HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-05, Page 10The Central Huron SeCond-
ary School boys volleyball team,
won the Huron-Perth champ-
ionship for the second consecu-
tive year last Saturday 'after-
noon They are the school's
first championship team this
The championships were
Madeleine Lane Meet
Set Tuesday Evening
The NoveMber meeting of
the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church will be held on Tues-
day evening, November 10 'at
the- Marise, 293 Ontario St., at
8:15 p.m,
Roll call will be answered by
a itho,ught for Remembrance
Day. Special speaker at this
meeting will be Mrs. A. H.
Jewson who will 'tell of her
experiences during, a three-year
period she spent in Ethiopia,
Clinton Hospital
Holds Meeting
The regWar monthly meeting
of the Women's Auxiliary. to,
Clinton Public Hospital was
held in the Nurses' Residence
on Tuesday evening. ,„ • The president, Mrs. K. S.
Wood opened' the, meeting with
prayer, Mr's. R. Homuth pre-
sented the financial statement
'and Mrs. F. Fingland gave a
report of the regional meeting
held recently. in London, . •
At 'the regional meeting
a luncheon 'was served at the
Panorama Restaurant followed
by -'a 'tour of St. Joseph's Hos-
pital. Miss Maynard, the first
regional president, spoke on the
history of 'the region which was
organized in 1954,
Preparation for Christi*
entertainment for Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital patients is being
arranged by the Auxiliary,
Members of the 1964 Striking
Committee 'for the Auxiliary
are Mrs. F. Fingland and Mrs.
Grant Mills.
MTS. R. U. MacLean, a dele-
gate to a Toronto convention
gave 'a report on ideas •for fuld
raising projects and methods
of brightening the stay of hos-
pital patients which were dis-
cussed at 'the meeting.
Following the meeting, hos-
tesses' Mrs. Douglas Bailiff
and Mrs. K. S. Wood served
Agricultural Board Rooms
Department of Agriculture
Tuesday, November 17th, at 8 p.m.
111124 MURTON
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ONLY 025.00 '69
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CLINTON 02-955
Yours At a Saving of SO% during introduction
Fenner Clintonlan Borden
McRae 'reminded his former
teammates of his worth to the
team, scoring 26 of St. Marys
27 points. 1VIeRae scored 25
points single-handedly, ;and one
on a pass play convert attempt.
Clinton got off to a flying
start, tin the game, and it look-
ed as if they were going to VIM
away with it. On 'the first set
of play's after Clintori.'•s open-
ing kickoff, a fumble by Mc-
Rae at the line of scrimmage
was recovered by the Recimen's
middle linebacker, Don GoWer,
This set up the .Clinton offen-
sive squad for their first touch-
down with Bryan McConnell
carrying the bail across from
the one-yard-line on a quarter-
back sneak.
The snap from centre was
too high on the convect at-
tempt and Laurie Colquhoun,,
the Clinton place-kicker, Made
a fine'play as he used the old-
fashioned drop-kick to count
the single point for Clinton and
make the score 7-0.
Po evo-R.Pc9f4,-?hiss,, SPY, 1944
McRae Qowns CHSS; -Playoffsfione
By Jim McCullough
News-Record Sports Editor
Paced by a former Clinton footballer, the team
from St.. Marys trounced the Central Huron Second-
:wry School Redmen 27-21 last Thursday. The loss ,
was Clinton's third in, a row and clinches the team's
exclUsion from a playoff spot.
The Central. Huron Secondary School boys volleyball team last Saturday
won the Huron-Perth championship and will compete this Saturday in the
WOSSA finals in Petrplia. Pictured above is the team just after winning the
final game. Left to right they are: Bruce Fails:Is, coach; Peter Thompson,
John Cooper, Claire Magee, Rolfe Cooke, Harry Cummings, Ed Preszcator,
Brad Dutot. Front row: Bob Livermore, Donald Freeman, Jim Livermore, El-
win Kingswell, Gary Black. (News-Record Photo by john Visser)
Huron-Perth Volleyball Champions
Central Huron Volleyball Team
Wins Huron-Perth Championship
Magistrate Hays Commends Parents
for Concern Over SonIs Behaviour
Gift Dept.
