HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-12, Page 5u.„., .. .r.... r..... .. .. .. ....:. :. ... .... ...'nr 'r,:,✓.c.•.,r w.. -ra- rr: ..r,.., ....r. s......w .....,.. �, .r.,,.. ,,..m u.. r. v.. .,... .•.. u,.».... „ ,r, ,. u,. i, ,. ...•...r....s. s...r.l ..r., n Fes..... - -_ -
.:.... �Ylryk -',.e .0-r....vr-,�r-r...r-r�-^»T.T_. ....r r ..t-.,.,... •. v rn r1 --rte'..... �- ,r.'.-.�e r r.. .:•, ur.. ,..i..
Attend Your Church
IT_ S Sunday
($aptist Foder&tiou 0.:C411444)
Pastor. pr;tl Peters,. B.A.
Sunday, November 16
10,00 a rn.-Sunday Scho01
11.15 Ax
,-k'amily Worship
7,30 p xn,--Bible Study Hour
Tues,,. Nov, 17 . WA and Mission Circle, 8' p,m,
ALL ARE WPL �.'11g,
a� Ontario Street United. Church
02 Pastor: REV, GRANT MiLL.S, B.A.
Sunday, November 15
ay School
11;00 a.m.-Morning Worship,
0o y TURNgR'S
s� 2.00 p,m.-Church Service
3.00 p,m.--Sunday ,School
eeteg:iliis--�ulxitesi�ille �nite� fll.11itrcClrs
Subject: "How To Visit For Christ And,His Church"
9:45 a.m; Church .Service
9:45 a.m; Remembrance Service
10;45 a.m.-Sunday School
9;45 a.m,-Sunday School
11;00 a.m.--CChurch Service
Rev. R. W. Wenham, L.Th., Rector
Mr.. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Organist
8;30 a.m.-Holy Communion
9:45 am. -Church School.
11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer
Wed., Nov, 18 -Friendship Guild Christmas Bazagr, Par-
ish Hall, 2.30-5.00 p.m.
The Rev. R. U. MacLean, B,A., Minister
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Director
Sunday, November 15
.9:45 a.m.=Sunday School
10:45 a;m.r-Public Worship
Christian Reformed .
;Rev. G. J. Heersink, 'Minister
Sunday, November 15
10.00 am. -Service ]n .Englio
2:30 p.m. --Service in Dutch'
Every Sunday 6.15 Pm., Dlal j
4580 CEILtO. St. Thomas. ` Listen
to :"Beck to God Hour."
Joseph Street
11,00 a.m.- Breaking of Bread
3.00 p.m. --Sunday School
7.00 p.tlrti.: Gospel Service
2.00 p.m. Thursday -Prayer
Meeting and Bible
-Maple Street
Sunday, November 15
9;45 a.m.-Worship Service
11.00 a.m.-Sunday School
8.00 p.m. -Gospel Service
'Speakers: Neil Lowrey and
Eddie Martin.
Tuesday --8 p.m. -Prayer Meet-
ing and Bible Study.
All Welcome
Meeting Set •
The Thankoffedng meeting
of ,the Women's Missionary So-
ciety of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church wdR meet in the
school room of the Church on
Tuesday, November 17th at
2.30 pm.
A special Program has been
prepared and all the ladies of
the congregation are Invited to
Figure Outfits
hug ankle sup-
- $11.50
TOTS' Beginner Sets with Bear -hug support.
Black or White models
MEN'S Hooker Outfits with
tendon guard and ankle supa
port. Wide range of models,
From $8,9S to. $68.00
gays' -: $7`:95 to $9:sd
Wod Skatot accepted, Sold or i'r'oded.
NoMi -o l'o Creditors
In the, Estate of MAtY A
VAN IBR DASS,EN, ,late of.
the Township of Tu,,
weirs zo Fre unaersignea on or.
befiixe the, 20th day of Nave>n-
ber, 19q4. of ter Which, date the
assets will be distributed.
Donnelly, Donneiiy 8f
1S The Square,
Goderich, Ontario.
Notice To Creditors
All Persons having claims
against the Estaste of David
Foote Anderson, ReWed, late
of the Viltlage of Varna, in !Nie
Cotrriby of lii4x n, who rlaed on
or about the 10th day of Qcto
ber, 1964, are recruited. to file
the stone Nwtli full particulars,
with the under signed by the
21s day of Novemxnber, 1964, as
after that date the assets al`
the .estate will be distatibuted.
CARRIER In Clinton, Public
Hospital on Sunday, 'Novemn-
ber 8, 1964, to LAC and Mrs.
