HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-17, Page 3 ti PARK RiLtieusAptc:(9)70Rpl.CmH Now Playing — Six Days — Sept. 17 to Sept. 23 (Adult Entertainment) SHIRLEY MacLAINE with Robert Mitchum, Gene Kelly, Paul Newman, Robt. Cummings, Dean Martin and Dick Van Dyke Canada's contribution to screen merriment in her newest and best comedy hit "WHAT A WAY TO GO" in Color Saturday Matinee Only—Sept: 19 Elvis Presley in "FLAMING STAR" " THURS., FRI., SAT. — September 24-25-26 Sandra Scott, John Drainie and Emile Genest A Siamese cat, a Labrador retriever and an old bull terrier traverse the Canadian wilderness in • "THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" in Color Coming—"PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND" with Julie Adams AT THE Thiftlq :Sopt 174, 1904,4;409n .NgwA-Rpcor0,-,P-oso. .ost'.0ffice'.Pkques: 31PIZG4N:f Walter on day, September 4, 1964, in Hamilton, while vecaltinuing here from London, England, as a result of a heart 44ada Re '(;)011TUARY Nis4 Irene of Clinton, died PA. .$11440:, *V tember .0th After a lengIby na$a. at the HarOlialear• HOMO, in .Clinton, was horn M. 13taleefielal on September 8, 18.$0. to. William Thomas and .Margaret Elizabeth: Kiss O'Neil had been 4 school teacher for 4r years,, teaching in Auburn, Maverton, Toronto and Clinton, She .was A •merna bet, of Wesley,Wahs -United Church,. The funeral service was on Wednesday, September QUI at 2 p.m, an the Seattle Funeral 'lime, The Rev, Roulston, formerly of Clinton and now at Exeter took the aervice. The interment was in Pallabearers for Miss O'Neil were E. Meld% W, M. Nediger, Idarry Plomsteel, Harold Law- son, ,Charles Nelson and Brace .Bartliff, all of Clinton. tligbwgy Shawff -S4rt At PkkiK Children under 1.4 'irk POI' BRAE NOW,,rTJ-11)11.,,. FFii., ,SAT. 4eptemi4er 17,P.10, chuck Connors and • -Kathleen .McGuire -P'''" ,lock Mahoney anci Sin,i Jai "Tarzan Goes To India". cOler 4 oven o '.. 1 a n ',.. eg o The Cenotaph plaques on the Post Office were given over to the custody Of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 140 by Clinton Town. Council Thursday night, is atlaYlYeal 1 y his wife Nelne1 hzs niece,. Mrs i ry (Jean) Mson, London, ().rkt., and his nephew. ROOK. Morgan, of vary ,,street, Clinton, SUNSET DRIVEdN ialthealgli it was not aletela ganiaation had approached the Ontario Department of High- ways with a view to buying the point of land immediately north of -the existing PoSt Of- fice building, The Legion member said the Prorninent location would be an excellent site for a memorial, Ice said such a project bad not been considered ba'the ',ROM GRAB BAG mined Who actually owned the Placalea it Was agfeed, by coin-' ail the Legion should have• 41latldY of them and a PlatiOn to that effect 'moved by Don $WaQns And SpOndoa by 11\icaa man Livermore' was 1,1-11441' monsly endorsed, The matter arose when Leg- ion ..committeeman H e c t or Kingswell asked council's per*, mission for the Legion to re,, move 'the plaques after Nov, ii this year, Seek Memcirial Site Mr. Kingswell said the Leg- ion was afraid the Post Office might be sold to the Crown Asset .Disposal Corporation and the plaques would become sal- vage, Asked what ithe Legion plan- ned -to do with the plaques, "Mr, Ialagswell told council the or- OBITUARY The bride is the daughter of" Mr. and Mrs. Carman &arrow, of Clinton. The groom is the •son of Mr, and Mrs. L. McPhail of Port Credit. The double-ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Grant L. Mills in the church decorat- ed with pink and white glad- CLASSIFIED. ADS RUING QUICK RESULTS Visit your nearest I.D.A. Drug Store this week for more Savings to you; There are still over 200 items to choose from. Here's Big Savings. as a centennial prodect "be- cause we had sort of thought the town was thinking in'terns of an arena or community centre as a Centennial project." Legion Should Lead Mr. Iaingswell said if no plans Were being made to make use of a Centennial grant from the senior governments, "we'd be happy to apply for the mon- ey and 'build a memorial." He said the Legion hoped to be able to get the point of land and build a