HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-19, Page 5GREY SCUP TICKETS Now On Sale From Members of Clinton Lions Club And At Many Business Places in Clinton $650.00 IN PRIZES First Quarter Prize — $ 25.00 Half Time Prize — $ 50.00 Third Quarter Prize $ 75,00 Final Scfire Prize -- $500,00 ONLY $1.00 PER TICKET The Sale of Grey Cup Draw Tickets is as Major Source of Funds for Clinton Lions to carry on their Arena and Community Welfare Work. .Nov,, $9, 1904,,,ciinton News'14;94-109e 5 Rec,..Committee Thanks 'Council The Clinton Recreation Com, miffee had "a very successful" summer recreational. program, secretary :Joe Atkinson mport... ed "to council in a letter read at the last councii meeting. '"We would like to. take this opportunity council The request was granted for its financialassistance. in the past and w7$I1 them eyerY success," the letter centhuted. The letter .aisc recmeoted the balance of the Recreation Cm. ,rnittee'S budget-4580—be paid. We cordially invite you to our Annual CHRISTMAS PARTY on the evening of Novetraber 23, at 7:30 p.m. Bring Your Friends and Relatives. Light Refreshments Served, Toyland Will Also Be Open Stedmans Clinton 4743 fl November 15 to 21 FELT MARKING PENS — Very Special „„ ...... 9c CELLULOSE TAPE — 1/2"x1,000" 19c GIFT WRAAPING PAPER 4 Rolls — 98c Value 66c 51 CHRISTMAS CARDS 98c TOILET TISSUE 8 rolls for 88c VITA DIET $2.98 IDA PAPER NAPKINS 19c, 2 for 33c IDA SACCHARIN TABLETS %gr. 500's 49c TA gr. — 500's 59c KLEENEX-200's 16c BATH TOWELS 2 for 99c EDWARDS PHARMACY 'Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions - Animal Health Supplies Dial 482.6626 - Clinton, Ontario Myth Farmer Thomas Colson Buried Monday Thomas Colson of Blyth died at Huronview in Clinton on Friday, November 13. He was born on April 23, 1877 in Bracebridge son of the late '3, T. Colson and Jane Walker. He married the for- mer Rosey Bowes of Blyth in May of 1908. He was a farmer and came to the Blyth district in 1908. He retired to Myth in 194-1. He was a member of the United .Church. Funeral services were held in the Bail and Mutch Funeral Home in Clinton on' Monday, November 16, with the Rev. Grant Mills ,of Clinton 'officiat- ing. The interment was in Blyth Union Cemetery, Pall-bearers for the late Mr. Colson were 'three nephews, Walter Colson, Tom, McEown ofBracebridge and Jack Bowes of Ingersoll and James .Tande- son, Norman Shepherd and Leo Watt. Flower-bearers were Ken Colson, Ross Sturdy, Stewart Knipe and Weldon Tyndall. He is survived by his son, Arthur L., of 'Clinton, and his daughter, Mrs. Harry L. (Marj- orie) Sturdy of Goderieh.; his two brothers, Roland of Brace- bridge and Frank of Corona- tion, Alta., four grandchildren, and one great grandchild. or - AirMan'FrOM Hensall Promoted In France Air Division Ileacknianters of the Royal Canadian Air Force at Metz, France, recently an- nounced the 15rciinaticiii of Sgt. Donald Or to the rank of Plight •Sergeant. F/S Orr, a telegraph tech, nic+i'an, its the sort of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr, 113 King- St., Hensall. Nomination Date Nominations in Tuckersmith Township will be held Nov. 30 in the Town Hall, Seaforth. An election -- if needed — will be held Dec, 7. ELECTRIC REATIgrli IT iMATION CENTRE ONTARIO 11Y110 53 Albert Star Ciltiteit 0110i16 432-9051 401.111MINIRI. ANNIMISNIMMOMMI THE CLINTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB announces CLASSES HAVE STARTED Classes for each age and ability gradti are held at a scheduled time on Tuesdays between 4:30 and 8:00 p.m. at Clinton LionS Arena. Register at the arena next Tuesday at 4:30. Instructor: Jeffrey Johnston. FEES; Seniors 15.00, High School 12,00 Elementary School 10.00 Pre-grade 1, 6.00. CLINTON RECREATION COMMITTEE 47-8b reordwirogommmimmeonoomenonnomok GOT A CHILLY Ri ADDING A ROOM? MAKE YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT Many gifts and cards were received, among •them congrat- ulatibris from Elston Cardiff, Prime Minister Lester B Pear- son, and a serail frOrn Ontario Premier John Roberts. The Gouple also had 'a phone can from Mrs. Young's brother, Erland end sister-in-law, from Toronto and one from her sis- ,ter, Rhoda Jordan, and brother IP' Theron, of Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. 