HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-08-27, Page 9A
41Au6urn an . s rice
MO? WO $gAPNOC 1G9rrespq;109 t, -Phone 526r7$9$,
Terry Ford, has received
Mrs, Margaret Clary was
vs*ora he will. be transferred to
Mrs Walter Schlucht ng and
faker to Clinton hospital 1T)
the Branch Bank on oplices
; :d'augbters lent last week by
ambulance lifter fallingat, the
sion Street m Hamilton of the
jet to visit relatives, in Cer,•
dame of her nephew, Mr, Wil -
Canadian penial Bank of
Bann Dodd and Mrs. Dodd.
Camgxierce•ias soon as this new,
X , And Mrs, William Seers
Mrs, Beatrice sof Sit.
Branch is comrierteed. Mr.
Ford carne to Auburn from
and daughters 'holidayed last
uveek in Northern Q4tario.
Catharines visited last w e e. it
Dublin e'i'ght Months ago,
M•xs, Alice Mogridge return-
whit Miss Margaret Jackson•
Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Yule
ed to ber home last week after
Bert Medd of Goderich spent
.and baby daughter left !last
several weeks 'at the Henry
last week with Mr, and Mrs,
week to Make 'their home in
Nursing 1; one in Blyth.
A.1fred Rollinson,
ProposedAuburn Park
volunteer woriters to- Help with..
the projects which are 'planned,
don, formerly of Hensall, pass-
tional thmvist. She distrlayed
ed away at Mason Villa Hospi-
Mrs. Gordon Chaimney 'thanked
F r
Moves CdrCompletfor
Mrs. Van�Eomond and on -be-
-halt of the, WI resepte'd her
with a gist, p..
86th year.
ay l
A small parr near the Patterson Bridge at
The, g H ' girlsi1tlw re guests
Auburn passed the second stage nearer to - its roan-
ani demonstrated tlr'eir blous-
zation when Women's Institute members heard a
es Which they had m'ad'e in a
letter received from the county clerk, Sohn Berry
read at the August meeting of the Auburn WI held
Oneof the highlights e
of tile
in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall,
aFterrroon'.s program was, :the
Ile stated that the enquiry
Leatherwork Course
birthday cake with candles,.
relative to .the property adjac-
The Leaders' were chosen for
presented to Mrs, George I1aim-
clef County Roada: 25 had
to Cf Road N
'cent Club
the 11 4•H Th Cl
prof a
i1ton, that ton o at d'a celeb rare
, Y ed
been referred 'to. the Road
Girl Stands On Guard.,, They
her 90th birthday, Mrs. Wes
Committee and also t'4 the Ag-
are Mrs. Keith Machan and
Bra -attack read a oemt and on
riculture and Reformtiat on
Mrs, Frank Rafithby.
behalf of the WT members ex-
committees, The motion passed
It was announced 't h: a t a
tended congratulations to this
by the road comarvttee meet,
course in le'atherwork will be
charter member who bad serv-
ing was as follows- "Than the
held on April 29, 30 and. May
ed as director of -the Auburn
Huron County Road Commit-.
lot in the Auburn Community
Branch for many years.
tee recommend that the prop-
Hall. Miss "I. Leslie from .the
Mr's. Twines also extended
city between Count Road No.
Department of Agriculture ex-
D ax"tme �
can atulations to Mrs. Hama
25 and the former County road
tension, service will be the
rlton who after blowing out
at the southeast corner of the
the candles thanked the mem-
Patterson Bridge near Auburn
The member's decided to cat-
bers for their kindness. Lunch
be donated to any worthy body
er to the Daer-Brawn wedding
was served by Mips. Arnold
who would .develop the, area
on September 5th and the ex-
Craig and Miss Viola Thomip-
for public use,"
ecutive will snake the plan,
Approval Given
The secretary, Mrs, Thomas.
