HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-17, Page 11News-Record Photos By John Visser Bayfield Harbor • is bustling these days — even though the summer mariners have gone to their inland homes to dream of next summer's adventures, - From early morning until midnight sounds of industry can be beard as a diesel shovel digs. up clay silt from the harbor bottom and dumps the muck into one of two barges being used. The project is part of a $65,794 contract recently a- warded to Dean Construction Company Limited of Tecumseh, Ontario. 21,000 Cubic Yards The company was lowest bidder of four on the Bayfield project and a similar under- taking at Kincardine. At Bayfield the company is -%emoving more than 21,000. cubic yards of silt to bring the depth of the inner entrance and harbor to a uniform depth of seven feet. The maintenance dredging is being carried lout to provide adequate water depth for com- m.ercial fishing tugs and pleas- ure craft. See Photos zAt Bayfield, the diesel shovel is on a scow (see %the top photo). The scow is anchored by two steel pillars (at right) which are raised from the har- bor bottom when the scow carrying the shovel is moved. In the centre photo, the shovel is shown dumping har- bor bottom silt into one of two barges used for hauling the material out into the lake where it 'is dumped. While the tug is hauling one scow out into the lake for dumping, the shovel is filling a second barge to keep the shovel operating -with a minimum of delays for, dumping time, Iiincardine Next Lower photo (at left) is a close-up of the massive shovel bucket which scoops. the muck from the harbor bottom. Lower photo (at right) shows the bucket dripping muck as it is swung over to dump into the barge. Dean Construction Company officials said when the Bay- field job is completed, the tug will haul the scows and other equipment to . Kincardine for the job there. At Kincardine, an estimated 14,250 cubic yards of silt will be removed from the inner harbour basin to a uniform depth of nine feet. Il Sgt and Mrs. Percy .griffin were in Qtt4Wa, last week and. from there flew to Charlotte, town, .PET, Cadet J, Brian Dolan is en, rolled at the Officer's training ROyal Roads, Victoria, British Columbia, Sgt. and Mrs. Bob Belanger and son.from Senneterre,, spent a, week at Flight $gt. and Mrs, D. Tremblay's.'before 'tak- Mg up residence in Centraila. Mrs, Gordon Wade has re- turned from Meaford where she spent a week. Mrs, Wade's sister, Mrs. C, Langlois from WetaskiWin, Alberta, aecompl anted by their aunt, Mrs, J. Roach, .Ecirooriton, spent a, few days at the home of Flight Sgt. and Mrs, Wade. The Adastral Park Nursery School for 3-5 year olds will open on or about the first of October at the Community Centre, Classes will be held from 9;15 to 11;30 .a.m. on Tues- days, Wednesdays and Thurs- days of each week. All 3-5 year old dependents of military personnel serving at the Sta- tion are eligible, whether re- siding in PMQ.'s or elsewhere. Registration of pupils will take place on Saturday, Sep- tember 19 from 1 to 3 pm. at the Adastral Park Community Centre. The Protestant Chapel Guild will meet on Monday, Septem- ber 21 at 8:15 pm, in the Chapel Annex. .The Catholic Women's Lea- gue .starts the 64-65 activities at the Community Centre on Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 8:00 p.m. - Mrs. 3. Dunn, Winnipeg, was visiting with her daughter and Played .For Keeps Drivers who feel the no- stopping regulations in cities are too tough, might think about this historical note from the. Ontario 'Safety League: In ancient Nineveh, where roads were sacred, posts were placed along the processional way inscribed: "Royal Road. Let no man lesseii it." It was decreed that anyone who park- ed a chariot or other vehicle along the road should be slain and 'his body impaled.- an a stake before his house. No Friday Hight Dancing Lr EATER DANCELAND until Hallowe'en Masquerade $Q,11-4110I4W., 1-47iq and Mrs, K1?n Bally, Before returning to Winnipeg, Mrs, Dunn is spend,' .ing a, few days in London. Sergeant Wm. ..Woods is Tack from a trip to Ireland. Warrant Officer Retired By RCAF W/O Ernest Williams Retirement Announced OTTAWA — The retirement of Warrant Officer Class One Ernest 1VL Williams, CD, was announced here this week by the RCAF, W/O Williams, 54, was sta- tion at Clinton for five years during his 24-year service car- eer. For the past two years he has been serving here on the communication staff at Air Materiel Commancl. Headquart- ers. During his five years in Clin- ton he was 'attached to No. 1 Radio a n d Communications School. 0 Pot-Luck Dinner Precedes Meeting Of Rebekah Lodge The Huronic Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday night with Noble Grand Mrs. Abe Orpen in the chair. The meeting was preceded by a pot-luck supper During the meeting, Mrs. Bert Bowden gave the report of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario held in Toronto in June. The Rebekahs are in charge again of the C.N.I.13.