Clinton News-Record, 1964-10-08, Page 3AT PARK THE SQUARE—GODERICH THE Shawtirnes 7 3() & 9:39 P NOW pLAYING,THURS,, .FRI., (Adult Entertainment) PETER SELLERS, CAPUCINE and ROBERT WAGNER "THE PINK PANTHER" Color Sat. Matinee Only--"Gunfight At Dodge City" color MO$., TUES., WED., THUR., FRI., SAT. October 1217 SIX NIGHTS ELVIS PRESLEY and ANNE MARGARET in' "VIVA. LAS VEGAS" COMING -- FRANK SINATRA and DEAN MARTIN in "FOUR FOR TEXAS" (Adult Entertainment) - The Clinton Kinsmen Club Is Holding Its Annual PEANUT SALES DRIVE House-to-House Canvass, Will Be Conducted On The Evenings Of Wednesday & Thursday, Oct, 14 & 15 CHRISTMAS PACK PARTY PACK bhd PEANUT BUTTER • Net Receipts from this Planter's Peanut Sales Drive Will go toward equipping the Kinsmen Peewee HOckey League, also for the Annual Kinsmen Toy Campaign, It CONVENIENT, HAVE USED TOYS READY', AS WELL AS GOOD USED CLOTHING, FOR THE KINSMEN CANVASSERS TO PICK UP B1 05N5ROUS r . These Are Worth rhi P 616th FOR SUPERB FOOD IT% Xellint a RESTAURANT CLINTON'S FOREMOST 482-9076 CLINTON Tou r ,t Qctobor ,fft 1.944,cl9nt9A. News accord.,.- Pagtp. •Wi1,4 5P: .Percent of the total. 1.40 4=ret9,.., el the. TUnited ''Pt4IPS is used. for pasttnv, and gra4, Zivestoclt travel best on .a light fill. Shipping lesser* frOln OVece-fefding. are highest among tobtgs, esPeciallY it the $1,1nUner, iz Clinton Memorial Shop T, PR DE and SON 0.1NroN EXETER SEAFORTJ! Open Every Afiernpon PHONE flU '2-7712 At other times contact Locgli ROPresentativq--A. W. Steep--x-482-6642 nab *404R1 PST, DANCING .EVERY, SATURDAY NIGHT MR 'THE YOUNG CROWD THIS WEEK SAT., OCT. 10 OCT. ROULETTES" ""THE "THE •001,,!,,REYS" • P.M P•111. to Midnight. Adniissionl $1,09 Per. person ONE NIGHT ONLY SA; OCT, 24 "LIME CAESAR ;And THE CONSULS" Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, go, For Rental Information or' Reservations Dial 524-9371 or .524-9264 KIPPEN VARNA corrgs,p,oncip,nt, 14N.q On Sandy, October 13,th, Thanlis.givipg And KO, PPP, tisnta1 service: ,will be held in St. Andrew's United Church with Rev, 1-1, Plant conducting the service, Mr. and I. -Gerald (Bud) Cooper ueceinp4Aied Margaret.Cooper, all of'Tert.n- te. visited 'TitUrSday- afterileon With the- .forrneee father, W, R., Cooper, Alr,:AndKrs. Joseph Bourque; and, family moved en Wednes- day to Cold. Lake, Alberta, where Bourque will attend radar school, Mr, And Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim visited Sunday with Mrs. Jean Kyle, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones And boys visited -Sunday after' even with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and family of Guelph: • Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred MaThs (accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Vivan Cooper) attended Ford- Wich Fair on Saturday, visiting With many old friends, The UCW bazaar and tea usually held in November has been planned for October 24, commencing at 3:00 Pm, Mr, and Mrs, Alex IVfeBeath and Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Hen- driek and family were Sunday guests of Mr', and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin of Exeter, 'Mr. and Mrs, James Drum- mond and Brian were in Tor- onto Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs, Alfred Hunkin of Exe- ter recently visited a few days with her daughter, MS. Alex MoBeatil and family, Sunday callers on Mr, and Mrs. Long included: Mr, and Mrs. James Curran and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ander- son of Lucknow, and Mr. Charles Taylor of Stoney Creek. The swvice.s. will .he drawn In the United. -Cintrioh. next .S4Piday Ming t > ,AnilAYOX',.. Sap` SerTiCeS.111.Q0Stlell tinited. Ohurph which will be tiet1.4 At. 2,1,;09, a.-M, And 6;00 p.m., with, Rev Grant ti,,s-Atw'rC,iinton., as special west min Mr ImeT• TIRyto is at pre- sent a patient. in Victoria Ws, pi't ti; afternoon at the an, ja4loy,L.o4nncl... largennrAbor fr,oian, here en , nual' l3ayfleld Fair last -TigSr day- The October ..meetting of ,the United Church Women was held in the. church, Mrs, :Char,: les Reid, leader of Group 3, led.: the worship period, Mrs. Ralph Stepheris.ere .read the scripture. lesson. The meditation And prayer was given by Mrs. Char- Reid. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Mervyn Johnston, The roll call was answered by 33. ladies, The president, Mrs. Robert Taylor, presided for the •h-nqi,. Ilea's period when ,$25.o0 was . donated to Westminster lege,. Fifty-three calls were. made during 'the month to sick and shut-ins. It was decided to give a donation instead of hold- ing a bazaar, Mrs. Gordon Hill and. Mrs, -Itrank Hill introduced the study 'book "God and His .Purpose" and discussion follow- ed. Mrs. Charles Reid ...closed the meeting with prayer, after- wards Group 2 served lunch. An interesting letter was read last Sunday during the United Church service from a Korean girl who has been .aclop, ted a.rid supported by the Ex- plorer Group of the church, Fifteen percent of U.S. farm production goes to export mar- kets, compared with 8 percent for industrial output, THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Effective October 8-9-10 Inclusive BURNS HAM-1 1/2 lb. Pear-Shaped Tins $1.29 RODIN HOOD CELEBRATION PIE CRUST MIX ......... 