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Clinton News-Record, 1964-09-17, Page 6
a e 6---t in ars '. s.. • L. _- N.. . .s_ _.ecord-Thur„ 49pti 17 1944 .RTMARTICLES PQ,SiE._. ARTI.0LO .I SFCRSAE� T ren U : .. >TCrldEN :GHATRS; LEARN TO PI fA ' the Guitar: ]tI;1V[4?�ELX ING, nQVAtiops, ,ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION 3 . S4P K Grau : le s now the b fin net fio r � e er di essel',. both zn goad cQnditton. p , . sson . n 5 la. le on rQo g a o? dying, . xR t FOR RENT O� SENT PE]one 482-9681, 38b I3awalial? -wid Spanish :tax's, ly dong. Alf ;odd ,jo4s around ��--- .�.1�1 ages welcome, QuMaa fax° thQ k?ane. Kitchen .cupboards. O a rime t plus 3. ROOM LTNFIJRNISHEl? O. TO S s .'le a0e wale or rent, Cone a,n and see a Sl?ee?alty, Phone, 482-7676. tm n , RfPi; T. MA E. for . a . , 2- lEl�R c OM pa n . a ai�tm nt u baits•, lel?:Qne 482= r ua �t aske 1 o Cucum Mr^ Pi?]atfer at the Iii;-l'x St9re Ken IVIcNairn, 23tfb 3 piece buil?, Eavung rpam, la., t P. e pe. 6 q _? )ask t, a .s e en d . e tet Free lau 7077, 32tfb :b.ors•. PhQn 1 482-7484, 37: 8b : on Tuesday, SOM, 22 from 4:00 - oh _ an d?n.t ndry t :. 0 h e 48 T 606. acilintes. l 201 St — .. Q l 0. Qr _Q4 2 6. ELECTRIC MC.�TC?R i et l Alp y re.., partms t 1, o? phone 4-134DROIDU 9QVSE on high BUFFET CHINA cool)?et, 7 38.9p Sales :and Service a --T�- -- - - •EAS SSTATS :BEDli�1OM catxa� e>,tuat, ed an dou�4le 'lol, .one block fr>ozn furn train st?'eet, now 9il lxS:e, NJ basement, modern kitchen, early posseSsigll. n]ortgage Cali be arfianged. $7,"a00.00 Bec Ooni josul lank, 4J0On one flaar;, x,ew oil f4 race,, full i?asen]ent• Posses- stiAn Ootol>pr. IMMEDIATE, POSSESSION, .for sale or rent,1IA storey ln- s411 brick has been rented. as upper and lower duplex, new ail furnace, aluminum. winda?vsrs apd doors, fully i??sula;ted, ecz-Fier lot. Owner .is barge movlog and would hake baGli mQx+tgage at reasonable pay - 482>9227; 33'bfla xray, all modern conveniences, o' furnace, close to s9hool. AV- ?l rn iece kitcl?en ;suite• Phone Hex- p nd 1 _ �,.4 ft r -6 pfd 'Ty. al 4.$2 7.O`i a_ e , _ . FRT;E "- :10 Turd of Hearing, DOMESTIC - COMME>tGIA xNDVSTRIAJ.,, Inex4ts. unfurnished apart^ , n?lable now, l'ha??e 482-3251. 28tfb ,. ;p m 38b fihorou h :audiometric test at 8 .ours Stare or #?? yi?ur home .any LEVETT'S EUCTRiC $7,800:00 --$-year-old, :5 roam cottage 'with? one bedrgom base. )silent,, hardwood floprs, .self- contained, private bath and int- instruments in this area. George ; 10 Z'T. BY 35'T. HOUSE time, .clay or evening, by MaiCo aud?olpg>st, All batter?es 139 JrRIl4 ST, —CLINTONt am e large men aP ... trn . n t, l ge 1pt 88n , ranee, Cxas hea>tiri . 1 Albert g 3 4 ROOEVi, unfurni=shed, :Self con- Tra.iler pis? ood coed'tion, Kell ' and accessories available, Edward S P _on.e 882-6640 h. 3t�4 178 03l hot Water heat, Pos, St., phone 452-9090, 28ptfb taiped apartment, central toe- Ample WillauglibY, 1Vlaleswiarth, tele, Pl?armacy,. 23tfb _ .... We Spec#4140 Ih t Sessio. i in 60" days, n tl? ay _ RNISHED APARTMENT k'u . M . ated, :available now, parking space. Apply 110 Tung . h ne 30 . i t 38 p, o. 0,12 L S aw'el, p A:CUUM to EUrnace Y N._•R15 :insttallQ#ion$ 2 .BEDROOM cottage on Rat. tenbury Street, electric heat :Stutable for couple, Apply 93 Huron Street. 10p-tfb tri -' hone 4$2-9477. 35tfb $ t't, p. T11TNG WOOL at A►gsi?l,'s KNE . F, Variety Store, 10% 4ff.clearsng Sales and Seryice Repairs, hoses Heating Service Jrlec#rIc WI ring full ba a t. os ectri 3 setn. n. P. S . n ii1 _. 