HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-10-01, Page 417,,,,,147X7V5,57. NOTICES NO.tiCe. Creditors. .....,,. .„.. fit the matter of tho .Usta,te of .1,4711ANPAIS IVIATIfA RA :SAIMP.gt late of the Village Of Londesboro, sir the ,C944 .of kfaron, Widow., deceased, All persons having' against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 18th slay of June, 1.964, are required to, file full partic, ulars 'thereof with the 1410eV, • signed on or before the 19th clay of "October, A.D, 1.964, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned Wall then have no, ttce. Dated, at Clinton, Ontario, this 29th day of September, A,D. 1964, 0. 13, IIIENZIES„ Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate. 40-1=2b AUCTION SALE of. Effects :and. Carpenters' • Tools frpm lot Range F 4 and Stanley Township,- 1/2 mile east of PaYfield on the PaYfiPickYArna goad- on .Saturday, October 3 at 1;50. p.41, Eureka pj," power lawn. MOW,' er; steel tire VVOg011;4r011 pump; extension ladder; hook ladder; step ladder; ladder jacks; 14 and 16 ft, scaffold planking; bob sleigh; fishing equipment; wheel barrow; carpenter's work bench; anvil; carpenter's tools; lawn benches; lawn chairs; 2 blanket chests;. dining room suite; studio couch; wardrobe; kitchen 0141:vs; Xit01.0n table; kitchen clock; lamps; lanterns; cherry chest of .drawers; glass top kitchen cupboard; coal. and wood circulating heater; cools stove; Airway vacuum cleaner; 2 beds; rocking chairs; .electriC lamps; electric heater; small tables; cooking utensils and clishes. Some antiques will be in this sale, Terms —, Cash No reserve as property has been sold. James McGee, Proprietor Edward W Elliott, Auctioneer 39-40b • ORANGE. HALL 't.'Q RENT, IOW= facilities, newly .deo;y5•.,: ated, reasonable rent, Phone Clayton Hodges, 482-9279, 40.1„) PIANO TUNING „ CUSTOM WORK iitEmoDFLLING, renovations,. roofing Ana floor laying, e cPert-, ly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty, Phone 482-7076, Ken McNairn, 23tfb October 1, 1904 . A01...t.10.0:041010N. ACC OMMODATION.' FOR RENT • .FOR. RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked, for moth damage and other defects regl4larly, I appreciate the continued priv, ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482-3070. ACCOMMODATION WANTED. 5 USED wooden storm wiod- ows, 631 '40", for sale. Wanted; 2 used wooden storm windows, 7rN3Q", Phone 482-9512. 40p SEE OUR Complete new stock of Pierced Earrings. Dozens of the latest styles to choose from, We welcome your inspec- tion at Counter's Jewellery. 40p 4-BEDROOM HOUSE. WANT, ed immediately, in Clinton vie- inity, pre-school age children.. Phone aetfb ONE 3-BEDROOM available now. Phone H. C. Lawson, 4$2,9644, 39tfb 2 BEDROOM aPartments. plus 3-piece bath, living reom.„ kit- Olen and dinette. Free laundry. facilities. Apply .201. King at, reet, apartment 1, .or phone 482-9227, . .:$31:fb PET STOCK Electric Motor 3 ,40QM UNFURNISHED apartment) upstairs, Phone 482- 7677. 32 tf b 4 ROOM, upitirnished, self con- tairked apartment, centrally ated, available now. Ample parking space. Apply 110 King Street, phone 482-9477, 35tfh MODERN DUPLEX Apart- ment, unfurnished, 3 years old, 3 bedrooms. Apply Mrs. L. W. L. 229 James Street, Clin- ton. 38tfb ARTICLES FOR RENT WHEEL CHAIRS—The C.P, 8 T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheel chairs avail- able for loan. Contact Harold Tyndall 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m. or Mrs. E. Trick, 482, 3221. . 32b BLACK AND TAN 'Coon hound pups, 6, weeks old. Phone 432,9739 after 5 p.m. 40b Sales and Service Domestic Commercial industrial Art Levett & Sons 4-ROOM unfurnished apart'- meat, hardwood floors, '.self- cootained, private bath and ent- rdnce, Gas heating. 