HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-03, Page 17...:r• ..r... .0-,r - -, ..,,.r ,..w,.b.[M r. 4 rl- .�.,:C: ,6uF-r,T .f' -'-r•-.. r.,.,... _..a
School Qf Food Services Day
Held Thursdav'-at RCAF Base
' Miss ;"�A,ir cla Bisset �f Opel* , axst, Kelvin . er^vis,0 of Clio -
Y; :: ph s ent a week's vaca�tlonwith {fin a d Lorne
The School d R t tion lire l.asto of the SF$, fr"oa?a , : , la ? Mr, grad Ma,'s, Lo n
Thch..o_ of`i?0... Servoes of , .G+' S a ?�
, ��;,. �° • }�>,. P <. , � � �, � ,; �` ,0 ,. Miss- Faye' �larriukiar of RR �. >t'o.ytter .and f . l ; of Exeter,
held z e th bl kr a rt h, sda its Porirlation at RCAF ClixrtQn. «• ,a.: n amrY.
Clinton . t. f? ... rt. d Y Pa . lr .. ur ' ., a � , Clio pori, On her i crus to : e : n Montreal .
on Seixtearrber 135. She::. k ri were r Moist. ea] over rile
d rin which sever officer cadets. were : zaduated , t:: »at . . < xz w y-< F
arqulw, remain- %volcend, They attended the
U Gti.elpl., .Miss
o heir summer tri ni course, then, burtoduced? guest spea}cer � q
ft'..fn innle. i..n e, ; ,;N `.. id for it w,eek's :holiday at retie weddini o rt 1
Wing Coanmaaidem A. i,, <7anxp- i ,. g f A herr .'dao.. incl
w� ' �5 ,�� > ..' home of Mr': and Mvs. Don Miss, Den .se as e ' r t
r. to a 'o the ar belll, 1Arectar o Food ccs,.<.<` ,: n .. c.,R >ri Ch. is
The -officer cadets are 'urnde. ed .: 4o that job, ... , suxnrid.._ d f Ae'rvr � � ,.: , a �. s. r y . Boux^.
'W/., C � 1 , • d s�,,, x, +•,;.' Bisset, parents of Miss 'Bisse+t. Church. Cathe'dml,
atadeniks Of e -toad sea'ved zeas- be at G 'aa?�.pbe1 tcrltl gr'a tr .. -: �` :�.��.
graduate univer'si'ty �
. 't .,,- v : 1 ,., Weekend gwsts of • Mr. And Miss Ernil -Collins,nt-
ven ttie 6 -week ryourse under least of rile sam calibre of a. es rile SFS and the study of ,.. M
- ..• r _ „ '" fir; .: ;. 3, b, 1 # t Mrs Ilan McLean ri'Cluded', real s erUt La Da weekend
the University Reser'c e Train.. the men needed for the fob. Dietetics was a comparatively ._ ' .. i bar y we end
study ,, :> h x, Lt, Roy McLoaan of 1<11110404,* at the home of 'hen arxents. Mr,
reg Pan, Sclzoal ,Saves Mons new _.dy so new, many Cpl, and Mxts', Bob. Mct;ek►r? o ,said MIs, Earl Calplins 4
"Graduation of the severe ofn « 11e4$ie .don't even -trek about i
I ami very 'x thusiastic ab' �, �x>: � ,���"' th : �� r: Ge Iivapyi Terl Cx+awf�rd of C' e W
c cede and the 10 It az recognize rt far its, + . < , limutori, Sli. •also v....... ted :he
.fi er is d 10th in cwt die School ort Food Sere= : , i s f f " : Wrnrupeg; Lt C Vince Brown cousins Mme. and k
niveosany of the School of ice " lie ` . "Si .ce it word., G Mrs, ,bac. van
,S, sa7d, ri, way : `�� � 'e', � >' -� y : ;`... .w": � ;su�'�+ } ,
,our Si n Hosts xr w h and Nar"man Ball, EgmQnd, RR%1, Clinton, Sunday
'cad Services happened fail :staa�ted 10 yoars ago, It has I'.. 5 1 � s � . �.: � e
S1ae samd h r that De- �., :. , R , ,. , w•. Miss Grace Warren of Grand evening. Muss' Cell'is'ts is em-
an a�roxirriaftely the same been found ,the •for+matian oaf �.� x �`
fence Minister Paul Hell. er z • ; Rapidis, Mich.., visited osier the Played by *the International
ate , said Group Captain K, � Y. .. � � ,� ,��
,... �, {s weekend with Civil Aviation w, ,, ,< ..- �... ,.. -� „M... had recently used t Of y, Mrs, Frank v.. ..n Ongarliatioii :iii
R. .Greenaway, Couninrandulg' nt?y ii . 14e SFS � � '
a:- k'" . * .> Penneibaker, 1 I ttr et. Montreal.
