HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-12, Page 4'mscELLANgfpus MacDONALD ELECTRIC Meter F1epalre end _Revvindine lipuse Wiring Service C4116 40g-7702 .............................................................................. tr Page 4—Clinton. News-Record—Thurs., Nor. 12, 1964 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT CUSTOM WORK We spqcialize In . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 ARTICLES FOR SALE WOOD AND CEDAR Kindling for stove, fireplace 4nciflA1r1Phone 4$2-3221,41a.telb MAGIC HANKERS--Blacf. and Red only. "The better tind", Only $113 (tax ineluded 1. At Clinton News-Record, 34tfb ARTICLES FOR CRISP JUICY MCINTOSH Apples, reasonable. wing. ,.own containers, Follow Highway .8 to Helinesville, turn to store, follow _signs, Art Bell's Fault Farm, '11„13, 2 Goderich. 3.8tfb SEE OUR .complete. new stocir Of Pierced, Earrings, Dozens of the latest styles to choose from. We welcome your inspec- tion at Counter's Jewellery, 42p' DRAPERY PULL RODS - Track, curtain rods,. venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win. dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's' Dry Goods, 23tfb FOR RENT LET US REPAIR AND MAKE yew' rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured-r.-don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfacticm. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W, N, Counter. 20tfh 4 BEDROOM 1-101-1SE in Clin- ton, oil furnace. Available Dec. 1st. Phone 482-7440. 45-6p 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, modern conveniences, 6 miles from Clin- ton -on PaYfield Read. Phone 482-7456, 4ltfb APARTMENTS — unfurnished, . heated. Phone 482.-6685, Ceriel VanDeteiMet 45p-tfb NEW e3 REPROOM HOUSE, John Ste available now. Mt Mc.Adam, phone 482-7070. 45-6p ONE CHROME HIGH CHAIR, 54" crib and mattress, Both in very geed condition, Phone 482- 7783. 45.6b MODERN 2 BEDROOM House, oil furnace, 3-piece bath, living room, kitchen, full basement. Available November 1. Phone 482-9649. 41p-tfb MODERN 2-BEDROOM self- contained apartment, stove and frig. supplied, Spacious grounds, reasonable. .Apply 309 Albert St. or phone 482-9080, 43tfb IIII•11111111.1.1•11IpINII•111110110.m.•=041•10111•1!0••n •••A•••• .Breeders Honored Two employees of the Waterloo Cattle Tweed, ing Association were honored recently at the Association's Award Night held in Arthur. Don - Watson (centre) of Clinton, and Walter Penner (right) received their 10-year pins .and congratula- tions from Manager Wilbur Shantz, In his 10 years with the association, Mr. Watson has 26,000. first services to his credit, During the banquet he was commended for outstanding effort in furthering artificial insemination in his service area. (WeB4. Photo) 3 - R 0 0 IVI UNFURNISHED LARGE APARTMENT or two small unfurnished rooms, up- stairs, Pohne 482-7677. 32tib PET STOCK ELECTROHOME STEREO now available at T. A. Dutton Appliances; Hrucefield, - Open evenings 411 9:00. 42tfb PUREBRED German Shepherd female, 10 months old. Phone 482-3231 after 5 p.m, 46p REMODELLING, renovations, reefing and floor laying, expert- ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676.3t Ken MeNairn. 2 3 ROOMED, furnished, heated apartment. Suitable for couple. 93 Huron St, 42tfb SINGER Sewing Machine, cab- inet model, excellent condition. Phone 432-7094 after 2 p.m 46p LOST and FOUND DID YOU KNOW! ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE unfurnished apartment. Phone 482-9928, Roy Tyndall, 17tfb ' • HEATED APARTMENT, suit- able for couple, 1 bedroom, liv- ing room, kitchen and bath. Apply McEwan's Stere, 40tfb 1 'V' SNOW PLOUGH, all steel, 8 feet wide, 3 feet high, Contact Jim Scott, phone 523- 4569 or 523-4419. 