29c DORIC PIE FILLERS-20-oz, jars ...... „ 3 for $1.00 TULIP MARGARINE-3-lb. pkg. 69c AUNT JEMIMAH — (Plain or Buckwheat) PANCAKE MIX-2-lb. pkg. 33c QUAKER QUICK or INSTANT OATS-5-lb, bag 59c VEL LIQUID DETERGENT—King Size . ... 99c COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE-8c off Giant .„. 61c PALMOLIVE SOAP—Assorted-9 Bars 99c NABOB COFFEE-10c off-1 lb. bag .„ ...... „, 85c KADANA TEA BAGS-100 PLUS 20 PKG. 69e FRESH SUPPLY Fresh Lexie Seeded Raisins — 39c lb. GET YOUR SUPPLIES EARLY See Our Hallowe'en Candy Assortment The marriage of Denyse Aline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bourassa, of Shawinigan, - Quebec, to Mr. Arthur James Tyndall, son of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Tyndall, of Clinton, took place September 5th at 2;00, in the afternoon in Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal. Rev. Lawrence Scyner offic- iated. 1VI,r, Kenneth Meek play- ed 'the wedding music. T b. church was decorated with white standards of Herb's Food Market APPOINTMENT CALENDAR 1965 Designed by Joseph del Gaudio PUBLISHED BY DOUBLEDAY PUBLISHERS This publication is certainly a different ap- proach to desk calendars . . a different black and white picture for each week, but each picture is from a movie . . of the silent film era. Free Delivery Phone 482-3445 "Buster Keaton, Pearl White, Theda Sara, and Mary Pick- ford, and there are scenes from "Little Annie Rooney", "The Thief of Bagdad," "Surmyside" and "Battleship Potemkin," even a 1909 cartoon—"Gertie the Dinosaur." On the practical side, the Appointment Calendar is eight inches square, with a coil hinge, so it will lie flat or fold over backwards. At $3.50 it is recommended for personal use or as 'a wel- come and "different" all-occas- ion gift for. the busy person who thinks he has everything. "Let One Call Do It Ali" Let Clinton Laundry Help You Live A Clean Life! BY OFFERING YOU ALL THESE SERVICES: (1) Professional Dry-Cleaning -and Pressing BEST CARTOONS OF THE YEAR 1964 Edited By Lawrence Lanier PUBLISHED BY AMBASSADOR BOOKS LIMITED • From the reviewer's point of view, this book requires little but the repetition of its title: "Best Cartoons of the Year 1964." It is the 23rd annual collet- _ and it contains the works of tion of the cream of the crop 70 laugh experts chucklingly culled from 58 publications. In his foreword, Editor Lax- lax dedicates the volume "to our magazine cartoonists, who belieVe that laughter alone is the hope of mankind, the magic mirror in which.. we may see ourselves as the half-matured apes we really are." The book in its eight-inch by twelve-inch format makes it a most presentable gift for any occasion to any individual possessing any type of sense of humor, But should the proSpective donor start to browse its laugh- filled pages, the gift will never get wrapped. meld. (2) Clean-Only Dry-Cleaning (25c Per Pound-10 Lbs. for $2.00) At Our Plant-166 Beech Street: Our Dry-Cleaning Dept. is managed by Ray Garon, a graduate of the National Institute of Dry-Cleaning, Silver Springs, Maryland, U.S.A. We employ the most modern methods available in the industry. —Let us advise you regarding special garments that require special profes- sional attention. —Let experts classify your garments for you and advise you which garments can be done the "clean-only" method and which require professional treat- (3) Complete Laundry Service FINISH WASH — THRIFTY WASH (14c Per Lb.) DRY WASH (11c Per Lb.) Shirts, Sheets, Linens, Etc., Etc. (4) Garment and Shirt Rental This Service includes Dress Shirts, Work uniforms, COverails, Etc. Keep looking for one if you wish but it's strictly fictitious - we think. A better way to make money grow is by the regular purchase of Guaranteed Investment Certificates from I.M.T. Available in units of $100 for 2, 3, 4 and 5 years at a very good 5'/2% interest, For one year, 5%. We're not a money tree but we have branches at Forest and Petrolia. Write or ask for our descriptive folders, • marr THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE AND TRUST COMPANY The novel concerns itself al- most entirely with a law suit in. which two young and prom- ising attorneys do battle again- st a Goliath of the communica- tions industry over a rigged television program. With only a few paragraphs of boudoir diversion the scenes alternate from courtroom to executive office to law firm offices and back to the court- room. The lawsuit is about "Royal Flush" an enormously popular