HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-03, Page 22Rough On Rheumatism -eiReeiaaaa Pete Thompson wowed the 200-odd spectators at the evening Swim - Show with examples of his diving—iike this backwards jack ZIPPER CASES — in plastic and ail leather styles. Priced $3.49 to $8.79 3-RING BINDERS — Extra heavy covers Priced $2.95 And Same Binder with Clip Board Cover Priced $3.50 3-RING BINDERS in 1" and 2" rings — canvas — plastic and paper covers. Priced 98c to $3,50 cEwan 9 s HA RY WILLIAMS RIKCLINTON _HEATING OILS- GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR.OILSk WHITE ROSE ICOSS Using Makeshift :Classrooms To Handle Influx Of: Students (Continued from Page One) is crowded conditions in theae. The school offers courses metal work, oarPelltay, Made ire shop, electricity, auto mech.- .anics, occupational training, welding and drafting, tuna these courses are broken down Into. five, four and two-year courses, vorni Committee "There just isn't :any way to get all the students into ,the classroom space we have here,", the principal said, "and the. situation will he .even worse When more students come to school. Next year, the satia, tion could be even worse." Mr. Cochrane submitted a report on the over-crowded conditions to 'the regulax, meet- ing of the Board Wednesday night, As -a result of the report, the uoarl appointed la, four-member committee to study the prole- lean and make recommendations to the advisory vocational com- mittee. • Watch "Rxplosion" The committee includes Bib Hearn representing the Olin-. ton district and -a representa- tive from. each of the contribu- ting schools at Goderich, Sea- forth and Exeter. At a 'meeting Sept. 21, the committee will go over all sta- tistics provided by research counsellors as to the projected area .effeet of the population explosion. The committee's recommen- dation is expected to involve the construction of additional classroom space at either one of the three other towns, or. at Land Available During a meeting last month, the ones. board agreed te Pur- chase 4.5 acres of lend 21e44 the school for a sports field, end the board also, holds an op- tion on an additional 4,7 acres Of land which could be used for exparleion. Night classes will be held at CHS$ this year foe the first time, but the school said no space problems are anticipated. Details of the courses offered and the registration feea will be carried in next week's aria tion of the News-Record. BROWNIE'S DRIVELIN CLINTON --, 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY — Thur., Fri., Sat., Mon. Tues. and Wed. September 10-16 Winner of 4 Academy Awards, including "Best Picture" `TO JONES' Albert Finney Susannah York Hugh Griffith Two Shows Nightly at.8:00 and 10:30 Special Admission Price: $1.00 per adult OUR PRODUCTS ARE "A HARD DAY'S NIGHT" THE BEATLES T RGET 825.00 $825.00 is the figure recently given as average American family consumer installment debt. Canada is probably close. IF YOU ARE OVER PAR FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN SAVE YOUR WAY OUT OF DEBT AT CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED ITNRWvo..s. MAY WALK ABOUT, /71 OUR FINE OIL '- THEY CHAT ABOUT 'tetteeelaeae.tee Coming Soon The car for everyone—CHEVROLET FOR '65 "It's a Natural" ' Watch For Further Announcement. MEANWHILE If you have an eye for a bargain, let's talk deal on our '64 Demo, stock or a top quality Used Car. Here are a few we have in stocks '63 PONTIAC SEDAN '62 CHEV. 8 SEDAN '62 CHEV. 6 .SEDAN '61 CHEV. 6 SEDAN '59 PLYMOUTH..SEDAN ,'59 METEOE SEDAN Several others in almost every price range, Feel free to browse around our la, Your inquiries are always welcomed. Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly t hovrolot; OkIsmol)ite Dealer 482-9321 CLINTON Page 1A,—Plioton Hors,Recpr0 Sept, 19, 1904 Clinton pool wim Show .Ends :Season By Jim McCulloo9h • News-Reco rd Sports Editor A n fu-filled $utnnler CoMrrittuitY SWIAlliljng Pool ended gfriciailY Thursday night with a gala swimming demonstration by Students and instruotors before 'an estimated 200 :$Rectator.9. tet Contract For Dredging, =OTTAWA-- The Minister of polio Works, Jon, jean.- Paul PeschatclOts, antionatced 'here this week the award of a •$06,360 -ceeltrect foe Meint- enance dredging in Goderich Harboor; The award was made to Harbour Development limited, et St. JOhn, The New Brunswick, f i t re. eubmitted • the leweet a five bids in response advertising for public tenders which closed on July 29, 1964, • For uniform. peptli 'The highest bid was .