HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-03, Page 4- BOARD AND ROOM, SLLEPING ,-ACCOMMODA- tion. with some kitchen facil- ities. Central locatlan,. Phone 462,9605, 46. Princess Street,. West. - 34p 't MISCELLANEOUS CARDS OF THANKS friends who dsI W;11 h . trelnllk remembered ered1114.7e with visits, gift.s. flowers and. gaanicild,sSinwci.]:.ceppiTipwga,:oam,ep,atAtensp%I: .josephss Hospital, London la -thank .you to 'Rev, C. Park and Rev, Peter Dymond for their prayers and visits. Also a sincere ;thank you 'to ironic Rebekah Lodge 306. _ELSIE_ VAN gigsFN, Please accept my sincere .014r *s. for the many :cards of' good wisho$, gifts, letters and Kitchenervj visits wh Waterloo while e I t was a o PagTpti L .4 1 And since, returning home, Everything was greatly apprec, lated. -MRS. HAZEL PLUM-- STEEL. . 36p Notice. To.. Creditors In the Estate of FRANK BURROWS PBNNEBAKER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired rliarinacist, deeeased. All persons having claims against . the Estate of the above-named who died on the 8th day of May, A.D. 1964, are required to file full particulars thereof with . the undersigned on or before the • 8th day of September, AD, 1964, after which date the assets will bp distributed, having regard only- to the claims of .Which the -un- dersigned shall then have not- ice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 14th day of August, A,D, 1964. E. B. MENZIES, • Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 34-5-6b Classified Ads ATTENTION FARMERS! Macp-ONALP, . . ELECTRIC Motor Repairs and Rewinding House Wiring Servicepai . 482-7702 „ Page 4----Clinton News-Record--Thurs./ Sept. 3, 1964 ARTICLES FOR SALE. ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT CUSTOM WORK FOR SALE FOR SALE "THE PI:KW" Beauty Salon, New phone number 432.7792, Perms; -tinting, hair cutting a' specialty. • 48tfb REPAIRING brick work, stone work, plastering, repainting. We also whitecoat basements, Raymond Squire, Isabelle St- reet, Box 335, Seaforth, 01'4, Phone 557. 341fb SET OF GRADE 11 text books for sale, generel Course. Phone 482-3293. 36b 29tfb CErsTESE .SEED WHEAT, Pb- one Allen. Bettles, Clinton 482, 9203. 36-7-8p HALF ARAE,I4N, 4-year-old bay gelding for riding. Cathryn Wallis, Bayfield, phone -Clinton 482-9598, 35-6x 100 DE KALE HENS, one year old, 75c each. Phone Hen- sail 262W4. 35p-6x HURON COUNTY'S LEADING farm equipment depot. Over 1,000 belts and hundreds of Pul- leys, bearings, bona,. spark plugs, plow shares, etc. in stock at all times. John Bach, I.H, Dealer, Phone 17, Seaforth. 31.efb LIVESTOCK FOk SALE LET US REPAIR AND 'MAKE your rings and .ieWellery like new. Diamend rings renewed and stones safely secured-don't take chances. Export work done reasonably to your satisfacti Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter, 20tfb AQUA TRENCH-STYLE coat, size 10-12, worn twice. Best offer. Apt, 4, 84 Victoria Street: CANNING TOMATOES. Red- oes Farm, 1 mile 'east arid 1/2 mile north of Bayfield Golf Course, phone 482-91,66, 36p TRAILERS FOR SALE, new and used; 2 13' holiday trailers, one used holiday trailer, one 31'X8'. Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 36p ONE BEDROOM aPartment, unfurnished, phone 482-6685. 33tfb 2 BEDROOM apartment,. plus 3-piece bath, living room, 'Mt-. Chen and dinette. Free laundry facilitiest Apply 201 King St,. rget, apartinent. 1, or ,phone 02,9227, '33tfb 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, upstairs. Phone 482- 7677. 32tfb COMPLETE BEAN PULLING equipment, will fit Ford Fer- guson, Massey Ferguson or Ford tractor, with two sets of knives. Scott Cliff, .Seaforth, Opt. 36b 4-ROOM unfurnished apart- ment, hardwgod floors, self-. contained; private bath and ent- rance, Gas heating. 