HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-10-29, Page 43 New Apple Varieties Announced By Ag. Dept Three new apple varieties for Eastern Canada have been announced by the Qenetics and plant Breeding Research institute of the Canada Depart- ment of Agriculture, Clinton ew;,Recorcl Thuirli, Pct. ,79, 1964 American growers in the nor them United States and in the state of Washington. Dr. Spaugelo said the new., corners were tested in corn. me.reig apple areas ranging, from Southwestern Ontario to Nova Scotia, In general per, fermance in Ontario and Que- bec, Quinte was best, he said, followed by Ranger and Cara- vel, Caravel performed best in Nova Seatia, T h e researcher explained there is a limited market for early ripening varieties because of their short shelf life, but there is 'a need for ;improved apples which can be picked be fore Melba. He said the ,three new var- ieties are superior to apples now being grown for the ear1Y fresh fruit market, Bank of Montreal New Accountant J. P. Irwin has been appoint, ed accountant at the Clinton branch of the Bank of Mont, real according to a realease sent to the News-Record by C. M, Elliott, News and Informa- tion Supervisor of the Bank. Mr. Irwin conies' to. Clinton from the bank's main Kitchen- er branch where he was assist- ant accountant Mr. Irwin was.boin in Toron- to and joined the bank at Lon- don, Ont„ in 1957. He served in London until 1959 when he moved to Handl- ton. The folloWing year he mov- ed to the bank's Milton office, and in 1963 he became assist, ant accountant at Kitchener. 0 Oldsters Treated To Music, Magic Residents of Clinton's Huron- view Home were 'treated to an evening of music and magic on Monday, Oct. 19. Music was provided by Local 413 of the Stratford Federation of Musicians' Asseciation and entertainers on the program' included Earl and Martha Hey- wood, Joseph, Danny and Jean Tiffin and Clarke Johnston. FORSUPERB -FOOD WS" 74 Rasp, a RESTAURANT CLINTON'S FOREMOST 482.9076 CLINTON Do Wives Really liav'e It Made' Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CUNTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep-482-6642 2ltfb LEAVE CLINTON 12:40 P.M. ARRIVE STRATFORD 1:35 P.M. LEAVE STRATFORD 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE TORONTO 3:55 P.M. Convenient connections to Montreal, Atlantic Provinces and Western Canada, Low Rail Fares. Red Fare one-way to WINNIPEG $21.50; to HALIFAX $24.35. For information phone the local CN Sales Office. WITH FAST CONNECTING SERVICE TO TORONTO 1111.111mmisomminimmin '2 95 Red Fare One Way White $3.65 Blue $4.40 Clinton to' Toronto maues{,mmemmorimmu CANADIAN NATIONAL 49-64 FREE DRAWS STEREO HI-FI'S 20 Watt Output Akt-FM.FM Stereo Record Storage Space Reg. $39900 Expansion. Sale Price $299095 Flanders Field In preparation for the CBC radio series, Mild,' ers Fields, Gregory Clark recalls to broadcaster Frank Willis the days of the First World War. Clark was one .of those ,Who. witnessed the period of the war from the first enlistments in 1914 to the entry • of the Canadians into Mons on November 17, 1918, and is one of 600 interviewed in this first person narrative of the Canadians who fought in that war, • Flanders Fields, a 17-part series, begins on the CBC radio network Nov. 11, marking the 50th anniver- sary of outbreak of the Great War. (CBC Photo) The new varieties Are ,Quinte, Ranger and Caravel, and they are .developed by the Institute's fruit unit under the direction of Dr. Lloyd Spangelo, In recommending the new apples for commercial plrochte, Lion, Dr% .Sparigel.Q said they were developed to meet the ,need for an earlier apple than Melba, VAN)ip7 11#4nwst • All three can be ha3vested earlier than • Melba and they are good dessert apples — portedly better than Crimson 13eantY and Close, They also. have better shipping equality than Melba, Quinte being out- standing in this regard, The new varieties will be available to grower.