HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-05, Page 8, ?aig 'S—�Ontott .N.av, ,51 1904 A U11,b a ,n a. n d - D t t _. M4 `WES BR,. AD IOC�C*-rCrta�rr. P,ondent---�P11on 3Z¢ 75 5 NEw'" OF LQ ES00110 NIBS PERT Al", 9N, Ccrresponrierit Ari invitation was received $hobbrOok,,from the ?doimesvllle UCWtoie attend xheyr fall bazaar to pe. Q �. treId in the 'Sunday School room d ilial ,of the ok�urch at 3 p.m. 4ni �. , . 1 e . � ..: ,_ yirQdz?esda No , 11 Y., Y On Sunday; Nov. ], The general meeting .of the b able 'a er eon w ' e#r- UCW was held on Monday af- J Y ft n ass nt t _, • Mr, and. Mrs. George Hag- i t John P 1 d Mdohael g..t. ! �, ; a.n and moved to ZurviRh on lice week< end where Mr. Hag€;?tt w111 be a grader apelahor, g son _ v s t- Mrs, George Harxrdton .r. i ed relatveS 'n Brucefield and r. Seatfnr� for 'a fe�v days l est week. , ,s.: Ms, a?id Mr.. Wa,:-k rr 5lrrawg]xanPernt a few days last week .in Wrxigiram visiting Pe_ . a... and Mr• ...O D n t -. ,tho home o Mr, an s e ternoan, Mrs. Livingstgne chair- _..... s , _. e shed. Rt Montt f d Mts, B, rt ed - h me in th real. Shobbrook. when the :close fain, t e aura e absence 91y cgnrrectrons numberin. 43 of lytms. Carson. 4�n inYitation Sunday visitors tth ,and g was. xecerved to attend. the were served a smorgasbord .dire- Mrs, W+illlam J. Craig were Mr.. ei:, atharrkofferin meeting in Wal, d Mrs. No man 'Thorn ran of n ton on Tuesday, l�Tov. 10th at an r P Atter dinner, Bili Vo clden read 0 'c Wirngham, ..Mrs' s Grace Tkiom , , l? an address :and gifts. were pre- a son of London, Mr, and Mrs, Seated by Sheila Sh b rb Mrs, Bert. Alton :of • Luoknow o b.. 4kM (�,ot•rpspopdent, M RS, N. I-�!YG• PhAne Hen$ell 97$ -'fir 4) . Walkerburn .ub wlrth th'elir daugbter, Mrs.. Tho- r Jardin, Mr, and as guest speaker, was introduced William S, Craig and taMlly of Shelly Redford and Conn;g Grb b Mr..s Stan ona d ave C1lrnton and Mrs'. George Wilk, bings. and Mrs, Shobproolc y ... LY n S' • R ul r' M p• t M Qry e Was .T•a?ridin ; �a7nily. .lVfr. In and fi were also resented with abut- talk on. show allocations are far of Coder ch., i? tlistrrbuted to the different so- cYre#r table and charts by the.;r, 6■e .. . 11 7 r .and . r , _ 2ilex arld M, _. M s Leo Mr, and .. rS, _ ed Young- cieYaes .0 , rn the UCW oto .ry M F d .0 ters an famil . . r?g.. g h g _. e daughters d family. y Mr, Shot j , $ride. and faarrily. Mr. and Mrs, Eldui Kerr vis- Bohn of Don. M11s; Mr. Joe _... b1pt and fiii nily of WOOdstack brook thanked eve generously. Mrs. Wood thaphed ryone for the Held. At Auburl Ziler of Parkhill, Mrs, Isabel v!rsbted on Sunday with her sir- the speaker; gifts and good wishes. -p W1 Madders of M nkton.PPy Rhees Pears axed ni e Gardiner of, Mr• and ter', Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Mr,. and Mrs.. Shobbrook were.Donations of ,miters •to the tree will -be The Wali.eiibgrn Club held .,u Mrs. Huh Feo an and family g Mr. Sanderson and family and ,tten very accept - y married Nov.lVov2g, 1929, by Rev, able again this Christmas, -the monthly, meeting' alt the of RR 5, Goderich, and Mr. Dan other relaatives in ,this dl'isltmliot. J. W, Johnston at the home of Th m t ee in cies b ed with a Noire of Mrs, Leonard' Arch- McLean .cYf A�nberley were week- Sunday v+i'sitlars with Mr. and the brides Parents, 1Vir and l t ... social cup of tea. ambault with 10 members �prcr,- The ineetin was o'Pened end guests with Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Scott, K011tlh, Wayne Mrs. Wes Br'adnoci{ were Mr. Mrs, Wesley Vodden of the 9th concession of Hallett. T,he at- The Cheerio Club trot last errft.. , g iVfr, and Mrs, John Long, Serve on lettuce cu as, an Owens Sound, spent the week_ , light dessert. For : and. Mrs. Shearer Wilson and week at the home ,of• Mrs. Al-. tendants Mr, and Mrs. 11Y Mrs. Joe Hunkgn who taalc g and Eric,. ,were Mr, and :Mrs, Kenneth Wilson ed vin Stevens with 12 members P.erc Gibbings,. They settl eh'arge of the pragrarn ,m t e Mr, and Mrs. Ra1p'h D. Man- all of La ridbn; Miss Margie t .ori and one visitor present. Mrs• he farm on which they at sen'cg of ithe president, Mrs, rb visited last we* in Ottawa R Jaol�soar and lvtx• .and Mme, still reside, Durnin acted as ,president in the Lorene Hankin , g with Mr. and Mrs, Rob&t 'Youngblut absence a MaOS, Livingstone. Hugh Bennett and Pamnly, Of They -have �`iV0 daughters, Group three provided the The meeting, was. opened by .and also with Dr. prop port Albert.. Thelma, Mrs,. Gordon Carrow,.of gram and a hot :supper was no dinging „ „ a, Clanada , followed _ B:C-, and IvIdA ,Mrs, Ross Mill- Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Hum-'. served b Y group one. by the Loma s Pt+ayes in undsont. 'Pile Auburn Aides son, of Stratford, and. six gratid- rays arbte?�ded the funea+al of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kerslake children, Three of Mrs, Shob- rill aa)71 vias .aiswer�ed b1' DENTIST and family of Exeter speiTt her uncle the lane Wdllfi�am Mc- brook's brothers and one of Mr, d each meni�ber telling a riddle. Township; Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Geiger, Zurich; Mr, and Donald at Mount Clemens last . , Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Shobbrook's were, unable to at- The minutes were adoptedas 'REM DELING money to pay bills ... fix the . Saltnzrda Harry Durnin, y tend, lad by lice secretta(ry, Mrs.. Henry Hun'le�xNg, A thank -you Hold I�eetn Will Govier and Mrs. Lily 1VIxs. Shobbraok has five bre- Webster spent the weekend in nate was read from Mrs. The fourth meeting of the thers, Herb of White Horse, London with the former's dau- N.W.T„ Frefl, RR 1 Clinton; ghter and family; also• visiting Annual Autumn Lloyd Pen -found and baby Auburn Aides was held at the Roy of Summerhill; Leonard of Mrs, Jean Radford who is ill daughter, The prize gust. was home of Patrsy :and Linda Reed. Paris, Ont.,' .Kenneth of :RR 1 with a heart. condition in 'Vic- won by Mrs. Joe Hurgd ng. 1t The ,meeting was opend by ,Che. Londesboro. Mr. Shobbrook has Coria Hospital, Thankofferin had been donatedby Mo. Jam- Y ,: president, Marian Hickey, with two sisters, Mrs. Norman Rad- Fred Peokitt was ex a gd to P �. 'week es McDougall. The mmberrs voted to s 1- all repeating the 44 -1 Pledge, The minutes of the Last meet- ., " ford, Blyth, and Mrs. Percy return home this after .a .