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE, now MODERN DUPLEX Apart- men;t, unfurnished, 3 Years old, out some. Colours in. Wool at 99c, 4 oz. skeins'. 38b P and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and Recc,}�dition Appliance $ervlee days, FOR RENT avail tale, Rent reasonable. ph- a Qi]e 482-95X2, 38b 3 be , Apply Mrs, L• W. d; Tams' PP.y M I,ari:g, 229 Jaynes Street, Olin- - --r.- NATURAL GAS STOVE; 12 cu. Polishers, d mach: MPS of all make° for sale. P umb n ins al anon bin # 1 $ EaveStrou Ling. o —We :hays twc new houses for rent, both three be tan,. 38tfb ft. frig.: sectional chesterfield; BOO PECK, Varna r Poss ssion no doom 4 w ane TWO BEDROOM apartment, -. _.. car radio; seat .covers, leather- Phon$ Oe"Sall 352w2 CLOT iZ :Plumbing, { , E September 15, unfurnished, centrally located, Private parking, ample stor- MODERN R HOME for re, 't an Clinton.PossessionfOctab r X. ette, fits 1962-64 Ford. Phone 482-7667, 38b 29 to 39P tib )°`Isatin Electriq g! e K1H K. W. COLA' �. OD � age closets $65 monthly heated, Phone .48247661, 33tfb 3 bedroom. 384 Matilda Street, 1 5 Seaf�Ith, Rev, H'• APPLES-,-MaINTOSR, .SPYS, DRAPERY PULL RODS .- Track , curta.in rods, venetian . SALES & SERVICE ! phone Kendrick, 37P=tib Wealthy, coakin apples, R, d, 8 � bamboo drepeties, wit;- 45 KING STREET, CLINTON XW41 Estate & Insurance - 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Sen-iple, phone 482-7456, dow blinds. Free .estimates PHONE 482=7f52 Office Phone 482-9147 Private bathroom, central loco- 3. ROOM - paatment. furnitshetl, 38,g_Op given, Irwin's Dry Gopds. lies. Plimie 482-7804 tion, 46 Princess Street West.: Phone 482=9005. 36p�tfb suitable for couple,. available 1963 GENERAL Mobile Home 23tfb EMPLOYMENT M LOYMENT .. ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE imn]ediately. calf :Oter. 5 p.n - B. Gladdon, phone 432-9504. 4$x10, phone C,oderich .524; 7440 or Blyth ,523-9494. I"Id.ye An Extra Ivey WANTED SALESMAN WANTEE _,unfuiniished apartment. .Phone 37tfb 36-7.8.9b For Your Car , House 482-9928, Roy Tyndall. 17tfb We Specialize In BABYSITTING by the day or SECL)ND INCOME for max 2 13EDROOM APARTMENT, APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms , central location, .fur- SP Y LE RA ED APP S I{adel- and caolcing a ple5, Free del- CUTTING KEYS week, References supplied. In over 40 h as w 3 to 5 hots . o h i^' day. Up to $600 in a month ground flopr, unfurnished, cent- nislied, frig, axil stove, strfiJtatale p ivory an Clinton and RCAF Changing Combinations town. Phone 4827329. 34.38b B. L, Dickerson, S 48 rally located. Phone 482-9390, for .couple.. Apply H'n houses. Phone 482-3214. T!iecl Keying Looks Alike MR'S. D. WARREN, A.L.C.M., or Worth etum, 534 N. Main, Fart. Worth 38t?fb Men's Wear, 4829351. 22M McClymont-- and. Sons, va=ta, B A L �, -and M UT C IH - teaal�er of Piano and Theory, Tsxas. 381 2 BEDROOM TRAILER for rent, furry�,shed', • reasonable, 2 BEDROOM, ,heated apart- meat, ground floor. Apply Mrs. 37-8-9b Crest Hardware Phone 4829559. 37.9b TRANSPORTATION HOUSE WRECKAGE —Wind - Phone 482-3323, North End 38�Ufb Florence Elliott, 105 Ratters- ows and storms, doors woad Phone 482-950$ HELP 1A/�4NTEb WANTED Store. bury E, -Phone 482-9332, In f==ace, pipes, registers, 'hot 49tfp _ APARTMENTS — furnished, ,St. mornings phone 482-9642. 37•tfb water heater, Phone 482-6685, Ceriel VanDamme. 