HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-10-29, Page 10Pale TO--,Clinton News.40;90,-,--1004,,,, Oct, •29,. 1904
WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent ..—Phone 526-7495
u'burn. and District
The roll call was answered
by each naming Oilg thing O. be
thankful for, Some Said it was
great 'to be 'a Canadian, have
good health, good homes and
one member .otap.d thqt he
was ithankful that rour Queen
Blizlaberth II 'had reached, her
home safely,
A -.duet was sung by .Mrs,
Gordon IVIcClinchey and Mrs,
Norman .1VfcCiirichey, accomp-
anied by Mr's' Million,
The convener of resolutions,
Mrs. Keith lVfachan, read the
resolutions .and after discussing
them 'they were voted on. A
reading was read by Mrs. Don-
ald Haines, Plans were made
for family night and it was
sot for November 6, to begin
with a smorgasbord dinner. The
members .are asked to bring a
first and „second course and
Mrs. George Millian, Mrs, Har-
ry Watson and' Mrs. William
Straughan were named the
committee to 'arrange the' en-
tertainment. Mrs. Roy Basom
was appointed to. convene the
sale table and . each member is
to bring an article to sell, sew-
ing, baking or produce, Lunch
was served by Mrs. Roy Daer,
Mrs. Ed. Davies' and Mrs, Frank
Versatile Food
Eggs are danportant sources
of 'vitamins and minerals, 'as
well as proteins. Since they
are such a versatile food they
can be served in many ways 60.
satisfy 'almost any taste. Eggs
should be included at least
three times 'a week in regular
Phone Collect 482-9250
"Give me one
go reason
wh it y y 1
build m Ieme
this winter"
Here are five hundred !
You Get a $500 Cash Incentive
To help keep Canada's building trades busy and productive
during the winter season, the Federal Government is again
offering to pay a $500 cash incentive to those who build or
buy a winter-built home for their own occupancy.,
What is a Winter-Built Home?
A Winter built home under this program is one that has not
proceeded beyond the first floor joist stage by November
15th and is substantially completed by March 31st, 1065.
How Do You Proceed?
It's easy. Pick up an Application for Certification form at
your National Employment Office or Central Mortgage and
Housing Corporation officer fill it out and mail to your
nearest CMi-fC office. if you wish, your builder can do this
for you. Complete information on the program is included
On the applicatiott form.
, .
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We
will pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
F. E. Hunt, Shipper
Phone 856 R 14
Contact Us For Any Date That Is Convenient
To You To Have This Work Done.
AUBURN The Womeal.'s when we give thanks to God stitute met in Auburn ,cQui- for His ManY.14.essinig.4. Mrs,
.rnuaity Memorial g.an for the Frank Raithby thanked Mrs.
October meeting with 'the .PreSl/- MPIITO and presented her With dent, -Mrs', Bert Craig in charge, a gift.
She welcomed meMbers, and
visitors and read an approp,
rialto poem. •
The minutes of the, previous
meeting were adopted as read
by the seerotarY, Mils.. Thomas
I-laggitt. An, invitation to at,
tend - the Clinton WI meeting
Was accepted and Mrs. liaggitt
reported that several more
dishes and glasses had been ad,
clod to the hail kitchen.
Mrs. Donald Hanes, conven-
er of the .eornity banquet, re-
ported and plans were made to
cater 'to the West Wawanosh
Federation of Agriculture ban-
quet early in November, Mrs.
Bert Craig, Mrs, Thomas I-Iag-
gitt and Mrs, Thoinlas Lawlor
were named the committee 'to
be in charge.
Mrs. Gordon Doble and Mrs.
Ed, Davies were named to at-
tend the block printing short
course at Wingham, Mrs. And-
rew 'Kirkeorinell, convener of
the card committee, reported
on cards sent and read the
thank-you notes.
Mrs, Wes Bradnock and Mrs.
Ed, Davies were appointed
delegates to attend the area
convention at St. Thomas on
Nov. 3 . and 4.. Mrs, Lloyd
Humphreys and Mrs. Robert J.
