HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-08-27, Page 5I ,,, ,��" �x;� •. • tri, • r 7".�s��'�•x �►� s+it Z7 �'��4,-.� intoe . e�or+�--,-Aa�Se ;,"�
If$ O! WHOM -
MA And Ntrs. ,'Ron lgaeLellari
former Mrs. Marjory Dov, M�:t'nd Mg's. Roy Hunter :of s
i sur J a. h r
e ltayn . ' .ant few I c_ _ester; sheat Thu sday ,and r
1 ;off
Y T�C'a!Irii sp . _ a . _ D • �.� � :;
d grid with tt lvlrs, - ar `
w.. r
.ay. s recently Wath loco' p _ 'ay ., Mr. an �l;
41, a.na MI's, k merson i- es .sold Livary stone,
Mr. rad Mrs I a e iuilc-
{ M s�seb aa`lene Scott of N a- I a . I , ry y ...
ing are spenrlaavg a vVeels Wath : Miss M. E, Marr has return* visited with Mr. and Mxs. Fre
gai,a, is .suendin'g her cat lo, that rl hten n famzl d
aug. ' '4 .d
i y in ;ed to Clinton actor spending Andemson and family, Rid,
vim• h ; aj : ;; kph her grandmother,. Mr1;, i7etrolt,
1wVAabel Scott and her aunt, Mrs,
several weeks with her sister- 011oton, lash week,
l ,...
13raat7fojot of Tuckexsxn th. M.Isses Beth. Tkltyrl�ps.on..demn �x>-law,, Mrs, John Muni, nn ,
A$r. and Mrs, E, l3, lVzex les
; _ 1►2rs, Wilfred. Crisp, of Lon- Turner .and Jean M;cGlinohey Lakeside, e d
:.:,.; ``- dare, zs at present vial ° n with enjoyed a nxator trip !along the Miss J. M re o attended t13. Wedding of her
r p ti. g Betty
... M1Ms. Eert Allo, �alssp s .endin St, Lawrence tp Ottawa ands a f laro�'her, .John Oliver Dappell,
ew days wi%L4 her
Sunday wl'tri .cousins zri Garde Montreal far a few days Itist mart in Bommianville on Saturdk�.y,
Aunts, Mrs, Jean Hebden and
el - .
;. xlcl�• vve i. August 2$, He married Kiss
Miss Muir,
ever, and Mas. Cordon Rad- Mtarilyn R u t h Hous-lrider
a f6i,d spent the weekend yvltli Mrs Olive Pemham of Wyan- .d'aughter of llev, and Mips. Wil-
M tete; Micll,, sp ~rut a few da
fiiends an Niagaaa,
s Mrs. Mae Hod :exit and' flare
Clintonian Cln der, a
da us f Trinity
g wroth old neighbour, Mrs United Church, 13aawnlariv Ville,
her a nejg
ily of Thames Read, spent the Jean Hebden, 96 Victoria St,
weer rid with her parents, Mr, R Mas, Jo Stanford and Miss Mr.. and' Mar's. Noxm,an Elliott,
and Mrs, Wilmer lJo`vatt, Plans ,lake Sale Mary Sziell' :4f aian Ilton, s rrt and fain ly of T4roi>to, accon?r
3 I.yQn and Janice Askin :of 1>e
gai,bomo t the the• w.eelcend with Mr. and Mm's, ponied by Ml's. E1i,iott and .1Vtrs,.
