HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-12, Page 10go, ew*Aq
Mrd- Thom h w 14
tup and Saucer
FORAL, PATTERNS by Shelley with p�pnsy, rose,
violet and nQspg.cy patterns,
Regi $ i
2,25, Sale Price or 2 for 4345
SOLM 0L ORS with floral potter)) in, n do
sign, Rog. $2,25 ....... .75
COLORFUL CUP in green, pink, yqllQw with f1pral
,pqtterns, inside. Qup,
Reg $1,95
.ROYAL TARA CHINA in. Gold =0 $.lack �Ose do -
sign, Reg. $3.25 ..... .......... ... Sale $2.$9
Flower Arrangements sot in Bird, Animal
and Driftwood designs:
.Reg. $1.x'5—Sate $1.29 Reg, $2;95-40le $2.25
Rog, $195 Sale $2,95 Rog. $4,95 --Sale $3.79
AM '9
the Canadian Jewellers Association Contest and
A tioliday In
aw, I wo
Lurope Fu
• Plus $500 for expenses
• 100 Other Prizes To Win
For Details and Entry Blanks see
stant Play; Garrard
changer (ATG), Two 6"
Speakers,, detachable lug-
gage- case with. Black
Snake -Skin, with Silver
Only $169'.95
Tilt Down Portable. Right
Detachable Speaker; Two
41, Speakers; in Brown,
Green, Gray.
Only X19.95
dw am 9 S
Phone 482-3641 Clinton
'For Combined ;e
P99 WEE . SQUIRT . wee WEE
Pee Woo —6brli after Juno 1, 1952-
952Squirfs .,—b6rn after Juno 1, 1954
Wee Wee --from 6 fb Utidet 8 ye -ars
806hsored by the Kinsmen Club of Clinton
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
NAMe......... ...................... .................. ........... .... .......................
Age ............... Birthday ................................... Year'.,..........::...
Registration Sato, Not 4
tit the Aeorid
Ped WdV, 0 a.M. Sqo,'Ify'l 0'!41,ML , WD# Wedf '1'I 0.jn,
pledte bring $1.50 418umeld6. -p6o wifh'
Additional 00t4s Avalft&16 it, r4bWs-3ocord dffl6d
IngCodOint"Juorin Ehi'b"o-nif, Councilr �Def ats Build9
Play , 'Walkerton Hero friday �Hight
(Con#!z;u0 from Page One) Itie M44 who A qualffy as MeetingSunday
&111 ad Aa complot�- Ole
The 0!atoa.JVAi1Qr CQJ�sr, ClIn ne g Code apQn Which to g =�
'04 lTU
baric)' this expan% e c)o
it �_. terw �.Ipr. 'e, raw mn
1,n Xlg id
,e �W .1 _P: and At "am
.4., had ng
th,,14r�acprc=Me p$ they tjrquneed Owen 10.0 Clinton Chc(mberb�, Co axier6e 0ding a bou 'd 'RP
-h =9 w A me medal op�
44 ZM PIVP 1 the R as:104g yog to adopt 'tile ,Na -NA- A'. f-elt 41 #11014t, the,04e, D.V
1,,e . d
ipps, det.ag .4 ing
C A tionea Bpildin p
g Code,' OX, but in qp#e- 0 su the , opfe
e6ta 441 all
, the fqxVy
hast wedne;E49,7 Aightt tQ )the con
81 meeting (4 the tiU14'n you coil't bov on ftf ada '14 IR167 WWI be 9;1, display
Ie w '�u
Ch, ctqber thp cod
fto q -0011trActOr '-"ale PQ"[-. in ClIntf)n Sun at Ole Tl*,d
,Bruce Coopor ppicgO the at a good, "Id, defencpmqn� t 1h,, CWtM
'es lot "A law w4b no the
1,S. �444 ItWO The' 919Y Mc esplotl was passed thp t
%Ck. W�th f6klr g0a 1i -.g. qn ot* WbA> was among PWIson'i Annual A�$uln Exhibition spm,.