37-8b AGAIN THIS YEAR—Outside MALE Olt, FEMALE HELP to g• + IDE WANTED to and Fran unfurnished, hooted. Phone -_ -- white paint only $2,99 per gal- harvest cruors and potatoes, Go'detrch, Monday to Friday 482-6685, Ceriel VanDamme, SMALL FURNISHIJD ,apart- C CAREFREE TREATING — For ion. Telephone orders ecce t- p p also gC!adin and packing. Ap- g P Must be in Goderich•. 8 'a.m. 37bfb ment, ground floor, heated. L. the only fuel oil insured against ed. T• A, Dutton Appliances, Ply to T , H. Spudarut, phone leave 5;15 p .m. Phone 482-386; TRAILERS FOR RENT, one G. Winter Real Estate, 200 explosion, we give free burner Brucefieid, 482-3232. 19tfb 268, Zurich, 37-$b 381 large and small, .fully furnish- A Apply Becker's Trailer High Street, phone 482-6692. 24tfb service. - 1 GI{TGG & 43tfb Phone 482 9411. 23tfb43tfb 2a 0 n f / MMALE AND MALE HELP wanted, Pleasant 'working con- • Notice To Creditors Court, Clinton. 38p Co ,, PiCTURE O Ufl ditxon, 5 -day work week, all All persons having claim FURNISHED AND HEATED fringe benefits, two week's an- against the. Estates of Georgi2. BEDROOM TRAILER for 3 room apartment wft private FRAMING All Pre -Mixed Colours of nu'al vacation, paid statutory Hopson, Farmer, late of thi rent, furnished; reasonable, bathroom and washing f^acllilt- holidays, pension plan, etc. Village of Bayfield, in thi Apply Noa�th End. Store,-phoa]e 482-3323. 37't6b les, available now. Phone 482- AT C-l'L PAINTS Apply' Hi'ghl'and Shoes, Sea- fora], 38-9b County of Huron, who died iii the 26th day Aug . 3329 at noon or after five. or about of apartment,. heat- 34tfb Beattie Furniture ust; 1964, we required to, fits ed, avaOOM ed, available now, .large size rooms. Phone 482-6663 or 482» FOUR BEDROOM unfxrnished, 37-8b --,- FASHION GLOSS HELP WANTED the sanne Wi:tti. full parta4'uluv; walth• the undersii ned b g y ,a' 9568 after 5:30 p.m. 23tfb red -brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern convenience's MAGIC MARKERS—Black and Red only. "The better kind". * SA•TiN FEMALE 3rd day of October, xset • o alter that dalte the assets o NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, .$75 monthly, on Hwy .No. 8; Only $1.13 (tax included). At * SEMI -GLOSS the estate will be distributed 3 bedrooms, available at once, between Seaforth and Clinton. Clinton News -Record. 34tfb �' SUPER GLOSS DRUG CLERK --Full or part 1ATED at Goderich, Ontario in Clinton. John Bosveld Box '36tfb Phone 482-9647. 25tfb time, Apply in person oro at th s 4th. day of September 1964 353, Mpaford, . 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, fur- T I M E X SUTTERwPERDUE Newcombe's Rexall Drug Stare. 38b HAYS; PREST & HAYS, B=Tlsters & Solicitors, ONE BEDROOM apartment nished, available now,.., -located *LATCHES ... Sold and CLINTOIy 33 Montreal Street, furnished, 3 -piece -bath Priv- ate entrance; close to schools. 130 King Street. Phone Seaford] 219••R. 35tfb Serviced at A N S T E T T Phone 482-7023 38b STEINOGRAPHER, TYPING, shorthand,sgood hours; to work Gaderich, Ontario. 37-8-9b Phone 482-3837 34+tfb UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, un- Nruished; 2 bedrooms, living JEWELLER$ LTD. in a Clinton business office. Write to Box 389, Clinton News • Notice To Creditors ONE BEDROOM uptown apart- ment, furnished, kitchen, bath, room, bathroom and kitchen Phone 482.9525 11tfb AUTOS FOR SALE Rid' 38b Others $35 per month. Phone 482-6694. 