Officer of RCP;F Station Clan: :. .the RCAF as one encample pf:. ,.fss,,x..,..�:. $Q saac S. e
f gr" _...-. g
•ban, „and so we• decided to � ,9 ' t;i: the advantages of unite a;ting _
`lie first fall Meeting of the Mm, and X=. E., W, Hebden,
combine the twQ and mance a the armed forces. Ladies Auxiliary of the Roytal. London; Mr. and Mrs, W, F,
special event owG •of it," T K�ismen �+�Q:1S �11Sa�� tafflCeCS
• She emph'azized the growing. Canadian Legion will be 'held HObden, Luaan; Noss E, Wrh' t
irrlptprrtarrc4i of tied service pea Sel�teriibex 14 at :$;$0 pm, irci and Mies', F, 1?airiels, Ingersoll,
New executive officer's of the Wingham and Clinton Kinsmen and Dinette J. � s on lex Take-
Food Is Barometer �r ': °�'' 'nn and. rail- rile Legion Hall. , Muir and Alex,
, r ;: Clubs were installed at a recent joint meeting' held in Wingham Legion Home, "de• d J air
: sonnei in o:bii, civil3�
In an address to ;tire more , zt y die and urged the- sever. a Mr, and Mrs. David G, Un- si . , Mr, And Mrs, Jim M
' duateso to take pride their In this photo from the i ft (seated) are. William Chowen, Clinton, past - • an a his sister Miss Violett Odell
than 100 graduation ceremony `` t'z ? . p d in . ei _ raw d >?..u4 have returned to and Violet, ,
fledgling rofessio dent, Murray •Gerrie, Wingham, past president, Mart Edgar, district governorLafayette, Illuxa>Is Mr Mrs. , C x,
guests, G?oup Capita'in. Green, t� � . g. g p n � Ind., after spending , and s , KM
She set four si n. _ far and installing officer; Calvin Burke, Wingharn, pt•esident. Back row, from left, a week's vacation. with their Ernbro, were Labor Day guests
away said the Schaal of Food ,. < , ,; g post w.
i - , branch ;: the grtad'uaites, urging ahem ,to Mrs, S. G. L,eedharn, Wingham, president; Mrs, William Chowen past, axents Mr, and Mrs, T, R, of Mrs. Jean i5eb'den, 96 V'yc-
Sery ccs was a branch 9tf the � � .� � � , , Clinton, p , p ,
armed forces in which he was . , ?ixlk big; be caurageaws; set president, Tom Feeney, Clinton, president; Mrs, R, 'Wenger, Win sham; past- �`hompsan, tang Street-,
'cularl interested. alts high; and m'ain'tain a president and Mrs, William :Finn esident, Miss Jean Booth, a recent Muss Mary Ellen Knox spent
y : :
broad outlook, � : Clinton,' p graduate of Stratford Teachers' a Week's hal'idfays with her
lKe said the quality of meals x (Photo By Windham .AdvanCe-Times)
on any given base was a g'oa'd s -<' j Keep
Alms $igh _. College, started teaching at aunt Mrs. dean Hebden Don-
barometer of morale. •,There's Thinlc .big ., she said, ",ue- Kitchener this week where She old' G. MacGregor, Londesboro,
our Camadnan socia- ■ y cheirm it and Andy Peterson, has signed .a .contract for the alSp spent a flew days holidays
no use buying -the best foods cause Aso y treasurer,
available if the wren t rb er- becomes more affluent, rrzore year. Visitingwilbh Mrs, Hebden.
