HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-10-01, Page 2Fire Prevention Week Is -‘ext Week
. . Is Your Home or Office A Safe Place?
(By W. B. T. SMILEY)
Mainly The Money?
Now, I realize that teachers
have not the pristine purity of
thetlical or law societies, where
there is never a bad apple in
the barrel, but I'm afraid apti-
tude 'tests are not the answer.
Here's the type of test Mrs,
Glaubitz might approve, .with
the answers that would be giv-
en, by one of the best teachers
I know, a mature experienced
man whose student's worship
him, whose colleagues respect
him, and whose results are,
Q. Do you have a sincere
interest 'in human beings? A.
not really, I like dogs,
Q, Do you smoke? A, Sure.
Q. Do you indulge in alcohol?
A. Just beer, except on the
Q, Do you enjoy helping
people? A. Hell, no. I 'only
do it because I have to.
Q. Are you interested in a
higher salary? A, Are you
Q. What cultural interests
do you have, -aside from your
profession? A. Watching foot-
ball on TV.
Q. What sort of home life do,
you have. A. Well, the kids
drive me crazy and I fight a
lot with my wife. About aver-
age, I guess.
And so it would go, the apti-
tude test. This, ehap should be
hurled out of the profession by
rights. He's not dedicated or
anything. He's just a cracking
good teacher.
Letter to the Editor . .
Deal. Sir:
Whore is the foot which
tramples on the head of cur-
iosity? Those well intentioned
adults who suggest a ready
made linking path for young-
sters, must be forgetting the
motivation of their youth, Oh,
how long the days in school
seemed before the task of ad-
venture could 'be supped. How
monotonous the well Worn path
above the fields of mossy
green, which every day could
easily be trod. How stimulat-
ing was the thought of trudg-
ing through the unknown wood-
land, hacking down with well
sharpened blade those limbs
and every finger pawing at
the hair 'and face. A paradise
could be beyond that darkened
copse!! To know that 'ere your
anxious foot had marked the
spots. The earth was trampled
flat, by Many other dots.
Let the young be directed to
find paths of their own—lest
we should, as adults, kiln our
moulds before they are well
1.00 North Street,
Clinton, Ont.
Sept. 28, 1964.
Rains Retard
Huron Harvest
Rains of last week have re-
tarded the harvesting of white
beans in Huron County, accord-
ing to a report issued 'this week
by D. .11, Miles, Agricultural
Representative for the county.
Mr. Miles reports very little
damage has been done 'to 'the
Silo filling is taking place as
fast as weather will permit;
grain corn is maturing slowly,
and fall wheat is still being
Do-It-Yourself Flag
It has finally happened!
A Canadian,, greeting card company ha just
introduced a nw greeting card to the market
so all may participate in the Great Flag Debate.
Designed by Canadian artist Stan Lass for
Coutts hallmark cards, the slim-jim Style card
says: "Here's the latest craze from Ottawa,"
Inside is an outline of a flag on a standard
And the legend: "our own do-it'-yourself flag."
The cortipany said in a press release a copy
of the card has been sent to each Member of
Parliament, and the company hopes "every Can-
adian Who feels strongly about the flag question
will send one of these cards to his Member of
Parliament, or to the Parliamentary nag Corm,.
The release went , on to• suggest "this k
nightbe a relatively inekpensive method of accomplishing
Mr, Diefenbaker'S plebiscite,"
coUld be at that
GODERICH, ONT. 524-7542
Our Early Files
40 Years Ago 15 Years Ago
Qetobe-v 2, 19.2‘t
The Clinton. Collegiate bee-
ketball and baseball teams and.
most of the other stoe*,5 went'
to Seeforth yesterday .afternoon •
and played 'in the intercolleg-
late games. The basketball
team was defeated"in a score
of 9.7 by the Seeforeei team
but the Clinton baseball team
won in a score of 5-3 which
evened things up a little.
Mr. N. J. LeBeau of the Lon,.
don Road and Mr. T. Adams of,
Ilarpierhey left for the, west on
Setterday last. They went by
boat, selling on the Hur'onic
from Sarnia, and had a some,
what rough peesege..
The following from 'the Strat-
ford Beacon-Herald refers to •
the death of the father of one
of Clinton's young business
men, Mn, J, A. Sutter: "Death
'took Conrad Sutter, age about
62, of 95 Charles stma, a re-
speoted resident of this city,
with startling suddenness, early
this Monday morning."