46p PHILLIPS 'TAPE RECORDER, Mary Freeman, phone, 482- 9711 from 9-6, after 6, 4,82- 7379 46b FOUND—A small black, white and brown Beagle pap. Phone 482-9094. Broken or Cracked Windows? We Sell 4 FURNISHED apartments in 'Bayfield, immediate possession. Rent is right. Inquire at Old Forge, Bayfield, 46-7-8-9b o SEWING MACHINES 0 VACUUM CLEANERS o FLOOR POLISHERS O WASHERS & DRYERS 12 TV and STEREO SETS O SUNBEAM Appliances Singer Co. of Canada Represented by R. Sutton, Phone 482,-9103 45-6-7-8b 46p Wood or Aluminum Sash SELF-CONTAINEn Downstairs apartment, large living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath; heated; available Nov. 1, Lloyd Batkin, phone 482-7057. 41tfb HOUSE for rent •on Queen St., 2 bedrooms, sitting room, kit- chen and bath. Oil furnace, loW rent, poesession Nov. 1. Phone 482-9536. 43tfb 3 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED house. On Highway 8 between Seaforth and Clinton. Modern conveniences, $40.00 monthly. Phone 482-9647 or 482-9358. 41tfb 2 BEDROOM HOUSE at Hol- mesville; one uptown apartment in Clinton. Phone 482-6694. 41013 ATTENTION FARMERS! PIANO TUNING MAN'S LAMINATED Car Coat size 42, grey, pile lining, in ex- cellent condition. Phone 482- 3380. 46b ALL SIZES REPAIRED HERE YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked' for moth damage and other defects regularly. I Appreciate the eentinued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. HOUSE FOR RENT, 185 Mary Street. Possession Dec. 1st. Eve- nings or phone Hensall' 262- 5346. 46ttb CREST HARDWARE FOR SALE — McClary heavy duty 4-burner range, excellent condition, for quick sale $75. Phone 482-9993. 46b Ball & Mutch ,Ltd. 69 ALBERT ST., CLINTON Phone 482-9505 44tfb FOR, SALE LIVESTOCK FOk SALE APARTMENT furnished or un- furnished, heated. L. G. Wint- er, 200 High Street, phone 482- 6692. 39tfb REGISTERED HOLSTEIN hei- fer, due next week. Contact Don Campbell, Bayfield, 53R41. 46b COB CORN for sale. Apply Ir- vine Tebbutt, phone 482-7474. 45-6b BLACK LEATHER upholster- ed shampoo chair with drop back; also pink leather swivel chair. Apply Mrs. Brandon or phone Bayfield 53R3. 46b AUTOS FOR SALE FOR TRUCK -LETPERING and Sign Painting, phone Clinton 482-3230. 44-5-6-p 1956 CROWN VICTORIA. Good condition. Phone 482-7325 be- tween 6 and 7 p.m. 46x 3-BEDROOM HOME In Bruce- field, available in Noyember. Apply to Norris Sillery, phone 482-3368. , 44-5p-46-7b NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump 2 UNIT SURGE MILKER, A-1 condition; 1,500 bales of alfalfa and timothy hay, and amount of cut straw. Apply 142 Joseph St., Clinton, after 6 •p.m. 45-6p MODERN 2 BEDROOM 14 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply George A. Bayley, phone 482- 9853. 46p APARTMENT ELECTRIC MOTOR SALES and SERVICE Domestic -- Commercial industrial LEVETT'S ELECTRIC 139 Erie St, — Clinton Phone 482-6640 SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, Greening, Russet, Talman Sweets, Delicious, Baldwin, Snow, etc,; also cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF houses. Phone 482-3214, Fred McCiymont & Sons, Var- na. 45tfb 1959 METEOR NIAGARA, 4- dem', 6-cyl. Can be seen at Apt. A2, RCAF Station or phone 482-7563, A 46b HOUSE TO RENT-2 bedrooms, 1 storey, full basement, gas heating. Apply H. C. Lawson, phone 482-9644. 45tfb * Unfurnished " Kitchen * Living Room * 1 Dining -Room * Bath AVAILABLE NOW CLINTON APARTMENTS HERD OF 15 HOLSTEIN cows, some due now; 2 Holstein heif- ers due now; some calves, Hereford and Holstein cross. Lorne Tyndall, RR 2, Clinton. 46b Stop horn growth — Use NIX- ON'S DEHORNING PASTE. Effective and easy to use in a plastic squeeze bottle. Only $1.25 far 2 fluid ounces. Must work or your money refunded. Available at Edward's Phar- macy, Clinton. 