hensall 262- 2130, 47b We wish to express our ap- preciation to all our friends and neighbors who sent cards and treats to Brian while he was a patient in War Memor- ial Children's Hospital, Lon- don. Special thanks to Mr. Morrison and the UCW. —LES- LIE, LOIS and BRIAN ARM- STRONG. 47p '• WALLACE—In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, Nov- ember 16, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Cornelius Wallace, RR 2, Blyth, a son. 29tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter, 20tfb HOUSE 'FOR RENT, 185 Mary Street. Possession Dec. 1st. Eve- nings or phone Hensall 262- 5346. 46tfb ONE ORIENTAL RUG, size approximately 9x12, like new. Must be seen to be appreciat- ed. Write Box 470, Clinton News-Record. 47p LADIES openings in Clinton and surrounding communities. Could you use extra money for Christmas, demonstrating Bea- uty Counselor Cosmetics, a n d lovely gifts in your spare hours? Contact: Ruth Gaiser, RR 2, Crediton, phone 234-6467. 4Th MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all , my friends who sent flowers and cards while I was in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses. --IMlFtS. HENRY SLOMAN 4713 We wish to thank all who called, brought gifts, cards and good wishes on our 50th wed- ding anniversary, and all who helped to make our day a very happy onea—ELMA AND PET- ER YOUNG. 47p APARTMENT furnished or un- furnished, heated. L. G. Wint- er, 200 High Street, phone 482- 6692. 39tfb SEE THE LARGE SELECTION of diamonds at Anstett Jewel- lers Ltd. Evening appointments can be arranged. Phone 482- 9525. 47b * Unfurnished • Kitchen • * Living Room * Dining Room * Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone 482-7740 The family of the late Mrs. Jean Radford wish to express sincere thanks to relatives friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral 'tributes, con- tributions to the Ontario Heart Foundation and the many acts of kindness shown to them in the loss of their mother. Spec- ial thanks to Rev. Grant Mills, Unit One of Ontario Street United Church, Beattie funer- al home and Mrs. Gladstone Grigg, Mrs. Jean Sinclair, Mrs. Fannie Lobb and Miss Pat Da- mude. 476 PET STOCK' ' 3-BEDROOM HOME in Bruce- field, available in November. Apply to Norris Sillery, phone 482-3368. 44-5p-46-7b HELP WANTED MALE AUTOS 'FOR SALE CHRISTMAS TRItES — good quality, pruned deep green Scotch Pines, 50c and up. Apply Dr. M. C. Fletcher, Exeter, 235-0117. 44-5-7b PURNBRED German Shepherd female, 10 months old. Phone 482-3231 after 5 p.m. 46p 1954 FORD for sale, 6 excel- lent tires, push button radio. good motor and new• clutch. Phone 482-7134 after 5. 47b 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, with bath, propane gas heating, on Frederick St. Apply Box 450, Clinton News-Record. 45-6-7p TRUCK DRIVER needed for Saturdays. Good pay to the right man. Apply Box 471, Clinton News-Record. 47b 41tfb 2 BLACK MARBLE FIRE- places, complete. Phone 524- 8610. 4Th PIANO TUNING 1956 FORD Crown Victoria, automatic, power steering, pow- er windows, new body job. Phone 482-7325 between 6 and 7 •p.m, 47x 4 ROOM APARTMENT• with 3-piece bath, modern kitchen, storage room, gas heat, unfur- nished. Phone 482-9649. 47p-tfb FOUR BEDROOM untarnished, red-brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern conveniences, $75 monthly, on Hwy No. 8, between. Seaforth and Clinton. Phone 482-9647. 25tfb DO YOU NEED MONEY for the holiday season? You can make it selling Rawleigh Cos- metics and other seasonable Products. Sales easy to make. Big profit. Write Rawleigh, Dept: K-169-5C, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 47b The family of the late Thom- as Colson wishes to express sincere thanks to all friends and neighbors for 'their lund- ness and expressions of sym- pathy, cards and beautiful flor- al tributes in the loss of a be- loved father. Special thanks to Mr. Johnston •and the staff at Huronview, Dr. Ross, Rev. G. L. Mills and the Ball and Mutch funeral home. 47p . YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. MINT GREEN SNOW SUIT, like new, size 11/2 years. Phone 482-7439. 47b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARY A. VAN DER DASSEN, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Widow. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their' claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of Novem- ber, 1964 after which date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. HOUSE FOR RENT — 3-bed- room dwelling, oil heating; av- ailable Deceriaber 1st. Apply H. C. Lawson, phone 482-9644. 47tfb 1958 FORD 4-Door, V8 Auto- matic, radio, back up lights, this is a local one owner car, in excellent condition. Phone 482-9363 31tfb 1963 COLDSPOT two-door re- frigerator with an 84 lb. freez- er, still on guarantee; 21" RCA Victor television on swiv- el base. Phone 482-9648 after 5 :30. 