HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-10-01, Page 1Pass The Bicarbonate, Please •
This photo was taken 111 :Bayfield Arena Wednesday afternoon as the judges
were hard at work judging sortie of the more than 2,000 entries in the public
school division of the Bayfield Pall Fair. Testing fudge, from the Ieft,, arc:
rs, Grant . Stirling, Mrs, Arnold Merner, Mrs. Ray Fisher and William
Davidson, The fair continues today (Thursday),
(Neu*RecoM Photo .13y aohlt Vime)
Find Other Chest Ailments
County Survey Pinpoints
Two Tuberculosis Cases
Only ;two cases of Tuberculosis were detected
in Huron County is a result of the county-wide
tuberculosis survey carried out this year, accord-
ing to a report Issued this week by the Huroti
County Health Unit.
Yesterday's . Pcir!:..r.j Lc'?
Clinton Public School principal Dcrt
shows News-Record Editor Dave Scott u'h'-r'
classrooms to be added to the school will be built.
Ground was broken at the site Monday. The class-
rooms will abut the school's gymnasium.
(News-Record Photo By John Visser)
Well, Here's Hoping « •
If they pick this ticket Saturday afternoon,
Fernand Reins= will win this floppy-eared toy dog
which is one of the many mites at the Penny Sale
sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of Clinton,
Public ospltal. remand is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Piet Reinstria.
(Vetos,-kcoord Photo By Mot Visser)
THE NEW ERA 97th YEAR 40,4.444eimmuo.i.;;,
' • 44,o0 Per No. Nome Paper with 114 News
Myth Cow
Is Winner
At Seaforth
who will be assisted by Miss
Frances Zondervan. The Junior
class will study Bible stories,
and crafts will include working
with construction paper, gum-
med paper, making punch cards
and model plasticine.
Children ranging in ages
from five to 13 years are in-
vited to the Saturday Morning
Bible School classes which are
held free of charge,
Over The Church $s Out
Darlene Hanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hanley, of 41 Mill St.,
Clinton, displays her jumping form which won her the title of Senior High
Jump Champion in the girls' division at Clinton Public School Field Day held
at the school Tuesday afternoon. The church she appears to be vaulting is Cal-
vin Reformed Church. (News-Record Photo By John Visser)
Ian usiness Owners Course
Fair officials said a record
of 'entries was exhibited includ-
ing more 'than 2,000 exhibits
from public school children
All of Wednesday afternoon
was 'spent judging field crops,
handicrafts, ladies' work, veg-
etables, fruit, posters and ent-
ries- in the domestic science
classes at Hayfield Arena.
The final phase of judging
both Rodney Oats 'and Ensilage
course may. be made. at the
Guidance Services Department
of the school by letter or tele-
Registration date for the
course is ' Oct. 5. Classes will
start at 8 p.m. on Thursday,
Oct. 15, and will be held each
Thursday evening thereafter
for 10 weeks.
A special course is being
made available this year at
Central Huron Secondary
School night classes by the On-
tario Department of Education.
The, course—prepared by the
Department of Trade and Com-
merce at Ottawa-4s for own-
ers and managers of small busi-
I The staff of the Saturday morning Bible
School of the Christian Reformed Church of Clin-
ton met Tuesday in the church for their final meet-
It Was announced at that time
that junior, intermediate and
senior classes will start on this
Saturday between the hours of
9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
The supervision of the 1964
school has been taken over, by
Mrs. G. Vanderhaar, Mrs: Ted
Hitinsrna is teacher of the
Senior Class and will teach
paint on glasswork, leather-,
crafts, woodwork, and paint by
The Reserve Senior and Re-
serve Grand Championship for
the prize aged cow in milk at
the Black and White Show held
at Seaforth Friday by Huron
County Holstein Breeders was
awarded to an entry by Edward
F, Bell,' of Blyth.
Mr. Bell showed Sniders
Fond Reflection who was
Grand Champion at the show
last year,
Bell entries also won first
dry aged cow; first three-year-
old in milk and dry two-year-
An entry by Allister Broad-
foot of Brucefield won first
two-year-old in milk, Fred Vod-
den and Sons entry from Clin-
ton placed first senior heifer
Meeting Set
For Friday
TShe annual meeting of the
.Huron -.County Shareholders of
Farmers' Allied Meat Enter-
prises Co-operative will be held
at Seaforth District High
School this Friday at 8:30 p.m.
