HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1964-08-13, Page 5Bible School Starts Aug. 17 The annual Vacation Bible School of the Christian Refor- med Church will be held this year from August 17 to August 28 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. All Children in the commun- ity are welcome to attend. This year the staff of teachers and helpers is provided With up-to-date materials and is ready to teach the children. St., Andrew's Presbyterian Church ReV. R. U. MacLean, B.A. Mrs. M. S. Agne'v, Organist and Choir Leader -Sunday, August 16 9,45 amyl,- SUndaY School 10.45 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME irene'Okahashl Adds New EquOment 4 Year and a half ago, Irene 'Okahashi opened a small dry cleaning Plant. at 70 Albert Street, with two Westinghouse automatic dry ,cleaner ttnitS, Since then 'her husband, who is in the 'RCAF, WAS POstgd. 1.o a northern posting, •anet she stayed here to -operate ,her. business. TAW weelcS ago,. Mrs. Oka-hashi installed sib: new West- 1,11-0104s0- AUIPMatic laundrg, mats AN two dryers, to make her business a one-stop laun,• dry' and dry cleaning service, '- During the four day official opening 'last weekend, over 200 persons availed themsel,yes of this new service,' The plumbing and installa- tion of the new equipment was carried out by Ohuter P1Ut41)- Mg, Heating and Electric, of 45 King Street, 'Clinton. Joe Wild of the Q.liuter• firm, was in charge of the Installation. Draw Winners Winners of the four prizes offered to customers during the four-day opening -are as fol- lows: first, a lady's holiday kit, Mrs. John Taylor, Brpeefield; secondx a gent's travel kit, Lynn Gilbert (no address on ticket); third, a free load of dry cleaning, Mrs, Marion Stephenson, Clinton, and fourth a $1.00 credit at Irene's Laund- romat, Mrs. Wes Hoggart, 154 Albert Street, Clinton. • A. L. Colquhcam, publisher of the News-Record, made the draws on Tuesday afternoon this week. TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, centrally located, private parking, ample stor- age closets, $65 monthly heated Phone 482-7661. 33tfb GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION JOHN BEANS, Jr, Phone Collect 482-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 4 LIONS MARDI GRAS POSTPONED: FOR. ONE FULL WEEK (Until August 20) on mount a Rainy Weother CLUB Held Sunday .he gugill reunion was held in Kitchener„ August 9 at the hdme of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Rathwell, After an afternoon spent to- gether, -all. enjoyed a hot 13,tr- ley supper. • Peel* were present from Goderich, Clinton, Bensali, 'Kip- pen, Zurieb, Georgetown end Meatord, RECEPTION Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects SENIOR AND JUNIOR COURSES Examinations set, marked, and Diplomas issued by THE BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Modern Equipment—Qualified Teachers—Tuition $30 Dial 524-8521, 7284, or 6307 for an appointment. 31tfb Quality & Service NEWCOMBE army PRESCRIPTIONS Sunday, August 16 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service • 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Mr. George Stewart, London. Tuesday---8 p.m.—Prayer Meet- . ing and Bible Study, All WelcOme fete Bridellect At Hensall Party Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Attend Your Church This Sunday CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. August 16 Joint Service in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Ontario Street United Church "ME FRIENDLY CHIMCItI" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, S.A. During August Ontario Street and Turner's Congregations will worship in Wesley-Willis United .Church greittb (gItUrtIve0 REV. CLIFFORD p._,PARIC, MA., Minister Subject: "The Woman at the Welf-,--Htisbands Are " No Substitutes For God" HOLMESVILLE 0:45 aan,—iChurch Service 10;45 a.,111.—Stulay School WESLEY-WILLIS 9:45 a.tri.---Prithary Sunday 'School a.m.—Church SerVice fl Ontario Street and turners are worshipping at Wesley-Willis during August, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH tiov. It W. Wenlihrh, L.th., Rector Mr. W H. bishop, .P.i1.4.0, Orgdulst tkirsitTY SUNIJAY, AUOUSt 16 8:86 a.m.,--1-toiy• Contintinieti 1100m.