13 Albert $t., phone 482,9099. 28p-tfb LONDESBORQ — 4, bedroom home, $25 per month, Phone 482-9520. 39-40b FURNISHED APARTMENT — Suitable fop couple, Apply 93 Huron $treet, "10p-tfb ROTO SPADER David Bradley 41/2 hp„ used once; 17 inch Spartan TV, completely over- hauled, excellent condition, B, MUndaY, 127 Whirler St., Goderich, phone 524-7994. 40-lb REAL ESTATE 100 AORE FARM with build- ings, better than average con- dition, in good prosperous com- munity in Zurich area, immedi- ate possession. For further in- formation phone Brussels 498J4. 40-1b 139,ER1E ST, CLINTON Phone 482-6640 41111.001101111111101111111111TI, CRISP JUICY McINTOSH Apples, reasonable. Bring own containers. Follow Highway •8 to Bolmesville, 'turn to store, follow signs, Art Bell's Fruit Farm, RR 2 Goderich, 38tfb ARTICLES FOR SA LE TYPEWRITER, reasonably prie- ed, suitable for student. Phone 482-9540 after 6 p,m. 40b QUANTITY of sweet corn, 3 doz. for $1,00; canning tome,- toes. Jake Reder, Bayfield, phone Clinton 482-9169. 40)) We Specialize 'In . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 6,-ROOM HOUSE in Auburn, bathroom and built-in cup- boards. Contact William Moss, phone 526-7212, Auburn. 39-40b 9-ROOM family or retirement home, midway between down- town and lake, quarter acre lot, has many extras. $16,000, low down payment. Apply Roy Breckenridge, Goderich, phone 524-9371 or 9264 or 9060. 40b TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, centrally located, private parking, ample stor- age closets. Phone 482-7661. $6p-tfb SLAB WOOD SALE. Quantity of dry soft maple and elm, ed in cord lots at $2.50 per cord. Cash and carry. Hem- lock lumber, quantity of rough 1" 'and 2" dry, CRAIG Saw, mill, Auburn, phone 526-7220. 38-9-0b Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 7-4ROOM HOUSE in Seaforth. on George St.; gas furnace, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, den, 3-piece bath; immediate possession. Phone Mitchell 348-8641, 40p 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, suitable for cottage or rec.. room, 85.00. Phone Bay- field 53R3, 40b 2-1311DROOIVI HOUSE, central, Phone 482-9540 after 6 p.m, 40b 3 BEDROOM cottage situat-• ed on double lot, one block from main street, new oil furnace, full basement, modern kitchen, early possession. mortgage can be arranged. $7,500.00 — 3 Bedroom insul brick, all on one floor; new oil furnace, full basement. Posses- sion October 1, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, for sale or •rent, 11A storey in- sul brick has been rented as upper and lower duplex; new oil furnace, aluminum windows and doors, fully insulated, Large corner lot. Owner is moving and would take back mortgage at reasonable pay- ments. $7,800.00-8-year-old, 5 room cottage with one bedroom base- ment apartment, large lot 88x 178'. Oil hot water heat. Pos- session within 60 days. 2 BEDROOM cottage on Rat- tenbury Street, electric heat, full basement. Possession in 30 days. FOR RENT — We have two new houses for rent, both three bedroom. Possession now and. September 15. EVERYONE READS AND USES FREE — Hard of Hearing, Thorough audiometric test at our store or in your home any time, day or evening, by Maico audiologist. All •batteries and accessories available, Edward's Pharmacy. 23tfb at 7:30 p.m. ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE unfurnished apartment. Phone 482-9928, Roy Tyndall. 17tfb APARTMENT furnished'or un- furnished, heated. L. G. Wint- er, 200 High Street, phone 482- 6692. 39tfb FRESH dressed, young chick- ens for sale, ready for frying. Phone 482-7567 after 5 p.m. 40-lb 3-BEDROOM, NEW, MODERN home, full basement, recreation room. Now available, good loc- ation in Clinton. John 33ceveld, Box 353, phone 428, Meaford. ' 40tfb WANT ADS Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY,, Sales Manager ., EMPLOYMENT WANTED BABYSITTING by .'the day or week. References supplied. In town. Phone 482-7329. 