HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-10-15, Page 6Page: ;4 114m .aiv.01,pcord, , ,,,,T1)40,f Oct. PP 1964 sAuTIFV.L, BREEZY , . • • By •BELLCHAMBER FIEL 'PER.SQ.NAL, ITIEM4 CHURCH :NEWS S CLUE ACTIVITIES • VILLAGE HAPPENINGS Correspondent: AUDREY BELLCHAMBER Phone Bayfield 38 st.thscriptions, Classified Advs., Display Advs. and Job Printing all accepted by the BaYfield correspondent • BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER. FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE • INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect 482-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. it's t arm sized CHAIN SAW Sunday evening supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Sturgeon and JoAnne were Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Lostell end Lloyd, .ftpen; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parseee, Seaforth and Mr. Byrd Sturg- eon, Bayfield. Cpl. Lloyd Westlake, OPP, Kitoliener, accompanied by Mrs, 'Weetlake and 'their three child- nee spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs, Westialce'S parents, Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Toms. Their guest for the re- mairder of the week is Mr, Ed, Reid,' of Detroit. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tiliman and Barbara. London, were at :OW IS THE TIME R YOU TO CALL, FOR THE frt.e.461 HEAT/MG OIL WALL HARRY WILLIAMS 11112.6633 RR*2 CLINTON WHITE ROSE EATING OILS-GASOLINE GPEASES-MOTOR,OILS, this weekend. FtS and MM. J. Kenner and Jeffery returned 'to Glen, cairn on Monday after having spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. L, With Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Francie ,and family on the Thanksgiving day were her brothers and their wives, Mr. and Mrs, L. McMillan and Jim- mie and Mr. and Meg. Roy Kerr and Lynda, St. Marys. Attending a retirement din- ner in Clinton Legion Hall on Saturday, in honour of Mrs. Mary Jordan, were her sister, Mrs, Fred Fraser end Mr, and Mrs. R. R, .Fitzsimons, accomp- anied by Mrs. Malcolm Toms, Mr. •and Mrs. William "Ben- nett and family, London, spent the weekend at their _cottage. Guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Stotehmer over the weekend. were; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Simpsen end family, London; Mr. and Mrs. William Barber and, family, St. Thomas; Jinn McLeod, Toronto and Miss Carolyn Donnham. Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. D, Oates. 'and family of Woodstocicwerre at their cottage for 'the weekend. Mrs. Morris Durham return- ed to Clinton today (Thurs- day) 'after having visited her brother Carl and Mrs, Diehl for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirk- ham :spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Em- erson Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser had their daughter and son -ire law, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Fellows and geanddeughter Kim, of Riverside, Detroit, as guests on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brisson were called to Detroit last week owing to the sudden ill- ness of Mrs. Brieson's father. Miss • Barbara Clift, Ottawa, was the weekend guest of her parents, Brigadier .and Mrs. F. A. Clilit. Miss Carrie Dixon, Brant- ford, and Miss Kay Reid spent the weekend 'with Canon and Mrs. E, N. Paull, at "Cam- bourne House." Mn end Mrs,. Lloyd Meklits, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. J, R. • .1Vlakine, Clinton ,spent the ThanksgiVing weekend at Woodstock and Long Point, Mrs. N. B. Warmith, Mrs, M. H. MacLeod, Miss Elvira Man- ning, and Miss M. Macdonald, all Of Toronto, were guests this Weekend of Miss Mabel Hedg- ins at "Stonelieven", her sum- mer home in the village. . Mr. and Mrs. 3, R. R. WM 10QX and their three children, Toronto, spent 'the ' holiday Weekend