Raggitt was instructed to 'con,
tact the Town. Fathers 'a;n d
also the Maitland Valley Cori-
servattion Authority that, the
County committees and ,the
Town Fathers of Auburn had
given their approval of this
Mrs. Donald Haines, first
vice-president was in charge of
the meeting and Mrs, William
J. Craig was -the pianist,
The minutes were adopted as
read toy the, secretary, Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Lloyd
Humphreys stated .than there
were not enough Wanting to
take, the bus trip to Doone
village, the Adelaide Hoodless
Homestead, so It was cancelled.
Mrs, Andrew Kirkeonnell gave
ch basement. Rally Day serv-
the card report and read the
ice will be held Sun'd'ay, Sep-
thank -you notes'.
R }
Hold Last
Guest Speaker
Mrs'. Wilfred Sand'mvan gave
the motto on "The Life You
For John
the sports and contests,
Live Is The Lesson You Teach".
Sunday School in Grace Church
school, Mary . Ellen Sturdy, Jet- .
on Sunday, August 30.
Miss Betty Moss sang a solo
HENSALL -- Public funeral
accompanied by Mrs. Gordon
sea. -vices for the late John
R. Taylor,
Pfaff were held from the Bon_
Mrs. William J. Craig intro-
thron funeral home here Tues-
duced the guest speaker of the
day, August 25, conducted by
afternoon, Mrs. W. VanEgmond
the Rev. D. Fry of Seaforith.
,of Clinton,
Interment was in Hensall Un -
Mrs. VanEgmand.told of her
ion Cemetery,
work at the Ontario Hospital
The Matte Mr, Pfaff, of L= -
south of Goderich, as occupa-
don, formerly of Hensall, pass-
tional thmvist. She distrlayed
ed away at Mason Villa Hospi-
articles which ,the patieattsn had
tial London, on Sunday, an his.
made .and later sold several
86th year.
nor at the Hens -all Hotel Sat -
She stressed the need for
Surviving are his . wife, the
An egg relay and a cazidy
former Clara Gaeta of ' Kitch-
scramble brought the evening
ener+ three daughters Mrs
NEWS of PORTER'S HILL John -veil, Kiteheno;Mrs:
Helen Tebbu•Ut, Londn;Mrs.
ijMrs. bon Harris, Correspondent, phone Clinton HU 2-3362) Alvin McNichol, London; tenf
grandchildren and ten great -1
Grace Sunday School picnic
ch basement. Rally Day serv-
•was held in Harbour Park,
ice will be held Sun'd'ay, Sep-
Gaderich on. Monday evening.
te'miber .6 when promotion cer-
Mrs, Elgin Cox -and Mrs. Wil-
tiif1cpttes will also be presented
liam Cox were in charge of
to ,the pupils'.
the sports and contests,
There -will be no' service or
Winners of races were: pre-
Sunday School in Grace Church
school, Mary . Ellen Sturdy, Jet- .
on Sunday, August 30.
fret' 'Cox and Wayne McClin-
C Xe ; primary boys, Rodney
ax; primary girls, Jodie Cox,
Raithby, Mrs, William Clatic..
Jane Harris; juniors, John S.t-
r� p e
ur'dy, Kevin Cox; intermediate
Three spikes --- Mrs. William
Russell Brindley were named
girls, Colleen Lockhart, Lorna
to plan the shmv:
Mari 50th Year
Intermediate boys; Joh,n
Man ing, Laurie Gbx,• seniors,
'Dennis Harris, S.hiaron. Lock-
.hart, Larry Sturdy.
HENSALL -- Mr. and Mrs.
Three - legged race, Colleen
Lockhart and Lorna Miller,
Alex Moussea'u of RR 2, Hen.
John 5tanning sand Laurie Cox,
call, marked their 50th wedding
Kevin Cox and John Sturdy;
anniversary with. a family din -
sack race, Dennis Harris, John
nor at the Hens -all Hotel Sat -
Sturdy, John Manning.
urday evening.