The purpose of the meeting
is to:
Appoint eight county dele-
gates and eight alternate dele-
gates to attend the Provincial
Annual Meeting to be held at
Toronto's Seaway Hotel on
November 25;
Elect .Slate -
To elect township represent-
atives to the county committee;
To elect a slate of officers.-
The guest speaker at - the.
meeting will be Jack XfacGil-
livray of Paisley, a member of
the provincial Board and chair-
man of the Livestock Procure-
ment Committee.
See Pictures
During the meeting, News-
Record columnist Carl Heming-
way will show pictures of t.17e
newly-purchased F, W. Fear-
man Plant.
A lunch will be served at the
The Intermediate Class will
be taught by Mists Mary Vand-
eriDool, assisted by Miss Sandra
Hitrunia. Intermediate classes
will follow similar lines to the
Senior classes. Playing with
plastic, paint by numbers and
making foilflowers will be done
by the Intermediate class.
The teacher; for the junior
class is Miss Alice Treffers
Adastral Players
Start Rehearsals
For Fall Shows
The Adastral Players of
RCAF Station Clinton are
again hard at Work on their
fall prOductions,
This year it is' eXpected their
fall pItiduotion will. .consist of
two one act plays and a =We-
al , all On the Sahib pro,
The intsidal rininber this year
Will be "SehoOl for Lovers' and
reheartais On this Play now are
Patt productions of the ellib
include "Afterehotightu, a must,
cal Satire Staged in treeeinber
of 1068, "The Life and f...ovos
of Dizzy` boakee staged in be-
tenth& of 1068, it, Variety Show
an April of this year. and
clul,-SporitOred HOtiterittnY Pr i&
Sented it May of this year
Ground was broken Monday
at Clinton Public School for a
four-room annex to the exist-
ing StrUettlre estimated to cost
The four additional class-
reorns will bring to 1.9 the total
at; the school where projected
etliviiments indicate heavy in-
cr$ases over the next few years.
Clinton contractor Cale Dou-
cette told the News-Record
Wednesday ' a steel shortage
could delay the completion of
the project from its estimated
completion date of Eastertime
this Year.
Bulldozers Start
"I've 'been on the telephone
ev'ry day this week trying to
get hold Of steel," he said, "but
it's hard to find these clays, I
just had a call from London ad-
vising me a shipment is expect-
ed in, from .Hamilton, and per-
bal System
or Clinton
, mid-November, Clinton
and Goderich will join. the ever-
growing number of cities,
towns and villages on the
Myth American continent that
can dial their own long distance
The intricate -crossbar swit-
ching equipment, installed in
the London central office build-
ing, will bring .Direct Distance
Dialing (DDD) to the two - ex-
People in the Clinton and
GOderich exchanges . will be
able‘,', to' -dial some 85,000,000
telephbrieS spread across Can-
ada and the United States with-
out the assistance of an opera-
Here's How It Works
An operator will cut in mom-
entarily, after the call is dial-
ed, to ask the number of the
telephone from which the call
is being placed.
Initially DDD will be used
only for station-to-station calls
with all other types of calls
still handled by an operator.
To make use of Direct Dis-
(Continued on Page Five)
Corn was held. Earlier, Judge
Robert Fotheringham of Sea-
forth bad judged the oats and
corn in the field's. At that time
scores were awarded out of a
possible 100 points to be added
to the judge's scores' at the fair
again based on a possible 100
Winner this year of the En-
silage Corn Division of the
1964 field crop 'competition of
(Continued on Page Five)
Dr. R. M. Aldis, Medical Of-
ficer bt Health, Said although
only the two TB cases were
discovered) 247 persons were
found to have other cliseaSes
of the chest.
said a, total of 88,837
persons were tested thiS year,
compared with 24,184 'tested in
Urges Testa
Tile Medical Officer Said any
county residents Over the age
of 40 who may have massed
the sUnitner survey are urged
to eorsult their tandly phySic-
The family physician, he said,
call (serf in a tuberculin test,
and if necessary', refer the patty
lent to the heal nest C11 ile.
Both the Incas tuttey wattle
local &lest clinics aro supp6„tied
through the Sale ofChtistiria8
teals by the I-itatn.
of ,
bz,a- hoitetnettis ASSodiatioit
;laps' there will be enough in
that shipment to get under-
Bulldozers tore up a paved
parking lot at the school Mon-
day to clear the way for a,
steam shovel which was to start
digging the -foundations of -the
Draws will be held at Clinton
Town Hail Saturday on about
100 items offered as prizes in
the annual Clinton Public Hos-
pital Women's Auxiliary Penny
For weeks now, members of
the auxiliary have been selling
the tickets for one cent each,
in cards of 25 tickets.