% in good supply within a year or two, Some nurseries already have propagating wood, and wood also will be available from A number of established trees in Nova Scotia, Quebec and On- tario. Fruit can be expected on the market in increasing quantities within the next three years. Interest In ILS. Canadian Department of Ag- riculture offidiels said consid- erable interest in the new var- ieties has been expressed by Some of my best friends are women. I like women, genet', ally., because they are corn- passionate,. courageous, n d smell nice, Some are goad loolor$, Others are good cookers, Most have a great fund of common sense. For these very reasons, have refused to stand by awl let that fine creature, the, housewife, be. lead,' or .misled,`. into a morass of frustration and unhappiness by a few frustrated, unhappy female agitators. - For years, 'havebeen fight- -ing a battle. It has been made up of skirinlshes in speeches, fullscale attacks in this column, and occasional hand- to - hand combat with my old lady. On some occasions, I have been routed, my banners ital., tered, forces in disarray. But my ideals have remained intact my cause untarnished. Once in a -whsle; I've wen a minor encounter, At a party, for instance, when a house- wife has flung a drink in My faee, and rushed off to the bathroom in a confusion of rage and tears, I don't regret a minute of the long campaign, The only thing that has depressed me has been the intense loneliness. Time and again I have felt like a lost patrol, cut off from nil reinforcements, betrayed by allies, But my heart leaped in my breast with new hope the other day, when I read an article in Maclean's magaz- ine. For the first 'time in a decade or more, I 'felt that my cause, "Equality for Hus- bands", had an outside chance of winning. Title of the article was, "Marriage is Easy Street (For Women)". Written by Sidney Katz, it was a sober, factual refutation of that base, in- sidious and increasing whine of the times—that a housewife is "bored, trapped, a slave 'to her family, and unfulfilled as a human being.v Mr. Katz quotes s'ocialogist, psychologist' and anthropalo- gist to prove what I have been saying for years:: that it is just the opposite, that it is the male creature in mar- riage who is trapped, who is the slave to kis family,and who, very often, is bored silly with the whole business. I have no need to quote any kind of an "ologist". All I have, to do is look .avorupd me. There's the former terror Of 'the tank :corps, A, tiger in 4action, his name was a by, word among the troops; a symbol of . dash and elan, There's not much left of his former fiendish skill as he steers his shopping cart sub- missively about the super- market. wife is: busy Friday nights with her little. theatre group. There's the former bomber .pilot. For three years, he held within, his clever And. Capable hands six thousand .horsepower, six tons of bombs, and the lives of six men. I wonder if he feels 'fulfilled as a human be- ing" 4as he drops another quar, ter in the coin wash. But it's Saturday night and hiss wife likes to watch theinovie on TV. Most of 'the damage has been clone by a comparatively small group of harridans who, have produced a veritable tidal wave of bOok$0.17440,44ne articles and TV diatribes, nil with the ..same themes are a housewife (4). -arc unhappY and, frustrated; 4(b). you're a slob because .you're not out working, or writing a novel or sculpting a scalp something, Normal, 'intelligent house- wives, under this finger of scorn, are slinking around trYihg Ito convince therm selves that they are unhappy, frastrated shirkers, The only thing I'M worried about is that they • may succeed. As anY women of real in- sight knows, it is: the male of the family who is a slave 'to the family, who fru,st, rated, unfulfilled and trapped. Let us quote from the art', iele, In as sarvey, one house- 'Wife said, "A married woman has it made," Welcome to the barricades, Katz, You can pile sandbags while I sharpen my finger to stick it in the dyke. Co get him.„ girls. Katz, • that is, r1/104/471/INO MOST'/IN C44100847TERTIgIVANYONE EL$6,4'; Rap Me/ROW FIRST MORTGAGES Farms -- Residential -- Commercial PROMPT, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1889 Contact our Representative H. C. LAWSON 5 RATTENCURY STREET EAST PHONE 482-9644 CLINTON, ONT. AZINEIMIIMNIMEMICIMICIMINCOMMW 3111=111111111MONIIIMMINglh. 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