S.. _ spent t past two Clintonian Club met at the Alvin Bottles I3R 2, Layfield, Mtulholland of Clintton, .are poli
weeiles with their grand cltlier, home of Mm's, C. V nex u t da 'n
-; „<'1 . a rr . ;.„ s �F Ma -� .,,., „,�• Mrs. Gourley, . ,
. e .. - A..gus Rev. and Mips, Doivald Cox"ri- . ya .g at Lane O' Panes Bay-
The president Mrs. W, 'ash who have been spending ,
The WI will hold their meett- 19, + a field far several weeks.,
17 , smllin F Colelough opened the meeting paxit of their holidays at !the Miss Ruth Macdonald of St,
a�+ES m'g uz the eYenln'g of Septeall- with the housewife creed and home Of his parents Mr. and ,
A sunny Wednesday morning heralded gradua- Farrell, W.., Recht, G. W. Galbraith, G, W. frill, ber 2, There will. be a, spea'l-er, " Catharines and Miss Eoiyi
the Lord s Prayer, ?Av. Garnett Garnish, left far S'aph of Niagara Falls lv X.,
tion day for these 3.7 young airmen who had just RR. H. Trying, LAO Lowe .and AC C, A. C. Cooper, r _their Korea at Bac c le : l ,
completed a .communications course at RCA Ra- Front row: AC Smith, Cofell L. J, The rriinute� of the last meet l g. n, Sas ,spent ilae weekend visiting at t W S G W. Sin N C, v Blue We! late this weal,.
}ng arid the treasurer S report •the Suziixner home of Mr, and
'tion Clinton. •In. the photo above, back row from Sweeney, G, R. :Diivls, E. Jan Den Broeck, G. T, Nii$s Do een M ho re rea Bi11 were xe ent> Th ins Tpaa>kin's of Hamil- H
left: ACs J. J, Fradette, D, v 4nlg i e w . ed _ .. v. s
p s Mrs al Hartley. Other rec-
C. G. Larocque, K. W. Marr, C. J, Irundrgan, B. W. Carter. RCAF Photo has been vacationlirig in Exig- ed and moved paid. Fourteen ton speavt a week as a guest sattors have been
---'--- land and on the continent re',- of his aunt and un'e e W. d ant K eel M vs. '
members and two visitors were 1 + and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Sandh'am
turned hbmne by the Empress .resent. Mm. Thomas. Leppington, 177 ,and family of Port Credit and
real August 113, touring the .#a'A bake sale was planned for Mr. and Mrs'. Alf Ashdown and
InNoticehE tat oo CfFReditors BIRTHS ANNOUNCENGAGEME DTS England d«8, t ri Lyrae,- Spencer rsenna' guests of aIle ��;ly of St, Catharines.
ADAMSON -- In Clinton Pub- E walled city of'Quebec before October 10 and a bus trip t2 Le in tan's were; Mr, and
late of the Town of Ulin n is tic Hoslpvtal on .,Vednets'd'ay,: Mr, .and Mms, Ilarvey amryang ,tome.. the London Fair Was also plan- Mrs. Jahn Le in tan a C1_ Haws -Record Publisher A.
tete County t THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC August 19, 1964, to Corporal Taylor, - Varoa yviish to Miss McKenzie, acciornp=T,ed a ne wishin to o is pl? .Ss f Laurie Colquhoun is in Tor'on-
C u ty of Huron, Retiree.. , ' envp of Harcnal- ped, Anyo g g intoe and Mr, and Mrs, Al
Pharmacist, doce<�sed, POWER COMMISSION and Nits. F. Adagnsor>, Bruce anpounce the engageanent b3' Mzss Ruth L asked to et in touch with Mr's, to this week attending rite
A!11 persons haute claims OF ONTARIO field, a daughter, of their daughter Betty ton, few filo England: landing g tart Liebold and Family of RR
against the PROPERTIES F COL - n Londoai June 28. Ther, pro- W, Colclough. Mrs. T. O'Con� 2, Clinton.
week-long rannual convention.
g e Estate of the OR SALE QUHOUN In Clinton Louyou to Robert Granit John= ceedin 'to the cont rand reel offered her Koine for the Mrs. aife Londo °f the . an'adian Weekly News,
above-named who died on the TOWNSHIP OF Public Hospital on Saturday, sten, son of Mr, and Mrs. �ave11� for 21• , a s throw h September meeting. h, e MurrayY Q Ti paper Asssociation.
