HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-12, Page 6911 Pose News-Recorf1—,Thurs. ov. 12 1964 UAVTIFVt, BREEZY , By BEI-I-CHAMBER PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH NEWS • CLUB ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent; AUDREY BELLCHAMBERH---- Phone Barfield 30 ,Subscriptions, Classified Advs., Pisploy Advs. and Job Printing all accepted by the Payfield correspondent wiwro. •. " C° " ,I ttt and SO are pH the driving, hosards that go, with it! This ,y ear, don't get stock with ypgr summer tire; cat DriVe In now, We'll install a pair of "Truyil 4 Country" winter retreads tor !only $2045 exchange. "kk SIX T1 ELECTRIC WATER HEATING- APPLIANCE "Cascade 40" is flarneless, clean, silent. And there is a ten year guarantee on the tank. is fast as average use demands with the new APPROVED: The new "C6scade 40" Water Heating Appliance iS• an APPROVE0 PRODUCT developed through, the combined research and resources of Ontario Hydro arid electrical Manufacturers. FOR DETAILS CALL. dr your. y ro h Mr. and Mrs, W., Parker, 01140lie taTicl Kim of London; ar. rived last Friday night to sp- end the weekend with Par- entA, Mr. and Mrs. W, E, Par- ker, On Sunday they were joined by Mrs, R, Parker, Pain, Jackie and David. Jack Hammond was called to Alma last weel.c owing to the illness of his mother, Ws. Ed Bayfield Scouts Start Meetings Hayfield Scout Troop held their first meeting of the 1$64- 65 season on. Monday,‘. Nov, 9, in. the United Church basement To. date, 14 boys have enrolled. The new Scoutmaster, Ed. Hewitt, was a Rover leader rand an, Assistant District Commis- sioner in the Lynne Valley dis- trict, Niagara Region, until Moving to Hayfield a few weeks ago. He has earned the Scouter's' Long Service Medal and .the Gilweli Woodbaclge and is reg- istered with the S.J.A.B. Hammond, who is now recosr, Bring In Fergus Hospital. District coriniii$Sioner Jack BaYfieldi. .A.P,C, Pick MacRae, Clinton; .44,P,C, Olen Nortboott, Exeter, and S,7VI, R, Milton,. 'RCAF Clinton, at, tended the. Blueweiter Regional confeience. of Boy, •Sconts of Canada held at Hanover Saturday. Guests. of Mrs. i,lp.shaw on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W, Williams and Notana, of strot- fora, 0441,P4 and Ws. F. Paull, Mrs. R. H, F. -Gairdner, Canon H. Lang-Ford, spent Thursday in Kitchener as .guests of Ur, and Mrs, Ibance .Bricker, Can, on Lang-Ford -rernained. with his daughter and son,in-law. Mr, and Mrs. J. Macienzie had their brother-in-law, Mr. James. Phinney of Detroit, as their guest this . weekend. Mrs. T. Cobb and Mrs. J. MacKenzie spent Wednesday in London as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Roddielt, , Mrs. J. B. Howard returned on Thursday from. a visit.witb Rev. and Mrs, Crosby of oor- you can heat water electrically RECIPE,OF.J1-1E fiy-tlie:Ontatioriender if' BAKED PEARS WITH MARSHMALLOWS Quick Oven Dessert 6 Canada'Choice Canned Pear Halves 1 tablespoon 'sugar /4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 lemon, sliced paper thin 6 marshmallows Place drained pear halves in a baking dish with 1/3 cup of their , juice. Mix sugar and :cinnamon together and sprinkle over pears. Place a paper-thin slice of demon on each pear half and a marshmallow on top of the lemon slice, Place in a moderately hot oven (400 degrees F.) for about 5 minutesa or until marshmallows are delicately browned and pears are heated through. Serve immediate- ly, pouring the juice left in the baking pan over the pears. For attractive recipe folder, write to the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute; 241 Food Terminal Building, The Queensway, Toronto 18. HERMAN'S 16th ANNIVERSARY SALE WEEKEND SPECIALS saysi Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Reg. $2.95 ,,,,,,,, ,,,, .... NOW $1.98 MEN'S Wool Blend DRESS SLACKS Sizes 30 to 44 — All Shades Reg. $10.95 .. ... .... SPECIAL $7,99 MEN'S WINTER JACKETS Large Selection Reg. to $29,50 NOW ONLY $12.98 MEN'S NYLON WORK SOCKS /9c pr., 2 Pi. for $1.50 NOBBERLIN • Tailored-To-Measure SUITS Reg, Value $85.00 ANNIVERSARY t66 cn SPECIAL - ORDER A NEW SUIT NOW Herman's Men's Wear GUARANTEE 1. Against defects In workmanship and meterlaban both cord body and tread during the life of the tread. Z Against n ormal Bead liazardsfexcept repairable puncture.) encountered In everyday passenger car use for 12 months. r.11,1'.