—Morning P rayei4, S eakort The Rev. 0-, l r Litt i„ Notke To Creditors In tlr4 Xstate of •AX,V,./(N 41-1SS1 L44 -42(ISTAT., All persons -having 'Plaints against the Estate Of Alvin Rittssell Austin, late of the TownshiP of StanleY, in the County of given, former, _de- ceased, who died on the 18th day of :Jung, 1964, ,are. hereby notified 'to send in full. partite, of their claims to the Undersigned on or -before the 14th day of August, 1964, After winch date the .assets will be distributed, haying Lregard Only to claims then received, Dated Seaferth, this ,1st day of July, 1964, 1'1e.0470NNET,X4 & STEVVART Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 'Notice To Creditors and ethers, in -the Estate of JANET McLAREN polo, 44 persons having claims against the estate of Janet Mc- Laren Doig, late of the Town- ship of T.uckersmith, in tbe County of Huron, who died on or about the .30th day of March, 1964, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned at 366 Bay Street, Toronto, on or before the 31st day of August, 1964, after which date the estate will . be disttai,- bated with regard only to the elahns of which the •undersign,- ed. shall then have notice, and the undersigned shall not be liable to any pennons of nil whose claims they shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 11th day of June, 1964. . • Guaranty Trust Company of Canada by; Bell- and Laughton, Its Solicitors herein. 31-2-3b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of MARG- ARET JANE VAIR, deceased. AII persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Jane 'Nair, late of the village of Brucefield, in 'the county of WidoW, who died on or • ,about the 5th day of July 1964, are required to file particulars of same With Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of August, 1964, after which date the . estate will-be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. BELL & LAUGIITON- Solicitors for the Administrator Exeter, Ont. • 32-3-4b Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30 p,rn. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager AMINOINNWOMINIS*1101 Joins Scruton's oopp .PANTEi,01, Jack Scruton of Scruton's Firestone, 238 Albert Street, - Clinton, is pleased to an- nounce that 'Doug Cantelon ha$ joined his firm as head mechanic, Doug will be in charge of all repair work; inclUding front-end align- ments and, motor tune-ups. Doug previously worked at Dory's Supertest and has had considerable experience in motor and auto mechanics, BIRTHS BOON — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, August 7, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs, John Boon, Bayifeld, a son. ROYCE In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, August 10, 1964, to Mr, •and Mrs. -,Harvey Boyce, Clinton, a daughter. CORRAN — In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, August 9, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Conan, Clinton, a son born), JACKSON—In Chatham Gen- eral Hospital on Thursday, August 6, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jackson, RR 3, Ridgetovvn, a son (Brian Wayne), GROSS — In Clinton Public Hospital on- Saturday, Aug- ust 8, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Gross, RR 3, Auburn, a daughter. LOCKWOOD — In Clinton Public Hospital on Mon- day, August 10, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lockwood, Cl- inton, a daughter. ROWCLIFFE — In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, August 10, 1964 to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rowcliffe, Hen- sail, a son. 0 DEATHS ROWCLIFFE, Esther, 89, on Sunday at Huronivew Home. widow of the late Joseph. Ship- ley. Resting at the Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton. Fun- eral was Tuesday at 2 p.m., with Rev. C. G. Park offic- iating, with burial in Clinton Cemetery. GOVIER, Murvin Mansfield, 53, of Blyth, Aug. 7, 1964, at Clinton Public Hospital. Sur.= .vivors; daughters, ,Mrs. Rob- ert (Joan) McDougall, God- erich; Miss Carol, Morris Township; son, Murray, of Blyth; sisters, Mrs, Robert (Alice) .Anstay, Mrs. Melvin Good and Mrs. Sarto (Dor- othy) Healy, all of Goderich; Mrs. Earl (Margaret) Cald- well, Blyth. Tacker funeral home, Blyth, in charge. Ser- vice 2 p.m. today, Blyth Un- ited Church, burial in Union Cemetery, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY fiNIOAftviENTS. AN.NQVNOW Mr. and mm, Car Ilan P, GarrOW, queen Street, 'Cl- inton Wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Noreen Louise, to Mr, Alexander Finan Sproule, son of mr„ and Mrs. L. W. MeRhaii, pert Credit, The wedding riP 'take place on Saturday, September, 5, 19 64, i Ontario Street United Church, Chnton, at p.m. 33x Sergeant and Mrs, Vic, tor R, 'Whittlinghain wish to announce the engage, ment of their daughter, -Alice Elizabeth (Beth) to Mr. Norman Edward Pet- erson, eldest son .of night Sergeant and Mrs. .Norinan E. Peterson, The wedding , to take place on Saturday, September 5, 1964, in ,Ot., tawa. $3p. Mrs. E. Shipley Buried Tuesday At Clinton ;\ixi,$$-Ji.laiAirvorn of .Clintnn WaS a guest this past week of Miss Peggy Ann, Beatles, Mrs. 