St>h day of May, A.D. 1,964, 'are August 22, 1964, to Mr, ?and Hamiold Johnston, Zum'ach• Bel ,iumg , g 1? as been a guest at the homes o --G----
TUCKERSMiTH The wed g Holland, Italy
Germany, - o of N1r, and Mrs. W. E. Perdue,
required to fele full particulars 1Vfas, Dan .Calgtzhaun, Clin+ wedding to take place Switzerland, Austria, Ita� sand a . Mr, •and Mr.'s, Harold Cri�tten- •
thereof with the undersigned A ,two-storey, Brame dwelling 'ton,. a son, going by bus on a Glo
on or before' the $th da of numbered House No, 1 withon, Saturday, September France, g l den and other friends and !�
Y RIEHp - In 'Clinton Fubli'e- 19, 1964, an Gaderich, bol guided .bus tour. Clinton Teacher net bo On1n1Un� ► Club
September,. AM. ],964, after ,single -oar, frame garage loco,- Hospital on Wednesday, Au- 3511 On isl•►eir return to Englaaid - �'
which date -the as'se'ts will be ed on a parcel of land 75 feet gust 26, 1'964• to W. and they spent a vanea�Fcend with a } Mx'• and Mrs, Robert Mc- •
disrtributed, ha4ing regard only by 417 £eet, more or ;less, and a Mrs. William Riehl, Clinton, friend 'then hired .a car and Attended Two Ilmayle •and Susan of Peterbwo Meetings Held
to -the claims of wh+ia hi the un- two-storey, frame dwelling a daughter. Mr, and Mays. Russel toured 'for 13 days through the,
dersdgned Shull then have not. numbered House No. 2 with - Grainger, Zurich, wish to interior of E ]!and and into:
S'NELL - In C1in!ton l,'ubh�c :�' �' The July and .August meet.
ice. single -car, frame .garage locat- announce .the engagement Scotland as far noa"th ras In 'Summer Courses
Dated at • Clinton, Ontario, edon a parcelof land 75 feet Hospital .an Tuesday, August of 'their daughter, Helen verness Shire. Small Crowd ' ings of SS 4 Community Club
this 14th d'ay of August, A.D.properties frontin on .the read 25, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. J. w were ;held at Jim Lobb's Hall
1964. - y ' g tion'in vis
gas by 417,feet, more or less, both . Sxie'11 RR 3, . Blyth, a son, Mai guerifte '� Wayne � Joyce 1VLeIlwain is ,t Mrs. M e I b a Whe!th�am,, •
At Legion Meet (former school).
between Lots 5 and 6 approxi- TREBLE - In Clinton • Pub- Cameron Hoinex High g with her cousin B.H,S'c, home ecanomi'cs tea- g The president, Mrs, Murray'
E. B. MENZI[ES, Pp Mary Heard of Holmesville. ,
Clinton, •Ontario, mately 5,000 feet south of High- A ust 1 , 64 Wednesday, gate: son, of W. and Mrs. Miss Shirley Watkins 3s cher at Central Huron Second- Forbes conducted the meeting
Second -
way 8 just .east .of the Town of August 19, 1964 to Mx, and I�aiaald Horner, Zurich. Only 28 veterans turned out
Solicitor for the said Estate. , spending a few days as guest axy School, spent her suanmer which opened with The Creed
Seaforth in Lot 5, Con. 1, HERS, •Doan Treble RR 4 God- The marriage to take place ; to the monthly meeting of
3'4-5-6b ' ' of Miss Ruth Wai11>Is, holidays attending two sum- and Lord's Prayer in unison.