On Friday evening last the
local Orangemen entertained
'the officers of the Imperial
Lodge, Toronto, many of whom
are old Huron County boys, at
a ;banquet in the Town Halt
Rev, James Wilson, D.D„
pastor of Dovercourt Presby,
terian Church, Toronto, has
been elected Moderator of the
body which Anti-Unionists
claim is the legally constituted
Synod of Toronto and Kingston
of the Presbyterian Church of
25 / ears Ago
October 5, 1939
A head-on collision on No. 4
Highway opposite the home of
Milton-Wiltse on Friday even-
ing caused injury to three per-
sons and badly damaged both
cars involved. •
A fairly large crowd was
present in the Town Hall last
Thursday evening. The meet-
ing was under the chairman-
ship 'of Mayor George H. El-
liott. (During the meeting a
Red Cross Unit was formed.
Mrs. V. G. Thompson was nam-
ed to head the unit.)
The weatherman smiled on
the directors of Hayfield Fair
last week and Wednesday and
Thursday saw one of the big-
gest crowds of the year at Bay-
field 'for the annual fair.
As representatives of the
people of Clinton, the Town
Council on Monday evening
went on record as being behind
the government and the British
Empire. •
Seemlier 29, 1949
John A. Sutter, of Sutter.
Perdue, Clinton, was eieeted.
.president of Stratford end Diet,
riet .Hardware Assoc,iation at
the annelid meeting held in
Mitchell recently.
Huron Holstein Club held a
well-attended executive meet-
ing at the home of Leemerd
Leering, Walton, Tuesday
evening, when piens, were nd.,
vanced for several important
events in the life of the Club.
James Fairserviee was fort,
unite in winning a ear on a
draw made in Hanover Satur,
day night.
A number of carloads of
Western stockers arrived in
Huron .County this week, 'and
other farmers are making pre.
Paratione to purchase cattle
from the West, according to
R. Gordon Bennett, Clinton,
agricultural repreeentative for
Huron County,
James R. Scott, Toronto and
Bayfield, will instruct in creat-
ive writing at the Department
of English in the University of
Western Ontario.
10 Years Ago
September 30, 1954
A preview of the exhibits at
the Bayfield Fall Fair last
night indicated an exceptional-
ly fine showing for all patrons
of the fair today.
Members of the Clinton Fire
Company elected Howard Cow-
an to fill the vacancy created
when Kelso Streets resigned
from the brigade 'at their reg-
ular monthly meeting on Mon-
day evening.
Many residents of Clinton
and the rural area, took ad-
vantage of the Fall Fair at
Seaforth last week, which was
opened officially by R. Gordon
former agricultural
representative for
r, H uo
of the Clinton Agricultural So-
ciety, reports that work on the
new bandstand at Clinton Com-
munity Park is well along. On
Tuesday 100 feet of walls were
poured--=six feet high, •
The 75th anniversary of
Holmesville United Church was
observed on Sunday, September
26, with the Rev. L. W. Her-
bert, Denbigh, a former Hol-
mesville boy, and son of a for-
mer minister, the late J. W.
Herbert, as guest minister.
Business and Professional
118 St. David's St.
Dial 524-8787, Goderich
efatoi Visse4
20 Isaac Street
Friday and Saturday 2 to 9 p.m.
Phone 482-9654 after 6 p.m.
far appointments
Mondays and Wednesdays
G. B. CLANCY, 0.0.
For Appointment
Phone 524-7251
Consulting Optometrist
The Square. GODERICH
Phones: Office 482-9747
• Res, 40.7804
JOHN WISE, Salesman
Phone 482-7265
Life Insurance & Annuities
482-720() Clinton
First Mortgage Money Available
Lowest Current Interest Rates
Phones: Office 482-9644
Res. 481-9787
Planned Savings . . .
. . . Estate Analysis
Clinton, Ontario
For Air-Master Aluminum
Doors and Windows
Rockwell Power Tools
R. L. JerVis-68 Albert St.
OffiCe — Main Street
4 'Town Dwellings
4 All CIA:Leas of Parm Propbrty
Summeir Cottages":
chtirohet, Schools, Halts
kx-tandea eovtyratte (fted,
smoke, Water damage, taming
Objeets, etc.) is edso available.
