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Clinton News-Record, 1964-09-03, Page 16
If BAKI r. Male _ e Street, ..�,,......,.,. a � ---- e - b r p b a S r In hret-IOPeCtOrEXPI, ISS LLANFOO AUTOS FOR SAS. Cot'.1��'mutua 11 4ECTRIC MEN t -rte } a d R t i Ni9..op . pa rs n,.... ewl0 n9, GContii2ued from Page One) House, warring to co, r-4 fire ,protection ` to nzunic]palsviles wliero their l`9a� MEfi�CIJR�� - .al7tcr�2ratic, fire a i aaraa s has r s ponde'd li w el k9tfb to :assi'st 'a nelgiibarii2g niuni0- 4' palit3�, �, 9 The local fire elilf. with i.. view, i3ian and rings recalled power' steer,u'ig,, iaower brakes, and stories Safely scoured -.•don't apparatus beygiid his area of h n s. x ert wo 0 take c..a ce .. E p .. rlt d .ne noairrnal xesponsibiity> reasonably to your .satisfaction. :hatch 'repairs. and pearl re, ., 0 Fox the pr e -planned peace ,� time mov=ent Or ai�lz'arattls, in �gAod COXAtiit 1012, pricedTogd'uiaif ssk - 0 An emergency assign- ment mernt of apparatus i the event, fah' n NOTIC,E, of a Witional emergency beyond the llm:its of a -count , TA1IUNG ORDERS for -alum- Sale. Craig's YVeI lalg inuin Windows, 100" ;$18,0Q in- i An u oto -date inventtor p y stalled. Ceriel Van Demme, ph- of fire apparatus .equ1,pment one 482-6685, 34,5.6=7p and nianpgwer within a county or di's0 ot, ii.dRepairs,. RR 3, Cbipton, ! A means of standardizing fire training and oMgtr'ona.l —PIANO — YOUR PIANO Should be tuned c dura . lir g p s. and checked for moth damage phone -: 9: . 4$2 9.9, 37:8p --,Cli on :. e. �A 04 --r'i i � _ 0 7$164 into!”, lt�t..xt� ..e,_..1'd hw.;:. S�pf � ARTICLES FC)It SA 1957 PLYMOUTH - p - •. � D ar sc _. _.... Additional facts aliopt dan, 6; cylinder, sack shift, 4 C .M N G ACCOMMODATION OM. AT�., _ 19 3 GE A Mo Hone 6 NR.L b 2, new tires, good body, mato, ..h:1AT+ FOR RENT .. ._... FOR RENT ..E .ile 48 x.10 , phone Goderich 524- 7440 .or Blyth 523-9494. i. , o5 Rai s "'well, _ $ 2a or closest cash. offer, R, J. Carter, rem- e 1zi meet here would be eon- c] . 'p er w+ou ,.,, NEW DUPLEX HOUSE, 4 bed- 34.5p,Q,7b hui,st Glen, or call 524.6457.. 2 BE, DROOK apartment, Plus 3 - . O OM UNFURNISHED • The county co-ordinator 3Un=tfli 3 -piece bath, living room, lout- apartment, upstairs, Phone 482- TENT -TRAILER, complete double. Phone 482-7154 or 482- then and dinette• Flee laundry 7677, 32tfb with foam mattress; Sleeps 2. WARD AND POdt� facilit]e{s, ApplY 201 Xing St- ,... T to 5, -Contact Gordon Steepe, . ._.. reel, apali4nbnt 1, lar phone 4-LiE] ROOM HOUSE on high- o CIinton. 36.7b RR ,,, ? . ACCOUMODA?•ION for rival 4$2-9227:, 33tfb tvey; :all modern conveniences, oil. furnace, close to :school, Avr , 15 NEW rubber Stair treads; roomers. Phone 482-9370. - OO1Vf unfurnished apart R .t en liardwoAd f]oors, Self.-' ailable novo, phone 482-3257, 28tfb sire 9 x 1$ . Reasonable, One Boston Toy Terrie Pup. Phone 37-8b $I EEPING AGCOMIVIODA- oontaWed, private bath and int- fighters would by pald by Min- Bayfield, 58x41, 37b tion with some .kitchen facil carica, Gas heating. 13 Albert one 4$2-9090, 2$P-tfli lah FUR.NTSHED -;ND HEATED 3 room apartment with private _ ONE EGG WASHER. wrath 3 baslcots; 19 poultry feeders; ides, Central locatign, Phon 482.9005, 46 Princess Street E rent, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE for pan., baftiii-oorii and wastirng faGili't- available le o ,Pon 482- res, l b now h e also a Iarge Size I�eiimore Sp.