HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-09-03, Page 3Those estira elothet for back-to-schoolers needn't make your Washday a drudge! Stay fresh and pretty let 'us "do" your laundry, wathed and Ironed to perfection for only pennies per pound here at Clinton Laundry and Cleaners Ltd. USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- FOR FAST senvIct take Odell to our plant at 160 Beech St., across froth Drive-In 'Theatre. PROFESSIONAL PRES- SEAS aVallable for artioles yeti may Wlsh to greets (whil01 you vvalt). Ca& cep i age- "r r Clinton Tel 4824064 LIMITED lir BOX At OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY OLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR RUNDLE- IN BeTWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P.M. AT THE PARK THE SQUARE,GODERICH Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. memomi. NOW — THUR., FRI, SAT. — September 3-4-5 Tommy Kirk, Martha icirsten and Slim Pickens A Walt Disney Special Adventure Story "SAVAGE SAM" In Technicolor MON., TUES, WED. — September 7-8-9 (Adult Entertainment) Doris Day and Rock Hudson Co-starred in a tittilating tale about matri-madness "PILLOW TALK/ In Technicolor THUR., FRI., SAT. — September 10-11-12 Tony Randall, Barbara Eden and John Ericson Tell a mystery fun-tale about a one-man circus "7 FACES OF DR. LAO" In Technicolor Coming: "THE RAVEN" Adult Entertainment • 6roklmotileris Day Observed By Clinton WI' The Clinton Women's. Instit- nte held as annual Grandinoth- erS' Pay in the Town Hall on August 27. The president, Mrs. W. 'CO, elough, opened the meeting and the minutes of the last meet- nig were read. :by' secretary) Mrs. C. Elliott, after opening exercises, Mrs. R. .Frerrilip *gave the treasurer's report, and the or .respondence was then read. 'In- cluded was a letter from, the district president .1Arith. a re, West for the loan of wedding,. dresses 50 years and over. Enjoyed Music liffrs. W. Managhan introdue- ed Mrs. W. Holland who played the accordion and Mrs, D. Bisback who, played the mouth organ. Mrs, I, Calelough sang several songs to. her own ac- companiment on the guitar. Mrs. W. Calclougli gave an .arnusing monologue entitled Letter To The Editor Pox 1921 Saskatchewan August 19, 1964 Deer Sir; Would you ,kindly .change my. address from Osage, .Seskatehe-. Wan, to Box 19.21, Regina, Sask,• I am now serving .St, Aidah'S' United. Church in Glen Olin?' Park which is a new strbdivis- iOn of Regina, I. look forward to the PrriVal. of the News Record each weel<3 it brings back many fond mein- pries ,of Clinton and district, Thanking you, , Yours very truly, STANLEY C. McDONALD. "Getting Engaged", A few games of bingo were played while hostesses Mrs, W, Wise and Mrs, M, ConneEpre- pared supper. The WI is planning a bus trip to Ottawa for September 16, -17 and 18, Persons inter- ested in participating are re- quested to telephone 02,7627, Holiday Weekend SPECIALS! Smoked Hams av erage. 5 pounds 39c 111, Rindless Side Bacon 2 lbs. for 89c Stewing Lamb — 19c lb. NOTICE! Free Dinnerware with your purchase here. Get your coupons` at our meat counter. WOODS FREEZERS If you own a Woods Freezer, you own the most' de- pendable freezer made. HERE IS WHY: Copper tubing throughout. New Urethane Foam Insulation, twice as effective as fiberglas. Enamel finish. 5-year warranty on unit, The Woods Freezer offers you the largest storage volume in com- parison to the floor space used . . . All from the oldest manufacturer of freezers in Canada. PETER'S Meat Market 45 Albert St. — CLINTON — Phone 482-9731 s easy you :pow how SUNSET DRIVE-IN GODERICH — Highway 8 Shows Start At Dusk Children under 12, in cars, FREE NOW — THUR., FRI., SAT, September 3-4-5 Rock Hudson, Dorothy Malone and Kirk Douglas in "The Last Sunset" — Color — Plus Jimmy Edwards Shirley Eaton "Nearly A Nasty Accident" MIDNITE SHOW Sunday, September 6 (Adult Entertainment) Barbara Steel in . "Black Sunday" Plus Anton Diffring in "Circus Of Horrors" Double-barrelled, spine-tingling entertainment. MON., TUES., WED. September 7-8-9 Walt Disney's Big Special Attraction "Nature's Half Acre" Susan Hayward and Michael Wilding in "Stolen Hours" — Both in Technicolor — THUR., FRI., SAT. September 