HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-12, Page 7GREATEST BUDGET VALUE VACUUM CLEANER ...and best of all ... it's a LEVVYT • WITH POWERFUL CLEANING ACTION ... FULL s' 1 HORSEPOWER HEAVY DUTY MOTOR Complete with 7-piece accessory assort. MODEL 7104 rent, plus famous Lewyt exclusive See-Thru Speed Saks. All steel housing! S49.95 Lie-flat luggage type handle! Wide vinyl bumper! :` BALL & MUTCH "Crest" HARDWARE Albert St. CLINTON 482-9505 %Mon. I Next'time, try.".. PRODUCED BY T. G. BRIGHT & CO.. LIMITED • NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA N EW Lo4SHUR•GAIN 40% SILASUPPLEMENT "A" 372 Bay St., Toronto 3$ Dunlop St., 73 Mississaga L, Barrio Orllha CLINTON 46b PHONE 482-9411 Vomimoisioni•N• 4/1~111 1•11111fr 4/1111•111111•1n 011•01~ SHORTY'S 212 VICTORIA ST. (HWY. 4) 482-7661 Oil Burner Service AND Cleanout Contact Us For Any Date That Is Convenient To You To Have This Work Done. FREE TO OUR OIL CUSTOMERS A. G. GRIGG & SON 4 ATTENTION MOTORISTS: Spray your car for winter driving now. All new rust resisting oil. Cut down costly repairs, help prevent rust. American cars $10.00 — European makes $8.00. Make your appointment now, cars, if left by 6 p.m. can be picked up the following morning. Let Mr. B.A. take care of your car. I % PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn,the above indicated' interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. ew RAILUNER service AG SAL 'SW DURING ALL POUR SEASONS YOU WILL /NO, TIMELY YALUES youP7a0 YOU HAVE . HMO AT FRIEND DWA 482,4 terciN 523.4246 BLYTH A group of 137 members of the Independent Order of, OddfelloWs gathered - in the parish hail of Wesley,Wiiiis United Church; Tuesday, Nov, 3 for a ban- quet honoring the Grand MaSter's visit to Huron District No, S. In the above photo, the Grand .Master, Arthur Burch of St. Catharines, was addressing the group. on "Hold The Line", the .0cldfellows' program for the year. Those at the head table include, from the left: R. Benson Sutter, DDGM of Huron Dist- riot; Mrs, Mary Sutter; Arthur Burch; Jean Burch, wife of the Grand Master, and treasurer of the Rebekah Assenply of Ontario and Allen Dent, of Tiverton,. DDGM of the Bruce District. (News-Record Photo by John Visser) Grand Master Addresses. Oddfellows. • • The meeting was in charge of Benson Sutter, 'DiStrict. Deputy ' Grand Master of Huron - Dist- ric:it No, 8, who welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Burch and the other guests preSent. Following the dinner, a short programme took place . before the Grand Master gave his message. Amos Osbaldesten, Goderich, District Deputy Gr- and Warden of 'Huron" District No. 8, expressed appreciation to 'the ladies, 'to which Mrs. George Beattie replied. OTEL (LINTON Featuring "'Cloud 9" Room PIONEE 550 POWER-RATED FOR LIGHT PULP CUTTING Now! Pioneer introduces a truly compact professional, chain saw, The 550 is recommended ` for light professional pulp cutting and limbing •and for the farmer requiring that little extra poYier and cutting speed 4010, PH:CiGHESS 0011/0QV AND LFADEftSH1P, "Hold The Line" In his remarks, Bro. Burch spoke on the program which the various branches of the Order have adopted for . thiS term-L,"Hoild the Line". He mentioned the various projects which are to be carried put. Each lodge has an interest in the Educational Foundation of which the I,O.O.F. has an in- terest. He stressed the eye bank, and Mentioned that the Order is responsible for setting up a re- search centre at the John Hop- kins University. He urged the fareration, Of Junior Lodges, and strongly recommended the continuance of the United Na- tions Youth Pilgrimage project, He also urged each member to take a more active part in the work of the C.P. and T. Committee which exemplifies the humanitarian interests of the Order. Following the.. address Wilm- er Cuthill, Seaforth, expressed appreciation 'to the Grand Mas- ter and Mrs. Burch for being present, and to the Grand Mas- ter for the address he had given. Award Pin During /this past year, the Lodges in the District had par- ticipated in the United Nations Youth Pilgrimage Contest, the Winner being Robbie Witmer, Goderich. Grand Master Burch presented Robbie with his Pil- grimage pin'. Throughout the month of October, D.D.G.M. Benson Sut- ter and his installation &tett had installed' the officers in the various Lodges in the District. They had been assisted by Neil 1\46Millan, Belmont, as pianist, and he and his Wife were pre- sent at this banquet. In honour of their wedding anniversary, which was that day, the install- ing tearer, represented 'by the D.D.G.M. and his secretary, Harold Tyndall, presented Mr. and Mrs. McMullen With a small remembrance, Grand Master Burch also presented his P.D,D.G.1Vi.'s Jew- el to Ross Niche', who spoke briefly and expressed apprecia- tion for the co-operation he had received, As a personal Me- mento of the occasion, 'the D.D.G.M. presented Mr, and Mrs. Burch with a hand-croch- eted record of the officers of the year and the visit to this district. The evening was brought 'to a close with Mrs.. Benson Sut- ter. singing Perfect Day", and everyone joining in the singing of "0 Canada", MIDDLETON Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Earley and Robert of Hind-est Angus Farms, Kerwood, spenf Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart' Middleton. VARNA The members, of L014 105 witlz 'their faMilies• held 'Wear annual supper in the Orange Hall .on Fridzy evening , Tia .Reanembrapoe Day serv- iee Wra$ held in the united . ohurch last Sunday with the. pastor, Rev. M. Morrison in; Charge._ After the Service .4 parade was formed and march-. cd to the cenotaph where Mr. INTeAsh pleeed a wreath on behalf of the veterans. and Charles Reid . 14.41 a a wreath p behalf of LOL, 1035. The chrOlr sang an anthem and Rev. M. Morrison closa with a prayer,. The November meeting of the United church Women was held in the church On Thursday evening last, Group 4 was in charge of devotions with Mrs, Wm, Dowson leadng, Trie theme was "Friendship". Mrs. Wm. Qiarke read the scripture lesson, Mrs, Dow- son gave the meditation and read a poem written by an un,, IctiOwn soldier on "friendship", and followed with a prayer. Mrs, Robert Taylor, the presi- dent, conducted the busioeSS period. Reports were given by the delegates from the Presbyterial which was held at Brucefield recently. Mrs. Harvey Hater gave 'a report on' the morning . session and Mrs. To'hn McAsh the afternoon report. The roll call was' answered by 27 mem- bers handing .M a favorite cook- ie recipe. Thirty calls were made to sick 'and shut-ins during the past month. It was decided to send a donation 'to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. The roll call for the Decem- ber role al is to be answered by a donation for the. Children's Aid Society: Mrs. Gordon Hill and Mrs. Frank Hill led in a discussion from the book "Gad and His Purpose". The meet- ing closed with prayer and Group 3 served lunch. Presbyterial Reports Heard At UCW Meeting The UCW of Holmesville United Church met in the Sun- day School room of the church for their November meeting. Owing to other commitments, the meeting had to be held two weeks early. The meeting was in the charge of Groups 1 and 2, headed by Mrs. Caomatan Teb- butt and Mrs, Reg. Miller, with Mrs. Miller, in the chair giving the call to worship. A hymn was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs. John Grigg, Mrs. Ntinian Heard read the scripture lessen and Mrs. Car- man Tebbutt gave the medita- tion. Mrs. Jim Lobb played a piano solo. The Bible study, pertaining to the time preced- ing 'the birth of Christ, was giv- en by Mrs Wm. Norman. Reports of 'the recent region- al meeting of the UCW of Hur- on Presbyterial was given by Mrs. Elmer Potter and Mrs, Edward ,Grigg. The business was conducted by the presid- ent, Mrs. Lloyd Bond. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read by Mrs. Harry Cudmore, 'and the correspond- ence was read by Mrs. Harry Williams. Mrs. Frank McCullough gave the treasurer's report. lirs. Ken Harris reported for the so- coMmlittee, in regards to the banquet catered to on Nov. ember 5, and to the bazaar, to be held at 'the church on Wed- nesday, Nov. 11. It was decid- ed to have used patterns and poeket novels on sale. On a motion, it was passed to have a hot water tank in- stalled, 'th'e work 'to be done im- mediately. Mrs. Eldon Yeo, reported for the supply committee, and said the allocation slip had been re- ceived. At 'the December meeting, the roll call is to 'be answered with a gift for the patients at the' Goderich Ontario Hospital. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Reg. Miller. , Hostetses for the day were Mrs. Bert Finlay, Mr's. John Grigg, Mrs. Morgan Jon- es and mt. Harold Yeki. The WT met last Thursday at nciorl for a potluck xnev. PI-1ring 'claimer, lousiness was condl-loted. after Which 2 lad- les motored to Wingbenn and were taken on a tell". of OKNX Station. On "M'Lady" program They were interviewed by Johnnie Brent and were entertained, sampling cookies which were previously demonstrated, along with a cup of coffee. Fourteen local hunters er.- joyed ideal weather for the hunt last week in the Brace- bridge vicinity, Six deer were brought out with John Saund- ercook on his first rip north having the experience of bagg- ing the largest buck, well over 20 Pounds. The deer were re- ported numerous this year. Mr, and Mrs, Ed Youngblut spoilt a few days last week at Arkona 14stitiPg with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Curts, Mrs, Nelson Lear spent sey- eral days last week with her daughter .and family, Mr. and Mrs, Stan •CrawfOrd, London. Mrs. Harvey .1-hinlelpg under- went 'surgery in Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, Mrs. Townsend is still in hos- pital and is reported making favorable progress. Mrs. Myrtle Fairservice has close4 her house for the ter months 414 ,has accepted a position as, companion house- keeper for Mrs. Wyatt of Lon- dolt number 'of ladies from the village attended a social even- ing at Constance on Friday, The Forester ladies were 'hos- rtesses to about 80 guests. Court Whist was enjoyed. Thurs... Nov.. 12, 1964—Clinton NoW.P-R•ecord Page 7 NEWS OF LONDESBORO MRS. BERT psi LAN, cprr..s.poriont Grand Master Of 100F Visits Huron District L. Arthiir Burch, St. Catharines, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, TOOF, paid his of- ficial visit to Huron District No. 8, on Tuesday, November 3. Dinner was served to the represent- atives of the nine Lodges in the District in Wesley- Willis United Church. Propose Toasts The Toast to Huron District No. 23 was proposed by Roger Vernier, HenSall, With the res- ponse given by Mrs'. Harry Beaver, Exeter, 'District Deputy President '`of Huron District No. 23. The Toast to Huron District No. 8 was proposed- by Mrs, Elmer Trick, Noble Grand of Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306, Clinton, and Ross Nichol, Brussels, Junior Past District Deputy Grand Master of Huron District No. AS ADVERTISED ON T,V. DEALER: Robert Glen, RR 5. Clinton For increased, daily gains from Corn Silage, feed SHUR-GAIN 40% Silasupple- Ment "A'. 8 replied. Elgin Thompson, •Srucefield, proposed ,the toast to the Grand Lodge of Ontario to wbich Jack Calvert, Stratford, Grand. Conductor:* of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, gave the re- sponse. Group singing was en- joyed, led by Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter with Neil Me- 1V1illan, Belmont, at the piano. / Alan Dent, Tiverton, .District Dep9ty Grand Master of Bruce District No. 10, brought greetings of his District, and also introduced Grand Master Burch. Developed• at the SHUR-GAIN Research Farm, this new beef supplement is designed to Supply the protein supple- mentatiOn required when feeding a "modern" corn Silage. That is, one high in energy or grain content, If you Ore CI beef feeder using silage as xyour main ration you owe it ,to yourtelf to field out the full details of this new SHUR,GAIN 40% Silo - supplement "A", 4014484 & 402.148S bed setvite FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR Di ING ROOM Friday--,Served from 9:10 p.m, to 12:30 o,m. Saturday Serred from 9:30 pan, to Midolght Phone 402 7011 for Reservations to STRATFORD LEAVE CLINTON 12:40 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD 1:35 P.M. LEAVE STRATFORD 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE TORONTO 3:55 P.M. Convenient tonnections to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces and Western Canada., Low Rail rareS, Red Fare one-way to WINNIPEG $21,50; to HALT PAX $24.,35, For ihfortnotioh Aone the local CN Sales Officd, WITH FAST CONNECTING SERVICE TO TORONTO .1.m.•••••••••••••• 42 9 S Red rare ono Way White $a„ils Dine $4.40 Ouotoo to' Toronto nommunmnionomminorer '6ANAblAN 'Kt-ATONAL CLINTON FEED MILL