HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-08-13, Page 7last .weelc with Mr, and Mrs, Ted' Vast and 4'014. A largo :crowd attendedthe. reception for Mr, • _and Mrs, Ken Glogsber last Fekley night the • Auburn Community Memorial, Hall, Music for dam, ing was supplied by jimmy Sec ltes '041,',o110$1 4'4, An, address of .congratiiiatiens itteis read by William Cowan and a large purse of money was .presented Gordon GrOSs. Miss Tony de Jong of Wind- sor Visited last week with her friend, .Miss. Laura Daer. Mr. and MPS, .johp. Daer and Mr. Robert Deer are visiting friends in Detroit this week, Mrs. Betty Crete and • son Larry of Windsor are Visiting her uncle, Arthur Youngblut. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Wagner of Masselon, Ohio, are, Visiting with the Wagner -family this week. Miss June Younghlet, Wood- stook spent last week visiting with her cousins, Misses Bar- bara, Margaret and Mary San- Berson. Mr. and Mrs, RosS Lawless and son Don of St. Catharines visited with her sister, Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys and Mr. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies re- tuened last week frem a month long trip in Western 'Canada and the United States and Van- couver with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam I-lerisch 'and family. (Mrs. Robert Arthur is a tie, tient Clinton hospital. - Guests with Dr. B. C. Weir over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, M.* Barbara and. Johnny of Sault Ste. Marie, Mr, and Mrs. John Weir, Miss Joan and Bob, of London and Mrs. Weir's moth- er, Mrs. Eustace, of Ottawa. Mrs. Robert Gibbs of Ham- ilton is Visiting With Mr. end Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett. Rev. K. E. Taylor- of God- erich will be guest speaker at St. ,Mark's Anglican Church while Rev. Robert Meally is on vacation, There are about 1,000,000 Canadians eligible for the old age security pension in the cur- rent year, compared to 745,000 ten years ago; cost of the pen- sion in the period has increased from $290 million to $900 mil- lion. EXTRA MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE BETZE SEED Delivery Accepted At Harvest Contact E. L. MULE St SON LIMITED Phone 103 HENSALL MORE NOW...MORE IN THE FUTURE...FROM IMPERIAL OIL -.HAROLD Kill-ACK Phone 4824873, 1 111 IMO "I/EY DAD" ,S0-OPERATE1,_` BRING MOTHERS /r/TCHEN PATE- And At The Same Time We Will Symonize and Polish Your Car -- If Left At Our Garage After Work, or at 6:00 p.m. — Both Jobs For Only $10.00 Pick Up Your Car In The Morning SHORTY'S 112 VICTORIA. St. (IHWT. 4) 4821661 opett,,,Mott.# Tires., Wedei ThOte.640.M.:i01120.M. Sun. to 2 '0.116, GET QUALITY IN CATTLE MINERALS Make sure your cattle have proper min- erals supplied at ail times by making available SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals or SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals; fed free choice. SHUR-GAIN Essential Minerals for Cattle contains all the essential minerals needed by your livestock to help improve feed assimilation and general animal health. SHUR-GAIN Special Minerals for Cattle contain high levels of phosphorous for areas or feeding -conditions with a partic- ularly bad phosphorous deficiency. . AT REALISTIC PRICES NUNN C:11)1i essential minerals -1 for cattle trim !wan Mel11.01. I SIMIGAINOMS101( 41!"-t".121 II••••••• dpprO10 special minerals for cattle SHIM•SAI t NDIYISION wit".1.11' AYLOR MOTORS LIMITED Zurich — Phone 102 Exeter — 235.100 The Car King Of Huron County Offers You The Largest Selection Of New And Used Cars And Trucks At All Times 1963 Pontiac Laurentian 4-Door 1961 Olds. 4-Door Hardtop steering, 1963 Pontiac Parisienne 4-Door 8-cyl., automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, whitewalls, etc. 1963 Olds. 88 4-Door Automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, etc. • power brakes, whitewalls, etc. 6-cyl., automatic, 8-cyl., automatic, radio, 'power 1963 Wildcat 2-Door Hardtop 8-cyl.. automatic, bucket seats, power steering, power brakes, radio, etc. 1962 Pontiac Parisienne 6-cyl., automatic, radio, whitewalls, etc. 1961 Buick 4-Door Hardtop 8-cyl., automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, whitewalls, etc. 1959 Models — 9 to choose from All makes — automatics and sticks. 1958 Models — 5 to choose from All makes — automatics and sticks. 1957 Models — 6 to choose from All makes — automatics and sticks, SMALL CARS — 10 to choose from --VOLKSWAGENS, ENVOYS, CONSULS, VAUXHALLS, RENAULTS, MORRIS Many More Too Numerous To Mention Everything Goes At Discount Prices Plus Our Demonstrators 5-1964 Laurentian 4-Door Sedans automatics, radios, whitewalls, wheel discs and washers. 