HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-03, Page 8Page 8--Clinion Hewi-Record—Thurt., Sept. 3, 1964
Delivery Accepted At Hiirvest
Phone 103 HENSALL
Swirnmers Win Red Cross Awards
Eight of the swimmers pictured above won Red Cross awards last week
following an examination Wednesday. In the back row from the left, they are:
Mike Graham, Senior award; Paul Bartliff, Intermediate; Steve MacDonald,
Larry May and Name Christensen, all senior award winners., Front row,
Peggy Bartliff, junior; Diane Matthews, Intermediate; John Slavin, instruc-
tor and Lorraine Overboe, Junior. (News-Record Photo By John Visser)
Show Cattle —at the 1964 C.N.E. all of the
top senior gets of sire (and
many other winners) were by
co-operatively owned A.I. sires,
For Service infOrrilatien contact your local branch`of
CC-' s•
behind other cars by following too closely.
,,.q50 rt`•:, V • 11' "“ A
They Caused over 7,000 accidepti 1?ginoes
they didn't leave a safe stopping 'distance hefween cars.
Safe stopping distance is at least. On* car lingth
between your car and the one ahead for every
10 miles of Speed. At 60 miles an hour you should
be six car lengths behind the car in front of you:
If a faligater kfplIpwieg.yosi too clasety, bares a, tip from the Ontario
Safety League. Slow down a bit to leave more space between your car and the
one ahead. With extra stopping room in front, you're not so likely to have to
Come to a quick "stop ... arid not so likely to be Mar-ended by the tailgate!.
ciA Co-operators Ineiniance AssociatiOn
Co-operators Life insuranee Association
TAILGATERS TRESPASS an thek protec ive Seace"'''
Ontario's most progressive dairymen plan their
breeding progranimes year after year around their
co-operatively owned A.I. sires. They know they
can rely on these bulls for
Productive Cattle —offspring from bulls
proven in hundreds of
Ontario herds can be
relied on to produce
well under all types of
S aleable Cattle —offspring of well known
sires bring top prices both
on the domestic and ex-
port market.
everything's ACTION
• U.S. Space Exhibit
Featuring "spate capsulei
and inodoll used in Pro.
feet Mercury.
• Dept. of Lands and
Forests Exhibit
A plea for conservation
from Smokey the Bear and
his friends.
Square & Folk
pontiott •
Annditil.,COniPetliiens ,feetUritia iii iidest dancing groups of
‘,. the area.' ,
4 ,Hoseithow„.„
boa of the, Malt Ii4;puter
f*Otiiii..0,,,,WRiterti,;•Feit; •Agriultural Displays
Largeit ,Ageteultukli
ity!disPlay of any exhibition
s lirtIcatiOda.
• ,Manufacturers
NI* i:ireihittS from tdnadidn
tnanUfaeturers kisci feri,tWeeYenei 411e; kids love
5 , fearing, the, exhii4f.ttoi
•Midvimyo Adult
Irahioui Conklin Shows 146.4
hew rides . . . hew akitti•
$1 b0 A' sNlGHT
anew draw rai-0;000 every
Everyone has a 6004 to win.
See a world in dctien
. . . a world in motion at
Opening Fri. evg., Sat. aft. & avg..
Sept. 11, 12
Speedway Auto Racing
Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 14 to 16
Parisienne Follies
starring The Step Brothers
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs,, 'Sept. 14 to 17
Bell Rocket Belt
Demonstration Flights
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 17 to 19
Hubert Castle's 3-Ring. Circus
Tues. and Wed, aft., Sept. 15 & 16
Golden Horse Ranch
Thrill Show
A complete expense.paid trip for
two. Drown daily at the Grandstand.
For The Woman
Who Cares
Johnston has Just
returned from two weeks of
study at the Advanced.
Academy , of Hair Design
with the new fall fashions
and the Austrian Line which
Will be released shortly.
For care and quality, call
us for your fall permanents,
cutting, styling and L'Oreal
23 Gibbings Street (Corner Gibbings and Rattenbury)
Mrs. Edith Johnston, Prop. — Miss Lois Rathwell, operator
would you like
a niodelli kitchen?
an op4o4date laundry?'
extra living space.?,
find the best way
to plan it in the
planning guides
available now at your
1 53 Albert St., Clinton Phone: 482-9651
My .Diet Says No Pie
By Daxd Scott
The Map in the bulging sport shirt had just
finished, eating hiS steak. His wife had finished
her lamb chops. Their six-year-old son was toying
with his carrots.