G. 'Carrier, Clinton, a deur
LAWSON.--• In Clinton Public
Hospital on Sunday, Novemri-
bar 8, 1964, to Mr. ,and. Mrs.
" Rdbextt Lawson, RR 5 Olin -
ton, twin daughter.
1ViANN -- In Clinton Public
vember 19644th Thursday,
Mats, Roberti Macon, 80 Prin-
cess 'S't•, Clinton, a dwiUghter.
MAXWb'iLL-In CI(finton: Public
P w
Hospital on Thursday No-
Mrs. Helen Dalrymple
Dancers Take A Breather
vember 5, 1964, to and
ton 'wwth 'the intemeiit'ito take
97 Years Young
Mrs, Doug Maxwell, Hensull,'
Clinton, "Cross Trailers",
an RCAF Station Clinton Square Dance group held
a sen,
a dance recently at the
Station Recreation Centre. More thang 100 dancers
London, and Mrs. Wil'li'am N•
(Gladys) Watters Goderich;
attended --some from as far
away as Bay City, Mich. Others were from Seaforth,
Mai. and Mrs, Thw9as Lop.
Goderich, Exeter, Hensall
and Palmerston,, In the above photo, from the left,
ptinvgiton wash to, express their
are: Frank Burgess, Chatham,
guest caller; F/O Bill Edgson, George Currie,
sincere thanks' for all the good
wiishes, dards, flowers and
Clinton; Doreen Currie and
Isobel Edgson, (RCAF Photo)
phone ca]]s on their 45th Wed-
wWiferelax Seafoa�bh.
dling Anmliversary on Nov. 46p
Son JFor
tk On Fat.
I wish. to express •my ap-
gary recently spent a few drays
rack Horton), at Dodsland,
pre'c'i,aitliion to all nip! friends
(Continued from page nne)
date 'in question: was sharing
taxio," the stated, "but this
who sent cards, letters and
flowers while I was a patient
111fic state of shock," the doctor
the apartment with him.
hasn't helped my problem," He
in Clir>Itan and Victoria Haspi-
saved. "He was: excited, MIS pulse
Mr. O'Neil sand on the Mon-
said 'fihe motivation for his
tats. Special 'thanks to those
' fast he looked Pike a
day afternoon he h'a'd taken Its
drinking was hketly a few which
who vdsittetdane and these who
man who had been rather
son to Seafortth where the son
he has , been coxxtmuing with,
prav'ided transportation to
roughly manhan'd'led. His nose
borrowed money fromi hi,s fa-
his father for many years.
was all bashed up and bruised,'
ther to 'repay srnne loans he
"Viciously Assaulted"
and had marks on i!t."
hadmade from. patrons of two
He vaid he had been "vie -
The t!aindy of the late Ernest
Questioned by gown A,ttor-
hotels there. .tine father said
his went into the hotels
ionis ly aissaulte!d on several oc-
Featherston wish •to extend
their sincere thanks to aR their
ney William Goohrane, Dr.
Thompson explained the nose
alone and appeared to have
casions during the last two
mofvths." He 'started' that on
friends, neighbors and relatives
daritlage ",appeared to have been
been drinking in bath hoteas,
one occasion, after the funeral
for .their, s ymrnpathetie kindness:
caused from external impact
On the way the was
of an aunt at Clinton the fa -
shown them do :the loss .of a
such as the result of some
abusive -and critti'cal, of the way
ther became ,intoxicated and
beloved husband, father and
I was da Wang the car." (The
",struck me Viciously while I
grandfaither; for the 'bdauitiful
The doct6r described the
farther said e!arher his son's
was .sleeping in my :bed."
£larval !tributes, donationsto the
.knee woun( as three in6hes
driver's license was under sus-
On another occasion fin. Eg-
ged Cross, and the Heart, and
belowthe shoulder blade, three.
rperxsian for impaired' driving,•
, ancty w, the son claimed he
Cancer funds, Special. thanks
to the Rev. E. J. B. H'amr•ison
inches to the left of the rapine,
and that day he had picked the
was thrown through a window
w r
brie Anglican Church Ass-
and about one and a half in-
Car up from a Clinton garage
b his father.•and
soointion, and the Ball •and
ches deep. He said the wound
where it was. being repaired
O'Neill Jr, said he had a com.-
Mat;ch Funeral Home. It bias'
had been caused by a knife.
following an taccident.)
pl'et:e high school education and
all !be'en deeply appreciated. -
He added the solder O'Neal was
The pair returned to the
had taken several college cour-
admitted to hospital for two
Clinton apartment between 5
ses He said he was a register -
Family. 46b
Saw For r Knives
and 6 pm, at which point 'the
son went out to get some mtail.
edindustrial designer by trade,
but was unable to state in how
LIVERtMORE-In loving mean-
Dr. Thompsm said when he
saw the four knives on tihehad
"Ile Had Three Knives"
many of the past 36 months he
held a job.
ory of Jaln:es Livexthore who
passed away Nov. 19, 1963:
floor and the nature of Mr.
