HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-12, Page 317171, 1-1-1 r Sage n eats Tender — JuioY WING STEAJCS . 090 lb. REGULAR SMOKED' HAMS $5c lb. YOUNG BEEF HEARTS 29c ,h. S u3s, HAMBURGER 3 I. WIENERS ) all one price 3 lbs. SAUSAGE ) 3 lbs. HEAD CHEESE ) 3 lbs. BACON ENDS ) Yes, we have them again: ROASTED PIG TAILS Fresh Oven-Reedy CAPON CHM, ROILING FOWL — FREE DINNERWARE — PETER'S Meat Market $1.00 AT riA nu THE SQUARE:—GODERICH THE Ir MIX Shawtimes 7:30' & 9:30 pan. NOW PLAYING -- November 12-13 and 14 THE BEATLES in "HARD DAY'S NIGHT' 4 NIGHTS- Nevember 16-17-18-19-4 NIGHTS ALBERT FINNEY and SUSANNA YORK in ADMITTANCE "TOM JONES" Coming---Nov. 20-21-2 Nights Only "633 SQUADRON" COIN EXHIBITION AT ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15th OPEN TO PUBLIC AT 1:00 P.M. 1964 Commemorative Silver Dollars For Sale at $1.00 One Per Person —Supply Limited DOOR PRIZES EVERY HOUR Official Opening of Exhibition at 2 p.m. by Mayor Miller. morromommo r• Receives Degree W. J. Elvin. Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Parker of Sireet, was awarded a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Univer,sity of Western. Ontario at the fall convention 'recently. Mr, Parker has accepted a posi- 'ti'on in Toronto. 0 And last, but not least, it interferes with business, Merchants Will tell you, with tears as big as turnips. in their eyes, that .they'll gobroke if they have to• close upon November 11. Manufacturers will, assure, you that the one-day tin- terruption of production will force therrito the wall, In yjew of all this, is there any sense in hanging On to this special day? Why not cut it down to a one-hour coffee break on November llth? Within a -couple of years, this could be further reduced to a. two-minute silence. • And with- in a decade, the whole archaic business, of remembering a feW million 'dead men could be dis- carded. Is there any meaning tin it any more? I don't know how you feel, but my an- swer is a resounding, re- actionary YES! It is based not on facts, fact's, facts, but on emotion. I'm 'a sucker for Remem- brance Day. There's something to 'mist the eyes in the jaunty gallantry Of the old vets as they try 'to match the swing they marched with 46 years ao-0-,. here a stiff leg swinging, there a pinned-up sleeve. And there's • something almost equally touching in the vets of World War II. They .straighten their backs, pull in their potg, ignore their kids waving at 'them from the sidewalk, and for a few brief moments toss away 20-odd years and be- come 't ough Canadian troops; striding toward their destiny. During the two-minutes' sil- ence at the Cenotaph, I re- member at the Cenotaph, I re- member, I remember the two lads, a Canadian and 'a New -Zealander, with whom I shar- ed a tent 'in Normandy. Both shot down within three days. I remember Frankie, English, 18. He had a baby face, a big grin and a run Honor Newlyweds Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs, Roger Layton (nee Judith Craig) were honored by' friends and neighbours at a gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig on Friday, No- vember 6th.. The couple was presented with a large wall mirror and a bronze planter. An address was read by Miss LoIS Rathwell and Bob Stirling and Tarn Rathwell preSented the gifts. November 15 to 21 • WIDER LOCAL CALLING means that you will be able to call friends or associ- ates in Goderich, Seaforth and Henson as well as Bayfield without Lang Dist- once charges t Simply dial the full seven digits of the telephone number you want to reach. (Local calling will continue With 13ayfield Os at present. On these calk dial /1565" and give the operator the number you are calling). DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING (DDID) Is the new and easy way of reaching a dist- ant telephone without going through an operator. It's a wonderful way to keep in touch with family and Mends across the country. You'll like it! On these calls you dial "I" (this gives you access to the Long Distance net- work) then the Area Code of the