46-3-6b 1958 FORD 4-Door, Vg Auto- matic, radio, back up lights, this is a local one owner car, in excellent condition. Phone 482-9363 31tfb 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, with bath, propane gas heating, on Frederick St. Apply Box 450, Clinton News-Record. 45-6-7p will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1:00 to 5:30 p,m., until Saturday, November 28, 1964, from which time it will be closed until further notice. No wire fencing, old con- crete, or car bodies permit- ted, HUDSON SEAL COAT, size 12 in excellent condition; seldom worn, priced reasonably. Can be seen at 138 McDonald St., God- erich or phone 524-7400. 45-6b IIMININI•11111=1111.1.1111. 4 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS for sale, due soon. Drost and Bruin- sma, phone 524-9811,,Goderich. 46p EMPLOYMENT WANTED , FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, corner of Goderich and Spad- ing Sts., Seaforth. Phone 395 after 6 p.m. 44-5-6-b 1958 EDSEL Citation, 4 door hardtop. Equipped with power brakes, steering, windows, seats; automatic transmission, radio, 360 'h.p. engine; Mechanically sound but needs minor body work. Phone 482-9649 after 5 p.m. 46p Phone 482-7740 41tfb HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times. John Each, I.H. Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. 3ltfb PUREBRED LACOMBE Turn- bull •boar for sale. Very good breeder. Apply Braun Eenden- burg, RR 2, Bayfield or phone 482-7238. 46b BABYSTIeFING by the day or week. References supplied. In town. Phone 482-7329. A GOOD TV ANTENNA with all wiring attached; also two 35 m.m. cameras in first class shape, one with exposure meter and both with flash attach- ments. Very reasonable. Alan W. Edwards, phone 482-6626. 46b FOUR BEDROOM untarnished, red-brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern conveniences, $75 monthly, on Hwy No. 8, between Seaforth and Clinton. Phone 482-9647. 25tfb APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms, central location, fur- nished, Mg. and stove, suitable for couple. Apply Hermits Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb 40-49b J. I. Molntosh, Clerk 46-7-8b 1963 STUDEBAKER Wagon- aire, loaded with extras, V8 motor; 2-1962 4 door Stude- bakers, 6 cylinder; 1--1961 4 Floor Studebaker, 6 cylinder with overdriv'e; 1961 Ford Con- sul; 1960 Studebaker, 6 cylin- der, 4 door, overdrive trans- mission, 17,000 miles, one own- er car; 1960 6 cylinder, 2 door Studebaker; 1-1959 6 cylind- er Studebaker with overdrive; 1-1959 Ford half-ton truck with express box. Come in and test drive the 1965 Studebak- ei cruisers. W. H. Dalrymple and Son, Studebaker Sales and Service, Brucefield, phone 482- 9211. 46b DEKALB Ready to lay pullets, call McKinley's Farm and Hat- cheries Ltd., Zurich. Phone Hensel]. 335. 44tfb HELP WANTED MODERN DUPLEX Apart- ment, unfurnished, 3 years old, 3 bedrooms. Apply Mrs. L. W. Lang, 229 James Street, Clin- ton. 38tfb 3-ROOM, APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb LARGE FINANCIAL corpora- tion with 25 branches in East- ern Canada has opening for re- presentation in the Clinton area. Must be neat, intelligent and able to furnish references. Per- manent position with eventual management future. For inter- view write or phone, Savings & Investment Corporation, 381 Clarence. St., London, Ontario, 438-9701 46-7b SERVICES- NEW SHERLOCK-MANNING Pianos, and other makes; Elect- rahome Electronic Organs; trade-ins accepted, liberal al- lowance. GARNET E. FAR- RIER, Whitechurch, phone 357- 2068 Wingharn. 42.to51p NEED CORN PICKED? Av- ailable immediately, all work saving equipment, no shovel- ling. Call Ted Dunn, 58R16, Hayfield - 46b AUCTION SALE 2-BEDROOM, heated, furnish- ed apartment, private bathroom. Central location. Phone 482- 9005, 46 Princess Street West. 39p-tfb MODERN HOUSE TRAILER for sale or rent, sleeps •4. Con- tact W. Pierson, RR 2, Gode- rich or phone 524-8070. 