the 0ter"es 0 1V' 1'4W at a1L
&arre were . , ft , f e present at The Mee W44
asmat5, wwp Bob Livermore tha out t—o sore4 by the Duron County`
caMo ',of eappomic wWare the opinion of %e, code, Numismatic Society at the F4-kJ4,
through with three goals 1�,Jqir
Owen, Sound a4 town Of Out of ProporWit askod Uls
d)R qjntora, sW.d, adapt rtbeL N the vpal4net -of lwq� use 5t,11 he sand, ".We
. ,
an 4 en
Motor 1J,#e
.4 two assists. With 0 !of M.0ton, 4 pair of = . o lorow
the top of tb fennel Buading Code that
foreseeable 40notmc*Qn bere build �accprdlng to the cooe a rphe
acid t, pc
e s�coring list was m!lnute penalties for flghOng.M4
John, Cooper -W.11h 4V0 las1i$ts. Getting -14,�bv representation to the ;ClWton; ftt. would, require twpeotm we feel fts A Wise code to, go expected i oe'ting Which ur
W* ft�, b1s firot to 4mw nun-4snunti#; ,
94me MW Clintbo .goalie Lorne Town Coun0JJ be Made -th j and the AMOMM that a Qual- byt Wo have -lip bw cqm�
Also storing for Odptou were d f
the from ftcros� westeirn Ontario
*9 Daer, wb�qplayed a fine gamp, 41fiod i- P90tor could -command pladn1ts, Were not ,
Dean Reid, wit'h the WimVW e N4floml retread to,.Wlll %Wrt
be , gknn At I PM�
its as A salar
.y or on 4, Xv%*pr stand b T
13 U�4 a bylaw
ebind our work W.
xcAl; Raymond Caron Core but 410 not have P.- -lot ,of ivoi 4x Q k ben Ile cowmeawrajtJV-e Medal 1$
gopi, ci�ie asojot); RoIbWe Loxi third ftal T�Oqdigg ts
and basis, 1004 out of all pmpor, il 4�ar*eo on tjiQ qo4e.V
to 00 mpstot 010 Ome, ap x"ately four 414ches M
(one goal), Ken , '• ColIts Will oted by Uon, and 44optioji pf� the mde, diameter ai�a
P` Pop Yeo The j., upon co at . rs,
u4pil elp Coittrgeto
u=r a quarter pf .10
q�etlng *!me seems -qnW#se,1 W, Doucette ,44 he believ- inob th1q%, It )made solid
(two assists each), Laurie Coa- tbeir regular season. play 4-th ember' 9th POWWAL Z
IV Coupti)lor Thompson rebut- ed the
qub, ouTi, Randy Glew,DcnFrae- agame a' ails. V�balwton. tw o would Ilke you genfde� buillEng 'Code 44c�an help
ted Ithl�r gt�RtementS- contractors
rt=, and Bob Daikin (one As- )Friday xdgiTt (tompIrrow) in the 41011 Ito act on ribs request as .94 tho whale, It It is believed only a very.fw,
as posr,11y1e a$;.Wo �o 74 40 , �q
Rlst each), Clinton Lions Arena at 8-130. soon deference of the f4pts would make practices Cf the Tne
rextaltie$ id- that Co4neffliorNoonan-brou t More fOr because 4R.contrgat th W, still exist, Most
0 a very necessary," be eonqat 94 em, -having been ntfted
An interesting factor in the UP in regard9 t* an inspector, ors -would be bidding for lie 46w; for their silver content.
ar Pen- M• d The club has acquired a Um -
game vas the nuMber Moves For Reading it would seem to me that we, same quality of work.11
alities. A total of 24 penalties I dleton WA e`Mr. G4ron's presqntatlon-was do not have to hue 4 fu'd- , Tie said naUung e=ted now sited quantity of 1964 Canadian
were handed opt 'by the, refer, tin* i4spector. We, could hire to, prevent any contrgctorf-rom� ComMemW01ve dollars. and
ees, 12 to, each team, faun, Duff Thompson tfint whf,,relby 'he another town or cfty bidding Oil willbe selling them for *1 each
team, �jen
Meeting'Held "on from emoueldonbeac basis . 11
-Daer, a newcomer to vi on -qoupcIll give third reading to , aued 4A, to Inspect lace) jobs, and tendering a low' on a one4,o-a-customer basis,
h buildipp going upat the three er price made possible, b
hockey, sot cut a WWI of 12 town bylaw y 'fie
No. 17 which V
Stages whenrequjred, Of W'.'rior.gr4de �Mt1was;
Minutes in minor Penalties as At Miller Home passed Would- give Cil . , . when use
,- I'll, 4, the -buildings were not being and, construction practices blamed on a lack of proper
he showed everyone present The, Wcmep!s,- Auxiliary of building code. The motign was finamed in, which m, e inspe. t, ;(And don't thipl,- it - inspection, coq*nented Derr
that he 4s every bit as hg and S - James dhw�, Midd;let)an, seconded by Cour, George Imet be -
.t. . ors are brought in anyway, ing dqne/f he added. Kay., "I beReve fdve children
tough as lie looks. Daer should xnat on Wednesday afternoon, Wonch� For WoMWp4 Fee Mr. Doucette said he wished and onead-tdt were' killed when.
