HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-03, Page 11More 'Than. '2,000 Students - .(ram: Clinton Classrooms
Photos By
John Visser
Plenty Smoke; No Spark
At Mutual Fire Aid Meet
A two and a half hour long meeting Tuesday
night in Clinton council chambers with representa-
tives of nearby townships failed to bring Huron
County any closer to implementation of a county
mutual aid fire system.
CHSS ClassesBeing Held
In Cloak Rooms, Cafeteria
At least three classes have been set -up in
emergency quarters at Central Huron Secondary
School to date, and indications are the over-crowd-
ing situation could Worsen.
The school — which already this would be the case if the
has undergone three major ex- students were-evenly registered
pension programs since it start- in all of the courses being of-
eel' ih 1926—has 'a 'capacity. crf fered". • •
between 1,200 and 1,250 'stud- . But the students appear to
eats. favor more and more the -tech-
By Wednesday, 1,239 stud- nical and commercial courses
ents had enrolled and 125 stud- offered last year for the first
ents were expected to swell the time.
total enrollment to 1,364. Courses Overdue
Goodbye Kiss
Cheryl gets a farewell kiss from
her mother, Mrs. Ron JefferSon, as she
starts out for her first day at school.
Vacation Toles
These Central Huron Secondary
School students were chattering gaily
as they waited for classes to start,
First Day
A new way of life With all sorts of
interesting things wait for Debbie
Showman behind . kinddrgartert doors.
The Line-up
So many old friends to greet while
waiting for 'classes to start at Clinton
Public School Tuesday morning.
Vocotion's End.
Summer's over as far as these stu-
dents at Calvin Christian School are con-
cerned as they get back to the books.
Clinton News Record
The Home Paper With The News CLINTON, ONTARIO,' T URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10; 1964 $4.00 Per Year-10 Cents Per Copy-12 Pages
The meeting was arranged
!flirter . -Clinton ,•Town..-Council
learned during an Emergency
Measures Organizational meet-
ing August 17 that Huron is
one of only two counties in
Ontario which have not imple-
mented the fire aid plan.
(The other county is. Carle-
ton, in the Ottawa area, where
the plan has not been adbpted
allegedly because of political
end personality problems.)
The points discussed' and the
information he gave during bis
15-minute address are summar-
ized here in capsule form:
• A County Mutual Fire
Aid Plan is a preearmnged plan
whereby a municipality having
a fire department is assured
of help from one or more par-
ticipating fire departments in
the county in 'the event of maj-
or peace time fire's when their
men and apparatus cannot con-
tain or extinguish the fire.
• To participate in such a
plan, municipalities within the
county must meet a number
of provisions which follow:
• The participating fire de-
partment must be established
under the Municipal Act.
• Bylaws must be passed by
the municipal council authoriz-
ing the fire department to par-
ticipate in the plan whiph also
authorites the depaeltnent to
leeive the lineits of their Munici-
pality at the diseretiOn of the
county fire co-ordinator to as-
Slat in fighting major fires in
other munieipalities,
' tienkfits
• A .mtinitierality wishing to
patiticipate in the plan Shea
(have a reasonable standard of
fire prrOtection to Meet its ovvn
horned event day needs.
41111 Attitu at fire aid pretides:
• A basic plan for ekerelS4
king mobiliiing control Were the
perticipating fire departments
within a county or district for
any large Seale peace time fire
entergendi Vitithhi a partiedpet-
anig etannuinity.
• Additional tire apparatus
end fire fighters to be Used izr
The Weather
1964 1963
High toW nigh LOW
Sept 8 67 54 67 61
4 80 51 61 S4
5 67 47 80 44
6 71 41 71 47
7 76- 57 72 51
8 86 67 71
9 83 63 72 SO
Xe Pain No !thin
System Outlined
Fire - officials from -RCAF
Station Clinton and Hullett,
INICKlillop and Stanley Town-
ships were invited to the meet-
pig to hear an outline of the
fire aid system by Fred Ander-
son, an Inspector of the On-
tario Eire Marshal's Office.
- RCAF, Station Clinton was
represented by three officers;
(Continued on Page Seven)
the event of any major peace
time fire,
Authority For Chief
AO Eire service co-ordination
at the county level.
(Continued on Page Six)
A Mal of 3,963 residents
were ealigilble .to vote.
The five points of the liquor
plebiscite fellow, along with
the wet and dry votes:,
"Are you in fever of the sale
Of liquor under a lounge lic-
ence for consumption oft licens-
ed premiSes?", Yes, 1,343: No,
Bayfield Fairi
bates Changed
The dates of the Itayfield
OA Pair have been changed
At year ftona Sept. 28 and
24 to Sept. -30 and Oct. 1
Secretary Uoir Stirling said
the change in dates oeettited
bcdatise tither Day 'Weekend
Was a Week later this year
and as a reettit the FiXetet'
Mar was being held on those
lie said bee Luse a, rilitribbe
of tattlers enter crops and
livestock &Midi's at both
faint, the hayfield Vitt itafes
Wore Mo'Ved on Otte Week?
