Clinton News-Record, 1964-10-29, Page 8Pa 0---,CPinto V1 N V;t.. 2971 19-04 OEAQTIFQ� PREW PERWHA&TRW 10 4'"111tQ14 Wlfw$ 4,14414 A0TIVITTO VMXA09. 01APPANIN94 $ 0 DRE K ­_ ?46no -Py�fiv,14, 34, A,101 Y _Aft,40AM H $0s0Pt1P11St 91os110W1 ied AOYP, 101spley A&Pand Job Prinfing '41accepted�by 'the Q ' V .PorrPspPn0ont 1 , fir, Lyle 11%4swatieot in ur� and A. 0, scow4-, ?err son john olic fpn.*v in tivoul $exvice of their grAno, I ir Oon at WW't JnA-ed Ch London. mor tuid Michael 444 CRavOn,: Torantp, and-lat—gr visItO -,.,y.T , G. umb, Canon and, Mrs, FH. PaullAc mcompped ',by Mrs, :J. Cliff; Dau' hter, Mrs, jpy T4oplp_' London, . , spe as son and . f -a , I I in .4t the weekend in stowel. sPeAt -940'ay i4 PetrQlt MAY re= On Friday ft afteni o ,tb' guests pf �Mr, and XM� QiWturning home last week, 13, Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Hayle -S we s]?ent . of Ski- F, the weekend at nllef�, - AT". Ar=_,trozig, of London, pAnied by Xis, 4, B. Higgins, their cottage oil Jane Street. ­ Spending Sunday with Mr. spenit several day5 at er cot I eanery edu oaUonal 0mven- and lkfi.,% Cliff Ji er were 11is .3/ r", V41d Mrs. Hendricks Birt , tage, lash wed�k, er) Mrs, It! Larson, Mrs. P. m1ngham,,M1cb.,, Were at thein mother, Ws. Roy Utter, his IN�. Jobn Lindsay, Mrs. Weatpn, Xrs, E. Heard, w'er'e cottage last, weekend. nephew, wife and their 4jwq Lloyd Ma<4AV; Urs, John Scot- % .154eter attending •a HurpTi children, Mr, and Mrs. Carmen chmer and Mrs, Harm Hahn-, held at George.Aztiven and -grand's'on, I_Iydm�an, and I&, Carl Hyd- er, attended the Huron 'Pr4 , 1�137nmc �Pxlel=tnzg Chureb, Norman of London spent Sat- man, all of Nqpwach. byteadoAfor United Church Wo- The spedial guest speaker was urday at their wratage. Mr. and, Mrsi E, J. Pongrlacz men in Brumfield last Thurs- Mrs. Nell W*wdingof Windsor, Canon H. F. Lang' -Ford of entertained members of th.ear day. - convener of Deap-erle& X�Itohqner is the guest of Mrs' 241114y and friends at the�r cat- , Mr. and ars. F. P. Arl�ell H, F. Oadrdner this, week, Mr, and Mrs. . c Odon P �ff huge over the I wokend. gecompanAed by their d ught and . Wr.ark, Win a Club Windsor were at Dennis Logan. and Nigel and son -,in-law, Mr, and on. munil -their Cottage over the weekend. BeWhamber, both of UWO,. Roberit Turner, spent Sunday Tyx Mr, land Mrs. Fred Mote and London;, spent the weekend in Teesw%ter ass guests of Mrs., Mr.. and Xts, Ivan Steckle vis- with their respective parents Peter Arkelt S.S. 4 6od`lM•ch .4� ,!ted friends in Mount Bridges and attended the Commence, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bosliell, • last week, nient held at CDCI in Cbriton Goderich, accompanied by their l Dr,, and Mrs Smith of St. on Friday evenlog, aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H® dS Meeting Maw's spent & weekend alt W. and Xft,. Wesley C. Percy Weston motored .to Nia- - Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt was their cottage in, Houston Morse Of PAVVr Forest, Ilahlds, gEwa W, Is on Saturday, return' hostess, for the October meet- )Ke$ghts, arrived oat Tuesday to spqnd .. a Ing'We Sunday evening. ing of the $IS 4 Gdderich Town - Mrs, Walam F. Buchan, W. few days with the dadyli sis.- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steckle gbl7p Community Club, The Ewing Buchan and son Can -lie ter, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner. and Ivan Jr., spent Sunday with president, Mrs', Murray Forbes Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, was chairroan, and opened the of Dqnsville, were guests of Mrs, H. B. Scudamore, Mrs,t Mr. and Mrs. 064 Diehl on Bernard Munn, Miss FriancLondon, and attended the Bar- meeting with the Creed mid the es Prifty and Saturday. Nunn, and Mrs,. Bruce L. Lord'si, Przser. Miss'Hazel Wacks, Teesv.%t- Shth, called on Mrs. R. U. Me secretary read, the n-An- er, was the weekend guest of Gedrdner on Sunday. F- HensAlesiderit Utes of, the previous meethig, Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Ritz- Mrs.. Leroy pcth spent three and the roll ,call, was answered last week attending by 14 membeay. Thetreasurer's Bible Study I CoOrse for Unit'e'd 0fiAltack' s1mons -and attended the con- days firmatdon. service at Ndffieton , D1 les iu,,,y t,1r report was read. on Sunday. Church Women at Five Oaks . FoDowing the business d1s- Xn J. R. R. WLE look, Toxon- Training Centre, near ?aris, cussion, the meeting was clus, -to, came last Wednesday to sp- Dr. J. A, Forreste , r Of Olt. Funer,&Monday ed with the M17,pah. Benedic- end a few days at his cottage, tawa was the guest of his mb- Marley Chtawlei Jinks Of. tion, A quilt was- quilted dur- a4 waft ther-in-1, Elens'all died suddenly Friday . d .was joined 'by his m aw, Mrs. A. S. Morton y Ang the afternoon. and family on Priday and Vk`Z. at her cottage, one , day I;a evening, October 23rd, Of a Mrs, Jwdes Lobb assMed Willock's, sister, Mrs. Bruce week, - Is 57& year. heart solzure, inbi: Mrs. Irvine Teb-butt in provid- Stapleton of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs, John MacKen- He was bon in Hay Town- 4ng and assisting an serving the Mr, and. S,' H• Bryant - spent Thanksgiving had been a lifelong lunch. * The I next meeting wall with ship and a4 leaving on Tuesday to; spend zie -resident of Hensall. He had be held at the home o , of A*sl the win -ter months- in London. ir worked for the General Coach WdIllam Lobb. Works of Canada. in .He=ll Bayftld Scouts and was a member of the Unit- ed Church where he had b�en aly active in Sunday School work �Addllne Aux�hary l-HoldsHe and, bad taught. a ' Sunday School class for many years. The funeral service was held 'Laid To fRest r October Meeting In the Bonthron Funeral Home -Hallowe'en Me Ladies Auxiliary to on Monday, October 26th, at 2 Scouts. and Cubs met at rthe In �'..Bly_.Tn fites Am. with rthe Rev Harold bome of Mrs. "obe"t MaloneyCurrie officiating. Interment Mrs. Adeline Healy of Blyth Masqueradefarty, on the evening of October 20 in Hensall Union Ceme- died Friday, October 23rd at ]Dight meo:nbers'were present.