1-1964 Pontiac Custom Sport 2-Door Hardtop 8-cyl., automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, whitewalls, wheel discs, washers, bock-up lights. 2-1964 . Stratochief Sedans Automatic, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, washers. —1964 .Buick LeSabre 2-Door Hardtop Automatic:, radio, power steering, power brakes, tipping wheel, chrome trim kit, whitewalls, wheel, discs, washers, back-up lights. ;fit 1 1964 Cadillac Coupe De Ville Full power and loaded with extras, 1 TWO LOCATIONS i....ZORICII.and EXETER 1960 Pontiacs — 4 to choose from Automatic and sticks, 1961, Cadillac 4-Door-Hardtop Automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, whitewalls, etc. Auburn onagenan . an Still Alert and Active haso with the luIrc ttto- ve tte • seo Ca Ledges a • keee • Bert Marsh, treasurer of the Daily Vacation Bible Scheol has issued the financial state- ment for the year showing again a balance for newt year's school. Donations of $3L78 have been received and t daily offerings amounted to $42,60. The offering' for the special mission project was $20,18. The Auburn Baptist Church assumed the responsi- bility foe transportation for Miss Colleen Wolfe who assits:- ted with the school, Plans are being made for tbe fifth year to go out of - town to bowl for the coming season.. Anyone wishing to Joan these teams please contact Mrs, Thomas Haggitt soon. Mrs. Bernice Young, Sharon Larry, Linda and Gail of Penn. visited last weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Mills and family, also relatives in Goderich, Don, nybrook and Wingham. Mrs. Hattie Murray of Sea- forth is visiting with her friend Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mr., and Mrs. William East and family of London visited OISE • PLUMBING'HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON 0 90 Attend Lawn Tea t Auburn AUBURN — Over ninety guests enjoyed .a ?Gehl after- noon et a lawn tea at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Charles Stott, John .Street, A colourful flew-. er bed made an attractive set- ting for this event sponsored by the members of Unit One of the United Church Women of Knox United Church. A floral fountain centred the lawn and also bouquets of glad- ioli and etitra-ner flowers, where the guests were welcomed by the leader of the group, 'Ma's. James Jackson, assisted by Mrs. Harry Armstrong and. Mr. and Mrs; Charles Scott. • The guest book was in ch- arge of Miss ,Brenda East Mrs. Charles Steaughan and Mrs. Robert -Chanin.ey assisted the hostesses with the guests during the afternoon. Clime- fern for the geests were Mrs. Charles Milllian, Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, Miss Viola Thompson and Miss Elva Gross. - Serving the guests were Mrs. Keith Machan, Mrs. Gor- don Chaney, Mrs, Jack Arm- strong, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, and Mrs. Ted East. In charge of the kitchen were Mrs. Wilf- red Plunkett, Mrs. Roy Easom, and Mrs. Henry Brindley, and serving the favors were Misses Sherry and Wanda Plaetzer. Among the guests who called were Rev. and Mrs. Robert Nfeally of Blyth and Mrs, Rob- ert Gibbs of Hamilton. Mrs. W. D, WilSore, She at- tended USS No, 5 Hallett pia spent three years at the God- eeich High School, Lived In ^tukon In 1901., she married George Harriiiton Who had just return- ed from the far north with an abundance of thrilling Stories. Together they set out for the Yukon. From Vancouver they took a boat up the Padific coast to Skag-way, Alaska, and crossed over the WIlAte BaS8 to Dawson City Where they lived in a log house. The couple's only son, Toin was born at Dawson City, and 1VIrs. Hamilton is able to re- late a number of hair-raising incidents which took place in the north alt that time. Farmed At Auburn She recalls the effective low- cost deep-freeze used in Daw- son 'City in those days — a hole dug in the ground which never thawed because of the deep ground frost. BRUCEFIELD (MRS. Ii. P. BERRY, --Mrs. Ernest Phillips and daughter Evelyn of Moosejaw, Satk., Mrs. Bert Coffin, Pom- ona, California, -visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. bind- say Eyre. Mrs. Norris Sillery -received Word that her brother had passed away ixi Vancouver. Mrs. Sillery and her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Aikens had visited him earlier 'in the year. Master Lawrence Elliielbt spent a few days in, Stratford with his cousin Dan Griffith. Miss Barbara Henderson, Waterloo, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- John Henderson and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. V. Hargreaves are spending a few days up north . fishing. Mrs.