'Young has one sister, Rhoda of Vancouver and three brothers, Theron of Seaforith, Allan of Goderieh Twp. and Er- land of Toronto, Mr. Young has one •brother living, Jinnes of Goderich. SKIS $9,91 SKI BOOTS PROM $7.95 SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE Eugene McAdam, Peep, GODERICH NURSING HOME OPENING SOON. For information Phone 5248610 — 43 Nelson St., Goderich 47-Sb TRY ATLANTIC'S "THRIFTY FIFTY" (ONE WEEK) $50.00 costs only .23c till pay day. Phone 482-3486 Atlantic Finance CORPORATION JOHN HARPER - 7 RATTENBURY ST. Branch Manager CLINTON, ONT. Ladies' Dress Coats 3/4 Coats Ski Jaekets $9.95 to $29.95 Girls' Dress Coats Ski Jackets 55.95 $20.9S Girl's Dresies Sizes 2 to 14 $3.98 $8.95 Ladies', Arnel Baby Doll, Capri, Gowns, Flannel Pyjamas and• Gowns Priced $2,98 to $198 RE VOUil OOLLAk BUYS Tlit MO sTo Purses $2.95-$5.95 Mitts Gloves Caps Leotards Snow Stilts $8.95 $10.95 st Rites For Mrs. Jean Radford t Ontario Street United Church Mrs. Jean Radford of 15 Mill Street, -Clinton, died in VjgtOrig, Hospital, London, on Monday, vergher 9. She had ''been B. patiegt in the .hospital for two weelcs prior to her death. ford„ Harold AclamS, Harry Mc,. Ewan. and Ernest Radford,. Mower-hearers were Jack Lee, .Gladstone Grigg, Louts. John- ston anar.;popald Jardine. . Mrs, Radford is StirVi-Ved by her daughters; Mrs, W. N. ('c41lady.$) Wafters of .Goderich and Wilma Radford of London; her broiloers.; William Gorier of Londesbnio and Lewis-.C,!Tor, ier.of Goderich; heisiater, Mrs. Lillie Webster of Larideslioro 44d four •granclehildren: Nancy, tario •Street United Church, She Conrad Carolyn and max* was a president of the Women's • • , - Wafters of Goderich Association of Ontario Street • • • • • • • • • •- United Clinrch. for 11 years, and a life- an-ember- of the Wo- men's Missionary Society at Ontario Street United, Church. Mrs, Radford was. born on August 1, 1.8$9 in LOntlesbero to Margaret and John Goviei% She was the widow of John C. ria0f90,• formerly. of Landes- born and Clinton. They were married on AUIR12, 19V7.. She had resided in Londeaboro, Stratford and. Clinton. She was House. Mother at the Nurses' Residence at Clinton Public Hospital for five years and had been a Member of On Mrs, Radford was also a president of the -Clinton Red Cross Society during the Sec- ond World War, a former mem- ber of 'the off'i'cial board of On- tario Street United Church, a former member of Clinton Pub- lie Hospital Board and a mein, ber of the Wonien'$ Institute. The funeral service was held in Beattie Funeral Hume in Clinton on' Wednesday, Novem- ber, 11, with the Rev. Grant Mills of Ontario Street United Church, officiating, The inter- ment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pall-bearers for the late Mrs. Radford were Leonard Radford, Gorden Radford, Frank Rad- Councillor Files Suit For Damages Against Clinton A claim for personal damages incurred while on Town of Clinton property was filed at the last regular council meeting by Councillor Duff Thompson on behalf of • his wife, June. A letter from 'Councillor Thompson stated his wife suf- fered a fractured left foot at 10:15 am„ Oct. 16 when she stepped from the curb in front of Lee's' Ladies'-i Wear Store on Victoria Street and caught her foot in a hole in the gut- ter. Mrs. Thompson fell on her right side and was taken to hospital for treatment. Accord- ing to her doctor, she will, be immobile for six weeks from the time of the accident. Mr. Thompson's letter said the -cost of damages—when they are known—will be filed at a later date. R UMMAGE SALE Town Hall Saturday, Nov. 21 1 to 4 p.m. Sponsors: RCAF Women's Auxiliary Council Passes Building Permits Six building permits with a 'total valtie of $3,500 were is- sued by the Town of Clinton last month and reported at the last regular meeting of town council. The permits were issued to: Knox Williams of 143 Albert Street for a 16x30 foot cement block carport valued at $400. Elmer Johnston, 396 Base Line Read, for a two-car frame garage vatted 'at $1,400; W. BezzO . Of 117 Walker Street, for a frame sunporcli Valued at $200; Eugene McAdam, for repairs to his store front valued at $300; Doug Bartliff, for an electric sign to go over the entrance to. Bartliff'S Restaurant, valued at $200; R. G. Shortreed, 48 Dunlop Street, for a frame carport val- ued at $1,000. LABATT'S APPOINTMENT ROBERT W. TICKLING Mr. Bruce G. Elliot, Director of Marketing, Labatt's Ontario Breweries Limited, announces the appointment of Mr. Robert W. Pickling, Sales Representa- tive, Stratford sales area. Mr. Fickling joins Labatt's after acquiring a broad and diversified business experience, including duties in the retail merchandising . and transportation fields. A resi- dent of Stratford, Mr. Fickling also assumes sales responsibili- ties in Clinton, Goderich, St. Mary's, Listowel and Palmerston. Pipe Leppingtons were married by Rev, Armstrong at the Unit- ed Church manse in Wingharn on