Townshipof 'Tuekersmith. The erich, a son, at the Zurich E,U.B, Chur- Clinton Branch 140 of ,the Ro y
Jimmy Warner who spent mer courses. S'- The minutes of the last: meet -
Commission will reserve certain WALKER --• In' Clinton Pub- ch, on Saturday, Sep!tem- the summer -holidays with his al Canadian Legion, Monday
IN MEMORIAM rights over each property, lic Hospital on Wednesday, ber 12, 1964, at 2:30 p.m. -gran'dparents, Mr. -and Mrs, Al- First she attended an ele- evening. President K. W. Col- ing were read and approved,
August 19, 1964, to LAC -and fred Warner, has returned to menrtary course in guidance in The treasurers report show -
NICE -In loving merriory of Before submitting offers, pro: g 35b quhoun chaired the Short meet- a balance of $64,$3. Report
our dear another Florence May, spective purchasers are request- Mrs. George Walker, RR 5, a ' his home :in Kitchener, Sault Ste. Marie. ing.
who passed away August 26, ed .to contact A. H. Cass,•340 Clinton, A +daughter, Mr. acid Mrs. Charles Wallis of the bible school which was
'Wellington Street, London tele- CARDS OF THANKS y Then, from August, summer
21 Seventeen names were drawn
1962. gwere guests an Sandia of Mr. before a winner was present to 'held at Summerhill Hall was
she. attended a summer study
God knew that she was suf- phone GEneral 4-7391, to secure DEATHS i would like to thank my and Mrs. W. Haggart, Clinton. given at which -an average at-
fering, further particulaas. friends and neighbors for cards, -----•-o---- conference on faan!i1y develop- claim the $5.00 -attendance tendance of 70 was reported.
That the hills were hard to SMITHERS-Mrs. Lily Smith- letters, g i f �t s and vi5i is s ment at Carleton University in prize, Legion steward Jack p
Envelope containing offer to ! The next meeting is to be
Climb, _ ers, widow of the late Wil while I was a, patient in St. ane O Pines Ottawa. This was sponsored by Cree was the winner. Dori Kay
purchase must carry iden�tifica- held. at the home of Mrs. Don -
So he closed cher ,heavy eye- liam Smithers, Seaforth, died Josephs Hospital. - VERA, the Hone Ecornondcs section of won the regular .monthly draw old Lobb an Tuesday, Septem-
tion that it refers to either Sea-.
lids in Stratford Hospital, August PRIESTAP. 35b Miss Ethel Winters of Lean- the Ontario Educational Assoc- prize.
forth House No. 1 or Seaforth ber 1 and there will be a pot -
And whispered, `Peace be House No. 2, 22, 1964. She is survived by o beth was guest last week of ration. - The .annual decoration ser- luck lunch.
thine,' her sister, Mrs. Minnie Archi Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Duxnbar, The purpose of the confer- vice at Clinton Cemetery, spon-
Away in the beautiful hills of • Offers to purchase stating bald Peterboro els UOLS�i�LE' h '
, ..
total offer and method of pay-
t , o niece,
Mrs. A. M. Orpen, and neph-
at !t e cotttage.
Mn. and Mrs. ZlhomWL Dun-
ence, was to acquaint Home
sored jointly by the D lon and
Clinton Ministerial
By the Valley of Rest so fair,
ment, must be reecived by the
ews Harold and William
Mr's, Ewan Ross, staff mean.
bar had as guests on Sunday.
Economics teachers with
Some day, we know not when
undersigned before 4 P.M. Eas-
Glew, all of -Clinton. The
ber of the Children's Aid go-
Mr. and MTS. Baray Dunbar,
new course of study from the
was arranged, for Sunday, Aug.
We will meet our Mother
tern Daylight Time, September
service was at the Whinney
civet of Huron Cour
Y County, ?s in
Patricia sand Steven, of Glen-
Ontario Department of Educa-
ust 30 at 2:30 P.M. Persons
S, 1964 at 620 University Ave•
funeral -home, Seaforth with
Hamilton •this week aHendin!g
dale; Mrs. Lorne Walker, Jim
tion, for Grade 11 Home Ed-
planning to .decorate girm,es are
Lovingly remembered by Les
nue, Toronto,
burial in Mai'tlandbank Ceme-
.the Institute of Alcohol Studies
Walker, Muss Marion CGrau!Iladilo,
onomics course in Secondary
requested to do this well in ad -
and _Family, 35p
The highest or any offer not
at McMaster University.