The purchaser takes 'his tick-
ets to the Town Hall, and de-
posits them in containers be-
side each of the prizes he would
like to win.
Conservation Club
The Ladies' Conservation Club
held their regular meeting on
Monday,. September 28 with the
president, Miss Dorothy Mutch
in the chair. There were 23
members present. A donation
of 12 waste baskets to Clinton
Public Hospital was given and
$15.00 to retarded children's
fund. Bingo was enjoyed fol-
lowed by lunch served by the
committee in charge,
The number of Clintonians
taking the test this summer
Was deWti from both the 1980
and 1956 figures, In 1956, 2,533
pansons took the test; in 1960,
2,344 took the test, and this
year 2,319 persons took the
In Bayfield this year the fig-
tire was down froth last year.
A total of 605 took the test
this year; 051 in 1960; and 408
in 1950,
The Weather
1064 1068
Nigh Low High Low
Sept, 24 02 48 65 38
85 59 48 '75 88
'a 50 76 40
81 65 4'T 10 44
88 50 30 65 43
9 61 8,5 54 38
30 57 88 01 35
1.55" Stain: .60"
Rain 'for Sept., 1004: 151"
annex Wednesday afternoon.
The four classrooms will be
at the south and east .end of
the present structure, behind
the aliMesium.
12 Years Old
One of the four rooms—when
complete—will be pc,4ssed into
Mayor To Draw
Contestants may deposit as
many tickets as they wish in
any or all boxes.
On Saturday, Mayor W. J,
Miller, Hospital board chair-
man Joe Murphy and vice-
chairman Bill Counter will
make draws from each of the
ticket boxes.
The ticket pulled . from each
box will win the prize in ques-
Still Time
The prizes offered have been
jr1111-4diate use to .aecommodate
a lcindergarten class - now be-big held in the teachers'
The existing Public School
building was erected in 1952,
and at the time plans were
drawn up, was to have been a
nine-room school.
While construction was und-
erway, school officials realized
nine rooms would not suffice,
and two more were added, Ab-
out six years ago a subsequent
addition of two more rooms
was made.
Similar - Appearance
Mr. Doucette saidthenew an
nex will be of similar appear-
ance to the existing one-torey red brick building. The only
architectural difference will be
in steel webbing roof trusses.
The contractor said electrical
work would, be done by William
MacDonald Electric Liinited of
Clinton, and Plumbing, 'heat-
ing and ventilating will be done
by Hodge and Stott, of Credli-
ton. Painting will be done by
D. A, Kay of Clinton,
The Doucette bid was lowest
of three tenders for the pro-
Debenture Issue
Enrollment this year at Clin-
ton Public School is 523 stud-
ents, about 15 more than last
Principal Bert Gray said al-
though only one class now has
to use emergency quarters, the
student population is expected
to swell over the next few
Clinton town council is ex-
pected to give third reading to
a bylaw at its next regular
meeting which will allow the
issue of debentures to, cover the
cost of the school building pro-
donated by local merchants,
and the proceeds of the ticket
sales are used to further the
work of the Hospital Women's
The ticket draws will be held
this Saturday at 4 p.m,
Tickets are available from
any member of the hospital
auxiliary, or at the council
chambers, Town Hall, where
they may be deposited in the
box of the buyer's choice be-
tween 10 am. and 5;30 p.m.
between now and Saturday.
The courses have proven pop-
ular in other communities where
they have been held, and the
school expects as number of int-
erested persons from this 'area
will want to enroll.
List Topics
The course— called Manage-
ment Accounting—or alternat-
ively, Planning For Profit, in-
cludes the following topics:
What information -does a
small business owner need to
operate his business profitably;
Methods of getting this in-
formation from an income
statement and balance sheet;
Proper Planning
Methods. for discovering why
a firm is short of cash, as well
as possible courses of action to
remedy the situation;
How a small business owner
can pinpoint unprofitable areas
of his business,
1-tow to plan for profitable
How to use the plan so po-
tential trouble 'spots can be
identified quickly and early
action taken to 'eliminate them,
Further inquiries about the
Saturday Bible Class Set Bayfield Fall Fair Opens
BAYFIELD—The 108th annual edition of the
Bayfield Fall Fair opened here Wednesday under
sunny skies.
en M, K,y is