10-11-12 "Ma and Pa Kettle At The -Fair" Plus Pete Breck," Ruth Lee in "Hootennany Hoot" 1111111111=1111101111M1111•110•14111•11MOS Cryovac Halves Smoke Cottage Rolls 59c lb. Bolgona - by the piece 3 lb. 89c Beef Tongues - - 25c lb. Clinton Meat Market GRANT IRWIN & ART COLSON, Proprietors King Street, Clinton Phone 482-3834 Thurs., Sept, 3, 1904—Clifiten News-ROC9rd-442190 3 Gates Dedicated At Fairgrounds 131.,r7,1H Stone gates at the entrance to the Blyth. Ag- rieultural Fairgratmcls were unveiled and dedicated over the weekend during the 100th NAIL fair. Among •dignitaries officiating at the dedication ceremony were Ontario Agricultural Min- ister Hon, W, A, $tewarlf; Bail- ey Parrott, reeve of Morris Township and a former presi- dent of the 13lyth Agricultural Society; J. Robert Henry of Blyth, 1964 president of the agricultural society and George Watt, also of Blyth, a past president of the avicultttral society. Plan Shoot For Sunday KTP12...VN — Members of the Kippen. Gun ClUb will shoot for two. 1.ropi*ss. Sunday dur,, ing the annual Labor Day S,hoot, here. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs, 3.orne Wilson . 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY LEGION SEAFORTH. FRIDAY, SEPT. 4 Cards 9:00 to 11;00 p.m. ladies please Bring Lunch. EVERYBODY Wm.-CO 35-6b NOXZEMA — I 0-oz. size — Special 99c A Full Line of CAMERAS from $10.00 to $200.00 EDWARDS PHARMACY lc Ball Point Pen Special 2 to a customer We repeat for the benefit of school students Alan W. Edwards — Mary ADMIRAL PHOTO Prescriptions - - Animal Dial 482-6626 - E. Edwards, Phm.B. SERVICE Health Supplies Clinton, Ontario .111111010 FOR' SUPERB FOOD IVS Xam,-: Tot RESTAURANT CUINTON'S..FOREMOST 482.9076 CLINTON CLINTON LIONS CLUB 1964-65 MEMBERSHIP Ball, Leslie Bridle, Herb Brown, Lorne Brunsdon, Howard .......... Bus. 482 6612 3445 9321 ... . ..... 9561 Res. 482 9713 9448 9532 9690 Cochrane, John.......„ ................ 3471 3891 Colquhoun, A. L. ..- 3443 9580 Colquhoun, Don .,....„ ............... 9506 Colson, Art 8834 7343 Cook, William F. 3471 7806 Cornish, D. W 6646 9723 Corrie, Maynard 9313 7758 Draper, Caryl W. 9702 6670 Eades, Al 3411-231 9571 Edwards, Alan 6626 7058 Engelstad, Orville L. .„. ..... ... 9735 7077 Flett, Ken 3824 7866 Garon, Antoine 7064 9380 Grigg, A. Gladstone 9411 9558 Holmes, Russell E. 9342 9439 Hunter, Robert 3471 9991 Johnston, Harvey 3451 3453 Lavis, George M, 6694 9795 Lavish John 6694 9678 Lawson, Harold C. 9644 9787 Livermore, John .,..—, .. ..... . ... 9545 9615 MacArthur, WilliaM G. 3471 9725 Macaulay, Royce S. 9514 9456 McAdam, Mitchael 7070 McPherson, Carman . 9363 304 Menzies, E. Beecher . 9752 3475 Middleton, J. Ross 3471. 9136 Middleton, Stewart 7525 Milet, Douglas IL 3428 9759' Murphy; Joseph , ..,... ,...," 9475 9094 Parker; Jelin S. „.,„„ . ......... , 6663 9791 Perdue, William 9467 Scruton, John A. ....„.... . . ..... ,., 7681 9769 SlOntan, Pred ..... . . .... . . . ..... , . . ... . 9583 Sutter, John A ..„ ...... , . . ... ,..„.... 6635 Taylor, Stewart ....,.., ......... , .. . . 6686 7871. Thompson, Duff..,,, ... .., .. ,,.....„ 3826 6805 Wenhani, Ronald (Rey.) 9071 Lions Arena ..,,.. ... , .... . . ........... 6611. CLINTON LIO S CLUB FIRST ANNUAL RUMM v GE SALE And Auction of Used Articles at Clinton Lions Arena SATURDAY - Oct. 3 -1:00 p.m. ITEMS BEING SOLD OR AUCTIONED: • CLOTH1NG—Ladies', Men's, Children's and Baby's • DISHES and KITCHEN UTENSILS. • AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES & SPORTING EQUIPMENT • HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS — Furniture, Small and Major Appliances. For Free Pick-Up Call Any Lion FiRsr PICK-UP ON Tuesday Evening September 8 Ali Clothing Will Be Dry-Cleaned Prior To Sale . CALL TODAY AND HAVE THE LIONS PICK UP ALL YOUR UNUSED SALEABLE ARTICLES REMEMBER: Your Draw Tickets from The Lions Postponed Summer Mardi Gras are Still Good And Draw Will Take Place at the Rummage Sale and Atsetlart on Saturday' October 3. LET US LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD SCHOOL BELLS MEAN BIGGER WASH DAYS Miss Argina Hawkins, a cur- rent bride-elect, has been feted at showers held in her honour in St. Catharines and Clinton. In