- ace heater. Phone 523.4497. West. *, 34p tf "- - T evailalale September 15• Apply :3329 at noon .or after five, 37b. CUSTOI,+r �iVO.R D. L. Slade,. ICA Store. p would not interfere with any fixe pr°�teotion now being sold 4 rooms up, 5 down, Located 1/, block from main intersex by Chntton to neighboring town - FURNISHED APARTMENT --.• FOUR BEDROOM unft rnished, 'RAYEJi APPLES -» Eatim and c in apples, ,1e el- a ook_ g pp e+s, F � e d "TSE PIXIE" Beauty Salon, New phone, number 482-7792 Suitable for couple, Appy $treet, ZOp-tib r.ed�brick house, new oil Earn- ivery an Clhnton and RCAF Perms, tinting, hair cuttuig Huron ace, all modem converiience's, houses, Ph 4$2-3214, Fred specialty, 481 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE, now $75, monthly, on HvO1' No, 8, between Seaforth and Clinton. McClynlont and Sons, varm, 37-8.9b AR persons having c'lainzs REPAIRING brick work, Ston. available. Rent reasonable. pli- one 482 - 9512. 37p Phone 482-9647, 25tfb Hopson, Farnner, late of the work, plasterirng, repointing, APPLES-Maantosh & Other DUFLEX FOP, RENT, un'fur-` 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, fur', i . A R. E Robin- ver e'tres Apply R i 1?•ixi- We also s�nhttecoat basements, l�aymon'd ..Square, Isabelle St_ nished, reasonable rent. Phone Seaforth 3, 32tfb niched; available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth. son, RR 3 Kippen, 114 males west of Highwaty 4, second ogn- reet, Box 335, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 557, 34bf starms;• 'hot air 'gas heating; 21�J,H 35tfb cession between Ki'ppen anti DATED .at Goderich, Ontario,tubs. TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, centrally located, - UPSTAIRS APARTMPNT, un- Br1ucefield, 37b SUPTIQ TANK$ CLEANED Modern equipment used. Al) Good location, Parkin ample stor- Private_.p _ k g, thl , age- closets, $65 monthly heated. furnished; 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom and kitchen; HOUSE WRECKAGE -- Wind- ows and storms, doors, wood . wont guaranteed, Write o Rhone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus• Phone 482.7661, 33tfb 55,OQ per month, Apartment heated, water supplied. Avail- furnace, pipes, vegisters, hot water 'heater, Phone 482-66$5;11-41 sets, phone 442W6, Brussels, 3 ROONT..furnished apartment, able now. Located 162 Victoria Ceriel VanDannri•e. 37 -Sb lot 39, concession 2 East Wa- Private 'bathroom, central loca- tion. 6 Princess Street West. Street. Phone 482-7212 even- in s, 23p-tfb g SWEET CORN' while it lasts, WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your Phone 482-9005. 36p-tfb b'a'rn, drive shed, hen house, 12- suitable for freezing. Special. Satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery - — ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE �AYFiELQ price on choice potatoes for this week oizly, Muzray E, Tyndall, , Huron Countys Oldest Esta blkshed Jewellery 20tf unfurnished apartment, :]?hone APARTMENTS NTS AP. R Biu'cefield, phone 482-71$2, ,. .Stare. . 482-9928, Roy Tyndall. 17arb COTTAGES 37b REMODELLING, renovations floor laying, aspect 3 BEDROOM IIOUSE• for carat, and 1? Furnished or unfurnished CAREFREE HEATING -- For the only fuel oil insured against roofing . ly done' All oda jobs around Apply 309 Albert Sit., phone 482-9080. 