HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-12, Page 9Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Burdge Thurc4, Nov. I2„ 1964,-,Clinton New Reccord• age 9 Two Walton ,Olds In Queen f Contest 'TWOgiris from 1110. W4104 „dist/iet, Mary Helen, TM- 414444 and 1,44.14 1:470-osi have. been 01104On candidates for the utle SeaforgeS Santa gags wr...4.&„ e bestselling beer • in Canada Any beer this popular you should try! Carling Black Label Beer brims over with thirst-drenching flavour! Pour a tall cool one tonight ... you'll know why Black Label is the big favourite with people coast to coat! say:"MABEL, BLACK LABEL!" of Snow 94004 At '500)4h District TWO School, The clitieen will be creamed at a dance to be 'held At the sehOOT. Nov, 27,. and Wpm wf0-4 two ettoo4o4t", will 04o trk BENMILLER BLANKETS 72"x90" Crib 75 Only-Reg. Pr. $15.95 12 Only-Reg. Pr. $ 8.95 Sale, .Extended, To .Novembor 21 BAINTON LT Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-9373 PRODUCERS OF WOOL AND LEATHER Celebrate the 70th ANNIVERSARY of their Establishment with their Annual Factory Outlet Sale OF , WOOLLEN BLANKETS, WOOLLEN SOCKS, LEATHER GLOVES, LEATHER COATS AND JACKETS, SHEEPSKIN RUGS - SEE OUR EXPANDED SHOWROOM -- Tace advantage of our FACTORY TO YOU PRICES during the biggest sale of this kind in Western Ontario. 3,500 BLANKETS Only because we are producers of wool can we offer these fine quality blankets at such savings Value Sale Price Glen Laine SATIN BOUND $18,50 Glen Laine RAINBOW $15.95 Glen Laine COTTAGE $12.95 Glen Laine AUTO RUG .......... - ,$18.00 Glen Laine CRIB 88.00 & $6.00 $10.50 $ 9.50 $ 8.50 $12.00 $5.50 & $4.50 'A Price Leather Glove itt Sale See our New SUEDE KID GLOVES and popular Grain and Pigtex Leathers. Men's Leather Dress Gloves Lined and unlined in goatskin, capeskin and pigskin, black, brown, cork, cream Value $3.00 to $8.00 Sale Price $1.50 to $4.00 Ladies' Leather Dress Gloves , for the Fashion-wise. Lined and unlined in kid and capeskin, black, brown, cork, cream. Value $4.00 to $7.00 .„. Sale Price $2.00 to $3.50 Children's Leather Snow and Ski Mitts Deerskin, tanned to always stay soft. ( Values $1.50 & $2.50 Sale Price 75c & $1.25 SKI MITTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY --Mom, Dad, the Kids Deerskin, tanned to always ' stay soft ---Black, brown or cream. Values $4,00 & $6.00 .,..„,. Sale Price $2.00 & $3.00 8,000 Pr, Leather Work Gloves IA, PRICE OR LESS! Cheap by the pair Cheaper by 2 Pairs Cheapest by the Dozen Work Gloves UNLINED - Value $1,35 pr. Sale Price ........ 1 pr. 65c, 2 pr. $1.25, 1 doz. $7.00 UNLINED - Value $2.25 pi'. Safe Price 1 pr. $1.10, 2 pr. $2.10, 1 doz. $12.00 ROPER -- Value $2,95 pr. Sale Price 1 pr. $1.50, 2 pr. $2.95, 1 doz. $16.50 GAUNTLET - Value $3.95 pr. Sale Price 1 pr. $2.00, 2 pr. ,$3.95, 1 doz. $2'1.00 LINED - Value $2.95 pr, Sale Price „„ 1 pr. $1.50, 2 pr. $2.95, 1 doz. $16.60 Work Mitts LINED - Value $3,95 pr. Sale Price '1 pr. $2,(10,,2 pr. $3.95, 1 doz. $21.00 UNLINED - Value $3.00 pr, Sale Price 1 pr. $1.50, 2 pr. $2,95, 1 doz. $16,50 --------o------- 18 Scouters Active At Auburn Eighteen local boys are showing keen interest in the First Auburn Boy Scout troop under the leadership of Scout- master Percy Youngblut. Meetings have been held every Tuesday evening and the boys have been instructed in scouting and lave been learning crafts, archery, knot-tying, sig- milLs, rules of boating and use of guns. Patrol leaders, Paul Gross, Larry Lockhart and Billy Em- pey were chosen b y the Scoutmaster and his assistant, Elliott Lapp, for their interest in Scouts, leadership ability and exploration knowledge. Hold Family Night At Auburn WI Family Night was observed last Friday night by the mem- bers of the Auburn Women's Institute and began With a smorgasbord supper served by Mrs. George Mrs. Wil- liam Shraugi-man and Mrs. Arn- old Craig. Following the supper, pro- gressive euchre, lost heir and crokinolc was played with Bert. Craig in charge. Winners at the euchre were: high Man, Arnold Craig; low Man, Eddie Haines; high lady, Mrs. Leonard Archambauit; low lady, Mrs. Robert Turner, WHEREVER HEATING MOBLEIWS D0 EXIST THIS IS A, CHALIME WE 64101 ReSI7e1 011•1111010M11116 011111M11011•1111•111•110, Clinton Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion Wishes To Thank Clinton Residents Who Supported