* tery, the home of her daughter, Mrs. AT The president, Mrs. Walter Mr. Jinks is survived by his Alfred Goldsworthy, Hullett Pierson, opened 'the meeting widow, the former Irene Me- Township. Sliewas 84. with the Scout Mother's Prom- CX1,XChLy,, his son Ross, of Lon_ She was the former Adeline ase. Mrs. R. MadVean, secr,e- don. his daughters, Mm. Bill Kelly, daughter of the late Mr. tary, read the minutes and Shupe (Bernice) of Champagne', and Mrs. *icbael Kelly of correspondence. The treasurer M., and Susan, at home,; h'i's Morris Township, She was max - Mn. -G. Bealdhamber gave the DANUEL-AND. stepmother, Mrs. C. L. Jinks vied in 1904 to Michael Healy financial report. of Hensall; and four. grand- and took up farming on the ON The ladies planned a Euchre children. He was predeceased 7th concession of Morris Town - I Bridge, in mid-November on by his faither, who -died in 1963. ship. Her husband died in behalf of the boys. .Ffliday,,Od 30 Mrs. Plerson thanked Mrs. Pallbeareri for the -late Mr. March 1955 and she retired in Jinks were W. C. Smith, Rod- 1957, taildlig Lip residence in Maloney for having the ladies ger Venner, Fr6d Beer; Jim Blyth. She was a member of $0.00 IN :PRIZES.,. and -the meeting closed with TFIor, George, WaJz and Allan St. Mchad!& Church, the Altar the ­Scout Benediction, The has-(2�rar, Society and the Catholic Wo- -FOR ZOSTUMES Less served, lunch assisted - men's League, Mrs. Pierson. The next meet- The funeral service was held DANCING 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. big will be head in, the, home on Monday, October 26th at Of Mrs. W. Castle on December Desiordines Orchestra Twelve Attend 10 a.m. in St. Michael's Church, 1st. Bly n. Father McGuire " o' Brucefield Meet, lated, assisted by Father Idbyn- ahan of Godench and Farther Mrs. Norris Sallery was hos- Duranel of Dublin. The' mter- TOWNSHIP OF GO-DERICH tens last Tuesday for the reg- merit was in St. Michael's ular,meeting of Unit One of Cemetery, Morxds Township, CLERK'S NOTICE OF 'FIRST POSTING OF Brucefteld United Church. Pallibearers roar the late Mrs. Twelve members answered tbe'Healy were Earl Ray Sr,., Eaxi roll call. Kelly Jr., Albert Nesbitt, IN-Ralke VOTERS LISTS FOR 1964 Mrs. Stoll and Mrs, 'Trlob- Roertoiso-ender, Jack Kelly and ner were in charige of devo- John Phelan. NOTICE is hereby given that I have cqmplled with tions. Their theme was Thanks- Mrs.. Really is survived by Section 81of ,the VOTERS' LISTS ACT� and I have posted giving. Aftjs� Mae Wilson gave three sons: Michael, at home; up in MY office at Clinton, the 20th day of October, 1964, the setrdbaxy's report and the Santo of Goderich and Gus of the list of persons entitled to vote in said Mtreasurerreport war. given by London, five daughters: Mrs. 's Municipality treasurers I Berry. Geo. MaNall (-May) of Blyth, at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there Mrs: H, Taylor took the chair Nom Healy of London Mrs, for inspection. I Ih for the business part of the Joe Redmond (Della) of Wil g - And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate meeting during * which plans ham, Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy were -made for a dinner to be (Olive) of Clinton, and Mrs, proceedings to have, any errors or omissions corrected held Nov. 10. Michael McLaughlin (Ursula) according to law, the last day of appeal being the 5th Lunch * was served by the of Dublin; 40 grandchildmn and day of Noveinber, .1964., committee. 