37.8b Heated. �• Modern fatilktzes, explosion, we give free burner the home. Kitchen cupboard a specialty, Phone 482.7676. y' APARTMENTS --- furnis'hed, Water included in rent. service. A. G, GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb Ken McNairn. 23t fb unfurnished, heated. Phone 482-6685, Ceriiel VanDamme• • Ideal for commuters. 10 miles from RCAF PICTURE ELECTRIC MOTOR 37bfb Station Clinton. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Sates and Service Clerk, George Powell Immediate possession, FRAMING DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL 2 BEDROOM TRAILER for Also INDUSTRIAL rent, •furnished; reasonable. Apply North End Store, phone 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE Phone Bayfield 803 or AT ART LEVETT & SONS 482-3323. 37M STRA.TFOIt•D,..271-6641 Beattie' Furniture 139 ERIE ST. -- CLINTON Phone 482-6640 3tfb 2 -BEDROOM' apartment, heat-- or 271-2308 after 6 f7"- 36-7.8-9p 37-8b We Specialize In p ed, av'aila�ble now, large size rooms. Phone 482-6663 or 482- MAGIC MARKERS-BIack'and Red only. "The better kind". . Furnace installations ACCOMMODATION 9568 -after 5;30 p.m. 23tfb. Only $1.13 (tax included), At Heating Service NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, WANTED Clinton News -Record. 34tfb Electric Wiring 3 .bedrooms, available at once, in Clinton. John .Bosveld, Box APARTMENT WANTED, one T4 M E X Appliance Service. Plumbing Installations 353, Mea -ford. 36tfb or two bedrooms. Ground floor preferred. Phone 482-9174 after WATCHES ... Sold and Favestrough'ing ONE BEDROOM apamtttnent, furnished, 3 bath, 6:60 p.m, 36-7b Serviced at A N S T E T T CHUTER Plumbing, piece priv- ate entrance, close to schools. - — 4 -BEDROOM HOUSE WANT- JEWELLERS LTD. Heating, Ei@CtrIC g, Phgne 482-3837. 34M, ed immediately, in Clinton vic- inity, pre-school age children. Phone 482-9525 11tfb SALES & SERVICE FURNISHED one bedroom ap- Phone 482-7607. 36tfb 45 KING STREET, CLINTON artment, available immediately. FREE � 'T`o Hard of Dearing. PHONE 482-7652 73 East Street, phone 482-9868. ARTICLES FOR SALE Thorough audiometric test at -- 36tfb our store or in,your home any EMPLOYMENT ONE BEDROOM uptown apart- BABY BUGGY, in good condi- time, day or evening, by Marco audiologist. All batteries and WANTED ment, furnished, kitchen, bath, per 6 quart basket; also cucum- accessories available. Edward's $35 per month. Phone 482-6694, bers. Phone 482-7434, 37-8b pharmacy. 23tfb BABYSITTING by ]Elie day o 18tfb PIANO FOR SALE. Owner VACUUM CLEANERS week. References. supplied. Ix. 4 ROOM, unfurnished, self con- Ieavvng -town. Priced for quick Sales and Service town. Phone 482-7329, 34-38b tained apartment, central] loc- Y sale. Phone 482-9119. 37b Repairs, hoses and bags for all A g MRS, D, WARREN, A:L,•C.M., aced, available now, Ample parking space. Apply 110 King SEE THE NEW fall line of makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned teacher of Piano -and Theory. Street, phone 482-9477, 35tfb costturrle jewellery at Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 37b mach- ines of all ,makes for sale. Phone 482-9559. 37-9b MODERN HOME for rent in Clinton. Possession October 1. USED -GO - KART; Pioneer BOB PECK, Varna Phone Hensall 352w2 _ HELP WANTED 3 bedroom. 