18tfb $55.00 per month, Apartment heated, water supplied. Avail- STEREO Caraninatfon Radio, AMBITIOUS WOMAN: Doyou want lots ,of money? Fasci:nat- .And .. .l[n the Estate of WILLiAN HARVEY MIDDLE, 1.964 Deluxe VOLKSWAGEN, able now. Located 162 'Victoria record player and TV; witii]ge- tYPe washer; automatic West- low mileage. Phone after 4 mg job'? Wish to work full or de• ceased, ' 3 BEDROO1Vl HOUSE, gas fur- Street. Phone 482-7212 even- ingho�use washer; small frig,; p.m. 482-9407, 38. P part time? Managerial ability? All E Persons having claim. nace, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 3 -piece' bath, ings. 23p-fb - apt. size electric stove; rang- 1959 BUICK SEDAN, un good If you do, phone 482-3230 after 6 p.m. 38-9-40-1-1p a atisrs tl] g t e estate a Wflliaie Harvey 2VJ:iddletan; late of the sun porch, garage, one block from matin street. Available DESIRABLE 2 B E D R O.O M ground :Floor apartment in ette; baby crib; play pen; lea- ther type hide -a -bed; .2 bed- condition;. auto - transmission, tinted glass, radio; ichrnme Towriship of Goderiicli, in the __ _ _ now or October 1. Phone 482- business ,section. Large mains, Unfurnished, but room suites; :single bed; 4 kit- then 'suites; small chest,• chest- wheel discs. Phone Seafosth 769• HELP WAMTED MALE County of Huron, Farmer, De - ceased, who died on. or about 9649. 38P 4 BEDROOM BRICK FARM gasraAgesup- P lied, Available naw• . Apply 84 Albert St, or phone 482-9695, erfield• 3''liostess chairs; single b continental bed. Apply Bec]cer's 38 P - BREAD SALESMAN for estab- lisped the 24th. day of Apxal, 1964, are hereby notified to send in tc 1955 FORD SEDAN automat- house, unfurnished, Londesbaro '8tfb Trailer Court Clinton. 38 , P le, 292 orator, , good condition, A buy route. Must be neat and reliable. Apply in person to the undersigned Executors ai the said deceased on tw before area. Hot and cold water' on pressure: 2 barns with 4 or 5 B AY F I E L D SINGf;R OF C/i,Ni�®A real on this one, Phone Scrutonts Firestone, 238 Albert t Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 38b the 22nd day of October, x964; acres. Possession November 1. Reasonable rent. Write Box APARTMENTS � .CK9. Sales and Service St., Clinton, 482-7681. 38b � MAN REQUIRED for General duties and �as a helper Sri oak- full particulars of their clairris: Immediately after the said date 381, Clinton News -Record. 38-9-0-1.,TELEVISIONS P and COTTAGES + VOLKSWAGEN - - completely P y overhauled, new motor, in .good cry. APP1Y in person to Bart- llffs Bak e� Ltd., Clinton]. the' said Executors will said the ,assets of the sand de - Furnished or unfurnished to. SEWING MACHINES ail -round -condition; good buy 38b ceased -having ceased ha]ririg regard only to o NEW Heated. Modern facilities. in 0 VACUUM CLEANERS and HOME APPLIANCES for qui:cksale, Apply atShorty's B/A 'Station, Victoria Street,have Cl'ii?,'ton• 3$p claims of -which they shall therm notice. ° DATED this 15th day of Sep - �/I�� T �j APA E N Water included rent. Ideal for commuters. 10 miles from RCAF Clinton. S eclat Clearance on All Used p and Repossessed Machines P i. f YOUTH tember; 1964, ROBERT HAR- OLD M:DDLETON and ERN - EST .MIDDLETON LEE Ex - Auto, mat FORD 4 -Door, tip matfc radio back u lights, 9 ! Station From $39.95 up this is a local one ownergcar, ecutors, °/n Ernest M. Lee, Q.C„ Immediate possession, Also Represented by ; in excellent condition. Phone 482`9363 required now for 12 Richmond Street East, To - Ground Floor 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE Ron Sutton 31tfb Steady work in Fanta 1, Ontatilio. 