43-4-5b at the Clinton Legion Hall, Clinton, Ontario MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16th at 7:30 p.m. sharp REPOSSESSIONS BANKRUPT STOCKS And Many Personal Consignments Consisting of Appliances — Furniture — Television Refrigerator with Cross Top Freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, Long Skirt Washer, 17 cu. ft. Food Freezer that holds over 500 lbs. Frozen Food, Deluxe Automatic Washer and Dryer (electric), Combination Radio and 3-Speed Record Changer, 5 different Television sets (all reconditioned and in Al working condition), 2 Hostess Chairs, Platform Rocker, Hi-Chairs, Telephone Table, Step Stool, Chrome Rocker, Writing Desk, 9x12 Rug, Step and Coffee Tables, 4 Dinette and Kitchen Sets finished in Chrome and Coppertone, 2-2-pce. Davenport Suites complete with a Hi-Back Swivel Rocker, 2-pce. French Provincial Chesterfield Suite in a Nylon Cover, 3 other Modern Chesterfield Suites in 4-3-2 Cushion Sets. (All these sets are samples from the last LONDON FURNITURE SHOW.) 3 Bookcase' Bedroom Suites in Light and Dark Finish complete with Box Springs and Mattress, 2-39" Continental Beds complete with Box Spring and Quilt Top Mattress and Mead Boards, 4-54" Quilt Top Mattresses that fit any full size bed, 2-pce. Chestabed Living Room Suite that folds out to a full 3i size bed with a Spring- Filled Mattress built in, 2 sets of Table and Trilight Lamps, 1-54" Continental Bed, and MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect BOY'S MARY MAXIM cardig- an, fully lined, size 18, in good condition. Phone 482-9574. 46b OVEN HEADY ROASTERS for sale. Phone 482-9159, Harvey W. Taylor. 46b COUPLE TO SHARE spacious modern bachelor home. Kitchen, livirigroom, 2 bedrooms, dividing hall. Newly decorated. Gas heating. Very low rent. E. Wendorf, 131 Rattenbury St. E. 45tfte 3 ROOM apartment, furnished, suitable for couple, available immediately. rell after 5 p.m. B. Glidden, phone 482-9504. 37tit •4•1••=1. .m.---.Affammonnlmsomm HELP WANTED FEMALE DARLING MACKAY MANOR APARTMENTS 201 King Street SHOPPING FOR a lovely diamond ring? See our selec- tion now. Beautiful new crea- tions in the price range you de- sire at Counter's Jewellery, 1963 CORVAIR MONZA club coupe, 4 speed transmission, whitewalls, back-up lights, in excellent condition. Apply 122 Queen St., after 5 p,m and on Saturdays. . 46p TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, centrally located, private parking, ample stor- age closets. Phone 482-7661.. 36p-tfb & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb FULL TIME GIRL for dining room. Apply in person to Elm Haven Motor Hotel, 46b BEAUTY DEMONSTRATORS: Earn up to $5.00 per hour dem- onstrating famous Studio Girl Cosmetics. Full or part time. Phone 482-3230. 43,4.5,6p lanteINE2••••••1•MM••••••••••••••=1.•Nrenr, FIRST TIME EVER SINGER Z1G-ZAG MACHINE Less Than $100.00. Call Collect far Free Home Demonstration Clinton 482-9'103 .or Goderich 524-8431 45-6-7-8b HOUSE FOR RENT —1 bed- room, kitchen, living room, bath. Apply 168 Maple Street on Wednesday nights between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. 45tfb USED CARS TWo bedroom, completely self-contained .and newly decorated. Free laundry room facilities, equipped with automatic washer & dryer. Apply 201 KING ST., Apt. 1 or Phone 482-9227 41tfb FOR SALE OR RENT LIVE STOCK FOR SALE TEN PIGS, 8 weeks old. Call 482-9963, Martin Van Ninhuys. 46b SALESLADY WANTED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, central location, modern conveniences. nearly new oil furnace and bath- room. Available now. Phone 482-7631. 