13 Albert St., phone 482-9090, 23p-tfb FURNISHED APARTMENT Suitable for couple. Apply 93 Huron Street. 10p-tfb DUPIRX FOR RENT, unfur- nished, reasonable rent. Phone Seaforth 3. - 32tfb PIANO TUNING SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write* or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 11-41p 4-BEDROOM HOUSE on high- way, all modern conveniences, oil furnace, close to school. Av.,, allable now. Phone 482-3251. 28tfb YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the •:orktinued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 10 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Phone 482-9802, 36b CHOICE second cut baled alf- alfa hay. Young Aberdeen An- gus bull, 16 months old. Ready for service. Phone 482-7525. 34-5b FURNISHED AND HEATED 3 room apartment with private bathroom .and washing 'facilit- ies, available now. Phone 482- 3329 at noon or after five. 34tfb CAREFREE HEATING - For the only fuel oil insured against explosion, we give free burner service. A. G. GRIGG & SON, phone 482-9411. 23tfb43tfb 250 RED X SUSSEX PULLETS ready to lay. Charles Wilson, RR 3, Clinton, 482-7515. 36p 20 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN heifers, due in September. Joe Shaddick, Londesboro. Phone Blyth )523-4510. 36-7-8b WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb REMODELLING, renovations, roofing an floor laying, expert- ly done. All odd jobs around 'the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. 23tfb REAL ESTATE For All Your Fall Work Machinery Requirements See Us For The Complete Line of: O Minneapolis-Moline Tractors O New Cushion Trip Bottom M.M: Plows, etc. O Economical Renault Tractor Line O Full Vision Combine Cabs O Continuous Flow M-C Grain Dryers O Tires at Real Savings, etc, MODERN COTTAGE for rent on Wellington Street in Clin- ton. Phone 482-3221. 34tfb TWO l3TIDROOM apartment, unfurnished, centrally located, private parking, ample stor, age closets, $65'menthly heated. Phone 482-7661. 33tfb MAGIC MARKERS Black and Red only. "The better kind". Only $L13 (tax included). At Clinton News-Record. '34tfb FOUR BEDROOM unfurnished, red-brick house, new oil furn- ace, all modern conveniences, $75 monthly, on Hwy No. 8, between Seaforth and Clinton. Phone 482-9647. 25tfb CENTRALLY LOCATED, 4 bedroom brick home, in good state of repair, greatly reduced in price, or willing to exchange on other property. Write P.O. Box 353, or phone 482, Mea- ford, Ont. 32tfb HOLSTEIN springing heifers and cows. Cash, monthly pay- ments or half milk cheque. Con- tact Wilf Buck, % Math De Yong Farm, Cargill, directly across from Sales Barn. 36-7-8-9p SINGLE BED with matching dresser, with large mirror• and bench; baby crib and mattress, excellent condition; sewing ma- chine. Phone Seaforth 743R. Electric Motor APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 105 Rattenbury Street. Mrs. Florence Elliott, phone 482-9332. 26tfb 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Private bathroom, central loca- tion. 46 Princess Street West. Phone 482-9005. 36p-tfb ONE FURNISHED, AND ONE unfurnished apartment. Phone 482-9928, Roy Tyndall. 17tfb ONE YEAR OLD brick and Angel Stone ranch style, 28'x49' situated in Clinton near both schools. Built under NHA Housing Regulations on 120'x 128' lot. Has 3 bedrooms, cer- amic tiled bathroom with van- ity, large living room with wall-to-wall broadloom, dining room with sliding thermopane doors, Hardwood floors through- out except for kitchen (Conlon) and bathroom (tile). Basement partitioned with 14x49 rumpus room. Low down payment and 614% NHA mortgage or cash. For full information phone 482- 7876. 