HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-08-20, Page 6• , • By 13K1,CHAlvlBER FIEL PERSONAL ITEMS • CHURCH: NEWS CLUB ACTIVITIES • •Y111-1,40E HAPPENINGS QQrresponderit; MRS. AUDREY BELL.-CHAMBER Phone Odyfiold 38 Subscriptions, Classified ,Adys„ Disptgy Advs, cold Job Printing oil accepted by the Cayf ield correspondent ,..B.EAVTIFUL BREEZY Page 6—Clinton News-Record—Theirs., August 20, 1964 You'll Find FAST SERVICE And LOW PRICES for: ORTHOPEDIC SHOE REPAIR GENERAL SHOE REPAIR REPAIRS TO PURSES SCHOOL BAGS TRUNKS TENTS AWNINGS BINDER CANVAS HARNESSES. ETC,. ETC. at HENK'S SHOE REPAIR 82 ALBERT ST. — CLINTON =Nam WHITE FARE ONE WAY TO WINNIPEG The smart way to save and travel! Extra coach car conveniences to make your trip more comfortable. For other economy White & Blue Fares call ... Your Local CN Agent CIN CANADIAN NATIONAL 1111111111121171111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ••41. • • AT REALISTIC PRICES Clinton28 Feed' -Mill Phones: 4834404 or. 482i3485 .141.1RON STREET CLINTON special minerals IOC cattle essential minerals tor cattle 5 ',Ilia,. oviii• N., i Nan ot - ,. I MP GAM tvlSioN boo, .—•••• nrs0o. I. Entertainment Nightly AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH 34tfb 4 10th AUTO S U PPLY . Anniversary HU 2 7034 aitt€10,1&*40" Sale NINE BIG DAYS — Thursday, August 20 to Saturday, August 29 STORE-W1DE DISCOUNTS UP TO 50% ALL FISHING TACKLE .„. . . 30% off GOLF CLUBS, ARCHERY, BADMINTON SETS „ ,,,,, ,,,,,,, , 25% Off SWIM FINS and MASKS $0% off DUNLOP GOLD SEAL TIRES 670/15, 750/14 Off ALL MARTIN-SENOR PAINTS Y3 off SUPREME HOUSE PAINTS Barn Red, OS White, Latex Reg, ,$3,99 „„ „„ ..,r . „ ..—..„, Now 0.99 gal. 2 ONLY-i-1964 PUSHBUTTON All Tran. sistor CAR RADIOS, 1 Purcli I Cbev. Reg, $89.95 Now $59.95 ALL POWER TOOLS ,,,,, , 20% off 1 ONLY—,CCM IMPERIAL 3.SPEED BICYCLE--Reg. $64.95 ALL 99c TOOLS „ „„ Y.( ,,, 3 ONLY—CHILDREN'S PLASTIC PLAY BOATS—Rog, $10.50 ALL BALL GLOVES , ,,,,,,, PICNIC- and CAMPING DISHES Set of Four—keg. 89c ,,, . , ALL CAR REPLACEMENT PARTS, , ACCESSORIES, BATTERIES TRANSIVIOR RADIOS CAR SEAT BELTS , ... .. Now $54.95 Now 73c „ Now $5.25 .,,.r:25% off „,,, Now 69c. 10% off .... 25% off 25% off I would like to thauk all my custoniees and friends for their ijeneroUS support over the last fen years. I Miss Lynne Faber, Exter, spent last week visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Torn Penhale And family. BobbY McCullough spent last week visiting his grandparents, Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Penhale, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Bennett and family were weekend guests with Mr, end Mrs. Har- old Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCullough and familY joined them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom penhale At Golden Wedding Miss Mabel Hodgins and Miss Margaret Macdonald attended the golden wedding last Satur- day of Mr. and Mrs. George Edward Otton of Woodstock. Mrs. Ottop. is a cousin of Miss Hodgins, The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ot- ton's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Toin Lawson of London. More than 150 rela- tives and friends were preisent from Cleveland, Ohio; Rich- mond, Virginia; Medicine Hat, Alberta; Ottawa, Toronto, Lon- don and Woodstock. Miss Amy Murray returned to Toronto last Saturday after spending two weeks with Miss Mabel Hodgins and Miss Marg- aret Macdonald at Stonehaven, and family spent Sunday with pen. xv,s, Irene Decow and grand- daughter Sandra of St, Thomas spent last week in the village visiting relatives and renewing acquaintances, Mrs. Decow who was born in 13A5li00, is the daughter of the late Sarah. Sturgeon and Albert Catling. Three Persons Feted Members of the family of Willard Sturgeon, numbering 15, gathered at his home on Tuesday evening -last for a birthday supper, 'honouring Mr. Sturgeon, Sandra Erickson, his .granddaughter, and Mrs, Irene Decow, his niece. After a bounteous smorgasbord dinner, a huge birthday cake, decorat- ed in pink land blue, honouring the three celebrants, was lit and Mr. Sturgeon had the privilege of blowing out the candles while his grandchildren sang. It was a most enjoyable get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Glenford lD, Sturgeon and Jo-Anne, have returned horrie after spending a most enjoyable weekend camping at Boiler Beach, near Kincardine, Mrs, Gordon Stewart, Sherry, Lee, Mark, Bonnie-Lee and Ruth-Anne of RR 2 Ripley Mr. and Mrs. John Van Slem- brouck and children, I-larper Woods, Mich, were weekend guests of IVim, Van Slem- brouck's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brisson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont- rose, Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs. Knneth Teeple and daughter Sheila of Port Dover, were din- ner guests on Sunday of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. Utter. With Mr.