Lambeth,; Mr. sand: MTs. Gor-
S'choo'ls, This course will go
vance of 2:30 .so as not to in.
sate French. gurpure lace appli-
necessarily accepted,
5:30 a.ris.-.14oiy, Commttilatarl.
don Brodie, Ron, Nancy, Don-
into effect in Septeanber 1964.
terfere with the actual service
c 'A =I -Secretary.
JTTON, Kenneth Charles,
suddenly at his residence, 909
Charleswood, Ottawa, on
Wednesday, August 19, 1964,
Kenneth Sutton (Retired Ser-
geant RCAF) age 52. Beloved
husband of Mary Chort and
dear father of Ronald, Clin-
ton; Garry and Patricia, Ot-
tawa. Dear son of Louisa
Sutton and the late Charles
Sutton, Hamilton, Funeral
service from Tubman Funer.
al Home. Friday afternoon.
Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects
Examinations set, marked,and Diplomas issued by
Modern Equipment --Qualified Teachers --Tuition $30
Dial 524-8521, 7284, or 6301 for an appointment.
Duty Uppers
With Cushioh insoles
From $1.95.
5rorrrt $2.35
for 866rt• Md!
($ Sixes) 690kTP
L ggage and CWhing
na, Jerry Doyle, Lambeth; Mr's, Half of the students' year will The regular Thursday night
Will Dunbar, Miss Norma Dun- be devoted to family develop- bingos at the hall .have kept
bar Landon; e os. Fred Wallis ment under topics such 'as, up in attendance during the
nd Your Church and Cathy, The cesarian being g
a birthday celebration for Mr, history of home life in-OntaT- summery according to president
Dunbar and his d!a,ugh_:ter, Mrs. io, functions of the family, Colquhoun. Harold Black of the
This an -
Sunday Walker faintly customs in other coun- ways and means committee an-
MT: and Mr's. R ay Oliver, tries, food customs of families nounced a --millionaires' night at
Tororuto and Mr. and Mrs. Jer- around -the world, and others. the hall on October 2..
ry Fagan and small daughter, Lectures land reports were o
Leslie, Landon, are appending a gi
few days with Mr. and Mr45• ven by same of the top edtt- Here's a tip from the Onbar-
eators in Onttario A highlight as Safety Lea -lie Mothballs
Thomas Dunbar.
of the cozvfe!rence was an a11-
absorb moisture and Whelp pre -
(Baptist Federation of Canada)HOI�iVtESVII.LE
cheque for $150 to accompany
day visit to Upper Canada
vent rust forming on nearby
Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A.
VIM, age•
metal. Put some in with your
Sunday, August 30
MT. and Mrs. Jas. Cruiek-
Mrs. Whetham was quite im-
tools do trunk or glove com-
Olson, and the, fate Mr. Olson a heavenly blue shantung dregs
shank and daughter, Berthena,
pressed with the lectures each
10.00 a m -Sunday School
2,30 p.m, --Service in Dutch 11,00 a.m.--Sunday Sdho6l
8.00 p.m. -Gospel. Service
b th f
BIG SALE OF SALES Aug. 20 Thru Sept, 5 '
11:15 a.m.-Family Worship Peter' G'ahwiler to Robert Mc ma > n>m9 y e con -A-11
Topic: "Where 1s Christ Nowt'' Cool, spent the weekend in leader. The leader was Dr.
September 6 -7 -Retreat for Renewal at Camp Hermosa Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Hawkes' head of the TOfY N..�H�� OF GODE1 R i�CH
Tom Gahwiler, formerly of department of child deve3o!p-
Hodmesville. The group motor- menet alt Iowa State Univer.sitY,
ed to Bri'd'geport on Sunday be- $iie described Dr. Hawkes as
v fore returning home. a "terrific speaker".