35p-6b• 1. SETTEE and matching chair; 1 settee; 1 round ornate living room table; 1 fernery; 2 plain chairs. No reasonable offer re- fused. Phone 482-9492 after 6 p,m. 36b Sales and Service Domestic -- Commercial Industrial Special 3-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, available now, located 130 King Street. Phone Seaforth 219-R. 35tfb in this week's Clinton Sale Sept. 4, will be Mr. Milt Dale's Art levett & Sons TIMEX WATCHES Sold and Serviced at ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 482-9525 11tfb UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, un- furnished; 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom and kitchen; $55.00 per month. Apartment heated, water supplied. Avail- able now. Located 162 Victoria Street. Phone 482-7212 even- ings. • 23p-tfb 3-BEDROOM HOUSE in Kip- pen, available October 1, reas- onable rent. Phone Hensall 26434. 36b Herd of Milk Cows 139 ERIE ST. CLINTON Phone 482-6640' AUCTION SALE of Antique China, Furniture and Household Effects at the Kruse Residence in the Village of Egmonclville on Saturday, September 5 at 1:00 p.m. Chesterfield, dining room fur- niture, love seat and chair, chest of drawers, bedroom furniture, clocks, radio, scatter mats, pic- ture frames, rocking chairs, arm chairs. Antique china, toilet sets. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms - Cash Prop., George Kruse Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell 36b 2 Registered Guernsey Cows 1 Jersey Cow 1 Ayrshire Cow 1 Holstein Cow These are exceptionally good cows and reason for selling is due to sickness. NO RESERVE• We Specialize In . . . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, 'Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 45 KING STREET, CLINTON PHONE 482-7652 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, available now, large size rooms.Phone 482-6663 or 482- 9568 after 5:30 p.m. 23tfb HAUGH BROS. Farm Machinery FREE - To Hard of Hearing. Thorough audiometric test at our store or in your home any time, day or evening, by Mateo audiologist. All batteries and accessories available. Edward's Pharmacy. 23tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED NEW MODERN BUNGALOW, 3 bedrooms, available at once, in 'Clinton. John Bosveld, Box 353, Meaford. . 36tfb OPEN FOR OFFERS, two bedroom, lake-front cottage; 2- po, bath, drilled water system, furnished. Name your own terms. 3 'BEDROOM, living room, kitchen, 2-pc. bath, close to lake, furnished, $4,500, HOUSTON HOUSE, 3 bed- room, large living room, mod- ern kitchen, hot water heater, garbage disposal, close to lake, $7,500. Apply to ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield, Phone 83 LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE Bayfield 36b APARTMENT WANTED, one or two bedrooms. Ground floor preferred. Phone 482-9174 after 6:00 p.m. 36-7b 1 Mile East of Brucefield 32tfb ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished, 3-piece bath, priv- ate entrance, close to schools. Phone 482-3837. 34W) • VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs, hoses and bags for all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna Phone Henson 352w2 29 to 39p tfb SERVICES 4-BEDROOM HOUSE WANT- ed immediately, in Clinton vic- inity, pre-school age children. Phone 482-7607. 36tfb DEAD ANIMAL. REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect FURNISHED one bedroom ap- artment, available immediately. 73 East Street, phone 482-9868. 36tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED ONE BEDROOM uptown apart- ment, furnished, kitchen, bath, $35 per month. Phone 482-6694. 18tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE DARLING Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BABYSITTrNG by the day or week. References supplied. In town. Phone 482-7329. 