HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-08-27, Page 3Clinton Tel: 482.7064 SEPTEMBER LUCKY NUMBER 1980 USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P.M. Each month one lucky customer will WIN $10.00 FREE CLEANING CREDIT The first Of each month, a lucky number will be pub- lished. If the number is on your , Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners calendar, you mutt phone Clinton Laundry at 482-7064 and claim your $10.00 Free Cleaning Credit. Te number will also be posted at the Chin. Operated Laundry at 63 Albert Street, Myth Fair Gates Near Completion BLXTH — Cut stone gates being erected here. to mark barns !throughout the area, and each gatepost will carry an Ornamental electric light to be paid for by the Village of B ly t h, according to Robert Henry, president of the fair board. Entertainment Nightly QUEEN'S R HOTEL . I. ti the centennial of the Blyth Fall Fair are nearing comple- tion. They have been erected at a cost of $1,038, $300 of which was for two bronze plates wh- ich will be mounted on the gate posts. The gates are being built by Thomas Lawrence, a Godenich stone mason who is a former resident of Blyth. The face - stone has been taken from old buildings. SUNSET DRIVE-IN GODERICH Highway 8 Shows Start At Dusk Children 'under 12, in cars, FREE Now—Special Attraction — SIX DAYS — Thurs., Aug. 27 to Wed., Sept. 2 "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" Color — The great, new and breezy musical conlecly. Direct from its record-breaking, multi-week run in Toronto. Starring Debbie Reynolds with Harve Preshell and Ed Begley NO Advance In Our Regular Prices. adami 64•••••• • THUR., FRI., SAT.—Sept. 3-4-5 Rock 1-1UdsOn # Dorothy Malone and Kirk Douglas in "The Last Sunset.. — color -- PluS the Jimmy Edwards comedy "Nearly A Nasty Accident *4.4 161i6.4 Midriite Show Sunday Sept. 6 `IWo spine-tingling thrillers "Black Sunday" and Larcus of Horrors _3 1 GODERICH , ONT. Dancing Every Saturday Night For The YoUng Crowd NO SLACK% BLUE JEANS OR SHORTS THIS WEEK "THE DEL-KEYS" 9:Q0 p.m. to Midnight ADMISSION: 750 .PER PERSON Catering to Luncheons, Weddings, Banquets, eta. For Rental Information or Reservations Dial 524-937'1 or 524-9264 21tib Thurs., tekkiguSt 1964,Clinton NewpRecord-Page Table bouquet tutqer in height Bonnie Johnston, Debbie Johnston, Brenda -'4n- dell. $ potatoes !Tan_ Lepping- ton, Waiter Leppington, carrot, — Walter Lepping- top, Joyce Leppington, John Leppington. beets — Joyce Leppington, Walter Leppington, Joyce Col, clough, $ tomatoes — John Lepping- ton, Walter Leppington, Rob- ert Leppington, cobs sweet corn — Joyce Leppington, Jelin Leppington. bent :glarclie41 lo Mrs,. Mary 'EPP% winner of Slaw, son'S:SPOcial Prize .for 40114irr show, John Steele' Smith; Winner of .g:aten'S Special Prizee for most pon't% In slim, Mrs. DaVid Middleton; winner of Lee's Ladies Weor4,.;•rize for second highest number of paints, Miss 1,1014014 joilmtprt; winner ,Of door Special lucky .draw prizes of a bag a fertilizer and a hag. of peat moss, donated by inton Garden Centre, were WW1 by Mrs, David Middleton and Miss Helen Codrpore, The judges were Mr, and .S111%, Jack. Warren', of ,Gotler. SPECIAL AWARDS Winner of Stedman's Store Award for best rose in show, Mrs, B. ow; winner of C. J. Livermore Special Prize for le . ARK THEATRE GODERICH SHOWTIME: 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. 0 air-conditioned for your comfort 0 Now Playing—Thurs., Fri„ Sat. — August 27-28-29 Robert Cummings, Dorothy Malone and Frankie Avalon with a youthful cast in the lusty song-filied comedy "BEACH PARTY — in Color AT THE MON., TUES., WED.