Ontario Street United Church Tenders for the crushing and hauling of
z� Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. Ali D` !in Marries Allan Olson aperoXimatel �z,
'TETE FRIENDLY CHURCIr y 000 yards of gravel,
Wilma it g -taken from two township pmts. Gravel crushed to, pass
During August Ontario Street and Turner's„
iF A through VV Screen, Work to .be completed by 15th of
c - Congregations Will worship in Aug.: 15 At Hensall United Church October, 1964. '
3` Wesley -Willis United Church WI 13 Doll' b C th b•d f All" Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Tenders
i ermce ,ing a ane a ri e o a
Theodore Olso on Saturday, August 15th) at 5:00
to be in to the undersigned by September 5. Marked.
-�-- ^--^^-��
p.m. in Hensall United Church.
cheque for $150 to accompany
Christian, Reformed Maple Sfract
The bride is the.daughter of of Sarnia, brother of thebride.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Wilbert Di11- A reception followed in the
R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk.
Rev. G. J. Heerslnk, Minister CANTON
m!g of Hensall, and• the groom church parlors. For receiving
is the son of Mrs. Emil T. guests the brid'e's m�ather, ware
ROY TYNDALL, 'Road Superintendent,
Sunday, August 30 Sunday, Augur}, SO
Olson, and the, fate Mr. Olson a heavenly blue shantung dregs
a.m.=Service in English 0.45 a.m.-•--Worship .Service
of Gravenhurs!t, with navy and white aecesser-
Presbyterian Church
2,30 p.m, --Service in Dutch 11,00 a.m.--Sunday Sdho6l
8.00 p.m. -Gospel. Service
The Rev. H. F. Currie per- ie'.. She ware 'a corsage of
formed the ceremony in a whine carnations. The grooan's
BIG SALE OF SALES Aug. 20 Thru Sept, 5 '
'very+ Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial Guest Speaker: MT: I
church decorated wrath yellow mother assisted wearing a geld
• and will
o 'Back to God Hour."
.. .,.,.� .::.,........:....
.Joseph Street
1.00 a m.- Breaking of Bread
3,00 p.m, -Sunday School
7.06 p.ni,-Gospel Service
8.00 p.m. `.Chursclay- pry yer
M&ettng and 1#11ile
Fred ,Munnzngs, Masszonary
from India.
'uesday--8 Meet-
qles . rxg
and white gladioli, feign and
caWela,bra. James A. Townsh-
chanitung dress with :brown ac-}
cessories. Her corsage was of
Ua i 1 y . 41 IFCl 0) 111
p.m. ---Prayer Meet -
pliquels of Guipure lace hold
the French. pure Silk ilhisiari
brown 'mums.
Special ,,,. ........ ... .... 296 2 for Only 25o
polyr►iulslon Loose Leaf Refills
ink and Bible Study.
All Wcicome
end played the organ and ac-
companied' the soloist, Arthur
For the wedding trip 'Che
_ _ o
5:45 a.m.-- hulrch Service
Dance, of London,
bride changed into a yellow
( /• �
�:�.4..r...,.,. ,..
St. Andrews
Thebrid'e, given in m'arrrage
by he father, a. flour-
Brien suit with brown asses-
caries. Slxe wore a green Cyan -
Presbyterian Church
lengtth go%,n of white French
biditn uorchid corsage.
Mr. Mrs. Olson re-
BIG SALE OF SALES Aug. 20 Thru Sept, 5 '
kev. R. U. MacLean, B:A..
peau de 'faille. The•bodice was
• and will
Meta( Waste Basket 300 Sheets ....:...••............... 096
Reg, 75c for ., g
..,,,,, .,,,..,, 49e Shoe Tote 8a Only 69
Mrs. M. It. Agnew, Organist
highl highlighted `by a shallow scoop-
ed neckline and elbow -length
side in Londbri.
