HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-10-29, Page 3Business and Professional Directory A. M.1 HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 55-5'7 SOUTH ST., TELEPHONE GODERiCH, ONT. 524.7562 Entertainment Nightly QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH • R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 ltfb INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE .3t. REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 4f2-7804 JOHN WISE, Salesman Phone 482-7265 H. C. LAWSON First Mortgage Money Available Lowest Current Interest Rates INSURANCE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Phones: Office 482-9644 Res. 482.9787 H. E. HARTLEY LIFE INSURANCE Planned Savings . . . . Estate Analysis CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master Aluminum Doots and Windows and RockWell Power Tools JERVIS SALES R. L. Jervis-68 Albert St. Clinton-482-9390 Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results 6 PHOTOGRAPHY HADDEN'S STUDIO PORTRAIT -- WEDDING and. CHILDREN 118 St. David's St. Dial 524-8787, Goderich 6-13p PORTRAITS -- WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL /a/442 7/144.04 20 Isaac Street Friday and Saturday 2 to 9 p.m. Phone 482-9654 after 6 p.m. for appointments OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Mondays and Wednesdays CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE 482-7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone 524-7251 GODERICH - 38-tic THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY y Office' Math Street SEAFORTH InAtikett o Town bviellltige o All Clasebs of Farm ProPe summer Cottages dhuieches, 4ehoolk Haar kjderkieiri co vera ge titiotte„ *got .daitiiige, Picking A Shiny One Mrs. G. Brommer of Clinton, obviously a scout supporter, picked a shiny McIntosh from Tom Dennis' apple basket. She then returned the gift with a donation to the scouting movement as did hundreds of other Clintonians . . . to the tune of $185.31! (News-Record Photo by John -Visser) If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth• ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back• ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters, You can depend on Dodd's. eo Boo.k Review TAE FVLLY PROC E SSED CHEESE By Norman Ward PP131,1SHEP BY ..1.-Q1'}OMANa CANADA 4311111"gp "But do the girls .have a lively interest in Politics for its own sake, then?" he said thoughtfully, "they always seem to enjoy being -canvassed, But it may pot be Kitchen Korner tips for the homemaker AT iris THE r- it THE SQUARE—GODERICH Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. N al u.0•••••••••NolananiamoirammloomMimosompl.owee4 NOW PLAYING—Thur., Fri., Sat.—Oct. 29-30-11 RICHARD WIDMARK and SIDNEY POITIER in "THE LONG SHIPS" MON., TUES., WED. — November 2-3-4 GEO. ,HAMILTON, RONY SCHNEIDER GEO. PEPPARD in "THE VICTORS" (Adult Entertainment) Coming—November 5 to 7 "MOON PILOT" with Tom Tyron and Danny Saul "WATER BIRDS" A Special Walt Disney Subject Featuring 'Cloud 9" Room Classified Ads .Bring :Results GODERICH ONT. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FOR THE YOUNG CROWD This Week — Sat., Oct. 31 11 The D6Reysul DANCING 9-12 — ADMISSION 75o pER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, Etc. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-9371 or 524-9264 Esso Home Heat Service is better • because its people are Better people to serve you hotter! You get "extra value" for your heating dollar with easy Esso financing and top quality Esso heating equipment. You can have the finest Esso heating equipment installed immediately without bending your budget all out of shape. The liberal Esso Heating Equipment Finance Plan—and there's no better available—re- quires no down payment and allows you up to 10 years to pay. And Esso heating equip- ment is guarante•ed and backed by Imperial Oil—who specifies the design and manufac- ture of its own equipment. Well worth con- sidering. By, the way, convenient financing can also be arranged for other makes of oil heating equipment. Get "extra value" for your heating dollar—get Esso Home Heat Service. HERE ARE YOUR ESSO' HOME HEAT SPECIALISTS .' AGENT HAROLD M. BLACK 376 James St., Clinton, Ont. Phone` 482-$878 SERVICE DEALER FINK PLUMBING, HEATING