HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-17, Page 10Can You Recognize Anyone ? ? ? RadioCKSL To Change Frequency London Radio Station CKSL will change its frequency to 1410 on the dial and double its power to 10,000 watts on Mon- day, Sept. 1. In making the announcement this week, general manager John Funston said final ap- proval oh technical detail's still is required from the Depart- ment of Transport. Approval from the Board of Broadcast Governors was re- ceived earlier. In 14 Counties Mr. Funston said the change from the present 1290 frequency along with the power boost will mean that for the hitt time listeners in 100,000 more 'homes in 14 southwestern On- tario counties will hear ;the station clearly and continuous- ly both day and night. In order to effect the change- over, new broadcast towers have been erected in South London. The new coverage area ex- tends from Kincardine in the north, to the shore of Lake Erie in the south, west to Sarnia and •Chatham and east to Brantford and Guelph. The change will be made at 6 p.m, Sept. 21, with approp- riate ceremonies. 0 Need No Spices Fresh Ontario apples need no added spices at the beginning of apple season, point out food specialists at Macdonald Insti- tute, Guelph, Their tart juicy flavor gives just the right touch to apple sauce, apple pie or other apple dishes. FOR BEST RESULTS I USE THE WANT ADS READ and USE the CLASSIFIED ADVS. in the Clinton News-Record For Only 50c IcctAvA:d You Can Sell or Buy Any Size Article or Service Check the Page With This Heading . Classified Adv. Phone 481-3443 54% PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. • earn the above indicated interest, payable half-yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies -and trust funds. FREE DOOR PRIZES ROSES FREE To TI1 Q ADMISSION LADIES FREE REFRESHMENTS BEE FIRST SHOWING of the 1965 Models at the Goderich Dealers Fourth Annual AUTO SHOW CHRYSLER =FORD -- GENERAL MOTORS GODERKH ARENA THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 24 7:00 11.00 pin. Children ander 16 mast be accamparkied ivy parents rylv !!!!"-rloi!!1!111111 n‘F:1111Necorai,-1144,14 17i' 1904 ARDA Projec.6 Planned Acting on the request of local county ARDA • committees and conservation, groups, Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture, has approved and recommended to the Federal authorities, four ad- ditional Projects under the Agricultural Rehabilita- tion and Development Act. This old Post card was brought into the News-Record office this week by Dan Webb who found it in the attic of his home on Owen Street. It shows the boys of the 161st Battalion leaving Clinton from a leave during the First World War. The photo was taken near the railway station at the foot of King Street. lqr5r, 044, OOP' ,HArri4.! -Pqr411p90.0s!.4. phone Plintqn HP •YAnclpr Social. evening was ,belsl on wx.of., • Friday Pprtges. sehoel in honour of Mr. and. Mrs. Andy • Leddlow .knee lia .MOCOWati) and Mr, and Ati's, Johnlige•rna. Greta der WAD. newlyweds. Progresstve euchre was, ,en- joyea by all with prizes' going NEWS of PORTER'S HILL g440?1, on them- Mr. Heinz rtetkow1c4 return- $ /Mole on Friday after being' a patient in Gedericb hoPpital for several days. Mr. and Mrs, Greenaway of Toronto spent Several days last Week with their consine, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. ' Mrs. George re Curried None on Sunday after attending the golden wedding celebrations of her brother, lam". Lorne Wilson and Mrs;. Wilson at larucefield. Congratulations to Mrs, Alice Mogridge who celebrated her birthday on Sunday. Mr, John Web" of London visited last weekend with his father, Dr. B, C. Weir. Mr. Peter Brown cif Rivers- dale visited last week with Mr. .and Mrs. Maitland Allen, .1\fr, Brown _11Ps jnst returned from a fotir week's visit with his father in 'Kincardineshire; ,Sept- land, He also visited his twp sisters. .whlle on his trip to .his. nal4ye .ccuotry. Mr. and. Mrs, Maitland Allen spent .a couple of days last Week With Mr, and Mrs. Robert Craig and 'family At Tiagro,4. Mr. .Arthw Yowl&lut lett on Thursday by jet for a three week's holiday In England and PeintS. Of interest on the