• "The chocolate pie looks good," said the man
pushing his dinner plate away from him. "I won-
der how many calories it has?"
, "„I dont know,", his wife replied, "but I over-
stipt by 240 on those hot buttered rolls . . . Oh,
"How many calories are there in your choco-
late pie?" the man asked.
"Calories, sir?" asked the waitress, "I'm sure
I don't know sir; I'll ask the chef." She hesitated
and then went into the kitchen.
Ina moment she was: back.
"The chef said he doesn't know how many
calories there are in the chocolate pie, sir . . .
would you 'Care , for cherry, lemon, apple . ."
, jnst, wantchoeglate pie," the heavy
Man stated flatly, "if Ogre aren't too many calories -
in it . . . I've only got 300 to go," he confided to -
his wife. ,
"Where's the manager?" the man asked the
"I'll get hini, sir," the waitress promised,
wearing a disturbed look..
The manager walked over to the table.
"How many calories are there in your choco-
late pie?" he asked the, apprehensive manager,
who had seated himself in an uncomfortable posi-
tion beside the boy in order to avoid standing
"I'm sure I don't know, sir," the manager
smiled nervously--"but you certainly can't be wor-
ried about being over-weight," he added cheerily.
"That isn't the point," replied the man in the
sport shirt. "I have to know how many calories
there are in the chocolate pie."
His wife nudged his elbow. "Isn't The Book
out in the car," she reminded him. -
The man who wanted to eat the chocolate
pie started.
"It is," he said, excused himself, and went
The manager looked relieved, excused himself,
and -went back to his kitchen.
"Eat your carrots," the woman „told her son,
"or you won't have any ice cream."
The boy made a face.
The man in the bulging blue sport shirt came
through the doorway wearing an unhappy look.
He sat down heavily.
"525," he announced glumly.
"How many calories are there in ice cream,"
demanded the boy who had finally eaten most of
his carrots.
"Never you mind," his mother told him sternly.
The waitress looked more relaxed as she came
back to the table.
"Will there be anything else?" she asked.
The mother ordered a sundae for the boy
who had managed to drop the last slice of carrot
under . the table.
The waitress turned 'to go.
"Oh, miss . . . bring me a slice of the choco-
late pie . . . I'll only have one boiled egg Jor break-
fast," the man in the sport shirt confided to him-
self, stuffing the well-thumbed Calorie book into
his back pocket, and looking, the other way as he
loOsened hiS belt a notch under the table.
21.3 cu. ft: of Shelf Space
1 cu. ft. Handi-Freezer
This Westinghouse Space
King giveS you ektra-large
Space for fresh foods. In ad-
dition to .large food capacity
in -the automatic defrosting
Refrigerator .s ection, the
Space King has • a i, cti„ft.
Handi-Freezer up top. It's large enough for ice, cream
and other frequently used
frozen foods.
Available with right or left
hand door, and "whisper
quiet" operation:
One-year guarantee against
iefectiVe workmanship and
materials on the entire Re-
frigerator. ,An additional 4-
/ettr gtiarantee on the refrig-
erating syStem
Air-sweep Shelves lets re-
frigerated air sweep freely
throughout giving faster ,
freezing and "more constant
low temperature. Packages
won't stick.
,Safety signal lights warn
of power interruptions or
unsafe temperatures.
Factory protection plan,
pins 3-year food spoilage
baton Electric Shop
p. p. w. CORNISH, Proprietor
"Your Westinghouse Dealer's
482-6646 Clinton
To. Strengthen Egg Shells
Several millions of dollars are lost each year to
the Canadian egg industry because of weak egg
shells. Cracked eggs are downgraded from perhaps
25 to 30 cents a dozen to a few cents and some-
times to nothing.
Hari McNally, presiding min;
:Ater of the Clinton congre'ga-
'tion ..of Jehovah's Witnesses,
-said this week a free two-hour
icolor 'film will be shown. Sat-
urday at Owen Sotind.
He said 'the. movie was a
,special feature of the three-
day assembly of Jehovah's, Wit-
nesses schedtded for the week 7,
end of September 4-6 at the
Auditorium at Owen
Mr. McNally said more than
800 persons were expected to
see 'the film titled "Proclaim-
ing 'EVerlasting Good News'
Around The World."