AG] NT8: Jahies Keys, ER 1, getsforthl V. 3. Ltuie, RR i5, Sea-forth Wi i. Lelper, Jr., Londesboro: Selwyn Raker, Y3russe)s:
titaxild 8cluirea, Clinteht George (dyne, Dublin; Dtmald G. Eatert,
Farms — Residenfial Commercial
do ntAet our Ret•reseiltative
PHONE 4524544 CLINtON, oNt.
Clinton News-Record
Published every Thursday at the Est. 1881
Heart of Huron County
Clinton, Ontario — Population 3,369
1 A. L. COLQUHOUN, Publisher
00. w • •
Signed contributions In this publication, are the
opinions of the writers only, and do not Miceisarlly
Orprest the clew* PI the newspapisr.
Aithorlsed as second class Mali, Post Office DaPartment, Ottawa, and for payment at pottage In Cash
SUitcsirTIoN RATES: Payable in advance -- Canada and Great &gain: $4.00 a yearf
Wilted Stales and Foreign: $5.10; Single Cooties Teo Cents
Est. 1865
Phooey to you Mrs. F. J.
Glaubitz, president of the On-
tario Federation of Home and
School Associations.
Mrs. Glaubitz was widely
quoted recently as "expressing
concern that some persons are
attracted 'to the teaching pro-
fession because of high salaries
rather than a genuine interest
in teaching."
The lady is reported to have
said that persons in the past
have been drawn to teaching
because of a sincere interest in
human beings, but the higher
salaries of recent years have
brought an increasing number
who consider it "just another
Dear Mrs. Glaubitz, you're
all wet! Where are all these
people who are flocking into
teaching for the big salaries?
Every spring, principals do ev-
erything but turn over stones
to see what they can find under
them, in the search 'for
Where are these big salaries,
Mrs. Glaubitz? Now, I'm not
going to get personal, and ask
how much Mr. Glaubitz is mak-
ing these• days. But if there is
a Mr. Glaubiti, bet he's
making a whale of a lot more
'than this 'teacher,
Teachers' salaries are reason-
able after years of shabby gen-
tility. But they're a long way
from being opulent. They make
less money than engineers, den-
trete or bone-benders. They're
not even within sight of doctors
and lawyers. They're about one
jump ahead of the preachers,
about on a par with the skilled
Anybody who has a wild idea
about getting into the high•
salaried profession of teaching
should immediately take a tran-
quillizer, followed by a short
course In hotel management,
hair-dreseing, or something in
which he can make real money,
The story continued: "Mrs.
GlaubItz emphasized that the
association does not oppose
high salaries for teachers be-
cause 'the Whole future of the
couetry rests in their hands',"
Well, bully for Mrs. Glaubitz
and the association. But isn't
that taking a very dim view
af the church, the government,
and the parents of all those
who will make Up the future?
It's a bit much to saddle the
teachers With, isn't it? Frank-
ly, if the whole future of the
country rests in My halide, I'M
going te put my hands in my
nockete and Afton quietly aWely.
Mes. G„ in the sante story,
suggested that greater care be
taken in choosing &In:dictates
tor Wetting training using
such rheane as aptitude to to
to Weed out Unsuitable Persons,
observed across Canada from October
4 to. October .0, It will be accomplished
by posters, radio plugs, television blurbs,
newspaper ads, demonstrations and
Itsall 0 bunch of hooey!
It is a waste of time and money
and effort.
Because there's really no danger
your number will be up this year.
Those old cans of cleaning fluids
and the greasy rags have been piled in
the basement closet for over a year now
and, there hasn't been any fire.
It's true that last year 551 Cana-
dians were burned to death, but that
was their own fault for being stupid
about fire, Probably smoking in bed,
or using too many appliances on an old
There's not a chance in the world
your house will burn down this winter.
I't's true you have been careless
about leaving matches around, but you
have told the children not to play with
them, and that's safe enough. Anyway,
they're old enough now to know better.
There were 83,426 fires in Canada
last year that cost $155,141,574.00, but
that didn't cost you anything. You pro-
bably didn't even know any of the
It's Easy To
Another of the sad inequalities and
unfairnesses of our judicial system came
to light last week during the fall assizes
of the Supreme Court at Goderich.