St. Catharines, her sister, Mrs. W. Rockwell, entertained married-couple friends of the bride-elect to a "Jack and Jill" shower. Employees of the Bell Tele- Service For Missionary At Fiensaii HENSALL—Miss Jean Hen- derson was presented with a hymn book and prayer book which bear her initials in gold at a commissioning service held in St. Paul's Anglican Church here Sunday. Miss Henderson, the first member of Henson congrega- lion in memory to do so, will serve in a missionary diocese. She left here Monday f r Kitkatla, B.C., on Dolphin Is- land off the British Columbia Coast where she will be one of a staff of five white teach- ers to teach 185, Indian child- ren in the Anglican Mission School. During the service here Sun, day, Rev, J. P. Gandon made. the presentation and said Miss Henderson would be missed in the community and the church where she has served for the past eight years as a Sunday school teacher, The Ontario Safety League came across this observation in a U.S. publication.: "Sometimes we dream we'll be brave en- ough to say the things to that traffic officer that we say Atzetvem iso satarmNo VAT VERY 1FTEN PlitS 7/1 WNW /NRIMATION Maddane Rites Held Sunday At Goderich Mars. Pearl (Mann) .1140v, lane died after a lingering Ill, ness in Goderieb Hospital on Auguslt 26th, 1904, Mrs, Ne-, Farlaue resided at concession. 6, OadetM1 Township. Mrs. McFarlane- was born on November 26th, 1900, Township, to Mri and Mrs, Moses Mann. The ftineral was held on Au- gust 29th, 1964, at the 13all and Mutch funeral home in Clinton with the interment taking place in Quclerien Cemetery. The Rev. • Grant Mills of Clin- ton performed the service. Pall-bearers for Mrs, Mc- Farlane were Joe Flynn, Harry Watkins, Glen Slavin, Maitland Driver, Aaron Fisher .and. Geo- rge Monk.. The flower-hearers were Hugh Flynn, John Flynn, mil Flynn, Bob Watkins and Harvey Mann. 'Mrs. McFarlane was prede- ceased by her husband, Robert J, McFarlane and by her bro- ther, Charles Mann. She is survived by several cousins. Persons attended the funeral service from Toronto, Windsor, London, Hamilton. and Galt, RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Mac MacLean (nee Carol Varley) SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Sat., Sept. 5, 1964 Desjordine's Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which-may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's.eo Preparing For Hobby Show Mrs. Daphne Malths is keeping busy these days finishing a Scottish plaid she will show at the Hobby and Craft Exhibition in Clinton on September 19 in the Legion Hall. Her work, turned out on this 1/2 -ton loom she brought over from England will be just one of dozens of interesting items on display at the show, Mrs. Malths and Evelyn Hardy both will have their looms in operation at the show. " (News-Record Photo By John Visser) Argina Hawkins Feted By Friends phone Company in St. Cathar- ines, where Miss Hawkins was employed before coming to Cl- inton two years ago, gathered at the home of Mrs. Charles Gibson to present her with gifts. In Clinton, Mrs. Bob John- ston and Mrs. Dick Carter in- vited friends of the bride-elect and relatives of the groom- elect to the former's home for a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Joe Daer and Mrs. Winnie• Bell were co - hostesses at Mrs. Daer's home with Clinton Bell Telephcine employees attending. Miss Hawkins` marriage to Terry Pearson will be this Saturday, in Wesley - Willis United Church. 0 BRUCEFIELD By Mrs. H. Berry Louis Areiano, had the mis- fortune to break his toe while playing ball at the RCAF Sta- tion Clinton. Mr, and, Mrs. James Boughen and Venda, RCAF Station Trenton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Swan over the end, Miss Brenda Ann Hargreaves is visiting with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hen- derson, in Ingersoll. #101111111.11111111•MOMMI. GO Back To School IN STYLE Skirts • Blouses -- Jumpers Dresses -- Coats Fall Season is here . . Fall Styles are here . We invite your inspection 10% Savings on All Long Winter Coats purchased before Labour Day This is your chance to save 4 Make a down payment now To owl' your 10% off at IRWIN'S LADIES WEAR and DRY GOODS