cent- inent, Mrs. J, J, Robertson was tak- en by ambulance to Clintoo Public Hospital last week. Miss Jannett Doble enrolled at the hairdressiog school at Kitchener last week. • Mrs. Robert Arthur returned to her home after several weeks a patient in Clinton Pub- tic Hospital. The annual Harvest Home services ;will be held next Sim- day, September 20th in St, Mark's Anglican Church. Rey. Wenhain of Clinton will be the guest speaker at the matins at 12 noon. ; The evening ser-, vice Will be conducted by 'the rector, Rev. Robert Meally at '8 o'clock. Mr. William Stiles will be guest soloist at both services, Mr, and Mrs. Lleyd, Raithby of Londoo visited en Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Mrs. Clifford Bastla of. Lan- Divide Peonies In Early Fall Peonies are best • planted in the fall, say horticulturists with. the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture,' Peonies will bloom SUccess- fully 'in the same location for many years. However, clumps which have become large and overcrowded ;should be divided and transplanted in late Sep- tember or early October. The planting location is extremely important; peonies Should be planted in full sup. Dig up the plants and shake off .the soil around the roots. Divide the clumps by cutting with a sharp knife, making sure that each division has three to four basal buds above the roots, Cut away 'any dam- aged or 'hollow roots. The divisions should . be cov- ered with no more than two inches of soil. However, the re- maining roots should be well underground. Planting too deeply is often th reason why rcently transplanted ponies fail to bloom, Avoid crowding peon- ies with other plants, since overcrowding is detrimental to good blooms. Ao.poeny plant needs three or four feet of growing diameter. 0 Pay Either Way New tires cost money, but the Ontario Safety League points- out if you are driving on tires so worn you are risking a blow-out, you may be facing the choice . "Your money, or your life!" Designed to irica.'ease the pro- duction and carrying capacity of beef livestock in Bruce and adjoining counties, the estab- lishment of a community pas- ture consisting of 3,400 acres is proposed in Huron and Bruce TOwnebips. Establishment of the com- munity pasture will permit farmers on relatively limited acreage to increase their beef carrying capacity and thus strengthen the rural economy. 86,000 Head Beef cattle production is a major source of income -in the County , with the beef cattle population being approximately 86,000 bead. "In order to provide a satis- factory -income it is estimated that 'the farm unit must carry 60 to 70 beef cows," said Mr. Stewart in announcing the pro- jeot. "The size of the average farm 'in Bruce County is too small to carry that number of "There has been strong rep- resentation from the Bruce County Council and the County ARDA Committee in support of the acquisition of the neces- sary land to establish the pas- ture." Best As Pasture Mr. Stewart pointed out that most of the land in the project area is unimproved pasture and idle land with only moderate to severe limitations for arable agriculture." Alternative uses for land were examined but it was found that its use as pas- ture would be the most profit- able, T h e pasture management program will initially be devel- oped by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture in co,•opera- ton. with County ARDA Com- mittee. Cost of maintenance and op- eration will be met by pasture rental revenues. Expansion of the. Napanee Conservation Authority Forest has also been recommended to Ottawa. The project. will en- able the Authority to extend its existing program of retire- ment of submarginal 'agricul- tural land, provide for its use for forestry purposes, and de- velop and conserve water re- sources in the Napanee River Little Goes Long Way When a recipe calls for garlic make certain you use the cor- rect 'amount, say food special- ists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. A clove of garlic, often used in meat or vegetable dish- es, is one of ten to 15 cloves or bulblets found in a bulb or root of garlic. A peeled whole or half clove may be added to a dish while