2 Fancy Wall Plaques
ID Hedy-Hill Handmade
"OOKP I K" Jewellery
2 Record Stand's and Boxes
E Travelling Jewel Cases
• Individual "Guest" Soap
O Candles by "Carol"
Candle Co..
2 "Auto-Bridge - Play
yourself Bridge game
CI "Playtime"' Junior Gift
and many other items at
Your TV Service Dealer
In the final quarter, Clinton
began to move again with car-
ries once again by Powell and
Colquhaun • 'and a big 50-yard
Pass-run play from' McConnell
to Macaulay. Then the Clinton
quarterback, Bryan McConnell,
was' injured and replaced by
Fred Jewson, who called for
the end run option which had
almost put them on the score-
board in Stratford last week.
Coiquhoun got away another
good pass and this time, Mac-
aulay was ready and under the
ball when it came down in the
end zone for another Clinton
major. Colquhoun made the
convert good and the score was
Bowling Results
W L Pts.
Minnows 11 4 24
Crabs 10 5 .21
Suckers 7 8 15
Sharks' 213 4'
High single, ladies, Madelon
Mellwain, 220; men, Ian Mc-
Rae, 211; high triple', ladies,
1Vladelon Malwain, 624; men,
Reg Frandis, 580; high aver-
age, ladies, IVIAdelon McIlwain,
208; men, Reg Francis, 193.
W L Pts.
Terriers. 11 7 28
Greyhounds. 10 8 23
Bulldogs 9 6 20
Boxers 6 9 13
High single, ladies, Helen
Pepper, 232; men, Mel Graham,
214; high triple, ladies, Valencia
Sytnick, 550; men, Mel Gra-
ham, -545.
What Nots 29
Pin Pickers 27
Shur Shots 27
Pee-Nuts 26
Woodshedclers 24
Noisemakers 22
High single, ladies, Mert El-
liott, 313; men, Joe Daer, 300;
high triple, ladies, Meat Elliott,
757; 'men, Joe Daer 722; high
average, ladies, Mert
215; men, Joe Daer, 223.
tied at 2121 With About one
minute remaining.
Short Aid; Fails
Clinton tried a Short kick but
last the ball and McRae moved
it deep Into Clinton 'territory
on a 30-Yard run plus a 15-
yard piling on penalty against
the Betknen. To finish the
chive arid any spark of hope
left for .Clinten, McRae Car-
ried the ball around the end
from the 12-yard line for the
Winning 'touchdown'. The con-
vert was no good And the game
ended up with St, Marys the
,victors by as score of 21-7.
The Redmen travel to Lis-
towel today (Thursday) for a
2;30 game there which will
wind up the regular season for
J'unior's Lose
The CHSS junior football
team travelled to Exeter after
school on Friday where they
received an 18-0 thumping from
the junior team there. Although
the score does not show it,
these bays (who will be Clin-
ton's Redmen in the years to
come) are fine young football
This was the first game for
most of them while Exeter had
played previou.sly wiith ether
schools. The season was spent
in practice for most of the
juniors, although sornie of them
are regulars on 'the senior team
By 'the looks of the junior
team last Friday; lit would ap-
pear- that •CHSS will have some
better showing on the gridiron
in the years 'to come than they
are having this year.
Sharon Gray
Winner Of Two
Sharon Gray, daughter of
Public Schoql principal Bert
Gray and Mrs.- Gray was
awarded two W. D. Fair
Scholarships at the annual
commencement of Central Hur-
on Secondary School held a
week ago Friday
Miss Gray's name was inad-
vertently omitted from the
commencement report by the
She' won $100 scholarships
for each of General Proficiency
hi Grade 13, and for 'the high-
est standing in Latin in Grade
The News-Record regrets the
omission of Miss Gray's name
and her achievements from, the
last edition.