40-47b TRAILERS FOR SALE, new and used; two 13' holiday trailers; one used holiday trail- er, 311x8'. Apply Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 40b 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available October 15, Apply 227 Huron Street, phone 482-6610. 40b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb -2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, unfurnished, cent- rally located. Phone 482-9390, 38tfb AGRICO FERTILIZER GIRL'S 3-piece red coat set, size 2; boy's blue snow suit, fits up to 13i years, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Tom Consitt, phone 482-9297. 40b 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, gas fur- nace, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, sun porch, garage, one block from main street. Available now. Phone 482-9649, 40p -tfb FOR SALE OR RENT available in Bags or Bulk 2 BEDROOM TRAILFR for rent, furnished, reasonable. Phone 482-3323, North End Store. 381tib FRAME HOUSE, living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and bath, located on Matilda St., phone 482-3269. 38-9-0b CUB PANTS, size 12; boy's charcoal sport jdeket, size 8; man's blue-grey gabardine over- coat with removable quilted lining, size 38. Phone 482-7600. 40p' DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds, Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb /' at our Brucefield Warehouse 4-TON BULK SPREADER FOR RENT FOR SERVICE PHONE AGRICO 482-7241 or A. J. MUSTARD 482-7435 APARTMENTS — furnished, unfurnished, heated, Phone 482-6685, Ceriel VanDamme. 37tfb MODERN HOME for rent in Clinton. Possession October 1. 3 bedroom. 384 Matilda Street, phone 175 Seaforth, Rev. H. Kendrick. 37p-tfb IN BRUCEFIELD, October 1: 8 room brick 'house, furnace, built-in cupboards, aluminum storms and newly decorated. Phone 482-7572. 40x TRAILERS FOR RENT, one large and one small, fully fur- nished, Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 40p SHOPPING FOR a lowly diamond ring? See our selec- tion now. Beautiful new crea- tions in the price range you de- sire at Counter's Jewellery. 40p Have An Extra Key For Your Car . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH Crest Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb 2-BEDROOM, heated, furnish- ed apartment, private bathroom. Central location. Phone 482- 9005, 46 Princess Street West. 39p-tfb 3-BEDROOM HOUSE—central location, comparatively new furnace and bathroom, avail- able October 15. Telephone Clinton 482-7631.. 40p 2 BEDROOM TRAILER for rent, furnished; reasonable, Apply North End Store, phone 482-3323. 37tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! , LIVESTOCK FOk SALE SPRAYED APPLES — Pick your own, low trees, no climb- ing, Spy, King, Russet, Snow, Tallman Sweets, Delicious„ etc. Bring your containers. Picking days: Monday, Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday only, start- ing October 5. Fred McCly- mont and Sons, 1 mile south of Varna. 40-lb 3 ROOM apartment, furnished, suitable for couple, available immediately. Call after 5 p.m. B. Gliddon, phone 482-9504. 37tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE 3-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Kippen; oil heated; $40 per month. Phone Hensall 26414. 40tfb K. W. COLQUHOUN WOMAN 25-35 wanted for part, time help as order office clerk. Apply in person to Simpson Sears Office, Clinton. 