After less than 20 minutes deliber-
ation, a jury decided .a 17-year-old
Clinton girl had been lying—or at least
distorting the truth—when she claimed
to have been raped by a 24-year-old RR
2 Centralia man.
When the jury returned its verdict,
Crown Attorney William Cochrane said
Mr. Justice P. E. W. Smily — who is
presiding over the fall assizes—agreed
with the verdict.
It is understood the jury made its
decision on the logical theory that it is
not possible to `.`rape" a willing party
to intercourse. •
(Rape is a convenient charge for
many women. We covered one court
case at Leamington where a wife who
had been having an affair with her
nephew charged the boy with rape when
her husband caught them together. De-
spite the fact the case was dismissed,
it made the husband feel better. He had
wanted to believe it was rape.)
The charge is also handy for girls
who discover after experimenting with
sex they are pregnant. The laying
It's that delightful time of the year
when rock-hard chestnuts and butter-
nuts and still tart-tasting apples drop
with muffled thumps on lawns, flower-
beds and the shoulders of roadways.
• And it's that time again when mo-
thers of small boys find rock-hard but-
ternuts and chestnuts and nibbled still
tart-tasting apples each night at bed-
time in the small boys' pockets.
Because every little boy . . . and
lots of little girls . . . have picked up the
strange green-covered nuts and the
shiny good-looking apples. We suppose
its probably a phase of evolution as
important and time-honored as catch-
ing one's first frog.
But it's also the time of year when
rock-hard butternuts, chestnuts and still
tart-tasting apples become handy am-
munition for little boys and girls whose
parents have failed to caution them on
such matters.
Rock-hard butternuts and chestnuts
can smash the window of an automobile.
And the driver of a car whose
windshield has been shattered by a
people who did have fires. 1f they want
to be careless, that's their problem,
There's really AP reason why you
shouldn't ,go. .on using that penny in
place of a proper fuse in the basement
fusebox, It's difficult to • remember to
pick up '4 'bunch of ten cent fuses and
that. penny .has been there three months
now, and nothing happened,
And that 'frayed cord on. the eiectric
kettle or the toaster , . where- you hold
on to it when you're pulling it out of
the wall socket: Don't give it another
thought, It won't ever start a fire;
that only happens to stupid people who
are careless,
And that girl who comes in to baby-,
sit - the kids. There's really no. need to
show her where the fire department
number is, or where the fire extinguish-
er is kept. She's smart enough to find
the number and the extinguisher .
if she needs them.
So when that radio announcer bugs
you with his smart quips On fire safety
. like "Some matches? what joy; then
pouff—and no boy!" . . . indulge him,
The program of music will be on in a
In the meantime, don't bother about
lire prevention.
It's all • a bunch of hooey!
Holler "Rape''
of such a charge makes their parents
feel better. The charges rarely stick,
but friends of the family often look on
the "wronged" girl with pity rather
than the disgust deserved.
The. Goderich case was like so many
others. •
The unfair aspect• is that the pre-
sumably innocent man waited for trial
either in jail or out on expensive bail.
And no one paid him what it cost to hire
a lawyer.
And in press reports of the trial,
his was- the only name mentioned. De-
spite his acquittal, that smudge will re-
main with him for the rest of his life.
And all he did—or so the jury
seems to think—is what comes natur-
ally for a young man, presumably on
the at least part invitation of a girl
whose age could pass for 20 or more
with the help of cosmetics and other
seduction aids girl children are permit-
ted by their parents to wear these days.
We hope that "wronged" girl is
reading this editorial.
It's unlikely — although possible —
she may feel as cheap as she must have
been to drag her former friend's name
through the mud to try to make hers
;look a little better.
chestnut can become involved in a seri-
ous accident in a split second.
All because some little boy's mother
and father forgot to tell him about the
This time we're not re-writing a
safety release from some national safety
This time our warning comes after
just such a thing happened in Clinton.
We don't need to mention the man's
name . . . or the name of the thought-
less little boy who threw the chestnut
at his automobile windshield on High-
way No. 4 this week.
Because the chestnut didn't break
the windshield and the man was not
involved in a nasty accident.
He was lucky that time . . . and so
was the little boy.
Why not read at least part of this
editorial to your little boy or girl and
ensure that he or she doesn't have the
guilt of death or serious injury on his
conscience for the rest of his life?
And so you don't spend the rest of
your life paying off a damage claim,.
Pogo News-Recor4—Thurs,, OctobPr 1, 1964
It's All A Bunch Of Hooey !!
Next Hazard: Snowballs