Mir: Dison is a graduate o
Stock u now and save on these man s ecials
i? . Y ' p
and Choir Leader
sleeves. The gently canitolled
London; Teachers' College and
Lady Dainty Haig Spray SAYINGS ON SCHOOL,
Sunday, .August 30
bell skirt was caught in tiny
the University of Wes'teavz On-
20 -oz:, reg, $2:b0 for •.... $1.99 $UPFrLtI=S
9:45 aim.- Sunday School
pleats raft either side Of the
WAtst. The bodice and the
tario. Mr. Olson is a graduate
Of Queens Uni�v'eorsity in Kings
Bisma Rest Stomach Powder
16 -oz. ria Lead pencils H -g ...... igfor 300
$2 9S: ;for $1.99
.0.45 axn: Moaning Worthip
skirt were enhanced with deli-
ton sand the University of Birimn
•Wind, Shower, Rain Bonnets Leather Brief Case ...,Only $4.98
Reg. $1.00 for
sate French. gurpure lace appli-
igh.am in En 1
g sand: ,
...,....... ,.:.596 cTote Hag with your
A Headache Tablets
5:30 a.ris.-.14oiy, Commttilatarl.
Aband hd.
Govarh'Mbnt Inspected $oafei
-$-A. ipasLs .................Only $4 .95
e Ce » 1li -- Alzii�sizi[ig gttittb (91tatxi 190
piece of peau de f+aillo With apr
_ ..
500s Only
Ciinicat 'Thermometer's gall point gens
REV, 10UPPORb G. )PARIX, •M.A., Minist6f
pliquels of Guipure lace hold
the French. pure Silk ilhisiari
r a1N �
Special ,,,. ........ ... .... 296 2 for Only 25o
polyr►iulslon Loose Leaf Refills
Subject: "'True Riches"
by Rev'. Grant L. tNl:ills, 13:A:
fingert%p vefl, The bride car-
z+ted a creecaln{i bouquet of
4-bz reg: $1.5 far 690 190 SheefS ...::,..,,,,,,,. Only 66o
J bz, - 'reg. $5.00 for $2,80 Ft_Obrt Covers
5:45 a.m.-- hulrch Service
White carnations, yellow f'a ds
G'elulose Sponges Reg, $2:00 far
Reg. 606 for 270 3=Subject Ndte Books 830
j0:45 a.m.-Sunda School
Miss 00nhid Olson sister. of
Air Freshener Aerosol ExePaise Socks
Reg, 89c for S90
$ 45 a.n .�--Bf1m6ry Sunday School
the groom, of Toronto, was the
maid of honour. She
.... .... .....
f�tastic Housewares 36 Pages ...•........ 6 books 490
regi 9H to $1.39 for ,...,,., 77c fYpevc►r ter iia er
Z1:00 6.M. -Church Service
Ontario Street and Turners aro'uri atmanlf
vuore a
cocktail dress of sapphire blue
+ . _
Meta( Waste Basket 300 Sheets ....:...••............... 096
Reg, 75c for ., g
..,,,,, .,,,..,, 49e Shoe Tote 8a Only 69
1Nestey-Willis during August.
orysl charkri, Tlie fcfi-
tured a shallow sa aopasil neck=
......... .
This is just a: fe'� of the elan articles now on sale.
line, elbow -length' sleeves and
._er _..
Get ytiuN supply of $iiper ,'PYenamin Vitarriiris on this sato
Save tar%
a z'a'ntrolled bell skirt: She,
Rev. It, W. Wenli ni L.Th,, Rector
a sapphire blue three -pet-
�% y{�n
Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C;b., A R.C.M.r Orgaihlat'
a11ed ht dpW6 aceent6d by a
ccYcktail veil: 96v cascade boti�
at 0
•/ r :
5:30 a.ris.-.14oiy, Commttilatarl.
terror was of yellraw Cariistions.
Govarh'Mbnt Inspected $oafei
i]:OO.a Marsizn�^Px� yer�:
1116 pmt b1afi Biu Mr:, �"eliat
cantle Sold by Wci�ht
BOE �'�7:�E�, Sales Mar'rt►gef