num- ber you want to reach (if it differs from your own) and follow with the seven figure-numbei of the distant telephone, Complete easy-to-follow Lace! end Direct Distance Noting information, will be found in the front pages of your direc- tory. Remember you dial access code "1" on 0150 tolls only, BELA i4tIill, filailiVed 417ti otivtlOd by 6114d1#0 • SEE THE ROYAL WINTER FAIR hi Toronto, Thursday, November 19, 1964 60 BY BUS Buses leave to return at 0:00 a.m. Thursday, November 19, 1064 SPECIAL CHARTER COACH BARIUM BAKERY LIMITED CLINTON PHONE 482412t The Mutual We Aetuntakitt comPAlitok CANADA tte/ii) OtiPivt ViAt*Atood etameoje4 004.110.40 a)14 (Gord) SWan Onto Phone 4824174 KIPPER .and 1\Tts. Arnold Carxa- bell, W. and Leslie Camp hell and 'Cheryl of WinthrPA. Visited 'WedriestlaY .and Kom, Mr, anal. Mrls, roster Bennett of Seafforth were :Sunday guests,. IVA :'Ind Mrs NcrMaTn Payne and faMily rrf gelgOave Mgvpd i4tto, CattQW4 Pr, Alex .AddiSPA, herb MoisSea% glzar '1VtOltsPeati, Wv44 Cooper, Ale, .1.‘ficPeafth and .Mr', Grebia returned borne Sunday PItZilt from a -huntimi #1p to lYtailitoultin Wand, .and were guccesaful in bringing 'home three deer, UCW Meeting Held Wednesday Miss K McGregor opened the November meeting of the 1.7CW of Wesley-Willis -Church on Wednesday evening, Novem- ber 4th, with a c412. to warship, A hymn vas followed by a Scripture lesson read by Mrs. J. Nediger. 4 Commentary on the lesson was read by Miss E. Jamieson and IVItiss. McGregor F R E E PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS With Every Portrait Sitting taken in November — . You get 25 FREE PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS JE VIS STC , I Phone 482-7006 For 'Appointment 45-6-7-8b At Monday Meet The Novenli0 meeting of the Ladio5' AUXtliary of the RoYall Canadian 1-,egien was held in the Legion Hail on Monday', November 9th. Mrs.. Robert 13uxle presided. lvfrs, George Vironch waS. initiated as a new mentiber of the Ladies Auxiliary, Plans were made far banquets P0T1411g up on November 18th, 24th and 2th, A .'dart tonrnagnent on NoVember 19th in Blyth was discussed. Letters of ti ''antis from stud- ents, Gwen "Yeats and Ruth Cutler were read, They each receiVed $50.00 Legion bursar, se's, Mrs, Thomas LePPAingiton led the prayers. The offering was received and. dedicated, Mrs. William Hearn sang two solos accompanied .by Mrs. C, Addison .at the piano. The Finance Chairman of the ii4r1011 .Fresibytertal, Mrs. Mc-. Creath, gave her report on. Presbytery Finances. A skit entitled1 /4"Excerpts from a-Unit: ed Church Meeting" was pre, Sented by, Mrs, Cliff Stewart, Mrs. , Malt Edgar, Mrs, Joe Carter, Mris. Jim .MacLaren„ Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, Mrs, Jim Cox and Mrs. M. Steppe. " Discuss Procedure This was followed by a dis- cussion on the proper procedure at a meeting, and a recording of "The Lord's Prayer" in a Trinidadian musical setting. The president, Mrs, Doug Andrews, presided over the business meeting at which the minutes were read by the Sec- retary, Mrs. G. Rathwell, and the Treasurer, Mrs. B. Sutter, gave the financial report. An 'invitation was extended to attend the Hohnesville Ba- zaar on November 11th. It was announced the Christmas meeting would be held on. Wed- nesday, December 9th at 2.30. The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn 'followed. by the Mizpah Benediction. Unit 4 served refreshments. rants-. Faulty spark plugs can waste as much as one gallon of gaso- line' in every 10. Pre-Christmas SPECIAL - Children's Perms. 54.00 at BRANDON'S BEAUTY SHOP Boyfield Phone 53-R-3 rrn 171 SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Retrospect On Remembrance of--43ad Inel. One clay Ire 'dropped a. NO-pound bomb, purely by accident, in a neighboring 141MV and the troops Were riathefr hostile to airin,01, fora few weeks. Another time be was sent to England on the beer run. Flying back , across the channel, he sport,, ted. 