- and Mrs. George Aitken this weekend were their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. G. Aitken Jr., and grandson, Norman; also visiting them were Mr. and Mrs. john Pas- man, London. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerr attended the fun- eral in Watford of Mr. Frank Nonthcott, who passed away suddenly on Friday, August 14. Only last week. Mr. and Mrs. Northcott, accompanied by his two sisters, Mrs. E. Rowe and Mrs. L. Rowe of Exeter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Kerr, Recent guests of Mr. a n d Mrs. M. -Toms have included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and three children, Simcoe; Mr. Ed. Reid, Detroit; Mr. and The topic was in charge of Miss Mary Houston - who ar- ranged for the pictures which told about the advancement of medicine in India to-day. The commentary was read by Mrs., Donald Haines. An interesting story of Dr. Carl Taylor and his work at Jamal- pur and the Ludhiana. Medical College- was told and it also showed the modern dispensar- ies and the work of the health unit in that country. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, president, was in charge of the meeting and gave the call to worship followed by a hymn. Minutes Accepted The devotional period was in charge of Mrs, Ed Davies who (MRS. IL F. Mrs, Allan Diel is visiting with Mrs. J. A. Anderson and daughter Iva, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cribbon, Toronto Visited With Mr, and Mrs. James Paterson and Mr. and Mrs: A. Paterson on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Grif- fith and family, Stratford, sp- ent Sunday with -friends in the- village. Next Sunday morning Kip- pen and Brucefield will hold joint service in Brucefield Un- ited Church at eleven. Rev. E. Rotriston will have charge of the service, S ..emensMIEEIBEITIMIEEM SHUR-GAIN Mrs. Stewart Mank and ehild, ren, and Mr, and Mrs. Edwards, all of .Kiteliener, Spending August with their graad-Parents,..Dr, and Mrs, W, R. Aberhart, are Bruce, Bob and Billy III. Their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bill Aberhart, Sarnia, have joined them for the weekends, The Many friends of Mrs, James McMillan, Who formally spent summers at her Bayfield- homei wish to extend heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of her 100th birthday, which 'she celebrated this week. Mrs, McMillen is now residing with her daughter, Miss Helen Mc- Millan in Toronto. Her son, Judge J. F. McMillan resides in Sit, Thomas. Family Honours Parents Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Fraser were ,hormrecl, -at a dinner giv- en by their son-in-law and dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. George Fellows at their summer home at Glitter Bay. Among those present were their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fraser and five grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, who wild celebrate their golden wedding anniversary this week, were married at St. Paul's Church, Clinton, by Canon C. Jeakens on August 19, 1914. Miss Carrie Dixon and Miss Mary Secord were guests this weekend of 'Canon and Mrs. F. H. Paull at "Camborne House." Miss Joanne Hulls, accompan- ied by OPP Constable Robert l3renernan, Goderich Detach- ment, motored to Guelph on Thursday to visit Miss Hulls' sister, Mrs. J. E. Grime, and later called on Constablel3rene- man's parents at their home in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Young- man, Kitchener, called on Canon H. M, Lang-Ford on Sunday afternoon, chose Psalm 65 for her scrip- ture lesson. The roll call was answered by each member quoting a verse containing the word, hill. The minutes of the July meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines. It was decided to buy a blanket for the bale and it was stressed that the donations for the bale are to be left at 'the home of the president as soon as possible, A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Herbert Gooier and a letter from Mrs. Catherine Dobie of Blue-yak was read to the members. Fall Rally Set It was announced that the BERRY, The sympathy of the village and community is extended to -the family of the late Mrs. Clara Dutot, who passed away last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Munn, Hen- sail Visited on Sunday with Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Ham. Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. Pater- son, Mrs. John Aikenhead, Mrs. J. I3roadfoot, Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs. Berry, attended a .quilt- ing party at the home of Mrs, Janet Zaphfe last Wednesday. Master Ronald Scott, Byron, had the misfortune to be bit- ten by a dog at Bayfield nec- essitating Rabie shots as a precaution. Rev. H. A. Johnston, Strat- ford called on friends in the village on Sunday. MrS. R. Handeock and Mrs. Victor Hargreaves are attend- ing a training school at Alma College, St. Thomas this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalty- nople and family, Mr. and Mn. W. M. Eurdge and family are vacationing up north this week. We are pleased to report that Stewart Wilson is home from ,the hospital after having part of ohe finger taken off in the threshing machble last week, Mr. and Mrs. Hildrebrant, Atithirn, viSited with Mrs. St- ackhou.se arid. Mr. and Mr.. Mac Wilson on Sunday. Most .of the 10 were provs-lonal members of the associa- tion which formed early this year. Following is a "thumbnail" sketch of each of the officers, of the Association, .0 Brigadier F. A, .Clif president, came to Bayfield last year upon his retirement from a long and distingnished army career,. Prior to'the Se,c, ond World War, he was .a school principal, Re is married, and -has two sons and a laugh.. ter, • Jack =mann, vice-pres- ident, is a _general insurance broker in London. He has been summering at Bayfield. for the past 40 years. He is married with two daughters and a son, • Harold H. Ormond, tr- easurer, is a civil engineer and spent many years with the Ford Motor Company in North and SOPial, America prior to his retirement here. He is 'mar- ried with three sons and one HOLMESVILLE (By Mrs. F. McCullough) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe and girls have returned to their home, after spending their va- cation on a motor trip in the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron districts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Har- ris and Patricia are at their home following their vacation spent in Detroit, Mich., and district. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCul- lough and David spent Sunday in Kitchener with H. M. Bez- eau and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bezeau. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cuchnore and Paul spent the weekend in Burlington, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cu'dmore. Mr. and Mrs. Prank McCul- lough -and Mrs. D. E, Glidden were in London recently and visited at St. Joseph's Hospit- al with Mrs. Kurt VanRiesen, Clinton, who has been a patient there, for several weeks. fall rally of Huron Presbyter- ial will be held at St, Andrews Presbyterian Church on Sept- ember 8th. The offering was received by Jim Bennett and George Collins and dedicated by Mrs. Ed Davies. The presi- dent thanked all who had as- sisted in the meeting. Clinton Woman Takes 4 Prizes At Exhibition Mrs. Wilfred Coiclough of Clinton "cleaned up" over the weekend at the 24th .. annual Mary Hastings picnic at Sp- ringbank Park, London. • Exhibits of cooking, hand- work and flower arrangements were featured at the picnic and Mrs, Coiclough won: third prize in fancy half apron; sec- ond place in knitted tea cosy; second place in orange loaf; and third place in half dozen cocoanut , macai. oons. Mrs. J. French also of Clin- ton won first prize with her hand-made quilt. ..daughter„ • George Belk:ham:her, sec- retary, has. lived here since 1955, He is an electronics .structor with. the Defence . Training Board and secretary- treasurer of the Tiarop. Diot- rict of the Boy Scouts of Mn, erica, He is married and has .three sons. e Alan Aylsworth, commit- tee member, is an investment dealer and has spent summers