television quiz show which broke into a national scandal when FOREST SARNIA PETROLIA HOTEL (LINTON H. C. LAWSON Clinton Phone: Business 482-9644 Residence 482-9787 M.564 Featuring 'Cloud 9" Room "v1MmisMEMOIPINIk it was learned contestants who were a good box office bet were given answers prior to the pro- grams. The Goliath network was forced to take the show off the air and then sued the produc- ers of the show for $3,500,000— the price they had paid for the show — claiming they didn't know the program was rigged. The producer of the show makes his decision in the open- ing pages—to sue the television network and show' the world that in a corrupt business, the accusing network is the most corrupt of all. He manages to accomplish this mission with hiS young lawyers who struggle with honesty and brilliance against every obstacle from an easy- to-make but hard-to-get infer-. mation-from slick female tele- vision executive who knows the answers of the giant riddle, to a corrupt federal judge. Royal Flush deserves to rank high on the nation's best-seller list. Our only complaint is that William Dryden is a Pseud- onym . . . perhaps because Royal nth could only have been written by" someone who knew full well all, the ins and outs of a genuine real-life scan- dal along the same lineS. The motion picture stills are from the Museum of Modern Art's silent films library and were picked from more than one million. The selection was not design-' ad to illustrate the history of motion pictures,' or the scope Book Review By David E Scott or variety of the film collec- tion. Each picture was chosen be- cause it appealed — for some reason or another — to the film committee. The stars include Charlie Chaplin, Rudolph Valentino, ROYAL FLUSH By William Dryden PUBLISHED BY AMBASSADOR BOOKS LIMITED Royal Flush is a fascinating and gripping piece of close-to-factual fiction which must rate among the best reading which has come the way of this reviewer in some time. (5) Coin-Operated Laundry, These facilities and Our Cash and Carry Office are in the main business section at 63 ALBERT STREET. (6) Fur Storage Vault We give complete insurance coverage. (7) Minor Repairs & Alterations On All Garments. For top quality silage from Oats and other cereal crops, keep the cutter knives sharp so silage can be chopped as short as 3/16 to' 3(1, inch, 'Ibis allOws better packing and preser cra- tiidti. (8) Pick-Up and Delivery Daily (9) Same Day Service When requested, Dry-Cleaning & Laundry in at g a.m, can be picked up at 5 p.m. (10) Three-Hour Service FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a Basket' FridayServed floe to 12:30 a.m, Saturday -Sewed front 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Spedial Attention When gequired.. f .4* dAiA. NAL dater to Dinner pstrtles and Wedding Receptionis lr Olt m ttot try • .1041. alai 'O. .6, oemi. •41.4 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tyndall Married Recently In Montreal MONEY TREE The bride, who was given away by her father, was in a floor length sheath of silk or- ganza with Swiss appliques, fashioned with a high neckline, three-quarter sleeves and a full bow at the back of the waist falling in long streamers. Her elbow length Swiss lace man- tilla was held by a headdress of pearls and she carried a cross-shaped bouquet of red and white roses. Miss Louise Batchelor, as maid of honor for her sister, Miss Gail Malone and Miss Lois Porter as attendants, were in floor-length dresses of mauve faille fashioned with fitted bed- ices, short sleeves, and A-line skirts. They wore "Tom Jones" bows at the back of their heads and carried cross-shaped boil-. quets of white and pink carna- tions, Mr. Gordon Scribbins acted as best man, and the ushers were Mr. Michel Bourassa, brother of the bride, and. Mr. Kelvin Jervis. Mrs. Bourassa, mother of the bride, was in an Oleg Cassini original suit-dress in violet fine- worsted wool having the lapels and top of her dress in peau de- sole of the' same color. She wore a matching wool. turban Styled hat, and wore a corsage of mauve orchids, Mrs. Tyndall, mother of the groom, was in a sheath dress of royal blue silk shantung having three-quarter sleeves and high neck. She wore a matching hat and a corsage of white orchids. Following -the ceremony, a reception was held at the Sher- aton Mount Royal Hotel where standards of white and gold gladioli a n d chrysanthemums were used as decorations Lat- er, Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall left for the Laurentian, the bride travelling in a stellar suit of camel hair and wearing black accessories, and a gold-sprayed corsage of white orchids. BACKACHE When kidneys fall to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pitts stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleep better, work better. WI /WM& IS .4 0007/PE, novviArsiv7s77.400Nq $NesivAP,s4ck:. ,