-sponsored canvass this year which will be held on Saturday, Oct. 3. The group will also be in charge of the hospital cart. Plans were made for a des- sert euchre to bp held in the lodge rooms on Oct, 28, A draw was won by Mrs. Harold Tyn- dall, • t ut,a4:61',r, :if 14 %eit, Save on price —Save on shipping • Be stronger to last longer Firestone Rubber-X plus exclusive Shock-Fortiures fied cord construction ass years of dependable service and sure-footed traction. Powerful Traction at a new low price 4 virtoone CHAMPION GROUND GRIP TRACTOR TIRES 11: lh, 810 WINO UN EVERY.VIE. ON THE FARM SERVICE A GOOD STOCK ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Good Used Tires Needed LET'S TRADE Struton's Firestone ALIGNMENT and WHEEL .BALANCE REPAIRS,. TUNE,LIPS ALL MAKES O CARS '218 Maar STREET DIAL 4824681 dastral. Park Social Notes News Editor; Anne Aileron ..Phone tl 2-7.341 Thno„ Sept, 1 g 1904,—cinten ;News-Record=Page FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative F. E. Hunt, Shipper "Phone 856 R 14 EXTRA MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE E Pot-Luck Supper By Hensall WI • Starts' Season I-Ten:m.11 Women's Institute opened its first fall season meeting WW1 a pot-duck supper last Wednesday night an the Legion TialL A total of 32 members an- swered,. the roll call. The meet- ing was conducted by Mrs. Beverly Beaten, Mrs. John Skee. and Mrs. R, A, Orr were appointed voting delegates for the county rally to be held in Hensall United Church, Oct, 5. Others appointed included: Mrs. Fred Seer and Mrs. bert Dining for the registro, tion; Mrs. Beaton and Mrs, V. M. P_yette, reception commit- tee; and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Gordon Troyer. Mrs. N. E. C001{, Mrs, James Bengough and Mrs, Garfield Broderick, for lunch, Mrs. Carl Payne took the chair for the 'program and gave a summary of the District Dir- ectors' Conference held' at Guelph. .The WI also accepted an in- vitation. to be guests of the Seaforth. WI on Oct. 13, The northernmost point of land iii the U.S. proper is in Canada because 200 years ago a mix-up in defining the bound- ary made American territory of a peninsula that juts into the Lake of the Woods, north of the 49th parallel; it is part of Minnesota, but can be reached by land and through Manitoba. 482-9076 CLINTON ti$ 44.07,0* ,W ros4vEmpog .mve _pal" pac07,9 ,44490oRr ARMS.,1 BACKACHE? mot me. For relief from backache or that tired-put feeling I depend on--. Delivery Accepted At H rvest Contact ICICLE LIMITED Phone 103 HENS LL CLINTON FEED MILL A. 6.68166 & SON .• OR (Skui-Golit Fettillzo Watehouse) Phone: 40-9411 Plionett 481.3484 & 481-348S ' ayrield Harbor Dredging Entertainment Nightly AT THE QUEEN'S ., HOTEL I Now that the fall wheat season is With us again, just a reminder that we have all the popular and recommended analysis for sowing with wheat, in 80 lb, poly bags and also in bulk, We have for rent e large "Tyler" Spreader holding 4 to 4% tons for accurate broadcast spreading. We also have a small broadcast spreader and a truck available for easy, fast and efficient brodcast spreading to tOp- dreSs those hay and pasture fields. A reminder that all the excellent growth this fall is using plant food that won't be available for plant growth next year, so consider replac, ing that plant food now, For further information on recommendations, pricing and spreads ing please contact SitaiiikiUll: A. I It, fertilizer service .1 ner, Andrew Sturgeon, Blair Brandon, jetzt' MacVtoar, Val- erie Merrier, Shirley McFad- den and Debra Ferguson. Newcomers Also new to Bayfield school are: Wanda Linner, Dwayne Lin:ner, and Shelley Liamer, formerly of Manitoba and Vic- tor and Allen Agnew from Saskatehewan. The guidance and tuition av- ailable from Mrs. Grant Turn- er and Mrs, William Parker will be welcomed by the first graders. For the teachers, however, .there will be little respite from the 36 Students, enrolled in grades 1-4, and the 87 enrolled in the senior room. This Fish Story Is Really True! Sixteem•year-old Bryan Fink of Hensall can support his big fish Story, He eat show anyone doubt- ing him the award he recently WaS given by Labatts. He caught the tish — a "!;musky"--heat North Bay at Canapbell tyres Caro. 'the 51-inch-long fish weigh- edin at 82% pOUtids and was the largest reported &Welt in that area tot' two years, tryaft is the Soh Of Mt and Mrs. 1M kink, It's That Time ...Again Mothers heave a sigh of relief and teachers view with mixed emotions the Tuesday following Labor Day each year. School this year in Bayfiedd will be a new experience for 11,%,.foll:',wing Grade One pupils; Ricky Penhale, Darlene War-