y p p ,I n KinsmenMeetin Wingm'am NinsMen members Andrew Lawson visited with •MisM, E, Mimi spemut the
ly prepared," he said: people are dating cut, and re
"In this, day and age of corm,• more housewives go Out to in ital:erd were- (Wvin Bumke,
h his brother arrd sister-in-l!aw, week with relatives in Lake -
plicated equipment which is ■ president; Murray Gerrie, pasft Mr, ,and Mrs, Anthonyside work, s'a there are more farce- y Lawson de and Woodsftack to attend
Opertated by mea. who have to Held With Wingham (l u b presidentt Dave Bum-ge ss and and' son. ,flies ealting out, ar'i'd Morre mon- , Ray, of Pickering, the funeral of her cousin.
be dhtelligent and highly train- ey Waith wh1oh to buy food.,, Ed following the ceremnonies, Mr, land Mrs,' Charles Til -
She told graduates to be stop of Toronto were guests
F/L Jean Wingham Kinsmen suppliedthe
Liberty' courageous -- to admit m;�c, WINGHAM-•-•New officers of :both the T�ins� of Mr. and Nfrs. Anthony �;a�v-
R� m&n and Kinette clubs of Clinton and Win ham entertainment for a dance. The son far a few days last week. Bayfield
OAC ,Food Services tafkes when they are made .and Wing
to find ways o d'aing Were installed recently at a jalnt meeting of the Legion Auxiliary catered fox
RECEPTION Rev. Granit and Mrs, Mills
such a retinal has actually been to the dinner. and Rev. Clifford Park will a't-
betiter• not to: be disappointed four clubs 1n the Legion Hall here,
l� saving money., found by criticism, • and to take rem- o tend the General Council meet-
"The Aix Force has District governor Mait Ed- I.►s$a.liiir Officers g urot St. Jahns Nfld, fmomi OatsTop
• edfal action after convtxuctive g ln' ,
�r that fine the first
preparation •
+r,111`IC�1 pep cri-�;�5m, ga2 and his district executive 'Installing .officers under •riteKinsmen
Septe7ri�ber9to S�tezruber ].?,
• of food ie the first- places and "You have ail been blessed from Clinton offidlated at the direction 'of Mr, Edgar were: Mrs, Mills will be :a guest
Community Centre the knowledge of rising every , • ceremon di4V!ct executive members Dion of Mrs, Arthur McKim, whose Judging
y weep intelligence —use It to y husband is a former minitst�
available sex'ap of food' in some The 1ri�ghTight of, Mime meeting Kay, co-ordinator; Frank Cook, '
keep your mins iiugh. Define of Wesley -Willis Church. For form has resulted in getting came when W. T, Cruickshank bulletin editor; Gordon Grigg, Name Rep Church. Alvin Betbles of Bayfield ;s
• more
for our
money.,, your awn standard-,; keep them
Helen Grain a r high, she said. "Just because of Winghamn was presented World Council chairman; Wil-
g Group Captain Greenaway wMi.. an honorary membership liami Ohowen, secretary; Ken Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jahr leading the Rodney Oats divits-
And Group
loud in has praise of VIL you erne Preparing is -no
sod in large ion oaf 'the 1.964 Field Cror
p quantities Ss no reason far cut- in the club of Winghamz by Scott, membership chairman; tan, Esther and Robert, �- i
Wayne Horner Jean Liberty, Officer Com- ting dawn the quality." past presd.dent James Currie, Clarence Denommie, educattton don, Ont., end T. Baxter, Sit. Competition of the Bayfield
y m!anditng the Schaal of Food To Ban.