He returned in half an hour
and accused the father of hid-
Wanted Money
'Sunshine possess, shadows fall,
O'Ne]4's• back injury, lie called
in!g ,his oar. He said he planned.
Asked by the crown attorney
Love's remembranceoutlasts
police to the scene.
to load the car with his belong-
why lie had returned again to
Earlier tin !the trial, O'Neil
Ings Land go to, a job he d
his father's companyof It drove
And though• -the years be
Sr., was called to 'testify on
been offered •+a.t Hamilton,
hien to drink. O'Neil said he
enemy or few,
They are filled with rememn-
events which led to the bmMawl
in -the Mon-
"I told him he couldn't drive
was hailing to talk has father
branee, Dear Dad of.
his..apartment on
has car because. his license was
into advancing him money so
directory please contact Clinton
any night.
suspended," tihe senior O'Neil
he could' take one of +th.e
--Loving wife, Kathleen ,and
The older O'Neil told the
testified. "That miust have up-
Brous" jobs which had been
Clarence, 'and all grandchildren.
court he lead been born Fn Can-
sett him. :He went into the
offered him in other Ontario
ton, but left some years ago.
kitchen ,and came back with
He said he returned to Clinton
'three knives. He -threw them
Questioned on details of the
FREEMAN -In lovdrng memory
frown, Halifax on..this retirement
around the room. One hit the
bra'w'l at his father's apart -
of a 'dear wife and 1716the7,
Lydia P. Freeman, who passed
in 1961 and was livingalone at
chair I was smttting in, glanced
ment, the younger O'Neil said
away Nov. 13, 1962:
the Princess Street apartment.
off, and I guess it must have
he could not recall many off the
"This is a day of remembrance,
Drank At Seaforth
struck' me' in the back.
And one of s'ad regret,
His son lived with him. on
"Then the gut me on - the.
"I rememlber throwing a
A -diary we vwidtl rerhemnber,
occasions, he said, and on the
floor and ,tided to pull off my
knife. I recall having that do
When the rest of the world:
shouts. He threatened me with
ed off. There was another
another knife- a little parting
knife. A recall having that it
There's an•open gate at the
knife. in self defense I had to
my hand. I dont recall Mak-
end of the road,
GRIFFITHS In fond 'and ]oy-
clip him on the side of the hexad
ing 'any gestures. I don's recall
Through each must go alone,
ing memory of our dear nwth•t
with -the rubber heel ofmyshoe.
sWMing ]tion or trying tin. re, -
And there is a light we can-
nott see
er, Rosetta Griffiths , who, pas13, 1963; t
sed away November
He !stashed' 'b1eediri!g, went to
mane his slipper. I do remean-
Our Father claim His own;
also our dear, dad, William. Graf-
the telephone and Called a taxi.
ber trying to rettradim him. I
`Beyond 'that gate +our loved
firths, who patss'od away, Octo!b.-
.:I then called the police."
knew he would try to attack
Finds h'appines's .and rest;
er 23, 1962:
"Quietly remembered through
Enter Four Knives
me If I d'idn't"
Coneern For Father
And there 'is comfort in; the
!the years,
At tins poi in the- trial
Referring to the head wounds
With silent thoughts'and
Crown Attorney Cochrane emnt-
he su,,Oaaned, the son s'ai'd.: "I
That :a loving Gad knows
un tte!ars."
ered four ,knives as evidence ,
saw 'r im with a knife in his
--Sadly rnivsed and ever re=
-Lovlity fly .remembered and
sadly missed by ,the G111011tlhs
all of twhi'ch were identified by,
O'Ndid, One of the knives was
hand. I had knife cuts Dram my
membered by husband Joseph
family, Darobhy, 'Cecil, Norimah
a tttia'ck=b1'aded', bone -.dandled
soalp, and 'axons and I latter
found 'bruises on my throat.
and family, 46p
and Arthur. 466b
carving knvfe, another was a
small, sharp ipiAng knife, and
When I found I was dretnahed
with blood I Called a tax! to
the itwo others were langwlrlaxt-
be lablade one of which
had t bent blade,
go to the +hos!pili�al,
The son said when he left
the apartment for the hospital
"'He bad three knivets in has
his father did notappear to be
hand when he Carne into, the
room!," O'Neal. Sr, tes 'fled, "I
. "Jif I had seems
injured at injury father
any sign of injury
don t think +it Was his ixntenition
n o
I would have been most c0h-
to ithrow thein at me, I was
cerned " he said. "He would
slitting with my back against
have neer my first thought."