at their cottage, Miss Jessie L. Metcalf was in the village for the weekend and 'had as hr guest, Kea Katie Brine Fable 'of -Detroit, Staying The Little inn this weekend were Mr, end Mrs. I. D. Patterson'and London, and Mr. Pattereon's mother, Mrs. T. D, Patterson, David F. Anderson was Lifelong Stanley Resident David Foote Anderson pas- sed away on Saturday, October 10th in Clinton. Public Hospi- tal 'after a brief illness, in his 91st year. He was a. lifelong resident of Stanley Township. HaVing. farthed for many years on Parr, Line, he moved to Varna in 1937, • where he worked at carpentry until re- cent years. He wa's a member of the Varna United Church. - Mr, Anderson was predeceas- ed by his wife, the former Ellen 1VIcAllister, in 1947; also a son 13111, 1928. He is survived by two daughters, Miss Pearl And- erson of Valera, and Mrs. Elmer (Helen) Turner of 'RR 1 Varna, else one son ,George of Sea- forth. Ten grandchildren and six great grandchildren' also survive. Funeral services were con- ducted Monday at 2 p.m. from Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Hen- sall, by the Varna minister, Mr. Murdoch Morrison. Interment was in Baird's. Cemetery, Stan- ley Township. Pall-bearers were Win, For- rest, Hensall; Charles Pilgrim and Win. McAsh, Varna; Wm, Elliott, Centralia; Russell Mc- Allister, Toronto and James McAllister, RR 1 Zurich. Floweesbearers were two grandchildren, Carol Maxwell and. Bill Turner. On Saturday evening the their cottage on Deleven Bayfield Yacht Club held a .dinner p.anty at The Little Inn Perivened by Miss Ann Hart and Don -Cents, After dinner the members and .their Wives adjourned to the •Bayfield Pay- Won for claming. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that i have posted up at my office at Tucke'rsmith, on the 8th day of October, 1964, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take im- mediate proceedings to have any errors or omis- sions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the' 22nd day of October, 1964. ,Dated this 7th day of October, 1964. J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith. 41-2b aralliftifukra 11,,. , i i;iiihiiiiIiiiiii rtififife P" :76,.1 - . 1,4 Acr4Ariiii.4.0)6.,/ ra,vuo.w,q 1 il .0,...,-..t.900 IP ii ir, e,..,04), 0 , ...........,/,;),..... ,..1.............S.,-,......--- -........111.: PIONEER SAWS LTD. PETER8OROUGH, CANADA EQUIPMENT WISE FARMERS INSIST ON PIONEER get your hands on... PIO EE P10111 10 WWW 01111W, quality Mr. and Mire. and family of the weekend w D. E. Gliddon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Clifford Frank Lawson London, spent nth Mr. and Mrs. • '1'00 SATISEACTIONS IS ALWAYS A MUSY AV YOURS UL" HOLLAND'S 482.6661 CLINTON Kindergarten Students Visit Fire Hall These two youngsters were among two kindergarten classes to tour qhe RCAF Station Clinton Fire Hall this week during Fire Prevention Week. Dur- ing the week—front Oct. 4 to Oct, 10—F/S W. E. Stumpf and his staff have been taking interested groups of school children, Guides, Brownies and Wolf Cubs through the station so they can learn about fire protection. In the above photo, from the left, are: Gail Brennan, daughter of Cpl. and Mrs. John Bren- nan; Firefighter Percy Renner of Bayfield; Lawrence Hatten, son of Cpl. and Mrs. H. J. Hatten. (RCAF Photo) dedicated by Randy Blake, Karen 1VIcClinohey was secre- tary and called the roll. Mrs. Gerald Blake told a story, and Mrs. Cantelon, conducted 'the games period. The meeting closed with a hymn and bene- diction by Mrs. Ray Potter, "WELL" 41, HEATEDVOOMS ARE QM GREAT FEAT, WHEN YOU INSTALL MODERN HEATING s„it t.r. , home comfort k tft. Did You Know . . That the small change left in your pocket or purse at the end of a day could mean a small fortune to you? ASK US HOW. W. G. CAMPBELL Box 659 — Ph. 486 SeaforthL Ont. gimacia SYNDICATE LIMITED Sa • YOU JUST SET THE THERMOSTAT... DOES THE REST! HERE'S WHAT YOU GET... • CITIES SERVICE PREMIUM FUEL OIL famous for its clean burning, even heat and economy! Fills your home with luxurious warmth and comfort! • FREE BURNER-FURNACE CONDITIONING • FREE MID-SEASON CHECK • FREE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ... all for the price of the oil' atone! ▪ CITIES BUDGET PLAN Pay for your oil in low installments spread over ten to twelve months! • EQUIPMENT FINANCING Up to 5 years to pay! Lowest interest rate in the industry—less than bank rate! CITIESOSERVICIE PHONE TODAY' JOE POTTER Phone Collect 482-9653 Clinton of Iyde Park. Mr, !and Mrs. Russel Kern' are spending a few days 'at Felelee 114,11 gliosU of his brother, Brigadier Kerr retired', With Mr, andl Mre, George Telford Prom' Friday until Mon- day were Mrs. Telford's sister and her Inisbencl, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Martins -of =rasing. Mr, and Mrs. A, W, Hamm.) of London 'spent 'the weekend at 'their cottage north of Bay- Mrs, W, J, Hacker,. Mr, and Mrs. D. H. Carver and family, London; Miss Lila McKelvey, Toronto, and Mrs, Lorna C. Kingsland of Montreal, joined Mr. and Mrs, H. L, Kennedy at The Little Inn for the Thanks- givirg weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy who 'have been at The Little Irm for the past 17 weeks will leave for their home in Toronto on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. J, M. Growse and their four children from. London, spent the weekend at the Woodhome Motel. Mrs. F. Fingiand, Clinton, en- tertained some friends from Goderich at a luncheon at The Little Inn last Wednesday. Brigadier a nd Mrs. G. L. Morgan Smith had their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Smith. of Toronto and their two children with them this weekend. Mr. and Mrs: J. Brian Grime, Derek and Barry of Guelph, and Nigel Bellchamber, UWO, spent Thanksgiving weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. G. Bellohamber. With Mrs, J. Cluff this week- end were her fwamily, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cluff, Stoney Creek; Mr.. and Mrs. Fletcher Mc- Laughlin, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Faller, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. R. Flowers, Kim, Debbie and Gregory of Streetsville were with his par- ents ,Me. and Mrs. A. Flowers over the long weekend. Mr. and Mrs. 3. 0. Hughes spent Thanksgiving weekend with. Mr. and. Mrs. E. H. Blair of Toronto. Those occupying cottages in the Jowett cottage .area for the weekend were: Mr. E. 5. Pon- Homemaker Girls Hold Two Meets At Ag. Office The first meeting of the Clin, ton 4-H Homemaker Girls was, held in the Agricultural Rooms on September 29th at 4 p.m. There were six members pree- ent. The following officers were elected; President, Hazel DOI- lins; Vice President, Mary Ann Hyrners, and Press Reporter, Lynda MacDonald. Pamphlets were distributed and members were given in- formation on First Aid Kits and on "A Club Girl as A Can- adian Citizen." Second Meetihg The 'second meeting of the group was called for October Gth in the Agricultural Rooms. The second meeting of the Clinton 4-H Girls was opened with everyone repeating the Pledge. The Roll Call was en, swered by naming one thing to be entered into a First Aid Kit. A discussion followed on books, music and first aid. There was also a first aid de-• monstratiore Viola Collins read the minutes from the previous MeTeithe next meeting was called for Tuesday, October 13th at 4.00 p.m. to be held in the Agricultural Rooms. HEAVY DUTY HIGH SPEED ELECTRIC DRYER —Big, family 12 lb. cap .city —NEW side Opening doors —New Air-FloW system gives safer, more effective drying —Four-way venting makes pos- sible neW installation flexi. bility Handy lint collector is easy to reach, easy to dean —Porcelain tub, SEE II