Jahn, N.B., visited with rM'r. Agricultural Society so far
(Bridol Couple) Services at RCAF Clinton, Seven' Diplon -las and Mfrs, T. Le
as pp n of Cl- with 93 points out of a possible„
View your work from arfar ClintonKinsmen Club Presi-
Plenty Of Smoke But No Sparks ]titan and lir, and Mrs. Albert 100 dgialYs.
on O/C Gets Bouquet aflf, she Mold the graduates demit Thbnlas Feeney aiui:oumi;a Liebold :and. family of RR 2, Judging was dame recently,
t He said she had worked hard while -underlining her suggest- + + + + ed 'this week 1V>rait Edgar and Clinton, over ithe weekend, and the fiedd scares were
Saturday, Sept. 12 and well to train graduates tori of maintaining a broad out- } � his wife Mary would: be dele- Edith, Badger of Fruitland is awarded by Judge Robert Foth-
who know what they are do- look. Your operation depends During Mutual Fire Aid eeA�Etwg gates from the Clinton Kins- ending a week with her cow- axingh'am, of S'easfaxsth.
mg •iii call phases of their Idt- on complete co-operation with men Club and -the Clinton Kin- sin Mrs, C1eek Park just Allen aril Bruce Settles, both
roes ardine Orchestra then and dining room work. all rote people involved —your (Continued from Page One) er 'the county mtutuad aid fire ottes to the 43rd Annual Na- J of Bar field are both tied for
F/L Lube hoarse from hospital, yf
x't3' presented a stuff must have the feeling you McKillop Township was repre- system, implementation of ti'anal Convention of Kinsmen Mr, and' Mrs. Cecil. Elliott second place with 911/z points, .
know what you are dared,” she remitted by councillor Ken Stu- whGch would be a first step to- C]mibs at Banff Sept. 9 to 12. and famnily attended the water and William Riddell .of Bayfield
said. art wird Reeve "porn Leiper rep- wards organizing EMO here. , Mr, Edgar is ra member of ski show at Riverside park, is third with 91 points,
Following her address, W/C resented Hullett Township. He said. Goderich. was consd the 'Clinton Club and governor Winghaa-ri, on Sunday. The Second half Later
Campbell presented diplomas Theme was no representative ering hriring •a chief. "Every of Distn�iot One. William Poxrter of God'el4ch
]� Bram Stanley Township, event was sponsored by Wing- Your Church .•to: O/C Denise Leduc, Univers- p, municipality over 5,000 in pap- Total reg�istmtion for the ham Sportsman's Association h1as 90 points; Russell Oesch of
• • • i:ty of Ottawa; O/C Joan Lewis Also present were Robert C. •ulartion should have a full time ,, Zurich has $7, Donald Calcloiu
i of University of Saskatchewan; I -lays, Goderidh Fire Commis- chief," :he said. "lit is one of Rocky Roundup' Kinsmen and Included in: the show were gh
• O/C Joyce Nettleton, Univelts- stoner, Clinton. Fare Chief those things that seems to be convention is expected to be in displays of Bud Crui�ckshank's of Clinton has 86 points and
This Sunday ity, of Guelph; O/C Franrcine Grant "Red" Ranh, and Huron fargabteri about until .there is excess of 1;500 persons, repre- Amphicar and Ellwood Epp's Richard Pointer of Goderich has
J Parieella, University of Mont- Emergency Measures Organiza- a znajo.r fire. senting the 400 Kinsmen clubs- "Penguin". 85 points.
*« real; O/G Pat Ridings, Uni- tion co-ordinaetor Stuart For- Novel situation from all the provinces, The Ontario Street Couples The second half of the coni-
C]ub will meet on Wednesday, peltation will be held during the
versity of Toxdnbo; O/C Donna bes of Goderich. "We say , we can't afford a Mr, Feeney said one io the September 23 at 8:20 p.m. at annual Bayfield Rall, Fair an
" Stewart, University of Maani•• Councillors Attend full time chief, but one bigfire he topics for discussion wat ould
' the western convention would the church, They will leave Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.
CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH toba .,and O/C Gail Trottier, Reeve Morgan Agnew, Dep- could burn down a block and at 8:30 p,�rri, for a tour of Will. Judge. Corn
University of McGill. uty: reeve • J. A. Subter, and cosi; 20 or 30 times a •chief's Ki a Centennial project for the
(Baptist Federation of Canada) Higlihland Shoes Seaforth. The eight competitors each
Chilton councillors Norm Liver- salary." Kinsmen Club. � J
Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. Sample Work 'Y• Mrs, Cecil Cooper is visiting will submit a one pastel sample
O/C Joyce Nettletonled her more, Mrs, , Alice Thompson, Huron County is one of the Sidelights Of the get-togedth-- her son 'and daughter-in-law of their oats to be judged by
Sunday, September 13 -class with an over-all average Dan Symons, Duff Thompson last in the province -to set up er include a western rodeo, � and Mrs. Clifford Caapex, Mr, Fofflrexinghamri, an the
10:00 a.m.-=Sunday School of 83.4 percent. and H. F. Noonan also attend- the mutual aid sysiteni because chuckwagan bi"ealcfasfts, Klon- Mr. and Mrs. Narmnan Tyn- paints scored will be added to
11:15 a.m.—FamilyWorship Refreshments were served to ed• there are no cities in -the dike features and the largest the points won, in the field
Topic* "The Secret; of Power" guests prior to a buffet din- Clinton Mayor W. J. Miller, county, and no centre wntth a barbecue ever held in Banff. dill, Mx. and Mrs. Roy Tyn-
p' p dall, MT. and Mrs. Walter For- judging for a dotal out of 200
7.30 p.m Anniversary Service at Auburn ner at 5 p,mn. in the School cha6rmam of the meeting, shat- paid fire chief. Other clubs represented at bos, Mary Lynn, Mr, and -m s. points.
VISITORS. WELCOME of Food Services Building, ed in his opening remarks- the "If we're in a novel sft+ation the convention will be 20-30 Neville Forbes, Margaret Stew- Secretary Bob Stirling said
The dinner — planned and ' g the United States, field scores will be awarded
Purpose of the meeting was to them tive should have 'a novel clubs from
organized by the graduates learn -are about the county solution," commented Clinton, representatives of the Round some time this week drzi the
included a wide range of food mutual aid system. councillor H. F. Noonan. "Why Tables Association of E=e Mother, Daughter corn compebiti�on by Fudge
.:, Ontario Street United Church varieties in weird and, wonder- Representatives of the three oould3Vt the county council 'hire and other World Council men- Foatheringham. The balance of
v Eye frit anal Hasty arrangements, neai+by townships and the a chief for, -the county, and pass bers. the judging will be done at the
'ft='"FRIENDLY CHURCYXI RCAF Station had been invited an the cost of his salary to the The Wand Council of Young Hurt In Crash Bayfield Fair.
Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. . to also lean about the plan, rnuniciipallties which• Weald Men's service clubs is a world -
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School and to indicate whether or not benefit'-" wide: group of autonomousser- eat' �®����+
* Y, 11:00 a.m.-Morning Warship Goderich Voters they felt implementation of Hullett; Satisfied vice organizations of whichthe A
TURNEIR'S such a scheme should be at- Duff Thompson suggested a Kinsmen Assaciaibion 3s a. memo- Mrs. James C. S•aundercock
o y 9:45 a,m,—Church Service K c + n tempted. petItion or deputation to the bei, of Lond�esiboro and her 11-yoar-
S p y OK Sore liquor F See Other Story - Ontario Government could po al o-- -- Old daughter, Mary Lynn, were
10:45 a.m.—Sunda School
Guest. Speaker at both services will be out rthatt Huron wanted Mutu • �* I rr ported in satisfactory condi-
Mrs. Arthur Jackson, B.A., B,D., Bel• rave (Continued from Page One) list speaker was Mm, And cc r'y
g Dining Booms erson of the office of the On- fire aid, but that the county Straight A J tion in hospital -at press time
"Am you in favor of the sale taxio Five Martsival's office, Wats unable to ismplemerzt the Wednesday following a, carr
of beer and wine only under (whose deltailed�rjilanat?i'on of 5 stem for lack of a paid fire • • ca+aish Saturday night in which
• � -rhe d'indYig room licence far the fire �a�id plan appears in a ciueif.