'two German fights abottete attack him, jettis- oned his eXtra tanks and prepared 'to defend himself, The extra tanks, full of beer, went 'into the drink, The German fighters turn- ed out to be twos pecks on his windscreen, And he was nearly lynched when be arrived and told his. story. His luck ran' out one day. Hit by flak, he bailed: out 04 his 'parachutefail- ed to O'pen I remember the dreary No- vember day six of us ear/led a coffin up a blealc hillside to a stony cemetery 141 Moth Wales. It contained what they'd • been, able to scrape up of Pad-,, dy Burns, Australian, age 20, alter he flew into a la, And I real/ember half a hundred others; roaring boys, laughing boys,- timid boys, gaY -' beYs, and how scared stiff. )f' And when -the Last Post plays their sweet requiem in the still, auttinni. air, I'll be there, my face ail crumpled and a lump as big as a boiled egg in my throat. ' Scrape Remeiribrance Day? Not as long as I can cry, and there's' free beer at the Legion ,Haul after the' parade. BACKACHE? ..not me! For relief from backache or thal tired-out feeling' depend on-- Thurs., Noy, 'l2, 1904 Clinton Nows-Re4H,P000 A. • I Entertainment Nightly QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH, 15,001RICH ONT, DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FOR THE YOUNG CROWD This Week — Sat., Nov. 14 2 BANDS "Gordon Rhodos and the Come4" and "The Mo-Jo's" Dancing 8:34 to Midnight Admission $1.0Q per person catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banqueta, Etc, For Rental Information ar Beservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 FELT MARKING PENS — Very Special 9c CELLULOSE TAPE, — 1/2"x1,000" 19c GIFT WRAPPING PAPER 4 Rolls 98c Value 66c 51 CHRISTMAS CARDS 98c TOILET TISSUE 8 rolls for 88c VITA DIET $2.98 IDA PAPER NAPKINS 19c, 2 for 33c IDA SACCHARIN TABLETS 1/4 gr. — 500's 49c 1/2 gr. — 500's 59c KLEENEX — 200's 16c BATH TOWELS 2 for 99c ACY 75 Starting this Sunday in Clinton WIDER LOCAL CALLING DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING Legion Auxiliary . Initiates Member thanked the Auxiliary for the floral centrepiece which was sent to her on -the •oeCastion of her 4th wedding anniversary, A motion waspassed to buy a small television set for the use of bed patients art West- •mtinsiter Hospital. The December meeting will be held on December 14 at 6,3Q p.m. .starting with a pot- luck supper 'and the exchang- ing of gifts. Beatles" were, requested to make a sec- ond' aPpearance for this .even, ing, • Lunch was served at the conclusion of the meeting. Ts there any point car pro- longing ;tile observance of that middle-aged and melaneholy occasion 1q1(:).ft Rem ern, "'ranee Day? They mean nothing about eight per cent of the, several 'million immigrants to Oa-Pada since World War II, How would you feel about Remembranee Day if you were 'a former German tank commander, or an Italian ex-infantry- man? Both the world wars of tsth century are ancient history to school children, and the ' old cliches of the day—"sacrifiee," "laid down their lives," "fought, for freedom"---leave them sol- emn IAA uncomprehending. • Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE ... Prescriptions — Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 — Clinton, Ontario Vt0k4tit!sl •••• ti What's your stand on registering life insurance policies to claim certain income tax deductions? Mr. Campbell If it's possible, I'M all for it! Interviewer You'll be pleased to know you may register any Mutual Life policy, except Term, under the Income Tax Act. Subject to certain limitations, the savings portion of your premium can then be deducted from your tax- able income each year. Mr. Campbell. It seems to me-that everybody should know about this! Interviewer , You're right! Particularly people Who are building a pension for themselves. tven people now contributing to a company pension planmay finality for farther tax relief.fAit61.6 Representative: G H. Rattenbutt St. to Clinton, Mr. Campbell Look, I'd like to check into this before I file my 1964 re- turn. Where can I get complete information? Interviewer Just call your nearest Mutual Life representative. Phone 482-7064 CLINTON