47p 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished; available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219.R. 35tfb DISTRICT SALES MANAGER FARM HOUSE with modern conveniences, 1 mile west, mile south of Brucefield. Apply D'Arcy Rathwell, phone 482- 3384. 47b NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump 1961 COMET station' wagon, de- luxe 4-door model, 5 new tires. Immaculate! Black with red and white interior. Apply 50 Winnipeg Road, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton. Phone 482-7645. 47-8p 2-BEDROOM, heated, furnish- ed apartment, private bathroom. Central location. Phone 482- 9005, 46 Princess Street West. 39p-tfb 2 PAIR FEATHER PILLOWS, goose and chicken feathers; 2 hand quilted fancy quilts, Dor- 'Meyer 10-speed mixer with juicer and grinder attachments; 4 poultry feeders, 2 water foun- tains. Phone 482-7528. 47p AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, Louisa Street on Saturday, November 21st at 1 p.m, 3-pc. chesterfield suite, wal- nut living room tables, occas- ional chairs, console walnut dining room table, ohina cab- inet, dining room chairs,- 3 fur- nished bedrooms, electric lamps, coffee table, fernery, pillows, bedding, RCA television, desk, chest drawers, radio, lcitchen table and 4 chairs, Coffield washing machine, French Lim- oges Gold Band china, dishes, kitchen utensils, Kelvinator re- frigerator, Clare Jewel electric stove, floor covering, antique dishes, clock, glassware, silver- ware, drop-head sewing mach- ine, hall tree, bedroom china. Other articles too numerous to mention. Property—The property will be offered for sale if not pre- viously sold. Seven room frame house, insul brick siding, at- tached garage, 3-pc. bath, oil furnace, modern kitchen, excel- lent state of repair. 10% down, balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to reserve bid. Immediate possession. Chattels Cash Prop., Mrs. Ethel Sparks Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell 476 Large international company in agricultural field requires District Sales Manager. Ap- plicant must have recent agri- cultural background. Prefer married man between ages 25- 40, Car necessary. Successful applicant will re- ceive complete field training in company sales program. If you are interested in a job with an established and grow- ing company, and immediate in- come of $6,000 to $8,000 per year, and an early opportunity for advancement, write and tell us about yourself. A personal interview will be arranged. Reply to: E. McLachlan, President, Box 84, London, Ontario. 47-8b SELF-CONTAINED DUPLEX on Queen Street, Clinton. Two bedrooms, sitting room, kitch- en'and bath, oil heating. Avail- able now. • Phone 482-9536. 47tfb 3 ROOM apartment, furnished, suitable for couple, available immediately. Call after 5 p.m. B. Gliddon, phone 482-9504. 37tfb BOARD AND ROOM DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb SLEEPING ACCOMMODA- tion with some kitchen facil- ities. Central location. Phone 482-9005, 46 Princess Street, West. • 34p tfb will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m., until Saturday, November 28, 1964, from which time it will be closed until further notice. No wire fencing, old con- crete, or car bodies permit- ted, APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms, central location, fur- nished, frig. and stove, suitable for couple. Apply, Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb 45-6-7b MACKAY MANOR APARTMENTS 201 King Street AUCTION SALE of Dairy Cows for John Walker, 4 miles East of Aylmer on No. 3 Highway Friday, November 20th at 1:30 p.m. Consisting of 40 Holstein cows, 20 first calf heifers, some cows fresh, balance due with- in next 3 weeks. This is a big lot of good Holstein cows . . . some regis- tered and some grades. Terms cash, or monthly pay- ments at reasonable interest rate, or one-half of milk cheques. ALL COWS GUARANTEED ' For credit, please apply two days before sale. Bill Johnson, Les Shackelton, Auctioneers John Walker, Sales Manager RR 1, Aylmer 47b FIRST TIME EVER SINGER ZIG-ZAG MACHINE Less Than $100.00. Call Collect for Free Home Demonstration Clinton 482-9103 or Goderich 524-8431 45-6-7-8b . CUSTOM WORK MODERN DUPLEX Apart- ment, unfurnished, 3 years old, 3 bedrooms. Apply Mrs. L. W. Lang, 229 James Street, Clin- ton. 38tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Modern equipment used.. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2 Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 45-53p J. I. McIntosh, Clerk 46-7-8b Two bedroom, completely self-,contained and newly decorated. Free laundry room facilities, equipped with automatic washer & dryer. Apply 201 KING ST., Apt. 1 or Phone 482-9227 41tfb TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, centrally located, private parking, ample stor- age closets. Phone 482-7661. 