33 great grandchildren. Dated at Clinton this 22nd day of October, 1964. a She Is olso survived by six brothers Michael and TN.sank of R. E. THOMPSOK 06'rk of the Township of Goderich. 434b, MORE 'AOR YOUR MONEY ilp Than Any Other Sport Seaforth- r, Ll 6 Club $15.601 per Curl up fd fatio times pet wook PLUS 4.. s'Ugh+� odlat DahChiq Special . Evehh CLUB FACILITIES USE OF ALL ONt MONTH P05 TRIAL! PORTERIIS M&L MRS. DONALD HAR91S .The' Un teal Church Women of Grace -Church Met on Wed- nesday last at the borne of MTs,. George Mathers. Mrs. WIN bam, Cox presided over the meeting which opened with a song. The Scripture .lesson Was read by Mrs. Tom Sowerby I the Lordts prayer repeated linisbai. A chapter in the Study Book was 'taken )>Y mx%. Tom SoWerby. Mrs, Argyle LmMiaiit gave s tepoft and the. report was given by , cbx. Thea roll cag was answered by -handing M"n the "Holiday Bells". Quit blocks weretilond- ed oUt 'a . nd a exib quilt was quilted Juritig thL% af-ternoom the. e�0 ft-alicial t&% Ray The' nem t'1= will be at the hoMb of John Mt - Cowan, 0 Bayfield Resident Fisted On Tait Act WDERIM—ared Scofth. neer of Hayfield was: filled W ,anal cMt§ in Huron County Magi'strate's Court here Thurs. da." Wheft lie pleaxe d guilty to &eW,ge, laid under thio Unoni, ploYMent Insurance -AOL VjWdenco Wag ffiatc gcotihmer aid not ht:Vt tL - tuvent rosins apoe book for tt "on eftVPloy. W by him, E13 Centralia; Leoand Joe of Sea - forth, Earl of Morris Town- ship and: Vincent of Stratford, and by -three sistel%: Mrs. Mor - kin of Coderich, Mrs. Doherty of rAngsbridge and Mrs. Me- Laughlirt of London, She was preideteased by Ax brotherr, and LengthyIllness Claims Minister Rev. M 11, S'cu&=Ore, B.A., died in, AleXandba. M9zine bbd General Hosotal, , GWIerkh, cn Monday evening, O&y liber lqtb,' Ed ' tej�'A ledgthy W"Ws. A-6 Was born In Haulatonion' 36.htlaij 11, 1891, 'Son Of the Rev. Canon ad Mrs, Cornelius: 8culdakftwe. He bbm& was a ftlbLft alldf-b rehired clet gy years sutiftered at AR 9 G6&! 7%6 funeral sex,14ce was held oft, Wedfte,%&Y, October kst in St, d6&ge,8 Anglit:aii Clair& The AW, C;, G, Russelt d00ht_ ed ,tiagisted. by 'the 116V, Canon, R 14, paxili, of Bay -field ttnd foft&V ori? Listowel, the 11h: - ferment was ift Mainland Oftl"- *Kll�bearet.& for the lane Afr: 9-dudayhol* were P16b1t. C. RaYs Talo of 06d&.116h George 8 = �f -ch� kbut 5f =71td , kftold oAld Non ian Fuller of doaem'th Tbwh� '1110 'And Sahvs C, wtikht of- oda Oesci� Mar "es Paul, urlrl 5t, Andrews Church, ilcwramofly (Photo by Jokn Visser) Mr. ,and Mrs. Paul .1 4 -,?Hurley Married At -Presbyterian Church, Clinton Linda Lee Oesch of Paris, Ont., became the' bride of Paul Jerome Hurley of 'Brantford in St. Andr6w's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, on Satur- day, October 17th at 3.00 p.fn. The bride is, the daughter of Oesch of Rochester, New York, Const. and Mrs. LeRoy Oescb A reception followed in the of Clinton and the groom is •the Dashwood Community Centre. son of Mr, and XJ�'. J. J. Hur- The bride's mother wore 'a Woy- ley of •]3r=,tfQrd, al blue wool sheath-sityle, dress The Rev. R. V. McLean of- \v$tb black accessories to re- ftlated at the double -ring ceive her guests. Her corsage service, The organist was Mrs, Was of Pdhk carnations. The