38 -9 -Ob �--- Electrically Heated Phone Bayfield 803 or STRATF ORD 271-664.. Phone 4$2-9703, Clinton 38tfb 1958 MERCURY, automatic, power steering, power brakes, modern plant AUCTION SALE Fully Equipped Kitchen or 271-2308 after 6p.m. in goad condition, priced. for Apply in person to Of Household Effects from the 2 Idrge bedrooms 36-7-8-9p TRAILERS FOR SALE, new and used; two 13' holiday trail- quick salve. . Craig's Welding and Repairs, RR 3, Clinton, Mechanical Rubber Division home of MINS. FRED OSTER, - ors, one used holiday •trailer, phone 482-9979, .37-8p Federal -Mosul -Bower at the corner of Mill and Dins- ley Streets, BLYTH, on Available ACCOMMODATION 'WANTED one 311x8', ,Apply Becket s Trailer Count, Clinton, 38p 1957 PLYMOUTH 4 -Door- Se- (Canada) Limit' f m 1 t@ CI SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 nt 1.30 m., the following - Immediately WANTED - SWEET CORN for freezing. dal], 6 cyl'ind'er, stick shift, 4 new tires, good body, radio, 80 Arthur St. Mitchell Ont. p Love seat; 3 Victorian cli'aks 4 -BEDROOM HOUSE WANT- ed immediately; in Clinton vic- ww- price on potatoes 'while � y last, Brie your,own Can- g Y Run casks swell' $325 or closest offer, R. J. Carter, Fern- 36-7-8b ■ {walnut); cabinet radio; foot stool; a 9x12; Gone With The a;grandfather's Apply 202. ,Rattenbury St., hi:ity, pre-school age children. phone tainer. Murray Tyndall, Bruce- y field, phone Clinton 482-7182. hurtst Glen, or call. 524-6457, 36 'tfb — MISCELLANEOUS lamp; mahogany what -- andfather s clock (ms - Clinton. 482-7607. 36tfb 38b - — .sion style, antique); grand - 38tfb WANTED TO RENT: 3 Berl- room house to went, with base- --- FRIGIDAIRE Clothes D Flee; 1964• HONDA Motorcycle, black and chrome, 90 c.c., signal MacDONALD �` mother's clock (antique) • up- holstered err chair; pictures CLASSWIM ADS ment, in good condition. Handy to centre of Lawn: Apply,MuT- girl's CCM bicycle; coffee table; 2 sleighs; toboggan; lee lights, mirrors, baggage racks. Only three months old. Most ELECTRIC and. picture frarchaits; hat rack; hall tack; oak sideboard, china hall to BRMG QUICK = RESULTS ray Smith, 72 'Victoria Street, Clinton. 88p skate's, men's size 10, and small girl's size 7,small boy's size S; economical way of •travel and fun. Phone 482-3230 evenings. Motor Repairs and Rewinding p Nouse Wiring and 6 dining chairs; gate-leg table; ,2 desks: wAval Volkswagen seat covers. Phone 38P -Service Calls desk chair; sewin cabinet; 482-9371. 38b 4$2"7702 dresser; 3 wash stands; med- 1957 METEOR RIDEAU 500; i ' e cabinet; swSn mirror and CRISP JUICY M-OINTOSH automatic, power steering, pow other u mirrors; single bed (an- t<. '•' ,1 Apples, real n6ble. Bring own containers. Follow Highway 8 er brake's, 2-�tobe, tadia, speak-. LET CFS REPAIR AND MAKE iq e), chest oi; drawers; day bed inner - er :in back, needs some body your rings and Jewellery like and spring mattress ,:..:• .::.:. � to IolMeville turn m stere, ' repaar, mechanically sound•. new; Diamond rings renewed ' 2 bookshelves; books, old and )ting s • ' ev827 y ch chair; leather / Farm RR�2 Goderich. 8tfb ; ccAs'h Phone 9 seeattakes nces. Expert done P rocking chair;- 3 kitchen chairs; SIX PIECE' MODERN OAS PMQ, 4 . Winnipeg Rd., RCAF Station Clinton. 