here for about 40 years-, He is a member of the London District Council of the Boy Scouts of Canada and was president of the Provincial Council for Ontario in 1902. He is married and has three sons. • Miss Jessie L. Metcalf,. committee member, is profes- sor of biology at Wayne State University, Detroit, She has spent all her vacation time at Beytield. for many years and has partidipated keenly in community affairs. • Adam Flowers, commit- tee member, operates Bayfield Woollen Shop and formerly 'op- erated his own b a k e, r y and confection shop in, London. He has servetVas a village trustee, and with the R.C.R. in the Second, World War, He is mar- ried and has three sons, • Miss Ruth Hayman, com- mittee member, is owner and manager of Bayfield's Little Inn. She has operated the Lit- tle Inn for 11 years since com- ing here about 25 years ago. Miss .Hayrnan has long been keenly interested in community affairs.. • Merton Merrier, commit- tee member, served with. the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War. He is a committee member of Branch 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion; chairman of Bayfield School Board, and a former scout master and group com- mittee chairman of let Bay- :field Troop. He is married and has three sons and three dau- ghters. • Frank Peter, committee member, is an electrical and plumbing contractor in_Strat- ford and owner of Rockery Cabins. He is a Rotarian and has been summering here for 35 years. Mr. Peter is married and has a son and a daughter. DANCING - Every Friday light BLUEWATER DANCELAND Music by DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA 11•111111111111111MMINIMONIMIIMINIk. LUXURY TRAVEL • TO ,QANACRAN, .NATIONAL EXHIBITJQN IN TORONTO AUGUST 26 AND 55PIFM58R 2 $A.,00 Per Person AIR-RIDE CDM.FORT EY CHARTERWAYS Owned and Operated by $kinnar School gus Lines See Your Agent Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., Clinton or Call 4824727 BUSES FOR CHARTER ANYWHERE IN U.S.A. OR CANADA 33-4b Familq Finance MY RANH ru TO 3 /aM CANADIANS Man Bring all your personal credit needss 11 under one roof t LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED LOANS *Clinton Branch K. G. FLETT, Manager Londesboro (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. & Thurs. R.C.A,F. Station (Sub-Agency): Open Daily Ten .V141(nown, Bayfield Residents ,Executive Of Ratepayers .6.roup Ten Bayfield residents last week were elected as members of the Bayfiekl Ratepayers Associa- tion in a meeting at the 13aYfield Arena. GET QUALITY IN CATTLE MINERALS Make sure your cattle have proper min- erals supplied at all times by making available SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals or SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals; fed free choice. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle contains all the essential minerals needed by your livestock to help improve -feed assimilation and general animal health. SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals for Cattle contain high levels of phosphorous for areas or feeding conditions with a partic- Olarly bac] phOspharaus defitiency. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Faber,. Kip- 'spent a day last week with Mrs..StewarVs father, Mr, WU,. lard Sturgeon. Party At The Square, Eleven girl churns of Sandra Erckson gathered in Clan Greg- or Square Friday evening last to honour her on her 15th bir, thclay. Many lovely gifts were presented Sandra, and she thanked each one in turn, Games ..and a treasure hunt were enjoyed by all present, lollowd by -a wemers and mar- shmallow barbecue, A birthday cake, tastefully decorated in pink and white was lit and the girls, in unison, wished Sandra a happy birthday, Later in the evening the girls attended the movie in Pioneer Park, - BRUCEFIELD Auburn Church Missionary Society Watches Film At Monthly Meeting "When the Healer Came" was the name of the film shown at the Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church when they met in the Sunday School room of the church for their August meet-, ing.. NOTICE TUCKERSIVIITH MUNICIPAL pomp I Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoont, from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old con. crate, or car bodies per. miffed. I, McIntosh, 3 Clerk 18tfb Puts the things you want within your reach BANK OF MONTREAL