- A. Hdhner, Huronview, spent a few days with Miss M. McQueen and Mrs. Forest. Mrs. Bert Allan months ago and has been a patient in Clinton Public Hos-. pital but until 'then had enjoy- ed good health and was always busy. Visithrs with Harry Durnins on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fortune, of Wingtharn, and Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Hesk. Debbie Davey, Elaine Vin- cent, Kathie Carter, and Glen- yce and Helen Anderson have been enjoying a holiday at Minnehaha camp near Godetr- ich. Misses Beth and Linda Th- ompSon motored to Magnet- awan for a few days last week visiting their uncle at Knoep- fli Inn. Miss Joyce Keyes of Glaris is visiting with her cousins, Pat and Barbara Burns. WI Meeting The WI met on Wednesday evening with a good attend- ance and a number of visitors. Business was conducted and the sponsoring of a child in Hong Kong was approved. A vote for the 4-H course is held over for the September meet- ing. The' president gave an out- line of the work which has been done by the WI for the benefit of the non-members present. The program consisted of a piano solo and encore 'by Hea- ther Snell, piano duet by Con- nie and Joan Howatt, a salt by Mrs. Carman Moon, and a piano solo by Beverley Lee. Mrs. Jean Caldwell introduced Mr. Charles Johnston,.of Blyth Who gave an interesting talk on the making of flour, clean- sing the wheat, eta., in Prep- aration. Mrs, Geo. HOmilton 90 Years Young After a decade in the north, till health forced the Iionoiltons to return' here where they thok. up reslidence on e farm on the boundary road between Auburn .and Nile, In 1912 they bought a farm from Alex McDonald, and far- med there until they retired to the village 'in 1947 ' to their home on John Street, Never Misses Church Mr. Hamilton died in 1949, and two years -ago Mrs. Hamil- ton sold their' house and moved to her present residence on Goderich Street. Despite her nine ,decades, Mrs. Hamilton is very alert, and never misses a Sunday set.- vice at St. Mark's Anglican Church where she still serves on the Ladies Guild, For a number of years she was or- ganist and assisted lin the choir and she is a charter member of 'the Women's Institute. Mrs. Hamilton has been a member of the Auburn Library Thurs., :Au9ust.. 13, 11944,clinten .News-Record-49 • FARMERS We are chipping cattle every Monday for Vniteo cc-operative of ontario arid solicit your Patreneee. We will 'Pick them up At your form, Please COLL E CT not later than .4aturday nights, Seaforth farmers Co-operative Hunt, Shipper Phone 856.814, • Clinton Feed Mill 28 HURON STREET — CLINTON Phones: 482-3484 or 482-3485 Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCR—Correspondent,Phone $26,7595 for more f•tilar4. :59 years, and stilt reads two- PP three books a Week, Her hobbies are :ppd., Oleg and plsyi og cards with her friencts two or three, theee. a, Week. Her son, Torn, lives 14 -God- erlcb, .4141. the has six grand, SOM. -one gealladattehlter, and ,s.Nteen great grandchildren, brother, Lorne .Wilson,: lives liar Bleteefiekl, and a isM ter, Mrs, Arthur (Marian) nts., ledge Lives Seaforth, Ann Other. $1.2101) Mrs. William (Sel, Ina) Ctha xtran, lives. art Huron: PISTOLMATIC A high-quality, one.hand operated grease gun, com- plete With flexible exten- sion hose. You save $5.25 over the regular Esso retail price of $8.25, when you pur-, .chase one carton of 60 P.StO MP Grease Cartridges--the sure, economical way to keep your equipment M.• top Work- ing condition. Get one from your Iniperial Esso Agent— but order soon, this repeat offer is for a limited time only. Congratulations to Mrs. Mare ion Bead? e of ,HttheretieW Who lest week celebrated her 8$4th hhithday, Miss Laura Wagner of -$5414, Ouse, MY., and Mrs. Rose Herr man of WOOdstecis are boUday, ing- at. the Wagner home on the baseline road, Correspondent In response to a letter of condolence to, Prince Charles during his recent attack of pneumonia, Barbara Burns re- ceived a message of deep ap- preciation from the Queen for her kindly thoughts for her son, With her sincere thanks., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm- strong and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armstrong of Clinton spent Sunday with 'their brother Fred and Allie Armstrong of HaMilton. Congratulations are .emtend- ed to Mrs. Frank Wood Who attained her 93rd birthday on Tuesday, August 4th. Mrs. Wood had 'the Misfortune to suffer a broken *hip some ,MONEY SAVED /S MONEY EARNED, THIS IS THE LESSON WE NAVE EARN! S/4* AT :1 FRIEND NEWS OF LONDESBORO For An Appointment To Have Your Car's Motor Steam Cleaned Phone 482-7661 BY lgrs• Wes Bredoeelg AUBURN—Mrs. George Flathjlt9n, believed the oldest resident of this area, will cekbr4te her 80t4 hirthdaY 911 WedneSday. Mrs. Hamilton was born here, and except for a few years spent in the Yukon dur- big gold rush days, has resided here all her life, She was born Ieobel daughter of tee late Mr. and