HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-11-05, Page 11
P .Paper With, The New4
&1RTO.N. ONTA A. THURSRAY, HQY M �t Sf Sjf4 $4.00 Per Year-,. 1.0' Cuts Per Cppy '10
ER 8,
CHA�Mlg_ TO 0 A...
A Obilton Chamber of, Com- Ingand be voted .upon by coun�,
merce delegation- at least 13 ail at the next regular meeting
men sarong — will attend the of 'town council,"
newt regular session of Clinton The next regular meeting of
Town Couno l and demand that town couuicrl 4s scheduled for
mfunicipal body to iniplement a Nov, 9,
building code for Clanton, Planning Board chairman
The Charnber's plan of action Duff Thompson 'and Chamber
was decided at a special meet- PrO0.1dent A "I?ed" Caron out-
uivg held Thursday evennig an lined to members the reasons.
counail chambers during which wiry 'they felt the . Chamber
13 of the 16 members present s'h'ould mace Such a trove.
rose to their feet in a 'srtartd- Mr. Thompson said implemi-
up' vote in favor of a motion entation of, ,a building code
calling for the demand on coon- would give the planning board
Oil. something to work with and
The motion read: "Be at rem could lead to zondng which in
solved that In the interests of turn would place Clinton in a
progress, .economics and wel- position where it 'would 'be able
fare the Town of Cluntm to Invite uindustry.
shouldadopt -the National Bull- $$00,000' Debt
ding Code and that represea He said Clinton was heading
tion ito ithe 'Clinton Town Caun- for dmmlinenrt financial disaster
cil be made that the bylaw for and adoption, of the building
the National Building Cade be code which could play a part
giveli its ,tih!ird and final read- in getting industrial taxpayers
into the -area might mmve off
Huiron County tremendous resGdeirtia3 'tax in
greases which will othery me be
required' to mteet debentureCrop Report panow owv have $800,000 bon..
Fine weather as allowing bon-
ded .indebtedness," he said, "We
the conweathe of fall warp have comm ii'tted ourselves this
at a rapid x+atte all h year 'to another $100,000 (pub -
,art he school debenture); we have
there seems to be endless' committed ;ourselves to 'anoith_
work that can be done, ac- er $100,000 next year (hvgh-
cording to ,the weekly crap way improvements), and on the
report issued than week by horizon we have another $100, -
Huron County Agrieul•tural 000 debenture looming," (the
representative, D. H. Miles'. proposed new arena).Corn .as being harvested as "That puts us over the mil -
quickly as the'linAtedamioun;t lion mark and we not only
of equipment will allow and hale to pay off the debt but
fall Plowing is the order of its, interest too. If we Have
the day. no condition which can 'bring
an more revenue Mr.
Thompson did not complete
In Aftermath of Clinton's Hallowe'en , .: Candle -Making Conce'rned' Over V`iolations ... the, sentence.
o Need More Taxpayers
Ple'nt Of Pranks LittleDalniftlage Series Starts "We will either have to cut
dbtivn sam'ervhere on spending,
,,r- A seven -pact series on thehave higher taxes, or gest more
Magistrate eFarewhtI,t was an aveitage Hallow- are pending ,in 'tihe second acct- $500. Police are conttiinuang a�Yt of candleanakuig starts thus S taxpayers to help shoulder the
e'en in Clinton ••fiiht yearC w b demi. their investigation. week in the News -Record, burden," ;he said, "It seemthe
just about as many streelt fares, A vacant house on • the Bay- -Throughout the might Clinton The 'art;,c1'es take the partici- Two fathers who•accompani.ed the offence Oct. 17 by Const. 'Mime to 'time." logical thing to do would be
goblins, h'andbuts, watches, fiefld-Clinton 'Road at the S'ev- police were kept busy, dousing pant step-by-step through the 'their sons to Magistrate's Court Clarence Perdue who was on "Maybe he. has learned a les- to,, get more industrial tax-
wagped,wiindows..a' d prax;kvs. as tenth-�Coiicession was burned to burnt g•..sitrawbates anal a1Ao4 process involved. 'iris ' 6fihltdi'i'Wednesday'' were routine paitrol of Clinton in son;" the' farther said, 'ad'ding payers.