Hallowe'en Cont'd
(Continued, frein Page .0ne.)
VICk-tap 'truck he Was ,
on. Oat. 16 by Coast. Leroy
Truck "Fish-Tailed"
censt, ,Qesch testified he saw
the vehicle driven by the 1.-
year,•Old youth "fish-tailing" on
a main :Clinton street about
8:30 p.m. He said 'the high rate ,
of aceeleration caused the rear .
wheels of the truck to spin on
the Pavement, and' the back of
the truck 'to swing from side
to, side,
The boy's father told Meg-
isIrate Hays he has prohibited
his son from driving since the
incident took place,
Vodden Was fined $15.00 and
costs of $2.50.
Both youths were warned
stiffer sentences would result
in 'the, event either makes a
second appearance on similar
Assault tiiarge •
William John O'Neil of Clin-
ton, charged with assaulting
father, William 2. O'Neil
on Monday, was remanded in
custody until next Tuesday
when he will appear in covet
at Exeter to 'face the charges'.
Court was told the older
O'Neil was Still a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital where
he was admitted following the
incident Monday. William John
O'Neil-•who said he will plead
not guilty-appeared in court
with his head wrapped in band-
James David Peter McCurdy,
22, of RR 5, Stratford, pleaded
guilty to . having liquor in a
place other than his home.
He was charged after an ac-
cident at 2:10 a.m. Tuesday in
Clinton when police found part
of a case of beer in one of the
cars involved. McCurdy was
a passenger in the car 'and ad-
mitted he owned 'the beer.
Crash Aftermath
Police said the driver of the
car in which McCurdy was a
passenger did not appear to
have been drinking.
Lawrence Paul „LeBeau, of
Brucefield, pleaded guilty to
a charge of tollowine another
vehicle _too closely whiche' was
laid after a two-car '.crash in
.Clinton on Oct. 87
Police testified the accident
happened at 1:15 a.m., on Hur-
on Street when two cars were
east-bound. The car ahead of
LeBeau slowed to make a turn
and was struck from behind
by LeBeau's car,
"Irresponsible. Driving"
After striking the second car,
LeBeau's vehicle collided with
a hydrant. Crown Attorney
William Cochrane told the
cotuit damage had been estimat-
ed at about $1,000 to both
vehicles and the hydrant.
"This was certainly an irres-
'ponsible piece of driving,"
Magistrate Hays 'told Le'Beau
before fining him $30 and costs
of $2.50.
Douglas H. Taylor, 20, of
Varna, was fined $20 and costs
of $3.00 when' he was convected
Pafrils,pecoedi,4641.i.n8.0C,iinten 1.0:
Coast. 60L In ero.),"QesZ9217 'testified
he followed 'Taylor's .0.4' for
two or three 'blocks along Vie-
teria. Street at .a ,Steady speed,
of 60 miles per hour, That
areape, a 30 mile per holm
Gla4sier lor dreivir 1.4inst:tbqRT°1911;Pt--
ShiPS eMernis and 'East Wa,
WanOsil on June 18, iS(iz.1, while
his license Wa,s under suspension
Was remanded to Dec. 7 at
Clinton Cost. A. Sh'addiok
who was to have been a wit,
ness was•unable to appear Wed-
nesday due 'to illrieSs.
IVIagista.mate Hays snggested
Glazier eonsult. a lawyer prior
'to that date, The defendant
earlier had" startedlie wished to
plead not guilty, and wanted
to conduct his own defence.
Ontario Street
"Butch" Suggests You
Consider These Pre-
Winter Services:
Oil Undercoat
to prevent rust.
• Delco Battery
for 100% starts
• Antifreeze
any loss replac-
ed free.