} Gibbings, Clinton; one brother, ten day rest in Clinton Public Held At Auburn sor an auction sale Of 'home- Ing were adopted as read by Larne of Oshawa. Hospital, made baiting on November 7 in Auburn Orange Hall. Tilak- secretary, Lynda Andrews. -the secret Plans :to hold the The Autumn thankoiiferting • of the Untimed Church. Women , the sets, are on sale for ,a quilt were made next meeting at the Norrie Off Marjorie flunking, Anthony of ' Knox United Church was a gr y D izer which tis being displayed t)lias weak lin a store window in Au- the amisttant leader, Mrs. Frank Ralthby, herd With. guests from West - field, Donnybrook, Knox Pres- Married Saturday At Londe bo s burn and there Will adso be The leader, Mrs. Keith Ma- byterit n, St. Mark's Angilicaii; y ro farm produce, sewing, aprons and a touch -surd -take table. clean, led in the discussion on sant tion control, and the Baptist Church being present. White potted .chrysanthemums and lighted The auction which udE com- and germ contamination of water and Guests were welcomed by the: candelabra decorated Londesboro United Church on, m,ence at 2:30 p.m, tis to help the pasteurritia,t on of mdik. Mrs, President, Mrs. Bert Ci,alig, as- Saturday, when wedding vows Were exchanged be - sponsor +their fosrter c�hli l d RaitJhby told about houseflies s'i�s'ted by Mrs. Kenneth Mc- tween. Marjorie Pauline Hunking and Anthony which they -adopted a year ago. and spoke ofit their conttr•al. She Dougall. The ushers were Mrs.. Duizer of RR 1 Londesboro. Plans a were made to hold the also told about precautions to Oliver Anderson and Mrs.' Gray mirror. Leonard Arc'h�anibault next meet ing at Ithe home' of be to en in the event of in, ' h Cunnianghani. Mrs. Novnnan Mc- Rev. W, McM. Carson of read the address and Stewart Mrs. Lloyd McClin�chey with fecbions: C1inchey led the meelta ng and Londesboro performed the Amernt made the preseivtatio¢i• Mrs. Joe Verwey 'and Mrs. El- lv Wla n land Connid Hiclt'ey the service of song was led by double -ring ceremony and tiro- ,Nott ,Lapp in ch'axtge of the pro- and Lynda Andrews demon- the church organdst," Mrs, Nor- dMornal wedding :music was gram. straited ithe proper posture man Me,01 nohey. played by Mrs. Harry Lear of The lunch committee will be when sitting or standing. Each Miss Elrrna Muteh read the Londesboro. She also •accomp- Mtrs. Donald Sprung, ,Mrs, John member Is :to take a sample of scripture lesson. She gave a anied the soloist, Miss Barbama Snyd'ers, Mrs. Harold Sprung, his drinking waiter supply and Thanksgiving message on these, Snell• ' " and Mrs'. Worthy Young, The send it away at the next meett- - M-4sages and was followed by The bride is the only daugh16th roll call is to be answered by 2rng for analysis. The meeitirig prayer by Mrs. Norman Me-lex of 112r. *and Mrs. Lorne n+anning a necessary article in was clos'e'd: by repeating the' 4- Dowell, A duet was sung by Hurnlairng, RR 1 Auburn, 'and the stick -room. Contests. of dmitatin anim- g H creed sari +iundh was served by Patsy and Linda R;ee�l, Ms-ses 1V1:'artie and Klatske Ko Mrs. Harold Web- the groom is the son of Mr. o�� and Mrs. Arlie Duizer, RR 1 els uataltions and were suer read a Dean Huron employees NEW' of 11ppto Oanqun {p� Held (�,ot•rpspopdent, M RS, N. I-�!YG• PhAne Hen$ell 97$ -'fir 4) . et Miss Sharon McBride of Jnl l�'fr, .arid Mrs, Rot Stokes x100 v rs t f e e r y o. W Stern Untario, and Larv?y of London vtere Suti- At Auburn: Hall; spent the weekend kvifili her par day guests of 'Robert Th4tnson $$9.46 ents, Mr, and 11�rs. Edgar Mc, and ,r1 and Mrs, $ertThQn1son. The 16t T h annual. ' Iluron $ride. and faarrily. Mr. and Mrs, Eldui Kerr vis- Caunt3' employees' banquet was held ,1n ;ted friends. Sunday in Elmira, Ni 'Pears ppb' the Auburn Community also visited Mr. and Mts. Russ Memorial Hall with over 140 W1 Madders of M nkton.PPy Rhees Pears axed ni e Present, Dinner wa a seryecl by lila Aublrrn Womtan' Instfi 'ate, s t Mr. and Mrs, Harold. Jones, a. u .for de 'occas Kenneth and Grant. vnsited re-; $Pre .d an? 17 . sa .i lr ... . ,,... . Arrangements }vete 1i1 charge dessert. Choose fully ripe but Gently at tthe home of Mr:. and . uax�ter them s frrrTl pears, a Mr Arkhur Ashworth and..Carol Of a committee of Bill W. 