38 p reasonably to your $atisfact%)n. Watch repairs and re Jam c ipboard: utility table; Dining Q c ntab chairs and e na - stringing. W, N. Counter.. anddshelf) (antique); other, knWall t Bread, dolts, Sweet Goods, lin china -buffet cad A -BOARD AND ROOI�h 20tfb chert and mantelnclocks 2 foam rubber' piDowt(new) ; scatter Pie's, Cakcsi ply Kenneth Trefwartha, RR 2 phone 482-9293 aE� rp NANO TUNING and ahtiq e- 2 fruit co np ACCOMMODATION for male Cookies. 5 Oton, - roomers, Phone 482-9376, covered soup tureen w tliat- SVECIA.LS FOR r1ntm- WEED' 37--M, YOUR PIANO should be tuned chug Plaster; cacvlving, utensils; of dry soft Wdple and (9M' piles - �+► �+► 00 do ,Ord l6ts at $2.50 .)ser' l�hbrie 557: t + h' 304tfi� 2 BEDROOM MODERN Home v►�lfl�ofr. �rb1�1tD1Y111�� belt' l ttatiti -o of s1'aunh Slwimir l 'Ji<AI�Tkr d roti sale. Waite to Bax 355, Feet Box 33 Seafort l s tr4iiot t N ws Recdi'd 38,9 Auctioh Sales a e g in n LEAiVEb � p . M 1" laird 2" Aryl CRAIG Saw- Moaeth equipment, used: All : 1mill, Auburn hone 526,7220, work guaranteed. Write. or FARM i'OR SALE-�-99% acres (' IV t t ft It . _ r � � �E1iE�X FR��A11(' 38-0-ob thione r hnio Vlhk +. Kitt. o.- viimld lot 39, eoi]cesssilgn Z Ea6t Wa- L�Ir>l�l�ed oak ,try rind ktertouraint 481*1121 CLINTON MISSES Lll`tCxTli;Ilarriin.at- cd W-14 rxi9 iretoey J7acket, light brawl], MtLv' 16 Full length, muted grey, plaid, wool aid mil- hair boat, side 1.6, Bath new, ilii okdelier6t 6n�,i,tioti. p'1]otie 1� y 7040 p r is a Job for{ room 'sto• R" drd tl 'irdpeuty. Apply' t6 lalystli, at•3 P10m 0ovewnment rnepeddd SCalbss Cattlb Sold by Weight 'T9RIVII�: CASH M' CC A10- Y, Sal'e5 M'anage'r ATTENTION PABMEHS! FOR SALT GENESE SEED WHEAT, .Phu one Allen Kettles, Clinton., .482- 0203, 4,82 9203, 36.7.8p 500 RED X SUSSEX Pullets, starting to lay, Apply Gordon Wren; 1 ippon, phone .,Jensall 329J3. 3,8p INTOR1VA.TIONAL, Self«Pr'o pelted Combine No. 91, Excel- len�t condition, Priced reason- able. Used. 2 years. Phone iVlitehell, Ont„ 34$-9188. 38b PIONEER CHAIN' SAWS, . 5 n]aclels, $155 and up. Oregon saw, Ctta?ns chain oil $1,40 per gallon. bc;;iplete parts for Pioneer saws, Call Robert Glen 482-9$09. 37.44p HURON COUNTY'S .LEADING f o . . ver arm equipment me t O u de q P nt .P 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, molts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stook at all times, John Bach, I -H, Dealer, Phone 1.7, $eaforth. 3 GeneseeTalbot & FALL WHEAT R. N Alexander LONDESBORO 37-8b GOOD USED Pioneer Saws, model RA 24" cut, model 700 24" cut. Meed A-1 con - Mon, reasonably priced. Rob- ert Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clin- tn, 482-9909. 37-8p For All Your Fall Work Machinery Requirements See Us For The Complete Line of: © Minneapolis -Moline - Tractors 4 New Cushion Trip Bottom M.M. Plows, etc, 4 Ecc'namica( •Renault Tractor Line 0 Full Vision Combine Cabs Q Continuous Flow M -C Grain Dryers ® Tires at Real Savings, etc, UAUC�I BROW Farm Machinery 1 Mile East of Brucefield 32tfb SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS --- Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb . �QR � ALE e�#.s Have Prov. _n. That Fall A . li : ti n pp ca ct Of Fertilizer Pa,y4 Dividends For Substontial Sa in, S v g. On Your Fertilizer Requirements equ . ement Contact Your Elmira Brand Fertilizer _ _Dealer _ Or Robert Taylor Sales Representative for Read Fertifizers .Ltd.. 38b LIVESTOCK FQk SALE 125 RED X .SUSSEX Pullets, ready to lay. Phone 4827539. 38b 19 PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD. Tony Vanden Dool, RR 4 Clinton, pbone 482-9840. 