384 Matilda S,txeet diaix saw. Phone 482.9376. t 37b 29 to 39p tfb MALE OR FEMALE HELP to phone 175 Seal7omth, .Rev. H. Kendrick. 37p-t'fb DRAPERY PULL RODS - Track, curtain rods, venetian harvest onions and potatoes, also ga+ading and packing. Ap- TEXT BOOKS, Grade 12 Eng- TWO BEDROOM ground floor 1i'sh; Grade 13 Geography. Ph- blinds, bamboo draperies, win- ply to T, H, Soudaivt, phone apartment, stove and frig sup- one 482-9898. 371 dow blinds. Free estimates given, Dry Goods. 268, Zurich. 37-8b plied. Available, September 15, SWING SET. Regular $21.95. .Irwin's 23tfb Apply' 84 Albert Street, Clin- Special. $18.95 at Stutter -Perdue SALESLADY tan,,or phone 482-9695. 34�tfb Hairdwaoe. 37b FOR SALE -Good cooking and 3, ROOM apartment, furni'sllecl, BUFFET, CHINA cabinet, 7- eating apples; -also good quality peaches for, canning or eating. A iV a suitable for couple, -available p Immediately, Call miter 5 p.m, prate lc�i,tclien suite. PhoneHar' old Tyndall, 482-7409 after 6 Bring own containers. Take No, B, Gla'ddon, phone 482-9537 p.m. 37b 8 Highway -to ;Hohnesville, fol- low signs. Art Bell's Fruit A S M N APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 BARTLETT Pears, now ready. 65 cents per 6 quart basket. Farm, 32tfb Parttime evening or Saturday. rooms, central location, .fur- $2.50 per bushel. Phone 482- Have An Extra 'Key Work in your own neighbourhood nished, frig, and stove, su'iitable 9512, 37p For Your Car House for couple. Apply Hermatn't Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb - --- BOX TRAILER -S' x 6', lielght . We Specialize in $3 per alight plus generous 5 Leet, complete wirth iiglvts, CUTTING KEYS commission 2 BEDROOM, heated apart- new tires. Apply 115 High St. ment, ground floor. Apply Mrs. phone 482-7134,• 37b Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike 3 or • 4 evenings of your own Florence Elliott, 105 Ratter- bury St, E. Phone 482-9332, In NEW AND GOOD USED gr- BALL and MUTCH choosing per week, 6:3(to 9 prii or Saturdays, noon to 3 mornings phone 482-9642, 37Wb ade 12 and 1.3 text books. Pii- one Gaye Elliott, 482-7165. Crest Hardware carr Coaching and training carrier bays in the improvement - SMALL FURNISHED 37�b Phone 482-9505 of TORONTO STARroutes, ment, ground floor; heated. L. ed. L. CAR RADIO,- SEAT COVERS, lea>tlierette, fits 1962-64 Ford; 4" Openings in these areas G. Winner Real Estate, 200 gas stove; 12 cu. fit. fr',ng.; sec- AGAIN THIS YEAR immediately, Clinton, High Street; phone 482-6692. •tion�al chesterfield. Phone 482» white paint only $2.99 per gal- ton. Telephone orders, accept- Goderich and 24tfb 7667 37b BAKI r. Male _ e Street, ..�,,......,.,. a � ---- e - b r p b a S r In hret-IOPeCtOrEXPI, ISS LLANFOO .N MoqDO D Cot'.1��'mutua 11 4ECTRIC MEN t -rte } a d R t i Ni9..op . pa rs n,.... ewl0 n9, GContii2ued from Page One) House, warring to co, r-4 fire ,protection Seryice Gail. to nzunic]palsviles wliero their 48,70 fire a i aaraa s has r s ponde'd li w el k9tfb to :assi'st 'a nelgiibarii2g niuni0- LE U R4PAIR AND MAKE palit3�, vour rings ,and jewellery lilw 9 The local fire elilf. with i.. view, i3ian and rings recalled . the 'atUth'ority to nlgve his fire' and stories Safely scoured -.