prove to b44 a crowd -pleasing November 4th at the hame of Sp%&Ingagairmt adoption of e! that rink fell down. That could
player In the future, as well as, Mrs, ,<oft M,-Xer. •Eleven the bylawand the code, Coun. W could Pwb-tb1Y 90t one to set one matter straight for have been ia.yaded w$th a
members and one dsitor were H. F. Noonan read oL prepared TW a nominal fee. I cannot the Public record. lie said building -code. We worplidnt
stEotement -to council see, that an inspector! is a earlier reports i
., the text stum1bling ba ek to adoption of Record 1) the e News- want that to happen here."
Kinsmen Club PrTeshoent, of which follows: I Q mentioned a local con-
. president read 'a, poem, the buildinj &Qde If Clinton t1factQr who had done work for When the Motion was ready
and Mrs. J. Storey, the Prayer First of all I'd like to say, is to, progress, and get zoning Mr. Garon. for the vote, Reeve Agnew ask-
Partnees secretary read a let- that We 'are happy to see you and industry, then we must be Uuilding Coudeimed ed- for a recorded vote, a prac�
To Sponsor. ter f=a yoshlk& Nonald of here'tanigbt, Maw of you have able to zone against the erec� When the job was completed tice not often, used by counefl,
Japan, announcing her safe re- served on the counct and are tion The request was granted,
t L, of, certain types of budld- to Ift Garon's saAdsfactdon, the
turn afterher Canadian tour. fan,41111ar with the problems, ar -and Ole* John Livermore read
Tots. Hockey lugs? Department of Labor condemn- Out the names of ccu jlors
It was decided to -hold a attempts Ito' solve- "The nd
The Clinton Kinsmen once wolal evening in SS 9 an Fri- Adverse Publicity just one 10AAcal ed the budding because it did st"bing with Mayor muer.
again this year are Sponsoring day, Nbvember 20th. The com, "Thlis being so, You cannot Step to progress. not meet safety requirements. When the "Nays" land "Yeas"
m[inw hockey for yowig%ters in -tt 11 h failed to, *notdee the con- Speaking in favor of the. mo- Mr. Garon had to pay th#, cost were counted, Mr, Giron rose
Clinton and district. Registra" m0i fe . I charge is made up "We tion be seconded '0ouncillor of -the required alteradona. to his, -feet and asked,, "I al-'
, Mrs., Don M1 dleton, Mm. siderable volume of adverse
tion. for brie leagues will be at �:elth Miller, George Wonch said- "I just want4t to known
er, Mrs. J. Storey pulbAol* (Erected in the Paper ways thought*the mayor voted
th�o.Lions Arenia this Saturday and Mrs. John Grigg. •twWarcii those who voted: Code Is Progressive that was not my company that - a recorded vote only to
morning (November 14). Ja_ "I think the adoption of ais did, thtut job,,, -Mr. Do in
Mrs, A. Dutot, Mrs, F. Mid- -ingt -the adbption of the code Doucette break a tie."
This year, there will be one dIpton, and MM, Ray Wise were. 04ma.1 Building Code on 10th Is Progressive and for ae said. "I havb done work for Reeve Comments
More group than before In the good of Clinton. In the Past Mr. Garan and many people
August, to bring a slate of A t. have frowned too much on know that I have` done work "The mayor is also a mem-
fWM /of Wee -Wee% boys be- officers to, �91tli�'has been, implied" that we b
the December Meet- , good things for Clinton. I hope for him, which is why I want her of council and has the
tween, the agm of six and eight. ing. they bad no thought for ithe 'yes! • on to point that out," he said,,
Other groups are Pee -Wee future 0f.CJinton. That with_ we lave a unanimous privIffege to Vote on anything,"
(born after June 1, 1952) and The remainder of the pro- out �the adoption of U -S bylaw this Issue." The contractor 9f the detfec. Reeve Agnew interrupted,
Squimt'(born after June 1, 154). grain consisted of "The History shaolts could be erected any- Deputy -reeve J. A. Sutter tive building was not named. "Well, I' don't think the
of St. James WA" as compiled spoke against the motion. Near the end of the discus- Mayor can vote unless, It's to.