cooking. But do not forget to remove it before serving. Rub the inside, of a wooden salad' bowl with a cut clove of garlic for additional flavor in salads, Garlic powder, in small amounts (try 1/16 teaspoon), may be used 40 replace garlic cloves, Garlic salt should be used, when just a hint of flav- or is desirable, THAT WE MAY BECOME W/SER FROM YOUR AMC CONSTRUCT/YE CR/i/CISM 1S AWAY NICEJ PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON watershed. The land acquisi- tion is based on a five year program. Expand Forest A similar program has been recommended which will pro- vide for the expansion of the Simcoe County Forest by the acquisition o f submarginal farm lands. Participation of ARDA, will result in the ach- ievement of the forest objeCtive within a period of 35 years rather than at the present rate which would require 79 years to complete under the sole aus- pice's of the County. The first phase of a water- shed development to conserve the water resources on the Moira River in the Township. of Hungerford in Hastings County has also been recom- mended. The project, which Moira River Conservation Au- will be administered by the thority, will ;provide; for ;the cost of dam construction. It is proposed to construct small dams at; the outlet of many of the lakes of the water- shed and thereby retain some of the spring run-off for sum- mer use' by farmers. ' 0 Peaches And Cream Luscious yellow peaches and ice cream combine for a per- fect dessert to please the whole family. Sun-ripened Niagara- grown peaches are plentiful now and rich ice cream,. one of Ontario's favorite dairy. pro- ducts, is readily available throughout the year. Peel and slice fresh peaches, sprinkle with sugar and let stand until a syrup forms. then spoon these. golden peaches over vanilla or peach ice cream. De- licious! Auburn and. 'District „MRS, WES ,ORONOCK,corresp.9fident4hong 52,6-769.5 a modern kitchen? an up-to-date laundry? extra living space? find the best way to plan it in the free planning guides available now at your HOME MODERNIZATION CENTRE 53 Albert St., Clinton Phone: 482-9651 IRMO HYDRO would you like I don spent the weekend with; her sister, Mrs. :Ell, Davies and Mr, Davies, NeW1YWO40. Xifenored and Mrs Carl Schmidt ;of Toronto, nee- Gail Leckhart,, newlyweds, were *moped on Saturday evening when friends. and neighbors gathered yin SS 16 East Wawanosh Township, to hence,r' them CP their recent. marriage, Mrs. jack ArrnsttOng, Mrs. Sid Lansing and Mrs, William B.M.POY Were in ciwge of the progressive euchre. Winners were: -high lady, Mrs. -Gordon IffcCiirichey; low lady., Mrs. Nelson Patterson; . high man, Harold Carter; low Mon, Nel- son Pattersen. The master of ceremonies was Jack Armstrong who cal, led the newlyweds to the plat- form. Miss Nancy Anderson read ;an address of congratukt, tions and a large wall - rrerrer was presented by William Pat- terson and a walnut electric clock and magazine rack was presented by Miss Elva Gross, Mr, Schmidt thanked everyone for their gifts and lunch -was served by the ladiets. it MITCHELL FALL FAIR TUES. and WED., SEPTEMBER 29 and 30 —$6,000.00 in Prizes — HORSE RACES — 2:22 and 2:28 Classes "The Biggest Little Fair in Ontario" 38-9b to; -high lady, MM. Argyle Lockhart; low lady, Shirley Mocowan; high gent, •Charles l3 rninsma; low gent, Jahn Mc Cowan,. Before lunell was served, Mrs, Elgin Cox read the address and Donald Harris presented Mr, and Mrs. Laidlaw with a WI- light lamp. Mr, and Mrs. Elicema were unable to be present hut a set Of snack tables were presented to the bride's parents, Mr. -and JOHN BEAN, Jr BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER 0%. BUNKFEEDER yoult. GET REITER 13ER. FORMANCE AND. LONGER WEAR. s,F0 tRvicME AiNsT3AALIDATGioE NR • Phone Collect 402-9200 03R,144FIEL-D, QNT. HORSE SHOW KITH COMMUNITY ARENA Tuesday Evening, Sept. 22 at 8 p.m. featuring Durham Girls', Trumpet Band Saddle Horse Barrel Race and Greasy Pig Scramble 18 Horse Classes including Four Horse Hitch Sponsored by the Myth Agricultural Society in conjunction with their Centennial Fall Fair 37-8b STERLIy:ORAEIRUSTS 372 Bay St., 35 Dunlop St., ,73 MIssissaga Toronto Barrio Orillia