•don't apparatus beygiid his area of h n s. x ert wo 0 take c..a ce .. E p .. rlt d .ne noairrnal xesponsibiity> reasonably to your .satisfaction. :hatch 'repairs. and pearl re, ., 0 Fox the pr e -planned peace stringing, W., N, Counter, time mov=ent Or ai�lz'arattls, 20tfb' ssk - 0 An emergency assign- ment mernt of apparatus i the event, fah' n NOTIC,E, of a Witional emergency beyond the llm:its of a -count , TA1IUNG ORDERS for -alum- 7iavei>,tor y inuin Windows, 100" ;$18,0Q in- i An u oto -date inventtor p y stalled. Ceriel Van Demme, ph- of fire apparatus .equ1,pment one 482-6685, 34,5.6=7p and nianpgwer within a county or di's0 ot, TUNING ! A means of standardizing fire training and oMgtr'ona.l —PIANO — YOUR PIANO Should be tuned c dura . lir g p s. and checked for moth damage 0 FAgc itions programs for And other defects :regularly. 1 member$ of the fire depmlt- appreciate the ^gntinued Priv- rnenit. liege .of servicing many of the Additional facts aliopt In in this axes. George natitual fire aid; W. Cox, phone 482-3870. In the event .of a •major _ &ro in Clinton, for example, REAL ESTATE, the movement of all addi� anal e 1zi meet here would be eon- c] . 'p er w+ou ,.,, NEW DUPLEX HOUSE, 4 bed- trolled by the co'un'ty co-ordm- r.00ms, large living room, dining •ator, room, kitchen, 4 -pc. bathroom, • The county co-ordinator large recreation rpom. Electric would be advised of the need heating. Will be sold single or ,for additional equipment 'by the double. Phone 482-7154 or 482- Clinton dire chief, 7640. 36.7p 0 The Clinton chW would I -STOREY RANC�l TYPE be in complete charge of the Duplex. Each unit'self-cornt'alti- fire and would have charge ed, with 3 •bedrooms, living of ,all other equipment and room., modern kitoben, 4 -piece manpower working in Clinton. bath, full basement with re- g, No, charges for any warlc creation room; eleettrIc ,heating, Lot 1061x140', Early possession, in any county mun!icipaliity under the plan are made. If 2 -STOREY solid. brick, four the Clinton brigade fought a bedrooms, 3 -pc. bath up; living fire in Seaforth, the Clinton fire room, dining room, family fighters would by pald by Min- room, modern kitchen, 2 -pe. 'ton, bath down; ,hot air oil heating; 0 If a major :Cure developed newly decorated throughout; red pine floors; water softener; .in Clinton, the vis'Iting firemen beautifully landscaped; 1 car woad be past] for their work garage; lot approx. 80'x160'. 'h'ere 'by their own m,unlaipau- This property is in excellent 'lies• condition. Early possession. ♦ County Mutual Fire Aid 11/2 -STOREY frame dwelling, would not interfere with any fixe pr°�teotion now being sold 4 rooms up, 5 down, Located 1/, block from main intersex by Chntton to neighboring town - tion on Highway 8, lot 130'x ship's or districts. 1351, ideal commercial ,property, Mr. Anderson stressed the plan !'s ons y ,,far use in bhQ • 1t/2 -STOREY split level, 2 bedrooms, large living room, - -- modern kitchen with dining area, den; 1 bedroom apartment Notice To Creditors in basement. Hot water gas Beating, 4 -pc, bath. Attached AR persons having c'lainzs garage, lot 79'x139'. Down pay- against the Estate of George ment $3,000, balance on mort- Hopson, Farnner, late of the gage, Vdllage of Bayfield, in the 11/2 STOREY, three bedroom dwelling; living County of Huron, who died on or about the 26th dray of Aug- room with, bxoadlaam; dining xaam:; mod- ust, 1964, are required to file earl kitchen; 1 bedroom, 3-ple'ce the same with full nai3tsaulars -With the undersigned by the bath down;, 2 bedrooms up; hardwood flows; aluminium 3rd day of October; 1964, as starms;• 'hot air 'gas heating; after :that date the. assets .of the estate will be disd YUUted. full basement with laundry DATED .at Goderich, Ontario,tubs. Well. landseaped, Excel- lent condition�throu'grhout. Early this, 4th day of September 1.964. possession, Lot approx. 