An egg relay and a cazidy
The couple also entertained
scramble brought the evening
friends at their home on Tues -
to a close.
day. Mr, and Mils, Mousseau
'The UCW of Chace United
were married on. August 25th
Church met on Wednesday latst
in the Presbyterian .Church at
at the 'home of Mrs L Id
Hensall by -Rev. Smith and re-
s7nga. The president,. Mrs Wil
sided at Concession 4 Ray
lien Cox was in charge of the
Township where they farmed
The scripture lesson was
until recent years.
road.by,Mrs. DeRuyter andthe.
They have five children, Gar -
'Lord's Prayer was repeated in
nelt, Lloyd ;and' Donald, all of
Rensall, Mrs. Leroy (Irene)
The chapter from the Study
Oesc$ Clinton and Mrs. Rob -
Book was 'taken by Mrs. Elli=
ert (Jean) Elliott, Tavlsitocic,
son Coit.
In the absence of the s6ere-
There are 14 grandchildren.
tary and treasurer; the minutes
were read by Mrs, Elgin. Cox
and the financial report by
Collins, j
Mrs, William, Townshend. A
RelattiveS and friends gath-
Followed and Bred in Hensall Park Sunday
ed with: ,the to lihorour Hugh Love on his
n, Lunch was Vith birthday. Games Were
Yf Grace Ch- played and Mr- Love was pres-
iool mot on anted With a box of chocolates,
in the ch'ur- A -sat luck supper was field.
Messengers Meeting
Set At Eraucefield
BRUCEFIELD — Brucefield
Messengers between the ages
of four and eight are invited
to the church on Sattu2Md>ay,
August 29 from 10:30 to 2:30.
The children are asked to
bring a lunch and a beverage
will be provided. At the next
meeting of the Messenger's, oil
September 6, there will be a
special speaker for boys and
girls of school ages.
Auburn Plower Show Winners
Shown above are the first four placers in the Auburn Horticultural So-
ciety flower show held last weep at the Community Memorial Hall, From the
left; Mrs. Mary Johnston, second; Mrs, Frank Raithby, first; Mrs. ,harry Wat,
son and Mrs, -Earl Sherwood, tied for third. ' (Photo by Xrs, Wes Bradnock)
FlowerShow At Auburn
Colorful gladioli and
last week at the August f
Horticultural Society.
A large number of personas
from Auburn: and the surround-
ing area attended the shrew
which was 'hel'd in the Com-
munity Memorial Hall.
Mrs. Frank Raithby won the
.show with an accumulation of
nine .points. Mrs. Mary Johns-
ton was second with s e v e n
points and Mrs. Harry Watson
and Mrs. Earl Sherwood tied
for third place with six. Points
70 Visitors
The, judges were Mrs, Wil-
Ii!am. Moorehead and Mrs. Don-
ald McKee, of Bera-rdller.
The meeting was in charge
of Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Mrs,
Gordon R. Taylor was the
After an estimated 70 visit-
ors were welcomed, the Society
held its regular business meet-
ing, during which the minutes
of the last meeting were ad-
opted ars read by the secretary,
Mfrs. Lloyd Humphreys.
Mays. Humphreys also gave
the financial report in the ab-
sence of the treasurer, Mrs.
Bert Craig, Miss Viola Thomp-
ioiron and Miss Margaret R.I
ckson were in clwge of the
Plan Show
Reports of the, floral picture
begonias Were exhibited
lower show of the Auburn
Pink to salmon —,Mrs. Mary
Johnston, Mrs, Wes Bradnock,
Mrs, Frank Raithby.
and leaves contest were given
Red,to scarlet -- Mrs, Mary
by the convener, Mrs,, Humph-
Johnston, Miss Viola Thomp-
reys, and Mrs. Gordon R, Tay-
son, Mrs. Gordon Chamney.
lar slroke about the phoito-
Mauve to purple — Mrs.
graphic competition.