'ght W, of Denfield, lengthwise, and 'reaxrove cores, Jack Snell, .Andy EdSEW and Marshall Stewart of Seaforth Top each cut edge with your Bob McDonald, aI1. of fiif e visited Wednesday afternoon favorite cheese sP read or ;s aria Wroxeter district with Mr. a#�d :Mrs, W. L.1,yiellrs; 'taro of cxeann cheese and finely County Erngineer. Jim Briist- nail tivas chairman for the Sunday Visitors 'vrere 1.VIr. and Mrs. Earle Sproule of Exeter. ch°Piled nuts. Gently replace section's' to make a whole pear, 'Of eve- n1r?g aril thanked the Auburn. iVfr, and Mrs, John Long, Serve on lettuce cu as, an Owens Sound, spent the week_ , light dessert. For ladies for the banquet,, Mats, end with Mr, and Mns, N, Long. appetizer or Donald �aAnes roplaed on be- Sunday Visitors were Mr.. and best flavor, allow, Rear's .and' half of the other conveners, Mrs, Clarence Ball and Evelyn cheese to reach room tempe3 >#- Mrs. Thomas Uaw1or and Mrs. Pf Windsor.. tare beforeserving• Arnold Craig, son. When moneyn e mount Engineer Bi: tnell introduced ecualues n ahem • g ts, arty t; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cummings, God- . enrich; Bagey Parrot, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs, Karl Schne+i!ker, Goidericli; Warden .and Mrs. GA• ..borrow . ddentl Ralph Jewell, Colborne Town- 1'31 LLS ship. Also, members of the from NFC road cornm1ittee, Mr; and Mrs. DENTIST Donald McKenzie, Ashfield CW'f MING When your plans, or problems, Township; Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Geiger, Zurich; Mr, and money—see VA ION m y Mrs. Joe Kerr, Wingham; Mr. 'REM DELING money to pay bills ... fix the . and Mins. Grant Stirling, Code- rich• Township, and Mr. and INSTALMENTS house ... buy a better par ... Mrs, George Radford, Blyth. APPLI/►NCES' outfit the family. • : travel... Warden Jewell brought,greet- or for any other worthwhile ings from the Counitg and _. stated it was, a pleasure to work with the road comn-At tee, Engineer Britnell spoke of the Tbad budget.. The lucky door tickets were drawn by Mars, Ralph Jewell and the prizes went to Mars. John Snell of Wroxeter and Ross Nicholson of RR 1 Bluewale. AMOOT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS LOAN months months months menthe x100 $ .,. $..,.. . A 2 $$9.46 550 ..... 28.78 82.86 61.24 750 ..... 81.65 44,18 69.21 1000 1600 66.98 41.46 68.81 58,11 94.11 91.66 146.62 2200 88.71 94.62 129.41 201.46 2500 95.12 107:62 147.05 228,98 Purpose. Borrow Conti- dentty, repay can .. lently, at Household Finance. ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE INSURANC« ON LOANS AT The con imittee named to be Abme payments Include pdoclpal and Interat and are based an prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of LOW GROUP RATES in ch'a'rge of the banquet next to be Bert'Cr ot,lnsunnae year. are s J, Hallahian, Fred Seers' 'and HOUSEHOLD FINANC Frank Riley. Progressive PANT euchre was played With the Mrs. Donald Young and the +high lady, s. wrl=ers being, Mu C Wes. Hempel, W,roxelter; lbw GGIDERICH lady, Marts. fhoss Nicholson, 35A West Street --Telephone 524-7383 