Phillips, delegates to the county
rally at Hensiall, gave an inter-
esting report on the two ses-
sion's. •
Mrs. Ralph D. Munro gave
an inspiring Thanksgiving mes-
sage, going back to 'the first
Th.anksgiving day when the
early settlers off the Mayflower
thanked God for their safe
journey. She closed her mes-
sage by saying, that we cannot
serve God without serving man
and 'that it also stands true
Auburn Institute October Meeting.
Hears Reports, ThanksgMng, Talk
Mr. and Mrs. ,Garth Walden,
newlyweds, moved into :their
new home 04 Loftus .Street
wIrtr:b. !They yivehused last Year from Mrs. wilhain T. Robison,
We WO:COMO then-A to this com-
11V, and Mrs. Orle McPhee
of 'Ann Arbor, Mich„ visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs,
George Malian.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wallace,
of Harrietsville visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs, Ed.
Friends of Mrs. Thomas
Johnston will he pleased to
know that she is able to be
hone after several weeks a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
Mrs, Beverley French of De-
troit visited last week with her
sisters, •Mr's. Thomas Haggitt
and Mrs. Clifford Brown,
Mr. and MIS,: Lloyd Raithby
of London visited on Sunday
with her brother, Mr, Gordon
R. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor,
will be open until further
notice on Wednesday and
Saturday afternoons, from
1:00 to 5:30 p.m.
No wire fencing, old con-
crete, or car bodies per-
J. I. McIntosh,
"Where did it mule from"
and . "who sent it", are
questions M. and Mrs, Ray
Hanna axe asking •abont
balloon which fell on their
farm on Sunday morning.
- The size of a large cab-
bage, .it is white in color
with black letters on it. On
one side is printed, "R.I.P.
Cordia, C.O,S,T., Homecom,
ing, 1964," /
On the opposite side is
printed, "Yzygys".
To this balloon is attach-
ed a white cord about five
feet long. Mr,. and Mrs,
. Hanna would like- informa-
tion about this balloon
which fell on their West
WaWanosh farm, south of .
the Donnybrook Bridge.
Miss Laura Wagner of Syra-
cuse, MY., visited last week
with relatives in this district,
The sympathy of this disteict
is extended to Mr. Robert Rut-
ledge of Cxoderich on the sud-
den death of his wife in Gode-
rich this weekend, They were
former residents of the Auburn
community before moving to
There was no service at the
Baptist Church as it was with-
drawn so that the members
could attend the Clinton. Bap-
tist anniversary and the Knox
anniversary services here,
Auburn 4-H Aides
Discuss Fitness
And First Aid
AUBURN TheeAniburn
Aides .met for their third meet-
ing at 'the home of Misses Mar-
ian and Connie Hickey, The
president, Marian Hickey op-
ened the meeting and all re-
peated the pledge. The minutes
of - the previous meeting were
read by the secretary, Lynda
The Veal cell was answered
by each telling 'a book they
would like to own. Lynda And-
rews and Marian Hickey were
appointed to do th e book
The assistant leader, Mrs.
Prank •Raithby led in the dis-
cussion, "How te Keep Fit
Physically", and stressed the
need for good health, and en-
couraged all to have an inter-
est in affairs of the community.
The leader, Mrs. Keith Mach-
an spoke about first aid for
hone fractures and described
the different ;types and .the
proper treatment. She gave a
demonstration and each. mem-
ber partitipated; and also the
treatment of burns and iibw to
treat fainting. Marian. .Hickey
demonstrated on Linda Reed
how to administer artificial
A discussion took place on
proper posture and was dem-
Auburn Church
Holds 104th
' AUBURN—Knox Presbyter-
Ian Church, Auburn, held its
104th anniversary last Sunday
with a large congregation. Rev.
Neil McCombie of Ripley was
the guest speaker,
The service of song was led
by the ..church organist, Miss
Margaret Haines, The choir of
junior members sang two an-
Rev. McCornbie gave an in-
spiring message on the faith of
our forefathers, and stated that
this time should be one of
Thanksgiving and .a challenge
for everyone to witness for
Christ as it was for the Heb-
rew people in the early Biblical
Following the service a social
time was spent in the Sunday
School room of the church with
the president of the Ladies' Aid,
Mrs. Ed Davies, in charge of
the tea table. The birthday
cake of Mrs. J, C. Stoltz was
served, , Mrs. Steitz, a member'
of Knox Church, observed her
90th birthday at Huroinview re-
Sit. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Blyith, joined -with the
Auburn Knox for this special
Still Bad Risks
Seven .pereent of all drivers
in Canada are under 20 years
of age but they are involved in
14.6 of all car accidents. They
drive fewer miles but their ac.