56'x165' HAYS PRE, & HAYS Barristers & Solicitors, , Good location, 33 Monntxeal Street, H. C. LAW.J®N Gaderich,,-Ontario. 37-8-9b REAL ESTATE - INSURANCEAUCTION SALE 482-9644 37b of New Furniture FARM FOR SALE 99% .acres in the Town of Seaforth lot 39, concession 2 East Wa- East William Street wanosh. Good clay loam; prac- on Saturday, September 12 tically all workable land. Lange at 1:00 p.m, b'a'rn, drive shed, hen house, 12- Chesterfield suite•pLazyBo room stone house, drilled well. chair; coffee table; end ables Hydro tivraughaizt. School ort electric lamps; rugs; 13 cu. ft, property. Possession this fall. refrigerator; 18 eti. ft. freezer; Apply to Mrs, Walliaart Carter', dinette set, table and 6 chairs; Blyth. 37-8p 4 -burner electric stove; set 3 BEDROOM cottage si;tuat- dishes; washing machine; elec. ed pan double lot, one blockfrorn toric sewing machine; bedroom suite; power mower; electric main street, new oil furnace, full basement, modern kitchen, hen, floor polisher; 21 Admiral early poss'e's'silanmortgage can TV; vacuum cleaner; Holiday 8mm movie projector; movie be arranged. screen 9'x9'; girl's bicycle; gar - $7,500,00 - 3 Bedroom ixns2rl den tools. Other -articles too brick, all on one floor; new oil numerous to mention. furnace, full] basement. Posses- Owner moving to U.S.A. shop October 1, Terms - Cash Prop., Julis Troch IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, Auctioneer, Harold Jackson for sale or rent, 11A storey dhz- Clerk, George Powell Sul brick leas been rented ars 36-7b upper and lower duplex; new 0 - 0 furnace aluxnirnum*,"AAw ed. T, A. Dutton Appliances, Seaforth and dears, fully axvsul'ated Brumfield. 482-3232. 19tfb Large comer lot. Owner is FAr further irifox+inaticn, phone niovihng 'an'd would Make 'back �Op/ o�� mortgage at reasonable pay- s f�Ar. David Spencer meats. ESH482-9548 $7,$00.00 -8 -year -.old, 5 roam All Pre -Mixed Colours of 37b tattage with one bedroombase- ment •aparrtm;ent, large lot. 881 ` C-11 PANTS HELP WANTED 178" on with n Water ays. Pos- FEMALE . 2 BEDROOM cottage on Ra,t- >tenbury Street, electric heat, FAST• ION GLOSS EXPERIENCED WAITRESS full •basement. Possession do 36 for night w4'rk, ,Apply in per- days,. Be Sure to include Some rs SEMI -GLOSS son to KUM-In Reatatularnt. 37b tF'OR; RENT - We have #j�4D Goodies from Barfliffs. SUPER GLoss MEN new ,houses for rent, .both three bedrooms. Possession now 'and HELP WANTED MALE Sandwiches Taste Better made SLITTER -PERDUE CLINTON sogtembdr 15. . MEN WANTED for Mill wont with Bartliffs Enriched Broad. phone 4$2;7023 fbAl, and 'Adn,i;l? `c;Mployirtercnt. E, L 1Vlidde and Son Limited, KWr C�LQUI N. l U� 37b OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY FROM OUR STORE ONLY CHOP SUEY, LOAF Itet3. 