any other year. 'the ground and Ontario Pro- mobwle tires which were lit in This week's project is a eommendeci by Magustr�te the police cruiser when the that wince the offence stook - "Right now our taxataon ra-
vi b1U Police say they believe various parts of mown-includ- simple but attractive and use- Glenn Hays for their interest incident ,took place. place the boy's driving privil- do is deplorable." Mr, Thornp-
(See Pictures of Hallowe'en the, vandalism was the work of ing'the main street ---and when- ful candle, and the Ideas end am?'d concern. Informagbion was that a car eges had been curtailed. son solid taxes in Cliivton. break
in Clinton on'Page Five) Hallowe'en pranksters. ever they left their cruiser un- projects become more compli- "This•' shows a good sand driven by -the youth made, un- The youth was fined $15.00 down roughly to about 10 per
Damage $500 attended It was pelted with vot- sated • as the series progresses. healthy ci ttitude on your pant," necessary noise at two town and costs of $2.50. cent industrial taxation and
Clinton .poli'ce' reported any- ten eggs and fruit. Ma istrate Ha , p,m, Roy • Vadden was charged ab'otut 90 percent residential
The Bayfield volunteer fire gg' The series concludes Dec. 17, g Hays said Icon- arnterseabions abaurr 9:45
thing but a quiet night a they UNICEF Collection at the het ht of the 'Chuiist- mend you both for your inter- "This is. a most unpleasant waith squealing ,the tires of a 'taxes. He said Toronto; for
were kept occupied from dusk br ilgade answered a cell to the g
house at 1:30 a.m. Sunday, but In. the early .part of the, even- mas season. Those readers who est in the welfare of your sound to be 'heard by people (continued on page ten) ('Conthmed on Page k've)
Sart no
until dawn' Sunday, were unable to control the blaze an the night air ran with 'follow the directions as they boys." trying to sleep or people walk --
but no charges were laud as, a g, g g The defendants •-- Roy Allen sag around the streetts," Mag -
of Hallowe'en pranks. which had' gained considerable cackles, nervous and exclte'd appear and make their own Voider and Lea Arnold Med-di asirate flays told rite youth., e
Only one 'serious incident of headway before they 'arrived on young voices and doorbells as candies wilt likely find plenty CashAvaila6le �
van'dali'sm yams reported, and the scene. h'undred's of youngsters made of use far them at thattime --- bath of RR 1 Clinton werg reminded Medd of a Legasladve
that involved one broken wan- Ernest McOee, owner of the the rounds far h'aiidoults. either for the decoration of charged with causing unneces- amendment an July 1 off this
low pane ut a private residence. house, placed the loss at about (Continued from page 10) their own homes, or as gtifts. sary noise by skidding the year 'raising ;the fine for such D C
Two Accidents
Flor the nilast pant, grankslt-
ms' contented' themselves with
.,pending garbage cans'and- lust -
tering the contents, across
marts, moving 'a few 9gnx and
dither movable objects about,.
*apdUg window's, and 't1wowing
iggs and fruit of questionable
nin'tage at automobiles.
Two automobile accidents
were reported in the Clanton
uva. One happened 'about 2:30
;unday morning (see pietuore
rfbove) and the other was ori
liatttenbury Street, Charges
PUC Plans.