For Clintonean both were injured,.
Christian Reformed Maple Street „ Officials at the mecum, can- The mother and daughter
p cansurcnrptiom. wi�th.•meals? Yes, separarte story an this page), g . �`
Church GOSPEL HALL 1,$11; No; 1,159; Mr. Anderson was followed carred such .a move would, Like- �r were passengers do a car driven
rR.ev. G. J. keerslnk, Minister CLINTON "Are you in favvor of the sale by Squadron Leader' J, A. Spa- ly not bring about a govern,In Saskatchewan by 1VLi; Saundercack which col-
_ of beer only under a pubic no of RCAF' Clinton who out- meht subsidy or help, Ward has been received here lsdetl with a vehicle driven by
Sunday, September 13 , Sunday; September 13 house licence for consumption lined the rale of the RCAF in Tom Ldiper, speaking for that Stasi McDonald, a former 23-year�old Peter Spain of
On- licensed pxemises th which such •a p'"opos'ed organization: Hulletbt Township said township Clintonian, has completed This Goderich on Highway 8 about
10.00 a.m.—Service in English 9,45 a.m.--Worship Servicemen only are adanirtted?" yes, S/L S'riano sand military est -
O fid'a 's were satisfied withthe second summer of studying one nille east of Goderich.
p.m: Service in .Dutch 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 1,502; Na, 1,408; tts vete not pwmwtted fire protection already afforded Theology at St. Andrew's Col- Mrs. Saundexcaok and ;her
8,00 p:xn.—Gospel Service atblpartici
Every Sunday 6.15 p.m., ,Dial Guest Speaker: 14r, "Are you in favor of the sale pax~ticipate in county initial by the Clinton and Saafazth lige, Uxiivtms%ty of Sasldabdhenv- daughter suffered severe facial
M c nw, St. Thomas. Listen Neal Lowey, Goderich of beer only under a public fire paid systems but the RCAF` brigades, act. lacerations. Mr. Spain was not
46 "Back to God Hour:" y house licence for consumption Statti:on would be happy to send Back On 'Tradm He was one of •three on the injured: Police from rthe Goode-
Tuesday --8 P.m.—Prayer Meet- o p
EVERYONE WELCOME ing and Bible Study, on licensed ,premises -to wYes, which Its mien and equipment to help "The only possible benefit I course who passed all six sub- ztich I)eftvchznent of the OPP
:: „�. .....................: Women are titrdmiitted?" at any fires withine wiltth
ta 20 mile can se'the mutual: aid jeats with an "A" average. estimated damage to both cars
All Weiooma Mr McDonald has spent the 1t more than 700.
......- ,,,,,�,,, 1,467; No; 1,47E radius af the air base. plan is for the purchase of new $
.Joseph Street ..r,....- .., a ., i a
Need chief egtdpmerut,,, ,he sand. IT have past seven years on a three- ,
This had been done'in the had: won:devful co-operation point charge in s'authern Sas-
St. Andrews M -L Auxilia Ta Me °'
G t7SPEL H,ALI, � � �• �' past, �he said, aAthaugh Officials with rthe fixe departments we katclitiw�an, livixug at Osage.