8t c eel..,,,... :.........:...... SP941AL Sic BLUEBERRY MUFFINS keg, 55e tfoz........... ...,,,, MC IAL 49C DOS; #-: _. HARRY-nAVIDSC)X malar- eytle, ]nodal 45; in goon run- t-l*f Bar * r hing condition, :Phone 482.3431 . ♦ ... &Valings after 5 hiss, 37p 1 9 VOW) 4 -Door, V8 Mita- odker'y` dha R66t'odeoint Matfq, mdior bacl rip ligiztS, r'� leis Isx 10 1 btte� oft'' er ear', CLINTON 499,4191 bL N' ►N n ekcellei4 ddhaliion, Phone 4$Zyt330 31tEb 1 INHensall, 37b BREAD SALESMAN` for estab- lished route, Must be neat wind reliable. Apply' in pttson to B�tuffs Bakery Ltd. 37b Ileal Estate & Insueatteb 01fice Phone 4824147 969. Rhone 40-`7864 37b ARTICLES FOR RENT GOING CAMPING or hunting? R:ent a tent'traller or tent from us Contact Gordon Steepo, RR Clrnttnn 3671-b � MEN ARTICLES WANTED YOUTHS required how ttof Steady wo-ek int modern plant Apply In person td 1tilbchanioal Rubber bivlsialt Clinton CQirimunity Aftflon Saps l3AB'S PLAY PEN, an ' gaud condition. Phone 482-9241, 37b b WANTED TO Btt Y.Cocalc, , st- OV4t ori _good eonditlon. Msts, g0don Mill, 432 3307. , 37b -�-- AUTOS FCR SALE #-: _. HARRY-nAVIDSC)X malar- eytle, ]nodal 45; in goon run- t-l*f Bar * r hing condition, :Phone 482.3431 . ♦ ... &Valings after 5 hiss, 37p 1 9 VOW) 4 -Door, V8 Mita- odker'y` dha R66t'odeoint Matfq, mdior bacl rip ligiztS, r'� leis Isx 10 1 btte� oft'' er ear', CLINTON 499,4191 bL N' ►N n ekcellei4 ddhaliion, Phone 4$Zyt330 31tEb a era], ogul"Eower. f canada) Limited i3a Aothot st:, lVlitdlidi , oft: 30;7u81s a . .. _.. -. LOST and FOUND , ". EVERY FRIDAY' �j a� 7,30, pr A l . Goveenmttit Inspect6d Sdales Catub Solt] by Waght 7'Is�ift CASH ob, 4 � tkv Sa " m er J , l bttag LOST .,... 3 ,T.L41sey htiTx�i.�s, in Vi'cini�ty of Varna, Fbidor hone 402-7211, p 371 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects from the home of MIMS. FIRED OSTER, at the corner of 'Mill sail Dins. ley Streets; BLYTH, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 19 at 1.34 p.m., the following: L'ov'e seat; 3 Victorlan chairs (walnut); cabinet ra4lo; foot stood; rug 9x12; Gone Wath The 1 A lotu e &aures; halt rack; ack; oak sideboard, china rt and 6 dining chains; 2'g table; 2 desks; swi><i'al chair, sewing cabinet; r; 3 Wash stands, Mri Xl mbinet; swing rnitnorand mirror's; single bed (an- -cheat of drawers; day 3 kvtch4 anti. , shelf (antiqud) ,, other rtut- then and mfthtel Clocics; 2 foam rubber pillows (new) ; scatter m'attig; Aisheis Including fancy and antique; 2 frUlt compotes; covered soup tureom With mat= chiing plater; tooling utdris,ils; wimerous other artielos. '.Cerins., Otish Ars. ler ell O,ftdr,..rrotti letres5 VWivarcl W, 1�'lllott, Atictit►rlecr 37-sb Classified" :i .s aims darlings ire AIA PI went 0 Major fires. He said so far this :year in the 42 -coun- ties wivleli Anave. implemented the plan,. 'the system, h!a.s only been used 49 times, Some co.un-. tiies, he said, have had the Plan for 10 Ye'a'rs and have never ,44 to use it, CARDS QF THANKS T wish to tha:nlc. my many friend's and neighbours rv�kro remembered nm with visits, flowers, gkfts Ana cards while i Was, a -patient in St, Joseph's. Hospital, 140,4404.