40b APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms, central location, fur- nished, frig. and stove, suitable for couple. Apply Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb Real Estate & Insurance Office Phone 482-9'247 Res. Phone 482-7801 38b FOR SALE A HALF HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen cupboards, oil heated, 2 miles south of Bayfield. Apply Elvin Greer, RR 3, Bayfield. 39-40-1b PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture 37-8b 30 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Scott Cluff, Seaforth. 40b PIONEER CHAIN SAWS, 5 models, $155 and up. Oregon saw chains, chain oil $1.40 per gallon. Complete parts for Pioneer saws. Call Robert Glen 482-9909. 37-44p AMBITIOUS WOMAN: Do you want lots of money? Fascinat- ing job? Wish to work full or part time? Managerial ability? If you do, phone 482-3230 after 6 p.m, 38-9-40-1.ip CLEARANCE of 1964 MODELS of KELVINATOR APPLIANCES 5 YORK SOWS, 2 clue aboUt October 15, rest due 'shortly, second litter. Ken Dupee, RR 1, Clinton. 40p 2 BEDROOM, heated apart- ment, ground floor. Apply Mrs. Florence Elliott, 105 Ratten- bury St. E. Phone 482-93:32. In mornings phone 482-9642. 37tfb TEACHERS WANTED HEA`I.P..,D APARTMENT, suit- able for couple, 1 bedroom, liv- ing room, kitchen and bath. Apply McEwan's Store. 40tfb ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished, 3-piece bath, priv- ate entrance, close to schools. Phone 482-3837, 34tfb RCAF STATION Clinton, Ont. HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times. John Bach, I.H. Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. 31tfb 7 YORK PIGS, 7 weeks old. James MacDonald, phone 482- 7508. 40b AGAIN THIS YEAR Outside white paint only $2.99 per gal- lon. Telephone orders accept- ed. Art's Appliance Centre, Brucefieid, 482-3232. 19tfb HELP WANTED MALE FURNISHED AND HEATED 3 room apartment with private bathroom and washing facilit- ies, available now. Phone 482- 3329 at noon or after five. 34tfb 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, springing; 5 Holstein heifers, - pasture bred; 1 Holstein cow due. this fall, A. E. Townshend, Porter's Hill, phone 482-9107. 46 BREAD SALESMAN for estab- lished route. Must be neat and reliable. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 39b REQUIRES Supply Teachers ONE BEDROOM uptown apart- ment, furnished, kitchen, bath, $35 per month. Phone 482-6694. 18tib Exceptionally Low Prices at AUTOS FOR SALE From Kindergarten through to Grade 8, Salary, $15 per day Apply stating full information on qualifications, certification, experience, and availability to: Secretary AM Hugh Campbell School RCAF Station Clinton, Ontario 39-40b 3-BEDROOM apartment, all modern conveniences. Private entrance. Aavilable October 15. One mile west of Clinton on Highway 8. Contact Barry Wil- son, 482-7439. 40tfb SERVICES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY With Leading Company In Agricultural Field Farm background necessary. Age 25-45. You must have car. No over-night travelling necessary. To cover rural areas of Huron County cal- ling on farmers. This is pleasant work with excellent future for advance- ment and opportunity to earn good income in the fertilizer field. Do not reply unless you have recent farm background. Write to: P, J. HARRINGTON, Vice-President, Box 84, London, Ontario. 39-40b 1958 METEOR, 332 V8, auto- matic. Best cash Offer. Phone 482-3291. 40p SUTTER-PERDUE 1-STOREY HOUSE for rent, in Bayfield, Highway 21, furnish- ed or unfurnished, modem con- veniences, very pleasant inside and outside. Roy Scotchmer, phone 69R5, Bayfield. 40-1-2b YOUR SOWS should be bred now if their pigs are to be mar- keted next year, for the usually higher summer market. We offer Yorkshire boars of good type and R.O.P. ancestry. Con- tact Donald Lobb, 1 mile west, 3 miles north of Clinton. 