Mrs. Alf. Warner
improving 'After
Highway Crash
Mrs. .Alfred Warner, 59, of
AA 1, Bayfield, was expected
to be released feom Clinton
Public-Hospital. later this week
where she has been a patient
Since ehe was injured in a ea
crash Friday night.
Mrs. Warner was admitted
for treatment of sirodk'and fac-
ial injuries after a. car driven
by her' 64-year husband an
Which she Was a passenger, was
involved in a crash near Gode
heat DeetroyeAl
°Marie Provincial Police
front the Goderich Detachment
Said Mr. Wernet Was SoUt114
hoitild on Highway 21 abbot
four Miles south of Oodenich
when his tar collided. with a
boat end 'trailer being towed by
a tooth-bet* tar,
Driver of the tar WAS -Louis
"rewsley, 26, of betrOlt.
Polite said 'the 15eiliadt tied-
err boat was destroyed. Dant
age to :the Warner vehicle Was
etitirnateel at $250.,
Class In Cloakrooms
The school said- it was not
known whether , the additional
students were being held at
their former schools, whether
some had decided 'to change
their course plans, or whether
some still were vacationing in
other parts of the country, or
had remained at summer jabs.
The 1,239 students already at
the school, however, presented
an accommodation problem and
some had to be placed in make-
shift classrooms, which include
two former cloakrooms and the
(See centre page photo at
"Top Heavy" Enrollment
Principal John Cochrane
said CHSS is overcrowded with
the 1,239 students "because we
are top-heavy in enrollment' in
'the commercial and technical
"The enrollment figures so
far and the school's capacity
figures look just about per-
fect on paper," he said, "and
Enrollment at Celvbt Chris-
tian School jumped by 29 to
125 students this year, Nit the
sincflhouoxl:board was ready for the
Dating the sweeter a $15,836
two-room .additien was built to
handle the increase.
Attend From Area
Miss livancirie Greydatuts 'is
the new priincipal of the 800614
Pupils attend Calvin Chris-,
time Scheel from Clinton; lalyth,
tsoter, Seafooth and Mitchell.
RCAF School Swells,
Principal C, A., 'Trott of Air
Marshal Hugh Campbell School
at 11,CAP station Clinton re-
norted-'Nesclay the enrollment
of the SehreOl, has jumped by
50 students.
Re reported an eairearient
of 440 pupils:,
St: Jos. Roll Drops
n St. Jouel kit's
Clinton, repotted 'ruesday a de--
erase in, siehool entollnient
this year tif 22 Student,
Total tilooliniont of the
school is: 75 Students.
A total of 14 commercial and
vocational courses are offered
in grades nine to 12, and the
72 Grade Thirteen students
may take 15 subjects.
"Vocational training courses
were long overdue here," Mr.
Cochrane said, "and now they
are being taken advantage of
by, many students. The result
(Continued on Page 12)
Temporary classrooms have
been set up at Clinton Public
School to handle the enrollment
increase of about 20 students
this year.
Principal Bert Gray said to-
tal enrollment 'to date is 525
The temporary classrooms
have been set up in the audi-
torium for Grade •Six students
and in the teachers' room for
Addition Planned
The additional enrollment
Was expected by the board, and
will be accommodated when a
four-room addition is built et
the school.
The addition—which is esti-
mated to cost $110,000 000 — has
been approved by the board,
and currently is being examin-
ed by the Ontario Municipal
Board. The proposal was sent
for the OMB 9n June of this
If and vviten it is approved by
the OMB, the reSeluttem will be
given a third reading by Clin-
ton cot nail and debentures in
the amount of $110,000 will be
issued by the town.
Farmers Need
Warm Weather
Good Weather during the
past several days has allowed
the contpletion ,of harvest Of
spring grains ,according to a
weekly crop report issued by
Mug 1ite4s, Agricultural
resentative for 1-Turon County,
White bean harvest bat Start-
but ripening is still slew.
Wonto watt' is needed to
mature both beans and corn.
email Wheat fields 'Eire
prepared for sowing This Wdek,
How Aid System Works
During a special meeting Tuesday night held
in connection with, the possibility of implement-
ing a county mutual fire aid system in Huron
County, Fred Anderson of the office of the Ontario
Fire Marshal outlined the plan.
Goderich Now Partly
GODERICH—Goderich residents approved only
dining lounges and loungest last week in a five-point
liquor plebescite. Beverage rooms for men and
women were turned down.
The question on the sale of 1,153;
beer and 'wine for consumption "Are you in favor of the sale
with meals squeaked by 'the of liquor under a dining lounge
required 60 per' cent by only lice-nee for consumption with
.97 per cent, and the sale of meals?" Yes, 1,954; No, 1,050;
liquor under a lounge license (Continued on Page Seven)
get by with a '61.51 per cent
The sale of liquor in a din-
ing lounge was approved by
65.04 per cent of the voters.
Five Points
a~vi n
(News-Record Photo By John Visser)
Troubled Waters
Angry waves surged Over the end of the gotierhtnetrt dock at Six cited
over the weekend making this pretty piethice possible but thwarting many
vatatiOners on their fast stint ter Weekerid for boating. (Arttios-4?ecOrd Photo)