- A special thanks to Rev, Mills 'aaid Rev, Park; also my sincere thaatics to those Who swit parcels to: our home while I was ,away,-- MRS, MILDRED BLAKE, 37+b ATTVARrFOR SALE 33 YORK CHUNKS, John Watson, Bayfield, phone 58R13, 37b GENESE' SEED WHEAT, Phone Allen Bettles, Clinton 482- 9203, 36-7.8p PION E E R :CHAIN SAWS, 5 models, $155 and up. Oregon saw ohains, chain oil $1.40 per grallon. Complete Darts for Pioneer saws, Call Robert Glen 482-9909, 37-44p Talbot & Genesee FALL WHEATR. N. Alexander LONDESSORO 37-8bGOOD USED Pioneer Sawsmodel R,A 24" cut, rnoO 7Q7 24" cut, Guallahteed A-1 Con-d1tion, reasonably priced. Rob- evt Glen, Pioneer Saws, Clip -ton, 482-9909, 37.8p For All Your Fall Work Machinery Requirements See Us For The Complete Line of: © Minneopolis-Moline Tractors © New Cushion Tri Bottom M.M. Plows, etcEconomical Renault Tractor Line • Full Vision Combine Cabs a Continuous Flaw M -C Grain Dryers © Tires at•Real Savings, etc, HAUGH BROS. Fara Machinery 1 Mile East of Brucefield 32tfSERVICES DEAD ANIMALREMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS -- Call Collect DARLING �& Company of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2.7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb ENOAGEMNTANNOUNCE►Mr*. .and Mas W�klIMA Albert Craig, RR 3, Cllr, ton, wish to annou*l o °tile engagementof 'their ftutglwwe ;emdith Ann to Egger Fr'an'cis Laytoon, son. of xv,an'd Mrs. Fttlaott Layton,RR 1,, Brucefield. Thewedding to take place oilSaturday, Septefixi?Zer 26, 1964, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at ,m,pIRT :NS SU170N -- In, Clinton Public Reepital on Monday, -Sept* ember 7, 1.964,.tw M:r. and Mrs, Ron SuttonMinton, adaughter, TA L OR�-In :Sarnia GeneiW-Hospital, on Sunday, Septen-ber 6, X..964, t'o Mr, and Ma's, Morley Taylor, 5X.5 London Road, Sarnia, a son (David Camf$beW. TION Els! � E r FOR' SALE HURON COUNTY'S LEADING', farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 bells and hundreds of put- lays, bearings, bolts, spark plugs, plow shares, ete, in stock at all times. Sohn Bach, LH,. Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth, 31,tfb Tests Have Proven That Fall Application Of Fertilizer Pays Dividends For Substantial Savings On Your Fertiliz' er Requirements Contact Your Elmira Brand Fertilizer- Dealer -.. - . or Robert TOOT Sales Representative for Read Fertilizers Ltd. LIVESTOCK FOk SALE 20 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN heifers, due in September. Joe Shaddick, Londesboro. Phone Blyth 523-4510. 36-7-8b RED SHORTHORN BULL, 20 lmonths old, registered, La w- rence Falconer, Hwy, 4, four miles south of Clinton. Phone 1482-7457, 37-8p HOLSTEIN springing heifers and cows. Cash, monthly pay - meets or •half milk cheque. Con- tact Wilf Buck, 0/0 Math De Yong Farm, Cargill, directly across from Sales Barn. 36-7-8-9p EIGHT FIRST -GRADE Hoh- te'in milking cows, Brucelosis and TB nested; 90 laying 'hens and two feeder's. Henry Hel- linga, Lot 3, concession 17 of Grey. RR 3, Walton. 37b WANTED 20 TONS ONTARIO OATS wanted, Phone Brussels 473W4, 36-7b QUANTITY of clean straw, in the field or stacked. Jack Van- Egmond, RR 1, Clinton 482- 9231 evenings. 37b WE REQUIRE addMonal flocks to :supply us with hatching eggs, dual purpose, egg and broiler breeds. Broiler eggs taken every week in the year. Large prenii.- ium paid, Write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 37&39b Choose yours Crow frOfn our large selection of this seasbzn's neivVest. Priced from 3� .7� UP SPORT COATS ALL WC)OLS ` rhart Pktterha from $10.95 up • a Bring Quick • kett & Cam bell L meted Results Makin Car+nat CLINTOt4 ,..._ 4$2-9152