40p DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call Collect HARDWARE—CU N TON Phone 482-7023 40b DELUXE 1964 VOLKSWAG- EN, only 450 miles. Phone 482-7083, 40b FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished, red-brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern conveniences, $75 monthly, on Hwy No. 8, between Seaforth and Clinton. Phone 482-9647. 25tfb DARLING GOOD FARM HOME on 'paved road, one mile east of Bruce- field. Bus to and from RCAF Station goes by door.- Close to school, Contact Haugh Bros., Brumfield. 39-40p 4 BEDROOM BRICK FARM house, unfurnished, Londesboro area. Hot and cold water on pressure. 2 barns with 4 or 5 acres. Possession November 1. Reasonable rent. Write Box 381, Clinton News-Record. 38-9-0-lp 1958 FORD CONVERTIBLE, in good condition, reasonably priced. Write to Box 402, Clin- ton News-Record. 40b 1962 CORVAIR, 2 door, 700 Series, 4 speed transmission, low mileage. Phone 482-7830, between 5 to ,6 p.m. 40p TRAILER, 8'x28', fully equip- ped. J. H. Phillips, Blyth, Stocker and Feeder SALE on Saturday, October 10th at 1:30 p.m. HENSALL SALES ARENA 600 HEAD STEERS, COWS and CALVES Auctioneers Harold Jackson, Hector McNeil For Consignments Phone: Hensall 235 Victor Hargreaves Clinton 482-7511 Jack Morrissey Crediton 234-6200 40-1.13 40-1p & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb ZENITH Hearing Aid. One year guarantee. (Repossessed) $50.00. Box 401, Clinton News- Record. 40-lb S-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 21:9-R. 35tfb FOR SALE — Girl's winter coat, navy with white fleck, size 10; girl's green coat, size 6x, both in good condition. Phone 482-9821. 40p 1964 VALIANT, V100 automa- tic, 2 door, seat belts; good 1961 or 1962 trade-in accepted. Phone 482-7219 after 5 p.m. 40b " nommo•••••••••••• FOR RENT DESIRABLE 2 B D R, 0 0 M ground floor apartment in business section. Large rooms, Unfurnished, but gas range sup- plied. Available now. Apply 84 Albert St. or phone 482-9695,, 38tfb B. & W. GRAIN AERATOR and Dryer. $1.00 per day. Wet- tlaufer's Feed Mill, phone 482- 9792. 40-1p TRAVEL SERVICE 1958 20th CENTURY Mobile Home, 37'x10', very good con- dition. Apply Trailer No, 1, Zablocki's Trailer Park, be-. tween 6 and 8 p.m. 40-1b 1957 OLDSMOBILE:black with red interior, good tires and many extras, $495 or 'best of- fer. Phone 482-921,4. 39-40b IN GODERICH, Crescent View luxury apts., now renting. Elec- tric heat, 2 bedrooms, utilities paid, . $115-$130 monthly, no pets or children. Apply Roy Breckenridge, Goderich, phone 524-9371 or 9264 or 9060. 40b STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. For all airlines, steam- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas. Call 271-5710. WANTED CLASSIPMD ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS VOLKSWAGEN completely overhauled, new motor, in good all-round condition; good buy for quick sale. Apply at Shorty's B/A Station, Victoria Street, Clinton. 38-9p-40b WIN'T'ER FEEDING for num- ber of yearling steers. W. J. Miller, Clinton. 40p BEAUTIFUL Macintosh Red Apples to pick up, $1.00 per bushel in your containers. Phone 482-7525, Stewart Mid- dleton. 40-lb 0011.11MI Good Reliable Man WANTED TO BUY NEW FOR SMARTLY STYLED SUITS RILL BAKERYTRiliit TS BSA 30-06 MAJESTIC deluxe rifle with case, amo.; 12 gauge pump shotgun with case; dual pickup electric guitar with case and amplifier. 21 Edmonton 482-3885, 40p 1958 FORD 4-Door, V8 Auto- matic, radio, back up lights, this is a local one owner ear, in excellent condition. Phone 482-9363 3101) WAN BURNER, fan type preferred. Phone 482- 9664. 