$168,000, The work is scheduled for emn-pietion within five months, The re-dredging of two areas- in the harbour is to re-estab- 113h tbe 24-foot depth, The last dredging at Gorier:tele was in 1958759. One of the areas is 1,430 feet long by en average width of 235 feet, and the ether is 1;800 feet long and 400 feet wide, 155 Vessels In 1962, some 155 vessels used 'the harbour for loading and unloading grain, petrol- eum, coal and salt, and 13 vessels were stored there der, Special Clearance 1 PAIR ONLY CITIZEN'S BAND 10 TRANSISTOR Transmitter-Receiver LISTS AT $149.95 Only $85,00 lnig tie winter With x,150,000 bushels of Plena 40 specifications Were prepared ill the LP:NM Piet- Viet Engineer's offiee of the PePartment WorIM • Scroggie, gineer, of Leaden, Ontario, will <be re$peesible for super- -Yision of the .dredging work. Midget Series To Encl Sunday , The •OBA Midget ."B" base- ball semi-final series between Clinton and, Amberstburg is tied at one game each. after a 7.1 win for Arnheaetberg on Sunday and a 6,1 win for Clin- ton. on Monday. Clinton managed to get only three hits on Sunday as Aro- berstbarg blasted out 11 to drown. the Clinton nine 7-1 in the first game of the hest-of- three series. Roger Heater staeted the genie on the mound. for' .-Clinton, was relieved by Clare IVfegee and then return- ed to finish the game, Play At Rodney Magee also got two hits do the game which. ended up with Clinton out in front 6-1. Doug. Proctor also showed batting PoWer as he hit a thirdrining, two-run Larry Pickett got three hits over the nine-inning span:, one of them a double. Other Clia- ton hitters were Roger Hunter with ,two singles, Jim Liver- more and Allan Howes with a single each. The third.. and final game of the series will be played in Rodney on Sunday afternoon at 3:0a p.m, 0 Back-to-School Draw . Winners At McEwan's Winners of this year's Back-to-School Draw at Mea. Ewan's were announced this week. They are as follows: . First prize, a camera, was won by Bill- McGregor, RR 5, Clinton, SeSond prize, a billfold, was won by Fred Jewson, Clinton, Miter .opening espeeches by Ron Livermore end Doug Theraaike, a Show filled with information, ,eateetaiement and comedy began. Th e Leare-to-Swim class showed what they had learned this summer es they did the jelly fish float, dead man's floaa• flutter kick end front crawl, Lifesaving Show The Beginners then demon- strated how to roll over in the water from the front to the back and from back to front, The Advanced Beginners dis- jPlayed their lifesaving skills with different methods of rea- ching assists, such as arm, tow- el, reaching pole; heaving and the chair method, They also showed their skills at the front crawl, side stroke, and the elementary back stroke, The Learn-to-Swim Begin- ners, and Advanced Beginners were all under the leadership of instructors Mary Jean Wenham and Rolfe Cooke. Rescue Methods The Junior classes, under the guidance of Carol Thompson .and John •Slavin, then gave demonstrations of the elemen- tary back stroke; side stroke, front crawl and the ways of self rescue. The methods of self rescue displayed were treading water, bobbing, and the much talked about ,drownproefing method in Which Lorraine Overboe and James Newland had their hands tied behind their backs and their feet tied together and. kept themselves afloat using this method. • The Initermediates„ with the same, instructors, demonstrated the side stroke, breast stroke; elementary back stroke, and front and ' back crawls, The Senior class, also with the same, instructors, showed the tired swimmer tow and carry, Har- old Newland and Mike Graham doing the tow and Jerry Lobb and Gordon Merrill doing the carry. Rescuer's Rescue. Other, senior swimmers dem- onstrated the side stroke,, ele- mentary back stroke, breast crawl, back crawl and front crawl. Winners of the Bronze Med- alion demonstrated the holds 'that a drowning person might put on a rescuer and the methods used for releasing them, Acting out each hold and release on the deck were Ken Hamilton and Jim Cooper while Elaine Kennedy and Fat Pall carried oat the Mall.gekl, vies in the water, Some .of the holds and releases demonstrat- ed, were the double grasp, front and back bolds and the body hold. larionee winners also deM- onstratecl lifesaving tows and artificial . respiration as they used hair, cross chest, and head Styles of towing and direct (meittleto-mouth), TiOlgexaNell" son, Sylvester and Schafer me- thods .off artificial respiration. fleeting Safety Award of Merit winners Pet- er Thompson, Carol Thompson, and Rick Hunter demonstrated their skill in the water as they made fancy dives. and Showed different ways of swimming. Throughput the evening, deer- onstrations of boating safety were put on by the instructors as +they showed how and 'how not to handle a canoe. Rolfe Cooke and Charles Andrews gave the crowd an idea of