34-38b OIL SPACE HEATERS, coin- SET OF GRADE 12 school p books, all new last year. Phone plate with regulators: one large 482-6690. 36b and one small Quaker; one 1Fairbank - Morris, large. One BABY BUGGY, in good condi- plug-in range; one heavy duty tion, yellow and grey, very rea- two plate; one automatic fan sonable. Phone 482-9912. 36b blower. Home Friday or appoint- ment. Ed Wendorf, 131. Rotten- bury St. E. 36p AUCTION SALE of the Estate of Mrs. Margaret Vair, Brucefield, Main St., on Wednesday, Sept 9 at 1:30 'P.m., the following: Chesterfield (like new); what-not; Sparton 21" TV, aerial and rotor; oriental style rug, 71/2 'x10Y2'; walnut 4 poster bed; walnut dresser (antique); walnut bedroom chair; % size Jenny Lynn spooled bed (an- tique); quantity of bedding, curtains and drapes; tri-light; floor lamp; table lamp; Sun- shine electric range; Frigidaire refrigerator; kitchen table; 4 kitchen chairs; electric clock; electric portable oven; vacuum cleaner; carpet sweeper; iron- ing board; card table; 2 fern- eries; 3 TV trays; end table; Singer drop-head sewing ma- chine; dishes and cooking uten- sils. & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 7-tfb ONE BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance, located above Fina Lunch. Phone 482-9419. 36b SOLID RED BRICK HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, 30-ft. living room, 20-ft. sun room, 4-pc. bath up- stairs, powder room down. Cor- ner of High and Kirk Streets. Phone 482-3898. 36tfb HELP WANTED Clerical Stenographer 2 4 ROOM, unfurnished, self con- tained apartment, centrally loc- ated, available now. Ample parking space. Apply 110 King. Street, phone 482-9477. 35tfb RIPE TOMATOES for sale, 50c per 6 quart basket. Phone 482- 7434. 36p 1963 GENERAL Mobile Home, 48' x 10', phone Goderich 524- 7440 or Blyth 523-9494. 34-5p-6-7b WANTED DRAPERY PULL RODS - Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given. Irwin's Dry Goods. • 23tfb 20 TONS ONTARIO OATS wanted. Phone Brussels 473W4. 36-7b NEW DUPLEX HOUSE, 4 bed- rooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen, 4-pc. bathroom, large recreation room. Electric heating. Will be sold single or double. Phone 482-7154 or 482- 7640. 36-7p 6-ROOM HOUSE, about one mile east of Clinton on Hwy. 8. Phone 482-7282 or apply Man- fred Thompson, RR 4, Clinton. 36b $3,240 - $3,750 Increases may be recomnitild- ed at semi-annual intervals up to $3,480. Preferably Grade 12 educa- tion, with a minimum of 2 years' satisfactory experience and proven ability. Successful completion of Civ- il Service Commission short- hand and typing tests. Interesting position with var- ied duties. Promotional possi- bilities. -5 day-361/4: hour work week -3 weeks annual vacation -Superannuation and Sick Leave Benefits. For interview- call or write: Business Administrator, Ontario Hospital, Goderich. Tel, 524-7331. 36b PHILLIPS 21" TELEVISION, in good working condition, $35. Phone 482-7796. 36p FOR SALE-Good cooking and eating apples; also good quality peaches for canning or eating. Bring own containers. Take No. Highway to Holmesville, fol- low signs. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 32tfb Sitattbw 9006 olf c?aaay 2-STOREY solid brick, four bedrooms, 3-pc. bath up; living room, dining room, family room, modern kitchen, 2-pc. bath down; hot sir oil heating; newly decorated throughout; red pine floors; water softener; beautifully landscaped; 1 car garage; lot approx. 80'x160'. This property is in excellent condition. Early possession. BUILDING LOT, 90x100'. Price $1,000. 