3Sp 4 FIRST CLASS HOLSTiDlIg heifers, bred holstein, due end of September. Tony Van Don - gen, RR 3 Clinton,, 3 miles'west of Clinton on �B'ayiield Road. 38p RED SHORTHORN BULL, 20 month's old, registered. Law, rence Falconer. Hwy, 4, four miles south of Clinton, phone 482-7457. 37-8p. HOLSTEIN springing heifers and cows. Cash, monthly pay. ments or half milk cheque. Con- tact Wilf Buck, c/„ Math De Yong Farm, Cargill, directly across from Sales Barn. 36-7-8-9p w WANTED WINTER FEEDING for num- ber of yearling steers, W. J. Miller, Clinton. 38b One Man -s Herd of DAIRY COWS 18 Holstein Cows 2 Jersey Cows Registered Hereford Bull 10 Young Calves 2 -)Unit Rite -Way Milker Viking Cream Separator 8 -lb, capacity Corey's Sales Barns Bayfield Rd., Clinton Friday, Sept. 25 at 8:00 P.M. Anyone wanting to inspect this herd, or .milking machine, . may do so at the farm. of Mr. Don Buchanan, RR 1, Londes- boro. No reserve, this farmer is going out of dairy business. ,ONOR Cozy Comfortable SWEATERS PULLOVER and CARDIGAN STYLES In a variety of patterns and shades $5.95 yup JACKETS „?:_• ,;,<..<....,..;� fall is just around the corner. <;. `int:•;, • 'i,<r Be ready, buy yours now. . ry }p from- 9.95 u FALL SNIT TIME'', Stop out in styie for' Fall in one of our fine all woof Suit§ r� ru139,96 s t �n and shades. News t s yl 9 _ - _ eft Cay bell int d Maht Cornet � CLINTON 481-9732 `,Fent Heaters, Reg, 27 95•-= •now Cats, Reg 16,95— - SLE>aPING ACCOMMODA '' and checked for troth damage and balite defeats regularly. I numerous other articles, Terms; 'Cast, Now' 2,75;s Now 12,75; cycles, l;,alei�gh, end of • stock, $39,95. EPPS tion with some kitchen facil< itie�s. Ceii;t're,1 location. 'Photic appreciate the ^ontiany Priv- liege of Servicing' friary of the Mrs. treed Oster, Proprietress Ettwiird W. Elliott, Auctioneer Sporting, taood5, �Clitttdn, 38b 482=9005, 46 Princess Street, instruments in this area. George 37='8b Vriesit. 34p tfb ....d.... W, Cox, photic 482-3870 A ]'�EAYJTfT't1i. SI NGER'Auto; !r ......:.. - _ .:. CUSTOM WORK .. matie Zig zing sowing ni'achine, •i ;/b' regular $229.00, re -possessed, _.. - PST STOCK "TITS plXt'E" Beauty Salon, New phone number 482-7792: balance $57.00 or. =$5.00 'ser month,. model 206k.. Button; LAMA'DOII Retriever pups, holes, brand heMs, sews, oh but- ou,; Perms; tinting, half cutting A registered, black and yellows, a6J,old payment.e J ted '� V ute ,Bdx 385, Clinton 1Venys- 48tfb REl'AIRI L " g rE'pcin,tin champion stock. Apply Jack Elder, 83 North Street South, phone 482.767J. 38-9b k 4 lecofd. 38-9p work, plasters REAL ESTATE We also tivlintetxYat basements, Rd and Squire a:sabell St- $LAB WOOD SALE. Quantity of dry soft Wdple and (9M' piles - �+► �+► 00 do ,Ord l6ts at $2.50 .)ser' l�hbrie 557: t + h' 304tfi� 2 BEDROOM MODERN Home v►�lfl�ofr. �rb1�1tD1Y111�� belt' l ttatiti -o of s1'aunh Slwimir l 'Ji<AI�Tkr d roti sale. Waite to Bax 355, Feet Box 33 Seafort l s tr4iiot t N ws Recdi'd 38,9 Auctioh Sales a e g in n LEAiVEb � p . M 1" laird 2" Aryl CRAIG Saw- Moaeth equipment, used: All : 1mill, Auburn hone 526,7220, work guaranteed. Write. or FARM i'OR SALE-�-99% acres (' IV t t ft It . _ r � � �E1iE�X FR��A11(' 38-0-ob thione r hnio Vlhk +. Kitt. o.