• Muffler and
Exhaust Check
Your life may be
at stake.
• Headlight
For Better Vision
and Safety.
Phone "Butch" Now at
482-9321 for a conven-
ient appointment. •
played in 'the gymnasium. of
CHSS. The Clinton 'team went
undefeated all the way to the
end, a repeat of their perfie l-
ance 'of last year.
Coach. Bruce Faulds 'said in
an interview the previous day
that the team was the same
this year as. last, with only a
couple of exceptions and he was
quite confident that CHSS
would come out on top again.
The final set last Saturday
had Clinton facing Listowel ui
a 'best 'two-out-of-three match
(all matches were 2-out-of-3).
The hometown crew slaughter-
ed them 15-4 in the first test,
butt in the second' one, Listow-
el put forth a valiant effort
but Clinton won the game 15-
13 and with it went ,the
Coaching the' Listowel 'team
was a former graduate of
Clinton District Collegiate In-
stitute, Ken Potter, who now
teaches in :the Listowel school.
The CHSS team will travel
to Petrolia this Saturday where
they will compete in the
Thursday, Nov. 5 - BINGO
in Clinton Legion Hall, Kirk
St., at 8:30 p.m. - 15 regular
games for $5; 1 game for $25,
letters L and T Bingos apply
on the $25 game; 3 share-the-
wealth games; jackpot $55 in 55
numbers. Admission 50c.
Saturday, Nov. 7-Bazaar and
Bake Sale, Clinton Town Hall.
2.30 p.m., sponsored by LOBA.
Saturday, Nov. 7-Card party,
Orange Hall, 8:30 p.m. Spon-
sored by LOL and LOBA. Every-
one welcome. 45b
Saturday, Nov. 7 -- Dance
at Exeter Legion, 9-12 p.m.
Music supplied by Moonlight
Ramblers, Woodstock; 'spon-
sors, Exeter Legion.
Tuesday, Nov. 10 - BINGO
at Huron Fish and Game. Jack-
pot $56.00 in 56 numbers. Six
door prizes, 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, NoV. 11. - Fall
Bazaar; booths and tea tables,
HohnesVille United Church, 3
p.m. Sponsors Holmesville
UCW. 42-4-5b
Friday, Nov, 13 - Dance in
Londesborci Hall, dancing 10:00-
1:30; Desjardines Orchestra,
lunch counter. Sponsors: Can-
adian Order of Foresters, Ben-
miller, Everyene welcome. 4 .6b
Friday, Nev. 13e-Clinton Citi-
Zens Horticultural Society, pub-
lic meeting, Council Chatnbers,
8 p.m. Guest speaker: D. R.
t'ictures by C. H. Epps.
Door prize and draw for other
prizes. Adinission free. 45-6b
Saturday, N o V. 14-Protestant
Chapel Guild Pall Bazaar and
Tea, Ritchie fluilding, P.CAF
Clinton, 2.4 pan, Tea tickets 35c.
Saturday, Nov. 14'--Bazaar
Tea St, AndreW's Presbyterian
Church,i 3.5 p.m. Auspices:
Madeleine Lane Auxiliary.
Nevi:indict 18-Z1 -- Bus to
Royal Winter Fair. Zimnier
Tratiapottation. Get mi. tick-
ats early at your local b18.5.bdoe-
Scores On Fumble
Only a few plays after, Mc-
Rae was' in the procesS of
handing off to a halfback for
a line plunge when Gower again
broke through, jarring the ball
loose. _Clinton's Jim Cooper,
a, promising newcomer for the
Redmen, scooped up the loose
ball and scampered 25 yards
to a touchdown. Coiquhoun
made 'the second convert good
and put Clinton out in front
Then St. Mat-Ys began to
fight back. Before' 'the quarter
had ended, McRae had made a
45-yard run to set himself up
for a major score as he plunged
over 'the line on 'an off-tackle
sneak after being stopped on
the one ore an -attempt over
centre. The convert was good
'on, a pass from McRae to the
left, end, Taylor and the score
now stood at 14-7 , for Clinton.