Bluenrale; high man, George the inembers parading in: cos- tees. Fancy dress rimes were McKay, Brussels, and low man, (above the Signal Star) Jinn BrIttiell, Goderrich. , q � a p Landeslboro. a in charge of Mr's.. Donald Sp Mins. Elliott Lapp introduces November is Anniversary Month at Hermans Men's Given in marriage by her ruing and Mrs. Warlter CunrnSrig- the guest speaker of the even- r Auburn Explorers farther, the bride wore a floor- Wear and re Celebrating Dior V 6th Anniversary Nisar. Lurnoh was served by Mrs. ling, Mrs. Robert S, Hiltz of g George Schneider, Mins. James Exeter, Mrs'. Hiltz was a for- length white gown of silk or - George Man Mone Savors Specials fair a19 ®oar , •Jackson, Mrs. 'Ariel Duizer-and W r mer n-Ahiiister's wife on the Au- gianza over brldall 4crrtin It y y p Mrsa' Lloyd McClinchey. Hallowe en Party burn Charge six years ago. In featured 'a scoop neckline out- Customers. her Thanksgriving message she lined with • appliqued white 1� mil gi embroidered lace and also was JUST IN TIME FOR FALL AND Hallowe'en stiles were en- compared the first Thanlzs v- i I featured on, 't'l'i;e conic -..oiled skirt. t / / jayed by several groups in the ing of the Pilgrim. Fathers to Tont -and a large self bow With . CHRISTMAS BUYING! coni uiiity . and one orf, these today ,and asked everyone if 'flowers of the :same material at was held by the Auburn Ex -.they expressed (heir thanks for th tacit Hes sho2lider-len th STARTING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Sth fAG'EAtI� plorer girls In Knox United the bounty sof everything 'today. e €, veil of silk-illusrion was• held in SUITS Af4yaMllq Church. A ghost game was led by From horse and buggy days she went •to racket travel of Place by a Queen Anne cap dotted with seed pearls. She PANT 8(/y.. r Mrs. Donald Young and the today • sand sIt'ate'd. the code of carried a white Bible crestedOurG C "6iAK%N6POiYQ�Q" grand march was held with all living is lost and to What Our- with pink roses and, white rib - Choose From A Variety of the Most Popular Shadeof Plains, Herringbones and irre- 9 �% the inembers parading in: cos- tees. Fancy dress rimes were pose. Mrs. Ernest Dtumdn r thanked M'rs. Hiltz. �.. bon streamers. R descents. All Sizes. Reg. $79.50 Value. The iii19l 'honor, Miss5ul r given to, Gail, Seers, Shelley Lunch -was 'served in the Sun- of s Grange and Sherry Pla'dtzer. day Sehaal room of the church. Wendy Cleland of 1.01 marline; 1 - " -� Cornid dress's' prizes were award- Thanks• for the invitation were wore a sleeveless ace blue star- 1 1 "` ed to Marie' Plunkett, Doreen expressed by .Mrs. William li'ghlt brocaded dress with mat - Mrs. Char- ching jacket and pleated mat- MEN'S ALL goo 0 McClinchey and Susan Thoanp- Hardy, Donnybrook; .00 son. les Srrilith, Westfield; Mrs. thing wedding ring headdress ,x,.attezimt i. LVE r.te eo •e e U Doreen McClinchey and George Schneider, St. M•awles and carried a cascade bougrxet mums, Miss. Elaine SUITS Sherry. ,Plaetzer conducted a Anglican Church; Mrs. Wifffined of white PANT game called "Black Magic" and Sanderson, Knox presbyiterrnan Ni ch'ols of Stratford; and Miss of pink roses. FOR SUPERB FOOD IT 5 1 the hunt for hatts and pump- kins wasT. won by Shelley Orange. Doreen McCldnchey and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Audrey Dulzer, the groom Auburn Baptist Church. e' sister, of Londesboro, both he president, Mrs. Bert Craig wore dresses