'Viola tiaMPInall .has re, turned home after two weeks visit in St, Paul, Minnesota, Mr, Ted. Crawford, of Winni- peg, IS holidaying with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. poll McLean', ,, Mrs. Frank Pennebaker has returned from a 'three weeks' vacation at Toronto and. Was- aga Beach. Mr, and Mrs, T, W, garris- on, of Moose Jaw, Sask., .motor, ed past and spent their vacs:- tiort with Mrs. Harrison's sis, ter, Miss. Sadie Lovett, Mrs, Elton Scott, of Toron- to, is Visiting this week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Scott, 201 ICing 'Street, Clinton, Mrs. Mac Taylor of Dawson ..,Oreek, 'B.C., is spending a few days With her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Epinlani Snell and fam- l5r, RR 1, Clinton. Ken Colson left Sunday on a, trip to the west coast of Canada with his uncle a n a aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Don- ald, of Midland, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Richard New- ell and sons,. Timothy and Ron- ald, 'daughter Margaret Jean, Oshawa,' visited last week with Mrs. F. Pennebaker, 180 Isaac Street. Misses Sharlene Turner and Sandra Hendri, John Turner and. Neil TreWartha spent last Saturday in Niagara Falls. The girls remained for a week's vac- ation With Mr, and Mrs. Nor= man Griffiths and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Comer- ford of Montreal visited with Mrs, Comerford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ashton and her &Other Keith, at their home in Clinton for a week. The Comerfords also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Forbes and family. They left for Montreal on Sunday. Recent Visitors 'at 'the Spen- cer Street home of Mr,. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington 'in- eluded: Mrs. Glen Baker, of Genev a, Ohio; Mrs. Marry Brown, Egmondville; Mrs. May McElroy, Huronview; Mr. and Mrs. George Little, Bayfiekl, and Mrs. Bertha Brownlee, Salem, Oregon. Rebecca, Marion and John, children of Dr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Scotchmer, spent a few days last week with their grandfather, Fred Scoitchmer, at his cottage. They are now visiting in Vermont with their mother's parents. Their father is pastor of Memorial Presbyterian Church 'in St. • Louis, and while here, conducted Sunday services at Knox Pres'byte'rian Church in Goderich in the absence of the vacationing pastor. Mrs. Hubert B e a t t y and Children, of Montreal, are spending their vacation with Mrs. Beauty's father, F. G. Scotahmer. Mr. Beatty will join his family on August 15. Flowers Telegraphed AnyWhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Dial 482-7012, Clinton . . .....,............ Mr. and Nfra Don Mc.T.,ean and daughter -Bonnie spent the long weekend in ,Galt, A family - gathering was 'held last Sunday .at the- home of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin. Battles, RR 2, EgYPield, Those .attend- ing ktielud.ecl; Mr, end Mrs. William Snell, Lambeth; Mr, and Mrs, Epitriara. Snell, RR 1, Clinton; Ma s. Howard. Snell,. Clinton and Mrs. lv.R. Taylor, of Dawson -creek, B,C, .A chicken barbecue held on Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Victor SAM*. Was attended .by Mr. Sythick's mother, Mrs. Joe Shivak, of Stockholm, Sask., , his aunt, Mrs, Julia Herperger, also Stockholm, another aunt, NM, Loui Shivak, of Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs. L. O. Schmidth and Mr. and Mrs. 1.oul Natslta and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Shivak and family, all of Hamilton, Summer Needs Specials Cosmetic Bags „, ..... 790 &.2.95 English Toffees 066 'z0-9 uia0.10 upiS BLuoxoN Bubble Bath, 32-oz. 49c Hazel Bishop Nail Polish Reg. 59c for 280 Hazel Bishop Hair Spray Reg. 97c for 760 Rubinstein Water Lily Cleansing Cream 12-oz. Reg 97c for .., ..... „ 76c HENSALL — Miss Bernice Dining, bride-elect of August 18, was 'honored by neighbors and friends Thursday with a miscellaneous shower held in the United Church school rooms. A mock wedding was a fea- ture of the evening affair and Miss Dilling• was assisted in opening gifts by Mrs. Ross For- rest, Mrs. Ken McLean, Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and Mrs. Mil- ler, Al GUST SALE. OF Pupils planning to attend who have not yet registered, should do so immediately at the Guidance Services Office. SUMMER HOURS 8:00 a.m. to Noon 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 33-4b CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL Classified Ads Bring Results IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR and DRY GOODS Winter (oats 10% OFF Small depdsit required on lay.