- viimld lot 39, eoi]cesssilgn Z Ea6t Wa- L�Ir>l�l�ed oak ,try rind ktertouraint 481*1121 CLINTON MISSES Lll`tCxTli;Ilarriin.at- cd W-14 rxi9 iretoey J7acket, light brawl], MtLv' 16 Full length, muted grey, plaid, wool aid mil- hair boat, side 1.6, Bath new, ilii okdelier6t 6n�,i,tioti. p'1]otie 1� y 7040 p r is a Job for{ room 'sto• R" drd tl 'irdpeuty. Apply' t6 lalystli, at•3 P10m 0ovewnment rnepeddd SCalbss Cattlb Sold by Weight 'T9RIVII�: CASH M' CC A10- Y, Sal'e5 M'anage'r ATTENTION PABMEHS! FOR SALT GENESE SEED WHEAT, .Phu one Allen Kettles, Clinton., .482- 0203, 4,82 9203, 36.7.8p 500 RED X SUSSEX Pullets, starting to lay, Apply Gordon Wren; 1 ippon, phone .,Jensall 329J3. 3,8p INTOR1VA.TIONAL, Self«Pr'o pelted Combine No. 91, Excel- len�t condition, Priced reason- able. Used. 2 years. Phone iVlitehell, Ont„ 34$-9188. 38b PIONEER CHAIN' SAWS, . 5 n]aclels, $155 and up. Oregon saw, Ctta?ns chain oil $1,40 per gallon. bc;;iplete parts for Pioneer saws, Call Robert Glen 482-9$09. 37.44p HURON COUNTY'S .LEADING f o . . ver arm equipment me t O u de q P nt .P 1,000 belts and hundreds of pul- leys, bearings, molts, spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stook at all times, John Bach, I -H, Dealer, Phone 1.7, $eaforth. 3 GeneseeTalbot & FALL WHEAT R. N Alexander LONDESBORO 37-8b GOOD USED Pioneer Saws, model RA 24" cut, model 700 24" cut. Meed A-1 con - Mon, reasonably priced. Rob- ert Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clin- tn, 482-9909. 37-8p For All Your Fall Work Machinery Requirements See Us For The Complete Line of: © Minneapolis -Moline - Tractors 4 New Cushion Trip Bottom M.M. Plows, etc, 4 Ecc'namica( •Renault Tractor Line 0 Full Vision Combine Cabs Q Continuous Flow M -C Grain Dryers ® Tires at Real Savings, etc, UAUC�I BROW Farm Machinery 1 Mile East of Brucefield 32tfb SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS --- Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb . �QR � ALE e�#.s Have Prov. _n. That Fall A . li : ti n pp ca ct Of Fertilizer Pa,y4 Dividends For Substontial Sa in, S v g. On Your Fertilizer Requirements equ . ement Contact Your Elmira Brand Fertilizer _ _Dealer _ Or Robert Taylor Sales Representative for Read Fertifizers .Ltd.. 38b LIVESTOCK FQk SALE 125 RED X .SUSSEX Pullets, ready to lay. Phone 4827539. 38b 19 PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD. Tony Vanden Dool, RR 4 Clinton, pbone 482-9840. 3Sp 4 FIRST CLASS HOLSTiDlIg heifers, bred holstein, due end of September. Tony Van Don - gen, RR 3 Clinton,, 3 miles'west of Clinton on �B'ayiield Road. 38p RED SHORTHORN BULL, 20 month's old, registered. Law, rence Falconer. Hwy, 4, four miles south of Clinton, phone 482-7457. 37-8p. HOLSTEIN springing heifers and cows. Cash, monthly pay. ments or half milk cheque. Con- tact Wilf Buck, c/„ Math De Yong Farm, Cargill, directly across from Sales Barn. 36-7-8-9p w WANTED WINTER FEEDING for num- ber of yearling steers, W. J. Miller, Clinton. 38b One Man -s Herd of DAIRY COWS 18 Holstein Cows 2 Jersey Cows Registered Hereford Bull 10 Young Calves 2 -)Unit Rite -Way Milker Viking Cream Separator 8 -lb, capacity Corey's Sales Barns Bayfield Rd., Clinton Friday, Sept. 25 at 8:00 P.M. Anyone wanting to inspect this herd, or .milking machine, . may do so at the farm. of Mr. Don Buchanan, RR 1, Londes- boro. No reserve, this farmer is going out of dairy business. ,ONOR Cozy Comfortable SWEATERS PULLOVER and CARDIGAN STYLES In a variety of patterns and shades $5.95 yup JACKETS „?:_• ,;,<..<....,..;� fall is just around the corner. <;. `int:•;, • 'i,<r Be ready, buy yours now. . ry }p from- 9.95 u FALL SNIT TIME'', Stop out in styie for' Fall in one of our fine all woof Suit§ r� ru139,96 s t �n and shades. News t s yl 9 _ - _ eft Cay bell int d Maht Cornet � CLINTON 481-9732