The problem is an old one
and has been probed by scient-
ists for many years- in different
parts of the world.
At .Ottawa studies involving
the application of increasing
loads and impact forces to eggs
are being carried, on by enA's
Engiineering Research Service
Spedal Movie
At Owed 'SOO
On Wednesday ,everning, the
ladies of the Oilelarle Club en-
tertained their husbands an d
the baChelorS of •the village,
Twenty-seven sat down, to
- laden t a h 1 e. a
programme consisting of
,humorous readings, solos,
instrumentals, jokes, violin sel-
ection5 and several contests.
A Prize donated by Fred
Pickett for the number 'getting,
the most votes, for entertain-
ment; was won by.1VIrs. Mabel
Scott. Her number consisted of
mouth organ Selection's, 4 num-
ber -Pt jokes, and a medley of
r,rxg" . The Prize was an insul-
ated ,picnic hamper.
A few games of cards follow-
pd. Jim Neilans on behalf of
the guests thanked the ladies
for the enjoyable evening.
In the eternoon of Septem-
ber 6„ at 3:30 P.m., a memorial
service will be observed at
Hope Cemetery. Rev. W. Mc.
Carson will be the speaker.
The Evlorers, visited. rth,e
museum at Gecieriph ail Wed-
nesday of last week, rettnning
for a picnic at the church.
Misiitors, over the weekend
with 1V 1r. and Mrs. Lear were
Miss Doris Lear .and Frances
Johnson of Hamilton, also
John and Kathy Underwood of
Wingliam Spent the past week
with their grandparents.
Mrs. Sadie McDonald., Wal-
ton, spent a .few days recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. 'John l3aliner
(nee Frances -..y9x1) °If Edmon-
ton,.'are spending two weeks
with the latter's parents, Mr,
and •Mrs. Stanley Lyon, and
Visitors,recently with !the
Beacern amilies were their
uncle, James Pearson, Mrs.
Pearson and son, of Owosso,
It may. take longer to, make
an emergency stop,in .hot,wea-
ther, says the Ontario • Safety
League. -,Asphallt _roads may
"bleed" under a blazing sun.
The oil rises to the Surface,
and can create a slippery con-
and Animal Research Institute.
The former's Dr. Peter Voisey
says the main problem is to
measure the strength of the
shell. There are indirect meth-
ods of doing 'this, such as, as-
certaining the percentage of
shell or shell thickness. But,
these do not shed enough light
on strength requirements for
the actual ways in which ,eggs
are handled by man and mach-
ine in hatcherieS, grading and
washing stations, and in pack-
aging and retailing.
In the CDA tests a relation-
ship ,has been found between
the amount of force needed to
bend or distort the shell of set
distance and the force required
to break it.
Dr. J. R. Hunt of the Nut-
rition Section, Animal Re-
search Institute, hopes that a
non - destructive method of
measuring shell strength in in-
dustry can be evolved from
these tests. For instance the
distortion of a, shell under a
force, small enough not to dam-
age the shell; may be used as
a measure of the breaking
Research work also requires
an accurate method of deter-
mining egg ,shell strength. The
Method under conSideration is
impact force, Which is the kind,
of force to which the egg is
Usually subjected in commerc-
ial handling.
One other area ,of .investiga-
tion, bdigg, studied in, England
the effect of the magnesium
content of the shell. Work done
So far indicates that, as the
magnesium content of the , shell
increases so does its resistance
to breakage.
The question "What makes,
strong egg ,sheits?"„ Should
have same new answers in a
short time, says Dr. Hunt.
These answers will be useftil
in determining how the genetic
Make-up and nutrition of the
hen contribute to the prieduc-
Ion of stiOng-shelled eggs.
►nburn Man Jumps
From Ii ,r, - iirning Truak
GODERICH—Donald.” Young
df RR 3, isi-4U1111, jumped froun
the cab of his struck last week
When the heat became unbear-
4 , As soon as he leaped from
the truck 'the seat he had been
Sitting,on butt it until flames.
He w
as unable to control the
out the' fire which burred,
teraor of the truck's cab.
Ontario Provincial Polite
Said the incident happened on
a West Wawatiosh siderou.d
about 10 miles northeast of
Cause of the fire was not
cleterinined. Mr. koung was rot