identical to the Choose From A Variety of the Most Popular Shadeof Plains, Herringbones and irre- 9 �% 4WX `• Iii" won the prize ',for guessing .the spoke -a few wards and thanked maid of honor. descents. All Sizes. Reg. $79.50 Value. UCLINT0,NW1S11FFQ5REA�0lC0S ;. e a calrp!at numbw of jelly beans Mrs. Hintz for .her message. The groomsman was TielmanT Im liajar. Mrs. Arthur Grange oWestter+haut of Clinton'and 'the told a gthost stovy and after ushers were Arthur Hun -king, ' fortune telling, a lunch was Trailer Company brother of the bride, and Gor- served by the leaderrs.don Alblas of Dorchester. Topcoats Completes Unit erEXETER-The mr-A tranA 'recepltion falllowed in tithe Was completed Lodi Wedt'ies'd4ay church basement which was * ALL WOOLS at the recently compleited decorated 1w th blue and white • LAMINATES Gugtom Trailers Limfilted pliant flowers' and blue lighted tapers, S ALL WEATHER COATS The bride's' mother assisted here. The 324by-10-foot trailer con- the brutal couple in retigving Just Arrived For Fall andd tauns Itwo Private offices, built- the guests d r a 'teal blue Winter Wear in dtrrksy ttolliA blueprint sitar- doulb'le-knit two-ppaete dress, age and draft&ri ta:blels. ' g g P Tories and. a SIZES 36 • to 46 Construction on the coarnp: cor.1m e of -accessories Blight roses. PRICED any`s gxlanit Stbarte'd two months assistedShe was . by Ithe $19095 ago,grooms'rriortliewelaxing a sap- FROM btua f ' ik dr atch- phare aro a t E S (finton Haiti a u�r n it�ure. ~� ass, m Ing accessories and a corsage �oif pink deliighit roses. ' Foo•wa'vealing ,the bride donned a royal blaze do not suit with Clearance SP C', les a gold accessories and a carsaige • • of pink roses. Are Clearing Their Stock M Chesterfield and Bedroom Among -the guests present were the brhders two grand- i. P. Men sINII Suites �ro m;ake groom #or Christmas 5 'ick am Hing RR � u�' WOOL BLEND Continental and Regular Styles in BroWhs,•Grejrs, Olives and $lack SIZES 28 to 44 Reg. $16.95. NOW■+1V ONLY Jackets e��e��•• 2y/ � ' ice. alta • Prank 8139, of ALL STYLES and SIZES � Blyth. Oibliet gdes write Preis- ' s/ '°"°"" (.�'PIeCe T-:1., Preis -$1 froth VgA#tickDoadit- r; StrailwaMpl , olnt, L#dsbro and BythChesterfield Smites 211198 e at On their return theywure- All i z: >a � �.., side LTi txlfi lsbs*b. All Reduced to Clear Trade -int Accepf6d Come Ili and Make ors an Offer. Ladies; it's not l`ob Tate fu 1ta've that Sodetal Gift for Father: A SKLAR RECUNft from Beate Putniture 'Priced from $19.00 tip, toitial brIbili Come In rand! S eeU s b�f s $$661m,, 'ltd(e bAde, a g+raidu'albt trurse ` aE iStvatfoIrd Ga oig 1iidslgtal, was honored by several pre- mttptia eiVeirtis, er aunt, Mays. Johri Arley, er.ssisted • by Mr's. &tt f dityk bndthear aunt, and 1VCts > #ehily urnklzig, enrte lar- ed 35 re0'atives find prceseaated. her with gift, Mfrs. Stewart Ament entertained tielghbor's and 'cher Wallt wburn Cltib, and fui;ty neighbors gathered at the home, Of the bride and pfesent- ed the couple with a large wall clogs are more sensitive to heat ,than any dtht" farm, ilia- mail, but shadb arraaaigenents don't hAvd t'6 be waboz°itte to keep them ga fti ilgr rep6i is North Dakota: UnIV414sity doll - lege, of; Agridiilture, Reg. f6 $29.50 - Be Sure To See This Group Young Men's ALL WOOL SUITS 1Iat'utal Shoulder' Styling Shoes 3544-9-9.40 ANNIVERSAkY . Reg. $59.54 SPEC AL S 4 (OPEN PRIDAY EVPNINC ) :,...... ...., ,... =I