=1,1eart'tVg;711dl',ItIgr"andbu'deniki Drive in today... get a -Firestone FRONT END LIGNME T $8 .5 Our exper,t mechanics use precision alignment equipment to correct caster, camber and toe-in. We also adjust steering. Replacement parts extra, if needed. Plus complete SAFETY CHECK; lonommummomma $sct 6-VOLT IMMO" EXCHANGE See Us For Our SPECIAL. WINTER TUNE UP p11111111111111111110111111113111111111111111111.1111111111.1111111111111111111•1111111111111" Tirest9" BATTERIES AS LOW AS televise Your cor's Performance ... IN MINUTES! Call Doug Cantelon at 482.7681 Sauton is Firestone ALIGNMENT and WHEEL BALANCE REPAIRS, TUNE-UPS ALL, MAKES OF CARS 238 ALBERT STREET DIAL 4824681 town.. Miss Metcalf, Det- roit, spent the weekend at her village home, Dr. and Mrs. Donald TWA and three children, Lon- don, were at their home in the villajge aver' the weekend, Mrs.. Charles Knuekey is a Huron Deanery Chapter .Meeting. :Held At Bayfield The Huron Deanery of 'the Angl'i'can Church- held its reg- ular meeting for November on Monday at Trinity Church, Hayfield, The service of Holy Oommiunion was celebrated prior 'to the business meeting by the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, host rector. • The business: meeting was held in the Parish Hall with the Rural Dean; the Rev, Harr, ry Donaldson of Seaforth pre- siding, followed by dinner at the Wildkvoed Motel Restaiir, ant. Other clergy present were: the Rev. Canon F. H, Paull, now of Hayfield and recently retired from Listowel;. the Rev. G. G,,RuSsell, of Goderith; the Rev. George Anderson, secre- tary of the Chapter, from Gorrie; the Rev. Philip Gandon, of Exeter; the Rev. Harr Jennings, of Brussels; the Rev. Robert Meally, of BlYth; the Rev. Ronald Wenham, of Clin- ton. The Village tribute was a simple one, but lacked nothing in solemnity. About 15Q people joined those parading in Clan Gregor Square to pay silent homage to the memory of the fallen and especially those sons of Hayfield whose names are inscribed on the Cairn. The parade .formed at the Albion Hotel at 10.30 a.m. and moved to Trinity Anglican Church for the service' at 11 a.m. The •Rev. Canon F. H. Paull preached about' Remem- brance. Parade Order , The Parade Order was as follows: Colour Sergeant, R. 1\tacVean; Colour Party, M. Merner and J. Semple, Legion Colours; N. Bellchamber and M, Eckert, Scout Colours; S. Gallant, Cub Colours; P. How- lett and M. Francis, Guide. Col- ours; Veterans, G. Turner; Boy Scouts, J. Gallant, District Comtnissioner, and E. Hewitt, Scoutmaster; Cubs, J. McVicar, 01bn-raster; Girl Guides, Mal. D. Warner, Lieutenant; Brown- ies, Mrs. 3. Merner, Brown Owl and Mrs. J. McVicar, Tawny Owl. ' VolloWing the Church service the parade raced to the Cairn at Clan Gregor Square where the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison led in. prayer and the Rev. B. H. Eaton gave the address-, The Roll call was read by Roy Fitzs'imons. Wreaths Laid Wreaths were placed by ren- resentatives of The Provinee of Ontario, the Village of Hay- field, Canadian Legion Branch 140, Hayfield Baptist Church, Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew's United Church, Trin- ity Anglican Church, Loyal Orange Lodge No. 24, Bayfield Lions Club, Boy Scouts and Cubs., Girl Guides and Brown This Was followed by the THEY MARRED IV/MEM oR wofesemetuorroo serme„swecouwerot, wokse. • FOR .SUPERB..FOOD • Wit .a •T. RESTAURANT CLINTON'S FOREMOST 482.9076 CLINTON patient in. Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs, Oliver Hopson, David and Wayne of .Qtenbertle, were guests of Mrs...00Orget Hopson frOrri Wednesday Sunday.' Alr. and lYtrs. ,ThaneS W, Cep, land of 'Sarnia visited their cousin, the Rev. E. J. B. Har- risen a the rectory on Saw, day, .. 0. Bayfield UCW Meeting Held Unit One of St. Andrew's .U.CW held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. L1oyd -Makins with en attend- ance of 23 members. Mrs. Dunn led in worship With meditatton and prayer; the scripture passage was read by Mrs. Peterson. Rev. A. G. Pease gave a talk on the first chapter of .the study book "God and His -Pur- pose", showing how MI need religion and to get out beyond themselves for the real mean- ing and purpose of Rife, He also pointed out the poet- ic beauty of the first chapter of Genesis. The business discussion was led by Mrs. Lindsay. It was decided that the Hobo Teas would be the week of Novem- ber 16. A social hour was enjoyed, the hostess being assisted by the lunch committee. Lowering of the Colours, the observance of two minutes sil- ence, the raising of the Col- ours; and God Save the Queen. The Rev. Canon F. H. Paull gave the Benediction to close the Remembrance Ceremony. Saturday Mies' At Bayfield for E A 'Featherston Ernest Atw, insOn Featherston died on Thursday, November 5 in 33rarisoh Hospital, Willow- dale, Ont., in his 79th year. I3A,in at Waterdown, Ont,, on ,Ianuaiy 4, 1886, bi$ parents Were John Featherston Of Hamilton and the former Isa- bel Hampton. Mr. Featherston fanned in Spaulding, Sask., and later worked as a printer with the Saskateen Star T).boenix and al- Sp With the Talbot Printing CoprOany, London. He moved to Hayfield 40 years ago and operated his -own store for many years. Actii1e in community work, he was a member of the board of management of Trinity An- glican. Church, an LOL mem- ber and a former Chairman of the Village Trustees. The funeral service in Hay- field Anglican Church on Sat- urday, Nov. 7, was' followed by interment in Hayfield Cemet- ery with. Rev. E. J. B. Harris- on officiating. Pall-bearers were Willtianxa Bryant, Reid, Robert Reid, Clarence Larson, Glen - Smith, Williatfi yarker, Jr., and flower bearers, Fred Weston, Lloyd Heard; Edward llowse, and Charles Reid, all nephews of the deceased, Surviving are his widow, the former Clara Parker whom he married on Feb. 11, 1914; a daughter, Doris (Mrs. Keith Leonard, 1,Villowdale); a bro- ther, Edwin, Ottawa; a sister, Mabel (Mrs. E. G. Bryant, Hamilton) and six grandchil- dren. Persons attending the funer- al from a distance came from Burlington, Hamilton, London, Clinton, Goderich, Wallaceburg and' Willowdele, 0 Ont. St. UCW Unit Two Meets Mrs, Alice Lawson presided over the regular meeting of Unit Two of Ontario Street United Church which was held on Tuesday afternoon, Novem- ber 3rd in the Church parlour, Mrs. A. J. 1Vic11/1=ey was in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Grant Mills gave a talk on her trip to St. Johns, Newfound- land to attend General Council.' Mrs. Milton Wiltse reported on the Regional meeting which was held recently in Brucefield. The 'business session was con- -ducted by Mrs. A. Lawson, Mrs. A. McMurray and her committee served lunch. Remembrance Parade Held Sunday at aAel dig The Bayfiel dParade of Veterans of two world wars with Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies was held on . Sunday, November Sth, under sunny skies. BE READY/ ur: rest*** INTER .RETREADS' Noo CANADA'S BEST WINTER TIRE VALUE! Oply Pirestonel "Town & Country" winter retreads give you "Triple-Action Traction". 1. Powerful pulling action to keep you going in deep snow and slush. 2. Non-skid action for positive traction on ice and packed snow. 3. Self-cleaning action prevents the treads from "packing up". You get 100% traction'all the time. EXPERT FREE MOUNTING Any Firestone retread Identified by the Quality Pearl Medallion carries this .11 0:0