Sub, -.Station
��. n
Anew Public Utilities Tuns{
sorrier sub sftattion which will
allow, the PUC to atlmost double
its power output well he offic-
ally oporied Monday in Clanton
The sub -station wall be nam-
:d after 'Williarcty E. Perduewho
;erved as Public Utihldes Coin-
Ols'sion'er in Clinton for '30
PUC Superrin;tehdent J`atbet
ballds said the ;new sub -shat Jori
fould handle any overloads on
he exibliitigg 2,700 Mowatt
Cost About; $16,000
The substaitioh, WMch cosh
bola $1.9,000 will be able to
atidlrr an output of 3,000 lrrio-
11ttr. Rain& said cl'>�telula of
ie opetaistg on Monday were
A qti td compldte, but it was
tpected Mayor W.• J'. Miller
ad W. perdue WoUld tie
hong dignataraes o ttendniig
to 2:30 bmni, l ndabn.
The Weather
�rlgh Low High Low
1064 x90a.
)et, 20 51 32 46 33
20 48 26 43 .20
31 S6 29' 51. 42
tvav'. f 90 34 45 97
2 60 40 41. 31
9 61 43 46 32
4 64 44 ��55�_ 39
AaAnt ,fit" dLEMk..6+011
A 0
Clinton's application for a Centennial grant in .
x.967 was .mailed to the Centennial committee late
last week by Clerk John. Livermore;
Council earlier had approved built in . Clinton. The matter
the construction of 'a 'new must be decided by piebriscite
=arena as a Centenn'ial prodect to delternirme whether r'ahepay-
for Clinton, andapplication fox ers will accept a debenture is
tine grant at that time was sue Ito r arise the necessary mind's.
required' prior to Nov. 9. The arena comnAttee report -
On Tuesday, Mr. Livermbre ed'sevr�l weeks ago it is•{tlink-
're'ceui<re'd. notice from the in'g in Yterms .of an arena, which
Federal-Provina9'al Centennial would cosh about $160,000, Of
Grants Program. that the dead- that aMount, about $1.00,000
lune for the submdssion of ap'- will likely have to be raised by
plications has been extended debenture. The balance would
until Av'g. 5, 1965, on hire re- come from grants and d'ona
commendation of the Cabinet tions and local servirce clubs.
Centenital Comn-Attee. o
Get $2 Per Capita
Under the centennial pro- Middleton Couple
gram, participating municipal- Feted By Friends
i'd'es 'will receive a grant of . $2 Friends 'arid neighbors gai4h-
l? resident which must id ered' last. Friday evening at the,
matched With ip per head' paid home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis
the mu'na'aboutyw ClintonroBrand on the Bayfield Lfn'e to
stands to• get about $7,000 fro�rn.
the provincial, -and federal gov- 'honor the recently - mraaried
ernments irides the scheme. couple.
CounoiA's approval of 'a new In a brief ee-emeny the
arena .c a, ppCentennial oval project Brands were pr'esen'ted with a
was required before applicbtttion liege fflor and an arrange-
could be made far a grant mart in flowers.
During the balance of the
Need PIebiscite evening euchre was played'and
The move does; not necessar- a lunch was• ' served• by the
sly mean -a new 'arena:, will bela'c1G,'es 'of the community,
Driver In, Satisl
Hilbert Arnold Crich, . 22, of RR '1 Clinton is
reported in satisfactory condition following a single -
car crash early last Sunday morning on Highway 8,
about one mile west of Clinton. He suffered a broken
leg, broken arm and severe facial lacerations when
his 1955 -model car (shown above) left the road and
arV Condition
struck a tree. The accident was reported at 2:26 a.m.
Police credit Crich's escape to the fact :that he was
thrown from the car when it burst open on impact.
At' press time the cause of the 'accident had still not
been determined although it was believed the driver
fell asleep at the wheel.