11/2 -STOREY frame dwelling, 4 rooms up, 5 down. Located 1/ block from main intersec- tion on Highway 8, lot 130'x. 135', 'ideal commercial property. ' 11/2 -STOREY split level, 2 bedrooms,, large living room, modern kitchen with dining area, den; 1 bedroom apartment in basement. Hot water gas heating, 4-pc. bath. Attached garage, lot 79'x139'. Down pay- ment $3,000, balance on mort- gage. 3 BEDROOM cottage, furn- ished, situated on Maitland River (Fernhurst), 2 miles from HolmesVille, Ont.; lot 150'x270', spring water supply. Immed- iate possession. Price $3,000, $1,000 down, balance on mort- gage. 1 STOREY, 3 bedroom dwel- ling, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, bath, oil heat- ing, full basement with laundry tubs, 1 block from business section. Lot approx. 95'x65'. Down payment $2,500, balance on mortgage. TWO BEDROOM ground floor apartment, stove and frig sup- plied. Available September 15. Apply 84 Albert Street, Clin- ton, or phone 482-9695. 34tfb TWO USED COATS, spring and fall, size 12 and 14. Phone 482-9993. 36b ..4*.rek USED GO-CART; 2 cylinder Pioneer chain saw. Phone 482- 9376. 36b STEREO combination radio, record player and TV; wringer type washer; automatic West- inghouse washer; small frig.; apt. size electric stove; rang- ette; baby crib; play pen; high chair; leather type hide-a-bed; 2 'bedroom suites; single bed; 4 kitchen suites; small chest; chesterfie'ld; 3 hostess ,chairs; set bunk beds; single continen- tal bed. Apply Becker's Trail- er Court, Clinton. 36p APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 rooms, central location, fur- nished; frig. and stove, suitable for couple. Apply Hermaes Men's Wear, 482-9351. 22tfb DISCOUNTING THE DISCOUNTERS Until Saturday, September 5 • Fishing Tackle 33.11,3% Discount • Swimming Equipment 50% off • Marine Supplies 50% off • Beautiful Tray Plaques less 25% TERMS - CASH Fred G. Bonthron Administrator of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, •Auctioneer 36b FOR THE BEST buys in ap- pliances, check with Sutter - Perdue Hardware, your auth- orized Kelvinator Dealer., 36b SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, ground floor, heated.' L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High Street, phone 482-6692. 24tfb AUCTION SALE of New Furniture in the Town of Seaforth East William Street on Saturday, September 12 at 1:00 p.m. Chesterfield suite; Lazy Boy chair; coffee table; end tables; electric lamps; rugs; 13 cu. ft. refrigerator; 18 cu. ft. freezer; dinette set, table and 6 chairs; 4-burner electric stove; set dishes; washing machine; elec- tric sewing machine; bedroom suite; power mower; electric floor polisher; 21" Admiral TV; vacuum cleaner; Holiday 8mm movie projector; movie screen 9'x9'; girl's bicycle; gar- den tools. Other articles too numerous to mention. OWner moving to U.S.A. Terms - Cash Prop., Julls Troch Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell 36-7b SMALL CHINA CABINET, handmade,, in good condition, very reasonable. Phone Mrs. Don Symons, 482-9798. 36b BAYFIELD APARTMENTS and COTTAGES Furnished or unfurnished Heated. Modern facilities. Water included in rent. Ideal for commuters. 10 miles from RCAF Station Clinton. Immediate possession. Also 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE Phone Bayfield 803 or STRATFORD 273-6611. or 271-2308 after 6 p.m. 36-7-8-9p TENT - TRAILER, complete with foam mattress, sleeps 2 to 5. Contact Gordon Steepe, RR 2, Clinton. 36-7b Have An Extra Key For Your Car . . House We Specialize In CUTTING KEYS Changing Combinations Keying Locks Alike BALL and MUTCH Crest Hardware Phone 482-9505 49tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE CROWN QUART SEALERS. Could be picked up at RCAF Station. Mrs. F. Chapple, phone Seaforth 671W3. 36p 2 WAITRESSES. Apply Cosy Grill, Mitchell, phone collect Mitchell 348-8741. 35-6b WOMAN to do housework, one- half day a week. Phone 482- 9868. 