ELEC., 64 Wellington St. Clinton, Ont., Phone 482,7682 And since gold just happens to be the color of that econ- omical dairy food — Canadian cheddar cheese', and many of the fine types of cheese made in Canada—October is a good time to remind ourselves that by including cheese in main- course dishes, we add flavor and food value, while saving pennies. Here are three new penny- saving recipes. A picture of one of the dishes appears at the bottom of this column. of .six children. Since his stud- ent days he has Worked as a Soda jerk, Qarteellist'S gag writer, journalist, secretary to a Royal 'ComMission, and chair,' Man of countless boards of conciliation in labor-manage, Cheese and Wiener Dish . . . A great supper dish to enjoy during October Cheese Festival, and throughout the winter months. Just add a salad, beverage, and fruit for dessert. Thrifty Canadian homemakers know its the pennies saved that add up to dollars, and that's why tasty budget dishes for the family menu are worth their weight in gold. cheese sauce over fish; sprinkle with potato chips. Return to oven and bake ten• minutes longer. •By David E Scott Swiss Cheese Meat Loaf ,(Makes 8 Servings) 2 -pounds minced beef, 14 cup chopped onion % cup chopped green pepper 2 tbisps. chopped parsley 11/2 teaspoons salt '/s teaspoon pepper 2 eggs- % cup milk '/4, cup ketchup 1 cup instant or quick-cook- ing rolled oats 11/2 cups shredded Canadian made natural Swiss • cheese. Preheat oven to 325°F. Turn meat into a bowl and break up a * is 'Laken from Noinlasi Ward's West book, `The Fully Proces- sed 'Cheese", being, offered this. mouth • 'in zany wonderful mauve-jacketed edition Mist- rated inside .and out by Louis. de Niverville. Science Professor ward's genial funpoking and de Niverville's drawings com- bined in 1960 for their first work—"3/Lice In The Beef"., winner of the Stephen Leacock Medal for humor that same year,. The author was born in Hamilton, Ont., and now lives in Saskatchewan where be is a, professor of Political Science at the University of Saskatche- wan, - Tte is married, and the father Check Exhausts A defective exhaust can send dangerous fumes into the car, especially during, cold weather when the oar windows are like-. ly he closed. With at least one window open for a few inches, carbon monoxide fumes' will not' be so likely Ito accum- ulalte With fatal results. - Be sure to have the car thorough- ly Checked before a long trip and before the cold weather sets in. Sight Savers One of the rnosttmusual clubs in Canada is the "Wise Owl Club". lit has a membership of snore than 2,500 men and women. All have retained their sight and avoided eye injury through the conscientious use. of safety eye wear. DOWN BUY 11Y BANK' TO 3 MILLION CANADIANS BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%- $2:50 FOR A $60 BONO, P5 FOR A $100 BONO, ETC, BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK Or MONIII-BAY &mai writ` eat Erg WI .r Clinton 'W,j, Regular „Meeting Held Thursday. The Clinton, Women's Insti, tute head their meeting in the agricUltural offiCe beard. rooms October 22, Mrs, W...Colciough, the presi- dent opened the meeting and -then WelOomed the visitors. frehl, the Auburn, Wf, The roil call was answered by "NfY Worst Mistake 'in Cooking.' 'phis recalled many hut-moms incidents of bygone years.. Mrs. F. Tyndall introduced C, Vanpamme, who gave a demonstration on making chacoTetes. Mrs. F. Cummings gave a report on the annual Huron County rally held at Hensall, October 5. Mrs. W. Sradnock of the Au- burn, WI taVored with; a solo,' accompanied by Mrs. R. T. Phil- lips on the autoharp. A contest followed and lunch was served by the social cont- mittee. 