(News -Record Photo by John Visser)
Santa Claus'IS Coming
Members of the Clinton Retail Merchants' Com-
Cliue Wan Fined
Bruce William Gillon, 22, of
RCAF S+bottom Clinton, was
fined $25 and costs lasgt, Thurs-
wheels of vehicies they were
driving in Clinton. Both plead-
ed guilty.-
Squealing Tires
Medd, 16, wascMargeci witch
an offense to a max nm of
$100 or b 30 -day license sus-
Father Agrees
Medd's father told the mag-
istrate ;he felt "the 'boys -vasa
a Orq+ un r 1 Ve to rtS
trust fund, for Clinton's proposed new arena ,
estimated at $1,300 will be set up early in 1965
by the Clinton Kinsmen GIub.
mittee are convinced Christmas is on the way --
despite the balmy weather of the past few days.
day in Goderich Count when he
pleaded gushy to having, liquor
might to be punitshed M he was
being a smattt al'ec with the
The dedasl'on was made at The club held a similar 'tick -
the club's meeting this week. et sale' last year and about
At • a meeting recently an
the Town Hadi under the chtair-
Wanehip of R. N. Irwin the'
merchant's decided' to plan and
promote a Santa Claus Parade
in Clinton with floats, bands
and: Clowns.
The parade will be heldon
Saturday, Dec. 5. The mervbes.
addi(tional'ly decided to take
care of Chrigtmias street light,
ing attawid' the town.
Set Store Hours
Store hours for the month of
December were also set at the,
meeting. They are as .follows:
Ston will remain open all
day Wednesday beginning Dec,
9; foodstores' will remain open
on the evenings of Dec. 21, 22
and 2$ only,
,fellowship Rall
Of Clinton YPUC
Planned Saturday
'Me Huron Presbyters Unit.
ed Church YPUC is sita>ga g
an 7.inttexdenomrina:tional Youth
Fd oA ship Reilly this Vri'dny
evening (fvbvemb& 6) 1h the
Wesley wim's votead Church,
To advertise ,this event, the
Young peoPIe held a parade
from Sebforth to Chalton and
Go&rich last Sa'turd`ay dtet°-
noon 'with. potter.,plaAtcred cors
and singing youths Spreading
the atwT of the orally,
Tonight (Thursday) tw* otea
yaun'g people Will appear on
tho POdus Y»'ogr'an1 aft CIS
Televis%oh, Chahnel a, 'W,ing'-
.ham, of about 6.16 p.m to
discuss the event on, the air,
The t hest speaker at 'the
ba .1y wilt be the Rev, Govt'doh
Hume of Hamilton and lead
g the group in sohy will be
Barb Stohet oP Blenheim, Both
of those gehucineft Ave- very
act'ver noir young po*fe's i• crit
died title 'iw0111101.6Wn to; icy
yautlias 1h 11-11
Other shares wilt shay open
evenings Pram Thursday, Dec,
17 to Wednesday, Dec. 23.
All stores will. close art. 6
P.M., on Christmas Eve, Thugs-
day, Dec. 24.
in a place other than hrs res a-
Larry Dennis Denonrune, 20,
of Zurich, and Morley Bloom-
field of Goderioh were. fined
$40: and $15 respectively on
similar charges.
"rust because you. have been
kept waiting," the nurse 'told
„ ,
the expectant fatth'err, "doesn't
iecess'ariay mean the baby will
be a gird,. ��
cox`. If he 'rs nor. punnshed by
the court he certainly will be
Punished at 'home'-" Mr. Medd
added he wouidn+t want to see
his son lose his drivers' per-
mat "because he drives lits mo-
Cher to and from work from
The money will be raised by
the clubs December project—
p" J
the sale of 500 live=ddilar tack-
e+bs, 10 of which will be drawn
for cash prizes r frown
p �'�
$25 to $500.
$1,300 profit was realized.
Tickets On Sale
The profits from thus year's
site will be put into a .groat
fund which will be �availafble
ars' a donation to trigs sirens
fund of and when, such a fund
is set up.