Harry Watson, Mrs. Frank
Plans were made ibD -hold a
Raithby, Mrs, William Clatic..
dahlia and rose show on Sep-
Bk-callour •--. Mrs, W. Bryad-
teMber 14. Mrs, Ed Davies,
nock, Mrs, John Graham.
Mrs, Frank Ralthby and Mrs.
Three spikes --- Mrs. William
Russell Brindley were named
Clark, Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys,
to plan the shmv:
Mrs. Gordon. Chamney.
A solo was sung by' Miss
Betty Moss, accompanied on
BO.A single broom — Mrs,
the piano by Mrs.' Gordon R.
Robert Arthur, Mrs. W. Brad -
Bent d'oub'le bloom �-- Ml's.
Harry Watson, Miss Margareit
Mrs. Ed Davies introduced
Jackson, Mrs. Roibert Arthur.
the judges who spoke; on the
Collection, (single or double
exhibits and why certla4n
blooms) — Mrs. Harry Wat-'
choices were made. The judges
son, Miss Magarett R, Jackson,
then gave a deanonsteation on
Miss Mary Houston.
floral arrangements using gwu
• Pouted plant (single or doub-
den flowers.
le ;blooni) — Mrs. Robert J.
Muss Elam Muteh thanked
Phillips, Mrs` Charles Scott,
the ladies and presented • them
Arrangements (,any type,
With gifts on behalf of the so-
wh'ilte, , in container) — Mrs-
ciety. A floral contest in anusic
Lloyd Humphreys, Mrs. Frank
was conducted by Mrs•. Taylor
Raithby, Mrs. George Milian.
and she presented a gift to the
Arrangement of glad's —
winner, Mrs. Wil'li'am J, Craig..
Mrs. Earl Sherwood, Mrs. Fri
Winners at the show were:
ank Ra:lthby, Mrs. George Hag-
of gl:ads for
One spike, white to cream—
coffee table — Nanny Brwm,
Mrs. Earl Sherwood, Mrs. And-
Mrs Thomas Haggitt, Sheron
rew Kirkeonnell, Miss Mary
Collins, j
Lunch was served following
Yellow to orange --Miss
the judging of the flower d18 -
Viola Thompson, Mrs. Robert
Sus*,%ensi'on��-T a Fences
Save Time And MoneAs
Erecting a standard farm fence across a marshy
area can be difficult --ss it also can be in an area
that is stony or where the bedrock is close to the
KINDLESS BACON ............ 2 lbs for 89c
SHOULDER ROAST ................ 39c Ib
STEWING LAW_ .... ... ... ....19c Ib,
SAUSAGE- MIMRS .. 3 lbs to $1.06
MILICO .... , ....... , . $11b, box $2.42
Ohly Tw6' ti nItit, Left 'I 6 or#d . rt ft
til k6dkAottom Pnee
Rites At Clinton Anglican Church
Unite Mario" Bare-, Malcolm Clarke
Marion Dale betaine the bride of Malcolm.
Clarke on July 25th at 2;OQ p.m, in St, pad's
Anglican Chur„Ckz, Clinton with the Rev, R, • V(r,
Wenham officiating.
The bride is •the dkaug4tex of Stock, She ware •a white or-
Mtt& Agn@s Dale of Clinton ganza dress, She carried a bas-
-arta the, groom is the son of ket with patty ansit
d white po
Mr, and Mrs', Wrh, Clarke of porn, 'mums,
vama. The ring bearer was nobble
The bride, given iit marriagc Clarke,
by her uncle, Charles 36hiis'on, William Polloak was the best
chose >La fto'or-length gown of marl. Ushers wore Gerald
orgm�,a owei silk, A 'tiat*tt of Clarlce tzrtd ebb Dale.
seed pearls field her veli. She Pat a wdddhig tr; to Niag-
bare ed a emsage of rad roses am Falls the btlde changed Yin.
on a White, 'prayer book, to o light blue- shokfh-vtylad
Shaeo», Martin was brides- dress with white adce'ssoriea,
maid. She wore Ail aqua 6r- She wore a ters'age of rani
g'atw,m area's 'wtt'h a matching roses.