suitable memorial to be surrounded by shrubs, "The Legion feels, however, that it should only spearhead a memorial project," Mr, Kings- well said. "We feel the pro- ject should be done by council and interested citizens should have the apwportunity to con- tribute if they wiah." Call Meeting Council agreed it should plan such a projeet which could be spearheaded by the Legion and supported by, the people of Clinton. Mayor Miller said a public meeting would be called in the near future to determine whe- ther a Centennial grant would b used for a new building or whether the money could be applied for a war memorial. EDWARDS PHARMACY COWAN, George W., of Lon- deaboro, died in London on Thursday, September 1.0, 1964, an his 67th year, Mr. Cowan leaves his wife, the loaner Ella Julia Grainger. The -tnheral service waa held at Ball and Mateb, Funeral, Home in Clinton on Saturday, September 12th at 1.30 p.m. Interment was in the Hope Chapel Cemetery in 'Hallett Township, A Legion service under the auspices of Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch 140 was held at the Ball and 'Match Funeral Home on Fridaya -September 11 at 9.30 p.m. • o Over the past ,ten years the total of personal income taxes collected by Ottawa has in- creased from $534 -Million to $2,271 million. Chase a turquoise-,blue brocade dress, She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a brown and gold dress figured with green, with green acres, sories, For a wedding trip to Micha gan the bride changed to a peacock-blue three-piece double- knit suit with black accessor- ies.. She wore a corsage of pink carnations, The bride is a graduate of Stratford Teacher's College and the groom is employed by the Royal Bank in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Sproule will reside at 1453 Marentette Av- enue in Windsor. Friends, attending the wed- ding came from Windsor, Oak- ville, Kitchener And Toronto. Prior to the marriage, the bride was honoured at showers given ..at the home of Miss Janet Tyndall of Clinton, at which her hostesses were. Miss Tyndall and Mrs. Doug Cart- wright, She was also enter- tained at a shower at the home of Mrs. L. McPhail of Port Credit. Her hostesses were Mrs. Don Thomas and Mrs. Bab Oraim. 011.1.1M01111111.111•111•101W Alan W. Edwards — Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions — Animal Health Supplies •ial 482-6626 — Clinton, Ontario .1 "Let One Call Do It Air Let Clinton Laundry Help You Live A Clean Life! BY OFFERING YOU ALL THESE SERVICES: (1) Professional -Dry-Cleaning and Pressing (2) Clean-Only Dry-Cleaning (25c Per Pound-10 Lbs. for $2.00) At Our Plant-166 Beech Street: Our Dry-Cleaning Dept. is managed by Ray Caron, a graduate of the National Institute of Dry-Cleaning, Silver Springs, Maryland, U.S.A. We employ the most modern methods available in the industry. —Let us advise you regarding special garments that require special profes- sional attention. —Let experts classify your garments for you and advise you which garments can be done the "clean-only" method and which require professional treat- ment. (3) Complete Laundry Service FINISH WASH -- THRIFTY WASH (14c Per Lb,) DRY WASH (11c Per Lb.) Shirts, Sheets, Linens, Etc., Etc. (4) Garment and Shirt Rental This Service includes Dress Shirts, Work uniforms, Coveralls, Etc. (5) Coin-Operated Laundry These facilities and our Cash and Carry Office ore, in the, main business section at 63 ALBERT STREET. (6) Fur Storage 'Vault We give complete insurance coverage. (7) Minor Repairs & Alterations On All Garments. (8) Pick-Up and Delivery Daily (9) Same Day Service When requested, 01)r-Oecklihig & Laundry hi at 0 a.rh. can be picked up at 5 p.m. (10) Three-Ho-ur Service EAT OUT AT TRUCKERS' HAVEN East of Clinton Open 8 a.m. to 12 Midnight 38-9p lohis. The organist was Miss Lois Grasby of Clinton and the soloist was Mrs. Carl Douglas of Wnoxeter. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor- length white gown of sheer or- ganza over bridal 'taffeta and etrantilly, lace. The gown was fashioned with a chantilly lace jacket, lily-point sleeves and a square, neckline enhanced with pearls and sequins. A control- led skirt of chantilly lace ap- pliques and pearls swept to. a chapel train. A three-tiered French -illusion veil was held in place by a crown of lace and pearls. The bride carried pink carnations on top of a white Bible. Miss Irene Garrow of Clin- ton was maid of honour. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Calvin Garrow of Stratford and Miss Dawne McPhail of Port Credit. The attendants were dressed in aqua dresses of sate pea'u. Their headpieces wer of aqua veil with matching roses. They wore white shoes and gloves and carried baskets of pink carnations. William Bromley of Blyth was the best man. Ushers were Eugene Garrow of Stratford and Michael McPhail of Port Credit.' A reception followed in the church parlour. For receiving her guests the bride's mother QUESTIONS about the CANADA STUDENT LOANS PLAN? ...talk to the B of M NOW Details of the new Canada Student roans Plan have been released. And your local branch of the Bank of Montreal has the information on how to apply. The Plan will provide bank loans to students who need financial help for full-time studies towards a degree or diploma at universities or other educational institutions above high school level. No security is required and repayment will not begin until six months after you graduate, or discontinue your studies. Up to that time, all interest will be paid by the Pederal Government. In a recent statement oh the Plan, G. Arnold Hart, President of the Bank of Montreal said, 'Support of education has long been an established principle of the B of M... Any practical measure that extends the educational horizons of young Canadians will always find a ready, sympathetic response from Canada's first bank". If you'd like to learn more about this new Plan, call on the Manager of your local branch of the B of M. He has all the details end he can give you a folder on the subject. Why not see him now? Specie! Attention When ketluired. your hydro Climb StockUpfortilOAn'd$oe! 1.0.4, Drug Stores September Sale now ;01 progress ,so come in .today ends Saturciqy night, September 19. ONE,A,DAY Multiple Vitamins Tablets 100's, -$4,49 Value $3.99 250's, $$,75 Value $7.75 KLEENEX Facial Tissues gag's sPgclio- 164 FREE Gillette 0Hilleit4eDressing )1,38 stainless Steel Blades Value DESERT FLOWER Hand and Body Lotion 8-oz., $2.50 Value $1.25 16-oz., $4.00 Valiie $2.00 15 Popular Products in Shopping Bog • VERY LIMITED SUPPLY $6.66 • NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE VALUE • ONE TO A CUSTalVfER, ONLY • Grab Bags On Sale Starting Thurs„ Sept. 17 $1 3 Months' Supply' VITA DIET Vitamin & Mineral Tablets 90's $2.98 The Lowest Prices We've Ever Offered Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 49c FL 95c MON., TIXS., September 21k22-2a Mark Damon & Latina Anders "The Young Racers" -7- Color The Three Stooges in "Missed Fortune" Plus "Gene Curling" and a-.0artoon THUR., FRI., SAT. September 24-25-26 " ELVIS PRESLEY, Jean O'Brien In one of his brightest and best "It Happened At The World's Fair" — Scope and Color — Plus "The Rink" and a cartoon — TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY — Coming: "Operation Petticoat" Clinton Ned MO .Ceremoney Unites Noreen LGarrow, .Alex Sp* le (Photo by R. J. Nephew) Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sproule Noreen Louise Garrow became the bride of Alexander Finan Sproule on September 5th at 3.00 p.m. in. Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. ELECTRIC HEATING is the only heating system that offers . you p1,1 these important advantages: flameless clean safe quiet a thermostat in every room more living space economy Electrte heating is one of the many comfort features of the famous illedallion all-electric homes. Pot full information, carat& a qualified electric heating contractor or youillydro.J BANK or MONT1tEAL 840.4a44,7ege e4.4 P.S. to Parents. if you have youngsters in high sdiooli you will ;be interested in the Bank at montteal University Edocatibn Flograinme—a cottipteliensive, life-insured plan to spread the cost of a college education over periods up to nine yeats,Your ii of M manager has details On this, too. ink k