Huron (ounty, s HeapLovely.Indian
Summer (ontinuingt
now can be
he sell f�
" -
T,he condition of the weather
and gave the buyer a chance
at $900 in cash prizes.
generally Is a favorite to is of
In other business, the Mns-
conversation, but Clintonians
men' passed -a motion to have
speaking about :it this weep , ='A ":.,
tw members the t-
have had genuine conviction do
tend everymeetingmeetingof Clinton
Town Council.
their voices when wishingeachA M� a
"' a
Coimeit Delegates
other "goad moig" or "'good'
� :1
:A sla'okestrikasi for the club
; V
everting„ . ” _ *,� .a
said ,th'e ,two 'delegates would
' • •�,.
The throwback of July uvea-
attendtneetuL'gs to show an. bi-
tereat in town affairs. The
her tit the outset of Noveun. 4 r
members who 6ttend moat-
bee has brought all sorts of
ings will report habit to the
dditfferemlt forces into play.
club's next meeting and advise
the club what took place at
Some of the girl's have taken w a
the council meetings.
their summer shorts out of moth � <
1ra115, ort&rer people babe resuc_
The club sand it was grate-
1 y� y
taavtly haul, rtlreix lanvn mow
ful to supporct from Clintotdans
. d
`af .
Oro out of the back of lire gar- a
during lire a recent peanut sale
drive in which $500' was raised.
ege where 'tlw had ,biped to
leave them sIlie
a uhtvl ' next year.
money wall be spent ch
minor' spoifts in C`Jh on-
Teresa 7ablocki dug out her
Deputy - i3ovezm'or Coni Dela-
�A ¢•
sw,�aiek" shift and posed for
on of Medford made lrvs atitd-
tthe Xews-Record cambramah.
rel V slt tb the club during the
(at ].edit) r .stud Jolti iVlulholUaxrd
last n ming.
. �
favid an over-anXi'aur Easr'ber
ISlly bl'b02ri]iig hn lllPS back yard ,
Traitors Crash
<. >
kmif Street alio with l ,
soaves strawberries (dee photo, , : .,., , ,, �, ;;,, t ,, .'
t>* : , ,.,. .:. y�
Injures TWb I�EN'`SOnS
at fi
MrS. .lack VDvan5 Of Rt� 5.
Bob HaYilenbwk found rape
Goderihh and W+illaarcn rimpey
tut beitrie's oW'ift In his gat-
of RR 2 .Auburn were treated,
- . .� � s
,,.,: � :a:
den,, picked a bowlful, and stall
oadeioh bdsp and ]ater
.: .{ :.. !
,,. r,,;- ,.,�.
had somelet over tCr bring
xeYeatedlast Wednesdruy night
, ��u ,.{..
dawn to the 11ews-3kord of
when the oar anwla~i they
„,k,P �f.:: ,,..•�
were riding collided with a
tar�tr?r on MghWW 61 three
lob r+Ftn 'tveatirer forc- � ..
g. ge
nhiiles West of Clinton,
t ;�� �
casts Cull fat ri lirbef eotLtiiiu- _ � ,.�,.
Robert Patted, 1.6, of Glialw
... -. , tit ,.
�' the 5�. U - .c . : •r : .;: k,a. -. �'+ :.,,,::.
enc o'rfc norniol' tear. r :. t ° t6 .:..
v ..... ,.. ..
tort cii~rxver aP lire tract=or, was
i ..; a �. q ,: s , .,_ •,,:
... ._ n ,
,i- ' '..... 11 ... .. '... -' - .:' s p :...:•..e ,.:.
ea. ores-� 21111 c ., x.
p oallecil �irdian � ,,,
. t :o
fi'ott iaiJiax'cd. airi(age rite
a .+u,+ , .. { • (.:'tiM(SyMj!� �.
,�SttGYYfiYt r tint then, watdhifki}
ey car this'tirmated it,t
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TeCos al locki And , er Bhitt
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gay Johr1 VINor �Ib n lir�ihod And Ceaofutdd it,ll,
ti O, Gi,'G'hiflg& of Rl�.. 1:,
1if�itb#i 0elebxtat6d 0�
ail_ �V�mday,