NOW AT CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP D. W. CORNISH, Prop. "Your Westinghouse Dealer" 482-6646 Clinton unominonnonnownianonomnommil ,grae.z :and (rinds, Grassi~ Pointe,. ;Mahe Mr Mrs,' 13,9y Fro, mer and Martha, Kiletlegerl Mr, and Mrs, J. IYI4plcgmxo and family, Windsor; Mr. extd.. Mrs, A,. Crowe and family, Toronto;: And Mrs-, V. Mio and ily, Toronto; Mr Mrs., Keay 'Ancl family,, Windsor.. Dr, and Mrs, R, G. I-Turvtgr .A.n4 Mrs. Q. Rogers, Toxonte, spent the weekend the Hun- ter residenCe 4.41.the v gage. Mr, and Mr's . P, G. "Lame. and ;their son, Jeetin, Detroit, were at thei rop.ititage this week- end: Mr, and Mrs, Warren. Cook and family, of .Lonclon, were at. their cottage tram Friday till Monday, M. and Mrs. S. Seofchiner, Kingston, spent Thanksgiving weekend With 'his parenta and Mrs. A, F, Scoteinnox.'. Mr.. and Mrs. Cliff Utter, re. turned last Wednesday after a week's motoring 'tow of Nor?., thern Ontario and Quebee. On the return jpurney they were Joined by Mrs. Utter's sisters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeple, Port Dover, and Mr, 'and Mrs. .George Mon, trose, of -Simeon. Enjoying Thanksgiving din- ner with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fe P. Arta., were their daughters, Vera and Rosemary and their respective husbands, Mr. Robert „Turner and Mr, Don Sager and 'their •families. Mrs. W, R. Aberhart, Mrs. H. S. Heard, and Mrs, J. D. Cracker, all '.of London, spent last Wednesday in the village, Mr. J. Careen of Londom spent the weekend at his home "Glencairn". With 'him were his daughter, Miss Lula Car- son, Mr, and Mrs, Don Hay- man and daughter, Karen. Staying at their lakeshore homes for the long weekend were: Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Weeton and family, London; MT: and Mrs. Patterson, Stet- ford, .and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Andrews, Landon. Mr. and Mrs. E, Carson and family of London were at their cottage on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Kings- ley and 'their daughter Karen, London, accompanied by Mr. Kingsley, Sr., Windsor, ,were at the former's cottage for the weekend; Mrs. W. C. Parker, Charlie and Kim, London, arrived on Friday and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Par- ker. On Monday they all went to London and Mr. and .Mrs, W. E. Parker spent Thanks- giving Day with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Parker, Dorchester. Every year at Thanksgiving the windows of Hovey's Gener- al Store are decorated lea. ves and fruits emblematic pf the season. This year's decora- tions, tastefully .arranged by Mrs. J. E. Hovey, were no ex- ception, and have delighted vis- itors and villagers alike. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Rolfe are staying at their cottage on Howard St. Mr. and Mrs. 5. Fisher and their son, Frank, of St. Ag- atha and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray of Toronto, spent the weekend at their rgspeeUve cot- tages on Dowe St. Mrs. Alice Johnston of Col- lingwood spent the weekend at home with her family. 0— Romance do 1796 Gave The World McIntosh Apples The love of two young Am- ericans 168 years ago played a part in Canada'S contribution to the world of its best dessert apple the McIntosh. Young. John McIntosh, who lived near Schenectady, New York, loved a girl named Dolly Irwin. His father refused him permission to marry her so John 'talked her into going to Canada with the United Em- pire Loyalists. It was in 1796 that she crossed the St. Law- rence into the area that has since become the seaway-. val- ley. When. John followed shortly afterward, it was- to learn that Dolly had died. He refused to return home and in 1801 he married Hannah. Doran and sealed near Iroquois, He later exchanged farms with a broth- er-in-law and moved 10 miles north to a