Sponsored By
the bank of my easy -boy chair
. Under cross-examanattion, Mr,
when he throw the knives."
OIN61 Jr. aaSid he had closer.
The ,father said his son was
down his own business am Hmtli-
five or six feet away when he
flax ,in. 1959 and accepted a go,•v-
threw the knives, "When he
ornninent positron at Ottawa. He
had me down on the floor he
thmetatened, ire with. the tpartnng
ven government policy Pre-
knnlfe,, He 'sand he had a. nottibn
to out rainy tthraat 'and he lunged
.vented la's advancement and so
lie gave up the job after a, shout
_ :.. :.
�A NOV.� �A �
at me w!M ithe knife in his
Grown Qitestlbns +1Cr}atln
"Y find A most difficult to
A`V��A �'"" M
o • o •
tiinnnbs lH ai-her
.believe you axe te11G'h'g tihe *q,th
Ine ting his ce the
in !tthils matter," Crown At'tb'ra
TdIebt Classes Have Been Filled, Assuring An
younger sscit'ed to r.e::,
O'Noll started
nor lCochrano told O'Nef Jr,,
(?ufsttaridrng Vdrrefiy Programme of
"view his Fife rvonn a point 18
at one painit 'cluAng cross -exam,
years 'ago in Halifax where he
in%,gcm, ,You say you, were in
L'betal Talent, N
xblem. resulting SRRDLW
a state of shock all ev'enirm'g but
described 'V severe &mi'lY
roti seem to be able to Irom'eta-
„„ y�j J [� u [`n
prob''terh resulting fro!tn the exc
ber till the details )toil waih+t to,
11aMach 11 a 1 U f 0 1\ Jl 1 i a i 1J
cessivc trse df alcohol.'
I' sug'g'est you &6 f'oogballf'g
and TV w411 act as Mgt, and
Mhgistrate tIAY4 tt:d 4=0d
event's to thr e ears a.a v hers:
e g
the father 4o
those you With to, forge!t,"
.... ..._ _...
in sumxn�iri� rip the catsc'v;
sand roti moved
iCiai;itrra,tc 1=1ays talo ithe
D� G ® ® Wa
'OIYe roti said siitrcc moving to
youxi:•ge O'Neil ,I wish to izl'-
mord YOU every oppolttubity un -
Vi► .
Ontario "trrany thousatirds of
dor our judi.eltll Syqtoll, You
dollar's fnwd been spemut in the
have pleaded nit 9WIty, I Want
Admisxia "
n Adults'Se�. C>I dreg u...da' .1 3S
last three yea•ty, to hclp my
:to •befit rout, sto
story", ...
peoibierrt, "t have bcen in every
r,#'rat here tart find that but.
hospital In sotirtii-weSit r7t Otky
'idSdri' o'lwieil' told`. the Magwt�
Titins., Npv. `12, 1964., -,.,Clinton 'Mews-Record---P,a e
Elect Loyal Mon
Cl . e Magee o , Clinton, was
oiected Teegrding secretary Of pthe HuronCounty fesenttr..: Iebrat 9em , Rb
Ilion 'W (he Ellie Watte>.* Fiaa.l `
Fountdab on .ata 'znoef g b*
recently at Nousta0t;,
Mrs, dean Radford
Funeral Today
Mrs, Jean Radford of Cknr on
flied Tue'sfty, No.veber 10, in
Viotoria H+�pv�, Lond#n,
She was tbei foMegr .Jgan;
Gov'ier and the -widow of Jphn
C. Rrad'ford;
Funeral. Services will be held
on Thursday, November 12 in
Mrs. Helen Dalrymple
Bea itt ie 1 Home' do 01,
ton 'wwth 'the intemeiit'ito take
97 Years Young
Place in •Cli'nton Cemetery.,
Mrs. Helen Dahymple ;of
Mrs. Radford is survived by
Hturonview :c'elebrated her, 97th •
her daughters. Miss Wilma of
birthday on Sunday• as guest
London, and Mrs. Wil'li'am N•
(Gladys) Watters Goderich;
of honor ,at a family panty At
of .
her sasxev, Mrs. Lily Wobslter
the Bayfield hoarse - her dau-
ghter, Mrs, Waster
of I.omcl'eSboro, and her brgtth-
Also attending the darner
ers, ViTllN= of Londesboro and
were her son, James Wales,
Levvis of Goderich.
and his 'wife, from Waterford,
Mich., son Bert Wa`llters and
wWiferelax Seafoa�bh.