-sways Remainder of Summer Wear — All 1/2 Price AUCTION SALE of Ifousehold flffoets, igasonry And 11Mlscellanoons Irom 166 .Fulten Street. Clinton. pn SatUfdaY, August. 1 Atli at 1;$9 p.m., the -following!, • RCA 21." television. set ; stg, dio couch; upholstered •Plat-form maw- (like new); al rocking chairs;: small tables; end talblo$; Westinghouse eke-toe washing • Machine With pl1011); Electrolux •Vaettima Cleaner; enamel nangette; antel name; -Quebec heater; mantel Olook; 7-pc, Mitchen chrome suite (lame table); bed, springs and inner spring mattress; 2 chest's of drawers; dressing table; Iron bed, SPrings and mattress; dresser; wash stand; small desk; lamps; pair of floral picture window drap- es; card table; bedding; cur- tains; hall rack; dishes (one part set); cooking *emits; electric 'boaster; numerous otal, er articles. , . Tools consist of bench saw (electric); cross out _saws; scythes; .shovels; taxes; forks; masonry. and carpenter's ,tools; large wt nett (for moving build- ings); other 'articles include step ladder, 15 ft. ladder, soy- eral wheel biar,rows, wheel bar- row wheets,—work bench, buggy Wheels, lawn chairs, quantity of fire wood and coal, a smell camp -Terrns—Cash l%Irs. David Elliott, Prop. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer ST. ANDREW'S VVMS ':CO MEET ON AUGUST 18 The WMS of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cluiroh will meet in 'the school room of 'the ch- uroli on August 18 at 2:30 according to the secretary, IvErs. A. Dunbar. Mrs, Esther Shipley of Clin- ton died' on Sunday, August 9 at Huronview Home in Clinton. She was 86. The funeral was held August 11 at 2 p.m, in the Beattie Funeral Home. The Rev. C. G. Park of Wesley-Willis United Church officiated. The, inter- ment Was in Clinton 'Cemetery. Pall-bearers for Mrs. Shipley were Thomas Oliver, Wilfred Jervis and Herman Cri'ch, all of Clinton, Carman Rowcliffe, of 'Seaforth, Harold Crich, of London 'and Nelson Crich, of Goderich, Flower 'bearers were H. Kingswell and Percy Liver- more. Mrs. Shipley was born on February 14, 1876 in Usborne Township to Joseph and Agnes Rowcliffe. She was the --Wife of Joseph Shipley and was at HuronView for the last four years. Mrs. Shipley was predeceas- ed by her husband, Joseph. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Barrett (Marion) Taylor, Mrs, Clifford (Norma) Ashton, Mrs. Sam (Gladys) Vlewitt, all of Clinton; ten grandchildren, seven great grandchildren. Also surviving is a brother, Ernest Rowcliffe of California. "You are parked in front of any driveway. I look forward to being of service-to you soon". This was a note written by a British undertaker, and pinned to an unwelcome car, the On- tario Safety League report's. Christian Reformed - Church Rev. G. J. Heersink, Minister Sunday, August 16 10.00 a.m.—Service in English 2,30 p.m.—Service in Dutch Every Sunday 6.15 p.m., Dial 680 CHLO, St. Thomas. Listen to "Back to God Hear.", EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL ' CLINTON 11.00 a.m.---Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday, School 7.00 p,nt—Gospel Semite 8.00 p,ztl. Thursday-- prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. I_ 4. Thurs., AU u Cameras Veterinary Medicines Phone 482-9511 14, 1944,Clinton News-Recor4 Page Hug ill Reunion Mr, Mrs, Alex .Ostrory, Zurich Community Centre Sat., August 15 Music by Ken mittieholt4 and the Twylites LUNCH PROVIDED 33b Special Bargains Jergens Extra Dry Skin Lotion $1.25 Yardley Roll-on Deodorant Reg. $1.50 Sale 2 for $1.50 Nylon Bristle Hair Brush and Comb $1.10 Ladies' Plastic Rain Coats Only 49c Super Soft Sponges 27c Fruit Freeze for canning $1.00 Vote Pads, reg. 15c for 7c Greeting Cards Pet Supplies Clinton, Ontario GODERICH BUSINESS COLLAGE It's Time To Stock Up On SUPER PLENA1VIINS For Fall and Winter — Buy Now and Save 25% — Costs less than 5c per day — Sizes for adults and children in capsule and liquid form. Photo Finishings and Films Installation of All the New Equipment at Irene's Laundromat and Dry Cleaners 70 Albert Street, Clinton Was Made By OUTER PLUMBING — HEATING — ELECTRIC SALES and SERVICE 40 King St. CLINTON Phone 482-7652 Over 200 Satisfied customers Used The New Equipment At Irene's Laundromat & Dry Cleaners During Official Opening Days Last Week Why Don't lfou . . Use The Modem Laundering Facilities at /6 Albert Street? I -** — - - — AND DRY nzNE S Laundromat CLEANERS 6. New WettinghOuSe LtiuntitOrnijtS (2 With Doubi,Load Capacity) 2 Dryers and 2 Dry Clbohitio Mttichiht, pen 1 Days a Week 8 axt to Midnight '