—Aug. 31-Sept. 1-2 (Adult Entertainment) Jack Lemmon, Carol Lyniey and Imogene Coca ' A superb fun-cast in a titillating comedy "UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE" — In Scope and Color — THUR., FRI., SAT. — September 3-4-5 — DISNEY SPECIAL — Brian Keith, Marta Kristan and Tommy Kirk Plenty of chuckles •and a lot oflaction in this tale of a boy, his dog and some renegade Indians. "SAVAGE SAM" in Color Coming — "PILLOW TALK" (Adult Entertainment) ANIMINSIM, 90's I.D.A. WAX PAPER — 100 foot Reg. 32c 28c, 2 for 53c WASH CLOTH — Approx. 12x12 inch Terryc loth 2 for 29c FACIAL TISSUES — Snow White Brand 400 singles packed 200 2-ply 2 for 53c 1.D.A. TOOTH BRUSH Reg. 35c each 3 for 97c SOLO PLASTIC TIPPED BOB PINS 1/2 -lb. Economy Pack — Black or Brown 89c I.D.A. SPOT REMOVER — l0-oz, size Reg. 75c 63c 15 CAKES TOILET SOAP in a bag 88c IDAVITE LIQUID — Easier to take than tablets 16-ounce $2.75 IDAVITES VITAMIN CAPSULES 30's $1.95, 100's $4.95 IDAMALT—Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil 31-ounce jar, regularly $1.29 97c EDWARDS PHARMACY Alan W. Edwards Mary E. Edwards, Phm.B. ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Prescriptions — Animal Health Supplies Dial 482-6626 Clinton, Ontario VITA DIET—Vitamin and Mineral Tablets Only $2.98 Use ltoynl Hank Services to help you manage *our rnone3q to. keep chequing, borrowing and other expenxes ow too. Building It liest-tge? • . open a Royal sAVoras AccOttrit Por . a Royal ivaasamm. tirSQUilki AC. Cash for a car or Wine other hea expense?R. tame WAN. Pat bafildag, yottr "Ito Watch ki Clinton Brandt' L. entielstad. Manager lid to to. ROYAL, I3ANK Godorkh 130460h ,„ H. G. Springy Manager Those extra clothes for back-to-schoofers needn't make your washday, a drudge! Stay freSh arid pretty let us. "do" your laundry -6- washed and ironed to perfeetiOn for only pennies per pound here at Clinton Laundry and Cleaners Ltd. LET US LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD Clinton Flower Show ',Draws Record Entries HOTEL CLINTON Featuring 'Cloud 9" Room SMORGASBORD Every Wednesday & Sunday FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIAL IN OUR DINING ROOM 'Chicken in a basket' "Oriclay-4—Served from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 O.M. SottOday Served from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight Phone 482.7011 for Reservations We Cater to Dinner Pariles and Wedding Recept ons The photo at top left shows some of the basket displays and arrangements of assorted flowers which were in the Clinton Flow- er Show Friday: Photo at left shows from left; best dahlia, shown • by John Steele Smith; best glad- ioli, shown" by Mrs. Clif- ford Epps; best rose, shown by Mrs. Brock Olde. Below, the - best basket of gladioli, shown by Mrs. Jack Leppington. (News-Record Photos By John Visser) Mrs. David Middleton of RR 3, Clinton, won the Eaton's Prize — a silver vase — for accumulating the highest num, ber of points in 'the entire 'how. Runner-up on the points parade was society president, Miss Louella Johnston, Mrs. ohn Steele Smith showed the best _ dahlia; Mrs. Brock Oltle showed the best rose, and Mrs. Clifford Epps the best glad- iolus. Winners of 'the various clas- ses follow; 5 double asters — Cliff Epps, Mrs, Charles Nelson. 4-stern cosmos—Mrs. Myrtle Tyndall, Mrs, David Middle- ton.. 5 large zinnias — Miss Lou- ella Johnston, Mrs, Eddie Mit- tel. 5 small zinnias — Miss John- ston, Mrs. 13. Olde. 5-stein petunia, single, plain — Miss Johnston, Mrs. E. Lep- pington. 