-volt, mrr clld mtS Clarlw wilt rd -
"d flwtr° 'gipi was marina 116 itt l orirSb&
A suspension -type fence is
the answer to these condiltiosns,
says J. B. Campbell, of the
federal experin%ental farm at
Swift Current, Sask. Because
It requires a minimum number
of po's'ts, a suspension fence
cuts costs of labour and mat-
Despite its many advantages,
however, this type of fence %
not recommended for mount-
ainous or steeply rolling coun-
try or areas where standard
fence posts can: be purchased
At the Swift Current farm,
one type of suspension fence is
being used to enclose steers in
small experimental pastures,
Mr. Campbell . reports,
For the fence, 14 -foot posts
(five inches 'in diameter) were
sit fotw feet in the 'ground and
spaced 150 to 200 feet apart.
These were connected by a No:
9 wire pa.S'sing over the tops
and slackened sufficiently rte
allow the wire to hang four
to six feet from, the ground at
the raid -paint lb6tweeb posts.
Depending on the particular
purpose to be served by a
fenced area, two 'to four str-
ands of barbed wire were hung
from the overhead wire at 40
to 50 foot intervals and anch-
tired to deadcnen logs buried
in shallow trenches crosswise
to the fence. Spreaders were
also used to keep the wires
At Swift Current, it was
found that a two -strand fence
suspended on posts' 160 feet
apart was effective In enclos-
ing yearling steers in small,
undulatting, 'pasture's.
The sneers' develop a deep
respect for the fence, Mr.
Campbell says, because bf the
swing action that results in
the animals !being hit by a
rebounding fence,
Suspension fences are also
being used to enclose turkey
run's at ,the experimental farm.
For this, of course poultry
mesh was substituted for the
barbed wire.
By Mrs. Stewart Middleton
The Women"s Auxiliamy of
St, James Church., Middleton,
will meet Wednesday evening,
September 2 in the church at
8.30 P.M.
This will be strictly tia, bust-
ness meeting and no lunch WEE
be served.
Mr, and Mrs, nay Wise and
family spenit the weekend alt
Manitoulin. Island,
Master Billy Middleton, of
SUtttford, spent a few days last
week with his-:grbz dparrentts,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wdleton. ,
the openIng of
formed P almor's $eauty LoNge
I ALBW S't09t .
Permanent Wave
1htludo8 hair shaping,
dbndifiah•ing, shoMp06,
5ty1e sot`,
}deg, $15100, . �+
0 CIAL �pIU.50
Req. $10.00
Th4rs., August 27, 19¢.4. -,-,-Clinton IeWs- tr rd- 1' 9!8
{Cgrreep4h.denta :I�lti>r�. N, t+�NG�, i'•.hgi+g Heosall �7$=��;�
A rpceli!tion WAs ;held Satur rotford last week,
day evening }n Zuiigh Com Mr and Mrs. Robert Flood
munity Centre hairouring Mi, sand f Woo dstaek, visit-
and Mrs, Bans McBea$h (newly .ed a few days ^ith Mrw acid
weds). Donald Johnson read Mrs. Howard Lemon •and aer
the .address .and Douglas Mc friends in the district.
A'sh presented the couple with Mr, Charlie Taylor of Slaney
our+se of .money, Creek was a Sunday visitor
Mrs. 1Vlabel Milner 'has re- wit.b Mr.. aiid Mrs, N. Long,
•turned to :her +hoiine in Nova.