45-6p 40 PIGS FOR SALE, 8 weeks old. Apply J. Vanspengen, phone 482-9177. 45-6-7p GODERCH MOTORS LTD. BOYS' SKATES, sizes 12 and 13, Reg $5.98 Now $4.45; Boys' Skates, sizes 2 and 3, Reg. $9.95 Now $7.45. Tendon guards (sew them on yourself), per pr. Special 50c; Moulded Rubber Ankle Supports, per pr. $1.15. At Epps' Sports Shop. 46b Full Time Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply LEE'S, Clinton 46b DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT, livingroom, dining room, 2 bed- rooms, kitchen and bath, water and heat supplied. Apply 163 Victoria St., phone 482-7212 be- tween 6 and 8 p.m. 45tfb 4 HEIFERS-1 due right away, the other three this month. Leen Rehorst, phone 482-9965. 46b MODERN RANCH style, two bedroom home, large living room with hardwood floor, oil furnace, nicely decorated, sit- uated on lovely landscaped lot in Brucefield, available Nov- ember 15th. Telephone St. Thomas 631-3185. ' 46-7.8b ARTICLES FOR SALE All The Appliances In This Sale Are Guaranteed To Be In Al Working Condition When Hooked Up At Your Home. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT' FOR MEN AND WOMEN JUST ARRIVED . . A Large Selection of Fall and Winter Clothing has just been received for Auction from ONE OF THE LARGEST CLOTHING WHOLESALERS IN CANADA. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING—Lined Jeans, Snow Suits, Jackets, Pyjamas, Crawler Sets, Pullovers and Cardigans, Winter Coats, Sleep and Play Sets, Shirts and Blouses, Dresses, 3-pce. Velvet Sets, T-Shirts, Coat and Hat Sets, Jodhpurs, Leotards, Under- wear, Baby Shirts, Housecoats, Sleepers, Babies' Orlon Knit Sets, Hooded Sweaters, Skirts, Training Pants, Gloves, Poodle Socks, and many other items. MEN—Work and Dress Shirts, Polo Shirts, Jackets, Dress Pants, Work and Dress Seeks, Pyjamas, Belts and Ties, Underwear, Slipper Socks, Sweaters, and other items. WOMEN—Dresses, Blouses, Sweaters, Pullovers and Cardigans, Skirts, Nylons, Slipper Socks, Fall •Coats, 2-pee Suits, Stretch Slims, Parses, Jackets, and other items. This Outstanding Sale will consist of the Lergest and Best Offering that we have ever auctioned in this Hall ... AT ANY TIME — DON'T MISS IT! — SEE YOU AT THE SALE AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD Terms Cash Cheques Accepted On Furniture 3% Sales Tax In Effect • 4-ROOM unfurnished aparti- ment, hardwood floors, self- contained, private bath and ent- rance. Gas heating. 13 Albert St., phone 482-9090. 28p-tfb 2 BEDROOM ground floor heat- ed apartment, available Nov. 1. Mornings phone 482-9642, after- noons and evenings 482-9332 or apply at 105 Rattenbury St. E., Mrs. Florence Elliott. 42tfb TESTED TOP SOIL HELP WANTED, MALE 1964, FAIRLANE 500 Fordor, 289 V-8, automatic, radio, power brakes and steering, whitewalls, full Wheel cov- ers, 17,000 miles, full war- ranty at great savings. 1963 CHEV. IMPALA, 2 door Hardtop, automatic, radio, new white walls, low mileage. 1963 CHEV. BISCAYNE, 6-cyl., fordor, radio, 2 tone, seat covers. 1961 FALCON •Custom Tudor, radio, lady driven. 1960 GMC % TON, long box, ,racks. 1957 CHEV. V-8 Tudor Hard- top, floor shift. 1955 MERCURY lh TON EX- PRESS Ford -- Falcon Mustang -- Thunderbird South St. 524-7308 OPEN EVENINGS Clinton Representative GEORGE CUTLER 482,9782 466 BREAD SALESMAN for estab- lished route. Must be neat and reliable. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 46b Grade A-1 Delivery at any time, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE L. G. Winter HELP WANTED: Experienced Hardware Salesman. Apply in writing to Waldie's Hardware Ltd., 71 Wellington St., Strat- ford, Ontario, stating age, ex- perience and education. 45.6b SPLIT MAPLE WOOD for sale. Phone 482-6692. 