DDuring (the evening Mrs. Dal-
rymnp1e received a telephone ca,I1
Meeft McGart ey of Cas-
from her daughter Sadie (Mitis.
gary recently spent a few drays
rack Horton), at Dodsland,
with his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mms'. Harvey McCartney
Also received were cards,
and other relatives in !the amea.
and a •birthday cake,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lopping-
Mrs, Dalrymple has 35 'grand -
ton, 177 Spencer Street, cele-
clxiz . ny 86 great grandchild -
brated their 45,,th wedding an-
ren and Six great great grand-
nivers'ary on Friday, Nov. 6.
children, She enjoys good
Aft. Vera. Wilson:, Sarnia,
spent !the weekend' writh Mrs'.
Magis!tvatte Hays noted; :the
Frank ,Ldbb, Clinton. On Sat-
urd'ay they attended the Wilk--
son was convicted of common
inson-Gairon' wedding in Sea-
assault .alga 1st ;the fatlher on
July 19, 1962, and was given a
Roger Cunim!ingts of George-
suspended sentence of to,
town Spent the weekend with
years with the pwbartion that
his parents, Mr. and. Mrs.
he stay away ;from -the use of
Frank Cummings, of 129 Mary
alcohol and his father.
He said in the past three
A family gathering was held
months the son h'as beevn chaxg-
alt the Hugill homestead, High-
ed with unpaired driving on
two occasions at Stratford
way 8; on Sunday, Nov. 8, when
and at Goderich.
all sat down 'to a dinner of Cur-
key with all. the +tnimmmntings•
Pass Sentence
The defendant interrupted
rate. "Wounds of 'the flesh are
the Magistrate to point out
quick to heal, but wounds of
e,pry, ,Gime he has been an
the soul, soma 'tunes st canever
trouble !it Involved either his
be, hmaled. I pleaded not gurdty
father, or, liquor.
to this charge because I didntt
,, it may well be you have a
know whether I was guilty or
nervous problemrn that should
be explored," Magtsi trate Hays
The Sununation
said. "In the meahtamne, 'how -
The Mag+isteatte continued
ever, you arae a menace to be
his summation: gibe evidence
at Targe. You need protection
is that the son for three years
from yourself; your father
has been resident w,ilth and
needs protection: -from you; so -
been dependent on the farther
eiety needs protection from
at Clinton. The father appears
to have Provided well for the
"You -have the intelligence to
lionm the motivation to straigh-
"The son is; 33; the father is
ten: out," the Magistrate said.
68. While the complatinrtatntt is
He ordered O'Neil to stand,
.rather stockily built, one would °
and passed Sentence.
think the accused would have
superiority of strength consist-
ent to ,the disparity of their
"There ' ls' really reMirlcably
laittle in dispute on ,the facts.
It would seem the father ac-
commodated the von ori: a .trip •to
To Subscribers of
S e'aforth; and I find nothing .to
T u c �C e r s m i i h
substahttlaite the son's sugges-
tion that the farther may have
Municipal Telephone
been drinking.
Cominends. Defense
"I must say the son display-
Please check your dial number
ed a brilliance of mind and
an telephones with directory list-
claxvity of thought +iii his de=
ings for preparation for dial
fense. He says he intended
changeover at Seaforth and
only to frightcki his father with
Hensall Exchange.
the knives, but he was acting
Anyone not receiving a dial
willfully as defined by law. I
number, instruction card or
do believe• ,the Bather didn't
directory please contact Clinton
want to call the doctor and he
Exchange 482-9908, Mel Gra-
told (const.) Oesch he thoughit
ham, Secretary Treasurer.
he could get 'by .okay.
"Theme ids a considerable de-
gree of frankness in much of
the son's evidence; I do not
think he is -,being overly evas-
ive. The father says ,the son's
injuries were In self-detfense
and I have no doubt that that
was the way it was.
"The farther seems to have'
been generous and almost
overly-prcttective of the son.
A!Etw lidtening to the son's
testimony I cannot see ,how the
father incdtted him.. . He seems
to ,think the father should s!ta11
financehim, y'dt he never seeks
to find or hold a position. The
son Inas created an alanni ng
h0vt7l'iity an his mind,
Father In: Terror
"The guilt of the a'ccu'sed Is
established beyond any reason-
able doubt. The father has su!f-
fared quitte serious bodily harm
and wS in ttor or of his safety."
& Service ,..
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For Moisturizing the skin,. 8UP- i PLeNAMINS JR,
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