,Coaches are still needed for by Mrs. Edward Wise. It was where in town and that -this "Welcome neighbors and shon, Gordon Grigg rose from decide a tie," Mr. Garan said,.
the teams, and anyone who learned the first miganization-al bylaw was necessary to, protect frdeads. As •a counedlior and: the floor to address- council: "That!s �o;nlywhatyouthlnk,"
would be interested in volun- meeting was held in 189.1 and the.average citizen against fly- now as deputy�reeve I have $17 Building Permit Reeve, Agnew -retorted.
teering for this job isasked,ito that the Rev. Louis Diehl. was by -night N Operators and un- had many calls: and requests "I -built a new house here "If I didn!,t vote and the
contact either Joe, Atkinson or the incumbent at that,time, scrupulous contraetors�. for things and I have always recently," he said, "and I had
motion was tied the motion
Brdan Heyes. Games w1U be Mrs. Fred Middleton read a "No mention has be -on made tried to be fair and square." to pay $17 for a butilding per- would be lost anyway," Mayor
played on Monday and Wed, poem before the. meeting was of the fact that slince 1923 we Mr. Sutter said a -man had m1t. I felt I had some protec- Miller sand.
nesday evenftw and on Satur`- closed With �ppayer by the Rev. have had a local buJilding by. Spoken to county council on tion for the $17,000 -house 1 01 would be delighted to have
day mornings. E. J. B. HVifton. A lumi., law (No, 10, 1923) which re- one occasion for several hours was building. this re -opened atw we get
A reglatmdon form can be fall
awed. in this paper, and any- owed, quires a permit before any - favor of 'adoption of the "Do you mean to tell me zoning," Reeve Agnew told the
building Is erected and that it in
one wishing to, play is asked to be inspected by our local fire building 'code for the county, that far $17 1 had no protec- Chamber delegates after the
fill It out and ba
it, plus chlef. As you know, these but that council had turned tion against the contractor 134-- vawhg took place, "I thfivk-
$1,50 to coverinsurance costs, Ma Taylor, permits are voted on each down the proposal. ing inferior matexials or con- zoning is more important than
to the arena Saturday Mon. ling,
Mary monthly council meeting. County Rejection struction techniques? a building code, anyway.11
1�e&tx ation I times are on 9�No Code Criticism Ile said county council re- "On a $17,000 project the
John Driscoll jected the proposal because it proper protection would,,have
-form. "Ilowever, to return to. the Was told a fu][1-time builcUng been worth $34, $5(), — even L 0 A N E
National Building Code. Now inspector would be reqi9red. $100 to, MO."
Announce Rites we, all know this is dn effect "Exeter has & Planning Recorded Vote
Goderich Mayor .,ig. - is announced in many of Canada's larger Board," he said, "but no budd- ',The Listowel Arena, collapse
of Mary Louise Taylor and cities. We also know that these ling code, Mitchell has no cod,-, BROWN
cities have their own engineers and other towns In, the area
Out Of Running 'c"n William '.r1sc:"- who, can• be called in where haven't seen fitto adopt it,
The bride is the daughter of
GODMICH — This town's Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Taylor necewory to adminaster it and "That's why I voted against
Lady mayor, Mrs. Mae 4boney, of Varna and the groom Is the recommend fines where neces- the code. My humble view ds Thursday, Nov. 12 — BINGO
amounted ithis week she will son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dris- SOTY- that when the county didn't in Clinton Legion Hall Mirk
riot seek re-election during the coil of RR 2, Walton. "No member of council felt ac,�,eptoit I don't see why ;ewe Sit., at 8:30 p.m. — 15 'regular
impending Goderich' municipal The marriage took place at qualified to criticize the code have to stick our neck ouit andBarnesfor $5; 1 game for $25, e SERVICE
elections. In any way. Its abbreviated h = L and T Bingos apply
Brucefield UnRed Church on have Ito pays for an inspector." 0.11 the $25 game; 3 share -the -
Mrs. Mmney served as coeur- Friday, November 6 at 7.30 booklet form contains Over 80 "1 tb�ik the idea that a fmfl- wealth games; jackpot $56 in 56
cillo), -deputy-reeve and reeve p.m. with the Rev. Howard Pages, mostly- of .tables and tim�u inspector is -needed it; numbers. AdmLx;slon 50c. e CENTRE
before being elected 'mayor, Plant officiating. technical requIlrenlents, the wrong," Mr. Garon, thundered. Friday, Nov. 13 — Dance in
IOntario Street
Reeve Frank Walkom an- Mrs. Chester MacDonald of true relative signMmnee 01 "We wouldn't need a full-time .,ondesboro Hall, dancing 10i00-
nolance,d he W- 2 1 seek. the posi- Goderich was matron of hon- which can only be gnaged by a man, You're just searing the I Desiardines Orchestra, a—
tion of mayor in the December our and Mr. Ronald Driscoll contractor when they am em- people with this talk of an dn- 11XI counter. Sponsors: Can.