CLINTON Presbyterian Church The September .meeting of at Clinton had been. advised by deal witch." On completlon of his course t
Revs. R: tY, 1Vl acLtiean, B.A the Madeleine Lane Aukiliwa y of O bbawar that uxb future e rt'he Sita- Clinton fire fighters :are paid this .year, he moved to Regina Ouality Y 1 A
•11.bb a.m: 8leakitz Mrs. M:.�: Agnevv� Organist St. Andrw's Pres�byrterjaz'L Ch.- 'tion Piro b par�tmYient rhusA an annual -salary, and if they where he is stax"t ng 'wOr wifbh
g of 'Bread
and Choir Leader urch Will be held lin the Church enter into signed reciprocal are called out .of town to at- a new congregation building a3.00 its(+
p m.--Suhday Sehoot Sunday School roomon Tues- ag�roemxe its withn'dighbouriiig. sift at a they are paid new church. (Ji Ser r ��re
7.00'pin.—Gospel Service Sunday, September 1$
day evening, Seprteniber 15, at Time departments. additionally by the municipal- _ Q,
-8.00 9.45 a.m.—Sunday Schobl
P.m. Thursday—Prayer 8.1.5 Ii,iYi. E�aCh 'member is ask- Htzran E1Vx0 co-ordinator iut�' where rth'e fist: is being
1Vlt�etizig and Bible 10.4�a a.m.--Moivzzng Worship aycl tb bring a Stsial2 iCenz for an Stuart Forbes said a full time fought. SCHOOL OPENING TIME Heads tip ---New Wait Dressing
Readin ale, paid fire chief is required und- Reeve Agnew reminded mem- Iw r IS VITAMIN TIME by :Gillette .
. 8• .. EVERYONE WE�,COM� auction s _ , : that the / FREE with $ stainless steel Blades
bergs of the Meeting Stook U Now 1 dr Your
Z. y p Both for 89c
- l entire discussion cautd be a~e{ I / I r Winter Supply
Qtten�'�t solvod by the hiring of a fire Now Shu -Mak -Up .
chief. "Where do we get a fire 1�H�Ii�dNEY+NDON/S'D�E�i� Super Pietlamins color Your shoes to match your
o�Ie+ chief froni?" he asked, getting WN NTy1�(�dG BkIJI�GS YDU 36 72 1.44 dress as easy: as chamtaft
the dh�lscuasion back on topic. $4,99 $7.99 $13.98 your nail polish
I Robert let, Coe, Mr
S A1P1 'TVA e rY vWatch Goderiell/F free . fee 72 ed eery v 50
d kevak.in a�t Ro and a, Rays
saseimitatiM of the � �, Relives Oil oapsulea New tubber Moves .by Playtex
eki lixeralt-in cut o
greet home epp oaf 1001t $1,89 Ferult F'reexe ...... $lobo
zt>itugs' Lepp iag� Ontario Pire iV htshti1z Office
Sept, y. ' Multiple Vitamlhs 1001 $2:29 RoseWater & Glyeerihe
called Sunday
to b' lith represent Hand Ld#ion & Subb)6 natty
tib>1 to Goderirliz To�vii Council
p Dhewabte Multiple Vitamins ;Reg. $2.00 for $1.49
V1r. Le ping; pt. 8, and e lain why they
tx>ri •......• $3.65-$8.33
feel a fUll�tmnie chief as needed ; Flavored
9c bnR� elit it for Godai�ch. s : �.. New Flavoured Lipstick
them- is Goderich was p•syirmg'•tlze N 1� .� kAMnrnAs $1.25-$200-$3.5U 4 �k'Ia`Vpurs �-• drily 490
It Was suggested, ho'wefvel., r• �• Pdtymul§tb
ire found fil a Iii -lore �tt4iSlitNb pILMB
the would be full stil'arry of a, fire chie the GAIIEltTiNd bAIttiS 'MAdAZ1NE$
left no other tat gm e chiofe could hTerei b Pea SUPERB F00_0D i `.,. ArU1MAL iIEAI.'i4i lVfrt~DS
was rested that ssune �•
p" s d eta service meogs the y
county on a i'ititutual fit*,» •all
systexrt,._ „
E Ea,stoii, off a m
Tewfbtindlatxd, T e meeting adiaurned
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