&dent rate . is almost twice that
of other driverS, which explains.
Why the insurance rates for
males under 25 for collision and
liabilities are 'two or three
times high ,as for other titiv-
erg. Many of these 'young driv-
ers have learned by hit or miss
lessons from ether young fel-
lows instead of taking a tourse,
with a qualified instructor.
Baskets of white baby 'mums
with pink delight roses and.
ferns decorated Duff's United
Church, Walton, for .the Wed-
ding of John Wellington Brown
of RR 3 Walton, and Miss
Elva Gross of RR 1 Auburn.
The marriage ceremony took
place at' 2 p.m. on October 24,
1964, and Rev. A. Higginbot-
ham of Walton officiated.
The 'groom is the son of Mr.
and M.178. Harvey Brown, RR 3
Walton and the bride is the
daughter of Mr. William Gross
and the late Mrs. Gross of RR
1 Auburn.
Traditional wedding music
was' played by the groom's
aunt, Mrs. Ellwood Shortreed
of Wingham. •
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride looked charm-
ing in a traditional white floor-
length gown of Italian peau
faille, fashioned with a scoop
neckline outlined with Chan.-
tilly lace, lily-point sleeves and
an empire bodice. The same
lace accenting the front of the
controlled skirt. A lace appli-
qued pillbox held in place a
four-tiered illusion veil. She
carried a crescent bouquei of
pink delight roses and ivy.
Miss Bernice McDougall, RR
1 Auburn, 'and Miss Marguerite.
Scott of Seaforth were 'the
bridesmaids, gowned alike in
rose sata peau street-length
dresses, styled with belle skirts
with self 'trimming. They wore
matching rosette' harts with cir-
cular veils and carried crescent'
bouquets of white pons-pone
'mums. •
The groomsman was Mr.
Gordon Gross, brother of the
bride, RR 1 Auburn and the
Ushers were Mr. Ronald Gross
and Mr. Clayton Gross RR 1
Auburn, both brothers of the
Fall Plowing
Gets Underway
SEAFORTH A two-storey
Boy Scout hall will be built in
Victoria Park here to celebrate
Canada's Centennial 'in 1967.
Announcement of the project
Was made last week by Mayor
Angus McLean Who said the
building would replace an ob-
solete band shell.
Mayor McLean said 'the scout
facility would have kitchen
facilities 'and would be spon-
gored by the Seaforth LionS
Club which sponsors scout work
Seaforth is eligible for about
$7,000 in Centennial grants--
if application is made to the
Centennial committee before
Nov. 9,
An Invitation „
To What, Where?
Man With The Apples
' Scout leader Jack Hacock of RCAF Station Clinton had plenty of 'apples
. . . just for the giving away on Saturday. About 70 Clinton scouts gave
away more than 19 bushels of apples during the day and collected $185.31 in
gifts. Last year citizens were more generous: they gave the scouts a total of
$259.00. (News-Record Photo by John Visser)
John Wellington Brown and Elva Gross
United In Marriage At Walton Church
Following the ceremony a
reception took place in the
Sunday School l'0,0111. Of Knox
United Church, Auburn, where
Mrs. Harold Gross, RR. 1 Au-
burn, sister-in-law of the bride,
received the guests, wearing a
royal. blue double-knit suit with
brown accessories and a Cor-
sage of pale pink carnations.
She was assisted by the groom's
mother, wearing a figured cop-
pertone silk dress, gold and
black accessories and a corsage
of golden chalice roses.
For a wedding trip to North-
ern Ontario, the bride donned
a three-piece brown double-knit
suit and wore gold and brown
accessories and- a corsage of
golden chalice roses,
On their return they will
'reside on the groom's farm at
RR 3 Walton:
Guests from a distance were
present from Hamilton, Grand
Bend, Mitchell, Wingham, Lon-
don and Seaforth.
The name of the wine...
PHONE 482-9411