election, and deputy -reeve Reg- of SoafortA was best •man. bodied lin a building. spectdr.11 adian Order of Foresters, 33en. "Butch" Suggests You
inald Jewell, -will be a-candiffiate - Mr. and,\Mrg, Driscoll will ."The real qu:Mtion was could Cauncolor Don Symons spoke Miller. Everyone welcome. Consider Weesset Pre -
for the position of Reeve. iregide at RR 2 Walton. this code be of use to Clanton.. for the, motion: 45-6b Winter Sery ices:
"Now, as'count -knew, and Progressive Step Friday, Nov. 13—Clinton.Citi.
has been pointed' -out in the "I voted for thebU4,dingcode, zees Horticultural Society, pub- IGNITION SPRAY
Press, buildings that have before , . . I will vote . lie meeting, Council Chambers, Damp wiring could cause
mortgage investments are built again. I'm for 't 8 P.m,. Guests D. H, poor s", 9.
interested On the Miles. Pictures by C. H. Epps,
it's Not To Late, under the code requirements�- town and its wolfare. We have Door prize and draw for other BATTERY TERMINALS
and inspected by the agents Of been, aosured •the 'Cod, is good Prizes, Admission free. 45.6b Clean and insulate. Assures
the mortgagee., This eliminates for Clinton and I'm for it. Once Saturday, Nov. 14—Protestant
the great bulk of residential we ha" a code we 11 have zOn' Chapel, Guild Pall Bazaar and
and business buildings being WHEEL BEARINGS
Join ing and when we have toning Tea, Ritchie Building, RCAF
erec1ted in Clinton from Our then I think we'll 'have grog- Clinton, 2-4 p.m. Tea tickets 35c. Should be cleaned and re.
copsideration. ress.10 0-6b Packed periodically.
Small Volume Here Councillor Alice Thompson SaturdayNov. 14--Bazhat & BRAKE CHECK
CLINTON RECREATION "There reftilains quite a small spoke aglainst the motion. -Tea, St. drew's Presbyterian Let us ehock-the brake lin-
volume of both types that the "Since The Gimlet came out Church, 3-5 p.m. Auspices: ing now,
code would cover here, last week I )have asked some Madeleine Lane Auxiliary.
COMMITTEES "However, a Plain staftement contractors about the building 39b -45 -Ob WAX POLISH
was made by Mr. John Pearson code" she sidd, Tuesday, Nov. 17 — BINGO -Protect the finish against
• SQUARE DANCING (0 nners)—CHSS Gym- 'of the ConunW-Sty Planning (.Mrs. T.11ompson did not- ex, at Huron Fish and Game. Jack- winter weather. Reasonable
61 h Pot $58.00 in 58 numbers. Six charge.
nasiurn, Mondays at 8: p.m. $5.00 couple Branch of the DepaAment of plain what was meant when door Prizes, 8:30 p.m.
registration. Municipal, Affairs whom We she referred to "The Gin -16t," Wednesday, Nov. 18 �- Pre- OIL UNDERCOAT
owvlderto bean authol"Ity 033 or what "The Gimlet" was.) Christmas Teaand Bazaar We store your car overnight.