36b Plus Hundreds of Good Buys See Our New Archery Department LATE BARTLETT PEARS, choice for canning or eating. Orders taken •now. Phone Mrs. McPherson, 482-9652. 36b HOUSEKEEPER wanted to live in or out, to take care of one child while mother works. For information apply Box 366, Clinton News-Record. 36b 6-PIECE OAK DINING ROOM suite in excellent condition. Phone 482-9293 after 6:00 pm, or on Saturday. 36p AGAIN THIS YEAR Outside white paint only $2.99 per gal- lon. Telephone orders accept- ed. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, 482-3232. 19tfb "Duck Hunters" WOMAN WANTED to do gen- eral housework, one day per week, •in home near Clinton, 2 adults. Transportation arrang- ed if necessary. Reply to Box No. 367, Clinton News-Record. 36b All Shot Shell Ammunition in stock . less 25% ARTICLES FOR RENT GOING CAMPING or hunting? Rent a tent-trailer or tent from us. Contact Gordon Steepe, RR 2, Clinton. 36-7b RY TREATS BICYCLE SPECIAL Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results HELP WANTED MALE Limited Supply of English built Bikes Reg. $54.50 ...„ .... . .. While They Last H. C. LAWSON $42.95 WHEEL CHAIRS-The C.P. & T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have Wheel chairs avail- able for loan. Contact Harold Tyndall 482-7409, after 6:00 p.m. or Mrs. E. Trick, 482- 3221. 32b BREAD SALESMAN far estab- lished route. Must be neat and reliable. Apply in person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 36b REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phone 482-9644 36b TRAVEL SERVICE Choose From A Variety Of Cakes -- Pastries - Cookies DRIVER for oil truck and school bus route. Must be re- liable and have a good person- ality. Steady employment. Write to Box 357, Clinton News-Record. 36b Sweet Goods ARTICLES WANTED WOULD LIKE to obtain frame 'building. Willing to wreck and remove lumber 'from premises. For particulars phone 482-7385 after 6 p.m, 36p STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. For all airlines, steam- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas. Call 271-5710. MEN YOUTHS OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY FROM OUR STORE ONLY WANTED-Will pay cash for 3 to 71/2 h.p. used outboard motor, condition not impprtant, Must be Johnson or Evmrude, approximately 1960 or newer, See A. Galbraith at Galbraith Radio and TV. 35-6b AUTOS FOR SALE required .noW for Steady work in' modern plant Apply in person to Mechanical Rubber Division Federal-Mogul-Bower (Canada) Limited 80 Arthur St., Mitchell, Ont. 36-7.8b Chocolate Chiffon Cake Reg. 49c each „. SPECIAL 44c EA. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Check Your Boy's Wardrobe Now! See Our Selection of Boys' Assorted Tarts Reg 70c doz. . SPECIAL64C DOZ. 1958 FORD 4-Door, V8 Auto- matic, radio, back up light S, this is a local one owner car, inexcellent Condition, Phone 482-9363 31tfb A$K FOR LOST and FOUND LOST - Man's brown change purse Containing aunt of Money. Reward, Eldred Emmersori, 168 Maple St., Clinton, 36b NOTICE TAKING .ORDERS for alune, mum WindoWs, 100", $18.00 in., stalled. Cerici painthe, ph- Oho 482,6685, 84.5-640 67 METEOR Rideau 500 hard- top, power steering and brakeS, automatic, 312 Motor tinted glass, excellent condition. Rea- son for selling; going back to school. Phone 482-0769 or 482- 7681. ' 86b BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for male roOlnerS. Phone 4S2-9376, •35.61) SUITS -- PANTS aa WASH PANTS 'T-SHIRTS .1" SOX, ETC, K. C. Cooke Bartliffs k. Limited Bakery and Restaurant 4124721 CLINTON' INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 ACCESSORIES Clinton NewsaRe4ord SS Albert Ste/ 4824443 Limited Pickett & Cam ll Main Corner'-- CLINTON -- 482-9732 pbe F LORIST Dial 4824011Z,