0 LONDESBORO Mrs. Bert Allen, Correspondent On November 5 the members. of the Women's Institute will meet in the hall for a pot ,litek dinner at 12 noon and will deal with the business before jour- neying to Wingham for a tour of CKNX studios and to watch the "M'Lady" program. Prod Peckitt, due to a heart condition, is in Clinton Public H'o'spital fora few days' rest. Miss Ethel Small of Toronto Visited for a few days last week with her father, Chas. Small. Mrs. Robert Townsend is a patient in Clinton Public .Hos- pital, It's Negligence The Ontario Safety League states that accidental• discharge of guhs 'hr the home amounts to criminal negligence. The hunter who does not make cer- tain his gun is unloaded be- fore carrying it into his home is - committing' ear irresponsible act and asking for-tragedy. Some years there are more- lives taken by firearms in.. the home than in the field. Guns and ommunition should be stor- ed separately under lock and key. This Is especially import- ant when there are children in the house. The size of the litter is the most important single factor in regulating profits' in the swine industry, according to Louisi- ana State Agricultural Exten- sion Service, The average in the U.S. is 7.22 pigs per litter. with a fork. Add and mix in onion, green pepper, parsley, salt and pepper. Beat eggs slightly; stir in milk and ket- chup. Add to meat mixture and mix lightly. Add and mix in rolled oats and Swiss cheese. Turn into a 9- x 5-inch loaf pan; pack lightly. Bake in preheat- ed oven about 11/. hours. Serve hot or cold. 32,140 Dead The tragie total of lives lost, in Canadian traffic ,aecklent$ during the past ten MPS,. Ae- co ding te.. the Canadian High- Way Safety Council, us $2,J40 Of the .$70,00014.14recl. persons, there are no, figures to irtaio, ate bow many of these ,dived or Who. were disabled for life as a. result of injuries, Save His. Life goto,nv..taklng the frnily. 49g, to the couotry 11:).41 a lorig trip, he should be immunized against tables, which is still Midernle in some pants of Canada, Rabies can affeet any warm blooded animal, ing humans and it is adwaya, fatal, Wild animals, especially the dog tribes, are susceptible to the r,awa.K,., Walk For Health For the average person in good health, walking is a nat- ural and excellent form of ex- ercise. A daily walk, whether for business or to. and from work will help to exercise all the muscles and supply fresh air. Children in good health should be able to walk part way to or from school instead of being driven from home to school. Old people need exer- cise and walking is a normal. Choice for them, when the. weather is not stormy or too cold. Meat disputes, 5eti.91.0 Works He is a. graduate of MoKa,sit, or and. Toronto ,intivewSiWtesand 41:0,140 the degrees of 134., NA,„ and T,111), Since 190(); he has been a Fellow of the R.9.5.141 Society of Canada., Prof. Ward has been n , staff member of four Canadian versifies and has :411,50: written boobs on the Canadian .Oevertt- trient (of a serious nitre)- pinding; -"Government in Can- ada," "The Public purse," "Taw, Qnvernment of Canada" and "The Canadian. House of COM- inont5: Representation." Thuts„ Oct, 1964- -Clinton Hows,flecook—,Page. Cheese and Wiener Supper ' (Makes 6 Servings) 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup coarsely chopped green pepper 1 small onion, coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon flour 1 (20-ounce) can tomatoes 14 cup water 1/3 cup ketchup 1/2 teaspoon crushed oregano 34 teaspoon salt 2 cups cooked rice 11/z cups shredded Canadian cheddar cheese 1/2 lb. wieners, thinly sliced Melt butter in large frying pan. Add green pepper and onion; fry until almost tender, but not browned. Blend in flour. Gradually' stir in tomat- oes, water and ketchup. Add and mix 'in oregano, salt, rice, cheese and wieners. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until heated through. * * * Crispy-Topped Fish (Makes 6 Servings) 2 pounds. frozen cod fillets 2 tablespoons 'butter 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 3is teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard 1 cup milk 34 cup shredded Canadian cheddar cheese 1. teaspoon lemon juice 11/2 cups coarsely crushed potato chips, Preheat oven 'to 400°F. Place •frolen fish fillets in a broad shalloW baking dish. Bake in preheated oven until fish will flake easily with a fork-,-about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, 'melt butter in a heavy saucepan; blend in flour, salt, nutmeg and mustard. Gradually stir in milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, .unt smoothly thickened. Stir in cheese and lenton. juice. Drain liquid from baked fish. Pour SMORGASBORD Every. Wednesday & Sunday saaa, FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a Basket' Friday---Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturclay—Sehfed from 9:30 pan. to Midnight