• KEEP FIT CLASS FOR'LADIES — CHSS Gym- the matter on Mavclx 2601 here Only For Aparbuents, 2.30-5 p.m. Auspices St. Paul's ' Wash the undercarriage be-
nasium, Mondays at 8:00 p,m. $10,00 registra- in Clinton that flie code calls "They didb!t think dt, was Frieudghip Guild. 40p -46b fore applying aprotective
tion, 'fov"at,: appointment of a build- necessary here. It ds: needed. November 1827.•—Bus to undercoat. A small outlay
ing inspector who should have Im cities where they are budd- Royal Winter Fair. Zimmer now Protects your invest-
• ADULT BADMINTON CHSS Gymnasiums, a knowledge Of construction, ing aparltment buildings'. I Transportation. Getr tickmem
Wednesdays at 8:00 p,rn. $5.00 registration. The council is quite, con- thdnk the Federal government its early at your local de-
ceMO(l with any 9170blecn that has done a pretty good Job pot* 44-5-6b
0 TEEN AGE BADMINTON — CHSS Gymnasiums, requires spending an Its paint, but it ds superfluous, for its SAtfird&y, Nov. 28-13-ake Sale Phone "Butch" Now at
Saturdays at 1:30 p,rn. $1.00 registration, F-'WtdcW'V1y -'Omeail�tg that because. any contractor or and Bazaar., Town Hull 2-5 482-9121 for a con-
wilil recur each year, and hies other person that 21 Mrs. M,, spollsorg Clinton t venient appointment,
—0 KVILLE ENGELST AD, treasurer to consider what Is best for WA axed .Mission 01rclo
Clinton when reaching a de- to 46&48b
dsion. Fifteen Members
hispectok 19 Problem
"Now, thig building inspector
Attend :M MA
was land stfi1 19 the crux of the
C4q1RZy- CU'P whole probleth.
ed booklot form c&the code ft Of Jr. Farmers
"As Mentioned, a�
a mass of itedinical require- Vifte6n Merabem abtenaed ul
T1 CKETS ments to Ahe #xtent that dt the treiglulat meeting of th;eI-Itt,
leaves nothing tea the &h*g1n1a- Tbh county Sunior Vaxmc�rt on L XAV
NOW Ott Sed0FtOffi Merh6ers, of tion as to the reqair4�ments of Wednesday eventing 11n the
410•L I . 15,mau Rooms, dh. cliffibmL. Pre&l- Tuesday, November 17th, at 8 P.ft,
"S dont Marilyn
clitaton U o clot Local Teacher the mtefing, manhan chaired
SSTF , and Ave "vee
'a t""t ANNUAL ►
ti fWazod for
And A+ Many Businest Pieces its dinfoh Na-medToO ' 'a I
the Ivertary "Gaxi-
Clinton -Was q;l&,.
AR Je*won of
PRIE) Setaxid viee-pre8ldeAtaf Agri'ctilbcti>al I3eprEeruta�tive D: C?
$650 1000 IN , District 10, bhtaKo Secondary H. Miles, reported on the, plans
First 0dart4e, Peltd 25.06 Sdicoi Toaohe'rsl VbderaWn at whibh have been ffiado f& the
Half Tinto 00*6 $ S6406 the dittrIOVI; annual rad6ft 1066 Ilitematiohal Ploughing CLUNTON COMMUNITY CREDIT
I hold in Lisbn6"l last Wtdntl- Match which is to be held M*
Third OU60or Prize 15.00 aw, f4luron 05unty, ,
Final Se6kd Prizo $SOOM Rolyert Smith of Clifttoil was Vhe dUnfor rhTnlI�1, whbiAbta's UNION LIMITED
we're' informed of the tftd&-
Mord than, 35or temheet rep. strip 1,16rarft which is tis bei htM
ONLY $I..00 PER TICKET I-es&Tting 20 secondary schpolsr at Geneva Park, Y6bruw7 14tb
'rho Sato 0f Grey Cup browTickots is a Major in; on area from Oodetdch to W'90t&
86ufco 6f Pbridi for Cl1hft)ti Lions to corr 6h
134deh Mid tMil 8t, MAI-Sra t4 Th"d next M60tU19 19 to bt
fhdit, Arend 6nd Ce>MMUhity Wtffore W6& ettencW tht- set. helct. biz Xovemb& 25th bi tho D&pdrtliient i5f Agri�ulftifi�
9m, CAM611 to0d R66ft, -.1-1 1 11.1.1-1 11-1-111,-1