Miton Oesch. grooms mother assisted, wear- Thebride, given in marriage ing A mint 'green dress of sat - by her Mther, chose a, floor- in brocade.. Her corsage was length gown of white satin also of pink carnations:. trimmed with eyelet. A chapel For a , wedding trip to, the train' extended from a bow at Southern United States the the back-. She carifted a bou- orlde donned a black and wi-Alte quet of pink and wh$te caTna_ tweed suit, trialmed with fox tions. fur. She wore black accasor- Miss Carol Ann Markle of ies and a corsa1ge of pink car - Paris was inlaid of honour. She nations, wore a cocktall length gown of bft-� and Mrs. Hurley Will re- royal—blue velvet with brocade. side in Burford, Ontario. She ewried a basket of pink carnadlom.:- 0LAS$WiIVb ADS Sam Stead of Brantford was BRING qVICK VOMMman Ushers were Don Oesch of Paris and Gerald RESULTS IPPS R oppen R Xr. --E=1 Xvs. �Gr op -t. X�ovof ;Ogm we 'th §11sUf 1�1 10t $0$ and •brqpl(p.�3ZJ_14w, Wr '),and 'np TJnsatecl Church Women of/,$ . dctnapemt of, 4-% United Churqh'llgrp d§.1Q, *e wom:4 ol0 MAI r"a $%urdlay aft eMOQA Aar end ;:n4 tea. T40 #41es in tat= 4,04 ;om were deMMW with ch ute Sunday ft QQU -with, tbernW4 And autun-JA fruit. otdWjs X The oc>Avengm of vpxaqus, at 'the' 'bazaar' kclu1odl Mrs, Wesley Cw%erjlne and Mrs. Roberts Mao Mrs. ,Alice ArmA"ng of ;Pilot 'a J Mound,. M4Tl4tQb_ , ones" mm..'Jobn Ai4� Manitoba, have ibeen� emon,oss mg! ArQ1140 .pate ns s, �for 4 week m�tb' R Mrs, Broadfoot Em Mrs.,'Russell And e4s xle, Mrs, OR nule, Mrs, n, S14c WIP And Libya cooper. A if red offa, M fluneral Toesday- D. Alfred Moffatt Of Hippen died suddenly of a heart 'attach while in a, field ploughing on Saturday, October 24tb, in his 62nd year, He bad been a lifelong resi- dent of Mppen and was Vie past Tteeye of Tuckersmitil 'Township, He was a member of and also a past master of Huron Lodge AF & AX No. 224, Homall. He was a member of St. Andrew's Vntted Church in mppen. The funeral service was held on, Tuesday, October 27th at 2 p.m,, in the Bonthron ruzleral, Hornle in Henisall with the Rev., Howard Plant officiating, The interment was' in Exoter Ceme-� tery. . He is! survived by his widoxv,*, Esther,, his sons, Eldred of Lambeth and Gerald. of MP-' pen; his brother Lorne of Re- gana; sisters, Alberta, MoBeath, of Hens -all and Lav6na. RaChwell of Moose Jaw; and three grand-. RN .0 ASK FOR V W1TA716N$ 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS q? ACCE$SOIi ES Clinton News -Record OPEN MOUSE Queensway Nursing, Home, Hensall Harry and Ann Kfungel and staff with to invite everyone to visit and inspect the home and meet the residents on Friday, October 30th, 1964 from 2:00 to 1,30 0.m. and from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. TO ENROLL IN YOUR HURON COUNTY 44b MULTICARE GROUP �'�h�e complete 1Vledical-Surgical Plan Clinton Enrollment Office 1H Cn �.;�111(50N 'Insurance �: � ���E 48z-644CLINTO. Mulficare *6roEno"-T defotely closes Saturday O.ci r 31 antlao further extension will be possible Multicaro Group 'i's treated and andorweitteim by Canada Health and Actidefit Insura.04 tiorporaflofid[t 0 solid C fiddidti Company Chartered by the bomi'filono �o�rlsrnrn�nt of