41tfb 200 High Street Phone 482-6692 39tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 130 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight . TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager • I THIS SEASON SERVE THE BEST coPiefr,r DO YOU WANT to get ahead? A 1500 family Rawleigh busi- ness awaits you in Townships Hullett, McKillop and Tucker- smith, if you have a car and will work hard for good pro- , fits. Write at once, Rawleigh, Dept. K-1.69-MB, 4005 Riche- lieu St., St. Henry, Montreal, 46b CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service, A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture 40eow BARTLIFFS FRUIT CAKE TIMEX WATCHES ... Sold and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 lltfb FREE -- 'TO Hard Of Hearhig. Therotigh audiometric test at one store or in your home any time, day or evening, by Male° audiologlst. All batteries and accessories available.. EdWard's Pharmacy. 23tfb ONTARIO Light or Dark — Plain' or Almond Iced THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Hv THE MATTER OF Section 16 of The Municipal Act (R.8.0. 1960, c. 249) ‘-and— IN THE MATTER OF oh Application by Fred . P. Arkell and others for the incorporation of the inhabitants of the Police Village of Dayfieid and of certain adjoining lands, in the Coun of Huron, as a Village to be known as The Corpcircition ty of the Village of Bayfield. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ON MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appointS Thursday, the 19th day of November, 1964 •at the hoer of eleven O'clodk in the forerfoont at the Village Hall (at Bayfield), for the hearing of the application of Fred P. Arkell end others for the ineorporation of the inhabitants of the Police- Village of Bayfield and of certain adjoining lands as a Village Municipality to be known as The Corporation of the Village Of Bayfield, Any person desiring to inspect -a map showing the area pro, posed for inCorpOratien may do so at any time during office hours, prior to the date of the bearing, at the Office of the Sec, retary of trustees, Police Village of Hayfield. Let ell persons` interested in Support of or in opposition to such application then and there attend._ nATtb at Toronto this 15th day Of betbbet, 1964. B. VICKERS 45413 SBORBTARY4 FALL SUITS Our Weekend Specials Friday and Saturday , From Our Store Only BRAN MUFFINS Reg. 49c doz. ..... ...„. SPECIAL 44c Doz. Saturday Only BANANA CREAM PIES Reg, 60c ea SPECIAL 54c ea. I BOARD AND ROOM SLEEPING ACCOMMOOA. tion with some kitchen fedi- itieS. Central lacatitm. Phone 482-9005, 46 Princess Street, West. 34p tfb RICH FABRICS SUITED TO FALL A superb collection of hand-tailored suits in all wool Worsteds, sifkAn- Wool Irridescents in 2 or 3 button styles. from $5930 to $89.50 le Pickett & Campbell L' united Main Corner CLINTON 482.9712 CUSTOM WORK VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Servite Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vedtiuni cleaners and polishers... Reconditioned Mach, ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensel' 262-5350 29 to 39p tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, Modern equipment used, All Work guaranteed.. Write of phone Louie Blake, R 2 letle4 sels, phone 442W 6, BrtisSels, 45-53p WATCH REPAIR is a job foe experts, Our Work assures your satitfattiOn. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Esta, blished jewellery -Store. 20tfb PURNITURE 'OPI-IOLSTnik815, restyled, all the latest boVera to cheese from. Fred estimates. Arthtir. E. Clark, phone 1,11yth, 523,408, 43.4-5,6p rtliffs Bakery SPECIAL Jewelloy Sets,-99c• each ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD, 46b Limited stikety and Reitouraiz CLINTON 482-9727