Scotia after spend'ing a va:oa-:
tion with her son anddaugth-am
ride -ENL
ter -in-law, Mr, and
Miss Dianne -Switzer, of Cl,
intoe, spent a month vi's'iting E�el�! �.WO
heir aunt and uncle, Mr, and
Mrs, William McLa.ch'lan. l!tr Feted
sister Debra. visited a couple
At Shower
of dais, AUBURN .--. Bink and white
We are sarin to report Mr, sttreameM raid white weddia�g
Pearson Charters is a ospital bells made? an attractive sett-
SScan Memorial Hospital, ting ;at the home of Mrs, Keith
Se+aforrth. He ;is wished a speedy
recovery, Machan; when friends and rela-
Mr. an'd Mrs, Bert Thomson tines mat to 'ho'naur Miss Env-
and family left S'atiAlday ,for elyn Brown of Font Albert on
Parry Sound 'where •they will her coning marriage,
spend a few days with the For- The bride was escorted to a:
mer's. sister axed brother -in -10W decorated chair by Miss Lyndda.
Mr, and Mrs. David Moir and Andrews and Mrs, :Machan,
A delle, Miss. Brown's sister, Mm Ross
Mrs. John Gibson of Wiox Andrews, Crnsages' were Then
oterand is visiting her son-in-law named on the guest and her
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.. '
Wilfred M011s, sister.
Mrs. R. Torrence, Mrs. Ber- Mr's, Machan presided for the
tha Brownlee and Miss Jean program which began with a
Ivison visited a few days rec- sing-JsOng 'led by Mrs. Wes
enay with relatives in the BMdnock. A contest on neigh-
Muskaka area. bouring towns was won by
Miss Donelid'a Robinson re -c- MIs. Andrew Kirkeonnell and
ently spent a day in London. Mrs, John Daer. Winners of
Mrs. Rex Thomson of Battle the honeymoon wardrobe con -
Creek. Michigan, is visiting at tent were Mins Evelyn Brown
the home of her brother and and Mn, Ross Andrews.
9is'tel,4n-1,aw, Mr, and Mrs., Duets were sung by Misses
Pearson Charters. Joan and June Mills with self
Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper, guitar accompaniment. The
accompanied by Miss M. flora, wedding contest was won
Whiteman spent a day in Sit- by Mits. Roy Daer and Mrs.
Maws, E. Forest and Miss
Margaret McQueen have re-
turned from a weeks vacation,
Mrs. Sam McClung spent .a
few days last week with Mr..
and Mrs. John Henderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tur-
ner Deltroit, and Mrs, Edna
Turner are visiting with Miss
Kathleen and Marle Elliott.
Kappen - Brucefield congreg-
ation's will hold joint services
in Brucefield United Church
next Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Master Douglas and Paul
Swan and Lawrence Elliott are
attending camp at Goderich
this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Hall of Mich,
1gtan, spent the weekend with
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott,
Mrs. Bruce Menerey, B'ayfic4d',
and other relatives,
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Wilson
Of Brucefield will celebrate
their 50th wedding :anniver%wy
on Sunday,. September 6, with
an "Openhouse" at -their home.
Mail, John Seems read an ad-
dress of congratulations to the
bride-to-be and Trudy Ma,ch�an,
Wanda. Fllaeitzer and Sheron
Collars presented the gifts.
Miss Brown thanked all for
their gifts and a lunch was
served by Mrs. Machan, assist-
ed by Mats. John Seers; Miss
Lynda Andrews, Mrs. William
Andrews and Mrs. Kenneth
for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Cards 9:00 to 71;00 p.m.
Ladies Please Bring Lunch
S4.50 per bushel
Bring your own confainers
Orchard located T miles west of Clinton on
Telephone Rood, turn tight 1/4 mile north
Beck To School
Etc., etc
Etc., Etc.
Bark Coffons . Plaids
i., Corduroy
Phenols --M Spun Ella u- Etc., Efc
Patterns and All'Sew-Ing Noflo S
Its Suck
MA R.1P.11 IV
neat. srdkE