Nov. 7, 1919. Leppington, who was born and raised in Clinton, brought his bride hack here where the couple has liv'e'd since, Have Many Friends Mrs. Leppirigton, the former Funeral Today For Mrs. &oils Mrs. Edward Grealis of Hu- ran Street, Clinton, died Tues-. day, November 17 in Clinton Public Hospital. She was 67. She was the former Ruby Currie. Funeral services will be Veld On Thursday (today) at 2 p.m. in 'the Ball and Mutch funeral home in Clinton. The inter-' ment is to be in Clinton ceme- tery. She is survived by ,her hus- band, Edward; her daughters, Mrs. Douglas (Berva) Cart- wright of Clinton; Mrs. William ('Betty) Taylor of McKenzie Island, Ont.; 'her sots, Eric and Donald Switzer, both of Clin- ton; her sister, Mrs. Harold Trawlers= of Clinton and her brother, Howard Currie of Clinton. Goderich Couple Hold Open House On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. S. Peter Young marked, their 50th Wedding Anniversary with open house at 'their home on Huron Rd., Goderich, on November 11. Mrs. Young is the former Elma Betties. They were married in Bay- field by the Rev. Alfred Mc- Farlane and farmed in Gode- rich Twp. until they retired in 1946. They have three child- ren: Mrs. Graham (Olive) Johnston of Clinton; James, of Goderich Twp.; and Mrs. Har- old (Bessie) Black of Clinton. They have seven grandchild- ren and two great grandchild- ren, Both are menibers of Victor- ia St. United Church, Gode- rich. The table centered with the Wedding cake was decorated With gold streamers 'and white and gold tapers with Nif.r.s, Al- lan Betties and Mrs. Clara siStersin-law of Mr. and Mrs. Young petiririg tea to about 1.00 guests. Assisting were the couple's daughters, daughter-insiw a n d grand- clatighters. Men s Ski Jackets Pile Lined — Plain Men's Car Coats Topcoats from $8,95 to $28.95 boys' Porkd coats Laminated Nyloh, Wool $5,95 - $13,95 ,ottit STORE vv11 d 1 • 0 • The BarryMore Look Not one, but two great profiles are shown in the aboVe photo by Wayne and ShUSter. On CBC television this year, the' team is seen in four Wayne and Shuster Hour :variety shows. In ad- dition, CanAdd's top co/tics will be hosts and com- mentators for a series of §1.7r :programs about the great film comedians. Both series . are on the Monday night Show of the Week hour, (CBC Photo) How Aliouir a Free Wall Mural on one wall--featuring "Tropical Sand" or "On The Riviera" -- We have Mony Others to chabse from — New Ways To Add Sparkling Beauty To Your Home Add . CPI Peacock Plate-Glatt Mirror — Makes A Lovely ChristMas Gift Why not come in and See Our Selection and order one, STOkE HOURS 9.6 p,m. Daily 9.12 Noon Wednesday D. A. Kay's t.. Son PAINTER and DECORATORS la HURON ST. PHONE 4024542 We have available a wide selection Of • WALLPAPERS • PAINTS 'and • DRAPERIES We also install • V'INA-RUG CARPET and Saind Flobis How About Now! * No better time to get your rooms decorated BEFORE CHRISTMAS * FREE ESTIMATES just phone 482-9542 &wine convener of the unit, assisted by IVIrs. A. Bond.- The Rev. C. Park introduced the study of mission work in Trinidad with a taped linterview with the Rev, Roy Jordison, which was recorded during the latter's visit to Huron Presby- tery in the spring of 1963. The roll call was answered by stating some fact about Trinidad. The business period included a report of the Reg- iOnal meeting held in I3ruce- field on October 22. Photo By John Visser Mr., and Mrs. Tom Leppingtoti Celebrate 45th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Leppington of 177 Spencer Street, Clinton, quietly celebrated their 45th wedding anni- versary earlier this month at their home. Louella E. J, Tomkins, was Wingham with her parents. Both . and Mrs. Lapping- ton have been active in the community and are well known by scores of friends and acqu- liorii at Elora And moved to aintances. They have •three sons, two of whom are living, and two dailgtiters. San John' W. lives on North Street in Clinton, and soh Roy F. lives at Brumfield. The couple's third son, Thomas, was killed in a ear Crash in 1942. 13 Grandchildren Daughter Mrs. Albert (Dina May) Leibold lives at RR 2, CIMUM, and the second daugh- ter, Mrs. Lloyd Johnston (Edith Mary) lives in London, The Leppingtons have 13 grandchildren and one great- grandchild. SHOP NOW While Stock is at Its Best at Clinton House Of Bargapihon,,,es481-7735 WE CASH ALL BABY BONUS CHEQUES Fidelity Unit Holds Meeting- The Fidelity Unit of Wesley- Willis UCW met in the Church parlor on' TueSclay afternoon, November 10...The worship ser- vice—which included medita- tion for Remembrance Day — was led by Mrs. L. JerVis, pro-