5-stem petunia, single, frilled — Mrs; B. Olde, Cliff Epps. 10-bloom pansy — Miss Mary Jean Wenham, Mrs. Jim Arm- Exhibitors and browsers at the Annual Open Flower Show of the Clinton Horticultural Society packed the council chambers at Clinton Town Hall on Friday afternoon, .According, to the treasurer, Clifford Epps, there were 321 entries in the 43 adult divisions and 63 entries in the junior classes, Mr. Epps said the qualitY and guantity of the gladioli and dahlia classes was "the best yet" and the arrangement claS- ses showed increasing skill and sophistication. There were two new classes in the flower show this year, including one which called for an arrangement to be made with a cup and saucer. The second new class was an ar- rangement depicting the title of a song. 731 strong, 0-stem snapdragon — Mrs,. Charles Nelson, Mrs- Pavid 5-bloom Afripan marigold — "VA's, John Leppington; Miss Johnston. 5-bloom. French double .mari- gold — Mrs. Alan Edwards,' John Steele Smith. 5-stein welts — Mrs. Frank Fingland. 5-stein perennial phlox — Mrs, Qurdork-.$'Qribbius, Miss Johnston, 1-spike gladioli, white—Mrs. Mary Epps, IVIrs, E. Lepping- ton. • 1.-spike gladioli, red — Cliff Proctor, Alan Edwards, 1-spilte gladioli, pink — Cliff Proctor, Mrs. Mary Epps. 1-spike gladioli, yellow — Cliff Proctor, Alan Edwards, 1-spike gladioli, any other celor Mrs. Mary Epps, Cliff Proctor. 3 varieties - _gImadrioii, s.xfarydifferentErps, Cliff Proctor. Basket of gladioli, arrange- ment — Mrs. E. Leppington, Mrs. D. Middleton, Mrs. Mary Epps. 1-piece rose — Mrs. B. Olde, Mrs. D, Middleton, Mrs, Mary Epps. 1-hybrid tea rose, pink—Mrs. Mary Epps, Mrs, Thomas Her- Man:, Mrs. D. Middleton, 1 hybrid tea rose, any other color — Mrs. Alex ,'CutIrriore, Mrs. Mary Epps, Mrs. T. R. Thompson, 3-stem floribunda roses -- Mrs. B. Olde, Mrs. Mary Epps, Mrs. Neville Forbes. Arrangement of assorted roses — Mrs. David Middleton, Mrs. T. R. Thompson, Mrs. E. Leppington. Wedding Anniversary Ar- rangement — Cliff Epps, Mrs. Don IMiddloton, Mrs. Mary Epps. Coffee table arrangement — Mrs. E. Leppington, Mrs, T.- R. Thompson, Cliff Epps. Ladies Corsage — Mrs. T. R. Thompson, Miss Johnston, Mrs, J. A. McGill. Miniature Arrangement — Mrs. Harold Johnston, Mrs. B. Olde, Miss Johnston. Dining Room Table Arrange- ment — Mrs. David Middleton, Mrs, Mary EppS, Mrs. E. Lep- pington. Arrangement of assorted garden flowers — Miss Johns- ton, Mrs. David Middleton, Mrs. W. Penfound. Display of flowers in con- tainer of same color — Mrs, David Middleton., Miss Johns- ton, Mrs. Wilfred Penfound. Mantle Arrangement — Mrs. E. Leppington, Mrs. David Mid- dleton, Mrs. Mary Epps. Arrangement using cup and saucer — Miss Johnston, Cliff Epps, Mrs. T. R. Thompson. Arrangement . depicting a song title — Mrs. David Mid- dleton, John Smith, Mrs, Clay- ton Groves, Potted Foliage Plant — Miss Johnston, Mrs. Cliff Epps, John Smith. Bloom Tuberous Begonia— Mrs. Don Middleton) Mrs. John Smith. Bloom Mums — Miss John- ston, Miss Mary Jean Wenham. Dahlia, large — John Smith, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Mary lip Dahlia, cactus—John Smith, Mrs. June Smith, Alan Ed- wards. Dahlia, in miniature, (under 4") — Miss Johnston, Cliff Epps, John Smith. Dahlia — Mrs, Mary Epps, John- Smith, Mrs. June Smith. Best unusual potted plant — Miss Dorothy Marquis, Mrs. Mary Epps, Mrs. David Middle- ton. Any flower not listed above Mrs, Myrtle Tyndall, John Smith. CHILDREN'S. DIVISION 5 large zinnias — 'Brenda Tyndall, David - Jervis, John Leppingteri. 5 Small zinnias Bonnie Tyndall, John -Leppington. 5 asters — Robert Lepping- ton, Joyce Leppington. 5 pansies — Debbie Johns- ton, Joyce Leppington, John Leppington. 5 snapdragon — Tom Lep- pington, John Leppington. 5 plain petal petunias — Bonnie Tyndall, Bonnie Johns- ton, Debbie Johnston, ' A