40b Notice To Creditors And Others In the Estate of WILLIAM HARVEY MIDDLETON, de- ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Harvey Middleton, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Enron, Farmer, De- ceased, who died on or about the 24th day of April, 1964, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Executors of the said deceased on or, before the 22nd day of October, 1964, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Execrators will distrib- ute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice, DATED this 15th day of Sep- tember, 1964. ROBERT HAR, OLD MIDDLETON' and ERN- EST MIDDLETON LEE, EX.- ecutors, % Ernest M. Lee, QC., 12 Richmond Street East, To- ronto 1, Ontario. 38-9-0b AUCTION SALE 1200 Head of Stocker and Feeders at Brussels Li'restock Yards Tubs . I October 6 at 1 pan, We have $50 offered its cash for the grand champion lot and reserve grand chartpion lot, For, further particulars, phone Rick gryams 498j4; Hugh Pear- son 160 Brussels; Auctioneers, Hateld Ackson, Allan Man- tste. 39-406 Wanted for Dairy and Farm Work Apply: Clifford Hugill 376 Huron Road GODERICH • 40-lb NEW and USED FORD CARS See George W. Cutler Representing Goderich Motors Limited for this district Phone Clinton 482-082 40eow TESTED TOP SOIL Grade A- I OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY FROM OUR STORE ONLY Delivery at any time. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 1. G. Winter ARTICLES WANTED All Wool British cloth in this season's newest shades and styles. Choose your new Fall Suit NOW From $39.95 to $85.00 200 High Street Phone 482-6692 39tfb LOST and FOUND LOST—Small dark grey kitte, male, white spots under chin, lost about 2 weeks ago. Phone 482-7227, 257 Ontario Street, PIANOS WANTED, any condi- tion, state height, make and asking price. Write to Box 400, Clinton News-Record. ... .. •'-' Reg. 60c each Special 54c each CAREFREE HEATING — For the only fuel Oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. C4, GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb 40-1-2-3b LOSS14 — Black wallet, sumo of money. Reward. Contains per- sonal papers. Apply to Box 403 Clinton News-Record, 40p BOARD AND ROOM SttEPING ACCOIVIIVIODA- tan with some kitchen facil- ities. Central location. Phone 482-9005, 46 Prineess Street, West., 34p tfb 1VIAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $1.13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. 34tfb MISCELLANEOUS EARLY ORDER YOURS TIMEX WATCHES ... Sold and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 lltfb CUSTOM WORK MADE—TO—MEASURE SUITS MacDONALD ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Service Calls 482-7702 29tfb LET US REPAIR AND 1\iAld your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take Chalices, Expert werk done reasonably to your satisfacti,,m, Watch repairs and pearl re, stringing, W. g. Counter 4ttb BANANA BREAD Reg. 55c each Special 49c each "THE PIXIE" Beauty Salon. New phone number 4824792. Perms, tinting, hair cutting a specialty, 48tfb If you are harder to fit or prefer ci custom tailored suit, see our new fall range of suitings, WARREN K COOK PROGRESS — TIPTOP SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, All Work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis 131ake, RR 2, Bras- gels', phone 442 WU, Brilsaels. 11-41.0 Bartliffs Baker Limited Bakal), and Ilestatirant 482-9727 CLINTON S'I`DREO Combination. Radio, record player and TV; wringer type washer; small frig,; apt, Size eleotrid stove; rangette; baby trib; leather type hide-a- bed; 2 bedrodm mutes; single bed; 4 kitchen suites; small chest; theatetheld; 3 hostess ehairS; tingle nontinmtal bed. Apply necker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 40p Pickett igt Campbell Limited WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts, Our Work assures your satisfaction. Counter's 3ewellery, 1-turon County's Oldest Este. blished aeweller.Y Store, 20tfh Main Corner CLINTON 4132.9732