36p-tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb CUSTOM WORK _ DID YOU KNOW! We Sell O SEWING MACHINES O VACUUM CLEANERS El FLOOR POLISHERS q WASHERS & DRYERS o TV and STEREO SETS O SUNBEAM Appliances ATTENTIO . FAR UV HOUSE FOR RENT —1- bed- room, kitchen, living room, bath. Apply 168 Maple Street on Wednesday or Saturday nights between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. 45tfb We Specialize In . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 FOR SALE OR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, central location, modern conveniences. nearly new oil furnace and bath- room. Available now. Phone 482-7631. 45-6P-7-8b MODERN RANCH style, two bedroom home, large diving room with hardwood floor, oil furnace, nicely decorated, sit- uated on lovely landscaped lot in Brucefield, available Nov- ember 15th. Telephone St. Thomas 631-3185. 46-7-8b LIVESTOCK FOk SALE FOR SALE Singer Co. of Canada Represented •by R. Sutton, Phone 482-9103 45-6-7-8b C STEERS and 8 heifers, ab- out 700 lbs. Apply Leslie Pep- per, RR 4, Walton, phone 527- 0506 Seaforth. 476 COB CORN FOR SALE. Ap- ply Carl Riegling, Lot '7, Con. 8, Ashfield Township, or phone 529-7427 Dungannon. 43-6-7-8p-9b DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, livingroom, dining room, 2 bed- rooms, kitchen and bath, water and heat supplied, $50.00 month- ly Apply 163 Victoria St., phone 482-7212 between 6 and 8 p.m. 45tfb 2-BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished and heated, private bath; also a 1-bedroom apart- ment, furnished and heated, private bath, washing facilities. Available soon. Phone 482-3329 al, noon or after 5. 47p-tfb Classified Ads. Bring Results .mairapaar. SERVICES Prevention and treatment for little pig scours! NIXON'S PELLAGREX PASTE. 45 dose tube—$1.50. Effective or money refunded. Available at Ed- ward's Pharmacy, Clinton. 47b 4 BEDROOM HOUSE on James St. with gas furnace and hot water heater. Reasonable rent. Available Dec. 5, phone 482-7262. 47-8-9b TESTED TOP SOIL DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect DARLING Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 74:fb - Grade A- I Delivery at any time. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert- ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. 23tfb Classified Ads. Bring Results HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times. John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. 31filb L. G. Winter 200 High Street Phone 482-6692 39tfb I, Broken or Cracked Windows? Wood or Aluminum THIS SEASON SERVE THE BEST . CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb CUSTOM WORK MONEY WANTED CUSTOM PLOUGHING. Con- tact Howard Cartwright, Lon- desboro, phone Blyth 523-4409. 47p Sash $750,00 WANTED on small farm—first mortgage, 8% in- terest. Repayable in three years. Apply Box 472 Clinton News-Record. 47b ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE TIMEX WATCHES ... Sold and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 lltfb LIVE STOCK FOR SALE CREST HARDWARE 2ND Consignment Sale for Dairy Cattle WANTED Ball & Mutch Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 44tfb BARTLIFFS FRUIT CAKE WANTED—Person with accom- modation for 8-10 head small cattle to feed for winter by the month. Frank Potter, phone 482-7449. 476 VACUUM CLEANERS Sales •and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum Cleaners and polislers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for Sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 262-5350 29 to 39p tfh Light or Dark — Plain or Almond Iced ELECTRIC MOTOR SALES and SERVICE Domestic -- Commercial Industrial LEVETT'S ELECTRIC 139 Erie St. — Clinton Phone 482-6640 at Rathwell's Sales Arena 1/4 miles west of Brucefield on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1:30 p.m. Usual line of good dairy cows; heifers and calves. Anyone wish- ing to consign cattle, must contact us before sale day. Terms cash, or credit with three years to pay. D'ARCY RATHWEILL, Owner and Manager HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 476 I Our Weekend Specials plum *a Friday and Saturday FROM OUR STORE ONLY APPLE SAUCE CAKE Reg. 45c each ,,,,,,,,, SPECIAL 39c EACH REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BUILDING Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1:30 p.m. GoVerent Inspected Scales Catt nm le Sold by Weight `TERMS" CASH JOE COREY) Sales 1VItinager FOR REMOVAL LEMON SNOW BUNS 34c Reg 39c S • Bartli f fs Bakery SIX MONTH OLD LACOMBE boar) off purebred stook. Phone 482-7262, 47b 40 PIGS FOR SALE, 8 Weeks Old. Apply r, Vanspengen, phone 482-9177, 45-6-7p Former Supertest Station, North side Ontario Street, offered for salvage, value of material and fixtures. Ilernovat to be completed by Dec. 31st, Lorne Brown Motors Limited DEItALB Ready to lay pullets, call MOKinley's Farm and. Hat, Cherie§ Ltd., Zurich, Phone Hensall 335. 44tfb 4 HEREFORD DURHAM steers, around, '600 lbs. Harvey Tay or phone 482-9159. 476 Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9721 CLINTON Classified Ads. Bring Results (Lorne J. t3r,owri)