Early in the second quarter,
St. Marys took over as they
moved the ball for long gains
around the , weakly defended
Clinton .ends. • McRae again
elimaXed. The drive with an-
other off-tackle sneak from the
one. The convent was blocked,
.giving 'the Redmen a one-point
margin which they did .n, of hold
for long.
75-Yard Riekeff
The St. Marys kickoff by
Graham, boomed ,over the deep
receivers' heads and rolled far
into the end zone. Before it
could be run out of the danger
area, St Marys tacklers were
all there and brought down the
carrier for the single point,
tying the score 14-14,
- Tn the third quarter, Clinton
started some rushes' with John
Powell and Laurie Colquh'oun
making big gains for the Red-
men, but they could :not capi-
talize on any of them, St.
Marys, on the ether t hand,
scored another .tonchclown I as
IVfeRae carried around the ends
twice for gains of 45 and 10
yards to, set himself up for his
next quarterback sneak, once
again finding the hole off-
tackle and charging through
for the 'touchdown. This time,
McRae ran the convert in for
the single point and made the.
score 21-7 for St. Marys,
Leather Goods
.LEATHER WALLETS for Men or Women,
,'f.• Plain and Zippered-in Red,
Oyster, Ton, Green, Brown,
Black, Blue .
$3,95 to $10.00
In Tan, Greer, Grey, Brown, Black . . .
$4•95 to $7.95
('Continued from Page One)
Many of the trick-or-treaters
carried UNICEF boxes, and
solicited cash donations for that
organization- United Nations
International Children's Emer-
gency Fund.
This year the children col-
lected 60 pound's of money-L.-
which later was counted out
'to be $207.81. The collection
was sponsored by the Clinton
Ministerial Association and col-
lectors were students from
Clinton Public School, Calvin
Christian School, St. Joseph's
School and the Air Marshall
Campbell public school at
RCAF Station Clinton.
Hensall Vandalism
In Hensall several pranks
Were of a serious nature. An
unidentified man left a truck
lead of 'pumpkins outside the
hotel and 'when he returned he
found the load had been' dump-
ed on the street and smashed.
A new home under construc-
tion had all the 'basement win-
doWs „smashed by vandals.
Hesistall children collected
$61.87 for UNICEF.
By daybreak Sunday Clinton
looked slightly the worse for
wear, anti residenta. opened
their curtains in some areas
to' garbage-littered streets, or
evidences of. bonfires in the
Few automobile and business.
windows escaped Soapings, or
Onslaughts of overripe fruit,
but most of 'the "pranks" were
easily disSalVed, With soap,
warm water and a little elbow
(With a Coupon to buy a $15.00 (nstamatic
Camera for $7.50),
PEPTO BISMAL TABLETS .............. $1.05
STERISOL--7 oz. plus 3 oz. H. ..„ $1.00
PEPSODENT Tooth Paste-69c tube, 59c
NESTLE SPRAZE-I 2 oz. 99c,
IDAVIT5 ... . . ,.„- .......... $2.98
BRONCHIDA . . „„,. 95c
TOP BRASS Hair Dressing „„.„, ..... $1.00
Alan W, Edwards Mory E. Edwards, Phm.E.
000eteriptioris w - • Aninnal Health Supplies
Dial 462-6626 Clinton, Ontario
Group Meetings
The Starlight Group will
meat on 'Monday, November 9
at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Don Jeffer-
son will be in charge.
The Fidelity Group will meet
on Tuesday afternoon, Novem-
ber 10 ,at 2:30 p.m. Mxt. Nor-
man Holland will 'be in charge.
Mr. Park will introduce a study
of Trinidad.
The Wohelo Group will meet
on Thursday afternoon; Noiem-
ber 12 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. W.
Murah will be in charge.