what can happen when yoe lean over the edge tea far and of what to do when the canoe tips. Mary Jean Wenham and Carol Thompson showed how not to handle a boat as they played the parts of two "know- it-ells". They also dernonstrat ed the proper method of boat- ing as they went out With an extra oar, life jackets, and a bailing bucket. Show Consequences The consequences of over-, loading a boat were shown when Ron Livermore, Bob Liv- ermore, Carol Thompson, Mary Jean Wei-Mare, Rolfe Cooke and Chuck Andrews, all placed themselves in one canoe. Ron and Rob Livermore also dem- onstrated what happens when someone makes the mistake of standing up in a canoe. The classic event of the even- ing was the diving show when the swimmers demonstrated the front dive, seat flop and dive, back dive, back flip, cutaway and front -flip, and the good old cannonball atone to get lifeguardS wet). Diving Variety Also ,dernonatrated were the can opener, hand-stand, sailor's dive, jack-knife; - cartwheels, and a front flip and cutaway by John Slavin. Partnership dives were made as John Slav- in teamed up with Chuck 'An- drews foe' a.- cutaway and front dive and a -seat flop and jack- knife, with Pete Thompson for a hand stand and dive (see pic- ture), with Rick Hunter .for a piggy back and a back dive and front dive, and with Rolfe Cooke for a front flip and back flip. Awards which had been earn- ed by each of the classes throughout the summer were presented to the winners and special thanks were given to Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods for the use of the boat, Gord Grigg for his truck, and to the RCAF for the use of the speak- er. RADIO TV Clinton — Phone 482-3841 Galbraith's Perfect for Fishermen, Hunters, Outdoorsmen Range up to 12 miles Now At AMY SCHOOL/AND BUSINESS BRIEF CASES — in tan, brown and black. Puffed and square styles. All leather. Priced $5.50 to $19.95 SCHOOL BAGS — Shoulder strap and tote style. Priced $3.50 & $3,75 !Ms is How I? D rte Mary Jean Wenham and Carol Thompson show- ed the spectators how a canoe should be handled. Later in the act they showed how a canoe should not be handled. , eteaag. •••^.4.15i-g, NE W *no Wood to Mtto• Otitatl, Yours to treasure today and always, The Surf Star diarnond ring is the fashion "First" for '64. Backed by Artcarved's one hundred years of diamond design leadership, your Surf Star and you will reap romantic dividends for years to Come. See it on your finger today! tnaageront kind $250, 8rides Circlet $20. by rtcarved® League Bowling Starts Sept. 21 Clinton Crown Lanes OPEN BOWLING Every Evening Till September 21 ASK FOR INVitAtibi•lt ANNOUNtE64eNTS ACCESSORIES Clintbl Nevn-Record Holmesville Leads Central. Huron Final Holirnesvale holds a one-game lead over Auburn in the best- of-seven Central Huron Soft- ball League finals after coming up with two wins over the last week. On Thursday night, they took an 8-4 .decision in Gode- rich and on Monday, managed to squeak by with a 6-5 win in ten innings in a game played in Bleat. With a three games to two lead, alohnesville could wrap up the - series Friday night in. Gaderich when the two teams meet for a 9 o'clock game tind- er the COMING EVENTS Thursday, Sept; 10 — BINGO in Clinton Legion Hall, Kink St., at 8:30 p.m; — 15 regular games for $5; 1 game for $25; letters L and T Bingos apply on the $25 game; 3 thaaa-the- wealth games; jackpot $58 in 56 numbers. Admission 50e, Saturday, Sept. 12—Recep- tion for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Horner (nee Helen OraMger), Zurich Community Centre, Desjardine's Orehestra. 37x Monday, Sept. 14 — ladies Bowling RCAF Geheral Meet- ing, 8:30 p.m. Riehle Marling. Anyone wishing to bowl and unable to attend please con- tact Shirley Saunders, phone 482-7394 or Verna McIntosh, 482-7734. sm Tuesday, Sept. 15 — BINGO at Aurori faith and Genie, Jack- pot $55.00 in 55 numbers. Six door prizes, 8:30 p.m. WSIGIViaednesPdHlaY, 08resertnlis6-43"ETIFalAl Fashions" at Maitland. Coentry Club, Gederieh at 3 p,M. and 8:30 pan. Refreshments served Deer prizes. Tickets available at the Fashion Shoppe, Gar-. land's itild. the Golf CIO, and NeWeiarabea, Clinton, 3.7b Reserve saturday,, Sept. 19-4-, Xnights Of Columbus Monster Bingo and 15riavv, St. Mary's Arena, 8 p.m. Proceeds for Scarbere Foreign IVLisSien. 36b-7x-813 Wednesday, Oct. '7 ee Are noel Smorgasbord Anniversary Supper, Varna 1.1Mted Church. ANSTETT Jewellers Ltd. Still a Few Opetliii0 for Leagues owl In Air Conditioned Comfort NED01110 • S Double Dive John Slavin executes a handstand and dive while PAte Thompson (on diving board) prepares tO dive over Slavin. (News-Record Photos By John Visser) OPEN BOWLING Every Saturday Evening after September 21 Lp