Their Paper Drive in Oct. The Legion Also Wishes to Announce Another WASTE PAPER COLLECTION EARLY IN APRIL, 1965 And Requests Householders To Begin Now To Save and Bundle Up Waste Paper For The Spring Collection. r W. G. CAMPBELL Box 659 - Ph. 486 Seaforth, Ont, Try This Quiz . am years old. I have worked for years. My income for this period totals Of this amount I have left DO THE ANSWERS SATISFY YOU? SYNDICATE LIMITED 'zkOWYMENaii=4,4AW'' One-stop banking In a few minutes they'll be out again, with all their banking done. Right nOw they want to cash a 'cheque, get something out of their safety deposit 15ox, have their savings account book made up. Next time ? IIe may be in about a loan; she to buy a money order for her aunt's birthday. An able, obliging staff looks after them; and should they need help on some financial problem, the manager is there --- a good man to talk things over with. Complete service, Trained people, Conven,, tent, one-stop banking at your chartered bank. ellAitrtittD tiANKS StRVING YOlik COMMIJNITV. Through .1,650 branches, all across Canada, the chartered banks bring fall-range banking within the reach of everyone, Auburn and strict MO WES BRADNOCK-coOreSP*ndent Phon9 544-7495 Mr, and. NM. Robert ..r)% Jiias YiSited last, Wednesday. with Mr, .and Mrs, George Ger- Man of Clinton XiSSSadie•Car.te_Lr. Mrs, EU- zaboth aid ArS, l'farXY ICne011101 of GOderieii Visited lest 'week with Miss .Laura. ,and Mrs. Thomas John- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Ten Flick of Aylmer Visited her aunt, Mrs, Ed, Davies •and.Mr;DaVieS 1451; Sunday. Mr, Keith Arthur of Lagn- bath was in the village last Week and brought his mother, Mrs. Jahn Arthur to the bonne of, his brother, Harry _Arthur, Mrs, Arthur and 'family. Mrs. joint Arthur has been several weeks with her cta4gbitex, Mrs, Bab Davis, Mr, Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Dougall, Miss. Bernice McDon- gall and Mr. Allan McDougall visited wi11i his brother, Mr, Pmer MoPeggall,. avfm, .NLey Potigall..end last Sunday.. - ass Bernice McDougall and Gordon- • Grass attended the StratfOrd- C011ege Alumni dance held in the Stratford Coliseum last Satur, day evening, Mr,. and MM Nilan Moore of Stratford visited her aunt, Mrs, Jr 13P.„14PilsOli Clinton PublicTig 1Piltal. en. Sunday. Mrys. Earl Allison Of Gotle, rich visited r'el'atives. in the. vil- lage last SaturdaY. Mr. 444 Ws.. Andrew Arm- strong of Detroit are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kirk, connell, Mrs. Sam Dam and. Mrs. William Stewart visited. last week with Mrs, Herbert Goyim, Who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, .London... Mr,' and Mrs. Elwin Cart- wriabt 4f Blyith tare 54gttin.3 with their son, Pege4 Mrs. Cart right, 'and PeryK, ,TOim .lieMaten, Of .the.' Unit- verslty of Waterloo spent the weekend with his PaiMntS, Mr, andMrs. Ben Miss Lori 1y14 Brown of Fort Albert spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr,.And Mrs'. Warner' Andrew And Miss Lynda. rs; Ed. .navies end. Mrs, Wes 13radno* attended the. convention of the LondOn Area of .the women's. Taistitutes, at Sit, Thomas, last week, Mrs,. Bradmielc was elected •provin- 010 board •director for • sub- division 22, representing the WI branches in the districts of Perth South, Huron South, Ox- ford North and Huron West. Mx.and Mrs. Harry Jackson of Wingliarn visited on Sunday with 'their daughter, Mrs. Garth Walden and Mr. Walden, Miss Margaret R. 'Jackson,' Mr. and 'vim Wes Baradnock, Stem} and George, visited at Bluevale on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs, James' Johnston and her mother, Mrs. Catherine Ddbie. Mrs Norman. Taylor of Bel- miantviSitedlast week with her sister, Mrs, Ed. Davies and Mr. Davies. Mr, and Mrs. Walter We- i-harm of Seaforth spent,Sunday• With their daughter, Mrs, pet- er He7lriiiga, Mr. Hellinga, Hank and Elizabeth. Mrs. Wilda Clatworthy and Mrs. Fred Taylor of :Grantan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Antlitir and Jayne. 1V1lasbar• Douglas Moduli* of C/Oderieh spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beadle. , Mr. and . Mrs. Amos Andrew and their daughter, .Mrs. Brent Nelson and Tracie, of Gode- rich, visited last .week with , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Peter Marian and family rn'oved. Goderthh on Mon- day to their new home on EaSit Street. Mr. and Mrs. Duman Phillips of Lurg'on Beach -visited with Ms 'Cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert J. Phillips, -Mr, and -Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Miss Laura Phillips and ,herr cousin; Mrs. Charles Straughan, last week. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ronald Taylor, Wayne and Paul of Victoria, B.C. are visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Taylor and her sister, Mrs. Garth McClinr- obey, Mr. McClinchey a n d family. Miss Ethel Washington and Mrs. Amos Andrew visited last Tharsday evening with Mrs, Charles Straughan. AYPA, YPS Meeting ,Sunday At Auburn The AYPA and 'X.nOx YPS mot at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ford Clark with the pre- sident, Floyd Smith in charge. Miss Carole Brown was the pia- nist, The devotional period was taken by George Clerk. The religion Islam: was the to- pic and this was given by Phil °lark. A 'dis'cus'sion period followed led by Rev. Robert Met/1Y. In the business period, which fol- lowed,. piers were made for the Deanery .dance to be held at, Auburn on Dcember 28th and for• the car rally in December. The next meeting Will be held at the home of Floyd Smith. 0 Trinity Club Meeting Held At Bayfield The Trinity Club met art the home of Mrs. W. E. Parker on Tuesday, Nov. 3, with the pre- sident, Mrs, Walter E. Erick- son in the -Chair. The meeting opened with the members' prayer, followed by a special prayer for guidance by Mrs. John Land', followed by a Psalm read by Mrs. R. R. Fitz- simons. The secretary, Mrs.\ 3. B. Higgins, read the minutes and the special order of business dealt with the Club's rranthalr- party for pre-school children to be held in December at the Parish Hall. ' The conveners -for this event are Mrs. R. Fitzsimons, Mrs, J. B. Higgins and Mrs, G, Bell- Chamber. The •tavasurer, Mrs. W. E. Parker, gave the finan- dial report and it was approved to allocate certain sums of money to the Canadian Save the Children' Fund, the Chil- dren's Aid Society in Goderich and Trinity Church, Bayfield. Family Dinner -Honor s :Couple On Anniversary and: WS, -Fred' .INPdge were llonowocl ,O(A0t4 At .4 family dinner at the .thome of their soh. And Oaughter,t0,1aw,• Mr, and Mrs. William. )34rdge of Brucefield, on the •OPPASign of their fiftieth wedding an .P1Versary. They received Many .giffts, flowers, cards .and telegranIS. They were married Sea- forth by the Rev, F. H. 1.404,4), on .Novernber 1.1111, 1914, Mrs, an..dge is the former Hannah iffooKon Qoderaell Township, Mr. And Mrs, Burdge lived on a farm south. of Brucefield UAW. their raroment lin 1,946, At which .*iie they moved to i33ruec field.. They are both members Of the Brucefield 'United Chureh, Mr. Burdge being tre44.1rOV for a aumber or years. Mrs. Burdge Is, one of the fixet members of the UGW. Mr. Burdge is a rlemi2er of the ICOF Ledge and received the 59 •yo4r, jewel In 1962, He gikes .Work iii bfs gar- doh and is also interested in. vvoredWorit as a hobby. Mr. and Mrs. Burdge have two sons, James of Swastika and William of Brucefield, .and four ,gratidcnildren, Youngblut, second 'to Joyce Leatherland and third, to Marg- aret and Mary Sanderson and Betty MOP, The special prize went 'to Judy Arthur and Gail Miller. Games and contests were en- joyed and lunch was served by the leader, Mrs. Wes Bradnopk, assisixl by Miss Margaret R. Jackson. Auburn C G I T Judge Costumes The Auburn CGIT members held their Hallowe'en party in in the Sunday School room of Knox Presbyterian Church with 19' girls taking pa It. The grand nilarch was held with judges being Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Miss Laura Phillips. First prize was awarded to .Jane lioren, second to Sheron Collins and 'third to Diane Kirkconnell. The comic dress prize was awarded to Marian • 12000 Pair Wool Work Socks 1st Quality Only - Heavy Weight - Nylon Reinforced Value $1.25 pr. tale Price - 1 pr. 63c, 2 pr. $1.21, 1 dot. $7.00 Men's and Ladies' Leather Coats and Jackets ChoeSe treat high faShiori lineS or linos tailored for rugged Wear Priced frOn $16.95 to $79.95 (Prices much below regular Values.) Glen Laine Sheepskin Rugs 12 shades all ready for Christmas giving. combines the ruggedness of leather with the beauty and comfort of wool Value $1.6,09 Only $13.00.- len Leine d'HAMOIS PrleeS 'teeth 'No to $.61)