place. called Dan- clela. Granny Mac He found the new farm a dense wilderness except for about a quarter of an acre of bushy second growth. Later it was believed that this was . the relic of an attempt at home- steading by French Soldiers who fled after the fall of Quebec. Here he found 20 small apple trees and moved therri to where he wanted his gardn, Most of the trees died but the one destined for fame pro- duced a bright red superior fruit from the beginning. Care- fully 'tended by Hannah it be- came known locally as Granny McIntosh's 'app'le, or Granny's apple. McIntosh,apples compile more than oe-third of the to- tal Ontario apple crop. With. Spies, Delicious and other Var. reties 'they ensttre that every taste and color preference can be Met by our own Coterie &bit. o MIDDLETON Dr, and Mrs. Andrew Grind, lay and faintly of London were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, red Middleton.. Dry .tild Mrs, R. Go .111.eiter rind itTit, Rogers of. `Toronto the :gtteStS on 'Sand* of Mr. and Mrs. Stew:Alt .1Vliddle, tore gtohbt, MCEWerl Of Gode- rich Oetit tt, few days.reeenstiy at "Triple A" fttring Annual Sale, Tea, Held Wednesday At Huronview The Huronview residents held their annual sale and tea on Wednesday • from 2 to 4 p.m., sponsored by 'the Auxiliary. The bazaar was opened, by Mayer W. J. Miller. Mrs. Louis Forest and Mrs. Harvey Johnston re- ceived at the door.. Aprons:, pillow cases, leather work, knitting, crocheting, quilts and cushions were a- mong the many articles on display. A member of the Auxiliary along with a resident were sta- tioned at various places in the auditorium where buyers could pay for the wares bought, Mrs. Chester Higgins conven- ed the' tea held in the Arts and Crafts Room. Mrs. Minnie Ir- win and Mrs. Percy Graham poured tea at a lace-covered table centred with' a bouquet of bronze and 'gold 'mums. Tea- room assistants were: Miss Gladys •Stanlake, Miss Sarah Carter, Miss Barbara Miller, Mrs. Keith Webster, Mrs. G. Logue. and Mrs. George Mann. Tours were conducted by Charles Jackson, Mrs. Alice Buchanan and Agnes Douglas throughout the afternoon. A draW on, a large' stuffed dog wa's conducted by Mrs. M. Claremont of Goderich and won by Fred Sloman of Clinton. .Huron County WI Hensall Meeting HENS.ALL — Dis trict presl- dent Mrs. James Drummond of Kippen, presided over opening ceremonies of the Huron Coun- ty Women's Institute Rally in the' Church here last Til More than 125 delegates reg- istered and were welcomed by Hensall president Mrs. Beverly Beaton Reports were submit- ted and a sing song was led by Mrs. Laird Mickle, accompan- ied by Miss Greta Larnmie. Miss Patricia Daniude, Hoare Eeonornist for Huron County; presented a scholarship to Miss Mary Andrew of Lucknow who is now attending the University of Western Ontario. NEWS OF HOLMESVILLE Mrs, Frank McCullough Correspondent and son, David of Kitchener, spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ye'o. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norman and family, Mr. Bruce Nor- man and Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Norman were, guests on Thanksgiving Day,' with Mr. and Mrs. Dewar Norman in Goderich. Miss Sandra Williams of. Burlington, spent the holiday weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams. Miss Linda Nesbitt of Blyth, spent the Thanksgiving week- end with Mis's Shirley Norman, Messengers The Messengers of Holmes- ville United Church met in the Sunday School room for their September meeting. Mrs. Frank Cantelon led in a sing-song. Mrs. Ray Patter gave the Call to Warship, A hymn was sung, with Janice Trewartha at the piano. Mary Heard read the Scripture lesson, and led in prayer. Gerald Trewartha re- ceived the offering, and it was 50 FREE Gold Bond Stamps at WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC Until Saturday, October 17